Atom Exec dead after upgrade - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

I have an Atom Exec with ROM 20060721B1WWE, Radio RS00011. In the seeO2 website I saw an upgrade (Xda Atom Exec ROM Upgrade (ENG) 20060721B1WWE_RS00013) which is the same ROM but different Radio, supposed to improve quality of calls.
Anyway I went to upgrade it, followed the steps until it said it was uploading it and it would take up to 30 minutes. I went to do something else and when came back the pc screen was saying that the process finished successfully, saying that I had to do a hard reset of the Atom, wait for 30 seconds and then soft restart. I did all of that and all I got it's the O2 screen and doesn't go any further.
Following indication on this forum I launched the bootloader (camera button+reset), conected the usb cable, killed activesync and run again the updater.
The DSUU can see the Atom, says 'Device CE image version:0, Device Radio Image version: (blank) to CE Image version: 7210621, Radio Image version: R060822N_MN2ARC_RS00013.
When I click on Upgrade I get an Error message: Connection error, also on the Atom says '!!! Please use DSUU in OS mode and sync with Pc first !!! USB transfer Fail'
The only backup I did prior to this was using SPB Backup, nothing for the ROM. Is there any other way to upload the ROM?
From the Windows/Temp folder I got the files used by the DSUU:
Device Software Update Utility.exe
I've seen in other forums people recovering iPaqs or Axims using these files and software like romupdate, but I'm afraid it could get worse uploading the diskimage_Ver.nb0 as it is.
Anybody knows a workaround for this?

I ended copying diskimage_Ver.nb0 and eboot.nb0 to an miniSD card. Inserted it in the Atom and lauch the bootloader. It recognized the card and Rom file, started downloading it. After that I got few messages saying some files were missing.
Screen went blank and that's it. Now is completly dead, it won't restart or anything.
I'll have to send it to Hong Kong I guess.


country code error 120 : 1-3-1-1-1 just my experiences

today i tried to switch my xda2 from t-mobile's 1.72.170GER final rom back to o2's 1.72.184GER final which has been provided recently. i run into that damn country code error 120 because my xda2 has got a t-mobile device id. please find my steps for solving that problem:
1. unpacked the 1.72.184GER package into a folder and replaced the original HimaupgradeUt.exe by the hacked one (which is supposed to ignore country codes).
-> result: same problem - country code error 120 : 1-3-1-1-1
2. then i deleted the HimaGetDeviceData.exe in the folder containing the rom-files. and i deleted any existing DeviceData.txt in the windows folder of my xda2. time to start again the hacked HimaupgradeUt.exe.
-> result: first screen with no errors. it tells me that my device is going to get an update, from rom 1.72.01, radio 1.17.00, extrom 1.72.170 to rom 1.72.01, radio 1.17.00, extrom 1.72.184. i am happy so far but the next screen is again that damn county code error 120 message :-( meanwhile my device is stuck in bootloader 1.06 mode.
3. at this time i deleted the HimaClearJumpCode.exe (which is no longer needed for setting the xda2 in bootloader mode, it is already there) and started again the hacked HimaUpgradeUt.exe (the third time).
-> result: first screen with no errors. it tells me that my device is going to get an update, from rom "blank", radio "blank", extrom "blank" to rom 1.72.01, radio 1.17.00, extrom 1.72.184. next screen tells me that the devices rom is getting erased now and the progress bar shows the current status. everything went through the update process fine.
and my device has been successfully transformed from a t-mobile mda2 which looks like an xda2 to a real o2 xda2 with current xda2-software
summary: i guess you can shorten the whole procedure by setting the xda2 into bootloader mode connecting to your pc by usb unpack only the three rom file images into a folder, copy the hacked HimaUpgradeUt.exe into that folder and start it. but i have no time and motivation for doing that since my device works now.
best regards
where to download hacked HimaUpgradeUt.exe
where to download hacked HimaUpgradeUt.exe
beast regards
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank you very much
Thank you very much its work now
beast regards
o2 ruu
i have tryed upgrading my i-mate to the o2 finaleng ruu with the help of dcs i got it to work with the acked file but now i have megga probs, no camera no extrom and no caller id file so i can't open pictures or video as they are looking for 'albam' to view them, can you suggest a way to get them back???
i have tried the upgrade a fair few times and am getting to the end of a short fuze..... if i run the upgrade direct from o2 i get a model id error, in the device data file i noticed that it has::
usb30 cdl uk5
cdl 1.70.00wwe ph10
or something like that..... it's the uk5 bit that is new..
any ideas :?:

iMate PDA2K behaving as if no SIM card is inserted

Good evening, kind forum readers.
Per the subject line, I find myself in possession of one misbehaving iMate-branded Blue Angel. Everything was working perfectly until a day and a half ago. Now the device is acting as though there is no SIM card inserted whatsoever.
As you might expect, there is no signal detected whatsoever. The 'Device Information' system applicaton reports no information for the Radio or Protocol version. There is no IMEI number listed on the Identity tab. Launching the 'SIM Manager' tool does nothing - the application never launches. When I do a soft reboot, it correctly lists the ROM verion on the startup screen, but says directly above it "No GSM". I've tried a hard boot and restore from a backup from about a week ago, no luck. I have tried with two SIM cards from two different providers, neither one produces any different results. Both cards work perfectly when inserted into another phone.
I am using the official 1.40.00 WWE ROM from iMate. When I try to reapply the ROM, I receive the "COUNTRY ID ERROR". I tried with an older third-party ROM that I had been using a while back, but that also aborts with the same error message.
Speaking with iMate support netted me the typical "Send it in to a service center" answer.
Hoping that someone else out there might have gone through something similar? Any thoughts/suggestions on how I might recover from this?
Try following the description on the link, go for the MaUpgradeUt_noID option.
Use this on your Original Rom, and try one upgrade at a time, Radio first, then OS, Don't see any reason to flash the Extended Rom
bosjo said:
Try following the description on the link, go for the MaUpgradeUt_noID option.
Use this on your Original Rom, and try one upgrade at a time, Radio first, then OS, Don't see any reason to flash the Extended Rom
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just tried this option, and it did progress further this time, but it produced the following error:
Device Software Update Utility - R2500 D1001 - CB2.07 -1
There has been a problem while updating your device software.
To continue the update, please:
1 Disconnect your device and the USB cradle.
2 Perfrom a normal reset by pressing the reset button (as left picture show).
3 Reconnect your device and the USB cradle and run this device software update program again.
Click Exit to quit.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Being something of a newbie in such matters, I didn't realize that I had to run GetDeviceData.exe first, so I didn't have a copy of DeviceData.txt. In that the device was not in a bootable state, I wasn't sure how to run the OS upgrade without the Radio upgrade. I ended up going with the decidedly unscientific but seemingly effective solution of just renaming the 'radio_.nbf' file. The OS and extended ROM both upgraded successfully. So now I'm back where I started - the radio is still not functioning.
Run the same upgrade this time with the radio.nbf and remove the other 2 nbfs.
Else ron the radio upgrade only of wiki using those files.
And if what MDAIIIuser says don't work.
Download the latest Rom upgrade from your wendor website,
extract the .exe file with a zip program,
delete the nk, ms, radio files,
Copy the 1.13 radio in there,
Run the BaUpgradeUt.exe
Or try to only delete the ms and nk files leaving what ever radio is in there, and run the BaUpgradeUt.exe

stuck on erasing storage (long)

heres my story.
i have an x50v that was running wm5. was having the usual problems with wm5 and tried sd flash to go back to 2003. ended up with the following on my screen after it went through the process of reading sd card, writing flash, etc, during the image updating process the unit gets stuck/stops/freezes at erasing storage at 50% through it.
My screen showed the following from top to bottom
SD Image Update A02
Image Updating
erasing storage.....
ram checksum: 0x40d5291a
crc checksum: 0x40d5291a
\ (progress icon stopped/frozen)
Now this happened to me about 5 months ago, then the unit just shut down completely, no combination of buttons did anything, only sign of life was when it was cradeled, the power button would lite up. figuring i bricked my axim, i stuck it in a drawer and left it there.
this week i took it out, recharged the battery, put it all back together, tried the self diagnostic feature (rec/power/reset) and it went into self diagnostic and all checked out ok. Then i did the sd flash and was able to get back to windows mobile 2003. used it for about a day and wanted to go back to wm5/wm6, so since i have the wm5 cd from dell, i proceed to use it for my upgrade from 2003 to wm5, the unit begins the update process and i'm back to where my story starts, as it froze during the update process. Since i was no longer able to connect to my pc via usb cable, i had to do an sd flash so after trying various different nbo files to see if any would work, none have, my unit is stopped/frozen here again
My screen shows the following from top to bottom
SD Image Update A02
Image Updating
erasing storage.....
ram checksum: 0xC4C94BEB
crc checksum: 0xc4c94beb
\ (progress icon stopped/frozen)
Now i can get it to load any nbo file which in turn would give me differnt lines in the above noted screen lines, but the result is always the same, it freezes at 50% of the erasing storage.
Now i know everyones advise is that if you dont know what your doing, dont do it, but i'm fairly capable and this shouldn't be happening should it? Do i have some sort of memory problem with my axim, or am i doing something wrong?
ANY help would be appreciated.
ok, i was able to get 2003 back up and running. I had to rename the dima bootloader file to wm50 and load the bootloader, then reload the flashed image of 2003.
now the question is should i try this again to see if it will freeze again at the erasing storage area again doing the update from the dell cd (from 2003 to wm5-a01). This is how it went wrong last time. I was originally able to install wm5 from the disc, and tried to sd flash to wm5-a02, and thats when my axim froze up during the erasing storage image update. here is what i plan on doing now
use dell cd to go from wm2003 to wm50-a01 (this should update my bootloader)
then go from wm5a01 to wm50-a02 using sd flash (do i need any other bootloader?)
then load wm6 via sd flash
all this should go well but it hasn't yet.
An unrelated question, how did you recover your Axim after "bricking" it? I tried the rec/power/reset combo but nothing happens.

how do I downgrade my 2750?

I have PDAVIET rom on my 2750 - version 5.2.00H on the boot rom.
I want to go back to the HP version of Windows 2003. So, I unpack the files from HP (SP29856 - fresh download from HP), perform a clean reset of the 2750 and start the "downgrade".
When it starts transferring the data, what I see on the Ipaq is a new window called FUU with "Hello World" right in the middle. The upgrade seems to proceed OK - but the system stays on WM6.
So, what is going on? Where is this FUU coming from and why isn't my Ipaq being put into boot mode?
Any help appreciated
I get exactly the same thing as Alan trying to downgrade my hx2795 using the same ROM (SP29856.exe) from HP. Yeah I know the ROM is for the 2750 but the hardware specs look very similar between the 2750 and the 2795 so I was hoping I could use the ROM to downgrade from WM5 to PPC2003.
The rompaq is for all versions of the HX2000 series so it is designed for us. Something else is going on which we don't understand. Anyone elso got any clues?
alan sh said:
I have PDAVIET rom on my 2750 - version 5.2.00H on the boot rom.
I want to go back to the HP version of Windows 2003. So, I unpack the files from HP (SP29856 - fresh download from HP), perform a clean reset of the 2750 and start the "downgrade".
When it starts transferring the data, what I see on the Ipaq is a new window called FUU with "Hello World" right in the middle. The upgrade seems to proceed OK - but the system stays on WM6.
So, what is going on? Where is this FUU coming from and why isn't my Ipaq being put into boot mode?
Any help appreciated
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Click to collapse
After the update did you perform a clean reset? Cause when I downgrade to wm5 from wm6 I mention that nothing seems to change(the device boots in wm6) until I perform a clean reset.
I have done many upgrades on both my 4700's and my 2750. Each time, whether it is using the HP method, or Chris's bootloader program, the Ipaq ends up in bootloader mode before the upgrade starts.
On this occasion, it didn't. I got a program called FUU starting up - and I could access the today screen etc while the flashing was apparently working (the HP utility was gayly counting up the percent numbers). At the end of it, Activesync happily reconnected to my old profile.
I did also try a hard reset - but that still came up with WM6 as the base O/S.
Since BOOTLOADER itself will not work either, I think the latest rom upgrade on there has screwed something up - not sure what, why or how.
Yep, what Alan said. The HP update utility apparently thought it was updating the device but the device was just showing the FUU "Hello World" window. And during the alleged update I can go to the Today screen and access my programs.
If I hadn't downloaded this directly from HP I would think this was a joke.
I am able to re-flash WM5.0 to my hx2795 using sp33752.exe downloaded from HP. Everything works as expected, the HP utility puts my 2795 into bootloader mode before flashing the device.
I cannot find sp33752 - can you give me a pointer?
Hmm... I just tried searching for sp33752.exe on HP's support & drivers webpage and it found it. Otherwise try:
Any luck with downgrading to PPC2003?
Many thanks - I'll try that sometime today and see what happens.
I'm trying to do the same. From some searching around I found out that what you need to do is use the WWE-hx2000_PPC03_downgrade.exe program which comes with the WM2003 upgrade CD.
I don't have the cd, and I have problems with P2P (it's avail both on torrent and ed2k), so if you get that file, and it works for you it'd be wonderful if you can upload it to rapidshare or something and post a reply here.
Good luck and cheers
I tried that SP - get the error "Could not initialise the device".
My Ipaq is in the cradle and activesynced to my PC.
So, it looks like i am stuck with this WM6 version. Something about it has stopped any form of upgrade or downgrade.
So, next thing I tried is to copy the FUU.EXE file to the older SP directory and run that. But all that does is appear to download the nbf file, but the IPAQ hasn't gone into bootloader mode, so nothing happens.
I think what I am missing is why we need these files (RUUClientdriver.dll, FUU.EXE etc) and what changes in each of the OS upgrades to require a different version. Any one know these sorts of answers?
I found the file ( and succeeded to downgrade to 2003.
I had to reset to bootloader mode (contacts+itask buttons+reset -> connect to cradle -> calender button*) and then run the hpRUU.exe from extracted directory (c:\ipaq\hx2000) and it works like a charm.
hope it helps. g'luck
(* contacts - 2nd from left, itask - 4th, calendar - 1st.)
That seems to be doing something. I put it into bootloader mode and it's flashing. 66% through and the bar on the Ipaq agrees.
Worked for me too! Thank you spring777. Now I can run PPC2003, WM5 or WM6 on my hx2795. This is such an awesome forum.

Need Help Flashing Hx4700 to WM6.1

Hi I'm a new user and just got my hx4700 2nd hand and need some help flashing the hx4700 to wm6.1 Its wm5 right now. First I tried the normal way of flashing but when I couldn't get the ipaq to sync with the comp. I installed activesync but when I connected the cradle and ipaq nothing happens, only a new hardware found asking for software to install "Hp rndis sync". I tried installing automatically with the cd in the drive but it couldn't find any software and i couldn't get the ipaq to connect to the desktop.
So I tried using the SD card to flash the ipaq instead. I tried using both the SD_IMG program and All Image to copy the rom onto the SD card but when I go into bootloader mode all it showed was the HP logo, the version at the bottom, and the text Serial at the top. Nothing else happened.
Someone help please. I'd really wanted to get it to wm6.1 asap. Thanks in advance.
Ah solved the problem. I was using the cd that came with the ipaq. Tried the wm5 upgrade CD and it updated activesync to 4.1 and now activesync works fine. Am flashing to wm6.1 as I'm typing this Can't wait.
Btw should I be seeing anything while the files upload to the ipaq?
Ok now I'm faced with another problem. The moment the files are supposed to upload to the ipaq, and the small little window that comes out and say files should start uploading or something like that, the window behind which is supposed to have some text, hangs with only a letter 'P' and turns "not responding" I tried a soft reset and nothing was flashed yet.
I tried the GUI version of the bootloader and it seems its stucked at 0% complete forever. Doesn't hang like the non GUI version, but still doesn't start flashing either.

