New SMS notification, but no new SMS's - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

A month or so back my phone started showing a new SMS message, but when I went into the inbox there was no new message. I deleted SMS message out of all of the folders and it still showed one new message.
Now it says there are two new messages, when all folders are empty.
I'm pretty sure there's an easy way to fix this, but I cant' seem to find the right search text for Google.
Could someone point me in the right direction?

Ignore that, I've had a browser around this forum and managed to find a solution


CanĀ“t get text messages in my inbox

My inbox shows 6 messages, but once you clik to enter, it only shows 1K on the right side and nothing ever opens up, the rest of folders seem OK, even new ones. It is something that affects only SMS messages and that I could not repair by reinstalling the program.
Has anyone faced the same problem and found a solution? It is rather annoying when you are abroad, like I am now, not being able to read any of my text messages.
Slightly different I think, mine would show that I had new text messages but would not display them, the inbox would appear empty, I was using Sprite backup, and discovered that sometimes it would corrupt the mail database after a restore, so downloaded their cleanmail program.
It will all delete all email accounts, text messages and the MMS account but I don't use mms so not to bothered.
Thanks, will try, although it seems I will not be able to read some txt messages, but looks like the only option.
i never thought cleanmail is so useful.
after restoring from a hard reset, about 800+ messages got corrupt and showed up as 1kB messages that wouldnt ever open.
cleanmail trashed em all just like bubbles.
Thanks a lot! Once my text messages account disappered and it can only be fixed with hard reset. With this program i was able to restore from backup and fix the problem! Thanks again!
Hey! This cleanmail thing is fantastic!
I don't know who I want to marry more - spritesoftware for coding the app or bluetba for giving the heads-up!
(time for my injections)

"Your Text Message Could Not Be Sent"

I'll keep it simple. I get that error message every hour or so, but i have NO text in my outbox, or drafts, or deleted, just inbox. I even deleted all of them from my inbox and it still says it..anyone else have this problem. specs on what im running in my sig.
Please do not make new threads read the wiki and do searches before you post
I did and didn't find anything, thats why a made a new post
I get this message when i try to send a text to multiple contacts on Black2.5 but the thing is they recipients are getting the message. I resend and they get it again.
Get dinarsoft's mem maid and do a reg clean, see if that helps
yea sometimes i'll send a txt and it will sit in the outbox but the recipient got it...eventually it will move to drafts and ill get the same message, but when i delete it i still get it.

SMS display problem after 6.1 upgrade

Hey all,
I recently upgraded my Kaiser from WM6 to 6.1 using the official upgrade tool Vodafone UK supplied me, and all went without a hitch, so much so that I think I'm gonna try out Hyperdragon III while I'm on the "doing funky things to my phone" bandwagon. I have noticed one problem though, and I figure it'll probably be a problem when I reflash too so I'm trying to solve it now.
When I imported all my contacts and SMS messages (which I backed up using sprite), I though it was all fine. I opened my SMS inbox and watched as it built the threaded list, etc, and everything was good until I received a new message. The sender was in my contacts list, and had previous messages in the threaded view, and as intended, the new message added to their "thread". But as soon as it did, the thread had their number instead of the contact name as the title.
I did some experimenting, and this happens everytime I get a message from someone who previously had a named entry in the inbox, but if I get a message from a newly created contact, it works fine.
If I go into a thread from someone who hasn't sent me a post-upgrade sms yet, their name is displayed properly, but when I click on it (which should bring up a screen displaying their details), I get a message saying the number isn't in my contacts and would I like to add it.
Sorry if this has been answered before, I had a look and couldn't see anything.
Any ideas?
same problem too

unread text issue

my tilt 2 is currently showing that i have an unread text message and i don't. i have went to tools and cleared my messages etc.
has this issue been brought up before and what to do to fix it. it is very annoying. im almost at a point where im about to backup my phone and do a hard reset but i don't think all that is necessary....please someone help! lol
this has been brought up many times before, a simple search would have found you the answer. you need to search for a program called fixunreadcount.exe

theraded SMS search

hey all.
Im new to this site so im not sure if this is in the right topic group.
I have threaded my sms inbox on my wm6.5 device to keep the messages sorted, however I would like to now go back a few days and find a specific message to show someone.
On my phone it only displays the last 10 messages or so and then has a link to go back to older messages.
If i was to 'scroll' back to the message, i would have to go through hundreds of pages to get to it.
Is there a way to seach the inbox to find a string of text that i know is in that message?

