mp3 not working as ringtone - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

my BA recently has become unable to use mp3s as ringtones. i guess it has sth to do with permanantly associating .mp3 with a different programm (stupid me )than the windows media player. but simply re-associating mp3s with wmplayer did not work.
i however can select them in the sounds & notifications window but if i press on play nothing happens. .WMAs work fine btw.
can someone tell me which registry keys are responsible for handling ringtones and the mp3-filetype (possibly with the standart values)?
i am using d-twos wm6.5.3 if thats of any interest

file associations have nothing to do with it. i use an mp3 ringtone and have tcpmp as standard player and can still use the ringtones and select new ones. unfortunately i can't tell you more.

Have you put the mp3's in the map "my documents-my ring tones" ?
That's the place here to switch between standard en own ring tones.
But when it work's in the past well then it's may another problem now.

How can i put a mp3 file to ring on the alarms?


Mp3 files to wav (64bit)

can anyone tell me of a good program to convert mp3 files. Just need a simple program to convert my mp3 files to 64 bit wav in order for me to save space on my storage card.
Also when I use WMP 10 on my pda is there a way to lock the buttons. I cant listen to music with my pda in the case due to the buttons and screens always opening programs when I walk?
- I use Richard Goutorbe's freeware program "MP3toWMA"
- I find the default 80Kbps is fine for listening to tunes on my i-mate PDA2K
He was asking for conversion to WAV not WMA. WMA and MP3 are smaller than uncompressed wave, why would you want wav? Unless you actually meant WMA.
As for a button lock, I'd suggest you use ScreenOff or Spb Pocket Plus's screen toggle to turn off the screen, which in turn locks the device but keeps it on.

HTC audio manager can't trim mp3

one of the good thing for HTC audio manager that i like is
i can easily throw my favourite mp3 into my artemis and use this program to trim it small to use as ringtone
but after i flash the new ROM this 'trim' feature is not working anymore
nothing happen when i open the file and press trim
any idea or new version of HTC audio mgr to solve this?
I have this problem too.
I store all my music onto my storage card. I can copy the song for my ringtone using the command and then it plays fine but if I select "trim" instead that doesn't seem to let me set the trimmed ringtone as my ringtone at all.
It just goes to ok and then nothing happens...
Same for me... I cant trim as well... Sad..

Lost ringtones

I've looked all through the archives and come up with some very good solutions that, unfortunately, don't work. Possibly some of you have some solutions.
So, there's a slew of WMA files in the Windows directory that are there as options for ringtones, notifications, etc. There are also WAV files. Out of th ebox my HD played them all, as well as a custom WMA ringtone I dropped in there. I put both Pocket Player and Pocket Music on as well as some other things, and lost access to those files as ringtones.
Over to XDA Developers, the smartest guys I know. They said, this is because these music player programs associate WMA with themselves, and in order to use these files as ringtones it must be WMP that's associated. I uninstalled Pocket Player, detached all the associations with Pocket Music, and made sure that when I click on the WMA file from a file manager, WMP opens and plays it.
But guess what, the clips still don't work in Sounds and Notifications. I click on the file, test-play, and nothing happens. If I try to close Sounds and Notifications, the drop-down tests every file between the one I picked and the last one to find a file that works. Since they're all WMA there isn't one that works. I can't close the Sounds and Notifications window until I associate a WAV file with "Incoming Call".
It's not like I can't live without my precious personalised rings. It is, however, annoying that out of the box it worked, and I did something that means it doesn't now, and I can't seem to back my way out.
As I say, there are a lot of people who've had this problem before, and several threads in the archives. I've tried to read all of them, and not to sound too stupid. But any help you might be able to offer would be totally appreciated.

MP3 Ringtone and Music Playback BUG - Need Help fix/confirm

So I wanted to use my Touch Pro 2 (sprint) as a music player. After trying a few music players, because I did not like touch flo 3d's, I stuck with winvibe. anyways I managed to MESS the ringtone playback up...
So what is happening now is: my phone will not play any mp3 ringtone or choose any mp3 ringtone. if I choose a mp3 file as a ringtone, sound, etc, it will not let me choose it (windows setting will not let me choose it). this doesn't mean mp3s don't work, I can play them fine on windows media player and the music player. it just won't play back as a ringtone in the settings and can't be selected as a ringtone.
These were the last two major things I had done since it was last working properly:
1) I did a file association in WinVibe to all supported files (mp2, mp3, ogg, wma, m4a, wav, wpl).
2) While playing back music, I made a call to my celphone (that was playing music) to see if the ringtone would go off causing the music player to stop.
It was at step 2 where I noticed this bug. since then I can't figure out how to go about fixing the problem.
any one experience this while music playback? what music player did you use and did ringtone function properly or interrupt the music player?
any help, fix, info, or comment will be appreciated.
additional info: I don't think file association is the problem. There are some sound files that are unaffected. it's the very few short alarms (which I think are all wav).
soft restart did not solve problem either..
What "setting" did you use to set your ringtone?
Click into Windows Mobile settings, then go to Personal > Phone, are you able to choose and set your ringtone through that?
doesn't matter, through that, the windows settings > sound & notifications or the manila touchflo 3d, settings > sound. they all don't work.
Most likely its the media player giving you the problem UNINSTALL IT

N5x does not support MIDI ringtone?

Just receive this phone and everything is great! I have a question about the ringtone. I found that it does not show up my MIDI ringtone when I want to choose them in ringing, alarm clock sound, notification sound etc.
I put the MIDI files in "/ringtones", "/android/media/, "/music" folders. All ringtones (mp3, m4a, ogg, wav) appear normally, except MIDI ringtones.
So I would like to ask is that nexus 5x no longer support MIDI ringtone??
I was using NEXUS 5 with 6.0 and the MIDI ringtones went fine.
Didn't think people still used MIDI files. You could always just convert it to an MP3 and use it that way.

