Major Tilt Issues.... - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hey all,
I have owned my Tilt 2 for a little over 6 months now and have seemed to have problems with it since day one. Its a little hard to describe the exact issue but I will do My Best.
First of all, I am currently Using the Latest Energy Rom for the Phone from xda developers. I have installed both hot Fixes on my Phone from HTC and I do a hard reset every time I upgrade my rom.
This is a problem I have had since getting the phone and seemed to be present in the Stock Rom that came from ATT so I am not convinced that it is a software problem, but I thought I would get some opinions here first. My Concern is that the phone itself has issues and I may be out of luck because I have had the phone and dealt with the issues for so long.
So, My Biggest problem is one with Freezing. I have to reset my phone at least 5-10 times a day. I always have. Sometimes I even have to remove the battery to get the phone to reset. I do quite a bit of Texting with my phone and the freezing almost always seems to happen after I have sent a text and am trying to get back to the Home/Today Screen. The Phone just sits there, I can hit the end call button as much as I want and it will not go back to the home screen. The Phone is not completely locked tho because most of the time the Calling features still work, and I can even hit the windows button and get into the menu where I can get to task manager or a software reset button. If I try to hit the home Icon tho nothing seems to happen. The Phone just sits there and I have to reset it to get it working again.
This is frustrating me because the phone is not actually frozen, it seem to be stuck thinking but will never come back to life. When the phone works, its works great and does everything I need it to do. The Constant freezing and resets are driving me crazy. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I am pretty tech savy and have been installing roms on my phones for a couple years now. Please Help before I toss this thing out the window.

Vgamer4550 said:
Hey all,
I have owned my Tilt 2 for a little over 6 months now and have seemed to have problems with it since day one. Its a little hard to describe the exact issue but I will do My Best.
First of all, I am currently Using the Latest Energy Rom for the Phone from xda developers. I have installed both hot Fixes on my Phone from HTC and I do a hard reset every time I upgrade my rom.
This is a problem I have had since getting the phone and seemed to be present in the Stock Rom that came from ATT so I am not convinced that it is a software problem, but I thought I would get some opinions here first. My Concern is that the phone itself has issues and I may be out of luck because I have had the phone and dealt with the issues for so long.
So, My Biggest problem is one with Freezing. I have to reset my phone at least 5-10 times a day. I always have. Sometimes I even have to remove the battery to get the phone to reset. I do quite a bit of Texting with my phone and the freezing almost always seems to happen after I have sent a text and am trying to get back to the Home/Today Screen. The Phone just sits there, I can hit the end call button as much as I want and it will not go back to the home screen. The Phone is not completely locked tho because most of the time the Calling features still work, and I can even hit the windows button and get into the menu where I can get to task manager or a software reset button. If I try to hit the home Icon tho nothing seems to happen. The Phone just sits there and I have to reset it to get it working again.
This is frustrating me because the phone is not actually frozen, it seem to be stuck thinking but will never come back to life. When the phone works, its works great and does everything I need it to do. The Constant freezing and resets are driving me crazy. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I am pretty tech savy and have been installing roms on my phones for a couple years now. Please Help before I toss this thing out the window.
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It is usually not desired to post the same information twice on different forums. The NRG thread has some responses to THIS EXACT POST that was made there. I know that cut-n-paste is easy, but avoid the temptation.

stevedebi said:
It is usually not desired to post the same information twice on different forums. The NRG thread has some responses to THIS EXACT POST that was made there. I know that cut-n-paste is easy, but avoid the temptation.
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Will Do, I was just not sure where this questions belonged as I am unclear as to whether this is an NRG issue or a Phone Issue.

I have not had this experience, but I have read a lot of posts in the tilt forums where people complain of slow/laggy behavior using the htc messagaing tabs... I wanted to avoid that, so I just mapped my push-to-talk button to the windows mobile messaging client and use it. You might try doing that, if the HTC is what you are using now...

Off subject (new to this) but you mention "tilt forums" How do I find these s for my tilt phone? Looking for new apps also... I'm old


8525 needing a reset after going into standby to wake up again?

First and foremost I should note that I tried searching the forums but I was not entirely sure what to search for. I tried a few different queries and they yielded negligible results for my issue. Now, onto my issue:
8525 with wm6 black 3.01
I have my 8525/hermes/tytn/etc/ set to turn the device off after 3 minutes of inactivity in order to preserve battery life. Sometimes, this poses no issues and I can just hit the power button to turn it back on when I need to. Other times however, and perhaps more frequent, I press the power button and nothing happens. Try as I might and regardless of how many times I press the damned button, it will not turn on. I have to use my stylus to do a soft reset in order to have my phone back in operation. Needless to say, this has gotten very annoying. I have since turned that feature off but now my battery drains far too quickly.
Is this a known issue or has anyone experienced similar issues? If so, is there a fix for this? If not, would ATT accept my phone for a warranty exchange with this greymarket software on it? If not, can I just flash it with an official ATT image and then send it in? Thanks.
It's called Sleep of Death... SOD... I had it and I flashed the official AT&T rom and havent had it since.
thanks.. looking into it!
How many apps do you have running. Where are they installed also. I currently run Black Majik, and NEVER have the SoD, or soft reset, so I think it's the stuff you put in your device that may be causing this. Flashing a new ROM wont always solve this, since you and I have the same phone, I think it's what you put in that may cause this.
ronfin44 said:
How many apps do you have running. Where are they installed also. I currently run Black Majik, and NEVER have the SoD, or soft reset, so I think it's the stuff you put in your device that may be causing this. Flashing a new ROM wont always solve this, since you and I have the same phone, I think it's what you put in that may cause this.
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running? usually just whatever program I have opened since I have it set up to completely escape the program when I X out. As far as where things are installed, everything is installed on my device sans iGo.. However, this issue arised prior to iGo being put on my SD card.
Try this. After a hard reset, load one app to your device, let it sit, test it, and then do another. take your time. See if something you load is causing this. I did a HR on mine cause I had tons of crap on there, loaded stuff slowly and noticed the ButtonFlo CAB is what screwed my ROM from working good, so got rid of it. Since then, its awesome.
Leave the Black and go with JJ's Majik. Is the only ROM to date that hasn't SOD'ed me ... and I run the same apps, the same way, on all the ROM's.
is this so? i'm going to try at&t's wm6 for a bit, see howt aht works..
Don't belive so
I read a lot of threads regarding the problem, i tried AT&T and same problem, others had it with black, now i am having it with latest LVSW, may be a software problem, i had it using SPB WEATHER and SPB TIME, i hard reset install all but them, worked fine for two days, installed TWEAK2K2, problem came back, now trying without TWEAK2K2, but i doubt problem can be solved
My Opinion
been running through threads all over, just found out that there is no solution, because when a program pushes the unit to wake up from standby it freezes, this program can be weather, alarm, mail, active sync, and even a CALL can cause this, so it's a permanent bug in wm6 and PPC :-(

Several issues and annoyances with Tilt2

My wife and I each purchased Tilt2's earlier this week. We both come from Windows Mobile 6.1 phones and are generally happy with WinMo products and comfortable with tweaking them.
We're both having some trouble with the Tilt2 and I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help.
1) Bluetooth sound quality - we each use Bluetooth headsets and have noticed lots of crackling unless the phone is turned with the back facing the headset. This didn't happen with our previous phones (same headsets) unless we got 15-20 feet away from the phone.
2) Dropped calls - I've noticed a ton of dropped calls when I'm talking on the phone and driving along my normal work commute. There are 1-2 holes along the route where my previous phone would drop, but this one drops 5-6 times. I found these radio updates in the ROM forum. Would that help?
3) General performance - The phone seems a little bit laggy and slow to react. Nothing like what we saw in demo videos on sites like My wife even reports that hers has completely locked up on her before. And I've noticed a severe lag waiting for the phone to come back after I've flipped the keyboard out. I assume that installing a custom ROM would help with this as it's helped on previous phones we've owned. However, there isn't a 100% working AT&T ROM to revert to yet (only one that appears to work is missing radio and bootsplash at this point) in case the custom ROM doesn't perform better, so I'm a little leary of doing it. Should I be worried? Or will the custom ROMs here help get rid of the lagginess.
4) Switching to landscape mode - My wife told me that her phone isn't always switching to landscape mode. She doesn't have any apps installed yet so I'm assuming it's in all of the default screens. Should everything work in landscape mode?
Thanks in advance!
e_dogg said:
My wife and I each purchased Tilt2's earlier this week. We both come from Windows Mobile 6.1 phones and are generally happy with WinMo products and comfortable with tweaking them.
We're both having some trouble with the Tilt2 and I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help.
1) Bluetooth sound quality - we each use Bluetooth headsets and have noticed lots of crackling unless the phone is turned with the back facing the headset. This didn't happen with our previous phones (same headsets) unless we got 15-20 feet away from the phone.
2) Dropped calls - I've noticed a ton of dropped calls when I'm talking on the phone and driving along my normal work commute. There are 1-2 holes along the route where my previous phone would drop, but this one drops 5-6 times. I found these radio updates in the ROM forum. Would that help?
3) General performance - The phone seems a little bit laggy and slow to react. Nothing like what we saw in demo videos on sites like My wife even reports that hers has completely locked up on her before. And I've noticed a severe lag waiting for the phone to come back after I've flipped the keyboard out. I assume that installing a custom ROM would help with this as it's helped on previous phones we've owned. However, there isn't a 100% working AT&T ROM to revert to yet (only one that appears to work is missing radio and bootsplash at this point) in case the custom ROM doesn't perform better, so I'm a little leary of doing it. Should I be worried? Or will the custom ROMs here help get rid of the lagginess.
4) Switching to landscape mode - My wife told me that her phone isn't always switching to landscape mode. She doesn't have any apps installed yet so I'm assuming it's in all of the default screens. Should everything work in landscape mode?
Thanks in advance!
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As for #4: Not all programs have a landscape mode natively.
jlczl said:
As for #4: Not all programs have a landscape mode natively.
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Thanks. I figured that she might be using an app that doesn't work in landscape since I haven't come across it yet.
Also, regarding #2, I should have mentioned that I have as my current radio.
1) I use Jabra 2nd gen and mine is working great. A little crackling sound but nothing major.
2) Depend on the area you live and coverage, you might want to try different radio. I have stock radio and mine is working great. Better than my fuze was actually. I can get 1 or more bar than Fuze and call quality is super clear. No drop calls yet while I had like 2-3 drop calls with my fuze.
3) I am still running on stock rom and yes indeed it's slow and sluggish. I have to reset the phone physically sometimes. I am not too happy about moving the battery cover just to reset as well. With custom rom, the phone will be snappy since some people are running custom rom with their Tilt2 already. I am in the same boat as you. Waiting for the complete stock rom dump. Until then.
4) Not all the landscape work as you have already found out.
I use a BlueAnt and my BT reception is good.
I thought mine was slow at first but as I tweaked it a bit, turning off alerts and pop ups, it SEEMS to be more of what I expected.
Haven't had a dropped call issue.
But, I am thinking that I will flash the ROM when something comes along.
Thanks for the replies.
FWIW, my wife uses a Jawbone 2 and the crackling is noticable on both ends of the call. I use a first-gen Jawbone and have nocticed the crackling as well. It seems that it works better when the phone is on the same side of my body as the headset. I did not notice this crackling on my Dash and Blackjack 2 nor her Dash.
I think the dropped calls problem is definitely area related. My wife is currently out of town and it hasn't dropped her calls at all that I know of. And when I'm at home, it's no problem. It's just that on my regular commute, it drops 5-6 times where my previous Dash and Blackjack 2 only dropped once or twice occasionally. I've only made my commute once since I got the Tilt2, so maybe there were some coincidental network issues. That said, call quality has been very good.
I just turned off the new SMS notifications. I've also removed a couple of tabs that I know I'm never going to use (stocks, AT&T, and music) at that seems to have made things a little snappier too.
HAH! Not more than 1-2 minutes after I posted my last message (from my laptop), I went to use the internet connection on my Tilt2 and it locked up. A message appeared asking if I wanted to send error details to MS and then my phone turned off.
Another thing I've noticed is that Opera takes a *really* long time to switch from landscape to portrait. And it seems to be significantly slower than Opera Mini was on my Dash and Blackjack 2. Maybe because Opera Mini is Java-based on those platforms?
My wife is now reporting that her Tilt2 won't unlock unless she slides open the keyboard. Her Exchange connection requires the phone to automatically lock and require a PIN entry. I suggested tapping the power button but that doesn't wake it up, either.
Any suggestions? I'm thinking she might have a bum unit since mine isn't having nearly the trouble hers is.
As far as the lockups, I think there was a thread somewhere about that. Mine doesn't actually lock up but it hangs horribly. Give it 5min or so and it figures itself out, usually involves opening the keyboard at the same time it is launching something, sms in my case.
Suggestion? Hard reset hers and if it continues swap it out.
SoapDoctor said:
As far as the lockups, I think there was a thread somewhere about that. Mine doesn't actually lock up but it hangs horribly. Give it 5min or so and it figures itself out, usually involves opening the keyboard at the same time it is launching something, sms in my case.
Suggestion? Hard reset hers and if it continues swap it out.
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Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, she's out of town right now so I actually haven't seen the things she's complaining about first-hand (except for a couple of things that have happened on mine too).
I'll send her instructions for a hard reset and see if she's adventurous enough to try it on her own. The AT&T store near where she's at is exceptionally good - they really know Windows Mobile there and were a big help in getting the phone initially set up. So, worst case, she can go there and have them do it.
e_dogg said:
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, she's out of town right now so I actually haven't seen the things she's complaining about first-hand (except for a couple of things that have happened on mine too).
I'll send her instructions for a hard reset and see if she's adventurous enough to try it on her own. The AT&T store near where she's at is exceptionally good - they really know Windows Mobile there and were a big help in getting the phone initially set up. So, worst case, she can go there and have them do it.
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Don't run to fast with my advice, I'm a complete noob but hard reset would be the first thing I would try. It is a microsoft product after all and I'm pretty dman lazy to run to the store first.
FWIW- I have a Jawbone 2 and have cracking in the audio. Had it with my Fuze also and have always wondered if it was the headset or phone. I don't think I could keep my fuze in the holster because of the crackling.
I have some slight performance issues, but it's not to bad. Seems mostly relating to minimizing a program and starting a new one.
I have a strange problem with the TF3D photo tab. It's slow to get the image clear. I select an image and then try to scroll through them. It hangs on one, then flips it's orientation (I haven't moved the phone though). Anyone else have issues with the photo tab?
e_dogg said:
My wife and I each purchased Tilt2's earlier this week. We both come from Windows Mobile 6.1 phones and are generally happy with WinMo products and comfortable with tweaking them.
We're both having some trouble with the Tilt2 and I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help.
3) General performance - The phone seems a little bit laggy and slow to react. Nothing like what we saw in demo videos on sites like My wife even reports that hers has completely locked up on her before. And I've noticed a severe lag waiting for the phone to come back after I've flipped the keyboard out. I assume that installing a custom ROM would help with this as it's helped on previous phones we've owned. However, there isn't a 100% working AT&T ROM to revert to yet (only one that appears to work is missing radio and bootsplash at this point) in case the custom ROM doesn't perform better, so I'm a little leary of doing it. Should I be worried? Or will the custom ROMs here help get rid of the lagginess.
4) Switching to landscape mode - My wife told me that her phone isn't always switching to landscape mode. She doesn't have any apps installed yet so I'm assuming it's in all of the default screens. Should everything work in landscape mode?
Thanks in advance!
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#3 I am running NRG ROM Photon date 10/17 and it is insane on my tilt 2. No radio change either. Stupid fast, eye candy, and never a dropped call or sluggish issues. Link below (5k plus thread, really read the first page to see the versions and Faq's)
I'd like to add that I'm also having some issues with sound and response time.
My phone starts fresh with about 65% of resources used up. After regular phone/contacts usage for an hour I'm at around 70% and after Opera, the phone is done. I can browse or use file explorer or music but there goes the multi-tasking.
I haven't flashed a ROM yet. I just wanted to see what AT&T did with this thing 1st.
One more thing, why did they switch the FN and Shift keys? My brain is having a hard time getting used to it, especially when the shortcuts that require the Fn key are on the bottom row.
I can't really help you out too much, but I haven't been experiencing many of these problems at all, and I'm still on the stock rom, just cleaned it up a bit. Spend some time on the forums and you'll find some good quick hacks to try before you try a new rom.
superrrguy said:
I'd like to add that I'm also having some issues with sound and response time.
My phone starts fresh with about 65% of resources used up. After regular phone/contacts usage for an hour I'm at around 70% and after Opera, the phone is done. I can browse or use file explorer or music but there goes the multi-tasking.
I haven't flashed a ROM yet. I just wanted to see what AT&T did with this thing 1st.
One more thing, why did they switch the FN and Shift keys? My brain is having a hard time getting used to it, especially when the shortcuts that require the Fn key are on the bottom row.
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Touch FLO 3D uses up quite a bit of RAM. I unloaded it and restarted, and my phone is down from 65% to 49%. Unfortunately, I'm kind of liking Touch FLO 3D
Linear2202 said:
FWIW- I have a Jawbone 2 and have cracking in the audio. Had it with my Fuze also and have always wondered if it was the headset or phone. I don't think I could keep my fuze in the holster because of the crackling.
I have some slight performance issues, but it's not to bad. Seems mostly relating to minimizing a program and starting a new one.
I have a strange problem with the TF3D photo tab. It's slow to get the image clear. I select an image and then try to scroll through them. It hangs on one, then flips it's orientation (I haven't moved the phone though). Anyone else have issues with the photo tab?
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Good info about your Jawbone issues. I have an old Plantronics headset that I'm not really using anymore. Maybe I'll give that one a try to see if it's just that Jawbones don't like these new versions of HTC phones (it worked great on her Dash).
As for the photos tab, it seems to work ok. Though the first "flip" through the pictures seems to be slower than subsequent flips.
I found that hiding tabs I won't be using like the "AT&T" tab seems to help speed things up. I think I have 3 or 4 hidden.
amurch said:
#3 I am running NRG ROM Photon date 10/17 and it is insane on my tilt 2. No radio change either. Stupid fast, eye candy, and never a dropped call or sluggish issues. Link below (5k plus thread, really read the first page to see the versions and Faq's)
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Thanks - good to hear of your sucess with the NRG ROM. That's the one I'm planning on trying since I really like the 6.5.1 changes.
redpoint73 said:
Touch FLO 3D uses up quite a bit of RAM. I unloaded it and restarted, and my phone is down from 65% to 49%. Unfortunately, I'm kind of liking Touch FLO 3D
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Yeah, Touch FLO 3D sure is purty. And, now that I have the tabs sorted and hidden the way I like, it's very easy to use.
Just an update...the Energy ROM seems to have cured the dropped calls. With the stock AT&T ROM, calls dropped about 5-6 times on my regular commute. With the Energy ROM, not a single one!
Something that has happened to me now a few times...I get a call on the phone. Caller ID and picture show up fine. Screen turns off..later i turn the screen on and the phone number is not accurate any longer and the picture is gone..
Anyone had this happen to them?
Linear2202 said:
Something that has happened to me now a few times...I get a call on the phone. Caller ID and picture show up fine. Screen turns off..later i turn the screen on and the phone number is not accurate any longer and the picture is gone..
Anyone had this happen to them?
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Yep - happened quite often with the stock AT&T ROM. I don't recall seeing it after switching to the Energy ROM.

SMS is KILLING ME!! HELP! I beg you!

I'm at my wits end, and I'm desperate for a fix.
I have a Touch Pro 2 with Verizon, and it originally had WM 6.1 preloaded, which was ok, although there were quite a few issues that made the phone very unpleasant.
After a few months, a Verizon tech suggested that I upgrade to WM 6.5, which I did. Although it did seem to clear up the issues, I soon found out that 6.5 brought a whole host of new ones that weren't just a nuisance, they were devastating.
Chief among all the problems is this issue I'm having with SMS's. tmail.exe now locks up the phone all the time. Initially, I thought that the problem was the 2000+ texts on my phone, but even after removing over 1800 of them the problem persists.
In desperation, I spent hours upon hours reading the forums here and in many other places to try and figure this problem out. Of course, both Verizon and HTC were useless. I finally changed my ROM to mightyrom, and even after tweaking the **** out of my phone, the problem persists.
Basically, what it does is this. If the backlight turns off, it won't turn on again over 75% of the time, at least not immediately. Sometimes it takes a good 2-5 minutes to turn back on, and even then the sms program is lagging the hell out of my phone.
If the backlight is on and a new text is received, it could take upwards of 45 seconds for the phone to regain functionality enough for me to look at the damn thing.
I've removed the text tab from the Touch Flo menu, and now I use the standard sms program. I try to kill the damn sms program every chance I get, and I installed process manager specifically for this task, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING that I've tried has fixed the problem.
I am at my wits end, and I seriously do not know what else to do. If this goddamn problem was fixed, the phone would be incredible and perfect and make me very happy. The rest of it's quirks are very manageable and a tiny insignificant nuisance compared to this nightmare issue.
I beg you, please give me a little of your time and please please please help me.
You have my most humble thanks.
Do a hard reset and do not tweak the f*** out of your phone. Do you still have the issue when running "plain vanilla?"
Sounds like your gettings SOD's (sleep of death) a common fix for that is to task 29 between flashes.
And HTC Messenger is terrible! I recommend finding a ROM without HTC messenger(energy for example)
Allways remember to task 29 between flashes. and you will need to enter bootloader(vol down + power while rebooting) after doing this to sync with your pc or use the sd card install method.
GOOD LUCK my friend!
schmenge said:
Do a hard reset and do not tweak the f*** out of your phone. Do you still have the issue when running "plain vanilla?"
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Yes, and that's the problem. Both a clean install of WM 6.5 and mighty rom had the same SMS issue. The only reason I've done any tweaking is to resolve this issue. I would be absolutely thrilled if a hard reset would fix the problem, and I would stop adding things immediately were that the case.
Instead, the issue arises immediately and then I spend hours trying to fix it.
It's very sad.
mrbox23 said:
Sounds like your gettings SOD's (sleep of death) a common fix for that is to task 29 between flashes.
And HTC Messenger is terrible! I recommend finding a ROM without HTC messenger(energy for example)
Allways remember to task 29 between flashes. and you will need to enter bootloader(vol down + power while rebooting) after doing this to sync with your pc or use the sd card install method.
GOOD LUCK my friend!
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Wow. While I appreciate your reply, I have to admit that what you just said made me feel stupid. I think I'm going to have to reread this post a few hundred times coupled with a couple dozen google searches to understand it.
Well if you get stuck pm me or post here ill help u out theres also .cabs to remove htc messenger....... i have them if you want
mrbox23 said:
Well if you get stuck pm me or post here ill help u out theres also .cabs to remove htc messenger....... i have them if you want
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That would be awesome. So they basically allow me to only have the normal WM tmail program on my device? If so, I def want them. Maybe that will solve the problem.
id flash the ROM again. like energy or one without htc messenger in it. the zenyee cab is not perfect best to have a ROM that has never seen htc messenger

"Ghost inputing" problem.

I'm a first time poster. I have searched the Q&A section a few number of pages about my problem and I can't find anything.
My phone likes to press a certain area of the touch screen without me touching it at all. I don't really know what else to call it except "ghost inputing". Sometimes when I go to input text or when I'm at the home screen, it decides to go crazy. If I'm typing up a text message, if in portrait, my phone likes to type Q's even when I definitely don't want to. If I'm in landscape, a bunch of spaces and period is what it likes to press. If I'm at the home screen, the phone likes to pick up an app or open it.
It gets pretty annoying, especially when I'm just trying to reply to someones message. My only temporary way of fixing it was to turn on and off the screen. Sometimes it takes awhile.
I have tried flashing a stock 1.47 ota rom but it didn't really help, actually made it worse. Touch screen responsiveness dropped significantly, so i flashed back down to like 1.32 (responsiveness came back).
I got my phone the day it was released, so I don't even know if I can bring it back to Best Buy or not. Any kind of suggestion would be great... this problem can really bring my spirits down sometimes, especially when I'm showing off my phone to random people when they ask me. Kinda embarrassing to have my phone freak out when it's supposed to be a high end device....
Sounds like a warranty thing. I'd hit up htc.
Sent from my EVO from the Apple Store.
Im having the same problem making my phone useless :/
I have been trying to bring this issue to light for sometime!!
I have a topic on it already if you guys want to add to it but the end result for me right now is trying to get the phone exchanged..
I have had the same problem.
Turning the screen on and off sometimes makes it go away. It seems like it started when I rooted (simple 3 click). Not positive about that though.
I'm now running Fresh and it is better.
svennn said:
I have had the same problem.
Turning the screen on and off sometimes makes it go away. It seems like it started when I rooted (simple 3 click). Not positive about that though.
I'm now running Fresh and it is better.
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Try running some of the older ROM's not based off the .47 OTA or the newer froyo and its gone completely for me..

[Q] Possessed Galaxy Nexus

Hey guys, I'm a new member of the XDA Community and was hoping to address an issue my new Galaxy Nexus has been running with. First of all, it is a Canadian Nexus device and is running Jelly Bean 4.1.1. I've had the device for a week now, and it was day ONE where the Nexus started malfunctioning. While on the homescreen, lockscreen, or just using apps, the device would randomly press things. Now what I mean is, while I was texting, the device randomly typed in gibberish. My fingers didn't touch ANYTHING. Or another time I was on my lockscreen and the device started glitching by going to emergency dialer inputting random numbers; I'd press back or off, but what the device was doing was pretty much overriding my commands forcing me to perform a battery pull. Also while browsing the phone inputs random things (be it links or what so) as well as opening up random things in a game (Knights of Pen and Paper). These "glitches" happen ONCE IN AWHILE. The phone might "glitch" for a couple of seconds before going back to normal. I factory reset the device and the problem still persists once in awhile (just not as severe). The phone might usually press the home button by itself (trust me, my hands and fingers are nowhere near the home button when that happens). I researched the issue and some went through this, but unfortunately, this doesn't feel like a hardware defect (if it was, would it not persist continuously/not randomly?). I don't think taking it to where I bought it would help because I can't replicate the issue (the issues stopped for two days before pressing random things again after, except it wasn't as severe). I just thought to let the community know about my ghost phone, so any questions and comments concerning my issue would be greatly appreciated! :laugh:
Sorry for the long post.
I'd backup my SD card and then completely wipe everything off the phone.
In twrp wipe>format data at the bottom. Not sure about cwm
There's no such thing as a possessed device.
Op, read this first.
Then, read the first post of this thread.
Oh I've seen a possessed device.
My friend has a spica that runs 2.3.7 on it. The same problem started with 2.2.2 and he hoped the upgrade to a newer rom would help.
It didn't help. Random key press is but one of the problems. The hardware buttons don't work and has made the phone unusable.
So can we rule out software issue on this? It could be the screen going bad.
Who knows..
- Niamul
Perhaps use paragraphs in future as well, makes it a LOT easier to read

