[Q] [REQUEST] Resident Evil/Umbrella Corp Theme w/Boot ani. - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have been searching around for a Resident Evil theme and/or boot animation and haven't found much for the EVO. I thought an entire resident evil or Umbrella corp theme would be pretty sweet.
Any crafty DEV's feel like tackling it?

I am all about it. If it gets done i will be #1 to install.

I think that will be an awesome idea, I will use that if it comes out.

I love the idea I would be #2 to install it.

Would love to see this happen.

I would really like to see this I love Resident Evil (the games and the movies) and I don't care what number I am I just want it!

Well at least I am not the only one. Good to know there is some other interest in the idea. Hopefully if the interest continues to grow then we might be able to see one in development.

not until someone that actually knows how to do it becomes interested. its much easier to find pps willing to flash a new theme than it is finding a themer to produce it....it will be advantageous to yourself to learn how to do it yourself. theming is not very hard, mostly just png viewing/swapping. fyi, a full theme can take someone up to a week or even much longer than that,so a request is nice, but offering help to a themer is a much better way to get your theme produced if you cant do it yourself...grab images,pics,gifs,etc... and post them up for said themer to work with as a base for your suggested theme.
i like RE too, but dont have time to complete a theme for pps, plus this theme will be going to a select few pps, and when you produce a theme upon request, you would like it to reach as many people as possible since it tends to be very time consuming....in other words, for a themer to produce this theme with 2 or 3 replies in the thread, and no interest of their own may not be very likely, however i wish you all good luck. sorry i am too busy to take on this theme....but you increase your odds of production, when....
1.the themer wants the theme themself
2.EVERYONE here would love the theme
3.you give the themer a starting point for basing the theme(images,logos,etc...)
4.learn to theme yourself(i am one of those picky pps with bad taste so i had to do it this way)

I totally understand, I would love to build it myself, but am not at a point yet where i even understand where to begin (though i am reading up on it) I have several idea's in mind as far as images and icons, boot ani. With the more i read on it, i may be willing to try and create one. Thanks for the input

Magnus has the right idea. Post some images and resources here. Screencaps of interfaces and such. That might be enough to inspire somebody to make it happen.
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Hybrid - intellectual property! That's worked out so well for us!

I really don't get what the fuss is about this theme, ok so credit should be given where it's due I'm not arguing, but surely all that's required in this instance is "here's my theme - parts are borrowed from here and here, what do you think?" is sufficient.
It's ridiculous that we even feel the need to debate this, someone went out and built a theme they liked, and decided they would share it with the rest of us, something they did not need to do! Instead of saying thanks, we've shut down a thread because it wasn't precise enough about where it's components were found!
Regarding this theme, i love it, i think it almost perfectly combines the best parts of other themes and apart from the splash screen which i rarely see, makes my phone look great. I can't ask the developer to improve the theme now though thanks to a debate about a couple of icons! fantastic!
faithnolonger said:
I really don't get what the fuss is about this theme, ok so credit should be given where it's due I'm not arguing, but surely all that's required in this instance is "here's my theme - parts are borrowed from here and here, what do you think?" is sufficient.
It's ridiculous that we even feel the need to debate this, someone went out and built a theme they liked, and decided they would share it with the rest of us, something they did not need to do! Instead of saying thanks, we've shut down a thread because it wasn't precise enough about where it's components were found!
Regarding this theme, i love it, i think it almost perfectly combines the best parts of other themes and apart from the splash screen which i rarely see, makes my phone look great. I can't ask the developer to improve the theme now though thanks to a debate about a couple of icons! fantastic!
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thanks faith..
it is clearly ridiculous..but i cant do anything..
HYBRID has in no way stop at all...this is just a set back..
i want my thread back....my original thread..
i am not going to make a new 1 cuz there no neeed..
to everybody that has MY HYBID THEME...or not
please post ur comments and give ur opinion about this whole situation...
and tell the admin/moderators u want my thread re opened....
please help me..
thats all i ask in return...
VIVA LA RESISTANCE!!!!!!!!!! hahah lol
i agree...the thread should be re opened because there is nothing wrong with his theme or how it was created. if you close his then you should close alot others because i know of 3 themes that share the EXACT same clock as the hybrid theme and a few icons and i dont see any reference to whee there clock and icons came from on there thread. everyone is not gonna have a completely different theme, clock, and set of icons. so IMO as long as he acknowledges that he made his theme from a combination of others i feel it is sufficient because whose to sat who FIRST created the black transparant clock that 3THEMES share and icons. as long as he is not saying he created the whole theme from scratch and taking all the cedit then whats the problem? nobody is payin for these themes so its not like he's getting anything from it besides happy hackers who love his work!
If you are referring to the black carbon fiber clock, the actual clock was posted by brandenk in a thread where he gave permission for anyone to use it.
jdwme said:
If you are referring to the black carbon fiber clock, the actual clock was posted by brandenk in a thread where he gave permission for anyone to use it.
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Ok, but there are still a number of themes that share some the same icons and dont give credit to one another.
I do feel that shutting the thread down is the wrong decision...if that is the case, then I want the "Post ONLY your G1 Wallpapers here!" threat shut down...I know for a fact, that there is a Guinness wallpaper on there that I created and uploaded to g1wallz.com that is posted under someone elses name and no credit is given to me. I never really b!tched about it because I dont really care (I posted it on the www afterall, if it was that important to me I would have just kept it to myself)...but if we are going to get picky about giving recognition and asking for permissions then...
Some examples may be helpful, some of us have gotten icons from each other and some from deviantartbut I know the staff doesn't have time to go through every theme that shares something so examples may be needed
Ok here's a simple solution to give credit to all that's do credit.
*** I appreciate the hard work and have used icons/images from various sources.. for your hard work I appreciate it and you work lives on in insert theme name here. I wish I can recall all the names of the original makers but I can't as I have scoured the internet and other sources and can't recollect them. If 1 of your images is posted here that should not have been redistributed or used please feel free to contact Theme maker name here and we will work on resolving the issue.
End Disclaimer
The above should quickly cover your own @ss and give credit and thus stopping the fighting.
Now how many people have used google to search an item to recreate? not all are graphic masters and not all while trying to develop something remembers their sources.
I personally thank all theme makers and others for their hard work!!!
With that said, I am here to help and learn. We are what make this phone awesome, not Google, not HTC, not T-mobile, and not any 1 person. I am truly honored anytime you guys use my components in your own themes, if I didnt I would not bother to make them.
If you guys cant understand that imitation is the highest form of flattery all I can say is go watch Star Trek, I learned this lesson from Data on TNG years ago and it has served me very well. Granted, i love it when you guys mention my name if you use my clock but Im not going to be offended if you dont. Especially since the clock wasnt "my idea". Im sure there are a million people out there that could argue they created something very similar way before me, and to them all I have to say is thank you for the great idea and I hope you appreciate my hard work to take your "idea" to the next level.
My ideal scenario would be everyone taking bits and pieces from themes they like and compiling them into a theme that is perfect for them.
Do you know how many of them probably got their icons from the same source? I know some of the themes were yes, obviously borrowed icons, but others were just coincidence. The whole point of open source is that anyone, can take anything anyone makes, change some ****, and create something totally new. Yes, they SHOULD provide credit, but its not key.
Simply put, if you don't want people to use your ideas, do NOT post them. Simple as that. Any moderator that finds the need to close a thread for that purpose is just, well lack for a better word, dumb.
Now to the theme makers directly, I thank them for all the work they put into the themes, it is a lot of work. However they aren't doing it for us, its for them. I wouldn't create a theme based on what everyone else will want, I'd make one that I like, I enjoy, then later post it here to allow others to use it.
So everyone, stop *****ing, stop complaining, and just enjoy what everyone has to offer.
I used that very same clock in my theme and I credited brandenk for it, what tootall4la is doing is wrong. Some people put allot of work into creating these themes, the least he could do is say thanks to brandenk for his clock and what not. Also, I think he got a complete lack of respect for others. Here's a quote when someone suggested he give credit to other people for using their work to create his "Frankenstein"
its a nice suggestion but will not be taken because..
i already gave credit to those ppl!!!!!!!!!!..
i am claming my theme.. im not claming anything else...
like i explained to jdwme..
and thats where my frankenstein title comes from because i use all these parts to make a new theme(a.k.a frankenstein) a new breed the HYBRID...
just call me creative.. no one else though of doing this.. to not dissapoint other theme makers..why should i ask for permission???haha..well im just doing what i think would be a great looking theme and so far ppl do think it is...so suck it lol.
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I know he never credited me for the resources he used,
Hybrid Version 1.5 RELEASE(JFv 1.41 Compatible)
1.Metal Sheet Status bar...
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which is just the brushed metal I created for my Macdroid theme and there's plenty of other stuff he used and never gave a thanks for it. I'm not trying to be a jerk but it is common courtesy to give a thanks.
Open the thread most of the themes contain parts of other themes,I know cause I can see my work all over but that does not matter. Hey guys I also say anything I have done as far as themes can be used with out giving me credit or permission if you want to give credit that would be better but its cool with me either way.
Its not like google or T-Mobile even gave permission to do this lol....I love forum.
manup456 said:
Its not like google or T-Mobile even gave permission to do this lol....I love forum.
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Oh Noes! You mean Mr. T. Mobile himself didnt give you permission to do this?!?! Thats it, im burning my phone and calling the cops on all of your guys!
Well they gave me permission but hey that's me LMAO!!!! Hey an stop calling me I'm off duty.
Theme Police are watcing I need better sun glasses.
Well....this is indeed a touchy subject. I Believe the thread should be reopened as well but.....I agree with Geo411. There does seem to be a lack of respect for other authors. There are authors on here such as Manup and Brandek that do not care, but that does not go for everyone. I for one dont really care for my own theme, but I love and respect all who have contributed to the community and wish that we do give credit to others that worked so hard and actually wanted to be recognized for it. It really does not take that much time to type out a few lines of recognition....Reopen the thread once recognition has been given.
its a nice suggestion but will not be taken because..
i already gave credit to those ppl!!!!!!!!!!..
i am claming my theme.. im not claming anything else...
like i explained to jdwme..
and thats where my frankenstein title comes from because i use all these parts to make a new theme(a.k.a frankenstein) a new breed the HYBRID...
just call me creative.. no one else though of doing this.. to not dissapoint other theme makers..why should i ask for permission???haha..well im just doing what i think would be a great looking theme and so far ppl do think it is...so suck it lol.
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Unless his attitude changes tootall4la will keep hitting a brick wall.
G1 is a fine line with "crediting" sources, since it is open-source.
Although, common courtesy of a thank you to all, is humane, a nice juster.
As for tootall4la's thread to reopen, noticing most theme makers dont mind whether they get credit or not, tootall4la should figure out who he should thank and PM him or them and work it out.
My opinion on this matter doesnt mean a thing. Since im not the mod who closed the thread, i wont be the mod to reopen it without assurance from all, that it's ok to reopen it.
RedCastle said:
Ok here's a simple solution to give credit to all that's do credit.
*** I appreciate the hard work and have used icons/images from various sources.. for your hard work I appreciate it and you work lives on in insert theme name here. I wish I can recall all the names of the original makers but I can't as I have scoured the internet and other sources and can't recollect them. If 1 of your images is posted here that should not have been redistributed or used please feel free to contact Theme maker name here and we will work on resolving the issue.
End Disclaimer
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Very Well Put... This Would Really Help Solve All This Madness. and i noticed they shut down the thread but i havent seen ONE post supporting keeping the thread closed which should make a point to the moderators that just because ONE person may have a problem, what ablout the rest of the people on the forums who IMO majority doesn't have a problem and wants the thread re opened.
Agreed, and it is personal taste. As a rule of thumb I think communities like this function more on sharing than owning content so if you want to own your content this community probably isnt the place for you. That said, I would like to encourage the sharing aspect of the community and remember, even tho I dont mind anyone using my components, when I get a thank you it goes a long way. Sometimes its a simple "ty" other times its someone buying me a beer, either way the more I get from you guys for my hard work the more willing I am to bust my balls trying to improve things for you guys.
What goes around comes around.
One Q; if the site really cared if we got credit then why is there no thank you button which would solve the problem. When you drop your theme you can be thanked and get your credit automatic.
Anyway a theme section is what's really needed not people fighting about themes who's icons belong to another designer,does anybody ask them permission?
Keep the piece guys it not that serious I would take what ever part of the theme that the other person is complaining about. Tell me what it is and ill make one for you,but I hope this is not going to be your only theme. I want to see some more work after this original.
Hey I also don't mind if people use/improve my theme, what I'm referring to was the improper etiquette used. Here's a PM from a user on the forum asking if he can improve upon my theme. This is proper etiquette.
Sistum Id said:
Geo411m said:
Sistum Id said:
I am requesting permission to edit and alter your MacDroid v2.2 1.41 theme for the G1. I will be making the aluminum darker (more black), and maybe changing a few icons.
If you want when I'm done I can forward it to you or host it myself and give you credit or never release it publicly.
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I tried making the brushed metal darker and it doesn't look right. It blended in to much with the rest of the menu icons and made thing harder to see. Well give it a shot perhaps you can make it look better than I did.
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I know what you mean. I tried different ways with photoshop to just change yours and make it darker but it doesnt come out right at all. It looks more bluish gray if anything.
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brandenk said:
As a rule of thumb I think communities like this function more on sharing than owning content so if you want to own your content this community probably isnt the place for you.
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I agree with this, if it wasn't for JF finding loopholes to root or Stericson for sharing what he discovered we about theming, we wouldn't be here modding our phones in the first place.

Re-re porters at large!!!

To Whom It May Concern!
Don't port over other theme dever's stuff unless they give the ok.
in this scenario you either get permission or make your own.
EDIT#1s. this post edit is decdicated to all you ALL CAP HATERS!! get over it and just read the flippin post!!!!
Edit#2:This thread was taken way out of context there has been an extreme amount of negativity spawned from this post. I did not intend to offend and at the time of the orignal post I admitt I approached the topic in the wrong state of mind again my appologies and I want to express my apprreciation to all dev's and themers you guys kepp this sight going. . . Although I spoke-out before I thought, this EDIT is much needed.. Now if its not to much to ask let's move.. the last thing XDA need is another flame war.
Um, I see other posts (see MOONSSPOON's post in the Gloos/Aero port thread) where the original developer doesn't seem to mind the port. If you don't want people porting your work just say so, but I don't personally think the people porting are "pirates". They are just trying to help out because of all of the recent new releases.
I'm sure different theme developers have different opinions on this, just state in your original post if you don't want people using it. Though I have to say, if JF/Hakyro/etc all said "this is my work you can't use it" where would development be right now? That being the case though, I do think people should respect your request and not port it if that's what you want. Though it's going to be really silly if ports start showing up on torrent trackers lol. (come on you know that's funny)
big nu said:
To Whom It May Concern!!
you know who you are!!!
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1) All caps is never a way to get your point across effectively
2) As the above poster said, the unwritten rule around here is that yes, it's great to ask the developer first. If you don't, however, it's perfectly acceptable to just say "I ported _____s theme over to 1.5" as long as you're not taking credit for the original theme.
This community is based on collaboration, and as long as people give credit where it is due, it's ok (at least in my book).
Oh come on...
1. Please edit it to normal letters... you behave like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDDEhLw1PVI
2. I really dont like people porting themes and presenting them beeing their own, but there is nearly no one doing it. So please think before you post...
How many people do we need porting one theme is the problem,if the dev says its cool then fine but four and five people porting the same theme is bound to end up in a mess. I myself will port my own themes which all theme devs should be doing. It is not safe to have people who are just jumping into this porting themes and or creating them,its all fun till people start messing up there phones then the volume of threads and post will go up because people will need to know how to fix there phone. If the people porting don't have a good amount of experience then what happens then? its becomes another's person's problem to help them.
Food for thought.
manup456 said:
It is not safe to have people who are just jumping into this porting themes and or creating them...
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Isn't that exactally the idea?
[HOW TO]Manuals for creating a Theam
There's even a manual to show people how to get started. I think if you're on these forums and flashing your phone it's a given that you're taking a risk. That's what it's all about, if you don't want that risk you shouldn't be downloading stuff from here, use an application with themes on the market.
Everyone starts not knowing how to do it, it's a learning process.
Again, I think people shouldn't be stepping on the toes of the developer. I also think you should edit your post so that you don't claim to speak for all theme developers.
Well that's my $.02 anyway.
im with manup, if you make a theme for one version, its a lot easier to port it, then it is to make a whole new one.
Just be considerate and patient... let the Theme-Creator take his/her time to what they want...
im all for requests to port a theme to a certain version, and for the most part it gets done.
Who's porting manup's themes?
Porting is not creating if you are learning to create theme fine then create one. The guides are very basic they teach you how to get started if everyone could create themes they would just like the devs who create builds for the phone. The problem is if you want to mess up your phone fine but why risk others phones in your learning process? Dude's build and all the new builds have a bunch of extra icons how are you going about that?
It pains me to see people taking builds/themes chopping them up and putting them back together with very little knowledge of what's really going on in there. There is no way for someone porting a theme to know if there are any .xml edits or .jar edits like stericson is doing.
Ryanmo5 said:
Who's porting manup's themes?
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There was a request for a port to JF1.5 in the PS theme thread. I was going to post a port but didn't (at his request) and another poster said he had one that he wouldn't post.
I haven't seen one actually posted though. I assume this post was due to the request for the theme port.
Ryanmo5 said:
Who's porting manup's themes?
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Don't worry bro thats a main reason we started this my themes cant be ported by anyone but me.
I kinda felt a little weird and a little scared to port all these old themes with new people all of the sudden taking other members themes and screwing and chopping them. I also would think the better choice is to maybe wait for the original theme creator to port it for whatever new update comes out. just to kinda keep things safe. Its cool to do it for your personal use or mess around a little with other people's ish but i personally wouldn't really want anyone messing with my themes if i was the creator. just my .02
My theme was ported without my permission, I didn't say anything because this is just my contribution back to the community. The only problem I see with other people porting themes is that they might leave stuff out. I'm still in the process of porting my Aero theme to 1.5, that will include everything that was from the other version plus more.
I think it's great to see people want themes so bad they are doing the port themselves BUT at the same time, I agree that it should be done by the dev. I put a lot of time into my themes, making sure everything is just right, before even posting I have one available. Over the last 2 or 3 months themes have become so much more intricate than just icon changes and a status bar change. And if you port one over but don't move everything over, it can ruin the overall appeal of the theme. Once everything settles down with the 1.5 builds then I'll start porting my own over, the first will be carbon, and like spikey, it'll have a lot more done to it, I'm basically only using the orignal icons and that's it.
Also with 1.5 the custom edits are a lot different, and it's taking time to get them out. Thanks to Stericson we're finally starting to get some available.
I don't think it's piracy, but also wouldn't want one of my themes ported and posted without my permission. I know it happens and we can't stop it from happening, but show a little respect and patience, devs want to make sure our initial ideas remain through all versions of our themes
let the authors go after people that port their work without permission...
are you the authors? Of course correct thing to do is ask them first hand. However, If nothing is said to these "pirates", then authors probably dont care, dont do the caring for them.
since everyone else has their two cents in here i'm gonna throw mine in too. i personally have no problem with people porting my work, but of course i expect credit for the theme itself, and if i find out the theme porter got a donation for the theme i will rip off his balls and shove them down his throat. i see why manup would be upset that people are porting his work, i would be willing to bet that if he is given credit then people will go to him and say something like "hi i was using your haykuro 1.5 port of your ninja theme and now my phone won't boot. can you tell me how to fix it?"(i used this example becasue i am pretty sure no one has ported it yet) if someone is going to port another's work i prefer the rule of don't touch it till you have permission. i see DVD's and CDs the same way, it's leagal to make a digital copy for personal use, but not to distribute, if you wanna port your favorite theme yourself for your personal phone then fine go ahead but you are responsible for the brick you end up with.
as a general rule unless the dev says it's ok just let them port the theme, you are more likely to get a full port if you wait for the dev to do it since they are the original creator and know what they changed. as to multiple people porting the same themes that needs to stop because people will get confused and i will not be able to contain myself when the threads start popping up the the dev forum "i bricked my phone after porting XXXXX theme"
(steps down off soapbox) that's just my opinion
zeezee said:
let the authors go after people that port their work without permission...
are you the authors? Of course correct thing to do is ask them first hand. However, If nothing is said to these "pirates", then authors probably dont care, dont do the caring for them.
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thanks for your input zeezee, but i work hand and hand w/ the author and he and i agreed on posting this thread.. fyi he's not the only one that isnt crazy about people porting other peoples work and w/ all the themes we have on this forum, and all the new builds that are out, this is a subject that needed to be clarified...
Hey hypocrites...do you see google posting to this board that we "ruined the consistency of there theme" or "don't want us to ruin our phones w/ hackware and then ask them questions when a jf/haykuro/dude port messed them up." NO, I didn't think so. You should be grateful someone likes your theme enough to port it. You don't own your theme...this is a community involved project (developing for this phone as a whole). You can't TM Or copyright a theme on a hacked phone and the notion that you would if you could is beyond me. Bottom line is if the credit is given to the origonal dev it should be ok....except for Manups (and that's only done out of respect). This thread has so far made me sick and I don't have a strong gag reflex.
Can you honestly imagine if more themers/devs thought this way? Xda wouldn't be!
Here's a motto to live by in this type of community setting. "Why write code twice" meaning if somethings out there you can improve on, use it giving credit where due...but WHY would you write it again....
MODS SHOULD CLOSE THIS THREAD...for obvious reasons, and before the fighting starts, like going against everything XDA even stands for.
I really appreciate all the hard work xda's theme developers do to create all these themes. I have absolutely no photoshop skills (never even used it) and haven't found the time to set up the resigning tool.
Whenever something has gone wrong with a custom theme, I never feel the need to bother theme developers. Anyone who has actually read through this forum should know common troubleshooting steps e.g. wipe, reflash, etc.
Keeping that in mind, there are many people who don't take the time to actually read threads around here, and regardless of who ports what, I would think that the questions will keep coming no matter what.
That said, I have a ported theme on my phone right now, and I really appreciate work done by a "pirate". like i said, i'm not set up right now to port themes on my own, and a "pirate" saved me a lot of time. He didn't have to share, but he did and i appreciate that. You can imagine the fuss that would be raised if someone was holding out on other members..
I'd rather be using a full theme, but what I want out of this theme is slightly modified, and I'm not sure if the theme dev will oblige me.
So big thanks to devs and pirates alike, i love the way my phone looks. Hopefully all of you will be able to work out all the important details and the community will continue to thrive!
knight4linux said:
Hey hypocrites...do you see google posting to this board that we "ruined the consistency of there theme" or "don't want us to ruin our phones w/ hackware and then ask them questions when a jf/haykuro/dude port messed them up." NO, I didn't think so. You should be grateful someone likes your theme enough to port it. You don't own your theme...this is a community involved project (developing for this phone as a whole). You can't TM Or copyright a theme on a hacked phone and the notion that you would if you could is beyond me. Bottom line is if the credit is given to the origonal dev it should be ok....except for Manups (and that's only done out of respect). This thread has so far made me sick and I don't have a strong gag reflex.
Can you honestly imagine if more themers/devs thought this way? Xda wouldn't be!
Here's a motto to live by in this type of community setting. "Why write code twice" meaning if somethings out there you can improve on, use it giving credit where due...but WHY would you write it again....
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Amen, brother.
Also, just curious if all of the theme devs actually designed their own artwork (all of it) or if they just took images from online and used them without permission regardless of copyright infringement? (and I know the overall answer.. because I see a LOT of copyrighted images in many themes, icon sets and backgrounds.) If I stole a bunch of Mickey Mouse(TM) artwork and made backgrounds, icon sets, etc.. I wouldnt really be able to complain about people stealing my theme, since I stole the images, right?
As far as being respectful, sure.. I can understand and agree with that, but if I make a theme and never port it to newer versions.. well, I would expect someone to go ahead and do it (if there was a demand for my theme). I would expect them to keep the theme name and give me credit for the original port. This is afterall, an open source community..
In the end, all you can do as a theme dev is attach a Readme.txt to your themes with you name, forum name, email address and other contact information and ask that people please do not port your theme without your permission.
Good luck enforcing the issue though..

XDA-forums, themes? Stylefreak..

it just occured to me that XDA is using the vBulletin license and as a owner of vBulletin myself, I know how 'easy' it is to make a personalized theme for the forum.
So what I want to say here is really just: Why don't you have a more graphic theme already? The options for vBulletin is soooo extensive, and you could still use the current theme as a standard.
When I see this forum, owning the HD2, I get an urge to have it converted to an as glossy style as the Sense 2.5 UI.
Can't anyone make a theme for this forum? I see there are some plugins added to the script so modding the standard forum may not be enough.. so I guess you need a bit of authorization.. (or maybe a copy of the current theme-file could be enough)
BTW: I really don't want to give it a shot myself as I tend to get too caught up in projects like that, forgetting to eat, smoke, drink, go to the bathroom and so on d:
PS! A good idea might be to make a frontpage of the forum split in half (if you go to forum.xda-developers.com, the root, and maybe just for first time users), demonstrating both designs, and to enter the site you have to click the half you want to set for the forum.. or something. A more fresh look could bring more users.....
Luggruff said:
it just occured to me that XDA is using the vBulletin license and as a owner of vBulletin myself, I know how 'easy' it is to make a personalized theme for the forum.
So what I want to say here is really just: Why don't you have a more graphic theme already? The options for vBulletin is soooo extensive, and you could still use the current theme as a standard.
When I see this forum, owning the HD2, I get an urge to have it converted to an as glossy style as the Sense 2.5 UI.
Can't anyone make a theme for this forum? I see there are some plugins added to the script so modding the standard forum may not be enough.. so I guess you need a bit of authorization.. (or maybe a copy of the current theme-file could be enough)
BTW: I really don't want to give it a shot myself as I tend to get too caught up in projects like that, forgetting to eat, smoke, drink, go to the bathroom and so on d:
PS! A good idea might be to make a frontpage of the forum split in half (if you go to forum.xda-developers.com, the root, and maybe just for first time users), demonstrating both designs, and to enter the site you have to click the half you want to set for the forum.. or something. A more fresh look could bring more users.....
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We are working on this right now actually. We are slow, but give us some time.
svetius said:
We are working on this right now actually. We are slow, but give us some time.
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Thanks for a great response! ^^
Also glad this is being worked on...should improve the graphic looks a lot!
Goooood Ideas
Of course I support - creating a new graphic for the xda-dev

[Theme Request] Different Themes

Hello. I have noticed over the last 3 months that the theme section has been dropping off dramatically. I dare say it has a major thing to do with JKAY which is fantastic mind you however I am still sad and want someone to make me feel better.
Themers please come out with something other than ICS for the love of god. I am willing to start a bounty.
Theme Ideas:
My number 1 picks would go in order as follows
I am no doubt going to get flamed for this but if only I get through to 1 person I am happy
I'm not saying this trying to be funny, but i think the easiest thing to do would be to learn how to do it yourself.
There are a lot of guides around I'm sure your aware of, it's not that difficult to string some images together, the hard part is editing smali for major theme changes.
I'm guessing the main reason it's been dropping around here is people are probably in the same boat as myself, not enough spare time to do anything, and any spare time you do have, there are more important things like family etc.
Hopefully when I get my new computer for xmas I can start doing some things again (if the missus let's me of course!!).
I agree with the ICS point, they seem to be everywhere ATM lol. I'm not a fan of stock looking themes so I'll probably try and expand the v2 of glowing glass contacts and maybe update phone candy to a final and retire it.
I am willing to learn how to make themes icons even splash themes. I know the ropes of illustrator and photoshop ect. But i need a helping hand to point me out where to start with what tutoruial. In return ill post my "work" for free. Please provide me with links so i can make the next person happy.
I would like to make themes for sgs2 for people who run cm7.1
dully79 said:
I'm not saying this trying to be funny, but i think the easiest thing to do would be to learn how to do it yourself.
There are a lot of guides around I'm sure your aware of, it's not that difficult to string some images together, the hard part is editing smali for major theme changes.
I'm guessing the main reason it's been dropping around here is people are probably in the same boat as myself, not enough spare time to do anything, and any spare time you do have, there are more important things like family etc.
Hopefully when I get my new computer for xmas I can start doing some things again (if the missus let's me of course!!).
I agree with the ICS point, they seem to be everywhere ATM lol. I'm not a fan of stock looking themes so I'll probably try and expand the v2 of glowing glass contacts and maybe update phone candy to a final and retire it.
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Nobody has any right to flame u for saying your opinion mate but IMO themers are just waiting cuz ICS is coming quite quickly and I know someone of them is just working on leaked version just to prepare their magic.
Moreover I'm sure we'll see real beautiful things cuz everybody would like to create something better to beat Samsung UGLINESS
Personally I'm in love with ICS theme by Vertumus and I can't wait to see his beauty on real ICS firmware...but for any other themes u're asking for just be patient and wait a little and you'll see I'm f***ing right
Inviato dal mio GT-I9100
verbaltech said:
I am willing to learn how to make themes icons even splash themes. I know the ropes of illustrator and photoshop ect. But i need a helping hand to point me out where to start with what tutoruial. In return ill post my "work" for free. Please provide me with links so i can make the next person happy.
I would like to make themes for sgs2 for people who run cm7.1
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Probably the best one:
verbaltech said:
I would like to make themes for sgs2 for people who run cm7.1
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Theming for cm7 is nothing like what you see here. You need to learn the T-Mobile theme engine to create themes for cm7.
The following is a good guide.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Theme request

I try not to make requests often, but this is one I think people would like. I'd learn to do this myself if I actually made it to the computer more than a half hour or so a day. Would someone be willing to do the theme/color scheme from the SGS3 for all the major roms? It's actually really good looking. Thanks!

