[Q] How change the kernel/panel type without - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Android Development

hello, i have a question.
How can I change the kernel or panel type without flashing?
I can't turn PDA in bootloader mode and flash :/
or i need a program, that turn in android BL mode np SSPL-KAIS.exe in Windows Mobile
Please help mi i have bad colors

You can change it using this command:
echo NUMBER > /sys/module/board_htckaiser/parameters/panel_type
but you need to do it every time you boot (or create a script to do it).
Why you can't flash? Your camera button is broken?

Please tell me how to do it.
Problem with buttons is very strange.
Hello, I have a very big problem. I have Htc Kaiser. Keyboar not working in windows (when he still had) apart from d-pad (sometimes, but with times, but more often department into quite other way ) I flash Android (is a problem with colors).
I can't turn PDA in Bootloader mode. I press and hold camera key, soft reset , and sometimes turn on key. PDa turn in SMART MOBILITY text and i can't go back to Windows, or change te Android kernel. Please help me
Sorry for my english
PS. in android after press OK in left side the almost all keyboard working (no working: a, q , shift, fn0
Pleas Help
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i don't like double post...
press camera button (and keep it), take the pen, reset device, release when you see 4 color screen.
You can now flash from windows.
Did you flash hard-spl correctly?
Please before posting read the nand guide in atools.

You understand? I can'tturn bootloader. I press and hold camera button and reset device pen ( soft reset) and pda turn on text SMART MOBILITY and 10 seconds ago kernel is loading, no BL.
Yes i have HARDSPL 100% correctly.
How i can make this script? I must flash my device?
please help

Thanks , you are god i write script with example in a tools file and i copi this file in a andboot folder on SD card I have a beautiful colors
but i will flashmy device

the install-seq will be renamed on next boot so you need to add it to the init-scripts, write to the release thread to ask the release which file start on boot.

what? i dont understand your answer
Please tell me how can I add this script to boot (autostart)

Another way to get into the boot loader (if its your reset button like mine) is to unplug USB and battery, hold the camera button and power button. Put the battery back in and it will go in.

i try this combination thats not work

Try with this:
adb shell
echo "echo NUMBER > /sys/module/board_htckaiser/parameters/panel_type" > /system/init
echo "exec /init.android" >> /system/init
chmod a+x /system/init
change NUMBER with correct screen number

this script no working
in boot linux in reading script is error init: blablabla adb ....

corrected, try now

This error:
/init: /install-seq.sh: line 1: adb: not found
sh: 0: unknown operand

arekmelerski said:
This error:
/init: /install-seq.sh: line 1: adb: not found
sh: 0: unknown operand
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Your phone for whatever reason does not have adb installed on it...

how I can install it?

adb is few lines further

l1q1d, help me please

Did you use exactly the command that i posted?

yes, this command also not working
/init: /install-seq.sh: line 1: adb: not found
(is after loading kernel?)
after A N D R O I D text


white screen, can't install anything

So I flashed android and it worked good for a while and I woke up this morning phone was off and wouldn't turn on, unplugged the battery and a whitescreen flashes every time after a few seconds but if I turn on the phone fast it will turn on so I turn the phone on before the whitescreen pops up and it starts with the android kernel and stops saying to press the button to install and the button does nothing, does this mean its bricked.
Try reflashing your kernel.
how? everytime I try to get in the bootloader, nothing happens, it goes like this
-hit power button holding camera button
-hyperdragon III logo pops up
-goes straight to android kernel
-stays there
I can type stuff in after it says hit the buttons but nothing happens when I hold down the button to install.
does there need to be something on the sd card for the bootloader to load.
this is the bootlog the sd card gives me after i stick it in
** /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
Attempting to allocate 118 KB for FAT
Attempting to allocate 118 KB for FAT
** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files
1 files, 1928960 free (60280 clusters)
/init: line 334: mount_opt: not found
sh: 0: unknown operand
AutoMode for system
AutoMode for data
rm: cannot remove '/system/lib/modules/modules.dep.bb': No such file or directory
cp: cannot create '/data/sysfiles/su': Path does not exist
chmod: /data/sysfiles/su: No such file or directory
chmod: /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
after checking I just found out a usb connection starts and then phone detects as android phone on the pc when the white screen shows?
KainXSS said:
how? everytime I try to get in the bootloader, nothing happens, it goes like this
-hit power button holding camera button
-hyperdragon III logo pops up
-goes straight to android kernel
-stays there
I can type stuff in after it says hit the buttons but nothing happens when I hold down the button to install.
does there need to be something on the sd card for the bootloader to load.
this is the bootlog the sd card gives me after i stick it in
** /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
Attempting to allocate 118 KB for FAT
Attempting to allocate 118 KB for FAT
** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files
1 files, 1928960 free (60280 clusters)
/init: line 334: mount_opt: not found
sh: 0: unknown operand
AutoMode for system
AutoMode for data
rm: cannot remove '/system/lib/modules/modules.dep.bb': No such file or directory
cp: cannot create '/data/sysfiles/su': Path does not exist
chmod: /data/sysfiles/su: No such file or directory
chmod: /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
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Looks like AutoMode for Sys and Data isn't working for the kernel you are using. Try this kernel
is there a way to flash a kernel without the bootloader in android linux
KainXSS said:
is there a way to flash a kernel without the bootloader in android linux
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No, the HARDSPL does it. So, just start your device into HARD SPL (Camera + power) and reflash the nbh
The bootloader does all the magic and I think it is also known as SPL (who knows its different ). The bootloader loads the kernel which in turn loads the OS
dark_prince said:
No, the HARDSPL does it. So, just start your device into HARD SPL (Camera + power) and reflash the nbh
The bootloader does all the magic and I think it is also known as SPL (who knows its different ). The bootloader loads the kernel which in turn loads the OS
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nothing happens when i do that, it just shows hyperdragon then goes into android linux then crash.
I had some time to look at this today and heres the rundown
I don't think I put hardspl on it.d
so this is what happens
turn on
goes to the hyperdragon 3 bootloader
then starts android kernel
says waiting for sd card,
if no sd card it will keep going and crash repeating some lines forever about files(it seems that the files got corrupted)
if there is a sd card it says hold down the button to install but pressing any button and holding down center button does not work.
Are they're any commands to put in the android kernel itself to install, its still registering button presses and usb mode when connected to usb
I don't know what to make of it.
The Bootloader is required for the phone to work, if it was not there, your phone would be bricked, period! The HardSPL bootloader is on there, if it was NOT, you would not of been able to flash Android Kernel anyways, as the original OEM bootloader would reject it. Follow the procedures below.
I have found out if I don't depress the camera button hard enough my bootloader will not load up. Make sure you're pressing down the camera button as far as it will go before you press the power button. The key procedure is before you press that power button.
Krazy-Killa said:
The Bootloader is required for the phone to work, if it was not there, your phone would be bricked, period! The HardSPL bootloader is on there, if it was NOT, you would not of been able to flash Android Kernel anyways, as the original OEM bootloader would reject it. Follow the procedures below.
I have found out if I don't depress the camera button hard enough my bootloader will not load up. Make sure you're pressing down the camera button as far as it will go before you press the power button. The key procedure is before you press that power button.
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There are two levels for camera button. Shallow press is for focus and it doesnt boot into SPL. Deep-press is SNAPSHOT and it gets into SPL.
Chances are, you have flashed a Force-USB Hard SPL. Just revert to stock HTC ROM, HARD SPL (which doesnt force USB), flash a 1.65+ Radio and then flash Android kernel again.

SIM Unlock / SIM Relock scripts for Samsung Galaxy Xcover S5690

- the phone should be connected to the computer via the USB cable provided in the commercial package;
- the Settings / Applications / Development / USB Debugging option should be enabled;
- the USB drivers for the S5690 phone should already be installed on the host computer.
0. download the S5690_unlock.zip file attached to this post;
1. unzip the S5690_unlock.zip archive in any place on your local hard drive;
2a. if you wish to UNLOCK the phone, execute the s5690_unlock.bat script as Administrator (right-click on the script file and select Run as Administrator);
2b. if you wish to RELOCK your phone, execute the s5690_relock.bat script as Administrator (right-click on the script file and select Run as Administrator);
3. follow the on-screen instructions and NEVER restart the phone by yourself.
- at the beginning the script waits for the sdcard to be mounted in your phone. If you have no sdcard at all, the script will wait forever! In this case you should disconnect the usb cable, turn off the phone, insert an already formatted microsd card, turn on the phone and finally reconnect the usb cable. The script will resume by itself when the card is detected;
- do not reboot the phone by yourself at any step! (neither in Recovery nor in standby); the script will do that automatically everytime it needs it;
- the ROOT.zip and UNROOT.zip files which are attached to the S5690_unlock.zip archive can be used ONLY on S5690/S5690L/S5690M phones. They won't work on other phone models;
- do not try to Relock a neverlocked phone, simply because the effects could be unpredictable (since there is no PLMN ID stored in the /dev/bml25 memory that would normally tell the phone on what network is it locked to);
- the scripts should also work on the S5690L and S5690M phone models. Please post some feedback here if you unlock/relock one of these models.
After the complete execution of the unlock/relock script, the tmp subdirectory will contain two files:
- bml25_before.bin -> backup of the original /dev/bml25 dump;
- bml25_unlocked.bin OR bml25_locked.bin -> dump of /dev/bml25 block device AFTER the unlock/relock operation.
What the script does:
1. installs root on the phone;
2. dumps the /dev/bml25 block device to a binary file;
3. changes the first two bytes of that file from 01 to 00 (for unlock) or viceversa (for relock);
4. writes back the binary file to the /dev/bml25 block device;
5. removes the root from the phone;
6. removes ROOT.zip and UNROOT.zip files from your sdcard.
If your phone is already rooted then skip the ROOT.zip installation step (from the Recovery menu) and just press any key in the script window to go to the next step.
After the execution of the script, the phone will be UNROOTED! If you want to keep the root, then you should either break the script (CTRL+C) when it reaches the INSTRUCTIONS FOR ROOT REMOVAL step or you should press any key in the script window without actually installing the UNROOT.zip from the Recovery menu.
There is no problem if you run the unlock script on an already unlocked phone or if you run the relock script on an already locked phone. In either of those cases, the phone will have the same status in the end as before running the script (either unlocked or locked). If you compare the bml25_before.bin and bml25_[un]locked.bin files you should have no differences.
I've already tested both unlock and relock scripts on several S5690 Xcovers and everything works OK.
20130208 -> added support for the S5690R variant (Rogers Canada) - thanks to theshowman
Thanks a lot for the scripts! Excellent job. One question though: if my phone is already rooted (with your update.zip ) what should I (if possible) remove from the unlock script in order to perform strictly the steps for unlocking? Thank you in advance.
You don't have to remove anything. When the script displays the instructions for Root, just press any key in the script window (without actually following the instructions, i.e. without installing the ROOT.zip archive in the recovery menu) so the script goes directly to the next step (the unlocking step).
Also if you want to keep the Root in the end, do exactly the same at the Unrooting step.
The script does not verify if you really root / unroot the phone when it asks you to do so.
Thanks for your work.
I tried the script but unfortunatelly it didn't work on my phone. In attach there is one print screen of the operation. My Xcover is locked on Orange RO. What could be the problem?
Copy the text from the cmd.exe screen and post it here or upload a full size print screen. The image resolution is too small and I can't understand what's the problem.
It seems that the "su -c" commands are executed directly under the cmd.exe and NOT within the adb shell prompt as they should be.
Post the WHOLE output of the script (from the beginning to the end). Do more consecutive print screens if necessary.
I tried again and you are absolutely right. The script is executed in cmd.exe, not in adb as it should. I didn't pay attention earlier. What can I do to force it to start in adb? The screenshot has been taken and saved at 1280x800 but it has been resized automatically at upload.
Upload the image(s) on imageshack and post only the links here. I need the whole output of the script.
First link. If neccessary, I will make/upload the missing screens from cmd.exe (the missing parts are the root and unroot ones, that I skiped by pressing a key without following instructions as my phone is rooted).
never mind
@PaulTT: I think I've found the problem. The double quotes were not interpreted correctly (probably due to different regional settings).
Please download again the zip archive from the first post (I've replaced it with a newer version) and try again.
Now it worked flawlessly! I have the 2 .bin files in temp file and the phone is working with any non Orange SIM. Thanks a lot for your help!
It is working, but i had to write every command in cmd, after i got su acces, thank you tlc76
Thanks !
it worked flawless ! many thanks
Worked like a charm. Thanx!.
Offtopic: no CFW so far for this phone? I'd like to try an 4.0.x ROM.
thanks for the post, do you think it will work with any career in american countries?
Hey tlc76,
first of all, i'd like to say thank you for the script, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
So i did everything in the description. (Turning on USB-Debugging, Inserting SD-Card, Installing the Drivers from Samsung)
But everytime i open the unlock.bat file, the screen turns white and the script doesn't do anything. The PC says, that adb doesn't work sometimes.
With the standard software from samsung or the adb in eclipse it functions quite well.
I would be thankful for some advice.
nice tool! my phone is more happy now
So, i eradicated the problem from yesterday, by running the script with a different version of adb, which was already on my harddisk.
There are good and bad news.
The good ones first:
It doesn't freeze and turn white anymore.
The bad ones:
The script waits endlessly searching for a SdCard. (It is inserted, and the phone works with it)
It works now. Thank you very much!
It didn't find the device. I installed Android SDK (with the USB Drivers) + JDK7 on another computer. Then everything worked fine.
If the script waits endlessly for the SdCard and the dots on the screen ARE NOT expanding, then you can try the following (in this particular order):
- stop the script (CTRL+C and Y) and restart it;
- unplug and replug the USB cable (with the script still running);
- reboot the host computer.
It seems that sometimes the
adb -d shell "mount"
command freezes and the script cannot advance. Normally every two seconds a new dot should be displayed:
Waiting for the SdCard to be mounted.................
so if you see only 4 dots which are NOT expanding
Waiting for the SdCard to be mounted....
then the script is waiting endlessly for the output of the mount command and is not actually running, so you can do one of the 3 actions described above.
The problem is most probably caused by the adb interface.

[GUIDE] Unbrick, Root, And Install CWM

How to Unbrick, Root, And Install CWM​
Disclaimer: This guide is for your information only. I am not responsible for any further damage cause to your device by not following the guide correctly. Parts of this guide are based on the Unbricking guide produced by XDA member, Machzelet. Namely the Unbrick process.
This guide will give you step by step instructions on how to initially unbrick, root, and install ClockWorkMod Recovery on your LG Nitro HD. You will also learn how to make yourself a CWM backup that you can use to unbrick your Nitro whenever you need to... even when you are away from your PC.
NOTE: More people have had success using this guide on Windows XP than Windows 7.
It is understood by the author that CWM and CWM backups are nothing new to the XDA community. This guide is less about groundbreaking discoveries and more about clarification and introduction of an on-the-fly unbricking concept. As with all posts on the community forum, this guide is not set in stone and can/will be changed upon suggestion from other XDA Forum members.
Required Downloads
Nitro_Unbrick.zip (760.24MB) (Unzip to the location of your choice. 7zip is recommended.)
Notes Before You Start
Make sure to allow the phone to boot into the stock ROM at least once before flashing any other ROMs.
Unbrick the Phone
Copy ‘Android’ folder to C:\
In the ‘Run…’ dialog, type “sysdm.cpl” and press enter.
Click the ‘Advanced’ tab.
Click the ‘Environment Variables…’ button.
In the ‘System Variables’ section, highlight the entry labeled ‘Path’.
Click the ‘Edit…’ button at the bottom of the window.
Add “;C:\Android” to the end of the Variable Value.
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘OK’.
Log out of Windows and log back in.
Once logged in, run the exe in the ‘LGP930’ folder to ensure that the Nitro drivers are installed. (This should install all of the necessary drivers. However, if it does not, install the drivers in the sub-folder as well.)
Once drivers are installed, run the exe file in the ‘shttp3’ folder.
Check the box to agree to the license.
Click ‘Install’.
When finished, run “C:\shttps\http.exe”.
Right click the ‘Small Server’ icon in the System Tray and select ‘Settings…’.
Click ‘HTTP’ at the top.
Change the second box from ‘8080’ to ‘9002’ and click ‘OK’ in the top right.
Extract the file named ‘www.zip’ located in the ‘shttp3’ folder to “C:\shttps\www”.
Edit the ‘hosts’ file in “C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc” and add the following line: “ csmg.lgmobile.com”
Save the file.
In the ‘Run…’ dialog, type “ipconfig /flushdns”.
Run the file named “B2CAppSetup.exe” located in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder and then close it.
Run the file named “UpTestEX_mod2_marwin.exe” located in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder. (If you get errors, you may need to install msxml.msi.)
In the ‘Merge’ section, click the folder next to the ‘Select model.dll’ field.
Navigate to the “model.dll” file in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder and click ‘OK’.
In the ‘Test’ section, change ‘PhoneMode’ to “EMERGENCY”.
Click the folder next to the ‘Select kdz file’ field.
Navigate to the “V10F_00.kdz” file in the root folder and click ‘OK’.
Click ‘CSE web upgrade test’ at the bottom right of the window.
With the phone off, hold the Volume Up button and plug it into the PC via USB.
Once the screen says “Download Mode”, move on to the next step.
Click ‘Upgrade Start’.
Change the language to English and click ‘OK’.
If the upgrade stops at 4%, start over from step 23 and try again.
While the upgrade is in progress, copy the contents of the ‘Images’ folder to an SD card.
When the phone reboots, use Task Manager to close the upgrade application.
When the phone is up and running, tap the left button and choose English.
Tap ‘Exit’.
Enable Root Rights
Enable USB Debugging and Unknown Sources.
Insert your SD card and let it mount and scan.
Run the exe in the 'SuperOneClick' folder. (If you can't obtain root rights using this application, try Bin4ry's guides.)
Follow the instruction given in the application.
Flash AT&T Stock ROM (2.3.5)
Once the phone reboots, type “cmd” in the ‘Run…’ dialog and press enter.
Type “adb shell” and press enter.
Type “su” and press enter.
Run the following commands one by one in order:
dd if=/sdcard/[COLOR="Magenta"]boot.img[/COLOR] of=/dev/block/[COLOR="Magenta"]mmcblk0p8[/COLOR]
dd if=/sdcard/[COLOR="Orange"]recovery.img[/COLOR] of=/dev/block/[COLOR="Orange"]mmcblk0p13[/COLOR]
dd if=/sdcard/[COLOR="Lime"]firmware.img[/COLOR] of=/dev/block/[COLOR="Lime"]mmcblk0p1[/COLOR]
dd if=/sdcard/[COLOR="Cyan"]baseband.img[/COLOR] of=/dev/block/[COLOR="Cyan"]mmcblk0p14[/COLOR]
dd if=/sdcard/[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]system.img[/COLOR] of=/dev/block/[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]mmcblk0p27[/COLOR]
After the last command finishes (It will take a while.), pull the battery out of your phone and unplug the USB.
Replace the battery.
Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time until the screen says “Factory Reset”.
Press the Power button twice and wait for the phone to reboot into the stock AT&T ROM.
Install ClockWorkMod Recovery
If you haven’t already, follow the steps to root once more.
Install ROM Manager from the Play Store.
Open ROM Manager and tap ‘Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery’.
Tap the first option that says “LG P930”.
Let ROM Manager do its thing.
Create A Recovery
Turn off the phone.
Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time until the screen says “Factory Reset”.
Press the Power button twice and wait for the phone to reboot into ClockWorkMod.
Tap ‘Backup and Restore’.
Tap ‘Backup’.
When the blue menu appears again, tap ‘Reboot System Now’.
Restore Your Backup
Pull the battery out.
Replace the battery.
Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time until the screen says “Factory Reset”.
Press the Power button twice and wait for the phone to reboot into ClockWorkMod.
Tap ‘Wipe data/factory reset’.
Tap ‘Wipe cache partition’. (For good measure.)
Tap ‘Backup and Restore’.
Tap ‘Restore’.
Choose your backup.
When the blue menu appears again, tap ‘Reboot System Now’.
So is this a way to get back to stock from ics leak? Or would I still need to unbrick into the korean version?
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda app-developers app
miguellopez12 said:
So is this a way to get back to stock from ics leak? Or would I still need to unbrick into the korean version?
Sent from my LG-P930 using xda app-developers app
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No, this will take you into the Korean version. It is essentially the same as Machzelet's guide. I just clarified a few of the steps, added a different rooting method, and explained ClockWorkMod Recovery installation and backup/restore.
nice, hopefully clears up the nuttiness that thread fell into. d'ling the zip now, well, i think i am, on another box.
FYI, I added a note to the guide about HO!NO!s CWM flashable ROM.
great guide, nice write up.
just to be sure, under restoring your backup after bricking #5. says to factory reset, then restore you CWM backup. Will your clockwork backups be deleted when you wipe data/factory reset, I think they usually are on my galaxy tab 7.0 plus.
Hello I'm in need of some help I can't back up my current Rom because clockwork mod doesn't work on my phone is there another way
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
themadbomber said:
Hello I'm in need of some help I can't back up my current Rom because clockwork mod doesn't work on my phone is there another way
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app
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Download this file and copy it to your SD card.
Try replacing "dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13" in step 3 of the AT&T ROM section with "dd if=/sdcard/recovery-clockwork- of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13" and go through the steps again and ignore the ClockWorkMod Recovery install section.
mattman86 said:
How to Setup Your Easy Unbricking Backup​
Disclaimer: This guide is for your information only. I am not responsible for any further damage cause to your device by not following the guide correctly. Parts of this guide are based on the Unbricking guide produced by XDA member, Machzelet. Namely the Revival process.
This guide will give you step by step instructions on how to initially unbrick, root, and install ClockWorkMod Recovery on your LG Nitro HD. You will also learn how to make yourself a CWM backup that you can use to unbrick your Nitro whenever you need to... even when you are away from your PC.
It is understood by the author that CWM and CWM backups are nothing new to the XDA community. This guide is less about groundbreaking discoveries and more about clarification and introduction of an on-the-fly unbricking concept. As with all posts on the community forum, this guide is not set in stone and can/will be changed upon suggestion from other XDA Forum members.
Required Downloads
Nitro Easy Unbrick.zip (Unzip to the location of your choice.)
Reviving the Phone
Copy ‘Android’ folder to C:\
In the ‘Run…’ dialog, type “sysdm.cpl” and press enter.
Click the ‘Advanced’ tab.
Click the ‘Environment Variables…’ button.
In the ‘System Variables’ section, highlight the entry labeled ‘Path’.
Click the ‘Edit…’ button at the bottom of the window.
Add “;C:\Android” to the end of the Variable Value.
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘OK’.
Log out of Windows and log back in.
Once logged in, run the exe in the ‘LGP930’ folder to ensure that the Nitro drivers are installed.
Once drivers are installed, run the exe file in the ‘shttp3’ folder.
Check the box to agree to the license.
Click ‘Install’.
When finished, run “C:\shttps\http.exe”.
Right click the ‘Small Server’ icon in the System Tray and select ‘Settings…’.
Click ‘HTTP’ at the top.
Change the second box from ‘8080’ to ‘9002’ and click ‘OK’ in the top right.
Extract the file named ‘www.zip’ located in the ‘shttp3’ folder to “C:\shttps\www”.
Edit the ‘hosts’ file in “C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc” and add the following line: “ csmg.lgmobile.com”
Save the file.
In the ‘Run…’ dialog, type “ipconfig /flushdns”.
Run the file named “B2CAppSetup.exe” located in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder and then close it.
Run the file named “UpTestEX_mod2_marwin.exe” located in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder.
In the ‘Merge’ section, click the folder next to the ‘Select model.dll’ field.
Navigate to the “model.dll” file in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder and click ‘OK’.
In the ‘Test’ section, change ‘PhoneMode’ to “EMERGENCY”.
Click the folder next to the ‘Select kdz file’ field.
Navigate to the “V10F_00.kdz” file in the ‘KDZ_FW_UPD_EN’ folder and click ‘OK’.
Click ‘CSE web upgrade test’ at the bottom right of the window.
With the phone off, hold the Volume Up button and plug it into the PC via USB.
Once the screen says “Download Mode”, move on to the next step.
Click ‘Upgrade Start’.
Change the language to English and click ‘OK’.
If the upgrade stops at 4%, start over from step 23 and try again.
While the upgrade is in progress, copy the contents of the ‘Images’ folder to an SD card.
When the phone reboots, use Task Manager to close the upgrade application.
When the phone is up and running, tap the left button and choose English.
Tap ‘Exit’.
Enabling Root Rights
Enable USB Debugging and Unknown Sources.
Insert your SD card and let it mount and scan.
Run the file named “ROOT.bat” located in the ‘ROOT’ folder.
Follow the instructions on in the CMD window.
Flashing AT&T Stock ROM
Once the phone reboots, type “cmd” in the ‘Run…’ dialog and press enter.
Type “adb shell” and press enter.
Type “su” and press enter.
Run the following commands one by one in order:
dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p8
dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13
dd if=/sdcard/firmware.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
dd if=/sdcard/baseband.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p14
dd if=/sdcard/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p27
After the last command finishes (It will take a while.), pull the battery out of your phone and unplug the USB.
Replace the battery.
Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time until the screen says “Factory Reset”.
Press the Power button twice and wait for the phone to reboot into the stock AT&T ROM.
Installing ClockWorkMod Recovery
If you haven’t already, follow the steps to root once more.
Install ROM Manager from the Play Store.
Open ROM Manager and tap ‘Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery’.
Tap the first option that says “LG P930”.
Let ROM Manager do its thing.
If you plan on flashing HO!NO!s ICS CWM ROM, now would be a good time to do that. After, you can customize it and move on with this guide.
Create First Recovery for Easy Unbricking
Turn off the phone.
Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time until the screen says “Factory Reset”.
Press the Power button twice and wait for the phone to reboot into ClockWorkMod.
Tap ‘Backup and Restore’.
Tap ‘Backup’.
When the blue menu appears again, tap ‘Reboot System Now’.
Restoring Your Backup after Bricking
Pull the battery out.
Replace the battery.
Hold the Power and Volume Down buttons at the same time until the screen says “Factory Reset”.
Press the Power button twice and wait for the phone to reboot into ClockWorkMod.
Tap ‘Wipe data/factory reset’.
Tap ‘Wipe cache partition’. (For good measure.)
Tap ‘Backup and Restore’.
Tap ‘Restore’.
Choose your backup.
When the blue menu appears again, tap ‘Reboot System Now’.
Make sure to allow the phone to boot into the stock ROM at least once before flashing any other ROMs.
Don't forget to wipe the cache and data partitions each time you unbrick.
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Hi tried the steps above but after i click the ‘Upgrade Start’.button its reads my phone and says The Cell phone is the latest version already. So you don't need to update.
right ow i am on ICS Leak no root.
Please advise..
mith13 said:
Hi tried the steps above but after i click the ‘Upgrade Start’.button its reads my phone and says The Cell phone is the latest version already. So you don't need to update.
right ow i am on ICS Leak no root.
Please advise..
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this is *usually* the culprit
Edit the ‘hosts’ file in “C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc” and add the following line: “ csmg.lgmobile.com”
Also ipconfig /flushdns
scott0 said:
this is *usually* the culprit
Edit the ‘hosts’ file in “C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc” and add the following line: “ csmg.lgmobile.com”
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Thank you for responding scott0. I have been busy today and not able to read the latest posts.
Also, I had a lot of troubles with that part too. So I added step 23 to refresh the DNS.
scott0 said:
this is *usually* the culprit
Edit the ‘hosts’ file in “C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc” and add the following line: “ csmg.lgmobile.com”
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Hi scott0,
This time i copy pasted the log above and got this error-server maintenance, is it usual should i try after sometime or so..
and this is the change made to host fine is it OK.
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost csmg.lgmobile.com
mith13 said:
Hi scott0,
This time i copy pasted the log above and got this error-server maintenance, is it usual should i try after sometime or so..
and this is the change made to host fine is it OK.
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost csmg.lgmobile.com
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guyss need some help please..
That *should* work. but, I've never had luck with just having a single space. It has only worked for me when i use a tab.
Also, do you still have the B2CAppSetup.exe application running?
Can we UN-sticky the "Official" guide and make this one the official? That OP did some great work, but won't update the steps to help people avoid common problems (ie. rename the kdz file). If people started using this one instead, it would be more beneficial to the community.
I tried to download this. but it told me 12 hours to download. wtf?
houstonsveryown said:
I tried to download this. but it told me 12 hours to download. wtf?
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It's probably a big file because it contains 2 complete ROMS, plus other files.
---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ----------
houstonsveryown said:
I tried to download this. but it told me 12 hours to download. wtf?
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I just clicked on it. It's 804MB and I have 20 minutes left. Check your connection
Im not sure whats going on. My connection is great.15up 6 down. Im not sure if it chrome or what.
Thx, will try this when i get home on my soft-bricked nitro!
Skickat från min GT-N7000 via Tapatalk 2

[TUTORIAL]How to setup SP_Flash_Tool_Linux (MTK/MediaTek Soc)

This works only on Linux 64-bit
DISCLAIMER: It is always risky to flash your mobile device. I do not and will not take any responsibility for bootloops and bricks.
Please check carefully that the ROM or recovery.img you want to flash is suitable for your specific device and for the sp_flash_tool. The firmware directory should neither contain meta-inf nor system folder, but something_with_a_scatter.txt and a system.img
Backup your phone before flashing!
Your phone's battery should be at least half charged (50 percent) before you start this.
I successfully ran these steps on my UMI Hammer with Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04. I do not have other devices or Linux derivates and do not plan to buy/install any.
CREDITS and a zillion thanks to Sergio Rivero for his excellent tutorial on mibqyyo.com!!!!
Also many thanks to N2K1 for giving me some more background information!
So here we go:
Step 1:
If you haven't done so before, install the Linux generic usb-drivers package:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libusb-dev
Download SP Flash Tool Linux (latest version): http://mtk2000.ucoz.ru/load/soft/soft_mtk/sp_flash_tool/5-1-0-14 (Password to extract currently is mtk2000v3)
or here https://androidmtk.com/smart-phone-flash-tool
In case you haven't done before, install unrar:
sudo apt install unrar
Extract the downloaded file -> graphic file manager (e.g. Nautilus): double-click and extract. Terminal:
unrar x path_to_file
(from now on: please adapt paths to your own settings)
Move the new folder „sp_flash_tool“ to a directory of your choice.
mv /home/username/Downloads/sp_flash_tool /home/username/...
You might also need to install libqtwebkit4 (it just happened to me on Linux Ubuntu 16.04):
sudo apt install libqtwebkit4
[Only For Ubuntu 16.10 and newer]
dpkg -x libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb /tmp/libpng2
cp /tmp/libpng2/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0.54.0 lib
cd lib
ln -s libpng12.so.0.54.0 libpng12.so.0
These libraries are still required for the flash tool but have been removed from new Ubuntu versions.
Thanks @hanalinqu, @z3r0c00l_2k https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=73484473&postcount=216 and @opticyclic https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=81543495&postcount=285 for this information!
Step 2:
Change into the newly created directory:
cd /sp_flash_tool
We make one file executable by typing:
chmod +x flash_tool
In order to avoid running the flash_tool as root user, you need to add a standard user to the usergroup "dialout" (thanks to @egalus for this bit!)
sudo adduser username dialout
For Arch Linux:
gpasswd -a username uucp
and activate the membership immediately
newgrp - dialout
(Arch Linux):
newgrp - uucp
Step 3:
Now you can open the tool:
or double-click on the flash_tool icon.
You can try at this stage if the flash tool connects to your phone:
In the user interface, choose tab „Download“. Hit "scatter-loading", navigate to a directory with a valid firmware for your device and choose the scatter-file.
For testing purposes uncheck "name" and check one of the smaller files in the list below (for example "logo")
Switch off your device. Hit the "Download" button in SP_Flash_Tool and connect your phone to the computer. Some devices require you to take off the battery for about 10 seconds, with others you need to press Vol+ or Vol- while plugging the cable into the phone. Please look up device-specific threads and try out different options.
If nothing happens at all, open a second terminal, run
dmesg | grep usb
and look out for a MediaTek entry. If there is none → did you install libusb-dev (Step 1?)
If the answer is yes, you might need to create a persistent udev rule for the MTK Preloader:
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-usb.rules
Add the following line to the file:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="0e8d", ATTR{idProduct}=="*"
Save the file and exit.
Reload the usb-rules:
sudo service udev restart
Disconnect the usb data cable from the computer and the smartphone. Close the flash tool. Switch on your phone (fastboot mode will do). Repeat the first paragraph of Step 3.
If the tool connects, within a few seconds a red progress bar will appear. Unfortunately, in my case an error message came along with it:
There is a connection, but also one more obstacle to overcome...
Step 4:
Now we come to the interesting part, which cost me 2 weeks of (futile) research and frustration. Finally I found Sergio Riveros tutorial on mibqyyo. Thanks to him again and again and again for this priceless piece of information
The “modemmanager” package integrated by default within Linux Ubuntu 14.04 and later is not compatible with the MTK Flash Tool for Linux
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To put it in different words: The modem manager controls port /dev/ttyACM0 and disables the Flash Tool. So we blacklist it for the two MTK vendor IDs the flash tool uses:
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/20-mm-blacklist-mtk.rules
You insert these two lines:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0e8d", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="6000", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
Save the file, exit and restart udev:
sudo service udev restart
Switch your phone on (fastboot mode will suffice) and off again.
Step 5:
or double-click on the flash_tool icon.
Now everything should run smoothly. In case you encounter
change the download agent to MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin (screenshot #4)
There are plenty of tutorials on the web for the further steps.
Happy flashing! When a green circle with a white checkmark appears, you are done. You can close the flash tool and disconnect your phone. For a clean start with a new ROM boot into recovery and wipe data/factory reset.
Kudos for the udev rules, I finally managed to root my phone and disable some vendor crap thanks to you!
Thanks, I'm glad to read that it worked for you as well
Great post!
Just wanted to say you saved me HOURS OR DAYS OR WEEKS of time on the modemmanager thing. I have Arch Linux, successfully ported over this tutorial, but I had no idea the modemmanager package was causing the issue. SP Flash Tool was the last frontier for using my Android devices on Linux. Thanks so much!
You are very welcome! Since it took me two weeks to find the cause for "S_BROM_Error [2035]" I wanted to spare other "victims" the experience
This is a very nice, HQ post. Keep up the good work.
But I would like to suggest two corrections:
1) The mv command is unnecessary. you don't have to copy the folder to the root directory to run it as root.
2) Please also add a final step to delete the udev rules so as to re-enable the modem manager after rooting.
Though most of the people who would be reading your thread would be knowledgeable linux users, they won't need these suggestions, but anyways, it would make your guide complete.
Thanks for your feedback @daltonfury42
1) Of course you don't need to move to move the folder to / .As I wrote, you can also use your /home/user directory. But you shouldn't keep it in "/Downloads" or "/tmp", since you might have deleted the folder by the next time you want to use the flash-tool.
Step 2), as you suggest it, is redundant on a private computer, because you blacklist the modemmanager for the flash-tool only, and for nothing else. SP_Flash_Tool uses different Vendor and Product IDs than MTP/USB/ADB/Fastboot mode, and these IDs are not related to your specific device. So the modem manager is up and running - even while you flash - on every other active (network-relevant) usb-port of your computer And it will be up and running on the usb-port you use for the flash-tool when you disconnect the phone and then plug in something else - or the same phone in a different mode... But due to the permanent
entry the modem manager will be automatically blocked if you connect your phone to the SP_Flash_Tool a second time - no matter which port: no further preparations necessary
If you want to check it out, take a look the output of
dmesg | grep usb
connecting your phone "normally" and compare it with the same command -> output connecting your phone to the SP_Flash_Tool - and/or to the contents of the file "usb_setting.xml" in the SP_Flash_Tool directory My udev rule simply tells the modem manager to ignore two vendor IDs named in that file.
edit: if you "flash" your linux computer more often than your Android device, you should remember to backup the folder and the udev rules
Miss Montage said:
Thanks for your feedback @daltonfury42
1) Of course you don't need to move to move the folder to / .As I wrote, you can also use your /home/user directory. But you shouldn't keep it in "/Downloads" or "/tmp", since you might have deleted the folder by the next time you want to use the flash-tool.
Step 2), as you suggest it, is redundant on a private computer, because you blacklist the modemmanager for the flash-tool only, and for nothing else. SP_Flash_Tool uses different Vendor and Product IDs than MTP/USB/ADB/Fastboot mode, and these IDs are not related to your specific device. So the modem manager is up and running - even while you flash - on every other active (network-relevant) usb-port of your computer And it will be up and running on the usb-port you use for the flash-tool when you disconnect the phone and then plug in something else - or the same phone in a different mode... But due to the permanent
entry the modem manager will be automatically blocked if you connect your phone to the SP_Flash_Tool a second time - no matter which port: no further preparations necessary
If you want to check it out, take a look the output of
dmesg | grep usb
connecting your phone "normally" and compare it with the same command -> output connecting your phone to the SP_Flash_Tool - and/or to the contents of the file "usb_setting.xml" in the SP_Flash_Tool directory My udev rule simply tells the modem manager to ignore two vendor IDs named in that file.
edit: if you "flash" your linux computer more often than your Android device, you should remember to backup the folder and the udev rules
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@Miss Montage, very informative. Thankyou.
You're welcome - but please do not post full quotes
Hi. Thanks for the tutorial :good:
I'm getting "PMT changed" error with the right scatter when tried to flash bootimg/recovery only.
Where did you get the scatter file? Generally this error code means that the partition table is different to the one on your device. This should only be the case - occasionally - if you flash a complete firmware.
(Or replace Android through Ubuntu / vc. vs.)
Miss Montage said:
Where did you get the scatter file? Generally this error code means that the partition table is different to the one on your device. This should only be the case - here and then - if you flash a complete firmware.
(Or replace Android through Ubuntu / vc. vs.)
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I know this error, so I am surprised
scatter is from my stock rom. Same i used to flash.
Hmm, dunno why that is. Can you compare the scatter.txt to the /proc/emmc file on your phone?
And at what stage do you get the error? Immediately after connecting or later?
Miss Montage said:
Hmm, dunno why that is. Can you compare the scatter.txt to the /proc/emmc file on your phone?
And at what stage do you get the error? Immediately after connecting or later?
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Right now I remembered in windows long ago got the same problem.
This happens if I try to use flash sp tool new versions
In windows:
Working: v5.1352.01
Not Working: v5.1512.00.000
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The sp_flash_tool_linux 5.1520..... worked perfect for me though... Have you tried an earlier version?
Miss Montage said:
The sp_flash_tool_linux 5.1520..... worked perfect for me though... Have you tried an earlier version?
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SP_Flash_Tool_Linux_v5.1452.00.100 tested, same problem.
SP_Flash_Tool_Linux_v5.1436.00.100 also tested and same.
No older versions found
The version v5.1504.00.100 works on my 64-bit-system, too... But the error seems to be caused by something else. Have you checked the SP logfile?
Have you also tried the newest version? I just involuntarily re-flashed my UMI Hammer with it... Wanted to choose the twrp only, but too much multi-tasking leads to no good
Miss Montage said:
The 32bit-version v5.1504.00.100 works on my 64-bit-system, too... But the error seems to be caused by something else. Have you checked the SP logfile?
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Tested and same.
Here logs
Hmm, I will compare these lines to a successful log:
08/13/15 23:57:01.942 BROM_DLL[6767][6774]: FlashTool_ReadPartitionInfo(0x7f7b840038a0,0x7f7b84013310,0x7f7b00000013): mutex: LOCK ... (mutex.cpp:151)
08/13/15 23:57:01.942 BROM_DLL[6767][6774]: FlashTool_ReadPartitionInfo(0x7f7b840038a0,0x7f7b84013310,0x7f7b00000013): mutex: UNLOCK. (mutex.cpp:166)
08/13/15 23:57:01.943 BROM_DLL[6767][6774]: FlashTool_Disconnect(0x840038A0): mutex: LOCK ... (mutex.cpp:151)
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Working method to root the LG G4S (Model H735 / "LG G4 Beat")

Root your LG G4S (Model H735)
Tested on Andriod 5.1.1.
Thanks goes to @konsolen for sharing the method to open up the port (see appendix in this post) and to @dominik-p for his guide to determine dd parameters (you won't need this to root with the method described, but you can back up your phone if you're worried). And most importantly, thanks to the author of SuperSU for his excellent script updater-binary which worked pretty much out of the box, with only a few workarounds needed (which is what the instructions below do).
First, a few general notes:
The supersu.zip included in this package is version 2.46.
SuperSU can be downloaded here: http://download.chainfire.eu/supersu
If you want to use a new version, just put the zip file in this directory and rename it to "supersu.zip" (delete the old one in this package first of course).
The busybox binary in this package was used successfully to unzip in the LG G4s H735 (Android 5.1.1).
Some time it should maybe be ensured that this is the newest version. Same holds for Send_Command.exe and adb.exe (and attached libraries).
This script uses the "update-binary" script of the SuperSU package to install it on your phone.
The scripts I attached prepare for it to be called (hopefully) successfully.
Instructions to root
You MAY want to create a backup of your system beforehand, in case things go wrong.
This is optional, so if you don't want to do this, you may still rely on the .kdz file (see Appendix below) to restore your phone if things go wrong.
You need to calculate the dd parameters and then backup your system partition into a .img file.
There is an excellent guide by @dominik-p for how to determine your individual dd parameters:
Keep a copy of your system.img somewhere safe, you can use it to restore
your system if something goes wrong.
Enabling developer options and getting the tools
First, enable developer / debugging mode on your phone:
Navigate to Settings > About Phone > scroll to the bottom > tap Build number seven (7) times.
You'll get a short pop-up in the lower area of your display saying that you're now a developer.
Then, go back and now access the Developer options menu, check 'USB debugging' and click OK on the prompt.
Note: You have to enable USB debugging before plugging your device in to the computer. Unplug device then try to enable USB debugging.
On your computer, install Install and Use ADB (the Android Debug Bridge Utility). Also, download LG Flash Tool.
You can find out how to do both by searching google for it.
Step 1.
Connect your phone via USB (not in download mode yet, just normal).
Then, run Init_Root.bat in order to copy the essential files over to internal storage.
You may do this either by 1) double clicking the file, or 2) executing it from the windows command line.
For Option 2): Open a command line in the folder where you extracted this package. To do this, hold shift while right clicking in the folder opened in the Windows Explorer and select "Open command window here". Then, type
Step 2.
Reboot your phone in download mode and ensure it has opened the port to send commands in download mode.
The port is open if it's displayed on the phone's screen in green letters, like
(with a number instead of X).
On my LG H735 it was necessary to use "LG Flash Tool 2014" http://lgflashtool.com/ to open the port. So if you don't have the green letters, see instruction pasted below (appendix) on how to open the port.
Step 3.
Open a command line in the folder where you extracted this package. To do this, hold shift while
right clicking in the folder opened in the Windows Explorer and select "Open command window here".
Open a command shell to your phone by typing (replace X with the number displayed on your phone) by typing:
Send_Command \\.\COMX
You should be set to root if the following works:
Typing "ls" returns a long list of file and folder names.
Typing "id" should give you someting like that:
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) context=u:r:recovery:s0
The important bits are the "(root)" uid and gid.
If any of the above is not the case, it will not work, you may search for help in the forum.
Step 4.
Execute the commands below (without the numbering of course).
1. mv /data/local/tmp/busybox /sbin/busybox
2. chmod 755 /sbin/busybox
3. mkdir /tmp
4. mkdir /tmp/supersu
5. /sbin/busybox unzip /data/local/tmp/supersu.zip -d /tmp/supersu
6. mv /data/local/tmp/supersu.zip /tmp/supersu/
7. sh /tmp/supersu/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary dummy 1 /tmp/supersu/supersu.zip
(Note: Not all commands above may be needed, but this is the conservative approach)
Do sanity checks to see if it's doing its job as expected.
After command 2, type the command ls -l /sbin/busybox to check for sanity.
It must return a line like this (with your own date and time):
-rwxr-xr-x shell shell 1048328 <date> <time> busybox
Command 5 must print several lines containing "inflating" messages, similar to this:
Command 7 prints lines like this, and other status messages afterwards:
SuperSU installer
Step 5.
Your phone should now be rooted if it all worked ok.
You may now type
to reboot your phone.
Happy rooting!
If it doesn't work, for example you phone may be stuck on the boot process displaying the LG logo, then you can use Flash Tool to restore your phone. Use instructions below (how to boot the phone into download mode), but don't pull the USB cable, and just let it run its course. This should restore your phone.
If for some reason this hasn't worked, you may try to "dd" back your system .img which you may have created in the preparation step.
How to boot the phone into download mode and open the port
a) Boot the LG G4s in download mode. To do this, first switch it off completely and disconnect USB cable. Then, hold the Volume Up button, and while you keep holding it, plug in the USB cable.
b) Start the LG Flash tool and load the .kdz for your phone. We won't actually complete the flashing, you only need it to start the process, but you should use the kdz for your phone nonetheless.
You can check for your kdz on this link, pasting your IMEI instead of YOUR-IMEI in the link below.
I did not find any for mine there, but I did find it on
Which brought me to this link where I could find mine:
c) Now this is very important: Watch your phone while the .kdz is being flashed by the flash tool.
(the flash tool may complain about error connecting to the update server, but you can ignore this with "ok").
As soon as the green letters show up, UNPLUG THE USB CABLE!
The percentage on your phone has to be 0% still (never mind about percentage in the flash tool, it may not even display it).
Then, kill the Flash Tool with the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+alt+delete).
When it's closed, you can plug your phone back in.
It's now in download mode with open port.
You may also be interested in optimizing your storage & memory after you have rooted:
LG-H731 Vigor from Videotron/Virgin Mobile
jen.magnolis said:
Root your LG G4S (Model H735)
Tested on Andriod 5.1.1.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also work on phone listed in title:
LG-H731 (LG G4) Vigor from Videotron/Virgin Mobile
Happy rooting
If you need help, don't hesitate to contact me: [email protected] or here =
jen.magnolis said:
Root your LG G4S (Model H735)
Tested on Andriod 5.1.1.
Thanks goes to @konsolen for sharing the method to open up the port (see appendix in this post) and to @dominik-p for his guide to determine dd parameters (you won't need this to root with the method described, but you can back up your phone if you're worried). And most importantly, thanks to the author of SuperSU for his excellent script updater-binary which worked pretty much out of the box, with only a few workarounds needed (which is what the instructions below do).
First, a few general notes:
The supersu.zip included in this package is version 2.46.
SuperSU can be downloaded here: http://download.chainfire.eu/supersu
If you want to use a new version, just put the zip file in this directory and rename it to "supersu.zip" (delete the old one in this package first of course).
The busybox binary in this package was used successfully to unzip in the LG G4s H735 (Android 5.1.1).
Some time it should maybe be ensured that this is the newest version. Same holds for Send_Command.exe and adb.exe (and attached libraries).
This script uses the "update-binary" script of the SuperSU package to install it on your phone.
The scripts I attached prepare for it to be called (hopefully) successfully.
Instructions to root
You MAY want to create a backup of your system beforehand, in case things go wrong.
This is optional, so if you don't want to do this, you may still rely on the .kdz file (see Appendix below) to restore your phone if things go wrong.
You need to calculate the dd parameters and then backup your system partition into a .img file.
There is an excellent guide by @dominik-p for how to determine your individual dd parameters:
Keep a copy of your system.img somewhere safe, you can use it to restore
your system if something goes wrong.
Step 1.
Connect your phone via USB (not in download mode yet, just normal).
Then, run Init_Root.bat in order to copy the essential files over to internal storage.
You may do this either by 1) double clicking the file, or 2) executing it from the windows command line.
For Option 2): Open a command line in the folder where you extracted this package. To do this, hold shift while right clicking in the folder opened in the Windows Explorer and select "Open command window here". Then, type
Step 2.
Reboot your phone in download mode and ensure it has opened the port to send commands in download mode.
The port is open if it's displayed on the phone's screen in green letters, like
(with a number instead of X).
On my LG H735 it was necessary to use "LG Flash Tool 2014" http://lgflashtool.com/ to open the port. So if you don't have the green letters, see instruction pasted below (appendix) on how to open the port.
Step 3.
Open a command line in the folder where you extracted this package. To do this, hold shift while
right clicking in the folder opened in the Windows Explorer and select "Open command window here".
Open a command shell to your phone by typing (replace X with the number displayed on your phone) by typing:
Send_Command \\.\COMX
You should be set to root if the following works:
Typing "ls" returns a long list of file and folder names.
Typing "id" should give you someting like that:
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) context=u:r:recovery:s0
The important bits are the "(root)" uid and gid.
If any of the above is not the case, it will not work, you may search for help in the forum.
Step 4.
Now you have two options:
#Step 4, Option 1 (recommended to try)
Just run the script and you should be done.
sh root_lgh735.sh
The script contains all commands I (and other people) used to successfully root the phone.
However we have all used option (2) below, so the script itself has not been tested yet,
though it's very simple (feel free to open it with a text editor to look at it).
You can try to run it, and if it's not doing what's expected you can still go to Option 2
and fix things up.
It will have worked if:
It prints several lines containing "inflating" messages, similar to this:
It prints 3 lines like this, and other status messages afterwards:
SuperSU installer
If it has done that, reboot your phone and you should be set.
If not, do the commands manually as in Option 2.
Please: If the script worked for you, report it in this thread, so I can simplify these instructions here! Thanks for your help :cyclops:
#Step 4, Option 2:
Execute the commands directly (proven to work on several phones).
Type the commands below (without the numbering of course).
1. mv /data/local/tmp/busybox /sbin/busybox
2. chmod 755 /sbin/busybox
3. mkdir /tmp
4. mkdir /tmp/supersu
5. /sbin/busybox unzip /data/local/tmp/supersu.zip -d /tmp/supersu
6. mv /data/local/tmp/supersu.zip /tmp/supersu/
7. sh /tmp/supersu/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary dummy 1 /tmp/supersu/supersu.zip
(Note: Not all commands above may be needed, but this is the conservative approach)
Do sanity checks to see if it's doing its job as expected.
After command 2, type the command ls -l /sbin/busybox to check for sanity.
It must return a line like this (with your own date and time):
-rwxr-xr-x shell shell 1048328 <date> <time> busybox
Command 5 must print several lines containing "inflating" messages, similar to this:
Command 7 prints lines like this, and other status messages afterwards:
SuperSU installer
Step 5.
Your phone should now be rooted if it all worked ok.
You may now type
to reboot your phone.
Happy rooting!
If it doesn't work, for example you phone may be stuck on the boot process displaying the LG logo, then you can use Flash Tool to restore your phone. Use instructions below (how to boot the phone into download mode), but don't pull the USB cable, and just let it run its course. This should restore your phone.
If for some reason this hasn't worked, you may try to "dd" back your system .img which you may have created in the preparation step.
How to boot the phone into download mode and open the port
a) Boot the LG G4s in download mode. To do this, first switch it off completely and disconnect USB cable. Then, hold the Volume Up button, and while you keep holding it, plug in the USB cable.
b) Start the LG Flash tool and load the .kdz for your phone. We won't actually complete the flashing, you only need it to start the process, but you should use the kdz for your phone nonetheless.
You can check for your kdz on this link, pasting your IMEI instead of YOUR-IMEI in the link below.
I did not find any for mine there, but I did find it on
Which brought me to this link where I could find mine:
c) Now this is very important: Watch your phone while the .kdz is being flashed by the flash tool.
(the flash tool may complain about error connecting to the update server, but you can ignore this with "ok").
As soon as the green letters show up, UNPLUG THE USB CABLE!
The percentage on your phone has to be 0% still (never mind about percentage in the flash tool, it may not even display it).
Then, kill the Flash Tool with the Windows Task Manager (Ctrl+alt+delete).
When it's closed, you can plug your phone back in.
It's now in download mode with open port.
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Have twpr or cwm recovery to install xposed??
I can confirm is working on LG G4 LG-H735P (Latin America version), thanks!
anyone tried updating? just got a system update notification from my phone lol dk if i should update now or not
Good question! I didn't try it yet. Think it should be ok, but if it isn't, you can just root again I guess
jen.magnolis said:
Good question! I didn't try it yet. Think it should be ok, but if it isn't, you can just root again I guess
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oh.. it wont like brick or anything? :/
dclarkg said:
I can confirm is working on LG G4 LG-H735P (Latin America version), thanks!
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I could not root my phone, what kdz file did you use??
Backup problems
Coming from a Nexus 4, I bought a G4S last month.
I want to do my first root in order to manage the storage, like jen.magnolis talked about.
In case of a problem (bootloop or brick), I need to be able to restore. I don't really mind about restoring my datas, a factory reset would be enough.
But I don't undestand how i can get the system.img without being rooted ? It seems that I can get a "backup.ab" file using adb. Will it be enough to restore in case of brick ?
I also looked about kdz files, but mine doesn't seem to be available. I have a LGH735 (buyer = FRA, suffix = AFRATS, ...). Will it work if I use the one you provided in your post ?
Thanks for your help !
dclarkg said:
I can confirm is working on LG G4 LG-H735P (Latin America version), thanks!
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I got the same model phone, but I can't find the .KDZ file for it anywhere. Could you post a link to the one you used please?
Excellent step-by-step guide. Should set an example for other "step-by-step guides" which exclude crucial information ("everybody knows lösfhgaeilurhg has to by typed between these steps here, I shall not mention it" )
Thanks a ton Worked on my LG G4S a.k.a H735 like a charm.
dreamnoob said:
anyone tried updating? just got a system update notification from my phone lol dk if i should update now or not
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jen.magnolis said:
Good question! I didn't try it yet. Think it should be ok, but if it isn't, you can just root again I guess
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"phone appears to be rooted, will not be updated" - Hiding root did not help, any simple suggestions but total unrooting?
Wanted to upgrade from 10c to 10d...
Hi everyone!
I just cant find my .kdz file! The phone i want to root its a G4 H735AR, im wondering if there are some compatible .kdz that i can use. Im affraid it might get bricked or something...
BTW i¨ve tried the rootworm.bat method and it didnt work. And when i try to open the COMX port, the lg flash tool always crushes and shuts down.
ascfzz said:
Hi everyone!
I just cant find my .kdz file! The phone i want to root its a G4 H735AR, im wondering if there are some compatible .kdz that i can use. Im affraid it might get bricked or something...
BTW i¨ve tried the rootworm.bat method and it didnt work. And when i try to open the COMX port, the lg flash tool always crushes and shuts down.
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So, i made it! It works in the H735AR!! The problem with the flash tool was that i was trying to use it without any KDZ file!! I've used @konsolen .kdz and achieved to open ports, and then continue with the rest of the tutorial without trouble.
Thank you so much! Its a great phone, but with so little internal memory is a waste.
chw9999 said:
"phone appears to be rooted, will not be updated" - Hiding root did not help, any simple suggestions but total unrooting?
Wanted to upgrade from 10c to 10d...
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ya u just update thru lg bridge.. once updated it will be unroot tho so u have to root it back same method as u did before.. and if you use link2sd it dosent matter after root ur link2sd can just reboot and re-read ur partition without needing to wipe and re-partition
It's working in H736P! Thank you só much!
Enviado de meu LG-H736 usando Tapatalk
For people in Brazil that has H736P, to open ports, is necessary the kdz file to use in LG Flash Tool.
Galera do Brasil, consegui rootear o LG G4 Beat usando esse tutorial porém tive que baixar o arquivo kdz pro H736P pra executar o LG Flash Tool. Cuidado ao usar o LG Flash Tool, assim que aparecer a porta COM na tela do telefone, arranca o cabo USB do computador.
Enviado de meu LG-H736 usando Tapatalk
friend you are from argentina?¿
maxiret said:
friend you are from argentina?¿
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Enviado de meu LG-H736 usando Tapatalk

