[Q]Adfree questions - BTC IP not working - G2 and Desire Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I installed adfree recently. At first I had it use in my hosts file. That causes ads to perpetually have a spinner because I'm not running a website on my phone, obviously.
Then I read that I should use the "BCT IP" option. That option makes entries in hosts that point all of the domains to, which runs a script so that all 404 errors produce either an empty GIF or an empty HTML file for all requests (depending on the file type of the request.) This sounds really handy so that something gets served and the ad banners stop showing a spinner.
However, if I use the BCT IP option, is doesn't work! I get the ads. I even tried opening the browser and entering http://zango.com/foo.png (zango being one of the domains from the hosts file) and I got served a 404 page from zango.com instead of the blank image from the server at the BCT that IP address.
I double checked my hosts file by doing
adb pull /system/etc/hosts hosts.txt
and I can see that the zango domain is indeed pointing to that IP.
If I enter the BCT IP in the browser and a random PNG file name I get redirected to the pixel.gif as expected. So all the pieces are there, it's just not using the BCT IP for the domains in the hosts file. However, using works great. (Well, except I get a perpetual spinner on ad banners.)
If it matters, I'm on CM 6.1 Stable testing this on an Edge/3G connection. I should also note that I reboot after each time I change the hosts file.
Any idea what's going on?

Belated reply I know, but just to say, that manually setting it to use IP works.

One benefit of leaving it set to though is that apps which require ads to be "shown" (like Angry Birds, for example) will still run when you're in airplane mode.
With it set to the other IP, it will fail in that case, since obviously there wouldn't be any network connection to contact.


Exchange Problems! 0x800072F17

I really didn't want to post this, honest. I have searched xda. I have searched the web. I have found other threads. I have followed the suggestions. But, it seems that my exgirlfriend may have been right, I'm an idiot.
I can't get my Hermes to connect to my office exchange server. The settings on my end are correct, the issue is on my office's end.
When I sync I get an error and support code 0x80072F17. I know that it's a certificate error.
IT is not going to help me on this one, so I'm on my own. I have tried to manually import the certificate. Didn't work. I tried making a regedit I found on another thread. Didn't work. I tried combinations of various settings. I only time I don't get an error code is when my device begins to endlessly prompt me for my password.
I'm sorry to post, but it's my last option. Does anyone have any work arounds for this error? Is there a way to have my device ignore the certificates? Is there anyone out there that can help??
There must be some way. My colleagues, both of them with HTC Trinity's, original WM5 roms came across this error when the certificate on our Outlook Web Access was about to expire. Me, however, with my HTC TyTN WM6 never got this issue. I'm not sure why. I know I've installed a couple of cert cabs, the one they call sdkcerts.cab and one more. Search for that cab and see if it helps. I always figured it made the device accept non signed software but maybe it helps for these kinds of issues as well.
You just must set correct date and time for you phone and try again.
I'll try and give you a hand...
First off, you need to know a few things to set this up.
(1) The FQDN of you company used to access the OWA (Outlook Web Access), for example, mail.mycompany.com/exchange
(2) The NetBIOS name of your local domain at your office (Right click the My Computer icon on your office pc and select Computer Name and note the Domain. If your IT dept did it the recomended way it'll have a .local extension, for instance, lawoffice.local. You'll use just the domain name without the extension, ie: lawoffice. (without the period, LOL)
(3) I absolutely never use my PC to configure my ActiveSync on my devices, just to initailly copy the certificate to the Storage Card.
Two ways to do the certificate. First is the method I always used until I discovered the second method, which is in my sig.
(BTW, substitute YOUR FQDN for mine, duhh! )
(1) Install the certificate on your PC by going to the FQDN of your OWA in Internet Explorer 7 on your PC, not your PDA (XP is much easier, Vista is quite difficult to do this)
For example, open IE7 and put mail.mycompany.com/exchange in the address bar. You should initially get a "There is a problem with this website's security certificate" error, click on "Continue to this Website" Now, next to the address bar at the top you'll see Certificate Error", click it, View, Install, Next, Next, Finish, Yes. Then you'll see "The import was sucessful" <damn, that took a while!)
Close IE 7 completely and reopen it, put "mail.mydomain.com/exchange" in the address bar and you'll go straight to the OWA page, meaning that your import WAS sucessful, yipee!
(2) Click on Start, Run and type "mmc" and OK. This opens the Microsoft Management Console and you'll see Console1 at the top. File, Add/Remove Snap-In, Add, Certificates, Finish, Close, OK. Now expand Certificates, Trusted Root Certification Authorities, Certificates. Find YOUR certificate in the list. Right click, All Task, Export, Next, DER encoded binary, Next, File name. I use c:\mail.mydomain.com so that I can find it easily. Now finish and you'll get the Export was sucessful message.
(3) Connect to your PDA via ActiveSync as a guest, kill your partnership if it exists, you don't need it), copy the cert to your Storage Card and execute it from there.
Now disconnect youR PDA AND open ActiveSync. Server address is the FQDN of you company without the /exchange, for example, mail.mycompany.com. Leave the check mark on the SSL. Next put your user name, password and the NetBIOS name of your domain. The configure you options for the number of days to sync, etc.
That's it!
Now... once you do that and it works, follow this thread, Auto-provisioning POP3 or Exchange mail via UC Mini how-to.
so you can create a cab to do this automatically!
I had this problem before.
For me, it was due to the fact that I installed CESTAR and it messed up my certs. Unintalling CESTAR won't fix it. You got to reload the rom.
From there, I used Leies' Chinese character support which is free and doesn't mess up the certs.
I have been at this issue for over 2 days now, dealing with the error 0x800072f17. About 5 min ago i fixed it. After narrowing the problem down to a certificate error i then proceeded to look at the certificates. There were two in the certificate store (personal) and both were self signed.
One was XXXX (server name) and the other was XXXX(company name) CA.
The server name one had expired. Seeing as how it is self signed, i had our it admin renew it. He forgot to re-assign it to the outlook web access, so i did it myself in the Internet Information Services console on the server.
This had solved only 1/2 of the problem.
The certificate was assigned to the exchange server, not the OWA web site. After discovering that i could not change the issued to name, or create a new certificate (not an admin) i decided to change the activesync settings to sync the INTERNAL OWA address, which is servername.internaldomain.externaldomain.com (this had not previously worked due to the expired certificate)
Now i have a fully functioning push email system.
Nearly all done without admin permissions.
Whilst im new to this site, feel free to pm me about it.
Solving this is the most satisfying thing i have done this year lol.
But does this allow you to get/check email from outside your location? Or do you have to establish a VPN first?

Are SSH RSA keys a system-wide thing?

Hello everyone. I'm not very experienced with Linux but have done some. I want to connect to my Tomato router using GScript and RSA keys. I generated keys with ConnectBot and I can connect to it from there fine, however when I try to connect from GScript using ssh -p port [email protected] 'command', I get an error about the host not being in the trusted hosts file. Is this because the RSA keys are not system-wide and GScript is not using what was created by ConnectBot, or is this a different unrelated problem? Any help would be great, thanks!
I really don't know where to start with this. I seriously recommend you read Wikipedia and experiment more with virtualized Linux computers (VMware Player or Oracle VirtualBox are good starts, running CentOS and Ubuntu).
RSA keys, as you're talking about at first, is the public key encryption scheme used to authenticate you to connect to your router, in this case. BUT. The keys you talk about in the second part? Those aren't keys. Your "trusted hosts file" is a list of unique fingerprints that an SSH server creates when it's first initialized, and are used to "sign" that it's the server you're connecting to.
For example, if every day you connect to the same server, and then suddenly one day, you get told that the fingerprints don't match, and you know that nothing has changed on the server end, it's a good chance that something got messed up, or that someone is attempting to perform some kind of a man-in-the-middle attack.
To get back to your question though, no, the Trusted Hosts file is not shared between ConnectBot and GScript. Odds are, ConnectBot isn't even sharing your SSH key (the RSA key) with GScript, and you haven't even gotten to that error yet. The SSH key can be system wide though (PROTIP: Just put it on the root of your SD card and load it into ConnectBot/GScript by manually adding the key file).
Thanks for your help. So basically I just want these two programs to share trusted hosts files and RSA keys. How does GScript initially come to trust a host, and how come ConnectBot didn't have this issue? I guess I could try to find the trusted hosts file ConnectBot is using, and can I move its key file to the root and then share it with GScript? Or do I need to make a new one (possibly in Cygwin on the desktop) and copy it over to the SD card.
I do plan to read more about this stuff, but that will happen in time. Right now I feel very close to accomplishing what I want (as you can probably tell by me posting this at 4:45 AM ).
Thanks again.
For the trusted hosts issue, you can't really share them, as there's no standardized format to the file (it's like trying to swap an MP3 and an AAC file; they both may be music, and they both may be of the same song, but they're quite different). There should be an option on the GScript error message to just add the host to the trusted list. If not, try running the same command from a terminal (ADB shell, or open ConnectBot and connect to local).
In regards to the key file, you'll just have to hunt down wherever ConnectBot placed it, and move it to the root of the SD card, then re-add it in ConnectBot (Press Menu and then Manage SSH keys to get to the key list. Menu again to select add/import).
Thanks. I'm having no luck finding ConnectBot's key file, so I just made a new one in Cygwin and will put it in my SD card. However I'm still not sure how to add/import that into GScript, or how to get GScript to trust that host (I don't see an option for it with the error message). These are questions I need to direct towards the GScript crowd, unfortunately its thread hasn't received much activity in awhile. Is there any other way you would go about saving a script to run from your home screen?

Will this work for VPN...?

Install openvpn and then place your edited client vpn config files and certificate files on the storage of FireTV similar to the raspberry pi method in the thread below:
h**p xbmchub.com/forums/threads/24769-How-to-set-up-your-VPN-on-raspberry-pi-using-Brain-Hornsby-Openvpn-for-XBMC
Thanks for anyone that may know more than me that could maybe get this to work...
Hmm would be nice if that worked. Did u get a chance to try it?
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
tdfsu said:
h**p xbmchub.com/forums/threads/24769-How-to-set-up-your-VPN-on-raspberry-pi-using-Brain-Hornsby-Openvpn-for-XBMC
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I'm working on something like this just now. Here's the thing: in my logs for the simplest openvpn app to install (not straight openvpn, it turns out, as there's a windowing issue there that makes it difficult / impossible to navigate through setup, even with a keyboard and Droidmote) once I have a config, I get errors in logcat informing me
"Your image does not support the VPNService API, sorry "
There is a manually installable openvpn binary that I've looked at a bit but not yet configured. It is going to require adding a binary to /system/xbin directly, as the installer (at least on my phone) does not understand where /system/xbin really lives and issues a remount command to a nonexistent partition.
If you're running dd-wrt or similar configurable firewall, another option is to get an account with a provider who is set up to let you do a firewall to firewall connection, and then route either all of your traffic or the traffic from your firetv through that firewall-to-firewall connection.
I have a Private Internet Access vpn account.
Installed openvpn on FireTV--
http play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.schaeuffelhut.android.openvpn.installer&hl=en
Installed busybox on FireTV--
http play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=stericson.busybox&hl=en
I created a pass.txt file with my PIA username on the first line and password on the second line, nothing else, then saved the file as a text file (pass.txt).
Download the following to PC--
http privateinternetaccess.com/openvpn/openvpn.zip
Extracted the zip file.
Edited the location specific .ovpn file (see below), changing the 'remote', 'ca', 'crl' and 'auth' lines to the following--
dev tun
proto udp
remote us-florida.privateinternetaccess.com 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca /storage/sdcard0/openvpn/ca.crt
remote-cert-tls server
auth-user-pass /storage/sdcard0/openvpn/pass.txt
verb 1
reneg-sec 0
crl-verify /storage/sdcard0/openvpn/crl.pem
Then, save the USFlorida.ovpn file.
Upload ca.crt, crl.pem, pass.txt, and .ovpn file to FireTV to /storage/sdcard0/openvpn/
Open terminal on FireTV. I use jackpal's terminal app below, but you can also use adb.
http play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jackpal.androidterm
In terminal, type the following--
openvpn cd /storage/sdcard0/openvpn/USFlorida.ovpn
But I get several errors. Anyway, that's where I'm at. Maybe someone else more knowledgeable than me can figure it out. Sorry about the links, my low post-count will not allow me to post url's.
Also, you can sideload the following app to verify your external ip address, and it works great with the FireTV remote--
http play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=igit.WhatIsMyIp
The approach you've taken is where I'd be headed next on the client side.
One thing you might want to try is to do the same setup a less locked-down device and confirm that the config files work as expected there.
There's also a good discussion of the hardware approach (setting up a tunnel from your edge to a VPN provider) in the other VPN thread, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2797005
also, private internet access will sell a preconfigured router for this purpose!

The problem about VPN(IKEv2) with Win10 Mobile

L2TP work as well.
IKEv2 not route , and can not get the vaild IP address.
Can anyone solve this problem?
0oVicero0 said:
L2TP work as well.
IKEv2 not route , and can not get the vaild IP address.
Can anyone solve this problem?
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are you on Redstone build ?
seems VPN broken on Redstone , not only IKEV2
It's working fine for me. IKEv2 IPsec, Strongswan server.
Requires editing the connections file on the phone, though. Windows 10 mobile (same for PC) will not use the default route provided by the VPN server and there is no toggle to send all the traffic through the VPN like there was on Windows Phone 8/8.1 in the VPN connection settings GUI.
So, 'IpPrioritizeRemote=1' has to be set manually for the connection in rasphone.pbk on the phone. This can be achieved and requires an NTFS formatted SD card with the modified rasphone.pbk and a symbolic link to 'C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections' (you can make this symbolic link on the PC).
First you have to create a VPN connection on the phone, then delete it. This will make 'C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections\Pbk\' user writable and you can put a modified rasphone.pbk file in that location by accessing it through the symbolic link on the SD card.
If you don't know how to make the rasphone.pbk file, first configure the connection as it should be on the phone, then copy rasphone.pbk from the phone, edit it on PC and add 'IpPrioritizeRemote=1'. Delete the VPN connection from the phone, and put the modified rasphone file in its place.
Reboot might be required after copying the file manually.
^ This is for phones that can't be interop unlocked like my Lumia 950XL. It's much easier for other phones which can be unlocked and full FS access is achievable.
Pretty stupid omission on Microsoft's part. I've been shouting about it on windows feedback since Windows 10 Mobile was released to insiders, but no one listens.
VPN is broken in Windows 10. Period! Microsoft it's not going to fix it.
w.bogdan said:
VPN is broken in Windows 10. Period! Microsoft it's not going to fix it.
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No period. It's broken, but it can be made to work. Who put you in charge of dropping the period?
DLS123 said:
No period. It's broken, but it can be made to work. Who put you in charge of dropping the period?
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Search for "Windows 10 DNS resolution" or other VPN related issues in Windows 10. It's not a bug, it's a feature ... for NSA, the government of China and so on.
w.bogdan said:
Search for "Windows 10 DNS resolution" or other VPN related issues in Windows 10. It's not a bug, it's a feature ... for NSA, the government of China and so on.
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I know about it and took measures against it. They call it Smart multi-homed name resolution. It can be disabled on Desktop and also the order of DNS servers used can be set for each VPN connection. This isn't really caused by the broken built-in VPN client, but the way Windows 10 itself works out of the box.
DLS123 said:
I know about it and took measures against it. They call it Smart multi-homed name resolution. It can be disabled on Desktop and also the order of DNS servers used can be set for each VPN connection. This isn't really caused by the broken built-in VPN client, but the way Windows 10 itself works out of the box.
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It's not just desktop. On W10M, DNS leaks, VPN connected icon is barely visible and you don't get notified if the VPN connection drops. Is hard to believe Satya Nadella is so dumb not to notice.
w.bogdan said:
It's not just desktop. On W10M, DNS leaks, VPN connected icon is barely visible and you don't get notified if the VPN connection drops. Is hard to believe Satya Nadella is so dumb not to notice.
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I know there are DNS leaks on W10Mobile and multi-homing can't be disabled, but I don't have a problem with that. The purpose of VPN for me is to gain access to other private networks and encrypt the communication with them. DNS leaks aren't that critical. It's not like I don't want my employer to know what websites I access while connecting to VPNs from their network. I couldn't care less to be honest that they're logging my DNS querries. And I also don't live in China.
Even if they have my DNS records they still won't ever be able to break the encrypted IPsec tunnels and get any glimpse of what's passing through them.
Wasn't able to download rasphone.pbk from the phone but could upload one.
I used my Windows 10 PC and created the connections there. Then I disabled IpPrioritizeRemote and used the powershell cmdlet Add-VpnConnectionRoute to add a route to the pbk file pointing to my local subnet.
I am now able to connect to the internet and access corporate resources at the same time.
I however couldn't connect from one particular app which worked in 8.1. There may be issues with non universal apps.
DLS123 said:
It's working fine for me. IKEv2 IPsec, Strongswan server.
Requires editing the connections file on the phone, though. Windows 10 mobile (same for PC) will not use the default route provided by the VPN server and there is no toggle to send all the traffic through the VPN like there was on Windows Phone 8/8.1 in the VPN connection settings GUI.
So, 'IpPrioritizeRemote=1' has to be set manually for the connection in rasphone.pbk on the phone. This can be achieved and requires an NTFS formatted SD card with the modified rasphone.pbk and a symbolic link to 'C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections' (you can make this symbolic link on the PC).
First you have to create a VPN connection on the phone, then delete it. This will make 'C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections\Pbk\' user writable and you can put a modified rasphone.pbk file in that location by accessing it through the symbolic link on the SD card.
If you don't know how to make the rasphone.pbk file, first configure the connection as it should be on the phone, then copy rasphone.pbk from the phone, edit it on PC and add 'IpPrioritizeRemote=1'. Delete the VPN connection from the phone, and put the modified rasphone file in its place.
Reboot might be required after copying the file manually.
^ This is for phones that can't be interop unlocked like my Lumia 950XL. It's much easier for other phones which can be unlocked and full FS access is achievable.
Pretty stupid omission on Microsoft's part. I've been shouting about it on windows feedback since Windows 10 Mobile was released to insiders, but no one listens.
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Thanks!!! It's working fine!
I think Microsoft do not want to fix it.
0oVicero0 said:
I think Microsoft do not want to fix it.
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Yeah, looks like that's the case. There is very little feedback in insider hub about VPN problems. Very few care about these issues so probably MS has no incentive to fix and prefer to rely on MDM for VPN configuration on these devices. Now if only that were an option for mere mortals...
How to import self-signed key or export builtin cert for a strongswan server?
DLS123 said:
It's working fine for me. IKEv2 IPsec, Strongswan server.
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How did you get the VPN connection set up properly (aside from the IpPrioritizeRemote setting)?
I've set up a strongswan server and generated my own self-signed keys using ipsec pki, but when I import the key to my Lumia 1520 (by tapping it using the Files app and tapping import at the prompt), the VPN connection will not send that cert. Instead it sends a certificate issued by CN=Microsoft Genuine Windows Phone CA15" with an OU that looks like a GUID.
So I tried punting and just exporting that certificate to place on my strongswan server ... but I can't figure out how to get the certificate off the phone either. So how do I do either one?
rlively said:
How did you get the VPN connection set up properly (aside from the IpPrioritizeRemote setting)?
I've set up a strongswan server and generated my own self-signed keys using ipsec pki, but when I import the key to my Lumia 1520 (by tapping it using the Files app and tapping import at the prompt), the VPN connection will not send that cert. Instead it sends a certificate issued by CN=Microsoft Genuine Windows Phone CA15" with an OU that looks like a GUID.
So I tried punting and just exporting that certificate to place on my strongswan server ... but I can't figure out how to get the certificate off the phone either. So how do I do either one?
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I don't know what self generated certificate your phone sends, but you shouldn't use that.
You should generate a client certificate on the strongswan server then you should include both the root CA and the client certificate and pack them together in a PKCS 12 file (.p12) which you open on the phone and import. The phone will choose the proper certificate stores to import to. Did you do that?
Just follow this tutorial., with the only mention that you should add "--flag clientAuth" to the command line for generating the client certificate.
DLS123 said:
I don't know what self generated certificate your phone sends, but you shouldn't use that.
You should generate a client certificate on the strongswan server then you should include both the root CA and the client certificate and pack them together in a PKCS 12 file (.p12) which you open on the phone and import. The phone will choose the proper certificate stores to import to. Did you do that?
Just follow this tutorial., with the only mention that you should add "--flag clientAuth" to the command line for generating the client certificate.
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Thanks, that is a good tutorial - I definitely did not use the clientAuth flag (the ipsec tutorial for openWRT didn't include it: openwrt doc/howto/vpn.ipsec.roadwarrior), so I tried generating new certs with clientAuth. Unfortunately I got the same results. My Win10 phone sent the same "Microsoft Genuine Windows Phone CA15" cert.
Did you import the PKCS 12 file just by tapping it in the Microsoft "Files" app on the phone or did you use another method? I'm verifying the certs with the Microsoft "Certificates" app, which does show that the original cert I generated has no "Enhanced usages" but the second has "Client Authentication." Still the builtin VPN client won't pick it to send to my strongSwan server.
I did away completely with my configuration and started over with the win7 configuration here: strongswan wiki: Win7CertReq but none of it will help if I can't get my phone to actually send the correct certificate ... this configuration did something a little different though:
My phone sent the correct certificate in the "received TLS peer certificate" line followed by these error messages:
no trusted certificate found for 'my-CN-here' to verify TLS peer
sending fatal TLS alert 'certificate unknown'
Despite the fact that I have the certificate pem in /etc/ipsec.d/certs ...
in any case it continues on and sends the Microsoft cert afterwards and then the server throws "no peer config found" (since I don't have the public cert loaded for that MS cert).
Followed up on the error here: strongswan wiki /issues/785
I also tried it with "eap_identity=%identity" instead of "eap_identity=%any".
Frustrating that it works great for Win7 but I just can't get a Win10 phone working. Any guides out there specifically for Windows phone + Strongswan?
rlively said:
Thanks, that is a good tutorial - I definitely did not use the clientAuth flag (the ipsec tutorial for openWRT didn't include it: openwrt doc/howto/vpn.ipsec.roadwarrior), so I tried generating new certs with clientAuth. Unfortunately I got the same results. My Win10 phone sent the same "Microsoft Genuine Windows Phone CA15" cert.
Did you import the PKCS 12 file just by tapping it in the Microsoft "Files" app on the phone or did you use another method? I'm verifying the certs with the Microsoft "Certificates" app, which does show that the original cert I generated has no "Enhanced usages" but the second has "Client Authentication." Still the builtin VPN client won't pick it to send to my strongSwan server.
I did away completely with my configuration and started over with the win7 configuration here: strongswan wiki: Win7CertReq but none of it will help if I can't get my phone to actually send the correct certificate ... this configuration did something a little different though:
My phone sent the correct certificate in the "received TLS peer certificate" line followed by these error messages:
no trusted certificate found for 'my-CN-here' to verify TLS peer
sending fatal TLS alert 'certificate unknown'
Despite the fact that I have the certificate pem in /etc/ipsec.d/certs ...
in any case it continues on and sends the Microsoft cert afterwards and then the server throws "no peer config found" (since I don't have the public cert loaded for that MS cert).
Followed up on the error here: strongswan wiki /issues/785
I also tried it with "eap_identity=%identity" instead of "eap_identity=%any".
Frustrating that it works great for Win7 but I just can't get a Win10 phone working. Any guides out there specifically for Windows phone + Strongswan?
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I import the certificates from file explorer on phone or from the OneDrive app, doesn't matter.
Have you actually set the EAP identity correctly in the client certificate? CN has to be exactly the same as --san
That's the eap_identity which has to be known if you use EAP-TLS.
I don't know what else to say, maybe post your ipsec.conf with censored IPs
DLS123 said:
I import the certificates from file explorer on phone or from the OneDrive app, doesn't matter.
Have you actually set the EAP identity correctly in the client certificate? CN has to be exactly the same as --san
That's the eap_identity which has to be known if you use EAP-TLS.
I don't know what else to say, maybe post your ipsec.conf with censored IPs
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For the moment I just have mschap authentication with no certificate and it works. The certificate is just giving me fits.
On my client certificate my CN is not the same as the san. My san is set to the FQDN of my VPN server ... the CN of my client certificate is an identifier for my client.
What does the VPN server use for eap_identity - the CN from the client certificate when set to eap_identity=%identity ?
---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 PM ----------
rlively said:
For the moment I just have mschap authentication with no certificate and it works. The certificate is just giving me fits.
On my client certificate my CN is not the same as the san. My san is set to the FQDN of my VPN server ... the CN of my client certificate is an identifier for my client.
What does the VPN server use for eap_identity - the CN from the client certificate when set to eap_identity=%identity ?
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My server certificate does have a CN and san that match. I thought I read somewhere that having that same value in the client san would help the client match up the cert to send to the server, at least for Windows Phone. Of course I can't find that guide now, so maybe I misread. I do see that in the example on https://www.zeitgeist.se/2013/11/22/strongswan-howto-create-your-own-vpn/ that the server CN and san match and the client CN and san match each other.
In the client certificate you should have [email protected]_FQDN --san server_FQDN --flag clientAuth
the eap_identity used by strongswan is the part before @ from CN.
It won't match anything when using eap_idenity=%identity if you don't do it like this.
Are there any relevant registry files we can access with interop tools?
DLS123 said:
It's working fine for me. IKEv2 IPsec, Strongswan server.
Requires editing the connections file on the phone, though. Windows 10 mobile (same for PC) will not use the default route provided by the VPN server and there is no toggle to send all the traffic through the VPN like there was on Windows Phone 8/8.1 in the VPN connection settings GUI.
So, 'IpPrioritizeRemote=1' has to be set manually for the connection in rasphone.pbk on the phone. This can be achieved and requires an NTFS formatted SD card with the modified rasphone.pbk and a symbolic link to 'C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections' (you can make this symbolic link on the PC).
First you have to create a VPN connection on the phone, then delete it. This will make 'C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections\Pbk\' user writable and you can put a modified rasphone.pbk file in that location by accessing it through the symbolic link on the SD card.
If you don't know how to make the rasphone.pbk file, first configure the connection as it should be on the phone, then copy rasphone.pbk from the phone, edit it on PC and add 'IpPrioritizeRemote=1'. Delete the VPN connection from the phone, and put the modified rasphone file in its place.
Reboot might be required after copying the file manually.
^ This is for phones that can't be interop unlocked like my Lumia 950XL. It's much easier for other phones which can be unlocked and full FS access is achievable.
Pretty stupid omission on Microsoft's part. I've been shouting about it on windows feedback since Windows 10 Mobile was released to insiders, but no one listens.
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Hi I tried your manual, unfortunately without any success
If I Read it correctly you do the following steps:
1) Format sd card on NTFS
2) On the sd card create symbolic link to: C:\Data\USERS\DefApps\APPDATA\ROAMING\MICROSOFT\Network\Connections
3) Insert sd in phone
4) Create a vpn connection on the phone
5) Delete al the vpn connections on the phone
6) Use the phone to put a new (modified) rasphone.pbk file on the sd card (though onedrive??). I cant access my sd om my pc when usb is connected
7) Reboot the phone
8) Make a new vpn connection (can it have a different name?)
Can someone verify if i miss something?
I'll be very happy if this works

Hosts not working with Open Beta 33

Hello, everyone.
After upgrading to the latest open beta (33, for oneplus 3) no matter what, I cannot manage hosts file to work (for ad blocking purpose). I tried any possible configuration I've found on the forums.. I'm using Magisk and I've tried with adaway, and with the unified hosts module (with the GUI and with the command in terminal). Tried with and without system less mode option... Nothing works. I've also tried by adding a one line hosts file with facebook.com, it still loads.
I've noticed I have 2 hosts file: one in /etc and one in /data but none is working. What am I missing? Any extra suggestion would be helpful.
Thank you!
Check if your operator have a proxy activated by default in systen Settings-SIM-APN and if you find it delete the proxy address and restart
Thanks for your reply. I had no proxy set, and the issue is also present when connected to my home/work wifi connection

