*.PNG files - Galaxy S I9000 Themes and Apps

I have on my SGS a newspaper application,so i can read my local newspaper every day on my android. Very nice...
But because is easier to read on big monitor, i was wondering if is possible to read this in windows 7 pc?
So i copy the folder that was on my android sdcard(inside the newspaper application) on windows7 pc, but is impossible for me to read it in one peace, like on android.
Here i have a lot of *.png files and each image is a part of some big image(the regular newspaper page is cut in multiple *.png image files).
I cant found some software to open it and read completely.
Can somebody help me?
Thank you

You would be far better off downloading a Windows application for reading newspapers or using Google Reader, since not only is the app you are talking about designed to run on a totally different OS, it is also formatted for a much smaller screen.
If all else fails, just go to your local newspaper's website on any standard browser...I imagine the reading experience will be much the same.

thank you for your answer...
I know all of that, but the apps for android, give me gratis all newspaper,
local newspaper's website give me only basic pages....
And if i'm outside my country, local newspaper's website will not work.
I'm leaving in one country and working in another, so when i drive to work, my apps can download all newspaper and after i can read it outside my country on SGS , and i will prefer to read it on windows pc with bigger screen...
Is there an emulator for android for windows ...::)))


upgrade to excel

High to all, first time on this particular forum and feel this will be the first of many issues to come.
After spending many long days/nights writing routines in excel (on a pc) i thought it would be a good idea to get a PDA of some sort so that i now would be able to do calcs on site instead of carrying laptop or going to and from the office.
2 days ago i bought a "O2 XDA Mini S" but when load my excel sheets which have visual basic routines they do not work as it has become apparent that it does'nt support visual basic.
Have looked within this forum for a while but have been unable to find a definite answer to the problem, does anyone know how can upgrade excel so it has visual basic behind excel or would the file size be to large to accept on this phone?
P.s have been made aware of space issues and windows slowing down so if possible would only need the excel upgrade as phone not going to be used for much else I.E only couple .mp3/.wav files and not many pictures, (only got the phone for the excel functions so if cannot get it to work my routines will be as much use a chocolate fireguard)
Thanks to all who have looked and cheers for your time
to put it simply, i would suggest you have three fifths of bugger all chance....
unless it can be converted to some form of dot net then i dont rate your chances...
i may be wrong, lets see what others contribute.
cheers for look but do hope can be done
del2071 said:
High to all, first time on this particular forum and feel this will be the first of many issues to come.
After spending many long days/nights writing routines in excel (on a pc) i thought it would be a good idea to get a PDA of some sort so that i now would be able to do calcs on site instead of carrying laptop or going to and from the office.
2 days ago i bought a "O2 XDA Mini S" but when load my excel sheets which have visual basic routines they do not work as it has become apparent that it does'nt support visual basic.
Have looked within this forum for a while but have been unable to find a definite answer to the problem, does anyone know how can upgrade excel so it has visual basic behind excel or would the file size be to large to accept on this phone?
P.s have been made aware of space issues and windows slowing down so if possible would only need the excel upgrade as phone not going to be used for much else I.E only couple .mp3/.wav files and not many pictures, (only got the phone for the excel functions so if cannot get it to work my routines will be as much use a chocolate fireguard)
Thanks to all who have looked and cheers for your time
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Use textmaker & planmaker instead of pocket word & pocket excel. U can find it somewhere in the forum.

UK Good Beer Guide - mobile

I know this is a long shot, but someone more knowledgeable than me might know the answer.
I am keen to use the mobile version of the UK Good Beer Guide Mobile Good Beer Guide. In the FAQs available from the links from the attached page, it says that touch screen and WM phones aren't yet supported, but mysteriously implies that it might be possible to get it working.
Regrettably, the application is not officially supported on the following phones, however a version of the application may still be available:
* Apple iPhone
* Windows Mobile
* Touch screen phones
* Phones released before 2006
* Phones with no internet browser
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I have installed it, the phone recognised the Java files and compiled them. The application shows in the Java link on the programs page, but only shows a white screen when it is started. I was hoping someone could shed some light on the subject. The zip folder contains a .jar and .jad file. He are a couple of links to the downloads SonyEricsson C905 and Samsung GT S5603 as examples of the files.
Is an emulator needed or a certain version of Java?
Wonder why they do it as a mobile application rather than just subscription access to the server the data resides on?
I have the pubs stored in Memory Map and Copilot...don't really need things like tasting notes when I'm somewhere different...just need to know where there is real ale
(given how few phones appear to be supported it would be far easier to say it works on the following: 1, 2 and 3 rather than list hundreds of phones that it won't work on!)
morfis said:
Wonder why they do it as a mobile application rather than just subscription access to the server the data resides on?
I have the pubs stored in Memory Map and Copilot...don't really need things like tasting notes when I'm somewhere different...just need to know where there is real ale
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I have bought the POIs for TomTom, but the mobile version would be better than dragging the paperbook around giving you back ache . I'm also a bit of a real ale geek .
(given how few phones appear to be supported it would be far easier to say it works on the following: 1, 2 and 3 rather than list hundreds of phones that it won't work on!)
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You're not wrong
Only a month until the next (even more bloated?) book comes out. Have e-mailed them about the lack of phone support in the hope they'll sort it out before then (and maybe do native poi files for other satnav/mapping as they have been promising for over a year).......I'm not holding my breath

Anyone able to get JavaFX on their Dash?

Hi People,
If you go here: Google "javafx for windows mobile download" you can DL the JavaFX update from SUN, which I did. It installed fine. (Sorry, my account is apparently too new to post the link).
It also comes with a few demo apps to try. But when I try to run it, I get an error:
"Calculated only a partial product UUID!This can cause problems with the correct device identification."
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
I am hoping someone could try the DL I mention above and post the results, with the goal of getting JavaFX working on my/other peoples Dash.
As a footnote,I found this error posted a few other places with no answer.
likesjava said:
Hi People,
If you go here: Google "javafx for windows mobile download" you can DL the JavaFX update from SUN, which I did. It installed fine. (Sorry, my account is apparently too new to post the link).
It also comes with a few demo apps to try. But when I try to run it, I get an error:
"Calculated only a partial product UUID!This can cause problems with the correct device identification."
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
I am hoping someone could try the DL I mention above and post the results, with the goal of getting JavaFX working on my/other peoples Dash.
As a footnote,I found this error posted a few other places with no answer.
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i just downloaded it and it does work. my thoughts are that you probably need to upgrade your rom. your version 5.2.1236 is a bit dated and my guess is that's why it's not working for you. currently im running 3vo 6.5 and it's working just fine, overclocked to 274. try updating your OS/rom first, it should work after that.
btw there are plenty of forums around here that give good tutorials on updating your OS/rom if you've never done it before. study and up and take the plunge!
likesjava said:
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
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one more thing, tmobile isn't very tech savvy when it comes to this sort of thing. they have much info at their fingertips but they have to search to find it and most of them aren't that good at it. they are trained on newer phones but not the older ones. trust me i'd know, i used to work at a tech center. they have a decent database with logs on problems customers have had in the past and solutions, but the rep on the phone isn't always able to find the info. i was one of the better ones but they didnt want to move me to permanent tech even though that's what i was good at, and instead shuffled me to cust service to argue with people about their bills... so i quit
anyway, it's best to come here first and ask rather than ask them. we'll probably save you some time
Thank you Young!
I took the plunge and downloaded and flashed EXCA-3VOLUTION_WM65_3VO.3.00.112509. Along the way I applied the app unlock as instructed. I wonder - would the app unlock alone have been enough?
Well, in any case JavaFX is up and running! Yay! - thanks to you
I had no idea that there were people writing all sorts of new OS etc for these phones - I'm just a phone user.
Now - silly question but - none of these new ROMS allow free wifi or Internet access do they?
hey, what is JavaFx ??? Does it like JBed Java ?
It runs on any device that can run Java. Think of it as a prettier, fancier, high tech looking java. Its actually pretty fun to program as well. And its free (the development environment).
Here are some Google results for your question:
JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering rich Internet applications that can run across a wide variety of connected devices. ..
What is JavaFX?
JavaFX is a rich client platform for building cross-device applications and content. Designed to enable easy creation and deployment of rich internet applications (RIAs) with immersive media and content, the JavaFX platform ensures that RIAs look and behave consistently across diverse form factors and devices.
The JavaFX platform release includes the following components:
* JavaFX SDK which includes the JavaFX compiler and runtime tools, graphics, media, web services, and rich text libraries to create RIAs for the desktop, browser and mobile platforms.
* NetBeans IDE for JavaFX which provides a sophisticated integrated development environment for building, previewing, and debugging JavaFX applications. The editor features a drag-and-drop palette to quickly add JavaFX objects with transformations, effects and animation. This IDE also comes with its own set of Building Block samples and the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, a mobile phone simulator.
* JavaFX Production Suite is a suite of tools and plugins that enable designers to export graphical assets to JavaFX applications.
likesjava said:
Thank you Young!
I took the plunge and downloaded and flashed EXCA-3VOLUTION_WM65_3VO.3.00.112509. Along the way I applied the app unlock as instructed. I wonder - would the app unlock alone have been enough?
Well, in any case JavaFX is up and running! Yay! - thanks to you
I had no idea that there were people writing all sorts of new OS etc for these phones - I'm just a phone user.
Now - silly question but - none of these new ROMS allow free wifi or Internet access do they?
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np, glad to be of help. it woulda been nice if my email program let me know i had a reply earlier though
anyway, about the free wifi and internet... no programs can do that, that i know of. there are ways to hack into other peeps networks for free bandwidth from pc's (as i've seen it done), but if you want free internet on the phone there's only a few simple options...
1. pay for it, either through a phone carrier ex: tmobile, at&t, etc. or get a router for your home network and at least then you can connect to your home wifi.
2. find a starbucks, local coffee house, hospital, or any place that is pumpin out free wifi and hop on the network.
anyway, even if there were those types of 'programs' you couldn't post about it here cuz it would get taken off immediately and the person posted would probably get banned. they're not too friendly about that stuff

please how could i read *.mdx or microsoft access files on our s2????

hi all
please i need a program in order to open microsoft acces files or extention *.mdx even though through market $
thanks in advance
help please.....
Search reveals .
It looks easier to get this into a format acceptable to Android by converting the Access .mbx file into an Excel .xls file. This can be searched readily by Column and Values. Maybe this deals with too simple a need for most enquirers to the forum, but if it helps somebody then so much the better.
hi all i have beenlooking for something the same for some time now and just the other day i came accross this site cellica.com
the android app is free and the desktop application has a 5 day trial period or its $50 to buy it works great the only thing you can not do is create a report from the phone
i have emailed support team and they said they will be adding it on in the future.

[Q] New N7 what do I do

Hi, I just bought a new Nexus 7 32 GB (2013).
I transferred a load of files over to the Nexus from my PC. I can see them in the storage folder but can't access any i.e. I can't play any audio/video or read any pdfs.
On a separate occasion I tried to transfer over one AVI file but Windows Explorer kept crashing.
The tablet also keeps asking me to sign in for everything, which is annoying.
Anyway, I think I need to root my tablet but I'm a bit hesitant about this because I just bought the thing.
Anyway, some advice would be helpful. Thanks.
Beside return it and use your money better, unlock and root it install SlimROM and enjoy the glory of it Or install kali for "pentesting" 3
You can always return to factory defaults when you only rooted current rom. But if you unlock and install custom recovery then that needs a bit more of fiddling around to return it to stock.
evilnecessity said:
Hi, I just bought a new Nexus 7 32 GB (2013).
I transferred a load of files over to the Nexus from my PC. I can see them in the storage folder but can't access any i.e. I can't play any audio/video or read any pdfs.
On a separate occasion I tried to transfer over one AVI file but Windows Explorer kept crashing.
The tablet also keeps asking me to sign in for everything, which is annoying.
Anyway, I think I need to root my tablet but I'm a bit hesitant about this because I just bought the thing.
Anyway, some advice would be helpful. Thanks.
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Are you new to tablets, in general? You don't give a lot of info. You don't need root to play music/videos and to read pdfs. You do need an app that will handle your file. Your N7 should be able to handle video, audio, and pdf through google apps, I believe although I use other apps for those files. Have you tried to open any of these files from within an app? If the google apps don't work for you, play store has many free apps for everything you need.
Hi, yes, I'm new to tablets. I tried rooting my Samsung Galaxy Y a while ago but it was such a mess I've been put off Android since.
Anyway, I read about ES File Explorer and that seems to have helped as it actually lists and makes accessible all the files I transferred over. I can even delete files which I couldn't do previously.
One wonders why the Android OS doesn't have something built in to do this but anyways, I guess they're just forcing us to buy their apps.
As a windows user, I find it frustrating how I can't even do the most simple things in an intuitive way..like makes notes to a notepad whilst reading a pdf.
Anyways, I guess I need to do more research on rooting. The problem with rooting is that it's not just a question of following some instructions as invariably it goes wrong and then has to be salvaged.
It's just a matter of becoming familiar with it. Windows wasn't easy coming from Mac years ago. Now I have Windows 7 and latest MacOS in the house to try to comprehend. I think your choice of naked Android (Google product) may help in many regards because your tablet isn't loaded with bloatware. If you decide to root, it's also much easier on the google devices. If you know anything about ADB and command prompts, you can do it that way--and in the long run, it's the most valuable for learning about the process. If not, I've found Wugs Toolkit to be very user friendly--although a few times I had to resort to CMD input. The greatest challenge for most users is getting the ADB/Fastboot drivers loaded. His toolkit helps with that, but I'd already had it set up before ever trying the toolkit so I can't speak to how it goes. He is very helpful when/if you have a problem.
As far as pdf annotations, there are many free apps out there (ESFile Explorer should have been free unless there is a charge for non-US markets--your use of "whilst" could indicate that). Try ezPDF reader--the free trial version. Or, just search for pdf reader with annotations.
The best is that you found XDA. Someone is always willing to help.

