Just a heads up - Samsung Galaxy Gio GT-S5660

When new members are posting a question, don't expect them to reply back (So give em' you're best answer). WHY? Because they need at least 10 posts (like me) to unlock all the forum's functions. And please don't be telling me "oh. yeah you have to! Deal with it" or something like that because I know! Ok thx for reading!


It's Just Not Fun Anymore!!!

Ok, there is something that I want to say.
I know I'm not making myself popular with this post, but I wasn't very happy lately with the comments or the reaction from some fellow Xda-Dev members lately...
This should be a community, where we learn and help each other.
Where we can share knowledge and cool roms (like Toms...) or apps (like Tene's...) etc...
But lately I feel like there are less real Xda-Dev members which appreciate the work and effort, those wizards out there make for us.
Only peoply always complaining about "the need of BETTER beta-testers", is it because these people couldn't test it before a release and are jalous??? Or people complaining about some bugs, and keep asking 100000... times about why there is this bug, how to fix it, or why don't you fix it?? etc... well, let me tell you a BUGFREE rom most likely wouldn't excist... and if you can do it better, why don't you put your TIME and EFFORT in it and make a fix for it... or better make a Rom and share it with us... let's see if you can make a bugfree cool rom??!!
Or people asking 100000... times when will there be a German version of this rom or a Dutch rom or etc... Or why put these apps in a specific rom? etc...
I'm just wondering, do all these people always send 100000... mails to HTC or Microsoft to ask them, why a specific app is in a rom? Why there are these bugs, why this, why that???
I'm just saying why don't we all just show some respect and appreciation to those wizards. To those whom sacrafise a lot of time and work into a project and share it to us for free. Off course I understand, the feedback we all give to these wizards will maybe help them to create a better version or help them make a fix for a bug. But there is some difference between giving feedback and just being a child and complaining ...
I opened this thread, because I feel sorry for Tom (and other wizards)... if you see the post on threads from his roms... more than half is just crap... is just people asking the same thing over and over again... I'm not sure about Tom, but I know I would get it on my nerves when I made something for a community and this would be the reaction... I would ask myself, if it's still worth it to invest so much time into something for all those people...
I used to looking forward to be able to logon on XDA Dev... but lately, I notice that even I got the time for it, I just don't feel like to logon... cause most likely I will missed a page or 2 or 3... but I'm sure I wouldn't miss any potential information...
This post is dedicated to all those Wizards out there... and I'm sorry... I'm sorry there are a lot off people just don't know how to show some respect to you... I hope I still can learn from you, and to use the cool apps and roms from you...
But I must admit, even I'm doubting, will I still comming back to this forum... or should I just leave it???
Just my 2 cents...
100 % agree with you....
you are talking right out of my heart.
i personally tend to ignore all those "but it has a bug!!11!!1" or "i donated few euros now i WANT that feature and i want it NOW" folks. but you are right: it starts to kill the core of the community.
lets all be unpopular together......
...I agree with everything you say cg...pointing out a problem and making the dev aware is one thing - complaining is another completely.
The amount of posts on this website pushing Tom Codon to release his 4.1 rom was stupid...when its ready its ready. If you don't want to wait - install a factory rom and stop whining.
I also have no problem (we've all done it) in asking a question because you can't find an answer...the main point being "if you can't find an answer" - a lot of people tend not to search and fill the forums with duplicate posts.
So...in conclusion....i may not be a regular poster, but I really enjoy reading almost every post on this site - but when you we are in a position when a poster such as coolgadget is thinking of leaving - we need to pay attention...
imagine what would happen in Tom decided to leave - or any of the other cookers - maybe thats what some of the people on here need before they realise what these guys do.
Rant over
I think your post will make you very popular and make you many friend.
I am on your side - only someone with your reputation is able to say that!!
Thank you my friend.
We all have to organize and discipline us in order to get a forum with easy readable informations which helps the community.
Not only consuming and defining requirements is here the right way!!!
Nobody does this in relation to HTC or Microsoft - and Tom and all the other devs work very hard (somtetimes day and night) - they should have the change to concentrate on cooking good roms - not discussing the same problems again and again.
Bottlm Line!
That my Friend is the bottom Line.
I always come on here with intentions of helping out anyone I can. I have been testing with Cool Gadget for a while; he and I have the same feelings here. I am literally drained when it comes to trying to read through the release posts.
I lose my confidence in this community when I read some of the statements, complaints and out right rude comments left by some users.
I appreciate every ones interest, and inpatients for the next release, I don’t condone it at all, but I do get it. You can be anyone you want to be on the internet, some choose to be who they really are, while some cant help but to be that person...
In short, Cool has this right on, I would repost it and change the name just to be the first to say it.
Please people, show a little respect and integrity, it really goes a long way
Thanks Coolgadget for posting this.
Even the original rom of HTC has bug's
Can we make this post sticky?
Ps. it's my 100 post
RE: Coolgadget
True, but might some people say this and that cus they would like to help work of the creator, and not cus they want to blame his work. Have you ever thought about that? And maybe these forums are for not only but for this reason as well, to let the developers help each other, let the users help each other, let the developers help the users and MAYBE vica verse.
Maybe I am wrong.
biou said:
I think your post will make you very popular and make you many friend.
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i also agree, it's not really fine to search in a thread with about 100pages and the most asked question is really "when do you make german rom", "and found this bug", etc it's really true. It's not comfortable to find real interestening threads. And such statements are totally useless for everybody. I like your point of view!
moderators can edit complains & ****ty comment away.
i was a moderator for a long time on a board, we made some rules.
There rules where simple, follow them or get a warning, still not listening, they got banned.
the normal respected members will always follow the rules.
the ones that are *****ing, making lame & dumb comments will eventually make place for the people that DO want to contribute in a healthy way
look at some of the new members their lame posts....
they are just joining to complain, say this is bad, this isn't good... bladiebladiebla...not good for the health of a community imo
serious, they need to give all the guys that are working on things like this in their spare time some credit.
Complaining & whining..... for stuff that is free....what a bunch of assholes
Good post man
I agree, but I guess its not easy for all newcomers (me included) to fully understand how much work is beeing put into cooking roms, hacking progz to make them better, and so on.
Havent we all been a nOOb? lol, im still one, but I feel like im climbing upwards to a higher plain of existence ( ) the more I read on this forums.
I didnt fully understand (do I yet?) before starting to cook for myself, even though I am provided by tools like the HyperCore kitchen by anichillus, I can see that its still damn much to learn, and that it takes alot of time. Cant even imagine how much hours the pros in here has used, and for free. Amazing..
Maybe we should start a "Guide how to..." section on frontpage, making a part called TouchFlo, one called dialer, one called commManager and so on.
Posting sollutions found in.ex on how to install the touch dialer on a fresh official rom and so on.
And why not let that be readable for everyone, but posting restricted to senior members?
There it could be posted answers for all the common questions ppl would have.
If that could be done, im sure the sections would be easier to scroll through, not having to read 100000 posts asking whythisandwhythathowtopleasethx.....
I dont think the forums will ever get rid of the newcomers asking alot of questions, over and over again. Like me Sending PMs to the wizards, asking questions (that im stupid enough to belive that 1000 others have not asked them about before) about how to....and so on
cheers masters
And Coolgadget, dont leave, we need you here.
itje said:
Good post man
I agree, but I guess its not easy for all newcomers (me included) to fully understand how much work is beeing put into cooking roms, hacking progz to make them better, and so on.
Havent we all been a nOOb? lol, im still one, but I feel like im climbing upwards to a higher plain of existence ( ) the more I read on this forums.
I didnt fully understand (do I yet?) before starting to cook for myself, even though I am provided by tools like the HyperCore kitchen by anichillus, I can see that its still damn much to learn, and that it takes alot of time. Cant even imagine how much hours the pros in here has used, and for free. Amazing..
Maybe we should start a "Guide how to..." section on frontpage, making a part called TouchFlo, one called dialer, one called commManager and so on.
Posting sollutions found in.ex on how to install the touch dialer on a fresh official rom and so on.
And why not let that be readable for everyone, but posting restricted to senior members?
There it could be posted answers for all the common questions ppl would have.
If that could be done, im sure the sections would be easier to scroll through, not having to read 100000 posts asking whythisandwhythathowtopleasethx.....
I dont think the forums will ever get rid of the newcomers asking alot of questions, over and over again. Like me Sending PMs to the wizards, asking questions (that im stupid enough to belive that 1000 others have not asked them about before) about how to....and so on
cheers masters
And Coolgadget, dont leave, we need you here.
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Yes i can follow you but there is a difference between the guys trying to initiate active (proactive) communication and that one which are only consuming!
coolgadget and chandlercjh
I'm in total agreement with you both in all your comments above. If people would only show some patience here especially with Tom and the work he is doing at this great forum... its would be a very sad day if he or any of the other senior members decided to leave. I don't make many posts on here but I am a regular reader and absolutely love the site. I just hope that more people show respect and an ability to use the search function... and i dread the nonsense we will have to read when we near v4.2 of Tom's great ROM.
Agreed fully
Hello Friend;
I completely agree with you.Its not fair that people who make ROM's and other apps are always crucified or pressured.Many time the same questiona are answered previously.But no one wants to read it,it seems.But another thing to be high lighted is that many people can't speak English well.This some time lead to messages which seems arrogant.But I have to agree the message u posted(I saw it before in forum) is the result of a gigantic ego and big mouth.He doesn't even pay anything for the ROM(forgetting a few bucks of Donations) and daring to complain like this.As u say such people can make their own ROM's and make it perfect and don't stop complaining.
And please remember that there are much more people here who are your fans and looks up to you.So please don't be bothered and continue your good work.
Regards and have a nice day.
My alplogies for my following comment as I am quite new here in the forum as well.
I completely agree with these statements here. It looks very childish (to put it in polite words) what many of the members write in their posts when they cry for tthe ROM in another language (you didn't learn english in school??).
Tom is doing a great job and he is ALWAYS polite. Try to behave in the same way!!!
For the beta-tester critics, I just like to mention that the SW from very big companies is also far away from being bug-less.
To mention I sent 10 bucks please provide me with this or that is ***
Come on, go in a restaurant and buy a coffe. What do you get for this money.
My impression is, Tom is doing this because he likes to do it, to share it and to contribute to a comunity. I call this respect. So, show him your respect as well.
Donate to show your respect to him and not because you want something.
my 2 cents in R-E-S-P-E-C-T,
Try to imagine XDA WITHOUT Tom
Hi there,
What my dear personal friend Coolgadget apparently forgot to mention is that in a recent conversation we had with Tom -after having read some REALLY NASTY & RUDE posts- we urged him to leave and start using his valuable time to do better things rather than "attempting" to please the varied XDA crowd.
We also tried to persuade him to charge a minimum fee for each download.
In a recent post (some of you might even remember that) I have publicly suggested Tom to go to the beach instead of "wasting" his time following useless remarks of some outstandingly tactless XDA forum members.
All this TO NO AVAIL... Tom is a big-hearted and professional young man who LOVES EVERYBODY, kind and mean alike, generous and stingy alike!
Tom insisted and decided to continue HELPING EVERYONE 4 FREE... Isn't that magnificent?!?
Coolgadget (just like myself) gained among certain "noble" XDA groups a fair degree of unpopularity because of his straightforward writing style, because his posts are always right to the point and MOSTLY because he knows what kind of pain Tom has to "digest" when some people POST FASTER THAN THEY CAN THINK.
Please remember that this forum will never be the same if people like Tom or Coolgadget will decide to leave!!!
In the "Donations to Tom Codon" thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1471616&posted=1#post1471616) I have just posted how important nice and encouraging words are to Tom... I would almost dare to define them just as valuable as generous financial donations.
I thank you all once more for the understanding and support shown so far (and OBVIOULSY for the one you will keep on showing ) and I wish you a great day.
I completely agree with the comments made in this post and I apologise for not having any input myself. Tom does indeed make some great roms that make the XDA Orbit/P3300, or whatever you want to call it, a far more useable piece of technology. I am surprised that the likes of O2, T-Mobile or HTC haven't jumped at the chance to showcase how enthusiasts are developing and pushing the boundaries with their technology.
I do think that one of the problems is language and that some people, whose first language is not English, may come across as quite rude when they perhaps don't mean to. This does not excuse peoples inability to use the search function or the ones that are blatantly rude and I would suggest that the mods here clamp down and ruthlessly delete both the rude posts and those that ask the same questions time and time again. Perhaps a sticky in the most common languages on how to use the search function might go some way to highlighting the problem and how it is ruining the forum.
I am not saying that there are not faults with the roms and that Tom does not require feedback; all I am saying is that those that can not offer useful input, who are rude or constantly demand things are not actively allowed to ruin threads.
My life with the Orbit would be far less interesting without Tom's work.
Many thanks and I will donating come payday.
What my dear personal friend Coolgadget apparently forgot to mention is that in a recent conversation we had with Tom -after having read some REALLY NASTY & RUDE posts- we urged him to leave and start using his valuable time to do better things rather than "attempting" to please the varied XDA crowd.We also tried to persuade him to charge a minimum fee for each download.
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hi SiperX and Coolgadget I can only request you to ignore those NASTY & RUDE comments as there are always some ants in heaven.Either we can put negative points for such whiners after a level they will be banned or just ignore it.I kindly request you not to be affected by these remarks by some IDIOTS who think they can have their way.
Coolgadget (just like myself) gained among certain "noble" XDA groups a fair degree of unpopularity because of his straightforward writing style, because his posts are always right to the point and MOSTLY because he knows what kind of pain Tom has to "digest" when some people POST FASTER THAN THEY CAN THINK.
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For this I consider you and others who male this forum a big contribution.But please remember there are many who admire you too.I admire Tom and his works.Not just him the forum itself and many volunteers who make apps in their free time and distribute it freely.
Please remember that this forum will never be the same if people like Tom or Coolgadget will decide to leave!!!
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I hope that day never comes.Is there anything we can do to help you?
this matter seems resolved

Excalibur wiki

I've been trying to spelunk through the posts here and put all the salient information in some sort of organized form on the wiki. Hopefully it'll give newcomers and lurkers a good starting point. Also, it should help eliminate some arrogant "we've answered this a thousand times" responses from regulars. In the absence of a good team of moderators, hopefully it will help out.
Check it out here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Excalibur
nice work
Thanks, this will help a lot of people.
Good work!
Excelent summary
beartard said:
I've been trying to spelunk through the posts here and put all the salient information in some sort of organized form on the wiki. Hopefully it'll give newcomers and lurkers a good starting point. Also, it should help eliminate some arrogant "we've answered this a thousand times" responses from regulars. In the absence of a good team of moderators, hopefully it will help out.
Check it out here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Excalibur
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I think that's a great idea! Keep conversations in the forums that reference a wiki of key information.
Just wanted to say...
Good job. I'm glad someone decided to do this. Keep the posts up to date, that's the only way this thing is even slightly useful. So far, so good, though.
I'll help if you want. Just let me know what to do. Take it easy bro.
P.S. In reference to your message to me the other day. Did you notice the calendar and the clock. Both say something special on the time and dates.
beartard said:
I've been trying to spelunk through the posts here and put all the salient information in some sort of organized form on the wiki. Hopefully it'll give newcomers and lurkers a good starting point. Also, it should help eliminate some arrogant "we've answered this a thousand times" responses from regulars. In the absence of a good team of moderators, hopefully it will help out.
Check it out here: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Excalibur
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wow thats nice, added to bookmarks
outerdepth said:
Good job. I'm glad someone decided to do this. Keep the posts up to date, that's the only way this thing is even slightly useful. So far, so good, though.
I'll help if you want. Just let me know what to do. Take it easy bro.
P.S. In reference to your message to me the other day. Did you notice the calendar and the clock. Both say something special on the time and dates.
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There have been way too many responses here lately that were less than civil to someone looking for help, as if editing a registry key is arcane knowledge that should only be held by a lofty elite. Also, there were plenty of repeat questions that may have been answered 30 pages or so down in the forum. I will tell you that the default google search of the forum is unwise and really doesn't help unless you word things very carefully. At least the "advanced" search lets you limit your search to a particular device's forum. But it's not readily obvious that the text telling you to use it is actually a link.
So, I went back to the beginning of this year to pull stuff out of forum posts for the wiki. I'm sure there was more further back, but I just didn't have the patience to cut through all the crap.
And have at it, brother. It's the community's wiki. I just figured it was time someone "seeded" it.
Sorry for the bump. Just wanted everyone to know that the wiki is being regularly updated now and most, if not all, of the frequently asked questions are there. A wealth of information has been added and some of the areas (like CHome Weather) now have their own pages.
I'm inviting everyone to help keep this up-to-date. I'll be trying to pretty it up and keep everything in some sort of unified style. If you notice anything is missing or needs to be updated, please update it. If you're uncomfortable doing that, just let me know and I'll get right on it.
beartard said:
Sorry for the bump. Just wanted everyone to know that the wiki is being regularly updated now and most, if not all, of the frequently asked questions are there. A wealth of information has been added and some of the areas (like CHome Weather) now have their own pages.
I'm inviting everyone to help keep this up-to-date. I'll be trying to pretty it up and keep everything in some sort of unified style. If you notice anything is missing or needs to be updated, please update it. If you're uncomfortable doing that, just let me know and I'll get right on it.
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Great Work, Brother.
If you noticed, I now have everything in the stickied thread and will be updating it. That way, people won't have to click a link each time because I know some people are just lazy and would rather have everything in one place.
Your an important addition to this community. Thanks once again.

simple solutions

I think the best way for all the noobs like me is to search first before posting our query and if we cant find then I think we can ask now, so that we can avoid
some of our seniors here. and we can learn from that also searching and finding some other techniques, apps that we need in our phone.
To top it all this site helps a lot of dash user, because we have a great people around.
Good day!!!
that was the first smart thing i have read here in weeks! jk
but yes, that is exactly what you should do. its only fair. to get the answers that you guys ask, someone had to search for it. i dont like when people want things handed to them. at least TRY first. if you HONESTLY cant find anything, then ask. i dont think anyone here has ever been treated inappropriately. you ask a stupid question, or one that has been asked 1000000 times, and you are asking for a creative answer that might hurt your feelings a bit. forums are not a take/take situation. you have to give what you take. when people have 10 total posts, all of which are asking to walk them through something or to give them something, my first thought is "how about you f**k off?". if you have learned something in your 10 posts, give it back and reply to a few new comers questions. we had to. what makes you better than the rest of us? you get everything spoon fed while we have to do the legwork. F THAT

Idea:The "Thank You" thread / Thank You button

Since I have subscribed to a lot of threads I also get a lot of notifications. That's great offcourse. But what's less great is that a lot of those messages only contains "Thank you very much"or less.
Example : Thank You
Don't misunderstand me. It is great you all thank the programmers for their work. But it doesn't add anything more to the thread nor the program.
So I like to propose to start a "Thank you" thread which I already started just now
If you like to thank somebody it can be posted in this thread. With every "Thank you" you can point to the specific thread with the url of the thread, pointing to the first message.
btw.Many programmers will also appriciate a donation as a "Thank You", I think.
Also to keep their work going
So would you now like to say "Thanks" to somebody?
Then put it in here
Well, thanks
Thank you, but I rather put my "thank you"s in the thread of the developer.
when people wana say thank you..they mean thankyou for
1>ur program
2>the things in this thread that solved my problem
3>the discussion made me feel i no somethin g bout my phone
4>thank you for being alive
so they must post it in the thread!!
not here..
then next time someone comes to the thread they see a thankyou
then they feel..hell lets search bfor posting a question cause someone got a answer!
so then they search and find their answer!!and the cycle continues!!
I don't think they *have* too.
As I said a before only "Thank you" doesn't add anything to the thread nor the program.And people who has subscribe to this thread get useless notifications.It clutters up the thread.So it is redunant in my opinion.
Something like "Thank you but I have this problem with your program" or "Thank you but I have this idea" or "Thank you can you add?"whatever" is something different.Others can participate to this. To a "Thank you"they can't.
Like in my example you can ask yourself. Who is he thanking? The programmer? The one for replied before him? Somebody who gave a tip about the program or a link, WHO?
But offcourse have it like you want it. It was just an idea
well it is a real dilemma for people who are reading up a thread from scratch trying to find something ....and you get all the flaming, thanks and so many other remarks
there was a forum that fixed this by putting a Thank you button behind each entry in a thread .
So once you push it youll see a footer with "The following people wish to thank ..." and its lists each person.
im not sure if it can be done here .....oh mighty gods of XDA....is this possible ?
im not sure if i can type in the name of that forum here ...
Well, interesting idea, but isn't it easier to make "thank you" button? You just click that in chosen thread and it is done... DB space and bandwidth saved.
torrentonly said:
Well, interesting idea, but isn't it easier to make "thank you" button? You just click that in chosen thread and it is done... DB space and bandwidth saved.
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Seems to me like a good idea, a "thank you"button. thanks TripleA
A thank you thread already has been placed before here:
orb3000 said:
A thank you thread already has been placed before here:
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Right. But TripleA had a good idea, see the above. A different idea.
hendrixus said:
Right. But TripleA had a good idea, see the above. A different idea.
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Theres is also another thread regarding the thank you button...
+1 vote for it
orb3000 said:
Theres is also another thread regarding the thank you button...
+1 vote for it
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It was posted today. TripleA's idea is from two days ago
Youre right mate
Anyway very good idea!
orb3000 said:
Youre right mate
Anyway very good idea!
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That's ok. Right.
Comment removed.
Posts removed -Enough of the thankyou's please
Some other forums add a kudos button to the person's avatar so that you can thank a specific person, and people are sort of graded by how much kudos they get, meaning how much good they've done to the community, how reliable, in a sense they are, etc...There is also the negative (boo!) button when people are unhappy with something.
All this have it's pros and cons, depending on how grown-up or how childish (abusive?) people can be at times. But there is no doubt that it saves time and space. And nothing stops people saying thanks in other ways as well.
wovens said:
Some other forums add a kudos button to the person's avatar so that you can thank a specific person, and people are sort of graded by how much kudos they get, meaning how much good they've done to the community, how reliable, in a sense they are, etc...There is also the negative (boo!) button when people are unhappy with something.
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Every advantage has its disavantages
And nothing stops people saying thanks in other ways as well.
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No they won't. That's why this thread to try to come up with ideas so they do stop, and thank people on another way, like with a button. As you said. It saves space!
thank you button for vbulletin http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=122944
i button would be very good and i think the best solution
Advantage: Less Clutter on Thread.
Disadvantage: Less personal/threads drop down list faster.
To be honest i don't see saying thankyou as an issue, what's more of an issue is mountain size quotes and multiple same questions asked by uncompitent searchers or just plain lazziness
"So maybe the OP of the thread should have more controll over the thread being able to delete the redundant posts?"

[Q] (Q) this question is for the smart android users

I have had about 5 android phones and I got the play(usa). When I got it there wasnt any root for it yet. As u know there is now. My issue is this, with every phone ive had I have never seen so many people willing to help someone root there phone. Untill i got This one. I dont need root but im one of them people who wants to cause I can. I have never bricked any phone ive used. I have altered every smartphone ive used. From winmo to the dare to android The point of these forums is to help one another. Not become rude and say screw you figure it out yourself. You all must remember not all of us are familiar with every aspect of every phone. Im not sure if most of u r so rude because u have no life but carma is a *****. To the dev helping and r willing to share what they know thank you you are and what should be what these forums are built for. Tho some are not able to pay for your time. I will be the one to say thank you without your effort we would not have what we have today. Again thank you. And to the rest take a look at the ass u have become.
You used the [Q] tag even though there was no question...and it's Karma, just saying. I agree though that some members on here are incredibly rude when they could be useful, but still, this thread didn't need the "Question" tag.
[Rant from a person who, in the measure of his possibilities, has contributed to all the developments going on here]
1) Learn to spell your own language, and some lessons on punctuation meanwhile. It is insulting to people who have English as a second or third language (a good share of the users, if not the majority) and have to spend years in cubicles learning English well enough to be understood when English-speaking natives don't even try to make themselves understandable.
2) It's exhausting to read loads of poorly written (and therefore hard to understand) questions about the same topic. It's more exhausting when they're all actually the same question, but the person who asks didn't actually care to search properly for his answer. Of course, he hasn't found an answer because he doesn't want to spend any effort in reading, summarising and extracting the proper lessons, and because in case that he reads and "does his homework", there's a good chance that what he finds is... a poorly written (and therefore hard to understand) question, which deters him from reading further.
3) I have a life. A life that is well spent when I can be helpful to others. When others don't want me to be helpful, and that shows when they don't bother to communicate their needs properly, my life is a bit unhappier. I want to help, so let me. Writing "im one of them people who wants to cause "I can" implies that you're hostile towards my help, or anyone else's. And when this kind of people are hostile, and it's clear that they're hostile towards you because they don't make the basic effort to communicate with you, there's a thin line between giving a grudging answer and sending them to hell.
4) Basic idea: you don't want to be helped, so help yourself. You don't want to read the threads that are already open and telling you all you want to know, so don't ask us to answer to your own thread. You're hostile towards others by not trying to communicate with them, and by expelling what is basically noise: expect hostility and more noise to come back to you. As you very well say, karma is a *****.
[/Rant from a person who, in the measure of his possibilities, has contributed to all the developments going on here]
i did not see the question :S
1. How do you know they don't even try to make themself understandable, you might choose a more suitable word, you 'assume' they don't. Some are better at things than others don't demean people for their spelling nor grammer. I will agree that one should retain from using txt/sms language in posts.
2. Yes this forum is already getting cluttered up with the same questions. If it annoyes you don't click on the thread. If you do then choose to help either way it's written. Point the OP to the other(s) thread(s) or even answer without hostility. You choose how to react.
3. They might be hostile and then you choose to react and choose to return it. If you want to help, then help either way and do it without remarks. What does it matter. If it makes you happier when helping then do it, choose to do it no matter the language, grammr and spelling, hell even the tone. Karma works both ways, what you give is what you recieve. So if I get it right one needs to meet your standrd of spelling and grammer to be helped, that just bs. Help is a gift to others and you don't give anybody anything to expect to get anything back then it's not a gift but a trade. Everybody has a life what has that got to do with it unless you imply that they wasting your time by posting unreadable posts, you choose to read.
4. I agree with you on this, if people won't spend the time on helping themself others won't help them. If they have a hostile tone they'll get that back. That's how karma works. You on the other hand always have a choise on how to react. It's always your choise, so what you give is up to you and not depending on what others might or might not post in a thread.
I understand your point of view on this matter and I'm not saying that meeting people with open arms is easy and not getting annoyed when the same person put up 2-3 threads with the same problem/issue. I react aswell and get annoyed and for a few secs I feel the urge to post a negative response, but I don't. I mean we're all human and have the same reaction. The thing is how you respond to them, how you meet the world on a daily basis
Regards Dousan...
Hope I make myself understandable
e: Karma is not a ***** it reflects what you do and how you act in life
The question (that was answered) is why are some people developing and using sony play so rude. I undetstand getting frustrated because of there ignorance. However, wouldnt it be just as easy to answer there question? More time and effort is spent being an ass that is needed. Nowhere in my article did I say I needed help. No I do not have a rooted phone. not because I cannot but because I myself am waiting for a Oneclick root. I use my phone as my internet. For a 150 mb program it takes about 4 hours to download. Ill wait.
For logseman, im glad it took you forever to read my post. Its less time you can spend being a **** to someone else. For not being able or " hard to understand" you sure was able to to reply with ease. If it means we english - speaking natives have to deal with people like yourself, ill pass. People like you are why the world is the way it is today. Try helping a little more. Next time you get the desire to be an ass while replying, try being helpful, even if the question has been answered. Yes they could be being lazy and not willing to help themselves. But rude reply is Just as lazy and unproductive.
lilbuddy419 said:
The question (that was answered) is why are some people developing and using sony play so rude. I undetstand getting frustrated because of there ignorance. However, wouldnt it be just as easy to answer there question? More time and effort is spent being an ass that is needed. Nowhere in my article did I say I needed help. No I do not have a rooted phone. not because I cannot but because I myself am waiting for a Oneclick root. I use my phone as my internet. For a 150 mb program it takes about 4 hours to download. Ill wait.
For logseman, im glad it took you forever to read my post. Its less time you can spend being a **** to someone else. For not being able or " hard to understand" you sure was able to to reply with ease. If it means we english - speaking natives have to deal with people like yourself, ill pass. People like you are why the world is the way it is today. Try helping a little more. Next time you get the desire to be an ass while replying, try being helpful, even if the question has been answered. Yes they could be being lazy and not willing to help themselves. But rude reply is Just as lazy and unproductive.
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Use the search button. More time and effort is spent answering questions that have already been answered multiple times than is needed.
lilbuddy419 said:
For logseman, im glad it took you forever to read my post. Its less time you can spend being a **** to someone else. For not being able or " hard to understand" you sure was able to to reply with ease. If it means we english - speaking natives have to deal with people like yourself, ill pass. People like you are why the world is the way it is today. Try helping a little more. Next time you get the desire to be an ass while replying, try being helpful, even if the question has been answered. Yes they could be being lazy and not willing to help themselves. But rude reply is Just as lazy and unproductive.
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zerojay said:
Use the search button. More time and effort is spent answering questions that have already been answered multiple times than is needed.
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Look I get that. I understand people are sick of the same questions. But directing them where it is or simply saying use search. Is better then some of the stuff I have read. Some ones reply was if you need step by step instructions im not helping you. Your a newbee and shouldn't be rooting. I dont know how to use every program available for android rooting but I can fallow directions. This is how I have rooted all of my smartphones.
If you don't understand why writing poorly and not bothering to state your problem clearly is a hostile act towards the people who potentially want to help you, I don't have anything more to say about this topic.
If I've been helpful to people in this forum, that's for them to decide. Ask Blagus, Mills, Ashergray, Yifanlu... Perhaps I wasn't of great assistance to them, but they will probably say that I've done what was in my reach to help. And perhaps 117 thanks in my counter, without me ever having developed anything, might mean that perhaps sometimes I may be making myself helpful.
I do not wish to argue further. By all means, rape your language, transform your posts into hieroglyphic loads of nonsense which people have to decipher with a Rosetta Stone, only to discover that it's the same question asked 3 threads below. As you can guess, I couldn't care less. But don't try to subvert what's right (asking for help) and what's wrong (being lazy and impolite).
It took me about 2 minutes on this forum to figure out how to root my phone - was a very easy process compared to my previous Acer. As someone who is new to the Play scene this forum is about the same as any other, some helpful, some rude.. I don't see what the issue is...
Just because people are so called "newbs" they post on here thinking they will get the answer quicker than searching themselves. Which is untrue. Sometimes people get flamed, sometimes they get no answer at all and in the time they are waiting for an answer they could have found it with a google search or xda search.
If people dont know how to use xda's search then google it. Googling "rooting xperia play" then clicking on the "More results from forum.xda-developers.com »" shows all the thread related to rooting posted on the xda xperia play fourms.
I fully understand what you are saying and i personally dont see the point in flaming newbs since at one point we all started there. The Xperia Play was my first android phone so i started off knowing nothing and the reason i never got flamed was because if i needed help i would always google it first then use xda search just incase.
People are only rude to those who ask a question that has been answered before...
You come to the forums unwilling to read anything... Instead you post a thread asking for help that already has a guide out 5 threads down....
Did you expect warm welcomes for being lazy?
Yet you are trying to justify that being lazy is the correct way and everyone else should spend time and effort to search an existing thread and link it to your lazy ass...I got two words for you. **** off =D
You born after 1990?
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
that's exactly what he was talking about
Deoxlar said:
People are only rude to those who ask a question that has been answered before...
You come to the forums unwilling to read anything... Instead you post a thread asking for help that already has a guide out 5 threads down....
Did you expect warm welcomes for being lazy?
Yet you are trying to justify that being lazy is the correct way and everyone else should spend time and effort to search an existing thread and link it to your lazy ass...I got two words for you. **** off =D
You born after 1990?
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
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The op's point has just been proven.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
it's not rude if I'm delivering it in a friendly tone though
He wanted to bring out the "smart" in us though.. So it's not rude to do what he asked.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
Logseman said:
If you don't understand why writing poorly and not bothering to state your problem clearly is a hostile act towards the people who potentially want to help you, I don't have anything more to say about this topic.
If I've been helpful to people in this forum, that's for them to decide. Ask Blagus, Mills, Ashergray, Yifanlu... Perhaps I wasn't of great assistance to them, but they will probably say that I've done what was in my reach to help. And perhaps 117 thanks in my counter, without me ever having developed anything, might mean that perhaps sometimes I may be making myself helpful.
I do not wish to argue further. By all means, rape your language, transform your posts into hieroglyphic loads of nonsense which people have to decipher with a Rosetta Stone, only to discover that it's the same question asked 3 threads below. As you can guess, I couldn't care less. But don't try to subvert what's right (asking for help) and what's wrong (being lazy and impolite).
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So..... when did this become an english language forum?
I don't understand why you get so angry that you have to use our superior language.
There was no point of sending the Spanish Armada (which sunk btw) to simply point someone in the right direction.
I'm not angry that I have to use English. I write much more English than Spanish these days. What makes me unhappy is that I have to decipher poor writing, and it's adding insult to injury when the one who writes poorly is a native speaker. That applies to the three languages I happen to know: Spanish, English and German. Writing your own language poorly is a conscious choice when you're all literate (as you write in forums which requires you to know how to read) and perfectly capable of using proper English (as is the case here, since it's a USAn guy and an English sidekick, and you're from NZ), and choosing to write poorly and making yourself hard to understand is disrespectful towards the people who read you.
Logseman said:
I'm not angry that I have to use English. I write much more English than Spanish these days. What makes me unhappy is that I have to decipher poor writing, and it's adding insult to injury when the one who writes poorly is a native speaker. That applies to the three languages I happen to know: Spanish, English and German. Writing your own language poorly is a conscious choice when you're all literate (as you write in forums which requires you to know how to read) and perfectly capable of using proper English (as is the case here, since it's a USAn guy and an English sidekick, and you're from NZ), and choosing to write poorly and making yourself hard to understand is disrespectful towards the people who read you.
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I agree with this, since people are not writting an SMS there is no reason to write poorly, I actually stop reading the thread at the 3rd line but i saw Logseman reply and got interested
I'm also a "Newbie", my Xperia Play was my first android and I rooted my Play at the first try. You just have to do a quick search and follow instructions step by step. There is always an answer for almost every problem you can have, and if there is a new problem the first ones that will notice are advanced users that will post an answer.
Deoxlar said:
People are only rude to those who ask a question that has been answered before...
You come to the forums unwilling to read anything... Instead you post a thread asking for help that already has a guide out 5 threads down....
Did you expect warm welcomes for being lazy?
Yet you are trying to justify that being lazy is the correct way and everyone else should spend time and effort to search an existing thread and link it to your lazy ass...I got two words for you. **** off =D
You born after 1990?
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
First off no where in my letter did I say I was looking for help. I was only referring to the people who have asked. nor did I say I could not use a search. Yes I am waiting for a one click but because the dev of Verizon version asked if we could refrain from asking for a code and the stuff needed takes to long to download at 76k. No I am not suggesting lazy is the right way however nor is being like you. Is called being nice try it **** bag. And 1980 and if any of the rude inbread ****s cant understand this let me know ill explain it. For the people who have constructive criticism, Thank you for your time.
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