[Q] Stuck "Kindle Fire" Spash screen after unrooting - Kindle Fire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My rooted KF started behaving, weirdly so I decided to start from scratch and unroot it using the ClockworkMod recovery utility interface that was automatically loaded when I rooted it using Breakdroid. It started life with 6.2.2 but then updated itself to 6.3, so I downloaded the following file to do the unroot, and converted it into a .zip file called update.zip.
and went into the ClockworkMod recovery utility mounted my KF, did a factory reset, then applies sdcard update.zip which appeared to perform sucessfully, however when I rebooted, it launched the Stock KF screen, no fire fire fire, and has since stayed there. Can anyone please help! Many thanks.

Does KFU recognize it? If it does you are good to go.

Nope. I'm using a Mac, so I use Breakdroid, and it's not picking it up.


soupmagnet said:
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Keep up the good work soupmagnet!

Thanks soupmagnet,
I know it's the same question asked over and over again, I'll give it a shot and let you know if I sort it out. Appreciate your time.

All things point to a factory usb cable which I have ordered. Now I have to read books the old way...analogue!

nickvon said:
All things point to a factory usb cable which I have ordered. Now I have to read books the old way...analogue!
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Actually a factory cable, while nice to have, doesn't seem necessary in your case. (Hint Read about the different bootmodes.

Hi again Soupmagnet,
So I eventually got hold of my factory cable which I ordered off Ebay from Hong Kong, so I plugged it in and hey presto, nothing happened. I'm still stuck on the Kindle Fire screen. I've been using a Mac and Breakdroid doesn't pick it up at all. I decided to see if a PC could pick it up using KFU, and it's still offline, although in My Computer I do see an external drive and device manager does call it Kindle. I have a feeling I am the 1% of bricked Kindle Fire users that have well and truly properly bricked their Kindle. Could it perhaps be the cable not in fact being a factory cable at all? I'm getting pretty desperate with this situation. Can you offer me advise.

Oh and further to my last I was changing boot modes but as it couldn't recognize the device, it was pointless.

nickvon said:
I have a feeling I am the 1% of bricked Kindle Fire users that have well and truly properly bricked their Kindle.
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Take a breath, relax, and rest assured that you are more likely in the upper 90% range.
As I said before, the factory cable, while nice to have isn't usually required to fix most devices. All it does, is puts the device in fastboot mode and provides direct power to the device via usb in case of low or now power
Your problem is simply a matter of fixing your drivers so you can communicate with the device and change the bootmode.
[Edit:] It's been a while since this post was first started so I forgot you were using Mac instead of Windows.
Open your Terminal and enter the following:
cat ~/.android/adb_usb.ini
Your output should read:
# USE 'android update adb' TO GENERATE.
Anything other than would explain why you aren't able to change the bootmode normally.
Are you using Terminal commands to change the bootmode or are you using Breakdroid?


[Q-Solved] Kindle Fire unbricking on a Mac-help request

UPDATE: I added "solved" to the title since I am now unbricked. That said, I do hope someone will pop in and tell me how to run the shell scripts on a mac...
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Hi there. I have spent several days searching xda forums, popping into the kindlefire irc channel, and searching google however have not yet figured this out, could use some help.
I have read: the Kindle Fire Beginners Guide, the Kindle Fire Unbrick thread, The Kindle Fire Utility thread (yup the whole thing), and more.
According to the Kindle Fire Beginner's Guide, only 1% of all brick situations are actually a brick, so I'm going to persevere and go ahead and ask for the help, because also according to the guide, if your fire can't be seen as a device then actually it's a brick. To quote: " unless something else was done to the device after the change in bootmode preventing access to adb or fastboot commands. Then it’s actually a brick at that point."
I can't be sure if anything else was done after the change in bootmode so I'll just explain how I got here and hopefully someone can help out.
I have a mac mini running Os x 10.6.8, and the Kindle Fire which was running stock version 6.2.2.
I used the kindlewater root method to install firefirefire and cwm recovery. Was able to boot into recovery by pressing on the power button for it to go orange and then load the recovery options.
Before doing anything at all (and in consultation with St3p_2 of this forum, one of the kindlewater developers), I decided to perform a backup in preparation for flashing a ROM.
so, I booted, went into recovery, navigated to "install a .zip" and chose "backup" at which point I got a message/nag/reminder that this was a permanent change, and I selected "ok". It did it's thing for a while, went into reboot, and I then had the firefirefire logo blinking in a very very slow loop.
It was recommended to me to perform a factory reset by holding the power button for 2 solid minutes, which should then have returned me to stock. Actually, the first time i did it for minutes I went from having a very slow blinking firefirefire to having a rather fast blinking firefirefire. Following a suggestion i then tried it with the kindlefire unplugged. This resulted in a plain black screen until the fire was plugged in again: no boot, no indication of response to use of the power button. Once plugged in, it has gone back to the rather fast blinking firefirefire logo.
I read through the Kindle Fire Utility thread, found the v0.9.2 version prepared for mac and linux, and downloaded it. Although I am not new to terminal, I am not familiar with what command language is necessary to perform the actions required by this tool. If I open the install_drivers.sh with terminal, i get this:
Reverie:~ apple$ /kindlefire/Kindle_Fire_Utility_MacLinux_0.9-1.2/install_drivers.sh ; exit;
This file will install the correct adb_usb.ini file for proper Kindle Fire detection.
cp: drivers/adb_usb.ini: No such file or directory
[Process completed]
​so I tried running it in the console. I will spare you the output of the console as it appeared to be merely a printout of the actual code of the file and was quite long.
Trying to run the file runme.sh in terminal before running the install_drivers.sh in the console, I got error messages stating there is no such command, or no such file, depending on my command language.
After running the install_drivers.sh in the console, when I try to run runme.sh in terminal, i get this:
/kindlefire/runme.sh ; exit;
Reverie:~ apple$ /kindlefire/runme.sh ; exit;
Easy rooting toolkit (v1.0)
created by DooMLoRD
using exploit zergRush (Revolutionary Team)
Credits go to all those involved in making this possible!
[*] This script will:
(1) root ur device using zergRush exploit
(2) install Busybox (1.18.4)
(3) install SU files (3.0.5)
[*] Before u begin:
(1) make sure adb is in your path
(2) enable "USB DEBUGGING"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications\Development)
(3) enable "UNKNOWN SOURCES"
from (Menu\Settings\Applications)
(4) [OPTIONAL] increase screen timeout to 10 minutes
(5) connect USB cable to PHONE and then connect to PC
(6) skip "PC Companion Software" prompt on device
Press any key to continue... --- STARTING ----
​Which I affirmed because all the requirements had indeed been set that way on the device before the bricking happened. After "starting" and "waiting for device" nothing happens even waiting indefinitely (more than half an hour) and then it never finds the device.
When I go into terminal and type: "adb devices" I get:
Last login: Sun Mar 18 17:08:38 on ttys001
Reverie:~ apple$ adb devices
List of devices attached
Reverie:~ apple$
​This result is the same both before attempting to use the 0.9.2 mac utility and after.
I really am stuck at this point, as everything I find with instructions on how to "unbrick" does require that the machine recognize that your kindlefire is attached. Running any of the tools I find requires that basic bottom dollar, which I don't seem to have.
That said, the behavior of "nothing at all: blank screen" when unplugged, and the behavior of "blinking firefirefire logo" when plugged in would tend to indicate that at the very least the device knows it's plugged in and getting juice, and some process is happening when that's true.
Can someone help? Is my next step to purchase a factory cable, or do I have a software solution available to me that I just didn't find in this haystack of solutions?
nothing doing when unplugged seems like a dead battery
would try to charge it with the wall charger for some hours regardless if the orange light comes up - this can last a while
furthermore i don't know which version of kfu for mac you'r using but zergrush is'nt working any more since stock rom 0.6.1
for rooting use kindlewater:
as far as i know the commands need to be entered with a ./ in front ie: ./install_drivers.sh
sisterdelirious said:
Can someone help? Is my next step to purchase a factory cable, or do I have a software solution available to me that I just didn't find in this haystack of solutions?
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Thanks for reading my guide. I hope it helped you a bit.
Mac OS X is also my primary OS and I take my hat off to you for even trying things this way. I took the easy way out from the very beginning and just used Parallels Desktop to build Windows and Linux virtual machines. If things ultimately don't work out, you might want to try going that route as well. I believe Parallels offers a demo version if you want to see it in action. Regardless, I don't think that matters quite yet, because I tend to agree with b63 here. I think the biggest problem you have right now is a dead battery.
I've never had a dead battery, so I can't comment directly, but take a look at this thread, starting at post #226...
There some back and forth for a couple of pages, but that user describes symptoms that sound very much like what you are seeing right now. I think you should try the wall charger first. Plug it in, force the Kindle Fire to turn off and just try to let it charge overnight or something. If you cannot get your KF charged with the stock wall charger, you might want to buy a factory cable. From what I gather, that user reported that his Kindle Fire booted into fastboot mode by using the factory cable even with a (nearly) dead battery. He was then able to flash the stock software, which is able to handle the dead battery situation better than some alternative ROM and have it go through the charge cycle.
Wow... so simple...
b63 said:
nothing doing when unplugged seems like a dead battery
would try to charge it with the wall charger for some hours regardless if the orange light comes up - this can last a while
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This was the deal. When plugged in with the usb cord it didn't seem to be giving it power and being powerless could not be recognized by the computer. Plugged it into the wall charger and Voila! was able to start up just fine, still rooted via the kindlewater method, capable of being booted normally or booted into CWM recovery. Awesome!
I also did a quick double-check, and now that it's powered-up, running a terminal and typing "adb devices" actually returns a list with the kindle (serial number?) on it.
furthermore i don't know which version of kfu for mac you'r using but zergrush is'nt working any more since stock rom 0.6.1
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I read through everything and the version of kfu that was modded for mac was 0.9.2 which I mentioned in my original post. Sounds like since I was on 6.2.2 that mac version is definitely not going to help me (both kfu out of date and stock version out of date on zergrush) if I were to want it for rooting purposes.
for rooting use kindlewater:
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that is the one i used. I was looking for a mac tool for post-root rescue methods...i had thought that the kfu mac version had valuable rescue/unbrick capabilities but at this point I don't remember.
as far as i know the commands need to be entered with a ./ in front ie: ./install_drivers.sh
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Thankfully, I don't need to try that. my kf got properly unbricked just by plugging it into the wall charger.
Great guide, it was the battery
kinfauns said:
Thanks for reading my guide. I hope it helped you a bit.
Mac OS X is also my primary OS and I take my hat off to you for even trying things this way. I took the easy way out from the very beginning and just used Parallels Desktop to build Windows and Linux virtual machines. If things ultimately don't work out, you might want to try going that route as well. I believe Parallels offers a demo version if you want to see it in action. Regardless, I don't think that matters quite yet, because I tend to agree with b63 here. I think the biggest problem you have right now is a dead battery.
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Thank you for your guide. I thought it was extremely well written and very helpful. It definitely helped me relax a little stress-wise while looking for a solution.
That was it (dead battery). I did try meddling around a bit with virtualbox virtual machines: a windows 7 ultimate, and a linux box that I have that does not have internet access making doing anything realtime while reading suggestions just isnt easy/feasible right now. I found that the virtualbox vms did not have access to the usb devices (flash drives, external hard drives, ostensibly if it were visible to the computer the kindle) despite my installing some optional extension packs for that purpose. I didn't explore the vms further to linux or xp simply because of the time required to install and configure a vm. I also didn't rewire my home so net access went to the linux box for the same reason... ultimately both are possible but both more hassle than it seems to be worth before simply asking the question, can it be done on a mac?
I've never had a dead battery, so I can't comment directly, but take a look at this thread, starting at post #226...
There some back and forth for a couple of pages, but that user describes symptoms that sound very much like what you are seeing right now. I think you should try the wall charger first. Plug it in, force the Kindle Fire to turn off and just try to let it charge overnight or something. If you cannot get your KF charged with the stock wall charger, you might want to buy a factory cable. From what I gather, that user reported that his Kindle Fire booted into fastboot mode by using the factory cable even with a (nearly) dead battery. He was then able to flash the stock software, which is able to handle the dead battery situation better than some alternative ROM and have it go through the charge cycle.
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I'm just so glad this worked. Thank you for your help!
glad to help ...
please mark the subject of the topic (edit first post) with [Solved]
Similar issue
My KF is seeming to have a similar but distinctly different issue as the OP. Because I can turn on the KF without it being plugged in, I cannot imagine that it is a battery issue.
When I plug it in to a Windows machine, the FFF bootloader comes on, the KF seems to connect, be recognized, fail at driver installation (which I have done manually, with no success), and then disconnect. This prevents me from running any sort of commands.
When I connect to my Mac, I get the FFF bootloader and then no response whatsoever.
Trying to run commands from Terminal or the Command line or using KFU on my Windows machine all result in a "waiting for device" message.
Not sure what I should do from this point to get it back to accepting adb commands. I'm confident that once I do I'll be able to save it, but at this point I'm stuck.
Any ideas?

KF Stuck at Logo - Sorry

I know this has been covered thoroughly in this forum multiple times, and I have really tried to read as many threads as possible before asking.
I rooted my device months ago and finally got a Nexus 7 and want to give my KF to my kids but wanted it stock first. I must have done something in TWRP that removed my bootloader.
I have tried the unbrick tool, I ordered a factory cable from Skorpn (awesome work btw) and by using KFU, my PC can finally see my Kindle.
The problem I'm having is that none of the commands are working and it looks like the bootloader is either bad or completely gone.
It used to turn on and the logo stayed bright. After I used the factory cable it now turns on, blinks, and goes dim.
All the drivers loaded correctly and KFU see's it online.
When I try to reinstall TWRP through KFU it downloads, but is stuck at waiting for device.
* Activating Fastboot (4002) *
2433 KB/s (510876 bytes in 0.205s)
- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -
- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -
The kindle has been told to reboot in Fastboot Mode.
< waiting for device >
After reading further, I think I formatted too much and wiped the SD card partition. It doesn't seem like there is a bootloader at all.
Did I miss something in all the reading?
So after doing even further reading I found
I connected the factory cable and the logo is now staying brightly lit, so I assume it's in FB Mode.
I downloaded TWRP based on the link and FFF, but now I don't know what to do with them.
I went to ADB's site and installed SDK, but I'm not sure how to get the cmd portion to sideload TWRP and then FFF.
I'm doing my best to following along in the instructions and went to the ADB site and installed SDK.
I saved it to my C drive but when I try to do the following, along with "adb devices,
I get:
'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NVM, I had it in the wrong directory.
Once I got that figured out, I did an "adb devices" and no devices came back. Of course I have the factory cable connected and I'm not sure if that matters.
Ok, now I used a standard USB and it sees my device, but now the logo went back to going dim after reboot.
So it looks like my problem is fairly common, however forum searches don't seem to be helping.
It looks like I wiped too much in TWRP.
Now that I finally figured out ADB, I'm confused about the factory cable.
When it's connected ADB does not see my device but the logo is lit bright yellow. When I use a standard cable ADB sees the device but the turns on and goes dim but the logo is still there.
I've downloaded the ZIP files for TWP and FFF, but I can't seem to figure out how to side load them no matter what I do.
I'm about to give up on this.
I decided to go the Soupkit rout and installed ubuntu 11.10 and got my PC to boot to USB.
I followed all the directions but my device is always offline. The only thing I can think of is that the 3rd step says to reboot, when I reboot Soupkit is gone and I have to download it again. When I download it, I save it, drag it to the desktop and extract it there and then run in terminal, use option 1 and then option 2.
I realize forums contain a ton of duplicate posts but I really tried to research and follow all the guides before posting.
Does anyone have any advice?
Realized I forgot to add persistence to the LiveUSB drive. I'm going to try again.
Copcheck said:
I'm about to give up on this.
I decided to go the Soupkit rout and installed ubuntu 11.10 and got my PC to boot to USB.
I followed all the directions but my device is always offline. The only thing I can think of is that the 3rd step says to reboot, when I reboot Soupkit is gone and I have to download it again. When I download it, I save it, drag it to the desktop and extract it there and then run in terminal, use option 1 and then option 2.
I realize forums contain a ton of duplicate posts but I really tried to research and follow all the guides before posting.
Does anyone have any advice?
Realized I forgot to add persistence to the LiveUSB drive. I'm going to try again.
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Let me know if this soup kit route works. we have the exact same problem going on here... ill live install ubuntu as well, Ill try my hand here shortly, and give you feedback on my testing.
leroy329 said:
Let me know if this soup kit route works. we have the exact same problem going on here... ill live install ubuntu as well, Ill try my hand here shortly, and give you feedback on my testing.
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No luck with adding persistence.
I get everything to to boot in Linux, followed all the instructions, but Soupkit still does not see my Kindle.
I've tried my factory cable and a regular cable. No luck
Some has changed though because now my Kindle logo light is solid bright whereas before it would blink and dim.
Good luck to you!
Well I've had a great dialogue with myself, but I fixed it by accident.
You guys do awesome work and I know its frustrating when people ask repeat questions. I thought I had truly given it my best shot before asking, but in the end it was an accident that seem to have fixed it, that and Skorpns factory cable LOL.
Right before I got ready to pitch it in the trash I figured I would try KFU one more time even though it wasn't seeing my Kindle. Device manager saw the ADB drivers in Android device though.
I plugged in the factory cable
Launched KFU
KFU said "offline"
Tried various options until I finally saw the install permanent root with superuser (option 2)
That did the trick
I then unplugged my factory cable from both the PC and KF and booted the KF into recovery
Plugged in a standard USB
I downloaded a ROM (Hashcodes and GAPPS) and side loaded them
That did it!
I'm not sure how or why since it said it was offline but it fixed it.
Can anyone shed light on why KFU said offline but it still took a root?
Also, regarding the factory cable, I read a ton of material on when to use it and why, but not really how. What I mean is when to plug in and when to revert to the standard cable. If I missed that, my apologies.
Copcheck said:
Well I've had a great dialogue with myself, but I fixed it by accident.
You guys do awesome work and I know its frustrating when people ask repeat questions. I thought I had truly given it my best shot before asking, but in the end it was an accident that seem to have fixed it, that and Skorpns factory cable LOL.
Right before I got ready to pitch it in the trash I figured I would try KFU one more time even though it wasn't seeing my Kindle. Device manager saw the ADB drivers in Android device though.
I plugged in the factory cable
Launched KFU
KFU said "offline"
Tried various options until I finally saw the install permanent root with superuser (option 2)
That did the trick
I then unplugged my factory cable from both the PC and KF and booted the KF into recovery
Plugged in a standard USB
I downloaded a ROM (Hashcodes and GAPPS) and side loaded them
That did it!
I'm not sure how or why since it said it was offline but it fixed it.
Can anyone shed light on why KFU said offline but it still took a root?
Also, regarding the factory cable, I read a ton of material on when to use it and why, but not really how. What I mean is when to plug in and when to revert to the standard cable. If I missed that, my apologies.
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wow im def. gonna try this seeing how we have similar issues with my kindle fire being recognized with a reg usb and online in kfu but with a boot status of unknown and then not seeing it and status being offline when i plus in the factory cable. also with the regular cables it boots to the cm10 boot logo and then with the factory cable it stays at the kindlefire orange and white cable. only thing im confused on is where you say you
"I then unplugged my factory cable from both the PC and KF and booted the KF into recovery"
how did you reboot to recovery? or this was automatic after option 2? thanks and its awesome you were pretty much able to figure this out on your own. i feel i wont have the same luck
Remi85 said:
wow im def. gonna try this seeing how we have similar issues with my kindle fire being recognized with a reg usb and online in kfu but with a boot status of unknown and then not seeing it and status being offline when i plus in the factory cable. also with the regular cables it boots to the cm10 boot logo and then with the factory cable it stays at the kindlefire orange and white cable. only thing im confused on is where you say you
"I then unplugged my factory cable from both the PC and KF and booted the KF into recovery"
how did you reboot to recovery? or this was automatic after option 2? thanks and its awesome you were pretty much able to figure this out on your own. i feel i wont have the same luck
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When I unplugged the factory cable from the PC and the KF, I could have done 1 of 2 things. Powercycle the KF and hold the power button down to get into TWRP or use a regular USB to side load a ROM and then load it.
Good luck to you, I hope you get it figured out.
Remi85 said:
wow im def. gonna try this seeing how we have similar issues with my kindle fire being recognized with a reg usb and online in kfu but with a boot status of unknown and then not seeing it and status being offline when i plus in the factory cable. also with the regular cables it boots to the cm10 boot logo and then with the factory cable it stays at the kindlefire orange and white cable. only thing im confused on is where you say you
"I then unplugged my factory cable from both the PC and KF and booted the KF into recovery"
how did you reboot to recovery? or this was automatic after option 2? thanks and its awesome you were pretty much able to figure this out on your own. i feel i wont have the same luck
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If you're getting the Kindle Fire orange and white, you haven't installed the new bootloader. Rerun KFU with the Kindle in Fastboot (using Cable) and select install FireFireFire. This will give you the bootloader to reboot to recovery.
Edit: You might as well reinstall TWRP while you're at it, just to be safe.

[Q] Kindle Fire bricked, have factory cable but can't boot recovery, please help!

Hi. I am really in a jam here. I have read a lot of documentation and still am not getting anywhere. I bought my sister a Kindle Fire for her birthday, and after reading the Kindle Fire for Beginner's Guide, I was able to successfully install Cyanogenmod 10.1 It was working fine, but I gave it some thought and decided she would be better off with the stock software, so I followed the instructions here to revert.
However, somewhere in that process I bricked the device. I went through the installing the Amazon software again in TWRP and told the device to reboot, but it is now stuck on the boot screen and will not respond to adb commands I send it.
I used the Kindle Fire Utility to install TWRP again, and it said it was successfully installed. I tried to boot into it through the Kindle Fire Utility menu, but it is still stuck.
It just so happens that I have a fastboot cable for this, so I plugged it in and tried to boot into recovery by issuing
C:\kfu\tools>fastboot oem idme bootmode 5001
It just says:
<waiting for device>
and nothing happens.
I don't know what else to do. I do think this factory cable put me in fastboot mode because the Windows device manager is showing "Android ADB Interface" (which according to Kindle Fire for Beginners is what it is supposed to say if the drivers are good and I am in fastboot mode), but I do not know how else to make use of this.
I am really stuck here, and I hope someone will take the time to help. My sister's birthday is in two days and I need to get this Kindle fixed and in the mail
farkuldi said:
Hi. I am really in a jam here. I have read a lot of documentation and still am not getting anywhere. I bought my sister a Kindle Fire for her birthday, and after reading the Kindle Fire for Beginner's Guide, I was able to successfully install Cyanogenmod 10.1 It was working fine, but I gave it some thought and decided she would be better off with the stock software, so I followed the instructions here to revert.
However, somewhere in that process I bricked the device. I went through the installing the Amazon software again in TWRP and told the device to reboot, but it is now stuck on the boot screen and will not respond to adb commands I send it.
I used the Kindle Fire Utility to install TWRP again, and it said it was successfully installed. I tried to boot into it through the Kindle Fire Utility menu, but it is still stuck.
It just so happens that I have a fastboot cable for this, so I plugged it in and tried to boot into recovery by issuing
C:\kfu\tools>fastboot oem idme bootmode 5001
It just says:
<waiting for device>
and nothing happens.
I don't know what else to do. I do think this factory cable put me in fastboot mode because the Windows device manager is showing "Android ADB Interface" (which according to Kindle Fire for Beginners is what it is supposed to say if the drivers are good and I am in fastboot mode), but I do not know how else to make use of this.
I am really stuck here, and I hope someone will take the time to help. My sister's birthday is in two days and I need to get this Kindle fixed and in the mail
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First, welcome to Xda-developers
OK. So lets cover the basics.
^ Download and run that tool. Its very useful for un-bricking your Kindle
Once that is done, reboot into recovery and wipe every things. (sorry, we're going to start you from fresh start)
I'm going to suggest you try to install this ROM
The reason being that this one will give you the option to also wipe a few other places (including boot)
Now assuming you still want to keep with stock
This is basically the stock ROM by its rooted.
Socially Uncensored said:
First, welcome to Xda-developers
OK. So lets cover the basics.
^ Download and run that tool. Its very useful for un-bricking your Kindle
Once that is done, reboot into recovery and wipe every things. (sorry, we're going to start you from fresh start)
I'm going to suggest you try to install this ROM
The reason being that this one will give you the option to also wipe a few other places (including boot)
Now assuming you still want to keep with stock
This is basically the stock ROM by its rooted.
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Thank you for your reply! I ran the Kindle Fire unbrick tool with the option "Stuck at logo," and it said "Congratulations, your Kindle should be unbricked. However, nothing had changed. So I ran it with the option "Other . . ." It said:
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
This part might take a while . . .
< waiting for device >
I have left it like that for ten minutes now and nothing is happening. Do you think it is working? I'll leave it alone for an hour or so I guess but I'm wondering.
BTW, for this I just used a regular USB cable and not the factory one. Is that right?
farkuldi said:
Thank you for your reply! I ran the Kindle Fire unbrick tool with the option "Stuck at logo," and it said "Congratulations, your Kindle should be unbricked. However, nothing had changed. So I ran it with the option "Other . . ." It said:
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
error: device not found
This part might take a while . . .
< waiting for device >
I have left it like that for ten minutes now and nothing is happening. Do you think it is working? I'll leave it alone for an hour or so I guess but I'm wondering.
BTW, for this I just used a regular USB cable and not the factory one. Is that right?
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The unbrick program didn't work. It just stayed there t <waiting for device>. How can I use the fastboot cable to fix it?
I had the same problem before. It always says no device found. I tried different PC, finally in my XP PC it is detected and new ROM flashed in
Maybe you should try different PC
ezproxy said:
I had the same problem before. It always says no device found. I tried different PC, finally in my XP PC it is detected and new ROM flashed in
Maybe you should try different PC
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I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately I don't have another PC running Windows. All my others are running Linux, and I don't know how to get the drivers working.
I think I will borrow a laptop from a friend tomorrow and see if it works. It is my sister's 17th birthday today and her present is late!
In the meantime, though, does anyone know how I am supposed to use this fastboot cable? I have looked around and I see a lot of tutorials about how to unbrick without a fastboot cable, but none saying how to do it WITH one. I thought the cable was supposed to make it easier?
Thanks for the help.
farkuldi said:
I was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately I don't have another PC running Windows. All my others are running Linux, and I don't know how to get the drivers working.
I think I will borrow a laptop from a friend tomorrow and see if it works. It is my sister's 17th birthday today and her present is late!
In the meantime, though, does anyone know how I am supposed to use this fastboot cable? I have looked around and I see a lot of tutorials about how to unbrick without a fastboot cable, but none saying how to do it WITH one. I thought the cable was supposed to make it easier?
Thanks for the help.
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First of all, Happy Birthday to your sister!
I think you may need install the firefirefire utility first to help you out of bootmode sucking. After you successfully reinstall the TWRP using unbrick utility, you need change the fastboot mode to normal boot, the firefirefire can help you choose,
here is the information may help you : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1668159
ezproxy said:
First of all, Happy Birthday to your sister!
I think you may need install the firefirefire utility first to help you out of bootmode sucking. After you successfully reinstall the TWRP using unbrick utility, you need change the fastboot mode to normal boot, the firefirefire can help you choose,
here is the information may help you : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1668159
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I'd say you didn't read the previous posts.
Well, now the Kindle Fire is no longer being recognized by my computers. I borrowed another Windows computer like I said I would, but when I plug in the Kindle, the Device Manger does not even register it. Also, usually when I plug it in, the computer will realize I have plugged in a usb device and respond with that little pop up at the task bar, i.e. to let me know it sees a usb device and is trying to install driver, was not able to install drivers, or whatever. But now nothing. The computer doesn't even see it.
I have tried it on two different computers with three different cables and it's the same thing. I have restarted the computer and reinstalled the drivers over and over again and there is no difference. What is going on? It was seeing the Kindle fine before I tried the Unbricking Utility.
farkuldi said:
Well, now the Kindle Fire is no longer being recognized by my computers. I borrowed another Windows computer like I said I would, but when I plug in the Kindle, the Device Manger does not even register it. Also, usually when I plug it in, the computer will realize I have plugged in a usb device and respond with that little pop up at the task bar, i.e. to let me know it sees a usb device and is trying to install driver, was not able to install drivers, or whatever. But now nothing. The computer doesn't even see it.
I have tried it on two different computers with three different cables and it's the same thing. I have restarted the computer and reinstalled the drivers over and over again and there is no difference. What is going on? It was seeing the Kindle fine before I tried the Unbricking Utility.
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I'm assuming you know for sure this was a 1st Generation Kindle, right?
I had this problem once and basically formatted my computer. The driver was the issue and I couldn't uninstall it completely. Using my drivers solved this. I get the feeling you're still trying to use the drivers that came with the utility (don't they're often trouble)
However, assuming you are using the correct drivers (the ones I linked for you).... Boot into TWRP and wipe everything. Don't just use the general, click the advance options and wipe everything (selecting all options manually).
No connect your Kindle and don't worry about it not showing up yet....
Mount your SSD (should suddenly find your kindle) and upload this ROM
Now if you can't even load TWRP (when you turn on the Kindle, you'll need to hold the power button to bring up the menu, then quickly hit it a few times until its on recovery).... But if you can't load TWRP at all, its time to get a factory cable.
If you have a factory cable and still can't find the device (and assuming you're using the right drivers, on a fresh install) .... As someone else who knows how to do this. Because past that, all hope is lost.
Socially Uncensored said:
I'm assuming you know for sure this was a 1st Generation Kindle, right?
I had this problem once and basically formatted my computer. The driver was the issue and I couldn't uninstall it completely. Using my drivers solved this. I get the feeling you're still trying to use the drivers that came with the utility (don't they're often trouble)
However, assuming you are using the correct drivers (the ones I linked for you).... Boot into TWRP and wipe everything. Don't just use the general, click the advance options and wipe everything (selecting all options manually).
No connect your Kindle and don't worry about it not showing up yet....
Mount your SSD (should suddenly find your kindle) and upload this ROM
Now if you can't even load TWRP (when you turn on the Kindle, you'll need to hold the power button to bring up the menu, then quickly hit it a few times until its on recovery).... But if you can't load TWRP at all, its time to get a factory cable.
If you have a factory cable and still can't find the device (and assuming you're using the right drivers, on a fresh install) .... As someone else who knows how to do this. Because past that, all hope is lost.
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Hi, My name i Jonah and i have a Kindle fire (5th generation) That came stock with Amazon's Fire OS Bellini 5.1.1. I tried to flash Cm12 with the app FlashFire (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaCBSuUuhRE&spfreload=10) and during the installation i noticed it stopped for a while and didnt do anything. So i waited then 10 minutes later i decided to turn it off and turn it back on to fix it, when it started to boot up it showed the Cm logo just like as if it was running Cm12. So i waited, maybe 5 min at the most and it still would not turn on. So i turned it off, went online to see ho to get out of a bootloop. Rootjunky said to Turn your Kindle off and run ADB and Fastboot as a command from where you installed your drivers. Then he said he said to enter Recovery mode by pressing vol down and the power button. It is suppose'd to say Recovery-Mode in the corner but it just kept showing the Amazon logo. Im worried i screwed up and broke my new tablet, i can't return it because it's against Amazon's policy to root or mod any content of Amazon's, Plus ADB isn't working i can only access fastboot. I tried fixing it with the stock charger also but how do i know what kind of Android charger should i use?
Gon Rouge said:
Hi, My name i Jonah and i have a Kindle fire (5th generation) That came stock with Amazon's Fire OS Bellini 5.1.1. I tried to flash Cm12 with the app FlashFire (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaCBSuUuhRE&spfreload=10) and during the installation i noticed it stopped for a while and didnt do anything. So i waited then 10 minutes later i decided to turn it off and turn it back on to fix it, when it started to boot up it showed the Cm logo just like as if it was running Cm12. So i waited, maybe 5 min at the most and it still would not turn on. So i turned it off, went online to see ho to get out of a bootloop. Rootjunky said to Turn your Kindle off and run ADB and Fastboot as a command from where you installed your drivers. Then he said he said to enter Recovery mode by pressing vol down and the power button. It is suppose'd to say Recovery-Mode in the corner but it just kept showing the Amazon logo. Im worried i screwed up and broke my new tablet, i can't return it because it's against Amazon's policy to root or mod any content of Amazon's, Plus ADB isn't working i can only access fastboot. I tried fixing it with the stock charger also but how do i know what kind of Android charger should i use?
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post in correct forum
Fire Index: Which Amazon (Kindle) Fire Do I have?
"Failed - Virus detected" Chrome wouldn't let me open it - if you're for real, please re-post the software.
jerry777888 said:
"Failed - Virus detected" Chrome wouldn't let me open it - if you're for real, please re-post the software.
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Repost what?
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cm10 logo stuck, boot status unknown, ect

ok first here is my problem
I have a Kindle fire that is stuck at the boot logo for cm10 from what ive found out due to not clearing the cache prior to rebooting
also with KFU running and the KF hooked up it reads adb status online and boot status unknown. when hooked up through the regular usb cable it goes through to the cm10 boot logo and is recognized by the computer and kfu
when hooked up trhough the factory cable its neither recognized by my computer or KFU and only stays at the kidlefire orange and white logo.
NOW how i got here
little sister got the KF and of course wanted more out of it. rooted and installed twrp and proceeded to flash roms through twrp SHE DIDNT INSTALL FFF. she said she got it stuck first on the AOSP? boot logo also what we later found out from not clearing the cache. then was able to get in through KFU to reboot back up to recovery and flash back to factory setting but still with twrp installed. well then went on to flash cm10 again without clearing the cache AFTER flashing the final gapps before rebooting and got it stuck yet again at the boot logo.
so with her being out of town i wanted to fix it for her so i got a factory cable and what not but wanted to try first through kfu so i hook it up and its recognized and what not well when i go to push 1 for bootmodes i accidently hit 4 i think and starting installing twrp AGAIN while it was STUCK at the cm10 boot logo. and that was the last thing that got me stuck to where the boot status isnt noticed
WHAT IVE TRIED. everything
kfu doesnt find the file for bootmodes now so i tried command prompts and thats saying device offline
so i got a factory cable and that makes it to where the computer AND kfu dont recognize it at all???
i also get with the regualr usb cable MTP USB device FAILED with the litt;le yellow caution triangle under Portable Devices but
shows it under Android Phone as Android Composite ADB interface???
but as stated with the factory cable it IMMEDIATELY says USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED
with regular power it boots and gets stuck at the cm10 logo screen
with factory cable it only goes and stops at the orange and white kindle fire logo
i hope ive provided everything i can and hope someone can help out. thanks guys and its been some great reading on this site
Remi85 said:
with factory cable it only goes and stops at the orange and white kindle fire logo
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This means your bootloader is not the FireFireFire.
Remi85 said:
i also get with the regualr usb cable MTP USB device FAILED with the litt;le yellow caution triangle under Portable Devices but
shows it under Android Phone as Android Composite ADB interface
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Reinstall Kindle Fire Drivers from the Kindle Fire Utility package. Unzip your download and run the install drivers batch file. Then try to plug the Kindle in again.
Remi85 said:
but as stated with the factory cable it IMMEDIATELY says USB DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED
with regular power it boots and gets stuck at the cm10 logo screen
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Best way to get things working here is to run Kindle fire utility, run the "intall FireFireFire" option, it will say waiting on device, with your kindle off, attach the Factory cable to the kindle and then plug it into the PC. Hopefully this will get the bootloader installed, and while you're at it, go ahead and reinstall TWRP, as it shouldn't cause an issue. After you get the bootloader and TWRP installed, you can wipe caches and see if that helps.
mthous01 said:
This means your bootloader is not the FireFireFire.
Reinstall Kindle Fire Drivers from the Kindle Fire Utility package. Unzip your download and run the install drivers batch file. Then try to plug the Kindle in again.
Best way to get things working here is to run Kindle fire utility, run the "intall FireFireFire" option, it will say waiting on device, with your kindle off, attach the Factory cable to the kindle and then plug it into the PC. Hopefully this will get the bootloader installed, and while you're at it, go ahead and reinstall TWRP, as it shouldn't cause an issue. After you get the bootloader and TWRP installed, you can wipe caches and see if that helps.
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hey thanks mthous
Ya i told her if she would have installed the FFF that alot of this would be a whole bunch easier.
As for installing the drivers ive done that and it IS being noticed by the computer as i stated with the reg. usb cable, In KFU its read as ADB Status ONLINE but bootmode status UNKNOWN. so its being recognized just i think since the Kindle is stuck in whatever bootmode that its not being read.
ONLY WHEN i plug it in with the Factory cable is it completely invisible to the computer and unrecognized IMMEDIATLEY after attached to the KF.
But im going to try that last piece of advice but i had tried something similar with going to the KFU and choosing option 1 then choosing i believe option 2 for recovery mode then hit enter and it said "waiting for device" BUT as usual it didnt even read that the device was connected with the Factory Cable. IS there a special different kind of driver for the FACTORY cable that i dont know about? MAYBE its not made right???? i bought it from a reputable ebay dealer. and it DOES alter the state of the KF by keeping it at the KF logo instead of going on through to the CM10 boopt logo.
i dont know.
ANYONE reading this with some idea please chime in cause its gotten to the point where i just turn the KF on to see it light up and watch the cm10 boot animation thinking of the day that i will one day be able to use it :crying::crying:
so im just going to try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1430038
seems my problem is the drivers and what not so hey why not right. SUCKS i had to search so many places to even know FULLY what pokey (the op) was talking about.
such as making a bootable usb. finding the diagram on how to short out the kindle and things of that but i fully feel confident that this will fix it. also ive included my links incase anyone else is having this problem and isnt as good at searching.
link from the vid
ill let you know what happens CROSS YOUR FINGERS this is the last step before i pay someone to fix it.... ANYONE in TX!!!!
What was your outcome? I'm having the same exact issue, and I'm pulling my hair out!
i have one other option you might wanna try.
using fastboot cable, get to the kindle logo and plug it in to your computer.
delete your .android folder located at c:\users\%your user%\.android
open kfu and it should say offline
run the option to install FFF that might do it.
let me know what happens
goldflame09 said:
i have one other option you might wanna try.
using fastboot cable, get to the kindle logo and plug it in to your computer.
delete your .android folder located at c:\users\%your user%\.android
open kfu and it should say offline
run the option to install FFF that might do it.
let me know what happens
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Didn't work. Kindle installs as a USB MTP Device.
bondosho said:
Didn't work. Kindle installs as a USB MTP Device.
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now you cant get into recovery right?
I can't get anywhere, or flash anything. It just boots up, and goes to the off center CM logo.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Might be a stupid question to ask - but it seems like you already have firefirefire due to previous flashing and etc, have you tried pushing the power button repeatedly during the boot to change the bootmode?
This can be an easy way to get into recovery and do a complete wipe then reflash. I had an issue similar to this and it was because I forgot to do my wipes because I was focused on getting my device recognized by KFU.
sorry been lazy and i gotta search where all the links were now... but def going to do this today sometime.....oh ya links are in my post lol ok well i WILL get back to see if this "drastic way" works is it wierd that it doesnt seem that complicated to do it this way??? i feel like im missing something like it should be alot harder. idk ill find out and get back.
zane203 said:
Might be a stupid question to ask - but it seems like you already have firefirefire due to previous flashing and etc, have you tried pushing the power button repeatedly during the boot to change the bootmode?
This can be an easy way to get into recovery and do a complete wipe then reflash. I had an issue similar to this and it was because I forgot to do my wipes because I was focused on getting my device recognized by KFU.
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I'll try that.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
And that didn't work
Here's a quick video:

[Q] Team Black Hat Adapter

My son is trying to get his kindle fire back up and running. With not much success. He was reinstalling the software and must have wiped the device clean as now he cannot get back into recovery mode. When installing FFFF it says that there is no exec directory. He ordered a factory cable adapter from black hat under the impression that this would force the device into fastboot thus recovery. When he attached the adapter all that happened was that it went back to the kindle fire logo and is now showing offline status unknown. Before at least it was showing online. Are we mistaken that it should go to recovery (blue and white) kindle logo. We are a little tired of messing with it and are thinking of calling it quits. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. We have turned off and on, installed drivers, and switched cables to no avail.
jwhite0514 said:
My son is trying to get his kindle fire back up and running. With not much success. He was reinstalling the software and must have wiped the device clean as now he cannot get back into recovery mode. When installing FFFF it says that there is no exec directory. He ordered a factory cable adapter from black hat under the impression that this would force the device into fastboot thus recovery. When he attached the adapter all that happened was that it went back to the kindle fire logo and is now showing offline status unknown. Before at least it was showing online. Are we mistaken that it should go to recovery (blue and white) kindle logo. We are a little tired of messing with it and are thinking of calling it quits. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. We have turned off and on, installed drivers, and switched cables to no avail.
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You almost got it right. The error you received means the shell is no longer accessible and therefore unable to send necessary shell commands, like those used to change bootmodes. In order to fix the problem, a factory cable is needed to access fastboot, which gives you an alternative method of changing bootmodes (to access recovery) or flashing partition images (i.e. installing recovery) by use of fastboot commands. But the factory cable does not actually boot the device into recovery on it's own though.
Here's where it get's a little tricky though. Unless you know what to look for, it's difficult to know whether the device is actually in fastboot because the only thing that will be displayed on the screen is the Kindle Fire logo. You'll know if the device is in fastboot because the Kindle Fire logo will stay brightly lit, indefinitely. If the Kindle Fire logo flashes and/or gets slightly dimmed, then you'll know the factory cable you have is defective. With that being said, however, just because the device boots into fastboot mode, doesn't necessarily mean the computer will communicate with it. For that, you need working drivers.
Long story, short...you need to confirm whether the device is actually in fastboot before you can go any further.
Thanks for the reply. I looked at the logo this morning and it came up brightly lit with no change so I am assuming it is in fastboot mode. That being said the device, in device manager it comes up as unknown usb device. Before it would come up as kindle and I would install the drivers and it would come up as an android phone adb composite. I went into device manager and tried to update the driver manually and windows tells me that the correct driver is being used for this device. I did unplug the adapter and go back with a regular data cable and that made no difference. Do you need to force it to use a different driver. I am trying to use the drivers that came with the KFU I downloaded.
soupmagnet said:
You almost got it right. The error you received means the shell is no longer accessible and therefore unable to send necessary shell commands, like those used to change bootmodes. In order to fix the problem, a factory cable is needed to access fastboot, which gives you an alternative method of changing bootmodes (to access recovery) or flashing partition images (i.e. installing recovery) by use of fastboot commands. But the factory cable does not actually boot the device into recovery on it's own though.
Here's where it get's a little tricky though. Unless you know what to look for, it's difficult to know whether the device is actually in fastboot because the only thing that will be displayed on the screen is the Kindle Fire logo. You'll know if the device is in fastboot because the Kindle Fire logo will stay brightly lit, indefinitely. If the Kindle Fire logo flashes and/or gets slightly dimmed, then you'll know the factory cable you have is defective. With that being said, however, just because the device boots into fastboot mode, doesn't necessarily mean the computer will communicate with it. For that, you need working drivers.
Long story, short...you need to confirm whether the device is actually in fastboot before you can go any further.
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Kindle drivers are notoriously touchy. Try uninstalling/reinstalling them a couple of times. I predict they will suddenly start working and you can proceed with installing custom recovery/rom.
Sent from my GT-p511x
Thanks for the respone, I have installed and uninstalled to where if I here the computer connect and disconnect one more time I might throw it against the wall. Are there specific steps that I need to take other than ordinary to unintall/install the drivers correctly or maybe drivers that are more sccuessful than others.
Ok, after sifting through a number of threads. I read where adb and fastboot are mutually exclusive and adb will not see a device that is in fastboot mode. Is that correct? And when you install the drivers with KFU does that contain the fastboot drivers? Or should you download SDK platforms tools which contains both? And then run fastboot commands to flash a recovery? If so, is there a good tutorial for someone that does not follow directions well?
jwhite0514 said:
Ok, after sifting through a number of threads. I read where adb and fastboot are mutually exclusive and adb will not see a device that is in fastboot mode. Is that correct? And when you install the drivers with KFU does that contain the fastboot drivers? Or should you download SDK platforms tools which contains both? And then run fastboot commands to flash a recovery? If so, is there a good tutorial for someone that does not follow directions well?
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Yes, adb and fastboot are mutually exclusive but the same drivers should work for each. You can try the drivers located HERE, or read the topic on understanding driver installation located HERE.
Of you are still unsuccessful in communicating with the device in fastboot while using fastboot commands, you may have to restore it with Firekit using the "shorting trick".
OK, here is an update. I was able to get the device into recovery and TWRP. Not sure what I did differently other than maybe standing on one foot, facing south and staring at the stars, but it worked. When all of this started it was right after my son updated the software to 6.3.2 via wifi, maybe something went wrong. So last night I was able to flash 6.3.1 back to the device and was told that it was done succesfully. Using adb I can see the device in recovery and the shell lsiting is ~ # ←[6n which I guess is good as it said there was no shell before. So now my question is could it possibly be a corrupt bootloader on the device as well as it was hung at the fire logo. If so, do I need to reinstall the stock bootloader and if so where do you find it or does it come with the software flash?
I have succesfully got the update file on the kindle, did all the wipes selected install and now seems to be hung at veryfing filesystem and partitions sizes. Can someone tell me how long a flash should take or is something wrong? Since I have never done this before I have no idea.

