Push to-->talk, text & directions - Web App Development

For the topic of this discussion, I would like to use the following web link as reference. Please visit:
This link will ONLY work in smart phones like iPhone and Android. Directions icon works best with Google Maps installed.
The idea here is that when a link is provided to this page or these icons embedded into email signatures people can contact each other with simple push of a button from smart phone. Especially if person isn't in a persons contact list.
The html code for this page is straight forward:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<font face="DejaVu Sans">
<center><img src="http://www.taganize.com/signature/taganize.png" width="500" height="90"/></center><p>
<center><font size="3"><b>Activate NFC chips and generate QR codes in seconds.</p>
<i>Reuse them forever!</b></i></font><p></center></font>
<center><img src="http://www.taganize.com/signature/call_me_now.gif" width="160" height="40"/></center>
<center><img src="http://www.taganize.com/signature/text_me.png" width="80" height="80"/></center>
<center><img src="http://www.taganize.com/signature/directions.png" width="80" height="80"/></center>
<center><font size="2"><b>Icons powered by Taganize.com<br></b></i></font></center>
But look at the setup procedure and steps
Preparations- Get these three things squared away first:
1. Create Taganize.com account
2. Obtain three images of your choice representing: Call Me, SMS and Visit Me and/or Directions.
3. Setup a hosting account where images and html files can be placed. The pratical thing for novices to do is sign up for either a 'Pancake' account or 'Droppages' accounts and enable access to ones Dropbox account. THIS IS ALL FREE TO DO! As you experience more of Taganize and what Taganize can do for you these third party services will become indispensible in all your QR and NFC needs! See:
A) https://pancake.io/
B) http://droppages.com/getting+started
STEP # 1
1. Sign In to Taganize.com
2. Create Folder 'My uri's' or similar
3. Create three tags:
a. Name your first tag 'Telephone'. In 'target url' field type tel:00358-Area Code-Number NOTE: 00 replaces +. No spaces allowed!
b. Name your second tag 'SMS'. In 'target url' field type sms:00358-Area Code-Number NOTE: 00 replaces +. No spaces allowed!
(If user wants to add message to SMS then do this: sms:00358-Area Code-Number?body=TYPE MESSAGE HERE)
c. To enter directions using geo uri with Google maps (eg https://maps.google.com). Go here!
Right click on the exact location you want to go to and choose 'What's here?'. Coordinates appear top left of screen.
Enter the geo coordinates into the Taganize target url field as follows:
For directions by car enter:
google.navigation:q=60.159057, 24.864673
For additional info on using URIs visit the Taganize.com help section!
4. For each Taganize tag you create you must go to 'Tag Info' located to 'right' of each tag and choose 'view details'. At the bottom of this pop-up window you will find the Taganize assigned url. Write down this url for each of the three tags you create!
STEP # 2
This step involves uploading the three images to a hosting service. Non-novices are assumed to possess that level of knowledge to know what the url of each of their images is.
The urls for images uploaded to 'Pancake' OR 'Droppages' will look similar to this:
Image Location:
http://NAME_USER_ASSIGNS.droppages.com/NAME_OF IMAGE. (example: picture.svg)
http://NAME_USER_ASSIGNS.pancakeapps.com/NMAE_OF_IMAGE. (example: picture2.jpg)
1. User must now upload all three images.
2. User must correctly note the exact url to each image. This can be easily tested by typing each images url in a broswer.
STEP # 3
1. Open 'signature.html' in a text editor
2. We will now assign icons in order from top to bottom. Determine which icon you want to be top, middle, bottom.
3. User will find three lines of code that look similar to this:
<img src="http://www.taganize.com/signature/call_me_now.gif" width="160" height="40"/>
4. Re-enter to each of the three lines the new url for each images location. Adjust the width and height of your image accordingly.
5. Navigate to where the file 'Signature.html' is and open it with your favorite browser.
6. Adjust the width and height accordignly in the signature.html file. Hit refresh on your browser to review changes.
Step: # 4
1. User will find three lines of code that look similar to this: <a href="http://taganize.com/t?c=fC2JgPxr">
2. Replace each line of code with the url You noted in Step # 1 part 4. Make sure they match with your icons.
3. Click save but do not close out.
4. Navigate to where the file 'Signature.html' is and open it with your favorite browser.
5. Provided you entered everything accordingly, web page should open exactly as you want.
6. Upload signature.html file to same destination as images.
7. Type the complete url for signature.html in your smart phone browser.
8. You are now in business.
Would creating an app to do this be a better alternative or is this entireley a non issue and duable?
I set up a poll to hear your opinions.'Just go here:
and click on Uncle Sam.
Thank you!!


Auto Installer Tool

Auto Installer V1.0
I've written a small utility with a whole mix of features, primarily designed to enable easy setup of your favourite cabs, shortcuts, icons etc...
It's written in Mortscript, but you don't need to worry about that... everything is installed from a plain text INI file:
-Specify which cab files to install automatically (silently, or with user interaction)
-Specify which registry entries to create / modify
-Specify Hi-Res custom icons for your applications and tools (WM6.5 Only)
-Specify which shortcuts to create in the Start/Program Files menu
-Specify the Start/Program Files menu structure (groups/folders etc)
-Specify TF3D shortcuts for Manila 2 and 2.5
-Specify TF3D weather locations for Manila 2 and 2.5
-Specify HTC Task Manager 'x' button options
-Specify Windows Screen Font Size
-Choose to execute every item in your setup config, or just execute specific sections.
Coming Soon Features:
-Specify files you'd like to back up
-Specify tasks to kill before install
-Specify tasks to start after install
Installation Instructions:
-Download zip file here: AutoInstaller V1.0
-Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice on your device (preferably on the SD Card so that it's not lost after a hard reset!
-Read the usage guidelines
-That's it
Usage Guidelines
Usage Guidelines:
The application contains 3 files:
1) AutoInstaller.exe (this is the main executable file)
2) AutoInstaller.mscr (this is the source code for the script. Do not modify this file unless you're a script programmer)
3) AutoInstaller.ini (this the file that you edit to configure)
All three files MUST reside together in the same folder (any folder)
AutoInstaller.ini and how to:
Cab File Installation
You can install multiple cab files using the [Cab Install] section of the ini file.
The format of each entry in the section must be as follows:
<Unique Friendly Name>=<Cab filename>,<Silent install>
<Unique Friendly Name> MUST be unique, but is just any friendly string identifying the cab to be installed.
<Cab filename> is the full path to the cab file to install
<Silent install> determines if the installation should be silent (TRUE) or interactive (FALSE). Note: Most cab files will install silently, but some will still force user interaction. This is not a problem, but be aware that some files do this.
Also be aware, that if a cab file forces a reboot of the device without asking, then this cab is not suitable for installation via this script, since a reboot will terminate the script.
[Cab Install]
Facebook =\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\Facebook\Facebook_v1.0.0.7p.cab,TRUE
Google Maps=\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\Google Maps\GoogleMaps.cab,TRUE
My Mail Settings=\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\My Mail Settings\MyMailSettings.cab,TRUE
SPB Wireless Monitor=\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\SPB Wireless Monitor\SpbWirelessMonitor3.arm.cab,TRUE
Total Commander=\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\Total Commander\tcmdpocketarm.cab,TRUE
WunderRadio=\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\WunderRadio\wunderradio_ppc.cab,TRUE
Panoramic Calc Pro=\Storage Card\Setup\Install Cabs\Panoramic Calc Pro\PanoramicCalcPro.cab,TRUE
Neos Driver Pack=\Storage Card\NeoS2007_Driverpack_3.cab,TRUE
Registry Writes
Registry entries to be created/written can be specified in the [Registry_Writes] section of the ini file.
The format for each entry in the section must be as follows:
<RegistryKey> is the full path of the key to be written
<Type> is the type of value to be written to the registry, it may be STRING, DWORD or BINARY
<value> is the actual value to be written
Usage Guide
Create Shortcuts
Shortcuts to be created can be specified in the [Create Shortuts] section of the ini file.
The format for each entry in the section must be as follows:
<shortcut file to create>=<file to link to>
<shortcut file to create> is the full path of the shortcut file to be created
<file to link to> is the full path of the target file being linked to
[Create Shortcuts]
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iGO8.lnk=\Storage Card\igo8\iGO8.exe
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Reboot.lnk=\Storage Card\Scripts\reboot.mscr
Move Files
Files to be moved may be specified in the [Move Files] section of the ini file.
The format for each entry in the section must be as follows:
<Source File>=<Destination File>
<Source File> is the full path of the file you wish to move
<Destination File> is the full path of the file you wish to move it to
[Move File]
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iGO8.lnk=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Navigation\iGO8.lnk
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\reboot.lnk=\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Utils\iGO8.lnk
Create Custom Icons (WM6.5 Only)
Custom Hi Res Icons in PNG (with transparency) may be specified in the [Custom Icons] section of the ini file.
The format for each entry in the section must be as follows:
<Start menu link file>=<png file>
<Start menu link file> is the path of the lnk file RELATIVE to the \Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder
<png file> is the full path of the desired png file to use for the custom icon. NOTE: the png file MUST be exactly 90x90 pixels.
[Custom Icons]
iGO8.lnk=\Storage Card\Custom Icons\iGO8.png
Google Maps.lnk=\Storage Card\Custom Icons\Google Maps.png
TF3D Shortcuts
TF3D V2 or V2.5 shortcuts can be specified using the [TF3DV2 Shortcuts] or [TF3DV2.5 Shortcuts] section of the ini file.
The format of each entry in the section must be as follows:
<shortcut index>=<friendly name>,<shortcut target>
<shortcut index> is the position / index of the shortcut entry (0 to 17 for TF3D V2) or (0 to 8 for TF3D V2.5)
<friendly name> is the friendly name of the shortcut that will be displayed on the TF3D screen
<shortcut target> is the full path of the target file
[TF3DV2 Shortcuts]
0=Igo8,\Storage Card\igo8\iGO8.exe
[TF3DV2.5 Shortcuts]
0=Igo8,\Storage Card\igo8\iGO8.exe
3=Google Maps,\Google\Google Maps.exe
TF3D Weather Locations
TF3D (V2 or V2.5) weather locations can be specified in the [TF3D Weather Locations] section of the ini file.
The format of each entry in the section must be as follows:
<weather index>=<weather location>
<weather index> is a value from 0 to n representing the order/index of the weather locations
<weather location> is a specially formatted location string identifying the location (more in this later, there's a utility to 'grab' them included in the installer!
[TF3D Weather Locations]
Screen Options
Screen option can be specified using the [Screen Options] section of the ini file.
The format of each entry in the section must be as follows:
<option name>=<value>
<option name> is either TextSize or TrueType
<value> depends on the <option name> for TextSize it can be Tiny, Small, Medium, Large or ExtraLarge. For TrueType it's either True or False.
[Screen Options]
Reserved 3
Reserved for even more instructions
I'll give it a bash next time I flash a rom but it sounds a lot like Sashimi
crankshaft said:
I'll give it a bash next time I flash a rom but it sounds a lot like Sashimi
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I strongly suspect it is... although I'm guessing a lot smaller and simpler...
I wasn't aware of Sashimi until you mentioned it, and I'm checking it out, although it looks pretty comprehensive, it also looks quite daunting.... meaning you may as well have written the installation in Mortscript in the first place by the time it's all configured!
However, I suspect there's a couple of nice little things in my script (like the custom icons, and TF3D weather etc that folks might find useful... I wrote it for myself, but thought I'd share!
have a little problem
when i run the AutoInstall.exe this error comes
There is no application associated with "AutoInstaller". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application
You need MortScript installed.
I did tried. For some of my application which required manual interaction,
runwait doesn't do the proper thing as it continue on next cab installtion when some
manual dialog popped up.

Russian Daylight Saving Time changes

Hi guys.
First, some sidenotes:
1) I'm not sure where this post belongs. I hope moderator will move it accordingly
2) I'm not able to post urls, so please replace hxxp:// in those links below with http//. I will fix that as soon as the forum lets me. ​
Russia has changed its DST rules this year. All time zones are shifted +1 hour and DST is now disabled. To reflect those changes under WM we need to edit registry a little.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\TimeZones\ is a key that allows to override timezone info. So, you need to create a subkey, which name will be the time zone index needed to change. Time zone indexes could be looked up here: hxxp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms912053.aspx
Here is an example for Moscow time zone (MSK). It's index is 145
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Display"="GMT+4 Moscow"
"Dlt"="Russian Daylight Time"
"Std"="Russian Standard Time"
Where do you obtain this? There are two ways:
1) The easy one. If you already installed MS updates on your PC, its registry already contains all that we need. Go under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\ and select appropriate key. (for Moscow it's under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\Russian Standard Time). Export it and import to the device with your favorite registry editor (I use TotalCommander).
2) The hard one. Write it by yourself. OK...
All the fields are self-explanatory except TZI. Let's take a closer look on that. According to MSDN hxxp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms725481%28v=vs.85%29.aspx, it's contains REG_TZI_FORMAT structure:
typedef struct _REG_TZI_FORMAT
LONG Bias;
LONG StandardBias;
LONG DaylightBias;
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
Bias is the offset in minutes, so that UTC = local time + bias
Since Moscow is UTC+4, the bias should be -4 hrs = -240 mins. -240 is 0xFFFFFF10 in hex, hence first 4 bytes of TZI are 10,ff,ff,ff
StandardBias is the bias during standard time (when DST don't apply): UTC = local time + bias + standard bias. So, it should be zero.
DaylightBias is the bias during daylight time: UTC = local time + bias + daylight bias. Should be zero for current Russian DST rules
Those two SYSTEMTIME fields contain dates when DST applies. They should be zero in our case. You can refer to the above link for details, if curious.
So, all you need to do is to just fill 4 first bytes with proper values.
OK, after registry is changed, you should be immediately able to see new time zone in clock settings. If that is not the case, try rebooting your device.
Now, maybe someone will create a cab for all Russian timezones... that would be nice.
Now Manila aka HTC Sense is the whole different story. It has its own city database with UTC offsets. The file in question is \Windows\2330fc3c_manila. This is actually an SQLite database file, so it can be edited easily. I use SQLite Database Browser (hxxp://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net), which is free. You can also use sqlite native console client.
So, you need to copy that file to the PC, find your city and change its timezone field. The file is in ROM, so you need a proper file manager to do that (TotalCommander is OK). E.g. for Moscow you should change -180 (UTC+3) to -240 (UTC+4).
Before writing the file back, Manila should be disabled. This can be done under Today settings (second tab, uncheck 'HTC Sense'). Replace the file and then enable Manila again.
I'll attach the patched file for HTC Rhodium aka TouchPro2. I'm not sure if it will suit other device or even other ROM on same device. Mine is T-Mobile v1.91.531.4
Thanks for the tip. I tried to this for my HD2 (WM6.5.3) and found out there is no TimeZones branch in the registry. And there is no \Windows\2330fc3c_manila file. There is a lot other *_manila files in Windows folder though. How did you find out which one contained timezone data?
rugubara said:
Thanks for the tip. I tried to this for my HD2 (WM6.5.3) and found out there is no TimeZones branch in the registry.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please, read the post carefully. The TimeZones branch is on your PC!
rugubara said:
And there is no \Windows\2330fc3c_manila file. There is a lot other *_manila files in Windows folder though. How did you find out which one contained timezone data?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
For Manila file guide please go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Manila_Files. If the file is missing - there is a good chance you don't need to do anything on Manila part.

[Q] Change source of image from .cs file

Hi. How would you go about to change the source of an image from the .cs file? I've tried this:
BitmapImage yesImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Test;component/Images/yes.png"));
img.Source = yesImage;
The xaml file has a control <image Name="img" /> residing in it.
Would binding in some kind of way solve this?
Sorry for the basic question, but I've searched and wasn't able to find anything that covers this.
You're doing it in the right way. I assume you know you're using a URI referencing an image in an external assembly (i.e. a referenced dll separate from the project your .cs file is in)? (in your case called 'Test').
Is the image definitely in an external assembly?
Is that assembly definitely called 'Test'?
Is the image you are trying to load marked as Build Action 'Content' in Visual Studio?
Here's some code that loads an image from an external DLL called Shared:
MyImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Shared;component/Icons/Tick.png", UriKind.Relative));
Here's some similar code that loads it from the same assembly as the .cs file:
MyImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Icons/Tick.png", UriKind.Relative));
Hope that helps,
That worked! I changed the images (that are local to the project) "Build Action" to "content" and added the UriKind.Relative to the URI and also removed the /Test;component/ from the address.
What i find odd though is that the images (that I added to a folder called Images in the project) had the Build Action set to Resource as default and when i added the source via the property box of Visual Studio to the image control in the XAML it inserted the "/Test;component/Images/yes.png" for me and the images were visible. When changing the Build Action to Content they were gone again.
Anyway, it works now. Thanks
Glad it helped

Issue to add account in Play store for KOREAN Mobiles

Hi All,
If you are facing issue to add account in KOREAN Mobile then you need to do the following.
GO to RootExplorer---> etc ---> edit the HOSTS file in Text Editor
Now you can see the data in the text files as follows: localhost android.clients.google.com
Modify the data as follows: localhost
# android.clients.google.com
You need to add the symbol # to the IP Address in prefix.
Thats it. You can access the Playstore by adding google account.
Be careful while adding this. Do not add any other things in this file. It may cause to lapse your mobile.

How to Download Theme Online

- Rooted HAM.
- SQLite Editor is required. Download from here.
A-How to download themes directly from your HAM
1. Open SQLite Editor then press the tab files, then dip it in the following order: /Data/user/0/com.android.providers.settings/databases
then open settings.db
2. Open the systemex, then find the line: theme_no_online, Change the value from true to false, and then save it.
3. Exit app SQLite Editor, You will find the "Online" tab on the Themes app.
B-How to load EMUI 2.0 themes
1. Open SQLite Editor then press the tab files, then dip it in the following order: /Data/user/0/com.android.providers.settings/databases
then open settings.db
2. Dip into the systemex then find the line: hw_def_theme_version, Change the value from 1.6 to 2.0, and then save it.
3. Take a look into the Theme app.
C-How to download Wallpapers directly from your HAM
1. Open SQLite Editor then press the tab files, then dip it in the following order: /Data/user/0/com.android.providers.settings/databases
then open settings.db
2. Open the systemex, then find the line. wallpaper_no_online, Change the value from true to false, and then save it.
3. Take a look into the Wallpaper tab.
All Credits goes to Turbalov_dk @ Forum 4pda.ru and googgiggs @ droidsans.com
is there anything else to do?
doesnt work for me
and also cant find the line for the wallpapers

