[Q] Found (j) over OTA but LG PC Suite says no Update. How to install manually? - G3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am rooted so a regular OTA update doesn't work. From g to i, I used PC Suite which when it found the i update upgraded me without question. (I.e i didn't have to unroot). Now I want to install j from aug 7 which the phone's update feature shows and downloads. (I thought it was pre release but probably not). How can I find the file on the phone and install it on the PC manually? Would the PC Suite recognize an already downloaded update file (like Itunes does). ?
Any hints to help me find it? Would it have a kdz extension? Right now I am searching with the string "v10j" but nothing is being found.

For those who might have similar issues. I had to "Restore Upgrade Errors" on LG PC Suite, which failed, and I had to repeat it. DOn't just hit "retry", close program and click "Restore upgrade errors" again otherwise it will keep failing. This effectively returned me to an unrooted v10i. From there I was able to use Software Update on the phone to get the (j) OTA. It is currently Dalvikizing my formerly Art apps and looks like it will work. From there I have to root again and debloat.


How to Update Lg Fathom to v7

Ok so lg released VS750ZV7_04 update awhile ago but us lg fathom users couldn't up date cause there is an error in their software
here is a guide on updating you Fathom
First I ran the lg software update tool from lg to make it go to the downloading black screen -- you can get the software too from here http://www.lg.com/us/mobile-phones/vwz-phone-software-update.jsp --
extraced LG-Utils-0.4.2.zip to C:\
made a folder called "VS750" in C:\
Got the cad file from here http://csmg.lgmobile.com:9002/swdat.../VS750ZV7_04/VS750ZV7_04.SV7_04.P58006.R5.cab
renamed the cab file to "VS750ZV7_04.cab" than put it into the "VS750" folder
next I right clicked on "KP500-Utils-EN.exe" and changed the compatibility to winxpsp2
and ran it as admin
I than picked "J"
and than put in "VS750" for the model
than I put in "C:\VS750\VS750Zv7_04.cab" when it asked for the cab file
than I put in "VS750ZV7_04" for the version.
and it worked here is a picture of what the update looks like now
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/
I have attached the lg uilt 0.4.2 to update your phones
That's very cool.
Once you have v7 installed, could you possibly dump the OS for me? I would love a copy of the OEM and SYS for my GW825.
sure i can just tell me how to dump it and i will get that to ya
If you take a look at this thread....
I believe it may provide you with the info you need.
I am sorry but it won't let me dump I might be doing something wrong
I keep getting this error "The Device is not ready for use"
Here is a paste bin from my cmd
Hmm, well I can't help you there.
da_reeseboy posted dumps of v4 and v5. Perhaps he can help get you going.
Lol this explains why both of you asked about dumping the rom.
@bhast2: I shot you back a pm.
@trueg: I'm trying to snag a usb monitoring program so I can monitor the data before I upgrade... I haven't found anything solid yet.
Dumping it right now thanks for your help da_reeseboy
OK I have dump it to .raw how that is what you need cause I dont' know what to do with the .raw files
OK here is the dump of V7_04
Very cool, thank you.
Your welcome
I just wish we could use a custom rom on our fathoms
So what has been updated/changed in V7?
h**p://support.vzw.com/pdf/system_update/fathom.pdf Replace * with t because i can not post outside links. (post count is under eight)
is it recommended to update to v7? some people are saying it is buggy and want to revert to v5, while others said its awesome, how about you guys what can you say about the v7?
LGFathom connects to WMDC but LGMobile updater and KP500-Utils-EN don't see the phone
I just got a LG Fathom (V4) and want to upgrade to V7 before I start using it for real (I'm semi-computer literate, but new to phone hacking). My Fathom connects up to WMDC and syncs. But when I try to us LGMobile Updater, it starts bringing up "install USB driver" windows, one on top of the other. I unplug the phone and installed USB drivers from the updater and still get the same thing. While it's bringing up the driver windows, it looks like it is connecting and disconnecting from the phone, but I can't see for sure since the USB installer windows pop up over it. So I tried using the KP500-Utils approach, but it says "no phone attached". I notice in Windows 7 (32bit) Device Manager that the phone is under "Portable Devices", not a USB device. Does that make any difference. Both of the updating utilities can't find the phone. Any help would be appreciated.
never-used USB port "solved" my updater looping problem
It might be pure luck or a Windows fluke, but I got the updater to work by plugging the Fathom into a USB port I've never used before (I have two on the side -- that I use all the time for various devices -- and two on the back of my laptop). I plugged it in and then started LGMobile Updater and it saw my phone and updated it to V7. And it works. Hope this helps someone else.
Alternate Connection For This Method
Hope this helps someone, I tried the initial method and ran into the same issue as others where the device is not recognized. I switched the USB connection to VZAccess Manager in Settings-Connections-Switch USB. The device then recognized and allowed update. I then tried a second device (company phones) and the VZW/LG Official updated worked with the same method.
Thank you LG for the craptastic updater and complete lack of knowledge about your device!
Thank you Bhast2 for your post, it saved my ass today and kept a customer happy!
can we upgrade the LG FATHOM to Win7 OS? Is there any possiblities?
ya, I am wondering the same thing, if we can put windows 7 on it.
Also is there custom themes we can get or can we put at least android on it? Was thinking of exchanging my omnia 2 for this phone, not sure though.

Need a quick answer about going to 7720 RTM

1. All contents must be extracted to a local disk, not a backup/external disk. I can recommend to put all contents of the extracted Mango folder directly to C:/ (If you got enough available space)
1a. C:/NoDoToRC
1b. C:/RCToRTM
1c. C:/Zune
2. Install the zune beta client version 4.8.2134.0 (comes with the downloaded file)
3. If necessary (usualy is), run the flashing tool "updatewp" from the folder "update tool" install right version for your system, 32 or 64-bit
4. Connect Device via USB to the PC
5. Close Zune software if it opens when connecting
So I have the current version of zune at the moment and I'm on step 2. DO I have to delete the latest version and install the older beta version to continue updating from NoDo to Mango 7720RTM?
Yes, I know the official update is available, but not for me and I read somewhere that if I go to the RTM version I will then get the notification to updae to official mango..
So please answer my question and this can be deleted
Yes, you need to uninstall zune and then install the beta zune as it contains the updatewp files that match accordingly. I saw somewhere on here someone who had an updated updatewp that matches zune 4.8.2345 but I cannot locate it right now.
Have you tried the click update over and over again in zune while disabling and enabling your internet?? I know of 2 HD7s and 3 Trophys that have gotten the official 7720 update doing that!!
Yes I have tried that disconnect trick so many times but no luck I'll delete zune and install the older beta Hopefully I can then continue without problems...
lol another question:
I have made it to the point that my phone is now on 7403. Then it said that there is another update available which I think is 7712? Now it says roughly translated "please wait. Searching for free diskspace required for the update."
It has been like that for 20 minutes now, what do I do now? Wait? Cancel it and start searching for updates again in the settings->phone->update in zune?
I've never seen that error... If you are on 7403, and your phone is accessible by touch, then I would disconnect your phone, reboot PC and phone, and try again.
Good luck!

[Q] How can I keep root

I bought amazon fire and turned it on before I checked on how to root it. So I imagine that it downloaded all the updates. When I turned it on second time, it still showed software version to be Check for system update did say that update is available and will be installed when fire is turned on again (or something like that, I don't see that message after rooting) Since the current software version was rootable, I rooted the fire, disabled the package that updates the fire. (Package com.amazon.dcp new state: disabled) I have also blocked the two ip addresses.
After the rooting
System->about shows version to be and check for system update says - checking now...
So is the update already downloaded and will I lose root when fire updates? How can I check that, what can I do to prevent that
Since I am rooted, I should be able to poke around in the directories, so I connected using adb and started looking at files. Under /cache I found bueller-ota-
So it has downloaded the update
I wasn't sure if deleting that file would be OK. so I renamed it at the moment. (added .orig at the end)
I feel this will stall the update. Can I delete that file?
ETA: saved the file on my pc and then deleted it from the fire. Also did
find . -name "*51.1.3*" and did not find anything else on the device
so I think I am safe from upgrades ..
now on to downgrade, cwm install etc ..

Help rooting a BLU Dash M

I need some assistance trying to find a method to root my Dash M (which appears to be extremely rare to find a rooting method for).
I already tried framaroot (tool I used to root my tablet before) and Kingroot and such, but none were able to do it (and all google searches led to videos on rooting a BLU Dash 5.0 or another device from the Dash range, which isn't what I needed).
The Dash M is running Android 5.1 and custom build BLU_D030U_V16_GENERIC 28-01-2016 15:41
If anyone could help it'd be very much appreciated c:
Unlock OEM in developer mode and try it whit Kingroot
AnarchyPhoenix746 said:
I need some assistance trying to find a method to root my Dash M (which appears to be extremely rare to find a rooting method for).
I already tried framaroot (tool I used to root my tablet before) and Kingroot and such, but none were able to do it (and all google searches led to videos on rooting a BLU Dash 5.0 or another device from the Dash range, which isn't what I needed).
The Dash M is running Android 5.1 and custom build BLU_D030U_V16_GENERIC 28-01-2016 15:41
If anyone could help it'd be very much appreciated c:
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I have a Blu Advance 5.0, from the same exact family. In May, they had an OTA sent out to it to update the security. And little did I know, that meant no more root. Before the OTA to V06, I was on V04, and was able to root with Kingroot in less than a minute, perfectly. After the update, nothing good came of it.
For the past months I've tried hundreds of things to flash custom roms and recoveries (which I figured it out eventually) and then it crashed, due to a "damaged OTA". This meant that it couldn't update because I was rooted.
So here's the solution... If there's any older versions of your model or chipset (AKA Mediatek D030UX, D030U {MT6580}), download that firmware to your computer desktop as a (.zip) file. Then download the SP Flash Tool (Smart phone flash tool) from their website, and plug your phone into your computer via Media Transfer (MTK).
If you already have developer's options enabled, skip this.
- Go into your settings, go all the way down to "About Device", and find where it says "Build Number" (which will most likely have the phone brand in the file name). Tap on that about 8 times until it give a toast notification saying "Developer's Mode Enabled".
After you get that done, go back into your regular setting and now there should be a box above your "About Device" button that says "Developer Options". Tap that, then turn them on (press OK/YES if a prompt pops up) and then select the following options ,if available.
-OEM Unlock
-USB Debugging
Now plug your phone into a computer and install the drivers for your phone (it should do it automatically) and launch the SP Flash Tool that you had downloaded (extract to desktop before you launch, or it will show "error"). Now open the SP Flash tool and click on the "Scatter Loading" button. Navigate to your desktop, and find the firmware folder you downloaded. Click on that, then click on "Firmware", and it should bring up a .TXT file (Scatter file) with the desired firmware version you want. Click on it and press open.
A chart will appear in the space below with all the things the firmware has built in. All of them should be checked. Take out your battery now (from your phone) and plug the phone in without the battery. Wait for the model on the left to name your device, and click on the drop down list above the chart, it should give 3 options. Firmware Upgrade, Download only, and Format All + Download. Press Format All + Download. The bar at the bottom will turn a few colors, depending on what it's doing.
Now you're done! It's flashed. From that version, try to figure out a way of rooting it.
WARNING: Flashing erases all data on device, please backup to an external storage (SD CARD), before attempting this, in case you brick your device.
Sent from my RCT6873W42M using XDA Labs
---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 AM ----------
TechTeen17 said:
I have a Blu Advance 5.0, from the same exact family. In May, they had an OTA sent out to it to update the security. And little did I know, that meant no more root. Before the OTA to V06, I was on V04, and was able to root with Kingroot in less than a minute, perfectly. After the update, nothing good came of it.
For the past months I've tried hundreds of things to flash custom roms and recoveries (which I figured it out eventually) and then it crashed, due to a "damaged OTA". This meant that it couldn't update because I was rooted.
So here's the solution... If there's any older versions of your model or chipset (AKA Mediatek D030UX, D030U {MT6580}), download that firmware to your computer desktop as a (.zip) file. Then download the SP Flash Tool (Smart phone flash tool) from their website, and plug your phone into your computer via Media Transfer (MTK).
If you already have developer's options enabled, skip this.
- Go into your settings, go all the way down to "About Device", and find where it says "Build Number" (which will most likely have the phone brand in the file name). Tap on that about 8 times until it give a toast notification saying "Developer's Mode Enabled".
After you get that done, go back into your regular setting and now there should be a box above your "About Device" button that says "Developer Options". Tap that, then turn them on (press OK/YES if a prompt pops up) and then select the following options ,if available.
-OEM Unlock
-USB Debugging
Now plug your phone into a computer and install the drivers for your phone (it should do it automatically) and launch the SP Flash Tool that you had downloaded (extract to desktop before you launch, or it will show "error"). Now open the SP Flash tool and click on the "Scatter Loading" button. Navigate to your desktop, and find the firmware folder you downloaded. Click on that, then click on "Firmware", and it should bring up a .TXT file (Scatter file) with the desired firmware version you want. Click on it and press open.
A chart will appear in the space below with all the things the firmware has built in. All of them should be checked. Take out your battery now (from your phone) and plug the phone in without the battery. Wait for the model on the left to name your device, and click on the drop down list above the chart, it should give 3 options. Firmware Upgrade, Download only, and Format All + Download. Press Format All + Download. The bar at the bottom will turn a few colors, depending on what it's doing.
Now you're done! It's flashed. From that version, try to figure out a way of rooting it.
WARNING: Flashing erases all data on device, please backup to an external storage (SD CARD), before attempting this, in case you brick your device.
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You can download the tool at the bottom of this thread.
Sent from my RCT6873W42M using XDA Labs
Root BLU Dash M
AnarchyPhoenix746 said:
I need some assistance trying to find a method to root my Dash M (which appears to be extremely rare to find a rooting method for).
I already tried framaroot (tool I used to root my tablet before) and Kingroot and such, but none were able to do it (and all google searches led to videos on rooting a BLU Dash 5.0 or another device from the Dash range, which isn't what I needed).
The Dash M is running Android 5.1 and custom build BLU_D030U_V16_GENERIC 28-01-2016 15:41
If anyone could help it'd be very much appreciated c:
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i know this is an old thread but.... i rooted mine (Dash M) with KingoRoot (look it up on Google)... i tried lots of stuff with no results, everything failed (i've already tried to root with KR in windows) but the only thing that worked was rooting with the android app in KR page... i felt really stupid after trying everything with no results when i've been using KR for other "hard phones".... either way, the only downside is that their SU manager displays all the time ads no matter where in the phone you are... but you can freeze the app to fix this and unfreeze it when you need to assign permissions....
BTW: its KingoRoot not kingroot (just in case)


I have a att s20 plus trying to update it but cant find the firmware the phone wont update ota some dumb error help.
Unfortunately, ATT does not release firmware files.
Instead, you must update using FOTA (Firmware Over The Air).
From ATT's website you must:
Make sure you're in the U.S. and on our wireless network.
You can download the update via Firmware Over the Air (FOTA).
You must connect your device to Wi-Fi® to download the update.
Although there should be no impacts to settings or data, we recommend backing up your media files to an SD card, a computer, or using a favorite application, prior to upgrading the software.
Update & verify software
Update software
Make sure your device is fully charged and connected to Wi-Fi.
Swipe down from the Notification bar and select Settings.
Scroll to and select Software update, then Check for updates.
Follow the on-screen prompts to download and install the update. The device automatically restarts once the new software successfully installs.
If you have tried this and failed, what error message are you getting ?
or you can visit this ATT site for help with your issue:
Troubleshoot and resolve to fix software update issues

