Help with confusing AFTV issues - Fire TV Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Last night I wiped data/factory reset in cwm after experiencing some issues. When the main menu returned I noticed it loaded very slow and I thought there might be other problems, but then it started to behave normally and continued to as I disabled updates, installed kodi, llama, busybox, and es explorer. All was working fine. I setup kodi very basic (just scanned in Genesis and my local library) Couple of hours later, I exited Kodi to install netflix. Mind you, this was late so I don't remember exactly what I was doing but definitely nothing nefarious.
Basically the main menu had some lag. Kodi had trouble relaunching so I thought a reboot might be helpful. I rebooted--it went from boot menu to amazon (white) to amazon (colored) and all appeared fine till the screen turned to snow. This lasted like 10 seconds then it went back to the amazon fire tv (white and yellow logo) and it hung there at least ten minutes before I pulled the plug. Tried it again and replugged it in and it did the same sequence, hanging on amazon yellow and white.
I was pretty sure I was bricked because I couldn't connect over adb, but not too freaked out because rbox boot menu was still showing up. So today the plan was to use the boot menu to get to recovery and push and older firmware, WHICH I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT...
BUT when I plugged the aftv back in this morning it went through a normal boot sequence and right to the main menu like normal. It's very strange I have no idea what's happening to be honest but I'd like to revert my firmware back to an earlier version. After reading some posts it seems if you skip firmwares and install a later version you might have issues so I'm hoping that's what I did here and some of the bugs might be fixed by installing older firmware.
This aftv is running the latest It has an unlocked bootloader and as I said rbox boot menu. Is there anything I need to do to revert from here? (lock bootloader?) Or can I just push the zip according to the guide and install it?
That's my main concern since I've never gone backward with the updates. Also***Obviously***if you have any theories as to what the heck was happening with my aftv last night--please share! I know there's not much info provided but this post is already a little long. But of course if you're interested in trying to diagnose I'd be happy to provide whatever details you need. Thanks.

Simliar Situation
KLit75 said:
Last night I wiped data/factory reset in cwm after experiencing some issues. When the main menu returned I noticed it loaded very slow and I thought there might be other problems, but then it started to behave normally and continued to as I disabled updates, installed kodi, llama, busybox, and es explorer. All was working fine. I setup kodi very basic (just scanned in Genesis and my local library) Couple of hours later, I exited Kodi to install netflix. Mind you, this was late so I don't remember exactly what I was doing but definitely nothing nefarious.
Basically the main menu had some lag. Kodi had trouble relaunching so I thought a reboot might be helpful. I rebooted--it went from boot menu to amazon (white) to amazon (colored) and all appeared fine till the screen turned to snow. This lasted like 10 seconds then it went back to the amazon fire tv (white and yellow logo) and it hung there at least ten minutes before I pulled the plug. Tried it again and replugged it in and it did the same sequence, hanging on amazon yellow and white.
I was pretty sure I was bricked because I couldn't connect over adb, but not too freaked out because rbox boot menu was still showing up. So today the plan was to use the boot menu to get to recovery and push and older firmware, WHICH I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT...
BUT when I plugged the aftv back in this morning it went through a normal boot sequence and right to the main menu like normal. It's very strange I have no idea what's happening to be honest but I'd like to revert my firmware back to an earlier version. After reading some posts it seems if you skip firmwares and install a later version you might have issues so I'm hoping that's what I did here and some of the bugs might be fixed by installing older firmware.
This aftv is running the latest It has an unlocked bootloader and as I said rbox boot menu. Is there anything I need to do to revert from here? (lock bootloader?) Or can I just push the zip according to the guide and install it?
That's my main concern since I've never gone backward with the updates. Also***Obviously***if you have any theories as to what the heck was happening with my aftv last night--please share! I know there's not much info provided but this post is already a little long. But of course if you're interested in trying to diagnose I'd be happy to provide whatever details you need. Thanks.
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I am experiencing the same issue. I tried re-installing the file I had left on it and it installs but it still will not start up. I just keep getting stuck on the white and yellow logo. Is there anyway to install a boot.img and unzip it in recovery that you are aware of? I was running SPMC w/ boot.
I kind of feel I should of let it alone like you did, and it might have fixed itself. didn't fix itself
Kul-Aid23 said:
I am experiencing the same issue. I tried re-installing the file I had left on it and it installs but it still will not start up. I just keep getting stuck on the white and yellow logo. Is there anyway to install a boot.img and unzip it in recovery that you are aware of? I was running SPMC w/ boot.
I kind of feel I should of let it alone like you did, and it might have fixed itself.
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Yes. It was running fine. Last nite I pushed and it installed fine. In fact this aftv ran bug free all nite. This morning I noticed it wasn't in sleep mode (typical) I just hit the home button and usually it sleeps shortly after. Not this time.
So I turned on my TV and the home screen was there but navigating Very slow so I rebooted. It hung longer than usual on amazon white then the snow screen reappeared then it went to normal colored amazon then it hung on amazon white and yellow! I left it alone 20 minutes but it remained. BTW_rbox boot menu is gone. I hope I get it back. Gonna try a keyboard to get recovery.
Edit__keyboard got me to home screen not recovery?! Weird...If anyone has a clue please chime in. My next move (logically...I guess) is to push because that was my initial fix for Netflix but this issue started before I changed anything. 2 different firmwares--same issue. So I don't think that's it. But it possible I should've maybe cleared dalvik before flashing. However I did do a factory reset in cwm just 24 hours prior to flashing I'm over my head as far as troubleshooting goes. I can say it ran excellent last night with and then it wouldn't boot. Now its running excellent again. If I had to guess the bug is triggered by idle time however, the first time this occurred I was using xbmc and having issues and I rebooted to snow so its not just that.
This seems to be an uncommon issue but I've followed those guides to a tee. After wiping and flashing I have 3 apps--es file, llama and kodi. Same apps, same firmware as my other aftv that doesn't give me problems. Only difference is history. The new aftv had a much more involved process to root, downgrade and get to

Yours messed up again?
KLit75 said:
Yes. It was running fine. Last note I pushed and it installed fine. In fact this aftv ran bug free all nite. This morning I noticed it wasn't in sleep mode (typical) I just hit the home button and usually it sleeps shortly after. Not this time.
So I turned on my TV and the home screen was there but navigating Very slow so I rebooted. It hung longer than usual on amazon white then the snow screen reappeared then it went to normal colored amazon then it hung on amazon white and yellow! I left it alone 20 minutes but it remained. BTW_rbox boot menu is gone. I hope I get it back. Gonna try a keyboard to get recovery.
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Is your screwy again? Does this have anything to do with the new AFTV update? BC I had updates blocked on my router and device. Let me know if you figure anything out. I tried reinstalling the ROM and it said it installed but I'm still in the loop after.

Kul-Aid23 said:
Is your screwy again? Does this have anything to do with the new AFTV update? BC I had updates blocked on my router and device. Let me know if you figure anything out. I tried reinstalling the ROM and it said it installed but I'm still in the loop after.
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I didn't block them on the router. I only did that when I was rooting my new aftv about a month ago. But I'm obsessive about making sure they're disabled on the box. If they snuck something in ota you'd think both my boxes would be messed up--not the case.
Btw--if this was deliberate its messed up and I won't be buying anything from them ever again.
But now you got me paranoid. I'll block on the router again. Kind of a hassle because my router doesn't support it with stock. I need to ping the site with my Mac and do it manually but I will. I only bought a second one because android TV is a possibility. My other amazon product is running cm 11 over clocked and its laughable how well it runs by comparisdon--good hardware/bad os. But I didn't come here to rant. Any suggestions?
Edit--sorry I sort of blew you off there. Try a keyboard. Wait for amazon then hold Ctrl alt. Print screen. I did a combo of holding a pressing the keys and it booted. But it looks like this will continue. Hopefully we find a fix.

More info
I jumped the gun a bit when I said it was working. Yes I can navigate the main menu and the few apps I have open and work fine. But this is doesn't appear to sleep after 30 minutes or so, like usual, so I went into "Display" on the menu. Sometimes when I do this it will just open a blank window and crash menu (unresponsive, cant move) Sometimes it will let me open the window but when I press "screensaver" it crashes again. This location seems to be prohibited for some reason. reboots normally.
Question--I had unlocked the bootloader prior to flashing last night. As I type I don't think that has anything to do with it. And thinking about it it displayed the same behavior when I was running the night before with bootloader unlocked so I don't think that has any relevance. You know what I've got other options for the bedroom tv. For now I'm going to keep it unplugged, block updates on the router and hope people have theories.
Although at this point blocking updates on the router seems a little like locking the door to the Hen house after the Wolf has already'll still make me feel better if for no other reason than I own another aftv (using it now and it works fine.)

Kul-Aid23 said:
Is your screwy again? Does this have anything to do with the new AFTV update? BC I had updates blocked on my router and device. Let me know if you figure anything out. I tried reinstalling the ROM and it said it installed but I'm still in the loop after.
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You're issue may be different than mine. You're not getting the snow screen then it hangs.
Did you try to flash the later firmware without the latest version of CWM? Or try the latest with Rbox boot menu?

KLit75 said:
You're issue may be different than mine. You're not getting the snow screen then it hangs.
Did you try to flash the later firmware without the latest version of CWM? Or try the latest with Rbox boot menu?
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I'm not sure I know what you mean, like which files to install on it or if I can. I can't ADB into it, I can only run zip files through CWM. I tried loading the last ROM I installed on it and nothing changes. I had put up a forum for it:
I am debating trying different ROMs as well. I just don't want to lose CWM or else I'm bricked for sure.
And we might be having different issues. Bc mine loads boot loader where I can pick the boot kernel or CWM. But when it goes to boot kernel it just sits on that White and yellow Amazon screen. I don't encounter any static.

Which domains are you blocking?
Kul-Aid23 said:
Is your screwy again? Does this have anything to do with the new AFTV update? BC I had updates blocked on my router and device. Let me know if you figure anything out. I tried reinstalling the ROM and it said it installed but I'm still in the loop after.
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Kul-Aid23 said:
I'm not sure I know what you mean, like which files to install on it or if I can. I can't ADB into it, I can only run zip files through CWM. I tried loading the last ROM I installed on it and nothing changes. I had put up a forum for it:
I am debating trying different ROMs as well. I just don't want to lose CWM or else I'm bricked for sure.
And we might be having different issues. Bc mine loads boot loader where I can pick the boot kernel or CWM. But when it goes to boot kernel it just sits on that White and yellow Amazon screen. I don't encounter any static.
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I just meant, some people have attempted to install roms that require boot menu and the result is a brick but that's not you I guess since you get the boot menu. Mine skips boot menu now and goes right to homescreen which i guess means boot menu is no longer present after flashing
still boots fine after at least a half dozen reboots. But i do have a question for you...which domains are you blocking? Because I used the 3 from aftvnews. First for the aftv with issues which is unplugged so I didn't notice. The other one is on and playing prime. I blocked one (not sure which) then blocked another and Ive got a toddler screaming at me...Elmo dissapeared. My son was watching prime and it turned off. This is why I didn't keep updates blocked on the router for fear it would deny access to everything. But I couldn't even get an internet connection! At least one of the domains keeps amazon content but one...or 2 cut the aftv from the network! I have a wired connection and I couldn't get it back. Granted my son was screaming so I didn't have time to thoroughly troubleshoot but it appears blocking all those domains just isnt an option even if you did go without prime. So are you able to block all 3 domains from the guide and still connect? I tried rebooting and configuring the network.
BTW--brilliant idea offering a cash reward for the fix! I never would've thought of that.
Here's one thing I just thought of regarding my issues and it may be nothing seems EVERYTIME my AFTV has booted to snow and then hung, I had a flash drive plugged directly into usb with the drive mounted persistent. Now I haven't tested this thoroughly, but when it boots so far it has NO flash drive and HAS HAD a usb keyboard plugged in. CTRL, PRINT Alt doesn't get me to recovery but it just boots to homescreen normally. MAYBE pressing those buttons did nothing. MAYBE the keyboard did NOTHING. But in fact, for my troubles it has something to do with the flash drive??? Or usb port???
Obviously I'm not a programmer or software/hardware expert but there are people here that could confirm it's a possibility or that's stupid. I'm just trying to narrow it down by providing info and that hadn't occurred to me until 10 minutes ago. Unfortnately my time is running out for now. I'll check back later and hope one or both of us has a solution or something to help get us there.
Keep me posted. Sorry I'm not sure why yours won't boot. It seems your doing everything right and even took it a step further to keep updates away.
EDIT--Possible I screwed up blocking updates on router. Like I said it's very tedious and I was distracted. I MAY have selected to block all internet access to that aftv. Makes sense since no one else had an issue there. But to confirm--does blocking these domains cause any issues accessing prime? Sorry about the long post.

So if you read the last post you'll see I suspected my AFTV booting into snow then hanging had something to do with the usb flash drive. Correct!
I unplugged the keyboard, plugged in the flash drive, and powered it on. It went from amazon white to SNOW to hanging amazon yellow and black. Unplugged the aftv, unplug the flash drive, powered booted right to the homescreen. Corrupted flash drive? Issue with samba on startup? I don't know but would love to hear ideas...
EVERYONE has had corrupted hdd, sdcards and flash drives but for me it's never affected booting. This is still weird.
Also, though the fire menu navigation is fast and fluid, all apps work properly....there's STILL the issue with the Display section of the menu. It lets me click it. It lets me click screensaver BUT when it do it still crashes (sort of). Though I can't press back to escape or directional arrows, hitting the home button brings me back and it all works again. So maybe flashing the newest firmware from here will fix it but given the issues others are having I don't want to be too hasty. I'm looking for answers. It's running fine and the boot issue seems directly tied to the flash drive but that doesn't explain the issue with the Display/screensaver options...
I feel like I should intervene but without the boot menu currently installed I think I should sit tight and search/wait for some more ideas.

KLit75 said:
I just meant, some people have attempted to install roms that require boot menu and the result is a brick but that's not you I guess since you get the boot menu. Mine skips boot menu now and goes right to homescreen which i guess means boot menu is no longer present after flashing
still boots fine after at least a half dozen reboots. But i do have a question for you...which domains are you blocking? Because I used the 3 from aftvnews. First for the aftv with issues which is unplugged so I didn't notice. The other one is on and playing prime. I blocked one (not sure which) then blocked another and Ive got a toddler screaming at me...Elmo dissapeared. My son was watching prime and it turned off. This is why I didn't keep updates blocked on the router for fear it would deny access to everything. But I couldn't even get an internet connection! At least one of the domains keeps amazon content but one...or 2 cut the aftv from the network! I have a wired connection and I couldn't get it back. Granted my son was screaming so I didn't have time to thoroughly troubleshoot but it appears blocking all those domains just isnt an option even if you did go without prime. So are you able to block all 3 domains from the guide and still connect? I tried rebooting and configuring the network.
BTW--brilliant idea offering a cash reward for the fix! I never would've thought of that.
Here's one thing I just thought of regarding my issues and it may be nothing seems EVERYTIME my AFTV has booted to snow and then hung, I had a flash drive plugged directly into usb with the drive mounted persistent. Now I haven't tested this thoroughly, but when it boots so far it has NO flash drive and HAS HAD a usb keyboard plugged in. CTRL, PRINT Alt doesn't get me to recovery but it just boots to homescreen normally. MAYBE pressing those buttons did nothing. MAYBE the keyboard did NOTHING. But in fact, for my troubles it has something to do with the flash drive??? Or usb port???
Obviously I'm not a programmer or software/hardware expert but there are people here that could confirm it's a possibility or that's stupid. I'm just trying to narrow it down by providing info and that hadn't occurred to me until 10 minutes ago. Unfortnately my time is running out for now. I'll check back later and hope one or both of us has a solution or something to help get us there.
Keep me posted. Sorry I'm not sure why yours won't boot. It seems your doing everything right and even took it a step further to keep updates away.
EDIT--Possible I screwed up blocking updates on router. Like I said it's very tedious and I was distracted. I MAY have selected to block all internet access to that aftv. Makes sense since no one else had an issue there. But to confirm--does blocking these domains cause any issues accessing prime? Sorry about the long post.
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I had these 3 blocked via my router ( though bc router limits # of charcters)
But i noticed the last comment on this link:
Maybe my AFTV lost internal OTA blocking at some point then got updated, but since I was using a different boot image, it can't boot now. Does that sound possible?
---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------
Kul-Aid23 said:
I had these 3 blocked via my router ( though bc router limits # of charcters)
But i noticed the last comment on this link:
Maybe my AFTV lost internal OTA blocking at some point then got updated, but since I was using a different boot image, it can't boot now. Does that sound possible?
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Actually check out the bottom of this one where everyone is commenting on
I think I may have been updated then bricked.

Kul-Aid23 said:
I had these 3 blocked via my router ( though bc router limits # of charcters)
But i noticed the last comment on this link:
Maybe my AFTV lost internal OTA blocking at some point then got updated, but since I was using a different boot image, it can't boot now. Does that sound possible?
---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------
Actually check out the bottom of this one where everyone is commenting on
I think I may have been updated then bricked.
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That's not what happened to you. I know right about now you're probably frustrated but the first article you linked was for fire tv stick (not fire tv). The fire tv stick doesn't have root, therefore they need to block on router because there is no way to disable updates otherwise. We can pm disable.
The 2nd article --check out the date--it's from may. We didn't get root till like mid june. So at that point people were trying to stay on low firmware in hopes when root came they'd be able to root!
It's unlikely you got an update if you blocked them on the box and you're sure you did. Especially with custom recovery, which you have. Even if you forgot to block them it's not likely they would install. Amazon would try, your box would likely boot itself to recovery like mine did when I forgot to block them after wiping data in CWM.
This doesn't help with your issue I know but I think you can look elsewhere as to the-- why it happened? There is maybe the slimmest chance an update could sneak through BUT if it happened to you I think lots of other people would be complaining of bricked devices. Hang in there. Hopefully we find a fix soon.

Might be able to help
I'm a long time lurker on these forums for all of my devices, but I just had this happen the other night. I had downgraded firmware, installed cwm, boot menu, and fully unlocked bootloader. When I went to upgrade to the latest custom rom (, I wiped data in cwm and ended up stuck on the Fire Tv splashscreen WITH NO BOOT MENU!! Therefore I could not boot to recovery or access via ADB. I was able to recover it by splicing some usb cables together that I had laying around to make a USB A to A cable, Installing the usb drivers for the kindle fire on my PC, and connecting it before powering on. Used cmd window and fastboot erased the boot partition and fastboot flashed @rbox bootmenu.img to the partition. Disconnected the USB cable and rebooted to find the boot menu back and able to access recovery!! Hopefully this can help you, or someone else that finds themselves in a similar predicament.
Edit: Once in CWM install zip via sideload then connect to ADB from PC to push the ROM


[Q] Son in trouble with pissed off dad about bricked KF!

OK, I have ready many posts and guides an am completely lost. This is my 12 year old sons Kindle Fire that he decided to "root". I am fairly computer savvy but this thing has got me baffled. He used "superoneclick" and now it tries to boot and stops at the kindle fire boot screen and goes no further. Any help on pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated. I do know this. The hard reset obviously does not work because I have tried that at least 100 times. My pc currently does not allow me to access it as a drive although it does show up. It sounds like a bootloader" problem? Again, please give me hand before I kill my son after telling him in advance not to do this.
Try and see if you can get KindleFireUtility to recognize your Kindle Fire
Veeman, thanks I will try that and report back.
do you have fastboot?
fastboot devices in terminal and see if it returns your kindle number.
you are stuck in fastbootmode.
kfu will sort it out for you.
some more info would be of help.
what operating system on pc?
has your son got fastboot installed in sdk/tools or sdk/platform tools?
what stage was he at in the rooting process?
don't worry, has far as i know there is only one hardbrick issue at the moment, and that has to do with one type of recovery and doing a wipe/restore.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I understand your concern, and I don't mean to be out of line and tell you how to be a parent but...
If you're really computer savvy, you know that on the way there, you fudged some settings that made the computer unstable or unbootable. You installed programs, printers, a different way and had it not quite work out because you didn't follow directions.
My point is this: A 12 year rooting his kindle shows a level of intellectual curiosity that I think should be commended and encouraged. Any electrician, programmer, repair guy, anyone who does this kind of stuff will tell you; they learned the most when they screwed up.
What I would do? Work together with him to fix it. Show him what and how you're doing it, how you're asking for help (and that that's okay) and where to find what he needs to fix it.
You're not hard bricked, at least its unlikely, you're likely just stuck in fastboot which is not a big deal at all.
Just take it with a grain of salt. I know to when a kid breaks something it's "There goes X dollars" But sometimes, you have to break some eggs.
Good luck though.
Well, you came to the right place for guidance! I'm sure a forum search for "stuck in fastboot" would lead you and your son in the right direction. Unless there is a better way I'm not aware of, you will need to get adb up and running on a PC (which is most of the work). Then you will be able to get the kf out of fastboot by issuing commands from your computer's terminal/command prompt
I think you should let your son do it... Especially if he plans on keeping his fire rooted. "Rooting" allows users to make changes to critical system files... On one hand this is really cool because it will allow your son to load custom ROMs (operating systems) and take full advantage of the kf's hardware....But, it will also make it very easy to royally screw things up.
So, if that's something he's interested in he needs to learn how to troubleshoot and fix things himself. You definitely came to the right place though... xda is a very sweet resource.
Ok folks, thanks for all the input so far. We (my son and I) have worked on it and found KFU useful. We installed the latest update and it is now working. However, TWRP will not go away. We need to take this in for service so I need to reset everything. We have tried the wipe and install of the update several times it restarts with the blue kindle fire logo with the option for recovery. How do we get rid of this?
Firemancfd said:
Ok folks, thanks for all the input so far. We (my son and I) have worked on it and found KFU useful. We installed the latest update and it is now working. However, TWRP will not go away. We need to take this in for service so I need to reset everything. We have tried the wipe and install of the update several times it restarts with the blue kindle fire logo with the option for recovery. How do we get rid of this?
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1. Download Kindle Fire Software Update Version 6.3.1
2. Rename the file to
3. Get in to TWRP and mount USB drive
4. Copy to Kindle Fire
5. Unmount USB drive
6. Do factory reset, then wipe system cache, and dalvik cache
7. Flash the
Tera Tike, thanks for the answer. I have tried that multiple times and the twrp blue kindle fire with boot options keeps coming back.
Felnarion said:
My point is this: A 12 year rooting his kindle shows a level of intellectual curiosity that I think should be commended and encouraged. Any electrician, programmer, repair guy, anyone who does this kind of stuff will tell you; they learned the most when they screwed up.
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True, but I think it's a tad different when you spend a couple of hundred dollars on something and specifically asked the lad not to do this one thing.
Firemancfd said:
Tera Tike, thanks for the answer. I have tried that multiple times and the twrp blue kindle fire with boot options keeps coming back.
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Try letting it sit while it "bootloops."
Might sound strange but I've had this exact same thing happen recently after a fresh install, and it loaded up back to normal after a handful of loops.
sbeddoesdesign, you are right i was upset not about the act but that he done it after i told him not to, then he lied to me about doing it. Either way, I have calmed down about it now and he is helping and participating. We are learning a lot together and its good dad/son time.
anomalya, i tried that and let it sit for an hour and no change.
Thanks to all who helped. We finally got it to work correctly. Everyone was a big help and we appreciate everything.
I am glad that you got it working, but I am posting this for anyone else that can't seem to read or do a simple search. If you have the KFU all you need to do is have it running and restart your KF while connected the computer, and send the normal boot cmd when it first connects for those few seconds, and you are good to go, but seeing how too many people are to stupid to understand this, I believe that everyone should stop responding to them!!! We see this too often and everyone gives them this long work around...
kinfauns said:
3) Not all "stuck on bootlogo" problems are fixable with the KFU remedy you provided.
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Are -any- such problems fixable with KFU? :silly:
Yeah, because 99% of the problems can be fixed by simply sending the command to start in normal boot you are offended and want to try and say I was saying something about you? If you are offended, then yu might be one of the people that can't seem to learn from the past!!!
---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------
BTW, seeing how most of the issues that fall under this, have been fixed in the exact way I described, it adds to my credit!
Firemancfd said:
Tera Tike, thanks for the answer. I have tried that multiple times and the twrp blue kindle fire with boot options keeps coming back.
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Blue Kindle Fire logo is FFF1.4a
Thread cleaned up and closed.

Strange happenings from the Amazon update server today!

I had 2 units that had not been programmed before and tried the trick with pulling the ethernet cable as the light turned white.....didn't work.... I tried several times and it would always come up with the message that there was no connection. I finally decided for simply chalk it up to having 2 unrooted big deal..... So.... I connected directly to the internet with no blocks and let the unit go ahead and download the "latest" firmware. To my great surprise when I finally got done and went to check the version which I was certain would be the 4.0 I actually had! Both units rooted. I have no idea what was going on, but it seems as though the Amazon server was updating with that version today....or at least that's the best theory I can come up with. It did go through the entire download and installed, but I got rootable firmware out of it! Go figure. If the server is screwing up and anyone else can try it, that would confirm it. Everything loaded fine....the only thing that didn't work after all was done was that the FTV utility here didn't block updates when I selected for it to do it and ADB shows update enabled. I'm going to try again later, but xposed, supersu, stickmount, towelroot and everything else works fine. I just can't get the utility to block like it normally does. Any ideas on blocking? Any ideas on why the server might be giving out that firmware today?
I'm very puzzled over it.....but quite happy about it!
fxbill said:
I had 2 units that had not been programmed before and tried the trick with pulling the ethernet cable as the light turned white.....didn't work.... I tried several times and it would always come up with the message that there was no connection. I finally decided for simply chalk it up to having 2 unrooted big deal..... So.... I connected directly to the internet with no blocks and let the unit go ahead and download the "latest" firmware. To my great surprise when I finally got done and went to check the version which I was certain would be the 4.0 I actually had! Both units rooted. I have no idea what was going on, but it seems as though the Amazon server was updating with that version today....or at least that's the best theory I can come up with. It did go through the entire download and installed, but I got rootable firmware out of it! Go figure. If the server is screwing up and anyone else can try it, that would confirm it. Everything loaded fine....the only thing that didn't work after all was done was that the FTV utility here didn't block updates when I selected for it to do it and ADB shows update enabled. I'm going to try again later, but xposed, supersu, stickmount, towelroot and everything else works fine. I just can't get the utility to block like it normally does. Any ideas on blocking? Any ideas on why the server might be giving out that firmware today?
I'm very puzzled over it.....but quite happy about it!
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I'm sort of lost on what you are saying.
You say both units are unrooted, and you updated, got a 5.xxxx update and now both are rootable?
Nice. That being said, I'm going to point out what I got my AFTV and I blocked the update servers in my router, it still said it was updating when I first turned it on, but it wasn't.
fxbill said:
I had 2 units that had not been programmed before and tried the trick with pulling the ethernet cable as the light turned white.....didn't work.... I tried several times and it would always come up with the message that there was no connection. I finally decided for simply chalk it up to having 2 unrooted big deal..... So.... I connected directly to the internet with no blocks and let the unit go ahead and download the "latest" firmware. To my great surprise when I finally got done and went to check the version which I was certain would be the 4.0 I actually had! Both units rooted. I have no idea what was going on, but it seems as though the Amazon server was updating with that version today....or at least that's the best theory I can come up with. It did go through the entire download and installed, but I got rootable firmware out of it! Go figure. If the server is screwing up and anyone else can try it, that would confirm it. Everything loaded fine....the only thing that didn't work after all was done was that the FTV utility here didn't block updates when I selected for it to do it and ADB shows update enabled. I'm going to try again later, but xposed, supersu, stickmount, towelroot and everything else works fine. I just can't get the utility to block like it normally does. Any ideas on blocking? Any ideas on why the server might be giving out that firmware today?
I'm very puzzled over it.....but quite happy about it!
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The version on the Fire TV at the time of the update dictates what version gets pushed to it. I think for some reason, the original firmware version is unable to update directly to the latest, so they push an old one to get it ready for the latest. This has been seen multiple times before.
Sorry.....neither unit had ever bee set up, but since I couldn't disconnect the internet or have the 2 updates sites blocked and get the unit to progress with it's setup I finally just connect it directly to the internet and allowed the unit to download what I have always gotten a the 4.0 newest firmware. Today...connected directly to the internet and allowing Amazon to download the "latest" firmware and install it I ended up with very early firmware being installed to it.
Sorry....double post
Thank you for the logical answer to this. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven for a while!lol
fxbill said:
Sorry....double post
Thank you for the logical answer to this. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven for a while!lol
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One thing that still puzzles me though... there are the only 2 rooted units that the FTV utility will not automatically block updates on when I select that option. What other way is there to do that?..( in layman terms!lol)
Never mind... I finally got it to block... I tried the command in ADB with no success and out of desperation reset the unit, started from scratch and disabled updates before loading XBMC... That worked and everything went smoothly after that. I have no idea why that worked, but it did.

[Q] New FTV ... Initial setup problem

So I have received a replacement FTV and I believe it to be rootable because it does not go to the German language in the beginning screen.
Problem I am having is I blocked the updates in my router and I can't complete the initial set up. It sends a lot of time on:
"We are trying to update your Amazon Fire TV but we cannot contact our services. We will keep trying. Please do not disconnect from the network or unplug the power cable."
Then it goes to a screen that says:
"Unable to update your Amazon Fire TV
Try disconnecting the power cable for a few seconds and then plugging it back in.
If that does not work, please try again later or contact us at"
Any idea how to get past this without the update?
Thanks for the help guys!
I got past it by using open dns to block the update urls instead of directly blocking on router. Then after I got past it, I switched back to blocking on router directly and disabled the update program on firetv itself.
I don't understand how will work for this? If that works would also work? I normally am running pptp with them for added security as I browse or do whatever I do.
draky said:
So I have received a replacement FTV and I believe it to be rootable because it does not go to the German language in the beginning screen.
Problem I am having is I blocked the updates in my router and I can't complete the initial set up. It sends a lot of time on:
"We are trying to update your Amazon Fire TV but we cannot contact our services. We will keep trying. Please do not disconnect from the network or unplug the power cable."
Then it goes to a screen that says:
"Unable to update your Amazon Fire TV
Try disconnecting the power cable for a few seconds and then plugging it back in.
If that does not work, please try again later or contact us at"
Any idea how to get past this without the update?
Thanks for the help guys!
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If you are blocking the update server and get this it 99% mean it's running 51.1.0 and the first update it will take is Then it'll try to update to the latest. If that's the case, you need to unblock the servers, let it download the update, and then when it reboots to install it, reblock them.
rbox said:
If you are blocking the update server and get this it 99% mean it's running 51.1.0 and the first update it will take is Then it'll try to update to the latest. If that's the case, you need to unblock the servers, let it download the update, and then when it reboots to install it, reblock them.
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So I let the system download the first update, unplugged the ethernet line as it restarted. Then I blocked the updates sites and plugged it back in... Now I'm sitting at sw version Guessing there's nothing I can do about it now...
draky said:
So I let the system download the first update, unplugged the ethernet line as it restarted. Then I blocked the updates sites and plugged it back in... Now I'm sitting at sw version Guessing there's nothing I can do about it now...
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Really, there is no way to bypass a forced update... but it finally looks like they've caught on to us. Doesn't seem like good news.
draky said:
Any idea how to get past this without the update?
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i have the same problem.
Trying to finish initial setup without updating firmware.
At first start, Network found and started downloading Update.
So i turned it off and blocked the updateserver at router.
But can´t pass setup this way...
There's a guide on AFTVNews on how to bypass the mandatory update. Does that guide no longer work?
I wiped and installed latest pre-rooted software and could not get past checking for updates using blocks on router. Switched to open dns and went right through. Then I switched back to router. Just my experience.
16Darknight said:
There's a guide on AFTVNews on how to bypass the mandatory update. Does that guide no longer work?
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it still works,
thank you
I know this is too late for OP, but incase someone comes across this thread looking for an answer, here is my guide to bypass the forced update: said:
I know this is too late for OP, but incase someone comes across this thread looking for an answer, here is my guide to bypass the forced update:
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And looks like I may get lucky... After it was funny loaded up I immediately preformed a master reset on the device just to see if everything took or if I happened to get lucky and something didn't load right and I was right. I go in, choose my language, put in my amazon account (it knows when I put in the wrong account) and then tries to register the device and while it's doing that it's flashing back and forth with a screen that says it doesn't have network connectivity but the box still has the white light.
I plug in my old box, lights up and connects just fine. I let it sit tonight for 20 minutes and still didn't work right so I'll be calling them tomorrow to see about replacing this one. Looks like the software update maybe didn't get loaded right.
I got through the initial setup following AFTVnews guide. Unluckily my Gernan FTV was on from the start on, so i can't root and use the update blocking tool. Still having the update servers blocked the FireTV is almost unusable since it complains about not having a network connection. XBMC works fine but i can't use Amazon instant video. I blocked
via router. any advice what i can change to continue blocking updates, but still access Amazon content?
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{ParanoiA} said:
I wiped and installed latest pre-rooted software ...
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Beginning with which version, please?
Was on whatever came before and did full wipe and then installed and that's when I had to use opendns. After that I just flashed over top of it because of the requirements.
{ParanoiA} said:
Was on whatever came before and did full wipe and then installed and that's when I had to use opendns. After that I just flashed over top of it because of the requirements.
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Bummer. It was or earlier.
Wishful thinking...
What I've discovered is in the serial number range of the units themselves. If the unit has a serial of 7090020141....anything after that from 0 to 4 will not will automatically jump to the "your unit requires an update" way around it. If the serial is 7090020141.....5 and above it will root.
I have rooted almost 100 units in the past 2 weeks and it is the same every time.... Perhaps I'm wrong....but I think not.
At this point I can look at the serial and tell you if it will root or not.

Firetv2 help required with rooting _almost there_

Hi all,
I've followed with meticulous care the video and web page over at aftvnews for rooting my aftv2...
Everything went perfectly, up to one point,... Instead of just flashing the (I also placed a check in the checksum box).... strangely it failed the checksum,.... and I decided to choose to reboot.
After checking the md5 it was okay.... strangely i don't know why it failed.
But now all my firetf2 does is boot directly to the amazon home page. (I still have adb and usb debugging enabled).
All I had connected to the firetv2 was a usb mouse to enable me to click the relevant items within recovery.
Is there any way I can get back into the first TeamWin boot window so that I can actually flash the file.
I did have a usb hub connected as well, with a usb keyboard just in case I needed it, but thought that it might be the problem so i just left the mouse connected.
Every single part went through perfectly installing adb and fastboot,... installing the mt6577 usb drivers.
connecting the firetv2 via a to a cable, and also running the install_firetv2_recovery.bat file.
Not one single problem until this last bit.
Could do with a couple of pointers please chaps as i can almost see the finish line.
hhmmmm I rather stupidly left the ramdisk-recovery.cpio.lzma file off the SD card when I wanted to get back into the boot menu.
This time the checksum passed, and rooted firmware went on without any problems.
about to click "reboot system" in preparation of crapping myself....
Hoping that someone can see the final screen attached and tell me if this is okay..
slackbladder said:
Hi all,
I've followed with meticulous care the video and web page over at aftvnews for rooting my aftv2...
Everything went perfectly, up to one point,... Instead of just flashing the (I also placed a check in the checksum box).... strangely it failed the checksum,.... and I decided to choose to reboot.
After checking the md5 it was okay.... strangely i don't know why it failed.
But now all my firetf2 does is boot directly to the amazon home page. (I still have adb and usb debugging enabled).
All I had connected to the firetv2 was a usb mouse to enable me to click the relevant items within recovery.
Is there any way I can get back into the first TeamWin boot window so that I can actually flash the file.
I did have a usb hub connected as well, with a usb keyboard just in case I needed it, but thought that it might be the problem so i just left the mouse connected.
Every single part went through perfectly installing adb and fastboot,... installing the mt6577 usb drivers.
connecting the firetv2 via a to a cable, and also running the install_firetv2_recovery.bat file.
Not one single problem until this last bit.
Could do with a couple of pointers please chaps as i can almost see the finish line.
hhmmmm I rather stupidly left the ramdisk-recovery.cpio.lzma file off the SD card when I wanted to get back into the boot menu.
This time the checksum passed, and rooted firmware went on without any problems.
about to click "reboot system" in preparation of crapping myself....
Hoping that someone can see the final screen attached and tell me if this is okay..
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Are you installing from recovery?
It looks like it installed OK but even so if you already have recovery installed you still have a way back no worry.
That's what I was gonna say, seems ok to me?
If it won't boot Into recovery or won't boot follow this guide here -
But if you can access recovery with a keyboard press or via adb just follow the guide on aftvnews but since you have already tried to root don't use the installer just flash the prerooted rom (if needed redownload the zip check the md5 checksums & flash In recovery)
Thanks for the details chaps....
I persevered and following the detailed info from aftvnews I used the cmd and typed su..... after pressing enter i had about 3 seconds before the little box that you have to press on "enable" disappeared... managed it on my third attempt. I don't remember reading that one has to use the firetv remote to click on "Enable". but it worked.
command prompt says [email protected] so it looks to be successful.
also blocked updates as well. now if only i could root my firetv v1's i could get rid of opendns.
but using the calculator over at aftvnews (when I could get on there} states that both my firetv1's are not rootable versions due to the serial numbers.
just one other thing chaps.... to be able to load rbox's twrp,.... is that only possible via an sd card plugged in and using ramdisk-recovery.cpio.lzma and then switching on firetv?
just wondering chaps.... are there any uk people here who can still access aftvnews. I only ask as the site went down last night about 3.30 am gmt.
I've had a mate whose on BT and he has full access another mate on sky tested it for me and its okay.
I can access it if I use Tor Browser but other than that it keeps timing out on me and I'm on vermin..
Another piece I almost got lost at, was where you have to click on the three arrows "Swipe to confirm" well I thought it had gone wrong on the page before that, due to another blue page with arrows on..... no mention of that in the video.
Now after all that,.. I assume I still have to sideload kodi?
slackbladder said:
Thanks for the details chaps....
I persevered and following the detailed info from aftvnews I used the cmd and typed su..... after pressing enter i had about 3 seconds before the little box that you have to press on "enable" disappeared... managed it on my third attempt. I don't remember reading that one has to use the firetv remote to click on "Enable". but it worked.
command prompt says [email protected] so it looks to be successful.
also blocked updates as well. now if only i could root my firetv v1's i could get rid of opendns.
but using the calculator over at aftvnews (when I could get on there} states that both my firetv1's are not rootable versions due to the serial numbers.
just wondering chaps.... are there any uk people here who can still access aftvnews. I only ask as the site went down last night about 3.30 am gmt.
I've had a mate whose on BT and he has full access another mate on sky tested it for me and its okay.
I can access it if I use Tor Browser but other than that it keeps timing out on me and I'm on vermin..
Another piece I almost got lost at, was where you have to click on the three arrows "Swipe to confirm" well I thought it had gone wrong on the page before that, due to another blue page with arrows on..... no mention of that in the video.
Now after all that,.. I assume I still have to sideload kodi?
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You lost me here but glad you managed to finish the installation.
BTW if your FireTv1 is on OS5 you can rooted with kingroot. You need to provide more info to be able to help you furthermore.
Now youve rooted dont forget to block updates via adb! You need a keyboard to access twrp like I said before, no sd card In the aftv2 doesn't matter, you can still access twrp. Yes you can root the aftv gen 1 using Kingroot (please do not use super sume afterwards people have bricked after using super sume!) Block updates & wait for the recovery & prerooted rom by rbox to be released. Yes of course you need to sideload Kodi if you want to, Kodi is not suppled with any root/recovery or rom. Sideload via your phone/adb/adbfire/ftp or es file explorer.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Thanks bula1ca,
I Updated one firetv1 the other day to 5.0.5 and then pulled the plug..... I'm hoping that rbox will come up with a working rom that i can use.
for the time being my other firetv1 is using (it seems a lot smoother than 5.0.5). or maybe that's just me.
the firetv2 had two ota updates to get to 5.0.5. I had a little panic, I was expecting another update to block the rooting process.
also I was rather surprised how easy it was to root,... I think if i had to do it again,... instead of the 8 hours it took me, it would be more like 45 minutes now... lol
I must admit that I was constantly checking every little thing I was doing.... writing down notes for reference and trying to look at half a dozen open web pages to see how others had done it.
Going to be a problem for me though if I cannot access aftvnews any more....
Thanks for the info deanr1977,...
I did try to use a keyboard but the firetv2 just kept on booting all the way to the home screen no matter what i did.
This was before I had actually installed the rom though, so this may well explain why I could get to the twrp recovery menu.
Is there a time limit as to how quickly you have to press a particular set of keys on a keyboard to get the recovery menu to show up?
slackbladder said:
Thanks bula1ca,
I Updated one firetv1 the other day to 5.0.5 and then pulled the plug..... I'm hoping that rbox will come up with a working rom that i can use.
for the time being my other firetv1 is using (it seems a lot smoother than 5.0.5). or maybe that's just me.
the firetv2 had two ota updates to get to 5.0.5. I had a little panic, I was expecting another update to block the rooting process.
also I was rather surprised how easy it was to root,... I think if i had to do it again,... instead of the 8 hours it took me, it would be more like 45 minutes now... lol
I must admit that I was constantly checking every little thing I was doing.... writing down notes for reference and trying to look at half a dozen open web pages to see how others had done it.
Going to be a problem for me though if I cannot access aftvnews any more....
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Sure it will be back up soon, I'm in the UK & can access it fine so just sure it will only be a matter of time & it will be back up & running at your end?
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
deanr1977 may I ask are you a vermin media customer? I'm trying to find out why it's only me.
slackbladder said:
deanr1977 may I ask are you a vermin media customer? I'm trying to find out why it's only me.
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you mean Virgin Media? yes
You have around 10 or 6 seconds to select boot normal to the left or boot to twrp to the right.
I use a Logitech K400 plus keyboard, works perfectly & also has a touch keypad which comes in very handy to those apps which need a mouse to access.
This one here -
No honestly mate.... i really do mean vermin... ever since they took over I've had no end of problems. I'd laugh if I could but it just isn't funny.
I had a look at one of those k400's in a local pcworld.... but they were asking well over the odds. I think I might go down the amazon route. cheers also for the info on the boot timing.
slackbladder said:
No honestly mate.... i really do mean vermin... ever since they took over I've had no end of problems. I'd laugh if I could but it just isn't funny.
I had a look at one of those k400's in a local pcworld.... but they were asking well over the odds. I think I might go down the amazon route. cheers also for the info on the boot timing.
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I'm not happy with there set top box's or interface, but the Internet been fine for me, very fast almost all the time
I gave up in the and had to call them....
basically done all i could at my end... flushdns,... checked hosts, checked opendns, turned off everything except router and new VM| router (modem only mode) and tried an ipad... nope still no good. all this after a full shut down of everything and two reboots.
tried my phone,.... yep you got it right, full access to aftvnews.
whats even more stupid is that I'm using part of my wifi to access the net due to the poor 3g signal and i can access aftvnews.
Well VM staff said there's nothing wrong with network, nothing wrong at my end, and if i want access to keep using tor browser.
that's not really what i wanted to hear.
but he did mention that my IP address may have been blocked at the other end. although I'm not to sure why.
I also read some info from Elias, owner of aftvnews here...
seems he's not very happy either.
I've asked a bt customer to check for me,.. all okay. a sky customer... all okay,... and also yourself....
This only ever happened to me once before and that was on a forum many years ago. The owner had to unblock me so I could access the website again.
within two weeks I had been blocked again.

FireTV Stick 4K cannot find updates or register

Bought an older stick from some guy and it couldn't get updates or register (even entering amazon user/pass showed error saying credentials are not correct).
It had TWRP so I thought maybe just needs to be restocked. I first updated the firmware to (still wouldn't work, still same issues) so I decided to get rid of TWRP as well and flashed the boot image. OK TWRP is gone but the issues are still there even after multiple factory resets.
Have I messed it up for good? Any chance to fix it? I since got another 4K stick, brand new, and that one worked like a charm, of course; also my older Fire Cube works fine. So it's not some issue with my network.
primusmagestri said:
Bought an older stick from some guy and it couldn't get updates or register (even entering amazon user/pass showed error saying credentials are not correct).
It had TWRP so I thought maybe just needs to be restocked. I first updated the firmware to (still wouldn't work, still same issues) so I decided to get rid of TWRP as well and flashed the boot image. OK TWRP is gone but the issues are still there even after multiple factory resets.
Have I messed it up for good? Any chance to fix it? I since got another 4K stick, brand new, and that one worked like a charm, of course; also my older Fire Cube works fine. So it's not some issue with my network.
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you should not remove twrp. Your Firestick is soft bricked
primusmagestri said:
Bought an older stick from some guy and it couldn't get updates or register (even entering amazon user/pass showed error saying credentials are not correct).
It had TWRP so I thought maybe just needs to be restocked. I first updated the firmware to (still wouldn't work, still same issues) so I decided to get rid of TWRP as well and flashed the boot image. OK TWRP is gone but the issues are still there even after multiple factory resets.
Have I messed it up for good? Any chance to fix it? I since got another 4K stick, brand new, and that one worked like a charm, of course; also my older Fire Cube works fine. So it's not some issue with my network.
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The stick is most likely blacklisted, common reason is if the device gets reported as stolen... lost on shipping or something like that.
You can still use the unlocked stick, somewhere in the forums is a posting about this. If I recall right, you would need to disable OOBE, set the props for adb enabled, device registered / setup completed. Then the stick boots straight into the fireOS launcher, now you can install a custom launcher...
Sus_i said:
The stick is most likely blacklisted, common reason is if the device gets reported as stolen... lost on shipping or something like that.
You can still use the unlocked stick, somewhere in the forums is a posting about this. If I recall right, you would need to disable OOBE, set the props for adb enabled, device registered / setup completed. Then the stick boots straight into the fireOS launcher, now you can install a custom launcher...
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he removed twrp and he have He cant install jailbreak now
anphabvn said:
he removed twrp and he have He cant install jailbreak now
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That is not true.
He installed via TWRP and a boot.img, so the efuse for shorting may be gone (if he flashed a TZ image update at some point too, which we don't know).
Anyways. TWRP will block flashing preloader/LK and TZ images from the stock rom, so the old vulnerable preloader is still on his stick installed, therefore he CAN install the jailbreak again, that's for sure
In order to block the expoit, he need to do at least one update with the stock recovery (which will flash the new preloader). Only that will block the latest kamakiri 2.0.1.
anphabvn said:
you should not remove twrp. Your Firestick is soft bricked
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Sus_i said:
The stick is most likely blacklisted, common reason is if the device gets reported as stolen... lost on shipping or something like that.
You can still use the unlocked stick, somewhere in the forums is a posting about this. If I recall right, you would need to disable OOBE, set the props for adb enabled, device registered / setup completed. Then the stick boots straight into the fireOS launcher, now you can install a custom launcher...
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I've had some few crazy months and went away so I haven't checked the replies. I appreciate your responses and I'll try to see if I can resurrect the damned thing, just as a hobby since it didn't cost that much.
mmmk, fireiso burnt to usb, boot it up, been futzing with a ALU foil trying to find the sweet spot but no device seen by the script I'd guess that's what happens when it's FUBAR
primusmagestri said:
mmmk, fireiso burnt to usb, boot it up, been futzing with a ALU foil trying to find the sweet spot but no device seen by the script I'd guess that's what happens when it's FUBAR
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If you see no device in lsusb while shorted, try the 'new' method (run bootrom-step with sudo and connect the stick without a short).
You can also use this OPs guide together with the latest mantis kamakiri:
[UNLOCK][ROOT][TWRP][UNBRICK] Fire TV Stick 3 and Fire TV Stick Lite (sheldon/p)
Read this whole guide before starting. This is for the 3rd gen Fire TV Stick (sheldonp) and Fire TV Stick Lite (sheldon). NOTE: FireOS < required NOTE: This process does not require you to open your device. What you need: A Linux...

