Simple sample - Windows Mobile Software Development

Hi all,
i'am a TAPI beginner a i need to write a simple application that makes call. Does anyone have a simple sample how to init TAPI and make call.

If you want to make just a phone call that's easy and you don't need to know anything about TAPI ...
Use the API function PhoneMakeCall, which is documented in the PocketPC 2002 SDK. Don't forget to include phone.h and link to phone.lib
#include <phone.h>
BOOL MyMakeCall(LPCTSTR pszNumber)
LONG nRet;
memset(&pmci, 0, sizeof (pmci));
pmci.cbSize = sizeof (pmci);
pmci.dwFlags = PMCF_DEFAULT;
pmci.pszDestAddress = pszNumber;
pmci.pszAppName = NULL;
pmci.pszCalledParty = NULL;
pmci.pszComment = NULL;
// place the call
nRet = PhoneMakeCall(&pmci);
if (nRet != 0)
AfxMessageBox (_T("error making call"));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

Thanks. I was trying whole afternoon and i done it. Next thing is to recerd to call. Maybe tomorow.


Webclient Help

how do i replicate this under windows mobile. The first function works flawlessly however the second version (Which is required to run on windows mobile 6.1-6.5) doesn't.. If anyone has any idea how to fix it i'm willing to try it out.
private static byte[] WebPost(string url, byte[] data)
var webClient = new WebClient();
return webClient.UploadData(url, data);
This dont.
private static byte[] WebPost(string url, byte[] data)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
request.Timeout = 10000; // 10 secs
request.Method = "POST";
byte[] requestPostBuffer = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(ByteArrayToStr(data));
request.ContentLength = requestPostBuffer.Length;
Stream requestPostData = request.GetRequestStream();
requestPostData.Write(requestPostBuffer, 0, requestPostBuffer.Length);
// initialize the httpweresponse object
HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
// set our encoding
Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
//initialis the webresponse stream with our encoding
StreamReader webResponseStream = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream(),enc);
// create a string to copy it all into.
string streamedData = webResponseStream.ReadToEnd();
byte[] convertedResponse = StrToByteArray(streamedData);
convertedResponse = Encoding.Convert(System.Text.Encoding.Default, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252),convertedResponse);
return convertedResponse;

[Q] Developing app that requires root - freezes after asking for su

I am new to android development and am having an issue. I am working on an app that requires root and when I request it using this code:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"su"});
I get the request, Allow it then the app locks up and doesn't go to the next item. I am trying to figure out the debugging environment in eclipse, but have not figured out a way to debug this. Is there something I need to do after acquiring root? The next line of code is a simple Toast, so I know it is locking up at the su command. Is there any documentation on writing root apps anybody can point me to? Or is there a simple answer? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Just in case the whole code will help, here it is:
public class toggle extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String[] results = executeShellCommand(new String[] {"su"});
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(this, results[0], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);;
public String[] executeShellCommand(String[] args) {
Process mLogcatProc = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
BufferedReader errorReader = null;
String logResult = null;
String errorLogResult = null;
String separator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
mLogcatProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mLogcatProc.getInputStream()));
errorReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(mLogcatProc.getErrorStream()));
String line;
final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
logResult = log.toString();
String errorLine;
final StringBuilder errorLog = new StringBuilder();
while ((errorLine = errorReader.readLine()) != null)
errorLogResult = errorLog.toString();
if((logResult.length() == 0) || (errorLogResult.length() > 0))
if(errorLogResult.length() > 0)
return errorLogResult.split(separator);
return (new String[] {"null_result"});
return logResult.split(separator);
catch (Exception e)
return (new String[] {e.toString()});
if (reader != null)
catch (IOException e)
I do this a bunch in my RogueTools app.
Take a peek here:
Let me know if you need a hand.
myn said:
I do this a bunch in my RogueTools app.
Take a peek here:
Let me know if you need a hand.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks a ton, I should be able to get it from here....I'll let you know if not.
Myn always on top of things
Sent from my unrEVOked using xda app

MAPIdotnet and binary message body

Best all,
A while ago I tried to make a simple application which can export all my smses and mmses to my local database server. It runs quite smoothly but I can't manage to get the correct mms body data. It seems that about 5% of the exported body data(for example a sent picture in jpeg format) is different from the original jpeg picture/body data: the exported picture data can't be viewed, it is corrupt.
I suspect the method of exporting the data must be changed from string to binary, but I don't know exactly how to proceed.
I'm using C# 2008 in combination with the MAPIdotnet library, and my target device is a HTC HD Mini with Windows Mobile 6.5 professional.
The part of my code where it's going wrong:
ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] ba = asen.GetBytes(s);
if (messages[msgID].Body != null)
FileStream fs2 = File.Create("\\Opslagkaart\\Debug\\body_" + Convert.ToString(msgID) + ".dat");
BinaryWriter bw2 = new BinaryWriter(fs2);
System.Text.UnicodeEncoding enc = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] file = enc.GetBytes(messages[msgID].Body);
In combination with MAPIdotnet's code:
public string Body
IStreamChar s = (IStreamChar)this.msg.OpenProperty(cemapi.PropTags.PR_BODY, 0);
if (s == null)
return "";
IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
char[] b = new char[3];
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
int c, len = b.Length * 2;
s.Read(b, len, p);
c = Marshal.ReadInt32(p);
str.Append(new string(b, 0, c / 2));
while (c >= len);
return str.ToString();
Can somebody give a hint of how to proceed?
I suddenly got some more inspiration and, with help from google, I've managed to correctly retrieve the binary jpeg attachments of two of my mmses.
The code part of my program:
//if (messages[msgID].BodyBinary.Length>0)
FileStream fs2 = File.Create("\\Opslagkaart\\Debug\\body_" + Convert.ToString(msgID) + ".dat");
BinaryWriter bw2 = new BinaryWriter(fs2);
The code part of the customized MAPIdotnet:
private static IntPtr ReadBuffer;
static int Read(OpenNETCF.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream strm, byte[] buffer)
if (ReadBuffer == IntPtr.Zero) ReadBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));
strm.Read(buffer, buffer.Length, ReadBuffer);
catch (NullReferenceException e)
//do nothing
return Marshal.ReadInt32(ReadBuffer);
public byte[] BodyBinary
int buffsize = 1024*1024*2; /* If mms body is bigger than 2MB we have a problem here */
byte[] buffer = new byte[buffsize];
Read(this.msg.OpenProperty(cemapi.PropTags.PR_BODY, 0), buffer);
byte[] data = buffer;//ms.ToArray();
return data;
But now ALL bodies are saved as 2MB files.. including the empty ones from for example a sms. And not all mms bodies are of the max size of 2mb. My carrier/phone supports up to 1MB. Perhaps I need to get some 'dynamic size' buffer instead of the fixed one. Does anyone have an idea on how to determine the size of the
this.msg.OpenProperty(cemapi.PropTags.PR_BODY, 0)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
stream ?
I've solved all my problems by means of the following code (for mapidotnet):
private static IntPtr ReadBuffer;
static int Read(OpenNETCF.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream strm, byte[] buffer)
int returnvalue = 0;
if (ReadBuffer == IntPtr.Zero) ReadBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)));
strm.Read(buffer, buffer.Length, ReadBuffer);
returnvalue = Marshal.ReadInt32(ReadBuffer);
catch (NullReferenceException e)
returnvalue = 0;
return returnvalue;
public byte[] BodyBinary
int newdatasize = 0;
int buffsize = 1024*1024*3; /* If mms body is bigger than 3MB we have a problem here */
byte[] buffer = new byte[buffsize];
newdatasize = Read(this.msg.OpenProperty(cemapi.PropTags.PR_BODY, 0), buffer);
if (newdatasize < 0) { newdatasize = 0; }
byte[] data = new byte[newdatasize];
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, data, 0, newdatasize);
return data;
Now all is working fine and the exported files are of their own real size. I'm sure the above code can be optimized but it's working good now.

Unblocking thread safe queue - check code, please (and use, if right for you)

Hi friends.
I must solve big problem to finish HaRET (and other native applications) managed wrapper and UI (i. e. for example managed Silverlight UI controlled from unmanaged code), safe WP7 FTP client, interprocess cooperation on WP7, etc.
I know it is a basic issue, which is probably solved many time in operating systems (windows messages etc.) and many other examples.
But, I could find no any source code for queue, which is:
1. safe for more writers (threads from more processes) and for one reader,
2. unblocking for all writers,
3. unblocking for reader.
I found only very much unblocking ringbuffers or blocking queues, no one unblocking unlimited queue. Please, send corrections if I am bad looking.
Then, I tried code it...
First I want use std::queue with Thread Local Storage identifications (one subqueue for all writer and one abqueue for reader). But, TLS is very limited on CE based systems and I am not sure, if it solve interprocess safety too.
Finally, I tried to write the following code. It is designed for interthread queue only still, but interprocess can be added by safe named filemapping probably. Tell your opinion, it will be the basis for many complex applications here. For many years I have not worked with low-level synchronisation, I could make a fundamental mistake. So far I've missed templates and any wrapper, it's just the basic idea, usable in both C/C++ with very little changes:
// This queue is unblocking and thread safe, when:
// 1. more writers are allowed,
// 2. one reader is allowed only.
// Motto: Pointers queue is both-directional, but frontal direction is changed by writers, backward direction by reader only!
#ifndef InterlockedExchangePointer
#define InterlockedExchangePointer(Target, Value) ((PVOID)InterlockedExchange((PLONG)(Target), (LONG)(Value)))
#ifndef InterlockedCompareExchangePointer
#define InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Destination, ExChange, Comperand) ((PVOID)InterlockedCompareExchange((PLONG)(Destination), (LONG)(ExChange), (LONG)(Comperand)))
typedef struct SQItem
SQItem * pNext;
SQItem * pPrev;
void * pValue;
} * PItem;
SQItem EmptyItem = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
PItem pFront = &EmptyItem;
PItem pBack = &EmptyItem;
// Empty queue contains one item with both directions pointers nulled.
bool push_front(void * pNewValue) // nonblocking push, but theoretically forever cycle is possible for low priority thread! Practically improbable.
if (!pNewValue)
return false;
PItem pNewFront = new SQItem;
if (pNewFront)
PItem pProbablyFront;
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pProbablyFront, pFront);
pNewFront->pNext = pProbablyFront;
pNewFront->pPrev = NULL;
pNewFront->pValue = pNewValue;
while (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&pFront, pNewFront, pProbablyFront) != pProbablyFront)
{ // Another writer changed front pointer, active writer must try it again.
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pProbablyFront, pFront);
pNewFront->pNext = pProbablyFront;
return true; // Success allways.
return false; // Insufficient memory.
void * pop_back() // one reader allowed only!!!
PItem pBackward;
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pBackward, pFront); // Safe copy of actual front pointer
if (pBackward == pBack) // Queue is empty in time of interlocked attempt.
return NULL;
if (!pBack->pPrev)
{ // If backward queue is not continued here, reconstruct it from safe front pointer.
while (pBackward != pBack && !pBackward->pNext->pPrev)
pBackward->pNext->pPrev = pBackward;
pBackward = pBackward->pNext;
// One reader can safe read from back and manipulate with backward queue.
PItem pDelete = pBack;
pBack->pPrev->pNext = NULL;
pBack = pBack->pPrev;
delete pDelete;
return pBack->pValue;
/* // This is not necessary, but it is more clean:
void * pResult = pBack->pValue;
pBack->pValue = NULL;
return pResult;
I am not sure, if heap allocation is not more "blocking" operation due to swapping and mm priorities, then object/signal waiting. What do you mean about it?
Mirror principle can be used to OneToMore queue making. Thanks unblocking, MoreToOne and OneToMore can be immeditelly piped to MoreToMore one.
But, when CE systems do not support two coupled pointers interlocked functions, there is no possibility to identify allowed reader safely, then this has not great significance.
As well, MoreToOne is much more needed now.
Template version
Using (simple example, the same way will be used between native threads and managed Silverlight UI):
#include "..\Templates\STQueue.h"
STQueue<tstring> qMessages(L"");
... // Called by [B]any thread[/B]:
void SafeMessage(tstring sMessage)
PostMessage(hUnsafe, WM_FTP_MESSAGE, 0 , 0);
... // In UI thread:
LRESULT OnMsgMessage(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
bool bChange = false;
tstring szMessage = L"";
while ((szMessage = qMessages.pop_back()) != L"")
szMessages += szMessage;
szMessages += L"\r\n";
bChange = true;
if (bChange)
SetDlgItemText(hMainDlg, IDC_EDITMessage, szMessages.c_str());
return TRUE;
template <class _Type> class STQItem
STQItem<_Type> * pNext;
STQItem<_Type> * pPrev;
_Type Value;
STQItem(_Type & rV, STQItem<_Type> * pN = NULL, STQItem<_Type> * pP = NULL);
template <class _Type> class STQueue
STQItem<_Type> * pFront;
STQItem<_Type> * pBack;
_Type EmptyValue;
STQueue(_Type EmptyV);
bool push_front(const _Type & rNewValue);
const _Type & pop_back();
bool empty();
template <class _Type> STQItem<_Type>::STQItem(_Type & rV, STQItem<_Type> * pN, STQItem<_Type> * pP)
Value = rV;
pNext = pN;
pPrev = pP;
template <class _Type> STQueue<_Type>::STQueue(_Type EmptyV)
EmptyValue = EmptyV;
STQItem<_Type> * EmtyItem = new STQItem<_Type>(EmptyValue);
pFront = EmtyItem;
pBack = EmtyItem;
template <class _Type> STQueue<_Type>::~STQueue()
while (pop_back() != EmptyValue)
delete pBack;
template <class _Type> bool STQueue<_Type>::push_front(const _Type & rNewValue)
{ // nonblocking push, but theoretically forever cycle is possible for low priority thread!
STQItem<_Type> * pNewFront = new STQItem<_Type>(EmptyValue);
if (pNewFront)
STQItem<_Type> * pProbablyFront;
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pProbablyFront, pFront);
pNewFront->pNext = pProbablyFront;
pNewFront->pPrev = NULL;
pNewFront->Value = rNewValue;
while (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&pFront, pNewFront, pProbablyFront) != pProbablyFront)
{ // Another writer changed front pointer, active writer must try it again.
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pProbablyFront, pFront);
pNewFront->pNext = pProbablyFront;
return true; // Success allways.
return false; // Insufficient memory.
template <class _Type> const _Type & STQueue<_Type>::pop_back()
{ // one reader allowed only!!!
STQItem<_Type> * pBackward;
InterlockedExchangePointer(&pBackward, pFront); // Safe copy of actual front pointer
if (pBackward == pBack) // Queue is empty in time of interlocked attempt.
return EmptyValue;
if (!pBack->pPrev)
{ // If backward queue is not beginned, reconstruct it from safe front pointer.
while (pBackward != pBack && !pBackward->pNext->pPrev)
pBackward->pNext->pPrev = pBackward;
pBackward = pBackward->pNext;
// One reader can safe read from back and manipulate with backward queue.
STQItem<_Type> * pDelete = pBack;
pBack->pPrev->pNext = NULL;
pBack = pBack->pPrev;
delete pDelete;
return pBack->Value;
/* // This is not necessary, but it is more clean:
void * pResult = pBack->pValue;
pBack->pValue = NULL;
return pResult;
template <class _Type> bool STQueue<_Type>::empty()
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

[Q] How to read store.vol file Windows phone 7

I have file store.vol copy from Windows phone device(HTC HD7). I use EDB API to read it.
My problem: I could not open store.vol file. ERROR_BAD_FORMAT.
How can I open this file.
My code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Winphone7_Lib.h"
#include "clsReadEDB.h"
#include <iosfwd>
#define EDB
extern "C"
#include <windbase_edb.h>
// clsReadEDB
void clsReadEDB::readFile(char* path)
CEGUID guid;
cevo.wVersion = 1;
CEOIDINFOEX oidInfo = {0};
wchar_t buff[250];
BOOL rez;
rez = CeMountDBVolEx(&guid, L"store.vol", &cevo,OPEN_EXISTING);
if (rez == FALSE) {
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
hBD = CeFindFirstDatabaseEx(&guid, 0);
oidInfo.wObjType = OBJTYPE_DATABASE;
//creare sesiune
hSes = CeCreateSession(&guid);
if (hSes == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {/* error */}
CEOID oidBD = CeFindNextDatabaseEx(hBD, &guid);
while (oidBD != 0)
//obtain database information
rez = CeOidGetInfoEx2(&guid, oidBD, &oidInfo);
if (rez != TRUE) {/* error */}
//open database
hBDS = CeOpenDatabaseInSession(hSes, &guid, &oidBD,
oidInfo.infDatabase.szDbaseName, NULL, CEDB_AUTOINCREMENT, NULL);
if (hBDS == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {/* error */}
PBYTE pBuffInreg = NULL;//memory is allocated by function
WORD wProp;//number of properties
DWORD dwLgInreg;// record lengths
//memory is allocatd by function
CEOID ceoid = CeReadRecordPropsEx(hBDS, CEDB_ALLOWREALLOC, &wProp, NULL,
&(LPBYTE)pBuffInreg, &dwLgInreg, NULL);
int k = 0;
while(ceoid != 0)
pInreg = (PCEPROPVAL)pBuffInreg;
//for each field
for (int i = 0; i < wProp; i++)
//process string values
case CEVT_I2:
case CEVT_I4:
case CEVT_UI2:
case CEVT_UI4:
//process integer values
case CEVT_R8:
//process floating point values
//other types
//next field
//next record
ceoid = CeReadRecordPropsEx(hBDS, CEDB_ALLOWREALLOC, &wProp, NULL,
&(LPBYTE)pBuffInreg, &dwLgInreg, NULL);
//next database
oidBD = CeFindNextDatabaseEx(hBD, &guid);

