Cingular GPRS/SMS/MMS Settings and Setup Instructions PDA2 - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I got an i-mate PDA2k the other day and need some help. I live in the States and use Cingular as a carrier. I need the GPRS, SMS, MMS Connection Settings and the instructions for creating the settings.
Does anyone have them? I **THINK** I have the right settings but don't know how to make the connections, as I have NEVER had to do this before (this is my first unlocked device purchase...)
I would appreciate any help anyone can provide.


Setting up MMS and GPRS for ATTWS?

OK I have been expecting my new PDA2K for about a week now. But that's another story. I am hoping somebody can provide me the settings for MMS and GPRS on ATT Wireless.
Thanks for the help!
OK I got the GPRS settings but not the MMS settings. I still need help with this.

changing t-mobile settings to o2 on jam

I've just got and unlocked a t-mobile mda and now am having real problems to get mms, and gprs working properly for o2. can anyone help with the correct settings and how to input them!
wow look what the search dose

Help Me Please!!

i have a XDA Orbit with my U.K Vodafone Pay As You Go SimCard in it, please can someone help me with maybe a application with all U.K GPRS, MMS, WAP SETTINGS, OR PLEASE ANY FORM OF INFOMATION IN STEP BY STEP FORM IN ADDING THESE SETTINGS ON, I AM 100% LOST WITHOUT INTERNET AND MMS ON MY XDA, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!
You should be able to get all the settings you need here

Windows Live Messenger vs TMobile settings

Installed the Black Satin rom today - amazing btw! - and I've been wrestling with WLM all day. It did work at first but then stopped completely saying I was in an area with bad data coverage. ALthough I'm getting full H and 3G speeds.
After a hard reset, I tried WLM using wireless before I applied to Tmob settings and again, it worked perfectly. Drop Tmob back on and it dies again.
Anyone had this before and does anyone know of a workaround so I can have my 3G and WLM on the same handset.
Many thanks and keep up the good work. There's enough cabs on here to keep me entertained for days!!!
Just a quick question, are you putting in the T-Mobile settings manually, or via a CAB from here? I know most of the early CABs had a proxy hard-coded into them that could be causing problems. Let us know what country you're from and I'm sure someone'll be kind enough to give you the settings to put in. If it's UK, then:
Start > Settings > Connections > Connections
Advanced tab > Select Networks
New > Name it T-Mobile Internet and then click on the Modem tab
New > Name it T-Mobile Internet and select Cellular Line (3G)
Next > Access point is
Next > Finish
OK back outa few times and you're done.
Like I said, if it's not UK, this won't work! Also, if the problem isn't related to this - sorry!
Yeah, I added my T-Mob UK settings via the HTC tool that does it via ActiveSync. It added in an HTTP proxy that I couldn't delete. Strange, 'cos when I bought my Vario II it had no proxy defined.
When the proxy was there I could not access WLM. When I used a different CAB to re-add the settings, I could.
However, Agile Messenger still won't connect at all to AIM or MSN. Gawd knows why?!
Sorry - yes, I'm on T-mobile UK with web n walk. I found a cab on one of the wiki pages for T-mobile UK which is the first one I tried and didn't work. After posting here last night, I used the UK_Setup_ZD.exe program to load the T-mob settings and it still didn't work.
If anybody might be able to point me in the direction of a clean/usable T-Mob file that would be ace.
Thanks for the suggestion to load the settings manually. Before I cleared my phone of WM5, I followed the mrvanx guide to housekeep my existing setting but there is a starred out password in the connection for T-Mob internet so I couldn't set it.
As always, any help muchos appreciated!
If you're on T-Mobile UK, you don't need a username and password (trust me!). If you want, look up the details on the T-Mobile Help and Support website and it gives you step by step instructions on setting up the connections manually, that's where I got the above instructions from.
Oooh? Will try in and see how we get on. My searches have also lead me to other posts which think it may be a proxy settings, as the Tmob cab won't allow you to change the proxy.
I'll keep experimenting and will report back!
Confused Stu - YOU ARE A STAR!
Did a hard reset, back to a clean version of Satin. Input the details with no username and password and all seems to be working. Now all I need is to be able to stop it syncing every two seconds, but I shall have a mosey around the pages for the answer to that one and why I can't make it try wireless before dialling.
You've been a great help - cheers!!!
I had the same problem as you did after upgrading to Black Satin (starred out password in the T-mobile settings). I can confirm that you don't need the username or password to get it working.

Before upgrading a rom....

All, this is a question that I am sure must have been asked before, but I can't construct a search that allows me to find an answer :-(.
I like to update the ROM periodically because I do have some strange behaviors every now and again. As I read Ricky's list of fixes, I see some of my issues being resolved.
However, each time I apply a ROM update, everything not on the SIM card gets wiped out. That's no biggie for me with the data, everything I need there is on a PC somewhere anyway. It's the t-mobile settings that are a pain. I have made a notre of what they all are, but it would be really nice to be able to simply apply those settings. I would think the easiest thing to do would be to back them up somewhere - somewhere that isn't going to get trashed during the ROM upgrade and then reapply them.
The trouble is I can't find a way to back them up and restore, nor to persist them somewhere on the device, so I end up retyping them. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
It would really help us out if you tell us what you are trying to backup, what kind of information, data, so on.
I am needing to back up all the t-mobile connection settings. These settings are accessed under connections and are in gprs, proxy and vpn. They have names like T-Mobile Proxy, T-Mobile Data and T-Zones GPRS.
Thanks in advance
seabird said:
I am needing to back up all the t-mobile connection settings. These settings are accessed under connections and are in gprs, proxy and vpn. They have names like T-Mobile Proxy, T-Mobile Data and T-Zones GPRS.
Thanks in advance
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I can't speak about Kavanas ROM but I do know that Ricky's has a program called "connection setup" where you can select your country and carrier and the settings get applied automatically.
kavanas has it also
Thanks. Testing it now

