how do i chang the imei on blue angel xda 2s - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

how do i chang the imei on blue angel xda 2s

I doubt u can do it easily

Also, isnt it illegal in the UK to change the IMEI of a handset?

numanoids said:
Also, isnt it illegal in the UK to change the IMEI of a handset?
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It certainly is. On the grounds that there is only one reason why you'd need to!

Actually, it's very easy!
I take no responsibility for the procedure.
If you loose data, not my fault!
If your device gets borken, not my fault!
If this is illegal in your country, not my fault!
Ok, here we go!
1. Open phone app, and dial *#06#
2. Write down your current IMEI number.
3. Make complete backup.
4. Buy a new device
5. Restore backup.
6. Open phone app, and dial *#06#
7. Confirm that your device now has a different IMEI..
And for the future: Don't buy stolen goods!

I can do this for you, and it will only cost you 750€

:lol: LOL sound about right :shock:

Bassey said:
numanoids said:
Also, isnt it illegal in the UK to change the IMEI of a handset?
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It certainly is. On the grounds that there is only one reason why you'd need to!
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Actuallly, there are a number of very valid reasons why you may want to change the IMEI of you phone. For Instance.
I have a PDA2k and a Vodafone 7100v with blackberry enterprise account. I recently installed the Blackberry Connect software onto my PDA2K and went to the website to enter the New IMEI number and PIN cod for my PDA2K. This was refused by vodafone because it is not a "Vodafone phone IMEI". So my thinking was to take over the IMEI of the 7100v and the the problem goes away.
Haven't achieved anything yet and if it IS illigal to use one of my IMEI numbers in another of MY phones then the law is an ass.
Kindest regards,

to those of us that dont live in UK and this rule does not apply (as no legal legislation exists where i live that says this is illegal) we actually might wanna try yhis just for fun.. so does n1 know how to change the imei?

This topic also applies to those who baught a used device and didn't know that the emei was blocked by one carrier because of bad credit that was never resolved by the original owner.
Now IF the original owner sold the unit to an unaware buyer, then the buyer would be SOL. IMO, it is NOT the buyer's fault, NOR it is assumed that the unit was "stolen". Some guys here seam to jump into there own conclusions.

still no news on the IMEI changing ?

It is illegal in the UK to change the EMEI, it doesnt matter why you are doing it, its just illegal. End of story. If you get caught doing it, you get arrested.
To be honest, there are NOT loads of reasons youd want to legally change the emei, so far 2 have been presented,
1> vodaphone emei required to do something on phone
2> previous owner had bad credit and sold on phone
Case one, rare. A pain, yes, but rare so I dont think anyone will go to all the effort and law breaking to solve just this.
Case two, even rarer. And for the person in this situation, they could just call the network and explain it to them, its possible the block would be lifted if its not actualy a stolen phone.
I beg people to stop asking about EMEI changes on here, we dont want this board shutdown, and I can garantee that will happen if an emei tool appears. Its GOOD that you cant change the emei because this board isnt a place for criminals as it would be if emei tools were supplied.

Yes it's illegal. IN YOUR COUNTRY. In your Case 2, the network would be glad to meet with you so they can confescate the phone since it was not paid for. The original owner left the country and never came back. Anyway, I seam to recall there was a way to change the EMEI on the MDA I.
Unless there is a rule posted on this board about asking for something like this, people will always ask. I think it should not be a board rule because it doesn't apply to most counties.

And because its illegal here then its ok for people in other countries to help criminals here?
I was posting to a UK person, trying to help them avoide legal trouble, and it does apply to people in many other countries. Its just not a good thing to do, has little legitimate merit, and is a lot of work for little reward.
I dont know of any country that welcomes reprogramming of phones so why not stay away from it to avoid bringing trouble on the board?
Just because some countries havent made a specific law against it, it doesnt mean its a good idea.
And it the original owner of a phone sold it without paying for it, then it IS a stolen phone. Buying stolen goods is buying stolen goods, if the network would confiscate it back, then you ARE doing something dodgy by reprogramming the emei, therefor removing case 2 from my legitimate reasons list. So we are left with this one bizare rare case where its needed.
All that legal risk for that?

If you were trying to assist member from the UK, then state so. But making it a board rule affect every board member, not just the ones who live in the UK. I guess the site admin you have to decide about the rules. Neither you or I admin of this site, so I guess we have no say either way. If you are an admin, then you can keep me from posting the EMEI changer when or if it is released.
You have just insinuated that I knowingly bought stolen goods from the original owner. If I had know that there was a problem like this before hand, I would not have given my $600 to the person that sold it. Would you give back the unit knowing that you will not get the money back from the original owner? What sane person would? If the network told me that they would refund my money, I would gladly give it back and buy a new one. Since that isn't happening anytime soon, I will not not be discuraged and make the best out of my predicament. If the Johnny Law catches up to me, then so be it. At least I knew what the consequences are and that I had a choice. No one on any forum can tell me what I can and can't do to anything I own.

Slight misunderstanding, I never said you KNOWINGLY buight stolen goods, but at the end of the day, as far as im aware the law is the same in most places, stolen goods are not legitimate even if you didnt know. Many people are put on the rough end of a point stick when they get caught out like that.
I myself have lost lots of money from not knowing something was stolen, then having the police take it back. It sucks. Im sorry it happened to you.
EMEI numbers are tightly controlled because of all the different kinds of fraud that get associated with changing them.
Its like changing the VIN on a car, its your car, but its still not allowed.
Im really sorry you got caught in the situation, but you have to get your money back from the seller. If you cant, There isnt much you can do.

Yes I agree that "stolen goods IS stolen goods", no matter how you acquire it. It's not only the law but common sense. Don't get me wrong. I do understand your point of view and respect it. In a place such as local auction sites, you don't get lucky every time you make a transaction and I don't have the luxury to throw $600 out the window. The seller lives on the other side of the world. I refuse to waste my resources to track the seller and try to get my money back. If the network wants the phone back, they can certainly offer to refund the $600 so I can buy another unit from them.
Changing the VIN on a car is not a good example. As there is absolutely no reason why anyone would remove or replace the VIN. Then they would have to replace/remove the chassis and engine block numbers.
The way I see it, the EMEI changer is a tool.. like a gun for example. It depends on how you use it. If you get busted using it other than legitimate reasons, then you dug your own hole. I am certainly not an angel and if this tool is released, I will use it so that I have 1 more choice of carrier I can use.

I do not gave a cr*p about stupid, british laws , nor do I understand why this should be illegal. (cant see any resonable harm by doing this)
It sounds like british goverment is worse than Moussolini and Mao together at this point .. I must ask WTF are those dumb bastardz thinking when they assume that by changing some numbers I do something illigal ? .. this is exacly as stupid as assuming that anybody that buys a knife is a killer.
Now--- can we move on and get back to subject ?

AlCapone said:
I do not gave a cr*p about stupid, british laws .....It sounds like british goverment is worse than Moussolini and Mao together at this point .. .....
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Yeah, and don't forget about Quisling, too!

fpmacko said:
Yeah, and don't forget about Quisling, too!
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yes ...i could say *especially* Quisling !!
but he was a traitor - while the others forced thir way upon people ,that's why I compared the situation to tham


My xda will be blocked like 2 MILLION cellphones on 13th dec

I need a tool for changing my xda3's imei number. Why?
I bought a xda 3 a few months ago from,
a few days ago i learnt that there was a new law and that law says you cant use mobile phones which are not legallay import to turkey( this means i will never use phones that are not sell in turkey). if i bought my phone one day ago(before the date of law) my phone has been legal but for 1 day my phone is illegal in their opinion
You can say law is law and you must know that but the problem begins here, no one knows anything about this law and 2 MILLION CELL PHONES like mine will be blocked on 13th december
i found a solution for this, i will buy a cheap legal phone and i will clone its imei number to my xda 3 to use it (if i could)
Can anyone help me how to change the imei number.
Are you sure? A law like that would be really, really stupid. :?
As for IMEI - no you can't change it.
they do have some funny laws. our Turkish representative ordered a spare part which their customs refused the importation 'coz it was manufactured in 2004.
It's nonsense.
If they would start blocking IMEI numbers for instance, all tourist's cellphones would stop functioning.
The only way they could "enforce" this is to go to each individual cellphone user, take their GSM, press *#06#, write down the IMEI number and go through cellphones sold by all Turkish operators, lists that never will be upto-date, since new cellphones are sold very day.
For me this news is a hoax, utter BS.
Wiz said:
If they would start blocking IMEI numbers for instance, all tourist's cellphones would stop functioning.
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This is not necessarily the case.
They could block "foreign" IMEI operating on local SIM cards but not block them on roaming.
But I doubt they will.
The Turkish government would like Turkey to join the EU. If they want to then they'll have to stop doing very silly things like this. :evil:
When (if) they do join the EU then they be foreced to do other silly stuff instead. :roll:
yeah yeah. ok. so in the end, to make a long story short --> did it happen? i mean, did they block the imei no's or not?????
I doubt it
so do i. but got no info bout that so we'll just hv2wait n see. already the deadline passed, so it should b blocked by now. but i doubt it big-time puuhleeeaassse
we pass the dead line but the result is still unknown
my gsm operator turkcel said your imei number is cloned (someone uses my imei number ? ) and depend on this stuation they record my imei number to system and i paid 10 usd for registration fee, after that they said me you can use your phone
but today i checked my imei number from the goverments web site and i saw my phone is not regisered and will be bloced on unknown date.
I want to explain something
The intention of this law is prevent the tax decrement from unregistred phones ( there's about 18 million phones came to turkey without tax at last ten years approximately
100 usd tax for 1 phone X 18 million phone = 1.8 billion usd tax prevent for the goverment
Other reason is stolen phones at previous system gsm operators couldnt blocked the stolen phones becouse they had no imei database
The law is good but the problem is on dates
Goverment says the law is made on july 13th and the dead line for the unregistered phones (phones came to turkey without paid tax) is this date
But no one know anything about this law, i checked the forums on july and there is nothing at anywhere about this law at these days
so i bought a phone from outside turkey because i didnt know that was illegal and 2 million of people didnt know buying phone without paying tax is illegal because this wasnt illegal last 10years .....
etc. etc. etc....
I m still waiting a solution for changing imei please help
ogn said:
I m still waiting a solution for changing imei please help
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It's simple: you cannot change IMEI
SaBo said:
ogn said:
I m still waiting a solution for changing imei please help
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It's simple: you cannot change IMEI
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Well actually, that is not strictly true. It is very possable, in the pursuit of science. However this is a clean site and I am happy for it to stay that way.
You are misinformed my friend. The law isn't to battle illegale imports but rather stolen phones, illegale imports are just a by product of it. As long as you have a receipt with your name and the IMEI code on it you can drop by your local phone store and have the IMEI activated. There is a charge of 10 YTL for this.
Changing the IMEI code of your device won't help you cause it still will be blocked, unless you hijack some elses activated IMEI.
How do I know? Cause I'm in Turkey rightnow for new years. My Dutch Vodafone card works in my phone but my prepaid Turkcell card does not. I droppped by the Turkcell shop and had it activated. Took the receipt with me when I left NL cause I knew abotu the law.
SaBo said:
Wiz said:
If they would start blocking IMEI numbers for instance, all tourist's cellphones would stop functioning.
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This is not necessarily the case.
They could block "foreign" IMEI operating on local SIM cards but not block them on roaming.
But I doubt they will.
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I have just Landed in the U.K from Turkey and can confirm this is not a hoax.All foreign phones are blocked,on local simm cards!Foreign simm cards on roaming work,you must take the reciept and proof of purchase,if you missed the date.
And what about people who enjoy their holiday there?
Is Turkey allready joining the European Union?.
If the answer is yes, they will be very soon target by the Union rules :twisted:
If the answer is no yet, they will never get in with this manners
Cheers to every one and enjoy hollydais
User22 said:
Is Turkey allready joining the European Union?.
If the answer is yes, they will be very soon target by the Union rules :twisted:
If the answer is no yet, they will never get in with this manners
Cheers to every one and enjoy hollydais
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The answer is "not yet".
They have a few human rights and free speech issues to sort out before the EU will even discuss membership with them.
Re: My xda will be blocked like 2 MILLION cellphones on 13th
ogn said:
I need a tool for changing my xda3's imei number. Why?
I bought a xda 3 a few months ago from,
a few days ago i learnt that there was a new law and that law says you cant use mobile phones which are not legallay import to turkey( this means i will never use phones that are not sell in turkey). if i bought my phone one day ago(before the date of law) my phone has been legal but for 1 day my phone is illegal in their opinion
You can say law is law and you must know that but the problem begins here, no one knows anything about this law and 2 MILLION CELL PHONES like mine will be blocked on 13th december
i found a solution for this, i will buy a cheap legal phone and i will clone its imei number to my xda 3 to use it (if i could)
Can anyone help me how to change the imei number.
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try google
even if you did/could change the IMEI wont changing it be illegal ( i know its illegal to change the IMEI number here in the uk, not sure about turkey thou prob is thou)
so you would have an illegal phone cos it was import and would prob still be illegal cos the IMEI would have been changed
Unfortunately changing the IMEI number is illegal in Turkey with 3 years jail punishment. ("How will the government officers detect it?" is a question with no answer)
However for the guys like my friend from Turkey this law is completely nonsense! There was almost no announcement nor proper technical information about how everyone will be affected.
I'm sure some people in Turkey is buying cheap legal phones and copying it to their htc smartphones but the question is how they are doing that?
since I do not believe the necessity of this law I'll definetely find a way to broke it. If anyone could help that would be great under these circumstances.
I'm another guy who has a LEGAL pda2k (bought from USA with legal invoice) but waiting it to be blocked any time.... I don't really like the feeling of waiting it to be blocked on an unknown date/time. At least I want to know if there is a way to change the IMEI no in case of my pda2k's is blocked. I know IMEI can be changed and want to learn how (or where I can get this information). Any help will be appriciated. Thanks all.

IMEI changing is going to get you sore!

Many people often come up to me in the street and say, you look like a bit of a geezer (their words), do you know how to change my IMEI to clone that of another phone legitimately purchased within the state of my draconian governement?
I will typically retort with a chuckle, and then the following diatribe:
Now, you may well be a pimp or snakehead already, so no worries relatively speaking, but understand that changing IMEIs can result in a prison sentence or castration, not merely a slap of the wrists. One way or the other, you won't be bending over in the shower if this is a crime in your country and you're found guilty. The law is there for a valid reason, if not necessarily a good reason.
Please check the law in your country before considering changing your IMEI.
You should note that in these days of heightened terrorist threats, if your phone is found to have a false IMEI and you also happen to have a beard and a beautiful tanned completion, you're likely to be spending time with wires hanging out of your orifices, so again, think twice.
I have no place to speak for the administrators or other moderators of the board, just for me, but my view is this:
The board is called XDA Developers. We develop.
The fact that you gets newbs, rubes and non-dudes on here is by the by; our raison d'être is to develop. That entails research and development, so for me, researching changing IMEIs may be a legitimate pursuit. Probably not, but maybe.
Next, recall that the administrators of this board researched and released pretty much the definitive solutions for IMEI changing, on older phones at least. That's part of the reason this board exists. I would be a hypocrite to jump on anyone else carrying the same flag. However, anything that will potentially get the board in trouble will be stopped.
So once again, lube yourself up well before considering changing your IMEI.
And please, be nice to each other, eh?
LOL! Vijay, I love the way you write! Funny but educational. (A little more humor around here would not hurt.) Well done!
If you have 2 perfectly working O2 Exec and I change the IMEI numbers to be the same on both then
1) What effect does that have if the phones have SIM's from the same service provider, if any?
2) What if the SIM's are cloned, will an incoming call ring at both the phones? Does having same IMEI have any effect here?
.....getting ready to be sore
Universal IMEI change
Sorry ,I can't use it in my Universal,any body can help me?
can anybody help ?
my provider is ir-tci and it doesnt let the imei to be changed but i installed core 2.0 wm6 and after that radio 2.69.11 and it has changed my imei ... how can i change it back to original ?
I thought that was just me as the imei number on the phone changed too after i have run some unlocking software on it.
Dial in *#06# and the last four digits on my phone's imei number have changed from the printed sticker under the battery.
How have i managed this.?
james21170 said:
I thought that was just me as the imei number on the phone changed too after i have run some unlocking software on it.
Dial in *#06# and the last four digits on my phone's imei number have changed from the printed sticker under the battery.
How have i managed this.?
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I just checked mine too and I noticed that *#06# just gave me 2 more digits than what's printed under the sticker, so just double check the whole IMEI and I bet you find the same thing - just extra digits!
same here, missing the last two digits in my IMEI number after installing Radio
champ8242 said:
same here, missing the last two digits in my IMEI number after installing Radio
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My IMEI number has 2 extra digits (than printed on box and under battery) it has an extra "04". Saying this I have never looked at it using #*06* before. It may not have been changed.
angelstarsix said:
If you have 2 perfectly working O2 Exec and I change the IMEI numbers to be the same on both then
1) What effect does that have if the phones have SIM's from the same service provider, if any?
2) What if the SIM's are cloned, will an incoming call ring at both the phones? Does having same IMEI have any effect here?
.....getting ready to be sore
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When you make a call or a data connection using your device the IMEI number is transmitted to the network. So they keep a track of what device your using when making calls sending sms's etc
1> same IMEI number will not be active at the same time on the network,
for example, if you make a call with device A and hand up then make a call with device B, thats fine, as the IMEI number will only be associated with 1 number at the time.
You will not be able to make 2 calls on both devices at the same time.
2> same thing here if the sims are cloned on say vodafone the network will pick up 2 different sim numbers in use and call will fail.
heres something I cam across when i worked for VODAFONE-
customer had a P900, which was reported as stolen- the handset was blacklisted-the IMEI number was barred on all UK networks- and a replacement device was sent out to the customer via there insurance cover.
The very same day the customer went into a Vodafone store and said that the device was not working. and wanted it swapped there and then.
Normally store staff comply without asking to many questions, but this guy was being arsey so the store staff member decided to follow producer and call us on technical support-
I was lucky enough to get the call- she explained she couild not make any calls on the deivce-
I made sure the account was active, all was ok on the network, the sim had updated onto the network and the network new it was activated-
I asked the store person what she experienced and she said just a single beep and thats it, she had full reception etc-
so i got her to do *#06# and checked the IMEI number, and it came up as blacklisted.
mmmmmm i asked her if it was a new phone, she advised yes the customer brought it in today and it had al the packaging-
I then checked the imei number against the calls that where made prior to the user reporting there phone as stolen, and guess what it matched.
so who can tel me whats happened here?
ok thats enough guess-
The customer reported his phone stolen, went to the cops reported it to them- got a crime refernce number- called vodafone put the insurance claim through, got his new handset in the post, took that out of the box, his old handset that was now blacklisted put that into the box,
was hoping that he would take it into the store, tell them the device was not working and they will swap it there and then, so he will have 2 working devices
naughty naughty
the shop staff, thanked me for my help and said this ha sput a big smile on her face.
what happend to this guy,
his account was blocked, he was blacklisted (that info is shared with other uk networks) and to top it off he woyuld have to pay the remainder of this 12 months contract.
he could say NO- but all Vodafone would do is, write of his debth and sell it to a collections agencey.
moral of the story-
If you be nice to people you may get away with what you want-
its not what you ask, its HOW you ask.
Whats my rambling abouve have to do with IMEI numbers
DONT DO IT - its not worth the prison time-
uk blacklisted phones will work in any other country other then the UK
My thinking thereon subject is different.
All depends what right is in data of country. It in my country be permissible then what right does not it forbid.
I spoke with two operator and they denied clearly that imei has with realization of connection some relationship.
It it in modern nets was used was only ID card of SIMAS and it telephone set.
It it was it is knowed was universally that ways exist in relays IMEI. Since it exists prepare it - it was not it been possible to unite IMEI and telephone.
I bought my telephone and can to make what it wants. How it wants to alter I have IMEI this prowo him to alter. I in instruction it have not written: Prohibition of change IMEI.
I in right it have not written : Prohibition of change IMEI.
I lost my telephone. He be found at police. in order to to get him I passed imei there now policeman said me. Imei could someone alter, pass different features which had this telephone. I answered him : scratch on casing, damaged catch from battery and sticker underneath, red colour. So policeman tells this it agrees. And my telephone gave back.
I understand that someone can take me telephone, to alter IMEI and to pretend that he his is property. Then truth. And it it should oneself do this because criminals were helped. It there now it it was not it been possible was to claim: change IMEI is crime. I alter XDA maniulator imei - whether means from I am criminal ? I created to change tool IMEI - whether I am criminal? How you will use him in aim the commission of crime you - are criminal then . if you have gun you - are killer? It ! If you will kill someone this gun then you are killer - and this is bad. this is difference.
You do not it understand maybe because my English is bad - forgive me.
how can the authorities proove that it was you who changed the imei though?
you might have bought a used phone witch had its imei changed by the seller without your knowledge for example
I'm in favor of any tool that lets us do what we want with our phones as I prefer a fully unlocked machine that will let me do exactly what I want with it. For that reason, if anyone knows of a prog that will allow me to do all these things on a G4 prophet (including change imei if I so choose) please post the links without any of this "search and ye shall find" nonsense. Please just show the direct links to all the tools needed and detailed instructions for the less technical amongst us.
I don't harm people just because I have access to knives or break the law just because I can. Nor do I do so if asked to by someone. We don't have to do wrong simply because the tools exist for us to do so, and the ability to change imei will not make us hardened criminals. It may help some who are unable to use a perfectly legitimate phone for reasons beyond their control in an unfair situation and that can only be a good thing. As for those wanting it for the wrong reason, they will find a way without the help of this forum and it would be very naive to think otherwise. Where profit is concerned a criminal will always find a way and this forum will make little difference to that fact.
This is a developement forum and I would prefer to see it remain so without entering into off topic arguments. I also don't like to see people advertising anything for profit as it negates my own reason for being here. This forum has rescued me numerous times in the past at no cost and I am only too willing to return the favor if ever able without payment. A pity others seem to see it as a free advertising medium.
XDA Developers has always improved things for me and will hopefully continue to do so. its a pity the roms which made things better in the past have now gone and I don't want the same to happen to the free tools still being developed which give us the control we deserve for our own equipment.. The more the merrier.
Extra digits at the end of IMEI!!!
daveschz said:
I just checked mine too and I noticed that *#06# just gave me 2 more digits than what's printed under the sticker, so just double check the whole IMEI and I bet you find the same thing - just extra digits!
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Hello guys,
Don't worry if the first 15 digits are the same with what's printed under the sticker... Extra 2 digits represent the software version of the phone.
You can check it here
Pinesio: generally we don't mind discussing techniques from a hacking/development POV, but the problem is the illegality of aiding in changing IMEIs in many jurisidictions.
There are well publicised apps on this board already, some open source, some which we all helped to write, to change IMEIs. But, those members that like to watch their ass or are relatively easy targets tend to stay away for fear of getting on the wrong side of the law... But generally, I'm all up for seeing where hacking can take us with the device that we paid for - within legal boundaries when in a public sphere.
vijay555 said:
Pinesio: generally we don't mind discussing techniques from a hacking/development POV, but the problem is the illegality of aiding in changing IMEIs in many jurisidictions.
There are well publicised apps on this board already, some open source, some which we all helped to write, to change IMEIs. But, those members that like to watch their ass or are relatively easy targets tend to stay away for fear of getting on the wrong side of the law... But generally, I'm all up for seeing where hacking can take us with the device that we paid for - within legal boundaries when in a public sphere.
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what exactly would imei cloning be used for?
i didnt quite understand ?
say someone calls me and my imei has been cloned will it ring on both?
i read somehwere that it will ring on the first phone it reaches... ?
but say i pick up on my other phone (thats not ringing) what happens then ?
neat stuff vijay..
hey vijay..
your name sounds indian.. are u one???
neways.. i need some help..
pls get me solution for this..
main reason is to rehabilitate stolen phones
boinger66 said:
what exactly would imei cloning be used for?
i didnt quite understand ?
say someone calls me and my imei has been cloned will it ring on both?
i read somehwere that it will ring on the first phone it reaches... ?
but say i pick up on my other phone (thats not ringing) what happens then ?
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..the reason it's illegal is that mobile phone theft's really common - at least in the UK. you can now get 5 years in prison for IMEI changing here. reasoning is that the networks have worked out that if they block the IMEI number of stolen phones, they become worthless. let the scallies work this out, and eventually mobile phone theft stops, i guess.
now, if you were to change the IMEI number, you could then unblock all these stolen phones...this is why it's illegal in many countries.
The only country where you *might* have a legitimate reason for changing an IMEI is Turkey. If you are a Turkish resident and you baught a mobile phone outside of Turkey then your IMEI will get blacklisted by the Turkish networks because of some stupid law. Changing the IMEI to your old and unused phone would get around this.
It's probably illegal there are a lot of things in free speech for example but that a whole different debate.
Help Me Please
Help Me Please
Yardım Edin Lütfen

IMEI and contracts

I have an O2 orbit.
I paid through the nose for it (on ebaY) and I'm getting a lot of hassle (its certainly stolen or contract blocked).
Is there any way to change the IMEI number so that I can use it again, using a different network sim? Or an unblock facility?
Also I dont know about this but as its a multi-use phone, could you still use the phone as a non-cell PDA once its blocked from the network? I know that some phones are completely dead once barred but then their only use is for a phone anyway. Is it the same for PDA phones? Like having it on flight mode? Or does it brick up as well?
edit: BTW Is there any way to check an IMEI number remotely to see if its blacklisted before buying on ebay?
deaddavey1 said:
Is there any way to change the IMEI number so that when I report the phone lost (Its insured of course), I can still use that phone as a backup later using a different network sim? Or an unblock facility?
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Are you trying to cheat the insurance? If the phone is to be 'broken', how do you reckon it will work on a different network sim?
Anyway, changing IMEI is possible but illegal, and theoritically, it can be traced if not done carefully. Search for the IMEI il-legal statement by VJ in this forum.
Anyway, the PDA feature will still work as long as you don't stick in a SIM.
DeadDavy, whilst I realise your frustration what you are talking about is both insurance fraud and it is illegal to change the IMEI.
This is an open forum and not for that kind of talk. Please don't post anything more on the subject as it could bring this forum into disrepute.
i read that post and understand its illegal. But so is selling dodgy phones. I only want to change it to one of my old buggered phones imei's.
I alternatively could claim it lost soon on my insurance. Thats illegal as well. But with my first choice no one loses out. I just paid a lot of money for a paperweight.
ok thanks. no more posts on subject.
deaddavey1 said:
ok thanks. no more posts on subject.
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I presume you have exhausted all the "normal "channels to get your money back, e.g raised a dispute with eBay? Or did the scally close their account?
Edit:- just found this
Dunno how effective it is though.

Can i "unlock" sprint HTC Diamond to work with Verizon...or do anything

Here's my situation, i have a company which repairs phones, we also do retail and we're buying gsm and cdma phones, but the problem with cdma (sprint or verizon) phones is that when we call the provider to check if phone is ok they say that yes, and that it can me connected to the network, so as i believe, the ESN is "clear"...but after a week or 2 weeks it becomes "reported lost/stolen"...
And then the phone is actually worthless, the only thing is that we can use it for parts.
So finally, my question is:
can i "unlock" "lost or stolen" htc diamond, or any other locked sprint/verizon phone to work with another carrier.
i know that ESN changing is prohibited, so do i have any choice, what can i do?
Stop stealing the short answer is yes you can unlock that phone...I know I am a bit late in a responce but hey at least you got one
f*** you asshole...don't call anybody a thief if you don't know what's going on.
bommerlunder said:
f*** you asshole...don't call anybody a thief if you don't know what's going on.
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Why are they being reported lost or stolen. If what you are doing is legitimate then you shouldn't have any issues, right?
I'm doing???
WTF? At the time I asked this question I was actually in New York, working for this company but as I'm an apple technician I had no idea about CDMA phones but was buying CDMA (in a legitimate way) and then the phones were reported as stolen which is ridiculous in my opinion, if the phone was stolen it should have been locked right away, don't you think?
Anyway, I don't work with them any more and i never stole or bought a stolen phone, (I guess you did?) so i believe you guys really should apologize...
I don't think anyone here is actually saying you are stealing, just curious as to why they would be lost/stolen if they were not actually lost/stolen. You need to chill out. Bad language gets you nowhere but banned here.
if we assume that this was a reply "Stop stealing phones" it's pretty obvious what you meant.
we checked all imeis and ESNs in MEND so if they were stolen they should've been reported earlier, not just after selling them...i guess people just want to get some money back from providers, no idea...that's why i was wondering about the unlock. i don't care about being banned on the forum with people like CR1T1C4L718....That's just lack of respect and basic knowledge
I was just kidding with you need to get all huffy puffy and start
bommerlunder - you are a tool.
bommerlunder said:
if we assume that this was a reply "Stop stealing phones" it's pretty obvious what you meant.
we checked all imeis and ESNs in MEND so if they were stolen they should've been reported earlier, not just after selling them...i guess people just want to get some money back from providers, no idea...that's why i was wondering about the unlock. i don't care about being banned on the forum with people like CR1T1C4L718....That's just lack of respect and basic knowledge
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So you cant take a joke?

i think i may have bought a stolen phone, please help

hi, i have recently purchased a touch pro 2 off ebay and i stuck my SIM card in it to find out i cant get a signal or make calls etc..
i really dont know what i should do.
please help. any advice is helpful.
Was it used or new?
used, he was selling as 'it no longer makes calls or sends texts'
if it was listed as barred theres no way i would have bought it. but with what he wrote it sounded fixable.
earni said:
used, he was selling as 'it no longer makes calls or sends texts
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So you were suprised when you got it that it doesn't make calls? Call you provider they might be able to unlock it if the phone isn't broken to begin with. Next time i suggest understand what you are buying because this is a pretty ridiculous post. I am questioning my own judgment for even answering to this post.
i wasnt surprised it didnt make calls, i thought he may just have a bad radio or something but i checked the imei on checkmend and it shows up as blocked..
You bought a phone that the seller told you didn't work. You assumed the reason it didn't work was one thing, but it turned out to be another. Whether he lied to you as to why it didn't work or not, you still took a chance on buying a phone you knew was not working. Take your loss, learn from it and move on.
If the phones blocked then he has found/stolen it. Or put in an insurance claim saying it’s been lost/stolen.
If you paid by PayPal put in a claim giving reason that you were not told the phone was blocked. You will then get your money back.
earni said:
i wasnt surprised it didnt make calls, i thought he may just have a bad radio or something but i checked the imei on checkmend and it shows up as blocked..
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bwaaaaahahahahahaha...that's what you get...!!!
earni said:
hi, i have recently purchased a touch pro 2 off ebay and i stuck my SIM card in it to find out i cant get a signal or make calls etc..
i really dont know what i should do.
please help. any advice is helpful.
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I've had this situation before and although it turned out that the phone I had purchased wasnt stolen, the process will be the same:
Contact your Phone Network and give them the IMEI number and explain the situation. Don't worry - they are used to dealing with this type of call. They will use a database shared between all the network providers to find out the original and current owner of the handset and tell you whether it has been registered stolen or just blocked by the previous owner (this is what happened to me only I found this out a lot later).
If they tell you it is stolen, take the handset and everything that came with it to your local police station, including print-outs of any correspondence you have had with the seller - via the website market place or direct.
The police will give you a crime number and most probably take the device and the print outs from you to investgate further. You will need the crime number to get your money back later on.
Contact the market place and your bank (credit card company) and explain the situation and give them the crime number.
In most situations, the market place will give you your money back (withdraw it from the sellers account). If they dont, your credit card company will do the chasing for you but you'll need to try yourself first.
The market place may ask you for more documents from the police and the police will be very understanding. The police woman assigned to my crime number was very helpful and was in regular contact with me about how the investigation was proceeding.
The whole process may take 6-8 weeks. It can be drawn out but persevere and you will get your money back - and deservedly so.
Good luck and PM me if you need any further advice.
I thought gsm phones cannot be blocked?
DJ_MiX said:
I thought gsm phones cannot be blocked?
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I am no expert but they can certainly be blacklisted by the owner and that was what I was suggesting. was a site I read up on when I was faced with the same situation.
My phone was blocked. I rang up Orange and told them the situation and they unblocked it - to my surprise. At the same time, I had opened a case in eBay which went in my favour, but I decided to keep the TP2 as it's now working. In my case, I could get a signal (four bars), but it always came up with no connection.

