Siemens SX66 Upgraded coming this week....I hope! - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

Last Monday, Feb 7, I spoke with Wayne Achaka at Siemens North America in San Francisco. He assured me that they have a firmware update coming out by the end of this week (that would be Feb 18) for the SX66.
He stated that it fixes the Bluetooth issues, especially with the Jabra 250, and improved the Wi-fi support, as well as some other issues which he declined to elaborate on.
Now, I AM concerned that they are going to try some trick in disabling the use of the phone as a modem when connected with a laptop...that is the purported reason Cingular took it off the website for now. I don't use it that way, but I wonder if anyone else has, and how it can be done...!!!
I will post again as soon as I see the upgrade is available.

I dont use my phone that way - but lets see what happens. better WiFi is welcomed. This week the WiFi connects to my network but has trouble maintaining the connection. Odd

What intrigues me is that Siemens says they're coming out with an update, but isn't i-Mate or HTC really the ones who come out with an update first, then all the other "manufacturers" release theirs, possibly with Extended ROM updates? Wouldn't all other manufacturers or carriers be behind or at most up-to-par with i-Mate or HTC?

Food for thought
The siemens is a PH20B1 device thus not on par with the others PH2OB.
The version 1.22, 1.31, 1.35 upgrade is a conbination of the Windows version (CE) as well as patches that have been intergrated into the version.
Based on a user that tried to update the CE portion (only is what I understtod) of the 1.35 NZ Telcom (a non gsm system) and failed I feel it is safe to say that the major version also adds components (such as protocol) that are not seen in other version of the same number.
Thus as users all that we can realy do is cook our exteneded rom to the best know up to date postion which is why we have the kitchen.
I have found no infomation anywere that tells me what is infact in ms.ndf and we fail to have a tool that extracts that.

link to firmware,00.html#Firmware

anyone brave enough to put on a pda2k?

Look closely at the 1.35 WWE thread... I'm that bumbling user! I tried it and thought I hosed my PDA2K entirely - it wouldn't boot past the first splash screen! Thank God I was able to access the bootloader (searched this site for some kind soul who provided the key combination: Power + Reset + Record) and reinstate the previous firmware.
So, I feel safer to give this Siemens upgrade a try on my PDA2K. I'll report back as soon as I have an update. Hopefully it'll fix my damn 05 text message issue for voicemail.

I did, before I posted it!
If you get anywere can you do an install with a flushed rom.
Things I would like to know for the kitchen.
Camera, (is there or not) if so what does about report as version and build nr.
BT, What does about report and what do the modules report.
Protocol version
Wifi is it around.
What does windows version and build report.
Still have the q about how you did that intersting upgrade as it has been reported that the password did not work.

Beyond - I did see your post in the other thread yesterday. I'm glad, because you kept me from doing the same thing. A client has a 1.32 rom on a cdma audiovox 6600, and his bluetooth works great. (which is why I was sorely tempted!) Please let me know your findings on bluetooth and if it has wmp 10.

First country code error which was expected.
Then ran fixbat
Came up with header error
The ran for the fun of it BaUpgradeUt.exe
Came up with checksum error which was also expected.
Looks like we are all back to 1.31 Arabic with 1.06.00 FRA.
Would be nice if somebody would solve the password issues

The encryption method is definitely different. It may have been encrypted twice, or that there are two operations instead of just the XOR.
Here's what I know.
1.22's CE ROM password is 0x20040521. Looking into the HTCRUU.DLL file when you extract the self-executable upgrade utility, you can actually see all three passwords at offset 9F83h, 9F8Ah, and 9F91h. Funny thing is that the same passwords are in the RUU.DLL file of the SX66 Update.
A proper XOR decryption of 1.22 CE ROM will show the NK.NBA to have the NBF header and a near-full page of zeros. The corresponding NBF file will show the unXORed data of 21 05 04 20 21 05 04 20 .... Obviously XORing that value will bring back the zeros, as it's shown in the NBA file.
However, looking at the SX66's ROM file, the encrypted data shows 19 E8 7B B6 ... Performing an XOR will turn all those into zeros, but the header is still scrambled.
Also, the end of the SX66's encrypted ROM file, when unencrypted is supposed to be zeroes, just like the unencrypted 1.22 CE ROM file. However, at the end of the SX66's encrypted ROM file, it's 66 00 0B 20 ... Yes, XOR'ing that will result in zeros, but the start of the file is still garbage.
Anyone following me yet?
There's more to the decryption than just the XOR now.

Now you are showing your true colors.
There is a thread on the encription that I dont have saved on this pc.
The xda3tool reports a not a valid header when run agaisnt the siemens 1.35 which could be due to a header change or a encription method. I pass on which one.
Given that you have found the password can you check it against the qtec 169 that always came up with a password error. May be a new one is also stored in the dll. DOwnload found on wiki. thread below.
Anyone (as in you) following me ?

efjay said:
link to firmware,00.html#Firmware
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Thanks Man, is not this suppose be available next week as per tommc4? or this is a different firmware?
Another CONCERN: Why is the firmware 37 M in size? does it mean it will replace the old one without using 37M or not?

MDAIIIUser said:
Given that you have found the password can you check it against the qtec 169 that always came up with a password error. May be a new one is also stored in the dll. DOwnload found on wiki. thread below.
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If you change the those hex bytes in the DLL file, the upgrade utility will say the CE file is corrupt. So, I'm thinking it may be related, but it's only part of the algorithm.
I'm convinced there's a second mathematical operation but I don't know what it is. I haven't been able to decrypt the nk.nbf at all, and it's driving me nucking futs. I'm not a good mathematician, either. In either case, I think XDA3NBFTOOL.EXE is due for an upgrade. Who made it, anyhoo?

Anyone else notice that the latest NBF file is 44 bytes longer than the previous versions (1.22 and 1.31)?

Guys, can we upgrade our SiemensXS66 with this firmware:,00.html#Firmware

sherko said:
Guys, can we upgrade our SiemensXS66 with this firmware:,00.html#Firmware
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Please can someone answer my question.

Please can someone answer my question????
"Guys, can we upgrade our SiemensXS66 with this firmware:,2241,us_en_0_21774_rArNrNrNrN_prodId%3A76051,00.html#Firmware"

The answer is YES. The upgrade is for the Siemens SX66 for use on Cingular's network.
It should be obvious, considering the picture of the unit and the model number and the fact that everyone including myself has been trying for the past week or so to find ways to make it work on all HTC BlueAngel GSM models, not just the SX66.

Thank you for your response, is this upgrade worthful? because, I have seen some people are saying they might disable using PocketpcPhone as wireless modem function.


02 XDAII Extended ROM - WM2003SE

I upgraded to WM2003SE a while back and at the time had an Orange SIM in my XDAII and my 02 SIM in my E200 Smartphone. The extended ROM I used was Orange specific and contained all the necessary GPRS Configs etc
Anyways, I've now got a C500 with my Orange SIM in it and so the 02 Sim is back in my XDAII and I'm looking for a good External Rom dump that contains the UK 02 GPRS/WAP/MMS Configs etc and is compatible with WM2003SE.
Can anyone point me in the direction of one, I have looked and tried one or two but none have the correct configs for 02's GPRS service (Pay monthly not PAYG).
Did you get anywhere with this, Darren? I'm just wondering whether to upgrade my O2 XDAII to WM2003SE but the lack of dedicated O2 Ext.rom files (as far as I can tell) is putting me off.
I didn't but don't let that stop you, the SE upgrade is well worth it. I just removed all the O2 specific rubbish from the Ext ROM and it's fine.
Thanks for the reply.
I'd love to upgrade but without the O2 auto-config software in the ExtROM I wouldn't have a clue where to start configuring all the network, SMS, MMS etc settings for O2 pay monthly. Do you know of a guide or something somewhere?
Secondly, I searched earlier to try and find out which was the best ROM to use for those of us in the UK, but there didn't seem to be a definitive answer. Would you mind telling me which ROM you used and where you got it from if you're happy with it? I need Bluetooth headset, BT GPS, BT ActiveSync, speakerphone to work perfectly to consider upgrading. Currently my XDAII works like a charm with ROM 1.72 but some people seem to have had trouble with the SE upgrade and Bluetooth.
Thanks a bunch in advance.
I use all those BT functions alos, I used the 2.02 ROM available at the beginning of this thread.
I've left the auto config files in the Ext ROM so there is no need to manually configure anything. I have had zero issues with it since the upgrade I'm happy to upload my Ext ROM to an FTP if you want it?
The only critical noe I found was to remove the 'TPDisable' entry in the Ext ROM when performing the upgrade as you receive a lot of 'This isn't designed for WM2003SE' messages and with TPDisable enbled you can't click OK!
griffog said:
I use all those BT functions alos, I used the 2.02 ROM available at the beginning of this thread.
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Forgive me if I'm being a bit fick, but I can't see where you mean. Have you a ROM available through your website? Or is there only one 2.02 ROM available and I can download it from this site's FTP? I thought the 2.02 ROM was the Chinese one.
griffog said:
I've left the auto config files in the Ext ROM so there is no need to manually configure anything. I have had zero issues with it since the upgrade I'm happy to upload my Ext ROM to an FTP if you want it?
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I didn't know it was possible to upgrade the OS ROM without touching the ExtROM. I'm not a noob with the XDAII, but I've found the myriad threads and discussions on the question of 2003SE upgrades very confusing! Since there seems to be no obvious single solution I haven't known where to start.
If you have a working ExtROM for the XDAII on O2 UK and you wouldn't mind uploading it somewhere (this site?) I'd be very grateful. If you wouldn't mind pointing me to the main OS ROM image that you used as well then that'd be groovy too.
griffog said:
The only critical noe I found was to remove the 'TPDisable' entry in the Ext ROM when performing the upgrade as you receive a lot of 'This isn't designed for WM2003SE' messages and with TPDisable enbled you can't click OK!
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I guess that's achieved by editing the config file in the ExtROM once it's all installed after an upgrade?
Sorry, I thought this was the original WM2003SE thread! The download I used is at the beginning of this thread.
It's a while since I upgraded mine, I had thought the Ext ROM remained intact but reading the thread instructions apparently not. Sorry I can't help more but as I say it's some months sisnce I did it!
Aaah. OK. Thanks again, but I think I'll leave it in that case. I don't yet feel brave enough to start messing about with home-cooked ExtROMs if you don't have yours handy. It was good of you to offer though.

WM2005 on a Blue Angel

I have a Blue Angel as mentioned in my signature and I have what I believe are all of the files needed to try and install WM2005 Build 14326.0.0.0 onto it.
Here are the WM2005 files I currently have:
HimaUpgradeUt - 512KB - 5/5/2004 4:54PM
nk.nbf - 32,769KB - 3/21/2005 9:08AM
And the following came from my existing ROM:
ms_.nbf - 16,833KB - 2/3/2005 7:45PM
radio_.nbf - 4,097KB - 2/3/2005 7:45PM
I also have a good copy of ActiveSync Beta 4.0.0 and have all of the instructions that were made in the main WM2005 post for installing on the Himalaya and I'm assuming it should be the same for the Blue Angel.
My device info currently reads:
Model No: PH20A2
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Version 4.21.1088 Build 14132
ROM Version: 1.36.00 WWE
ROM Date: 01/13/05
Radio Version: HA00_140
Protocol Version: AA3.3.301
ExtROM Version: 1.36.110 WWE
Hardware Version: 0041
This is what it came with out of the box, I have not installed the updated ROM Audiovox released the day the phone was released because I have never had a single problem and some people who upgraded reported problems and that some files were a day older than the version that shipped in the original ROM.
Now my 1st question, the newest updated ROM installer package from Audiovox which was released 3/4/2005, has a different version of the upgrade utility, it's called "HaUpgradeUt - 424KB - 12/23/2004". The package it was included in from Audiovox's website was called "HA_SPCS_13600_113_00140_6600". Which upgrade utility is the best to use or does it not matter?
Now my 2nd question, has anyone yet tried this on a Blue Angel? Is there anyone here who really knows thier stuff who is willing to help me if I get lost or screwed up so I can be the Blue Angel WM2005 test pig?
i have a pda2k with 1.33 rom and radio rom 1.08 and my cooked rom
i tried the upgrade but got the device authentication error.. tried it with the explained patch and the other method in original wm2005 post.. the himupgrade starts the procedure and then stops after some time saying an error occured..
but you go ahead and try it..may be you will do something differently and will succeed..
note: i have tried the xda 2 SE rom and imate jam rom and almost tried the alpine rom on my pda2k.. there is nothing you cannot revert back from
just incase if you are curious what happened after the above device didnt boot.... no problem...just unplug the usb port of the cradle and run a wwe rom made for xda 2s or pda2k ...everything will work then!
good luck..
keep us posted!!!!
in the above post: i mean unplug usb then replug usb and then run the BAupgrade utility....
can you upload hte 1.36 rom you have??? does your device have wifi and camera???
zohaer21 said:
tried it with the explained patch and the other method in original wm2005 post.
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Where is the post for this "explained patch method" you are referring to? Also I'm considering the post titled "Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.0 I can share" as the original WM2005 post so we are on the same page in our thinking on that one.
The ROM is a free download from Audiovox, I guess I could upload it though.
I'm assuming the BAupgrade utility is on this site for download?
My device does have the camera but no WiFi, it has EV-DO instead. It's a CDMA phone, not a GSM phone...
your running the Verizon EVDO version of the the BlueAngel a CDMS 1xrt yada yada device. Most new ROM images are made for GSM phones then latter altered to talk to CDMA modules. In this case I think ot only would you not have a "good" experience but would warn against it. Second BlueAngel devices have OEM driver for the slide out keyboard. You will most likely loose for sure its use with this new OS. This is why the only devices it is worrking on right now are non-hardwired keyboard devices. Also there seems to be a notable diff in the hardare implimentation between HTC based devices. What software might work with one may not at all or damage another. Sorry for the down news but I think unless you have a keyboardless device I would not recomend playing with it. Just my 2 cents.
What you can do though is grab some of the elements (image files) from the new OS in other threads here, and overwrite the files on your device. Kind of like adding crome package or racing stripes. still the same car, just feel new :wink:
Thanks for the input. I'm running the Sprint version, not the Verizon one, same difference though pretty much, lol. 2.5G Vs. 1xrt and both have EV-DO, and then of course the frequency of the Verizon digital and Sprints PCS, but yeah both CDMA
I really couldn't care less about the keyboard, I don't even use it, never really have. Honestly, I work for CompUSA and if this thing gets buggered up I'll just exchange it out. I'm going to do a full backup tonight, hard reset, dump the existing ROM and then start the process just for grins to see how it goes. As long as it's not dog slow, text messaging works and email along with voice functions I'll be happy as heck. It'll atleast be fun to screw with and then I can always go back later.
I'm still unclear on some things like the country code and stuff that was mentioned in the other posts. Once I know I have all the facts and all of the files I'll give it a try and post back here. I'm off Sunday, Monday, & Tuesday so I'll have 3 days straight to play. I have to say my only real concern is it working with the CDMA radio which hopefully it will since I have a good copy of the latest Radio ROM for it...
hi 92GTA
yeah were on the same page..
wm2005 i can share is the original post..and i think page 10 has the answer (im not entirely sure though the post has now 17 pages!!!)
@ 92GTA : can you share this 2k5 ROM ? can you upload to a ftp and give us a link
bad :
read properly : he WANTS to install WM2005 on his IIs.
Why should you people go around risking your devices like this?
It's like putting diesel in a petrol car..things will screw up...
The 2005 upgrade currently available is only meant for XDA II devices, not IIs or II mini...or whatever. Hardware differences will render your efforts rather futile save for a massive hack.. Sigh.
indecided said:
Why should you people go around risking your devices like this?
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dude what the hell is indecided..its either undecided or indecisive
the latter being you :twisted:
already tried this guys, it doesn't work, the bootloader cannot read the CE image, nd therefore hinders the device useless, but i managed to flash back to 1.31 and all is working now.
Hi Guys,
Im here with the same question,,
Can we really upgrade XDA IIs to WM 2005... or anyone haas done it.
someone said we shouldnt do it,, can I ask why?
Thanking you for your time.
Has anyone found a way to get WM5 to work on a blue angel??
I am new to windows ce,
however i have written a disassembler for windows ce arm executables
(dunno if it is of any use for this?)
and i am not affraid to develop more
if there is anyone who has any idea how to go about making wm5 work
i'd be glad to help
(ps i have an imate pda2k)
Friends the help, at my friend phone the Blue Angel is necessary, necessary WM2005 on it can to help to send? Write on
[email protected]
ISQ 1366613
Bobi1 said:
Hi Guys,
Im here with the same question,,
Can we really upgrade XDA IIs to WM 2005... or anyone haas done it.
someone said we shouldnt do it,, can I ask why?
Thanking you for your time.
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you can find all the upgrade information at the following thread:
............... ??
92GTA said:
zohaer21 said:
tried it with the explained patch and the other method in original wm2005 post.
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Where is the post for this "explained patch method" you are referring to? Also I'm considering the post titled "Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.0 I can share" as the original WM2005 post so we are on the same page in our thinking on that one.
The ROM is a free download from Audiovox, I guess I could upload it though.
I'm assuming the BAupgrade utility is on this site for download?
My device does have the camera but no WiFi, it has EV-DO instead. It's a CDMA phone, not a GSM phone...
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Sign me up too, CMDA but my has 1x instead of EV-DO. I would be willing to try it.
Where on Audiovox is the 2005 rom?. All I've ever seen are the 2003se updates.

WM5 on PH20B2

Hi following the instructions for the build 14343 i get a "Model Id Error".
here is the content of my DeviceData.txt ;
PH20B2 B 2 WWE VODAP102 1.40.00 0 0 1.13.00 13.00
is there any particular BaUpgradeUt.exe that i should use?
feel free to email me, Tx
Try the NOID version it will skip the country check , you can get it on the ftp @ ftp://xda:[email protected]/BlueAngel/Tools/
I believe that should help you, just unzip and put the *.exe in the folder with the upgrade.
I'd be interested to know if WM5 on your PH20B2 worked, as everything to date is concerning the PH20B/1. Also your opinion as to whether WM5 on the PH20B2 is ready for use, or still better to stay on the 1.40 ROM. Things like the backlight issue seems to suggest the latter.
Ignore my last email, already solved it. For the PH20B2, do as the WiKi says except be sure to use the PH20B directory. I found that "maupgrade" wouldn't run until I renamed the HTCRUU.conf and HTCRUU.dll files as RUU.conf and RUU.dll respectively. Then all worked as the Wiki suggests. More updates later...
Np .. however, In the end the upgrade it is possible but how SLOW is it? I found it unplayable, and I had to go back to WM2k3
Actually, I found it OK. There are a few problems:
- using the BA keyboard, sometimes keypresses are missed
- sometimes you get Wifi and GPRS at the same time (confused BA)
- it does run a little slower
However, overall, I have no intention of reverting back to WM2003SE. Despite the niggles above, it is a great credit to the star chaps in this forum that they have WM5 running, and so good.
Now Mr Gates, about that Messaging and Security Feature Pack - we're (still) waiting... tap... tap... tapitty-tap...
bosseye You can explain to me more in detail as you have made it?
bosseye You can explain to me more in detail as you have made it?
bosseye said:
Ignore my last email, already solved it. For the PH20B2, do as the WiKi says except be sure to use the PH20B directory. I found that "maupgrade" wouldn't run until I renamed the HTCRUU.conf and HTCRUU.dll files as RUU.conf and RUU.dll respectively. Then all worked as the Wiki suggests. More updates later...
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does this mean i can Update an PH20B2 (Vodafone VPA3) with WM5 for the PH20B ??
I have just update my VPA3 with the 1.42 Rom T-Mobile for the MDA3 and the MDA3 is a PH20B but all is working. Whats the different between PH20B2 and PH20B?
bosseye said:
Actually, I found it OK. There are a few problems:
- using the BA keyboard, sometimes keypresses are missed
- sometimes you get Wifi and GPRS at the same time (confused BA)
Now Mr Gates, about that Messaging and Security Feature Pack - we're (still) waiting... tap... tap... tapitty-tap...
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I've flashed a few WM5 roms and never found any missing keypress on the BA keyboard! You can also try PocketMSN for messaging. If the speed is slower than WM2k5, take care of your device with the 'Startup Manager'

Loox n5x0 series rom update

heh, i`ve researched on the loox n5x0 series (htc maria?) rom format. now we can create custom roms.
Loox n5x0 OS_xxxU.nbf header format
total 42 bytes header, the rest is not crypted os rom image (what we usually call nb0 or n_d)
4 bytes - model name (N500, N520 or N560) + 11 bytes empty (filled with 0x00) +9 bytes version (e.g. 1.22.0001) + 1 byte 0x20 (space) +3 bytes language (e.g. ENG, ITA, GER) + 2 bytes empty (0x0) +4 bytes - reversed crc32 checksum (if we have, for example, 1163FCED, then we write ED FC 63 11) + 4 bytes - size of decrypted part (reversed somehow? we have 2100000 and write 00001002) + 4 bytes - rom base flash address (seems it it 80400000, we type 00 00 04 80, don`t play with it)
all this is true for OS_yyyU.nbf ( yyy means rom version), bootloader nbf is coded otherwise, it is usually named BL_xxx_G3.nbf or bl_xxx_G4.nbf. xxx - bl version. I suppose you delete file bl_xxx_G4.nbf or bl_xxx_G3.nbf. new pda`s come with g4 flash, it will be killed with g3 update. and, anyhow, bootloader update is always dangerous and not recommended.
wait a bit - in some days i`ll post a tutorial how to extract os rom image from n500/n520 and probably n560 pda.
Any progress on this? I have a N560 and am very interested in your tutorial. Thanks.
Any news in the N560 area??
I am eager to update the software of my N560... I would like to try the new Windows mobile 6. It's pretty annoying that this really good device cannot be upgraded somehow..
Well, hope to hear something soon..
PS: By the way, you guys are great doing all this stuff
Is loox 5x0 == htc maria? Any prooves?
it's htc dresden)) i'll post aku 3.5.2 for c550/n560 this week
Man that would be awsome!!!
Nice to hear this one!!!
Waiting for the goodie
Thank you man!!
wm6 upgrade
Rafe533 said:
Any progress on this? I have a N560 and am very interested in your tutorial. Thanks.
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I would also be very interested in upgrading my N560 to wm6.
I thank you in advance.
shimrob said:
I would also be very interested in upgrading my N560 to wm6.
I thank you in advance.
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No WM6 yet, but - here is the rom with aku 3.5.2 for n560
For Loox C550 - here is the flasher for c550, download it, download aku3.5.2 for n560, overwrite the files from the n560 update and open OS_213u.nbf with winhex and change n560 to c550
If you have german/french/italian/spanish pda but want to use this update, edit the nbf with winhex and change ENG to FRA/GER/ITA/SPA
Be sure to remove the password (fsc secure lock) before flashing
getting my n560 ready to flashing... go-go-go!
Does not work!!!
I have a spanish N560 pda. I wanted to upgrade its rom.
I did everything as indicated:
- open pda and put it in the cradle
- connect cradle to the power and the usb to my WinXP laptop
- in my XP machine activesync (4.5 spanish version) connects and recognizes my pda
- check there is no password protection in the pda (there was none before)
- unpack n560.Alex_DFR_.AKU.3.5.2.rar and open with WinHex OS_213U.nbf; change ENG to SPA; save file
- execute PocketLOOX5xxFlashTool; in the end I get this error:
"The language in this Flash Image update () differs from that on your device (SPANISH)!"
Well, I did again and again and again... same error...
Any suggestions???
PS: I would like to put its new rom in english, if it's possible!
Thank you
Hi sp3dev,
your update is quite intersting but I have two questions before I want to flash:
1. is the ROM affected by flashing your image, if flashing fails, can the N560 hard reset to original state?
2. Is there a tool which can fetch a complete image from N560 (with ROM)?
Can you give us a short info how you cook the image?
Where do you get the HW depended drivers (e.g WLAN, display..)?
Do you have any links? I have looked a long time
to find any info about upgrade the N560 or cooking Loox images.
SPAschreiben not so, but ESN. then is OK ONE
I have with these Romes update. All OK ONE
Hi sp3dev and everyone,
I did the upgrade and it went fine, the only thing was that the keyboard was English, I thought there were all in the ROM, and I wanted to get back to the first ROM, so and here comes my problem, I executed
pdocwrite nk.nb0 0 0x2300000
The result of this is that it get stucked at the very first screen, Is there any way to get back? How could I upload a ROM to the N560 in this case?
so how it looks with WM6 ROM. It will be great to have WM6 on my N560
Smarja said:
so how it looks with WM6 ROM. It will be great to have WM6 on my N560
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Oh, i don`t know. we have xip with all wm6 modules but wm6 doesn`t boot yet. When we fix, and if we do, i`ll inform everyone
I did the upgrade yesterday eve, but i am missing the remote desktop client..
can't seem to find any link.. mtssc or any.. i looked in the windows folder but couldn't find it.
Anyone a hint?
oNNoZeLe said:
I did the upgrade yesterday eve, but i am missing the remote desktop client..
can't seem to find any link.. mtssc or any.. i looked in the windows folder but couldn't find it.
Anyone a hint?
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It's not there due to a bug. Likewise the transcriber does not work and hangs the system.
I suggest waiting until they fix it and upgrade then, if it is vital for you. I will wait for two reasons: it is probably buggy yet (only two known bugs now though), and I am loath to re-install everything from scratch for the next couple of weeks
Besides, people experiment there with pool size (with some trade-off in RAM) which may yield an even faster machine.
Also if you upgrade, you must not use an old (all-)system backup. Just re-install everything single piece of software you use. Note that some software may lose its registration since you will have a *different* PPC with new (and unofficial) ROM.
... and "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" remember?
AKU 3.5.2
Hi sp3dev,
I thought that in AKU 3.5.2 WPA2 was supported. If I'm right this is supported since AKU 3.5. After upgrade I noticed it wasn't in this release. Is it a mistake? or I'm really wrong.
and "if it isn't broken, don't fix it" remember?
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True, but i can't rembemer not installing any MS beta ;-)
And if someone posts a wm6 rom here, i won't be the first to try but might be second or third
Maybe my intention was to notify but wrote my text wrong..
i do like the rom..

Provider Portal

I have recently upgrade my X01HT to WM6... tried both the latest release of Pro Black 2.0 and LVSW... Both were excellent! However, I ran into problem with 3G/HSDPA connection and when viewing my local provider's portal... I am living in HK and while I was on the old Dopod HK WM5 Rom, I was able view the provider's (Smart-tone) portal w/o scrolling left & right. As well, the link for streaming contents are visible. While I am connected to the portal, the connection will drop but automatically re-connect... Have applied the HK Network Wizard extracted from the WM5 ROM and all network settings were applied successfully.
I have read PAPPL's post about browser.dll, Still not able to get what I used to see on WM5 Rom.
Please shed some light on how the providers usually detect the model of the device and it's capability? I suspect my provider is unable to identify my device and thus failed to adjust it's content to fit the screen, as well as to display the streaming content...
Any suggestions/comments would be highly appreciated!
ROM: Pro Black 2.0
Protocol: 32.71.7020.12W
ccanddl said:
I have recently upgrade my X01HT to WM6... tried both the latest release of Pro Black 2.0 and LVSW... Both were excellent! However, I ran into problem with 3G/HSDPA connection and when viewing my local provider's portal... I am living in HK and while I was on the old Dopod HK WM5 Rom, I was able view the provider's (Smart-tone) portal w/o scrolling left & right. As well, the link for streaming contents are visible. While I am connected to the portal, the connection will drop but automatically re-connect... Have applied the HK Network Wizard extracted from the WM5 ROM and all network settings were applied successfully.
I have read PAPPL's post about browser.dll, Still not able to get what I used to see on WM5 Rom.
Please shed some light on how the providers usually detect the model of the device and it's capability? I suspect my provider is unable to identify my device and thus failed to adjust it's content to fit the screen, as well as to display the streaming content...
Any suggestions/comments would be highly appreciated!
ROM: Pro Black 2.0
Protocol: 32.71.7020.12W
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Generally the pages use the string returned by the browser to determine what it can do....i THINK it returns Mozilla4.0 or something along them lines when you can view pages with images etc....
I havent tried the browser.dll thing to see if it works as i cna still only see the text version of the O2 portal here in UK.
Prior to updating to AKU3.3 (then later WM6) it worked nicely.
Thanks, mrvanx... Your documentations are excellent... Thumbs up for YOU!
What I can do is to downgrade back to WM5 and pull the corresponding registry entry.... only concern is, if the upgraded IE Mobile version? within WM6 may have anything to do with that... struggling...
ccanddl said:
Thanks, mrvanx... Your documentations are excellent... Thumbs up for YOU!
What I can do is to downgrade back to WM5 and pull the corresponding registry entry.... only concern is, if the upgraded IE Mobile version? within WM6 may have anything to do with that... struggling...
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the reg entry hack doesnt work from AKU3.3 onwards
from what ive read its returned using browser.dll in later versions
mrvanx, wonder if the browser.dll from WM5 (the version that used to work) would help with proper screen formatting on WM6? I have tired to pull a copy from another device running WM5 but it's locked... As well, the file is named something different, like browser.86.dll... Is there a way to extract the copy? Thanks in advance...

