Xda IIs is a disappointment - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I've been using a PDA since the days of the Apple Newton! When I bought the Xda IIs recently in Malaysia, I thought I could finally travel light without my camera, iPod and phone. Sadly that has not been the case. My Xda hangs all the time, is unable to answer calls at times, sigh...
So I've spent the last 2 weeks (since I bought the Xda) trolling all sorts of forums looking for solutions. So do we blame Microsoft, HTC or O2? I think that it is reasonable to expect something that works as advertised but I guess not all companies have the same commitment to customer satisfaction.
I know I won't buy anything that comes from HTC again.

I think it is probably MS that should be blamed in this instance as the mics on the II/IIs/IIi have always seemed to work fine for voice recording and even on speakerphone so surely this is a software issue?
Having said that O2 do an incredible job of burying their heads in the sand with regards to the faults that we all nknow exist and it would be reasonable to expect HTC to actually test the phone software on their devices and fix the problem.
So lets just blame them all for bringing us all a package that so nearly is a dream convergence gadget and yet just manages to drop the ball at the last moment!

I have to disagree, what other device gives you Phone/Organiser/Video player/MP3 player/SatNav/Camera (still and video)/Email/Mobile Office document handling etc..etc..
OK so it's not perfect and admittedly the O2 stuff is pants but I have removed all that.
To be honest apart from the odd reset every couple of days I don't really have any problems with mine.
Hey, I even like the keyboard!!!
Perhaps I've just been lucky so far!

I suppose I will have to do what everyone is doing and tinker with the ROM, etc until it's right. You guys have certainly been very helpful as the site offers advice that you could never possibly find with support at O2. I do wonder if the HTC or O2 people actutally read these posts and feel guilty for not getting everything right for us :roll:

Don't disagree on the IIs being a cool piece of kit, I honestly would have to resort to murder if someone took mine off me but I just wish O2 would admit the problems with it as a phone & put some energy into fixing it instead of bringing out a ROM update which seems to have merely added more useless rubbish to O2 Active & moved the top bar icons around.
If the phone worked properly I would be ordering another 15 at work straight away!

Don't disagree on the IIs being a cool piece of kit, I honestly would have to resort to murder if someone took mine off me but I just wish O2 would admit the problems with it as a phone & put some energy into fixing it instead of bringing out a ROM update which seems to have merely added more useless rubbish to O2 Active & moved the top bar icons around.
If the phone worked properly I would be ordering another 15 at work straight away!

Don't disagree on the IIs being a cool piece of kit, I honestly would have to resort to murder if someone took mine off me but I just wish O2 would admit the problems with it as a phone & put some energy into fixing it instead of bringing out a ROM update which seems to have merely added more useless rubbish to O2 Active & moved the top bar icons around.
If the phone worked properly I would be ordering another 15 at work straight away!

Don't disagree on the IIs being a cool piece of kit, I honestly would have to resort to murder if someone took mine off me but I just wish O2 would admit the problems with it as a phone & put some energy into fixing it instead of bringing out a ROM update which seems to have merely added more useless rubbish to O2 Active & moved the top bar icons around.
If the phone worked properly I would be ordering another 15 at work straight away!

irblinx said:
Don't disagree on the IIs being a cool piece of kit, I honestly would have to resort to murder if someone took mine off me but I just wish O2 would admit the problems with it as a phone & put some energy into fixing it instead of bringing out a ROM update which seems to have merely added more useless rubbish to O2 Active & moved the top bar icons around.
If the phone worked properly I would be ordering another 15 at work straight away!
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I think they are working on fixes. But software development and testing takes a lot of time.
One O2 person once told me they could take the Imate approach - pitch out a new ROM as soon as HTC have it, and let customers test it, or they could wait and do it themselves.
1.31 is really not that bad, but I guess I don't stress my IIs.

The update isn't "bad", just not noticeably better than the launch ROM (once Bt bld 3500 is installed).
O2 don't even recognise the dodgy phone quality as a known fault. The testing arguement is just a cop out on there part as it's been an issue since the Xda 1, all 3rd party software companies seem to be able to patch/upgrade their software within 1-2 months of a new device release!

I just dont understand why people dont take advantage of the 14-day, or even sometimes 28-day, money back quarantees that all retailers/suppliers provide! People spend ages on informative forums like this one trying to sort out problems and sharing opinions so why not visit these forums before making a purchase? I dont really think manufacturers like HTC or Microsoft can be blamed as they're trying to provide a working environment within hardware/software with technology that is available NOW. Unless people are willing to wait/ponder for another year or 2 before anything that is remotely 90% stable as a pda/phone/mp3 player/camera then the IIs is as good as it gets.

IIs is just not as good as I think. Twice in a week cannot hear each other when dialing a call, but soft reset can solve to problem. Just really want to get back to confidence of reliance. I always feel people cannot contact me even when my phone is always on.
I have not installed any program relating to phone.
May be I should change back to a VGA PDA with bluetooth connecting to a more reliable normal phone, or just change a compaq.
IIs is a phone PDA but cannot dial and receive call sometimes.

Although it's sad, i'm glad to see it's not just me that has the can't hear amd answer calls problems.....I've had nothing but grief with my Xda2s. Thing is it does everything I want and stuff I can't get from any other phone.
Seems like you just have to put up with the problems if you want the most advanced kit

This is all about creating devices to keep shifting boxes, they rely on you wanting the latest piece of kit, it has always happened, flawed devices rushed to market to fulfil a demand created by the people marketing the devices and making all the promises. I have an xda 1, I have tried xda 2, ipaqs etc but I find this phone is reliable, allows me to add software in rom and it does everything I need it to do, I dont need a camera/bluetooth/wireless, I just need a phone/organiser/navigation system that works. I recently posted this topic.


xda IIs - good or not good?

I'm planning to get a unit next week. I've been checking out the forum for quite some time, it seems that there are a lot of complains. Are there any satisfied user of xda IIs? How's the construction of the keyboard? Is it very fragile?
My opinions may not be as valid as those who have used the IIs for longer time as I have been using it for just a week now, but as far... I'm very pleased with the IIs, sure it has software stability issues but not until the point it's unmanageable by myself.
The thumb board and the slide up screen area is not as fragile as people think it is (most likely they never use it for a long period of time). Just yesterday, I write an article using the thumb board, while playing MP3 and some sms chatting with my wife on the IIs, not as smooth as I wanted to, but it gets the job done without problem
Wi-Fi connection is great... Although the range could be better, I connect via Wi-Fi at the office to transfer my work to the server and browse the internet with it. Bluetooth is also fine.
What do you want more? It's my first ever device which made my laptop and computer almost obsolete.
That my friend... Coming out of an ex hardcore Palm OS user 8)
I am not pleased at all. I think the XDA IIs is the biggest heap of junk known to mankind. Don't slide it down more than five times otherwise it will just drop all the time and never stay in its original place. What a pyle!!! I would get the XDA IIi or wait for the XDA VI
After using Xda IIs for more than 1 month, I find this device to be much much better compared to my previous Xda II, especially in term of battery life and stability (actually stability depends on the softwares you've installed and your knowledge of balancing different kind of programs). About the thumb board, honestly, i don't mind since i seldom use it.
If you are a previous user of Xda I or Xda II, you'll aprreciate Xda IIs as much as I do.
cayotte said:
(actually stability depends on the softwares you've installed and your knowledge of balancing different kind of programs)
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I wouldn't say that stability is left to the user alone, my 2nd day with the IIs reaffirms me that Microsoft needs a competitor so it can deliver better product... While playing around, my IIs restarts itself when I click on the start button. Well, so much for the legendary Microsoft stability. This also happens when I try an earlier built rom IIs and II Mini (the restarting itself issue) but the final built rom seems more stable.
Mikee4fun said:
Don't slide it down more than five times otherwise it will just drop all the time and never stay in its original place.
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I work as an IT journalist, and before I bought the IIs I personally reviewed it and subjected the most horrific things people can do to an electronic device. One of the torture test I applied to the IIs is playing the slider like a yo-yo toy. While holding the screen portion I tuck the IIs down and it opens under its own weight. I even slid open and close the device indefinitely for 10 minutes (my colleague helps). It's a bit lefty loosy, but still manage to hold on none the less. What we have is the prototype from HTC, it's grey like the MDA III, but has O2 marking on the top left. Probably our test subject is the "reviewer edition" with extra strong build, but I have faith.
What I like more about the IIs is the 4 extra hard button. After seeing the rumoured Windows Mobile 2005 has function like the Smartphone edition (context sensitive button), a WM 2005 compatible option is good to have. That 4 extra button seems to correspond well to the WM2005 (but probably I'll be buying another PDA Phone when the new OS is available down the line).
Sorry for the long post... My occupation forces me to
The XDAIIs is a great little device. Like all "bleeding edge" technology, it suffers from the occasional hicup, though nothing that affects me in normal day to day useage and I've had mine for three months.
Build quality appears to be fine. I'm sure there are some dodgy units out there, but then, I'm sure the odd Rolls Royce comes off the production line with less than perfect build quality. If you do buy an XDAIIs and get one that doesn't seem quite right, take it back and swap it for another. It's very simple and far better for your blood pressure than allowing yourself to get all frustrated and annoyed and trying to put everyone else off getting one!
I use it as a PDA (for both work and personal use), as an MP3 player, as an eBook reader for novels, enclyclopeadia and dictionary, I watch the odd funny video clip I've downloaded off the internet, I use it for exchange rates, in-car GPS navigation, Bluetooth headset, spreadsheets, quite a lot of e-mail and I use it with my wifi connection at home and in airports, bars, hotels etc. Plus, I play the odd game on it, I have the weather forecast for several cities, I read the news on it and get regular stock market updates. I keep my wedding photo's on it and have quite a few photo's from my honeymoon (in Finland!) which I enjoy looking at in the odd sentimental moment. Oh, and I use it as a phone as well; though not often - I'm just not a "Mobile phone" kind of person. Which is another reason I love it. I can have a mobile phone with me all the time, without having to carry a mobile phone with me all the time - if that makes sense?
And with all that useage, I occasionaly get a message saying bluetooth couldn't start due to insufficient memory (probably once a week), so I reboot it (it is windows, after all!). I've noticed maybe three or four times that, when switching from landscape to portrait, the screen doesn't quite re-draw itself correctly, so I do it again, and it fixes itself.
And there are probably one or two other things that require me to reboot it, but they happen so infrequently, I really can't remember what they are.
But all in all, it's a cracking little device that does what it's meant to with little fuss. Treat it with respect and care (i.e. don't put dodgy cracked or warez software on it, don't fill up the memory so it has non left to work with, back up often just-in-case) and it'll serve you well.
Wow! xda IIs is not bad at all quite excited to have one soon, hope the soon to be released rom would make the device even better
What Bassey said....
..except for the stuff about his honeymoon in Finland.
Mines has been a bit glitchy but the positives far outway the negatives. The biggest complement I can give it is that I use it all the time intuituvely. Since its always to hand it always gets used.
Dont forget, forum users are far more inclined to moan about stuff than praise it, especially when the need a solution to something.
yeah, thats true how about posting some positive experience about xda IIs, otherwise it will seem a horror movie just to use the device. :lol: I could just imagine owning a device with problems in all aspect.
IMO, if you are into tinkering firmware, beta testing, love using window 3.1(in terms of reboot couple times a day and re-install once very few weeks), etc., you can't go wrong with the IIs. Sorry, I am a bit negative with my IIs. :?
Yatlee, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but as there are people on here that are using their IIs quite heavily and without any problems then it would seem that you may have a dodgy unit. Have you tried to return it to where you got it for an exchange or refund?
Im happy with my XDA Iis. Ive had it since november and it is my main phone, with the original rom and bt patch 3500 i had no major problems. Soft resets were mainly due to 3rd party software and I only hard reset to remove software which would not uninstall properly. It has always been stable for me and the new rom has no ill effects so far. I use it for wifi browsing at home, (though ive had the unit lockup on me but this has reduced dramatically with a new router) and use bt with no problems with a Sony Ericsson HBH-200 headset and AVL bluetooth gps. Also no problems with the keyboard getting loose
I've had mine since the end of December.
The only thing that I dislike about the IIs is the damned BT. Quite frequently, approx 25% of the time, the other party can not hear me when I am using a BT headset. Then I'll have to turn off the BT headset and talk directly with the phone. A soft reset fixes things but only for a while.
No voice dialing is a pain too, but I guess I'll live with it. I've tried Vitotech Voicedialer but I didn't like it. Having to turn on the device, then run a program just to do voice dialing is lame. I might as well dial the number myself if I have to do so many button presses on the device.
Other things such as no profiles and no individual ringtones out of the box are mere annoyances. These are easily fixed with additional software.
My unit is fairly stable. I rarely have lockups but this could be because I ALWAYS soft reset it in the morning before I leave for work. I do this to make sure the BT will work on at least the 1st or 2nd call. :lol:
The keyboard is decent. I would prefer a more solid tactile feedback but it's good enough for occasional use. The slider is still tight on mine, but I use it maybe only once a day.
Phone reception is good. It's at least as good as my old SE68i. The wifi works well too. It's a good little device.
Bassey said:
Yatlee, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but as there are people on here that are using their IIs quite heavily and without any problems then it would seem that you may have a dodgy unit. Have you tried to return it to where you got it for an exchange or refund?
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My unit is in the repair center after encountering the misterious "I can't hear the other party and vice versa". I love IIs when it's working. Hard reset and reinstall allow the unit to work again, but only temporary. I avoid most of the third party software except for the much have one (such as voice command, my email client, etc.) Plenty of memory left (80+MB).
XDA support is quite disappointing. Maybe microsoft is the company to blame, but every problem they basically point the finger back to Microsoft. I can imagine may be few years down the road, they will get every right and solid (just like how long it takes microsoft to come up with window 2000/XP; some may aruge it's still not perfect).
I am seriously thinking about getting the mobile phone and PDA separate if my problem persist. I can go on, but I stop now. Sorry about the ranting.

WOuld you buy a Blue ANgel again?

My PDA2K is falling apart (I have dropped it a couple of times which has not helped.
I need to replace it and I am wondering with what.
I could simply go for another PDA2K but really never want to buy from i-mate ever again so am looking at [email protected]'s XDAIIs and IIi or the T-Mobile MDAIII.
Which is the best or would you steer totally clear of this phone because of all its problems?
I've got an O2 XDA2s & a work colleague has the T-Mobile MDAIII. Persoanlly I'd use either agin depsite their known issues. I like having an all-in-one device & am happy to compromise to get it
I would definitely buy another XDA IIs, if mine died. The grey colour of the O2 device simply oozes more class than the silver handsets.
Quality has been good (except for the hard reset issue when removing the battery - which is easily solved by keeping the power cord in when changing the sim card). I would be tempted to hang on for the universal though....... NICE!
i simply cannot afford to buy a brand new one if mine died, id have to wait til i can upgrade again, but if i could, then i would buy another as i have already got my bro to get one of these, and also he is a driving instructor, so its useful for his appointments and stuff.
if i was close to my upgrade date tho, i would just wait and get the next xda
Personally, no. I've realised I don't need the organisation or programs of a PDA. I bought it for Skype, but that doesn't work. The build quailty is not amazing.
I'll be going back to standard Sony Ericssons next contract period.
I'm very disappointed with all PDA's.
As a long time user AND enthusiast, I'm completely dissatisfied with everyone available. Moving to the BA from a HP, I expected better innovation from the leading producer of WM based PDA's, especially after seeing what HP was producing with the 6500's. Now I just realized that HTC is producing the 6500 for HP...!?!
Why wont someone produce a quality device with a hires (vga) screen, good memory (128 RAM, not to mention the availability of multi GB micro drives), reliable phone (GSM), fast data (GPRS/EDGE), un-crippled Bluetooth (audio/voice), and a small form factor (Treo). It has to be possible. I paid $850 for the BA (unlocked), and it's ridiculously unstable, and can't do what my $50 cell phone can do.
Bitter, Bitter, Bitter...
I hear you man. Sometimes I wonder if I should have got a different Pocket PC so Skype would actually work.
All of them are crippled/broken/manufactured badly in some way. The BA has its fair share of problems, but the important thing is that they're no more than any other PDA (apart from maybe the keyboard).
Some guy at work has te iPaq hybrid pda/phone. Quite swanky. I recently have this descision on my plate. Keep my new XDA2s or swap for the slower, but better made and more stable SE P910.
I'm waiting for Nokia N91.
I will surely buy another Blue Angel. Wish they could makde the keyboard more stronger and add WM 2005 in it .
I am pretty happy with the stuff .
his hardware its really crap...
Robster said:
My PDA2K is falling apart (I have dropped it a couple of times which has not helped.
I need to replace it and I am wondering with what.
I could simply go for another PDA2K but really never want to buy from i-mate ever again so am looking at [email protected]'s XDAIIs and IIi or the T-Mobile MDAIII.
Which is the best or would you steer totally clear of this phone because of all its problems?
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Is your phone covered by your house insurance.....was it you that dropped it? I would be suspicious and claim for a new one if you get my drift!
I would definetaly buy another one! It has had it's issues, but they all do to one extent or another. I use mine for my work all the time, and it has been the best unit that I have owned to date.
i will never buy xda lls.
i hope i can change my xda lls to xda lli now.
but i have no money
Absolutely NOT. Sick of the instability, the poor support, the resetting 3 times a day and everything else that goes with it.
Never again!
I like the idea of an all in-one-device but...
1) phone is unstable
2) bluetooth is unstable
3) pda is unstable requiring resets
4) no UMTS
5) no "good" camera (0.3 MP ? come on! 5MP cam phones are out already)
6) no EDGE support
7) low memory
8) don't use keyboard as often as I thought
it is an OK device, but could use a lot of improvement.
I live the universal and I would give it a try if it were quadband
Until 3 days ago I would have said no. My 02 XDA2s was horribly unstable in all the ways described above.
I then had to try and find a replacement all-in-one. All I found that does everything this does that I need is the XDA2i (which from reading the forum sounds just as bad) and the Nokia N91 (out this Christmas at the earliest - I needed a handset NOW!)
I will take the keyboard of the XDA2s over the camera of the 2i anyday (all XDA cameras are limited by the crappy lenses anyway, no matter hoe good resolution they make them). The keyboard's really useful when doing things like entering passwords with greater accuracy or chatting on MSN.
I then flashed my ROM and radio to the latest availible and I have not had to reset yet in over 24 hours!
I was resetting my other XDA2s with 02 ROM 5 times a day!
Flash your ROM!! It makes this thing work to an acceptable level! Media Player 10 is great too, although the buttons are disabled which makes toggling the screen difficult. Album art and media centre synching make it worth it
Nope, I would not buy another BA. Next time I want to upgrade to get the HTC Wizard. Smaller phone with built in wi-fi and WM5.
With the BA:
I have never used the slide out keyboard
I am fed up with wi-fi choosing whether or not it wants to turn on
I am fed up getting the driver low memory message on BT
I am fed up with the phone locking up up so I can't call out and others can't call me without doing a soft reset or turn on/off BT every time.
Some of you are missing the point here! Let's compare to units that are already available, not things that have not arrived yet! With the right rom combination,this is an acceptable unit! Edge is new and very limited right now,and was not available when these came out.Stability issues can be resolved by cooking your own rom! Using reasons like that,as well as "I don't use this,or that feature", is not really the point,is it!
Just my 6 cents worth..... Later....... 8)
ill still buy ba or the upcoming one
this is the best i've ever had...i started from xda1 then xda2 now xda2s...that's why i love this site...and thanks t'all the people Here...lm working at night, n use my wifi w/o problems...use my verichat for chatting or agile, surf net...play my old school super nintendo (thousand selection)...use resco to ftp my website n upload/dowload mp3's ,files etc....listen my new remix mp3's w 2gigs while im in the gym ...ayt....
With the current selection of phones/pdas in the market today, I would still buy the same IIs I have....thats considering I can still aford one

Respectfully request a thread for Pantech Duo

You guys have been wonderful in getting to know my good ol' phone, my Wizard 8125 (which is now suffering from serious "seizures"-as in power off and on constantly). Now I have this Duo and frankly, even though it has many features that I wanted in a smartphone, the BASICS-can't hear people they sound muffled!!!
Now I ask that since some of your software should work on the Duo that you bring together all the people that are suffering from this and many other Duo issues. I will post here what I posted on Howard forums, my review on the Duo-got it last week and I am on the infamous 30-day trial from AT&T.
Don't underestimate this chick; I took apart and put together my Wizard four times; first two to give it a good cleanup b/c my daughter decided to dip it in OJ. The other two minor fixer-uppers and my phone worked fine for +2 yrs., till last month. I wanna learn more and more on software programming but have no formal education on either. I like to figure out stuff on my own.
So before I decide to keep it and tear it apart or return this phone for something better, I will be reading along the boards what in the world I can do to get this thing to work to my advantage.
Cheerio, Chica
My post from Howard's Forum Pt. 1
My review - I got it last week
Hi, first post here...
Got the Duo after still mourning the 8125 that is booting off and on constantly. And it was about time I renewed anyways. Here are my thoughts, still not 100% sure that I am gonna keep this one (because of what I am gonna write below I am gonna try switch it for another Duo.
1- Got the Duo for the dual-slider. Hard to dial when in a car and I don't use my Bluetooth often. Busy mom, it is hard.
2-LOVE how clear and crisp the screen is. Bright, vivid and good enough space.
3-I know there are some users and abusers out there but I do my best to keep it in "Lock" and inside my case. The less I deal with dirt, lint, scratches the better. I will buy a screen protector though.
4-Took me a couple of days of breaking the touch-screen habit; it's like going from automatic transmission to manual. It was not easy but not as complicated as I thought it was gonna be.
5-I like the speakerphone, simply turn the phone over and adjust the volume and I can hear fine.
6-Looking forward to really modify the phone to my liking, get into as many mobile forums as i can and customize it to my lifestyle. With that said...
1-WHAT IS WITH THE MUFFLED SOUND? I read this thread SHOCKED that no one mentioned it here...perhaps in another thread. Multiple forums users complain about the same problem. Stayed last night till almost 1am doing research and getting ready to alter the unit and lookup some software to fix this issue like a patch or something; well at pantechusa.com they have a radio patch (it will wipe out whatever the phone had and bring it up to default). I hoped really that the patch would work but it didn't. I knew that by having the same version of the software on my Duo it was a 75/25 chance that it was not gonna work and unfortunately I was right.
2-JUNKWARE - The Duo has lots of them and they are really useless and take up a lot of your memory if: a-you don't have a PDA plan, and b-you don't care for them. First things first, 95% of those need the plan in order for them to function and get the most out of the Duo. Since I don't have the PDA plan ($30/mo) then these have GOT to GO.
3-Cannot adjust/distribute memory on the unit - I can stop working programs fine, but there is an area where you can see both "drives" where it stores memory. I can't go in and just click and manage it further. It is frustrating because it would make the Duo faster.
4-I suffer from the Curse Of The Worst Ringtones. Whenever I get a cell the ringtones SUCK. Which makes you wonder who this Duo was designed for, or going for which type of person.
5-MicroSD card-I got a 4 Gig SDHC and forget it, it does not work. You can see the icon top bar that it has the micro card inserted, can't see it the rest of the Duo. Big disadvantage because: Micros are evolving to SDHC and have way more room; a Duo just can't be lagging behind with technology and get stuck with a regular Micro 2 Gig card (?!?!?!). Because there is wonderful people out there that can do lots of programming and hacking, I found the solution at xda-developers from reading in this forum. Thankfully the xda people have helped me with software for my Wizard and it seems I will use their software this time around too.
6-NO WI-FI, NOT FAIR! I have wireless at home and I used to go online, Media Player, and look online for my fav radio station (from another country), listen live and with headsets, go about my business. Can't do that with this unit.
7-Battery Life-This has been brought up multiple times and yes, the first couple of days it felt I was dealing with my HP camera which sucks batteries dead in one day. Now I can deal with charging it either daily or every other day. With the 8125 because of the type of battery you HAD to charge it daily or the cellphone would pay the consequences. On this one the Pantech people say let it drain then charge it; I am not comfortable with that scenario and I hope I don't ruin the battery because I charge it halfway or down to one bar.
To me the worst are in "bold", and I expect the Pantech people to come around and fix the muffled sound-which is worse if you talk with someone from cell-to-cell. Will take the unit today to AT&T and see if by getting another Duo the problem is fixed.
Interestingly though, I am willing to give the Duo a pass if I can program it, hack it, alter it every which way I want so I can have some fun with it!
Part 2-my post on HowardForums
Forgot to add to the cons...
On CONS, I forgot to add that in order to delete multiple files, I cannot select them with SHIFT-(Select) UP or DOWN. Do I have to delete each item one by one and not by multiple selection?
Does anybody know a way around that? thanks!
Went to AT&T today to figure out swapping the Duo...
...and I can do it only once. If I decide to try and have another Duo and the sound on that phone is just as bad as this one, I am stuck with it. If I switch for another unit, of course there is the restocking fee; now if I decide to go for a Tilt or a BlackJack II for example, I assume I'd have to pay extra for price difference.
This site is based on htc devices..... you probably have to look for other websites..... there is new new one not much up yet but here is the link.....
im gonna research this and create a forum for it at winmodevelopers.
youll have to be patient tho ive only got 8 users
i mean dont expect a reply straight away, but hopefully all pantech duo owners will see i can accomodate them.
thanks for the reference joel
Pantech Duo
I still have it, I am gonna tweak it and see if upgrading it and add/remove software it will perform better. Still have to keep the Bluetooth close, just in case a long phone call comes in.
Phone is like an ol' pair of jeans you don't wanna part with...

HTC Touch Pro 2 = Fail?

I think so and I will tell you why. I have been following this phone since it was announced long ago. I to have been a proud HTC device owner but these days I am not so proud anymore.
I am a Windows Mobile fan. Currently I am using my old trusty or not so trusty these days HTC Kaiser/TYTN2. I became a big fan of the tilt feature. I am a tmobile user so back when the Kaiser was released not having 3g bands was not an issue because tmobile did not have 3g. I bought the Euro version and paid top dollar.
Since then its been hacked and modded to reduce glitches and increase speed but lets face it. The keyboard is worn and almost all keys require a super hard press due to wear and tear. Also the screen is tiny by todays standards. I didnt buy the Euro version of the TP2 because I live in the US and 3g is now an issue. So I waited for the tmobile release now confirmed for aug 12th. Right around the corner!
Those of you who didn't wait seem to be reporting endless bugs and glitches not to mention hardware problems. It is driving me nuts to the point that I am shying away from the TP2 hype. I have been following all the TP2 threads here and its bads news after bad news. Very different from when you all 1st got it.
Please someone speak some positive stuff otherwise I may end up holding onto my Kaiser for another year. Final rant.....the specs could be better. Damn Iphoney has an 800mhz processor and HTC just holds back!
I absolutely love it. I have not one problem with it, except for the battery door. I had to modify it a little but know its fine. Out of the 4 HTC phones I have owned, I think this is the best by far. Good luck with your findings.
Although I won't argue with you, the touch pro2 is a great phone for what it's intended for which is business users. It is lacking a bit hardware wise for multimedia and gaming, since it pretty much has the same processor and memory as its predecessor. It is for this reason that I am still trying to decide between the TP2 and samsung omnia II since it has the faster processor and beautiful AMOLED screen. So if you are shying away from the TP2 I would recommend the omnia II or the omnia pro (has hardware keyboard). Even though it annoyingly lacks a built in stylus (but thats just me).
The Great Malaki said:
The keyboard is worn and almost all keys require a super hard press due to wear and tear.
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Its probably not wear and tear. Its the same thing that happens with TV remotes. Over time, the oils from your fingers seep through the buttons and interfere with the contacts. If you were to take the keyboard appart and wipe down the contacts, no garauntee, but I bet it would work like new.
i think most of the problems people have (including myself) on their TP2 is 3rd party softwares imcompatable to the new UI on TP2. hope HTC will offer an update for TP2 sooner than September.
if you turn away from it for Samsung OmniaHD, make sure buy it from a local Samsung stores or from your mobile operator. i've been in a deep problem trying to get my Omnia i900 fixed. i bought my i900 from an idiot ebay seller named Cutrategoods70. when my i900 bricked from a firmware update, i tried to contact that idiot, never get a reply. i emailed SS service center in UK (coz SS US & Canada never heard of this model), thay told me to send to them. 5 weeks later they sent it back & said they not support "foreign unit". emailed SS Singapore & Malaysia, they said the same thing. Becareful when you buy a Samsung on ebay or internet stores
good luck for you finding the right device
I think is totally normal to see so many posts about defects / bugs. Usually, peoples who post threads here need help with something. If everyone posted a thread about "Everything's fine with my TP2" when their TP2 is working flawlessly ... well... it would be pretty useless to do that.
Think about it : it's normal to find broken cars in a car dealer's garage. It doesn't mean the car model is crap.
I second that. You will normally see threads asking how to improve things or how to fix things.
Most of the posts here are when people need something, find something that they think could help others, and that's about it. The closest thing you can find to general chat would be the speculation on future support or release dates.
In forums for my last phone you saw threads on how to fix things, and for new software made for it (as a closed platform it had to be hacked and forums where the few places you could get software for the OS, unlike Winmo).
If you'll notice many of the threads are duplicates, and some of the complaints are somewhat invalid as the phone was never designed to do X thing (a prime example are the complaints that the Euro version doesn't support North American 3G bands.
Every phone will have defects and problems unless it's a very well built dumb phone. The question is, just how many people are having said problems, and out of how many satisfied customers without those problems?
Like vakbrain said, you're not going to find a new thread singing the praises of the phone from every person who is happy with it. It'd be extremely tedious, boring, and space consuming.
I love my TP2. I bought it SIM-free so it was quite an investment of cash, but I think it was worth every penny. It has the odd glitch here and there, but then so does any piece of complex modern equipment. I'd fully recommend it without any hesitation at all.
I think my TP2 is great! Ive alerady installed some handy apps to it. Havent had any issues with the device itself really, more like things relating to it. Finding a Good belt clip case for it seems to be a challenge, and Finnic isnt finished yet, so it runs like crap. I would have liked to have a 3.5mm jack on it, but im dealing with the adapter. I do wish TouchFlo had its own Slide to Unlock on it, but meh. i have s2u2 for the moment.
Lyian said:
I think my TP2 is great! Ive alerady installed some handy apps to it. Havent had any issues with the device itself really, more like things relating to it. Finding a Good belt clip case for it seems to be a challenge, and Finnic isnt finished yet, so it runs like crap. I would have liked to have a 3.5mm jack on it, but im dealing with the adapter. I do wish TouchFlo had its own Slide to Unlock on it, but meh. i have s2u2 for the moment.
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hi Lyian, could you please tell me does s2u2 work ok on yours?
i installed the WQVGA v2.04, it doesn't look right to me since everything so small & sticking together. VGA version look normal on my screen. other thing is when i set On Battery Power>Blank Screen on Talk, it works once, try the 2nd time the screen off then back on again. any idea to config it right?
I am using S2U2 on mine and it works fine. I am using the VGA version and it's flawless.
I love my Pro2!! no problems at all!!
One big difference
Hi all
Thought I'd add a comment.
The one big difference between my Touch Pro2 and every other HTC phone is that the TP2 works extremely well out of the box and while some people are annoyed with all the bundled software (i.e. M3D and it's incalculable extensions) I actually think that this makes is a better device and would rather have more of this than less.
The point is: It does everything I want it to almost out of the box. This has not been the case with any other HTC device I have owned/used.
Best wishes
vakbrain said:
I think is totally normal to see so many posts about defects / bugs. Usually, peoples who post threads here need help with something. If everyone posted a thread about "Everything's fine with my TP2" when their TP2 is working flawlessly ... well... it would be pretty useless to do that.
Think about it : it's normal to find broken cars in a car dealer's garage. It doesn't mean the car model is crap.
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Thank you. I'm waiting for it to come out (couple weeks near me). Can't wait, watched plenty of unboxing videos and walkthroughs. *fist pump* Im ready lol.
sakshaug007 said:
Although I won't argue with you, the touch pro2 is a great phone for what it's intended for which is business users. It is lacking a bit hardware wise for multimedia and gaming, since it pretty much has the same processor and memory as its predecessor. It is for this reason that I am still trying to decide between the TP2 and samsung omnia II since it has the faster processor and beautiful AMOLED screen. So if you are shying away from the TP2 I would recommend the omnia II or the omnia pro (has hardware keyboard). Even though it annoyingly lacks a built in stylus (but thats just me).
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I wouldn't recommend the OMNIA II or PRO because they have only 137MB of RAM. That's hardly enough to run any software. I was really looking forward to the new OMNIA phones but it's a big disappointment with the lack of ram. I do admit other specs on the phone looks great but without the right amount of ram, the phone is very limited.
No Fail
Had my TP2 for just over a week now, so still getting used to it but I've had absolutely NO issues with it, so far it has surpassed my expectations. It seems fast, responsive and I like the functionality.
The guys who point out that people write in to forums with problems are absolutely correct. People don't just write in to say "I love it" most people here seem to be advanced users, happy to tweak and hack their phones to get that extra 10% out of them.
I'm a business user, I don't anticipate playing many games (that's what the DS/PSP etc. are for) and as a business user I think this phone rocks!
My anti-fail 2c!
No problems at all with mine. Very impressed, kicks my TP's ass in every department except LED flash.
Brilliant phone, top marks to TF3d too.
Well, I haven't gotten a TP2 yet - still waiting for AT&T to release theirs - in the meantime I'm living with my 2.5 year old Virgin Mobile USA prepaid phone, but ready to make the leap to a contract.
What I can say is that the phenomenon where everyone writes in to a forum (especially a big one like XDA) about their issues makes the problems seem much worse than they actually are. For every person posting here about a problem there are at least 2 more that have had NO problem and wouldn't even think of coming to an online forum to solve issues with their phone.
For example, I bought an Asus EeePC last fall, and went to the premier EeePC forum at the time to see what others were saying - it sounded depressing too! Everyone with issues. Then I realized that A) people wouldn't go to a forum to solve a problem if they didn't love the device and wanted to keep it, they'd just get rid of it if they didn't like it, and B) the people who come to forums are device tweakers who must have things just so (I'm one of them too) and thus are looking for feedback regarding their particular pet peeve or issue caused by the one program they just MUST use. People complained about cracks in the hardware, or messed up keyboards, or whatever, but I've thrown my EeePC 1000H in and out of airports plenty of months and it has yet to be less than 100% satisfying, other than the $150 drop in price over when I bought it 10 months ago!
So, what I'm saying is, this is a phenomenon unique to the interwebz and electronics junkies in general, so don't be discouraged by all the negatives around here, in the end we're all just questing to make an amazing device even closer to perfect.
andrew-in-woking said:
Hi all
Thought I'd add a comment.
The one big difference between my Touch Pro2 and every other HTC phone is that the TP2 works extremely well out of the box and while some people are annoyed with all the bundled software (i.e. M3D and it's incalculable extensions) I actually think that this makes is a better device and would rather have more of this than less.
The point is: It does everything I want it to almost out of the box. This has not been the case with any other HTC device I have owned/used.
Best wishes
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I must agree with Andrew. I own about 15 HTC phones, starting with the Wallaby, back in 2002. When I unboxed my TP2, I immediately thought 'what do I have to modify now?'. But it worked perfectly out of the box and i havent modified anything. I only installed my connection and Coreplayer... Simply good.
One flaw however is the resolution, which is incompatible with some of my software. But those titles are not vital for me.
So, now I am waiting for the next big hit... HTC SUPERSTAR...where are you??????
henh said:
hi Lyian, could you please tell me does s2u2 work ok on yours?
i installed the WQVGA v2.04, it doesn't look right to me since everything so small & sticking together. VGA version look normal on my screen. other thing is when i set On Battery Power>Blank Screen on Talk, it works once, try the 2nd time the screen off then back on again. any idea to config it right?
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The WQVGA is the wrong version for the TP2, you want the VGA version (WQVGA is for smaller resolution phones like the Tilt)
I would say it does work 'ok' on mine. I do have an issue with it here and there that i wont go into here, but for the most part, it doest what i want it to, which is, to keep me from accidentally calling people lol.
OP needs to stop worrying, TP2 is a fantastic device and also get off the apple hype bs, iPhone doesn't have an 800mhz processor lol, more like around 600 for the 3GS, even less for the 3G.

We need the ATT users to stand up

Is it it a dog for you is it not.
Kind of regrettably, I Started a post. Is ATT Tilt2 a Dog.
I really felt this.
I had recently upgraded my ATT Tilt (original (1)),Tilt1 if you prefer, to ATT Tilt2.
My experience was less than preferable.
While others suggested that I would be happier with another ROM, Black Berry, or (ugh,UGH, can not put in bigger caps) iPhone. I have worked with Windows Mobile, as well as others on this board, before it was a phone.
I think I was issued, initially a piece of crap.
Because of my response to this I had to take some crap.
get some, give some.
My equipment, ATT Tilt2, purchased from Walmart/Lets Talk on Black Friday 2009.
How are you doing?
In love with mine
I was about to post in your previous thread, which I found a fascinating read
I actually bought two, the other for my wife. We both, had been suffering for years, with different Palm devices. I decided on these for two reasons. . .my fat fingers just didn't work with the small keyboard buttons any longer, and it had a MS OS. Like you, have been dealing with MS since DOS5. I knew what I was in for and, I knew I could tweak it. Already using Total Commander and cleanRAM. It's was a little advanced for my wife until I insisted she READ THE MANUAL. She also had an older (Cingular) SIMM. Once we had it changed out even she responded with a "wow, what a difference". We both love our Tilt2s.
Have been reading here for a week and will prolly read for a couple more before I break something I need an assist with. I've been with AT&T since 97. I hate them, but like the last female at 2:00am, there easy to deal with, so I keep renewing.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts
This is your second or third thread that is basically the same thing. Are you looking for attention or what?
jmarotto said:
I was about to post in your previous thread, which I found a fascinating read
I actually bought two, the other for my wife. We both, had been suffering for years, with different Palm devices. I decided on these for two reasons. . .my fat fingers just didn't work with the small keyboard buttons any longer, and it had a MS OS. Like you, have been dealing with MS since DOS5. I knew what I was in for and, I knew I could tweak it. Already using Total Commander and cleanRAM. It's was a little advanced for my wife until I insisted she READ THE MANUAL. She also had an older (Cingular) SIMM. Once we had it changed out even she responded with a "wow, what a difference". We both love our Tilt2s.
Have been reading here for a week and will prolly read for a couple more before I break something I need an assist with. I've been with AT&T since 97. I hate them, but like the last female at 2:00am, there easy to deal with, so I keep renewing.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts
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Thank you.
After a couple of months and a final equipment failure, ATT shipped, and I received today a replacement.
I am avoiding, if I can, adding any software soon, like tonight.
My experience so far, with replacement, has been more than I expected.
I work very hard during the week and from Friday evenings into the weekend, I really like to think less.
Before Monday, unless anyone asks about anything specific about this equipment, software, or ROM, I will be rebuilding to test all.
Good Night
kimtyson said:
This is your second or third thread that is basically the same thing. Are you looking for attention or what?
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Momma told me not to pay attention to folks like you.
Don't know why I do?
Maybe you have somthin to say?
I too have been with SouthWesternBell-Wireless-(Cingular) since '96 and I absolutey loved the Service I got, I used to hate how sprint had all the cool phones, I even tryed Sprint for a month awhile and kept my SWB line on just in case, it didn't take long and I Cxd. Then Cingular started coming around with good phones that competed. The Day ATT and Cingular merged is when it all fell to Crap, The service is still good, but the Customer Service is horrible, the care for what the customer wants is horrible, yes we have decent phones but they are almost outdated by the time we get them. I F'ing hate ATT , and am probably after all these years gonna switch to verizon. They deserve to lose everything they have, when they no longer care for the customer, unless you have a stupid iphony which is so easy to use, I say it's for simple minded people that wants square holes for square blocks. As far as the TILT 2, I too went from TILT1 to TILT2 , iskipped the fuse because i felt it was a rushed piece of crap. But I have very little complaints about the TILT2 , and after putting on Mobile Shell and deleteing the bloatware it runs smooth. I only hated it took so long to get it. So to Sum it Up i think the TILT2 is a very good phone if you know how to tweak it, and ATT Sucks. I wish Cingular and there Care would come back !
I pretty much agree with everyone. Came from a Tilt to a Tilt2 (no such thing as Tilt1 people) and I think it's a big improvement. Yes AT&T sucks, but I don't need them or their customer service. XDA is my customer service! The keyboard is way better and you can't complain about a bigger screen and faster processor (though it's still not fast enough, e.g. HD2). No phone really lives up to it's potential straight from the carriers except possibly Android phones. After a new ROM this phone was definitely a keeper for me. Looking forward to an HD2 or even better an HD3 when available though (1.5Ghz processor, Mmmm!).
bwnotredame06 said:
I too have been with SouthWesternBell-Wireless-(Cingular) since '96 and I absolutey loved the Service I got, I used to hate how sprint had all the cool phones, I even tryed Sprint for a month awhile and kept my SWB line on just in case, it didn't take long and I Cxd. Then Cingular started coming around with good phones that competed. The Day ATT and Cingular merged is when it all fell to Crap, The service is still good, but the Customer Service is horrible, the care for what the customer wants is horrible, yes we have decent phones but they are almost outdated by the time we get them. I F'ing hate ATT , and am probably after all these years gonna switch to verizon. They deserve to lose everything they have, when they no longer care for the customer, unless you have a stupid iphony which is so easy to use, I say it's for simple minded people that wants square holes for square blocks. As far as the TILT 2, I too went from TILT1 to TILT2 , iskipped the fuse because i felt it was a rushed piece of crap. But I have very little complaints about the TILT2 , and after putting on Mobile Shell and deleteing the bloatware it runs smooth. I only hated it took so long to get it. So to Sum it Up i think the TILT2 is a very good phone if you know how to tweak it, and ATT Sucks. I wish Cingular and there Care would come back !
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How did you remove the bloatware?
nycny said:
How are you doing?
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So maybe you just want to get the AT&T folks unified or more public. I just don't understand the purpose of this post.
I am doing fine. Thanks for asking.
nycny said:
Momma told me not to pay attention to folks like you.
Don't know why I do?
Maybe you have somthin to say?
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And I bet if you run upstairs out of the basement Momma would tell you more. Go talk to her.
ptgptg said:
How did you remove the bloatware?
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You click the blue letters in my sig and search for "How did you remove the bloatware". Read the Wiki and the stickies, stay on point of the threads (except that this thread has no point), and read before posting your questions.
ptgptg said:
How did you remove the bloatware?
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go to this page , use file explorer and delete all listed, I didn't do the reg edits but it's had no effect at all on performance. it frees like 50mb and makes your device much faster and smoother. You don't have to delete all, also later you can hard reset and bring them all back if you'd like. I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.
not easy
kimtyson said:
stay on point of the threads
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This is pretty difficult with ADD and a tabbed browser
look for CrudScrapper. It is an app that removes the bloatware from the Tilt2. Great little app.
a dog is not necessarily a bad thing and it's really annoying the way you use it, please stop
Unlike kimtyson, I understand the point of this post... to complain about AT&T and the Tilt2. With that said, I don't know what is supposed to be accomplished by the post (unless AT&T and HTC CEOs read these threads regularly).
For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents (more like a penny). I love my Tilt2. Yeah it's slow sometimes, but the customization abilities can't be beaten thanks to the XDA members that try their best to make it faster rather than complain about it. That is the main reason why I don't have an iPhone. As for AT&T, yes they have thier downfalls (like all of the other cell phone companies do). If those downfalls are unacceptable for you, then quit complaining and change your service provider!! I have thought about leaving, but it's cheaper to stay since almost everyone I know has AT&T and the mobile-to-mobile minutes would be worthless to me elsewhere.
But that is just my humble opinion, I don't expect it to change the world or a major corporation.
Edit: I'm confused. Should this reply have been added to this thread or the following threads:
Got a replacement ATT Tilt2 today
Is AT&T Tilt 2 a Dog?
I am going to try to pull these threads together
jcterry said:
Unlike kimtyson, I understand the point of this post... to complain about AT&T and the Tilt2. With that said, I don't know what is supposed to be accomplished by the post (unless AT&T and HTC CEOs read these threads regularly).
For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents (more like a penny). I love my Tilt2. Yeah it's slow sometimes, but the customization abilities can't be beaten thanks to the XDA members that try their best to make it faster rather than complain about it. That is the main reason why I don't have an iPhone. As for AT&T, yes they have thier downfalls (like all of the other cell phone companies do). If those downfalls are unacceptable for you, then quit complaining and change your service provider!! I have thought about leaving, but it's cheaper to stay since almost everyone I know has AT&T and the mobile-to-mobile minutes would be worthless to me elsewhere.
But that is just my humble opinion, I don't expect it to change the world or a major corporation.
Edit: I'm confused. Should this reply have been added to this thread or the following threads:
Got a replacement ATT Tilt2 today
Is AT&T Tilt 2 a Dog?
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When I get on a thing, sometimes my thoughts go down different paths,
so the reason for different posts.
Not a linear thinker.
At my age, mental multitasking is not as easy as it was 25yre. ago.
Still works though.
I think that Tilt2 has some, as yet undiscovered hardware issues.
Don't want to go too far with this at the moment, because, I am not entirely sure what is going on.
Didn't have to stress test replacement very long.
ATT sent a refurb, which on the face of it operated faster than the first one.
Opera 9.5 opened and browsed faster than the original.
Most other function, software operated fairly to very well.
Actually on original Tilt2, a lot of these things worked as well as I was expecting from Windows Mobile.
Replacement, though seemed much more responsive for most general things.
PocketOutlook, fast. ATT.Yahoo.Com email with Opera 9.5, fast.
Internet Explorer 6 faster, still a little slow.
I am not looking for any particular fixes from you folk as yet, just observing and reporting is all.
Long story short, if that is possible.
The piece received as a replacement, after observation was a recycle/refurbish.
Discovered after trying to fit screen protector which didn't fit.
Already had screen protector installed.
On the hardware, slide/tilt mechanism seemed loose/wobbly.
Called ATT support this morning to get some idea what I was sent.
While waiting, put phone on speakerphone/external audio.
Audio speaker phone buzzed briefly, then was silent.
Tried to move back to earphone, no audio.
Similar to most recent hard failure of original piece.
Now I have two Tilt2' with similar hardware failure on audio path.
On the failure path (original phone), for several days before complete failure the original upon receiving email requiring notification. Notification, by default, would be, short vibrate/sound.
Shortly before failure, notification became constant vibrate.
Only stopped by shut-down/restart.
This morning replacement began to fail in the same way, coincident with the other audio/hardware trouble.
I appreciate that you folks are fix it folk.
I am not necessarily wanting to be short with anyone, as far as offering fixes.
Maybe I had not explained myself well enough earlier.
Not necessarily wanting a fix from you for my self.
Just exposing an issue.
I ask the same questions also when trying to trouble shoot equipment problems.
"Is it plugged in Mam/Sir?", sometimes will sound condescending to a customer who call for help.
For the dog lovers, I love and feel close to my pets also.
I am going to try to pull these threads together
jcterry said:
Unlike kimtyson, I understand the point of this post... to complain about AT&T and the Tilt2. With that said, I don't know what is supposed to be accomplished by the post (unless AT&T and HTC CEOs read these threads regularly).
For what it's worth, here's my 2 cents (more like a penny). I love my Tilt2. Yeah it's slow sometimes, but the customization abilities can't be beaten thanks to the XDA members that try their best to make it faster rather than complain about it. That is the main reason why I don't have an iPhone. As for AT&T, yes they have thier downfalls (like all of the other cell phone companies do). If those downfalls are unacceptable for you, then quit complaining and change your service provider!! I have thought about leaving, but it's cheaper to stay since almost everyone I know has AT&T and the mobile-to-mobile minutes would be worthless to me elsewhere.
But that is just my humble opinion, I don't expect it to change the world or a major corporation.
Edit: I'm confused. Should this reply have been added to this thread or the following threads:
Got a replacement ATT Tilt2 today
Is AT&T Tilt 2 a Dog?
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When I get on a thing, sometimes my thoughts go down different paths,
so the reason for different posts.
Not a linear thinker.
At my age, mental multitasking is not as easy as it was 25yre. ago.
Still works though.
I think that Tilt2 has some, as yet undiscovered hardware issues.
Don't want to go too far with this at the moment, because, I am not entirely sure what is going on.
Didn't have to stress test replacement very long.
ATT sent a refurb, which on the face of it operated faster than the first one.
Opera 9.5 opened and browsed faster than the original.
Most other function, software operated fairly to very well.
Actually on original Tilt2, a lot of these things worked as well as I was expecting from Windows Mobile.
Replacement, though seemed much more responsive for most general things.
PocketOutlook, fast. ATT.Yahoo.Com email with Opera 9.5, fast.
Internet Explorer 6 faster, still a little slow.
I am not looking for any particular fixes from you folk as yet, just observing and reporting is all.
Long story short, if that is possible.
The piece received as a replacement, after observation was a recycle/refurburbish.
Discovered after trying to fit screen protector which didn't fit.
Already had screen protector installed.
On the hardware, slide/tilt mechanism seemed loose/wobbly.
Called ATT support this morning to get some idea what I was sent.
While waiting, put phone on speakerphone/external audio.
Audio speaker phone buzzed briefly, then was silent.
Tried to move back to earphone, no audio.
Similar to most recent hard failure of original piece.
Now I have two Tilt2' with similar hardware failure on audio path.
On the failure path (original phone), for several days before complete failure the original upon receiving email requiring notification. Notification, by default, would be, short vibrate/sound.
Shortly before failure, notification became constant vibrate.
Only stopped by shut-down/restart.
This morning replacement began to fail in the same way, coincident with the other audio/hardware trouble.
I appreciate that you folks are fix it folk.
I am not necessarily wanting to be short with anyone, as far as offering fixes.
Maybe I had not explained myself well enough earlier.
Not necessarily wanting a fix from you for my self.
Just exposing an issue.
I ask the same questions also.
The only issue i've faced with my tilt 2 is the volume up/down buttons became dislodged then i dropped it one time and they got back in place but now my volume up button doesn't push back, but still works so doesn't bother me that much.
I guess your just having really bad luck. If you bought a new device and received a refurb with the same or worse issues, call back and explain to them that you need a new device because you paid for a new device thats supposed to work, not a refurb replacement.
jmarotto said:
I've been with AT&T since 97. I hate them, but like the last female at 2:00am, there easy to deal with, so I keep renewing
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and thats the best thing i've read in a while here on xda! haha
nycny said:
When I get on a thing, sometimes my thoughts go down different paths,
so the reason for different posts.
Not a linear thinker.
At my age, mental multitasking is not as easy as it was 25yre. ago.
Still works though.
I think that Tilt2 has some, as yet undiscovered hardware issues.
Don't want to go too far with this at the moment, because, I am not entirely sure what is going on.
Didn't have to stress test replacement very long.
ATT sent a refurb, which on the face of it operated faster than the first one.
Opera 9.5 opened and browsed faster than the original.
Most other function, software operated fairly to very well.
Actually on original Tilt2, a lot of these things worked as well as I was expecting from Windows Mobile.
Replacement, though seemed much more responsive for most general things.
PocketOutlook, fast. ATT.Yahoo.Com email with Opera 9.5, fast.
Internet Explorer 6 faster, still a little slow.
I am not looking for any particular fixes from you folk as yet, just observing and reporting is all.
Long story short, if that is possible.
The piece received as a replacement, after observation was a recycle/refurburbish.
Discovered after trying to fit screen protector which didn't fit.
Already had screen protector installed.
On the hardware, slide/tilt mechanism seemed loose/wobbly.
Called ATT support this morning to get some idea what I was sent.
While waiting, put phone on speakerphone/external audio.
Audio speaker phone buzzed briefly, then was silent.
Tried to move back to earphone, no audio.
Similar to most recent hard failure of original piece.
Now I have two Tilt2' with similar hardware failure on audio path.
On the failure path (original phone), for several days before complete failure the original upon receiving email requiring notification. Notification, by default, would be, short vibrate/sound.
Shortly before failure, notification became constant vibrate.
Only stopped by shut-down/restart.
This morning replacement began to fail in the same way, coincident with the other audio/hardware trouble.
I appreciate that you folks are fix it folk.
I am not necessarily wanting to be short with anyone, as far as offering fixes.
Maybe I had not explained myself well enough earlier.
Not necessarily wanting a fix from you for my self.
Just exposing an issue.
I ask the same questions also.
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... cool story, bro..

