intellipad question regarding sending text messages - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

When on the today screen, you select new message. Upon seeing the new message screen and intellipad input method is selected, you can't use the intellipad to choose names in contacts. You can type out the name of the person in your contact, but it won't automatically complete the name, and verify the contact you are sending to (with the contact's cellphone number displayed). But if you type a contact's name using the keyboard, after hitting 3 keys, it automatically displays candidates that you can choose to send message to. This creates additional hassles, use a keyboard to select the contact you're gonna send message to, then sellect intellipad to input text messages. It's kind of a hassle. Any ideas?

I do it the other way around...when I want to send a text message, I click on the call button, find the person I need with intellipad, then click and hold the name, and the menu that pops up allows me to send them a text message...easier and faster this way!

Ok. Thanks for the tip. Sure hope somebody fixes the issue though.

Unfortunately, it's the way IntelliPad was designed.
Instead of trying to handle the entered text on whatever text box/trich text pad/label/unsupported text object, IntelliPad builds the word in it's own little box until you tell it to move on (by pressing enter or space), and then just moves the word onto the active control.
This way, you have less issues with the text not working as expected, even though it causes the one or two niggles like in Messaging .


WM5-WM6 - Sending Text - predictive in To:

In WM5 when I wrote a text message to someone I could start to write the name of the person I was sending it to in the "To" field and then it would give me a list of people in my phone book which matched what I had typed so far.
I have now put on WM6 and it has XT9 on it. If I do the same now it does not present me with the list of people from the phone book, instead tries to do predictive text on it. I love all the rest of the place XT9 is active but this is one where I liked the way WM5 worked.
Is there a way to disable it for name entries into the To: field?
put a space after one or two letters
If you press space after a couple letters then it just puts a space in and waits for you to type the next word in, it does not then list a number of users who match those first few letters
on mine propose at least a name, you're right, not a list, but a namen yes
Hmm strange - I wonder if there is a XT9 setting somewhere which is causing this.

Artemis Toch Features changes needed

I don't like the treaded sms and also the fact that If I have a message from an unknown number, the same number is listed as a part of the Pocket CM contact list. Is there a workaround to this problems.
I don't want threaded messages and listing of messages phone number in my contact list.
For disabling sms Threading see here:
The second part i don't understand sorry.
...or settings in Advance Tool Settings
Let me explain the second problem.
I received a message (maybe promotional message) from an unknown sender (someone who is not part of my contact list). Once I have received this message and its part of my message inbox. Now this number from where I have received the message is listed in my contact list with a number of messages received in the contact list. This is one feature that i don't want.
Here something
Thing ab this *.cabs
Thanks to Meshle! Be strong Brother!
Thanks a lot - That will be really helpfull.
I've installed the lite version (without cube) and just wondering if I can change the keyboard when texting, I find the individual keys a bit too small, wonder if a different style keyboard is out there?. Also when writing out the 1st line of the text and upon reaching the end of the screen it does not scroll to the 2nd line but continues across with loss of text already typed to the left...any ideas how it can be resolved?

question on sending messages.

How do you select several people at a time when you send a same message?
its very annoying when u only allow to select one person at a time and click on add recipient millions time when you try to send a message like "happy new year" to 300 people.
Anyway, happy new year to everyone.
if you press enter on the key board it goes to the contact list you have to pick one at a time but you can do it in the same message, not sure if there's another way around this...
Yes, it's limiting. I had been looking for a mail client that has the concept of mailing list for a long time but could't find one.
If anyone knows of such a mail client, please share.
Power SMS has a functionality to define "groups" for multisending, and selecting a group it adds automatically the recipients in standard sms. of course you still have to add contacts one at time, but you have to do the process one time only (next year, hopefully, you'll still have the "new year's eve" database)
bbonzz said:
Power SMS has a functionality to define "groups" for multisending, and selecting a group it adds automatically the recipients in standard sms. of course you still have to add contacts one at time, but you have to do the process one time only (next year, hopefully, you'll still have the "new year's eve" database)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
so u mean we can't go to multi-selection mode and select several people at at time then? Does the Power SMS able to do so? Coz u can't define a group that work for every message.
But thanks.
as an add on to your Q how can you make the text box bigger any one know?
Have you tried groupsms in google?
Worked for me. I only know because someone else on this forum recomended it to me for exactly the same reason but in another thread.
Hope this helps.
Enter your numbers as follows
<no 1>;<no 2>;<no 3> and so on...
You can save a contact with the mobile numbers set to a group of numbers in the format svown and then enter this one contact and the to: list is filled with the numbers for you.
Actually... there are 2 others ways to add multiple recipients... although neither is as quick as simply ticking all that apply!
[1] Tap the word "To:", select a contact, and repeat.
[2] In the space after the "To:", type the first letter of the contact name... and a selection of contacts starting with that letter will be shown in a horizontally scrolling list just above the keyboard. When you've found which contact to add in that list... click it, and it will be added to the "To:" field, followed by a ";" ready for you to repeat the process for the next contact!
Try Group sms
Im trying to send out a mass text about the super bowl right now so i hope it works
Other wise i have to get out of bed now and i dont want to!!!
Yeah ok it works, some of my contacts didnt show up though, maybe they are not outlook contacts or something, i have to look into that another time. So only one person didnt get texted. Works for me. and its f f f freee!
sidepa said:
[2] In the space after the "To:", type the first letter of the contact name... and a selection of contacts starting with that letter will be shown in a horizontally scrolling list just above the keyboard. When you've found which contact to add in that list... click it, and it will be added to the "To:" field, followed by a ";" ready for you to repeat the process for the next contact!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've been using this for ages...grown very comfortable with it too. Now, yesterday, all of a sudden, something happened and it doesn't put in the ";" automatically I admit, it's only a small thing, but it's annoying once you're so used to doing something one way. So if anyone has any idea how to fix it...please help!
PS: Closing messaging and restarting it didn't work, and neither did a soft reset
sidepa said:
Actually... there are 2 others ways to add multiple recipients... although neither is as quick as simply ticking all that apply!
[1] Tap the word "To:", select a contact, and repeat.
[2] In the space after the "To:", type the first letter of the contact name... and a selection of contacts starting with that letter will be shown in a horizontally scrolling list just above the keyboard. When you've found which contact to add in that list... click it, and it will be added to the "To:" field, followed by a ";" ready for you to repeat the process for the next contact!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i've just tried Your recipe for sending group message and it's brilliant. THNX for the tip

Niggly Problems - SMS and Contacts

I have had my TP2 on Orange UK for a while, recently upgraded to WM6.5, and have a couple of really frustrating problems:-
1. If an SMS message cannot be sent it goes into drafts and doesn't resend automatically. This is bad enough, but when I open it to try to resend it has my own mobile number as the recipient, so cannot simply press "send". The only way I can resend it is by selecting "menu" then "forward" and then re-entering the recipient. Unbelieveably frustrating!! Can anyone help please?
2. I'm a long time HTC WM user, and well used to the challenge of Phone contacts being difficult to navigate (however careful you may be when swiping the list, accidentally touching a contact for too long opens it, and when you press "Back" it takes you to the top of the list... this is rubbish!! I have about 300 contacts on my phone. On upgrading to 6.5 I now have a new "Contacts" icon in the start menu, which is obviously a different app. Its far more user friendly, better layout for my 50 yr old eyes and doesn't have the same issue of going "back", as pressing the "X" takes you back to where you were in the list. Is there any way you can use this as the default app for contacts in the phone menu?

Message To: not auto selecting

Previously, when I would start to type the To: of an email, at the bottom of the screen there would be an entry with a match from my contacts - or at least I thought it was from my contacts. Recently I lost my email account and had to create a new one. Now the auto type does not work. Is it because of the new account? that the auto type really worked from previous email addresses entered in previous messages?
if you use a keyboard with predictive text then it doesn't work. If you're using the slide out keyboard it should work.
Does it work of the contacts list or previously sent emails?
in my experience, it should pull from your's a bit buggy, to say the the "message to:" field, you can press the "enter" button to select from your contact...i end up having to do that most of the time...
Did you install swype recently? I noticed it wouldn't pull up contacts when I installed swype, only when I backspaced one letter would the contacts be pulled up.
that may be it...ive had swype installed for quite sometime...
It is swype that has made the closest match selection stop working. Even though I am individually typing each letter (not swyping), the swype keyboard does not seem to allow it.

