1.40 GPRS problem - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

Norwegian users are having a huge problem with GPRS connection. You can only connect to GPRS once. The next time you try it fails. You must either turn flightmode on or soft reset the device to get connected again.
This happened after Dangaard Telecom Norway released the 1.40 ROM upgrade.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Dangaard has not released a fix to this annoying problem!

I do have the same problem in Canada after I upgrade from I-mate website.

Having the same problem with t-mobile in the US. I have done more soft resets in the last 12 hours with this update, than the last 5 months with the old update..

Still no fix out to solve this ANNOYING problem?!

Same here. It is getting very annonying. I have tried everything from phonealarm to gprs control panel and nothing will make it so that the gprs is always on.
I hope someone finds a fix to this. I am almost tempted to go back to 1.39, hmmm, almost! :wink:

I solved my problem by removing EVERYTHING out of the extended rom and doing a hard reset. I am still slowly installing the extended rom files one at a time to find out which install is causing the problem.
GPRS is working perfectly since I did this. No problems connecting or re-connecting.

GPRS issues
Hey guys I'm using the Qtek version of the 1.40 ROM.
I'm also experiencing the same problem.
In addition, anyone find that whenever after using the camera, the screen brightness is always blasted to the fullest?
Kinda problematic huh?


goodlink IMATEpda2K 1.40 ROM disconnect is network-update

Guys--you won't believe this, but the problem is it's the NETWORK! If you have a GSM/GPRS XDA II running on T-mobile or Cingular in the US and you've been having problems with the gprs disconnect you're not alone.
I've spoken repeatedly to Dubai--they know it's an issue and they're working n a fix but don't have a time frame yet. I've downgraded to the original ROM and I've cooked the ROM using 1.40 and downgradng the caller ID files to the 1.17 build to eliminate the gprs disconnect problem.
NOTE: if you use a goodlink or other push technology this is a pretty good fix, but the problem still comes and goes because the problem is the NETWORK!
I get a t-mobile tech I know to level with me today on the phone. The fact is, the 'internet.3.voicestream.com answering modem disconnected please check your settings or reset your device' message is occuring because there are intermitent problems on the t-mobile (and he claims cingular as well) networks do to infrastructure damage. It seems some of the e-mail servers and answering modems were clustered in the south. T-mobile knows this but isn't talking about it.
So, before you strip your device down again and rebuild from scratch (AGAIN!), soft reset. Use the phone and disconnect the gprs. Try again later. The network may be up then.
Damn, I wish they had told me that before. I've spent weeks and days rebuilding this device with different ROM versions.
Right now I'm back on ROM version 1.02 that shipped with the IMATE (PDA2K_CDLWWWE_11222_169_10200_ship.exe you can download that fromt he IMATE web site or from onthe gosolutions via FTP) device because that's what certified with the goodlink license. Can't hurt. Then I can yell at goodlink too.
But so you know the issue looks network related!
oh good grief......I was seriously about to do something like that and decided to check the forum out one last time before i did.....and am I grateful that I did!!!!
I used to be able to connect to the TMobile GPRS network pretty ok...now I have to either toggle the flight mode or soft reset it every time just to get it to connect.....no amout of tweaking the connections or even the clubimate CAB file have made no difference....I have the 1.40 and the radio is at 1.12...and as I mentioned, it was working last week...and now its this...I didn't want to upgrade to the radio 1.13 and after seeing this,I am going to wait......I have had enough of my PDA2K crashing on me..... :x

Phone problem - neither myself or caller can hear anything

I have a problem with my QTEK9090. From time to time when either myself or caller calls to my PPC we can not hear anything! When I try to call back immediately the same procedure occurs. The only thing that temporarily solves this is then I do a soft reset of PPC. Until next time.
I have upgraded from original version 1.12.00WWE to 1.22.00WWE and to 1.40.00WWE. I got a beta version from technical support for radioversion (1.13.10) but without any success. I also have got a new SIM card.
Any ideas?
i have the same problems, and the same sys op... and i had applied all patch...grrrrrrrr :evil: :evil: :evil:
Is your BT on? If not turn it on and leave it on.
good luck
Thanks for your replies. I will leave the BT on today and check any differences. Have you had the same problem yourself?
matrix70 which version are you running? Have you tried different versions? Have you tried to contact technical support or Telia for this problem?
i'm italian and i bought ba in greece. I just have upgraded with 1.40wwe version, applied all patch...but the proble still here...grrr..i discover that it's coming when i try to use ba in fastest mode.. switching from an application to another in a very fast mode, or trying to recall quickly a number that it's busy.
matrix70 from version did you upgrade from, do you remember?
same problem here, i did read in another thread that this is a known problem and can only be solved by moving to wm5.
I have radio version 1.06.02 and will move to 1.11.00 to try my luck
now i have update from 1.40 to 1.42 and the problem it's seem disappeared.... but with this version i can't sync my calendar....wath a lolling problem ....
I have run with BT on for some days and the phone problem is not occured once.
Great to here that problem with phone is solved in next version.
I remember there was a thread a few months ago I think. I had the same problem when I got my IIs last July, but I just turned off the BT and up to now theres no prob..... I havnt upgraded my version yet, I still use the 1.31 coz everythings working fine
Search the forums for Unidirectional Audio patch. This will fix the problem. But you probably do need the 1.40 series ROM.
im having the same issues, anyone know how to fix it up???
sometimes cant make or receive calls till i make soft reset.
thanks in advance.
im running rom 1.40.
couldn't find "Unidirectional Audio patch"
anyone have any idea where can i find it? and if its really fixing this annoy problem
thanks in advance.
You can find the patch here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/uploads/PDA2k_UniDirectional_Patch.sa.cab). It didn't help me at all. I still have problem when BT has been activated nextcoming calls I still can't here or the caller can here anything. The only thing that have helped me, from a tip in this forum, is to always have BT activated.
Thanks for the answering m8.
I actualy have been experimented these issue with bluetooth off...
just tryed with bluetooth actived all time and seems to be working.. anyway don't like this fix at all .. consuming extra batery to make the phone working properly is ridiculous
i will try out the fix anyway.
there was a pollon here about this a few months back and 76% of the users in this forum experienced this problem to some degree. Never found a proper fix.
how come manufacturer companies havent take notice yet? or iven the supplied the proper fix to this? is a very important issue...
other licenses than Qtek 9090 got the same issue??? pda2k? and the other clones???? know about it???
for the moment i have to say by enabling bluetooth all time as working well so far ...

GPRS Problems in WM6

Hey guys,
I recently upgraded my T-Mobile UK MDA Compact III to WM6.
I now have an intermittent problem with the GPRS/Internet. Basically, if fails to connect.
From what I've read, I think I need to delete my current connection settings, and then run the CAB from the WM5 Rom.
Has anyone on T-Mobile UK, done this with success? If so, can you point me in the direction of the CAB file you used?
I just set mine up manually.
Go to T-Mobile Website, click on phone support
enter your phone number and follow instructions for setting up MMS and you get a .pdf with instructions to set up both GPRS and MMS.
Delete any current settings and follow the above instructions.
I too am getting these issues. I have recently upgraded to the WWE dopod WM 6 rom (official HTC release) 3.7.707.1. I started to notice that if my phone was out of reception for any amount of time GPRS would fail to reconnect until a soft reset was performed. I have added the radio 02.94.90 to try and resolve this but no joy. I have added the GPRS settings exactly as per the TMob site again no joy. GPRS Auth is set to PAP which I think is correct.
One point to note is that I have not installed any items from the Dopod ext rom.
Once I have soft reset the connection will be fine until I lose reception again.
Same issue here with all WM6 ROMs I've tried so far (to at least some extend). Most noticable is irritating behavior in Google Maps with WM6. In WM5 when the connection is unavailable the GPS tracking just continues till data comes in again. In WM6 the result is an error message. It's one of the reasons that makes me consider going back to WM5 for quite a while now. New features are nice but if old ones aren't at least as solid as before it makes no sense when you need them.
Recently I bumped into the every same issue you describe (requiring a soft reset) with B&B 3.7.. Which is a step worse in terms of stability then what I experienced before. At the same time there have been periods that I don't bumb into the issue. So I'm not sure what the cause is. My guess is that it's triggered when you've been in a bad reception area for some time.. But I don't have any hard facts to confirm the exact trigger of the problem.
Al66 said:
I too am getting these issues. I have recently upgraded to the WWE dopod WM 6 rom (official HTC release) 3.7.707.1. I started to notice that if my phone was out of reception for any amount of time GPRS would fail to reconnect until a soft reset was performed. I have added the radio 02.94.90 to try and resolve this but no joy. I have added the GPRS settings exactly as per the TMob site again no joy. GPRS Auth is set to PAP which I think is correct.
One point to note is that I have not installed any items from the Dopod ext rom.
Once I have soft reset the connection will be fine until I lose reception again.
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I thought i'd try hard resetting my phone today to see if it would help but still no joy. the problem appears to affect voice as well as data and only occurs after at least 15 - 20 mins out of reception.
any ideas folks? I would go back to wm5 but the tmobile rom isn't available.
Hi All,
I have thesame problem previously with my Wizard. Found out that one my today plug-in is the culprit. The plug-in is "Battery Status Today ......" the one that shows the , Operator's name, speed, temp, V, A etc of your PPC on the today screen.
I dunno whether this is true and working for anyobe but in my case, my GPRS back to normal after after disable the plug-in. You can try the same too.
Other way, is to disable all non-standard today plug-in, test your Egde/GPRS with connect and disconnect(pressing the red button for more than 3seconds).
Activate one plug-in at a time and do the same test. Hopefully, you can indentify the problem and solve it.
Downloading the O2 ROM to see if that helps.. I have a feeling it might resolve this issue (fingers crossed!). I will post back here if it does.
Once off the tube this morning my phone connected straight up and downloaded my emails. I hope I'm not speaking too soon but I think the O2 ROM has resolved the issue which would suggest it is a bug in the Dopod SEA ROM.
I will probably get the radio upgraded to 02.94.90 at some today and test that too.
02.95.90 is now available

GPRS broken in WM6? - Can somebody test?

I have an interesting situation with my Orbit. This never occurred with WM5, but only since WM6.
After a fresh boot, the device works perfect, and connects to GPRS when needed, and I am able to direct push my email all day long. Now, if I go into Comm Manager, and stop the phone radio, and then start it again, I am no longer able to connect to GPRS, and neither are any other applications. ActiveSync and DP don't work anymore, neither does IE.
The only solution to the above is to soft reset the device again, and things go back to normal.
I've tried the regkey to keep GPRS always on. I've also tried to disable any today plugins that could be causing this issue. I've even tried a hard reset, but the same behaviour occurs. Oddly enough, this problem also occurs on a WM6 based Hermes device, and never did before when using WM5.
Something weird is going on with GPRS and WM6 in general. Sometimes, I will be on the train without reception, and when my phone gets signal again, GPRS will say it is connected, but it is not. I have to soft reset.
Needless to say this is annoying. Can somebody confirm that this issue exists with the base O2 WM6 rom? What about some of the other ROMs here that you guys/girls have? Does the same behaviour occur? My ROM and radio are just the defaults, no upgrades, etc.
Hi There,
I am well aware of the problem, I currently work in a telecoms company and the main device we ship out is the XDA Orbit (Artemis).
Currently we are downgrading all devices so as to ignore the problem, but a permanent solution is being worked upon.
The HTC Touch's radio is identical to that of the Artemis, this problem does NOT exist on the Touch (Thanks for testing Pof!) So I atleast have ground to work upon, it is not related to the radio itself but the RIL (Radio Interface Layer) driver.
I'll let you all know if (or rather WHEN) I find a solution.
i've had loads of trouble with this issue and here are my findings:
the dopod sea 3.7 rom and and anything else based on it are the worst affected.
the o2 wm6 rom isn't too bad
tom and meschle's roms are both pretty much fine
I do a 20 minute tube journey every day so i have tested this quite well!
I'm having the same issue in the Artemis Touch 2.1 Rom.
I found that when I disabled the Phone option, the Flightmode-option would enable. Now, when I want to enable the phone, I tab the Flightmode option to disable Flightmode. It then enables the phone automatically and successfully opens the GPRS connection.
Just done this a couple of times but for now this seems to be a workaround.
Read 'seems'
GuyBrush1978 said:
I'm having the same issue in the Artemis Touch 2.1 Rom.
I found that when I disabled the Phone option, the Flightmode-option would enable. Now, when I want to enable the phone, I tab the Flightmode option to disable Flightmode. It then enables the phone automatically and successfully opens the GPRS connection.
Just done this a couple of times but for now this seems to be a workaround.
Read 'seems'
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The times I have had the issue with the O2 rom and the v.occasional times I have it with Tom/Meschle roms restarting the radio via flight mode always fixes it. With the Dopod and other 3.7 roms the whole radio seems to crash and you can't even get it into flight mode so soft reset is the only option.
This has been tested on all versions of the Artemis radio that are available.
same problem here on prophet. can connect. if i go ffline due to no signal, i cannot connect. after i switch to flightmode and activate phone again gpry works again. any patch?!.
holzzelt said:
any patch?!.
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No patch, just better roms.

losing signal and needs restart

i am facing some problems with my Hermes and I really don't know what is going on, the problems is that, although it shows that is connected to the telephone network, if somebody calls me it doesn't ring and is not responding. At that time that is not responding if i try to call the phone screen shows that is dialing but it is not, if i click the "End call" it doesn't end until it times out, after that it is not responding again and it needs a reset. After the reset it's working again until the next time that will crash.
I am using Schap's 4.31 rom with radio
What do you suggest that i should do?
I got the same problem with older Schap's ROMs. When I flashed to K's or anything else (not based on Schap's) the problem disappeared.
I had the same exact issue, my solution to this issue was to replace the radio with It has been 5 days without any issue. I hope that helps.
you just changed the radio? or the windows rom also?
I've had this issue on my Hermes, although it was evident on WM5, which is one of the reasons I upgraded to WM6, which alas just created other problems
Elwyn M3100 said:
I've had this issue on my Hermes, although it was evident on WM5, which is one of the reasons I upgraded to WM6, which alas just created other problems
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nah i don't think i will downgrade to WM5, maybe i will try another rom.
also the battery doesn't last long, maybe 3 hours, i don't know why is that, and maybe that is what is causing the problem.
I just downloaded the radio from this link http://www.parkingdenied.com/filebrowser/Hermes/Radio+Roms
If I was you, I will try Radio down-grade first.
Good luck
When the phone freezes on the "dialing..." screen it is cuz the phone lost its network connection (although it wont show it). U can remedy this by turning the "phone" part (not the whole device) off then on again, so it will reconnect to the network.
Also, some radios are very power draining. Try check here for feedback on different radios.
Basically, there is a good chance all this messin u up is ur radio

