Unwanted Program File Icons - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I have just removed a program from my MDAiii and there is an icon left behind in my programs menu.
I want to remove this but I cant seem to locate it in explorer.
Can someone please tell me how to remove this small but nigglin pain?

explore it via the my computer screen of ur computer
explore it via the my computer screen of ur computer
then remove it... done!

I have tried exploring for it via my PC and it doesn't appear in my program files directory.
The icon is for a the game A VIKING SAGA.
I have even searched for any file with the contents "viking" in the name and it cannot find the file.
I have also searched for .exe using the search facility on XP but it replies with no files found!
Now it must exist somewhere otherwise it wouldn't appear in my program files list.

in ppc file explorer press a little longer and enable "view all files" and then see if u can find it!
or enable vie all files on PC and try!

I have view all files enabled on my PC and still no luck!
Where is the option to view all files on my MDA file explorer?
I apologise for my stupidity but I have only had it for two days!

Are you looking in the right directory?
Should be:
My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs

Cheers Neil!
Sorry everyone - I was looking in the wrong place but now I know!
DOH :wink:


Creating a shortcut to show a program in the program folder

HI everyone, I have searched and searched around on the forum to tell me how todo this but have not had any luck!!!
What I want to do is create a shortcut or move a program that did not originally have a .exe file to install itself in the correct directorys on my PDA. This means that the file was and still is just a simple PDA .exe file that you just click on through (for example) file explorer it launches.
Now is there a way of creating a shortcut to show this program in the "Program" folder so it is easier to launch and use??
I'm sure there is and I would greatly appreicate a reply
Keep up the good work people.
Soon we'll be mightier than *icrosoft !!!! :?
lydiachris (in a funny mood) 8)
Re: Creating a shortcut to show a program in the program fol
lydiachris said:
Now is there a way of creating a shortcut to show this program in the "Program" folder so it is easier to launch and use??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The way I did this (don't know if it is the best way but) was with the PPC in the cradle and Active Sync running, clicked explore on Active Sync and created a shortcut in explorer (directly on the pocket device) and then cut and pasted it into the programs folder.
just copy the exe.file and paste as shortcut into the windows/start menu/programs folder
Nothing more obvious really when you see it

Newbie question: getting CAB files from exe

I would like to know how can I extract the .cab files from an exe file that is an application installer (the exe should be run on the PC).
I think that the active sync saves a copy of the cab files, but I am not sure. If using activesync is the only way, it's fine, but I prefer a method that does not install the software first and it does not involve activesync.
Thank you,
Well it really depends on the application, there is not always one answer that fits all things.
You can try using a program like WinRAR and right click on the PC exe, you may see an option to extract the files, if you do chances are you'll gain access to the cab files. Things like the ROM updates work this way.
Sometimes this method doesn't work. Then you may need to install the program on your PC. You'll need to look on your C drive for the folder the program creates, generally this will be with in the C:\Program Files\ folder or the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Activesync\ folder. This folder can be easy or hard to find.
Another method is to set Pocket File explorer to "Show all files" (you'll need to tap and hold on the white space at the bottom of the page, and select this option from the menu that pops up.) Then go to \My Device\Windows\AppMgr\Install\ and wait for the file to appear here when you first install it. Note that in WM5 you are generally asked if you wish to install the program, DO NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION instead go to pocket file explorer and look at the \My Device\Windows\AppMgr\Install\ folder your cab should be here, after it is installed it will be deleted from this folder and some times cabs are partly deleted in the install process. (it maybe necessary to install two or more programs at the same time to get a working copy of your program cab file.

Cab files....

Im pretty new here and just got my BA not tooo long ago...I used to be a trreo user now im hooked on my BA.
I see alot of software that comes in a form of a cab file...does anyone know how I can load that software on my BA? thanks alot!
hey mate and welcome!
if you put the cab file in your pc folder; you'll see that the description is "zip file"....that's because it's the only format microsoft recognizes...in a way its also true as the cab file is a compiled program ready for installation. what you do is DON'T unzip the file in your pc; rather cut/copy and paste it directly in your ba (via activesync or in your sd card). put it in a folder that's easy to find; say "my documents...personal" (or you can make your own folder to put in cab files). use your ba's file explorer and go to the folder...from there double click (via stylus) on the cab file and it will automatically install itself. btw, if you copied the cab file in your sd card you can also execute the installation there....no need to paste it in your my documents area.
if you're using wm2005; upon execution the unit will ask you if you want to install it in the sd card or internal memory....that's really up to you depending on the size of the file you're installing.
hope that helps
thanks alot Robson.
Ive always looked past cab file programs b/c i couldnt install it. I hope this thread helps other newbies too. I searched and couldnt find an answer.
is there anyway that can install cab files direct from pc to ppc?
sorry for the late response; was in china for a week.
unfortunately, no. i don't think there's a way to install cab files via pc. if you do unzip a cab file; you'll notice that the files are something like:
or something like that....can be as many as 20 lines of code...but scanning through the entire zip will not give you any .exe files which can be executed via pc. if you have a card reader installed on your laptop, simply copy and paste the cab file on your sd and from there install via your ppc
hope that helps

Need Help Please

hell everyone I'm new to the forum I've been Reading around the forum lately and its very informative however i ran into a bit of a jam I'm the owner of a t-mobile WING and over the weekend i install theOMAPCLOCK and now I'm getting a message on my screen (cannot execute \windows\startup\omapclock.ink) I've tried to uninstall it but i keep coming up i don't know what I'm doing wrong r what i need to do
can someone please help me
i would manualy delete the file
i did delete the omap file but the massage still comes up where can i find it on the phone i've tried looking everywhere do i need some type of reg edit to perform this
is the dir where shortcuts to programs which are ment to auto start
are placed even if the exe the shortcut is pointing at is gon
the shortcut is still there
and if the shortcut is pointing at something which is not there
it should give about that error
if you do need a reg editor
total commander is both a good filemanager to delete files from places like
and to alter the registry too
thank a lot Rudegar for ur help but there can i find thats editer do i just do a search to find it
connect your phone to activesync then open the windows folder and then open the startup folder. Right click on omapclock.lnk and select delete and your problems solved.
i guess i'm not lookin in the right place r not but i cant seem to find the windows folder that u guys r talkin about i connect the phone to my computer and use activesync open the file management and browes there is only 2 item storage and i guess the internal storage on the phone and search them all and find no windows folder
\ is root
it include alot of dirs
my documents
Storage card - if you have an sd card
if you want total commander using google searching for total commander pocketpc will surely pay off
thanks guys for all ur help it payed off i'm up and runnin with no problem all i want now is some fun software
but i'm a happy camper
I have the same problem and canot solve it. Where can I find it in registry? thanks.
it was not a registry i believe but a shortcut file located in the \windows\startup dir of his pda

/windows directory

Hi everyone,
sorry to bother you with such a beginner question but I'm trying to access /windows directory from my computer when my device is connected to it but I can't find it.
First, I thought we can't get to it and looked for an app to get the access but I don't find anything...
So, do you know a way to access /windows directory from your computer?
Thank you a lot!
A Windows setting on your PC is hiding certain folders/files, and that extends to your phone when viewing the phone from the PC.
On your PC, in Windows Explorer or similar screen where you can see files and folders, click on Organize>Folder Options>View. Exactly where this is and what it's called depends on which version of Windows you have. Then select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" and unselect "Hide protected operating system folders".

