Configuring settings through ext rom.. Possible? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

I'm working on a custom ext rom for my department at work.
I've gotten the installers to work, and I've gotten the config files for most of the software in place..
How ever, there are a few more changes I'd like to make..
* Change Region (Very important!)
* Disable some of the default Today plugins.. (At least re-arrange them)
* Set "Owner Name", "Device name" and such..
* Change today theme.
I have a feeling that this isn't possible from the config.txt file.
So I was hoping someone could perhaps direct me to a tool that does this?
If not, what about making it?
Or can I just set it up, and then copy a file from \Windows or something?

Neary all setting can be changed through registy.
This meand adding a cab with registry settings to ExtROM.
Read device-specific wiki... many registry keys are explained.
For editing CAB's I use softworkz ER2003edit (share/expireware).
Good luck.


My Universal's Customized Extended ROM

Many people are asking me what I throw into my Extended ROM since I play around with tweaks and CAB files. Well, I decided to finalize most of it and make it available for public consumption.
Mind you, I have a Qtek 9000 (Universal) which I flashed to the JASJAR CE ROM which appears to be more stable, O2 XDA Exec Radio ROM, and the mix of CAB files from various devices plus my own concoction.
Disable Digital Security for unsigned files (required if you want to use my customized CABs!):
Add MIDI Ringtone and Video Call/Phone Skin Plugin:
Add Bluetooth Initialization Bug Patch:
Add Enroller and SIM Manager shortcuts:
Update User Agent Profile:
Enable tap-hold Save As... in Internet Explorer Mobile:
Add Version Number for Extended ROM in Device Information:
CUSTOMIZED: Change Search Engine to Google, smallest text setting, Default layout, MakeFit
CUSTOMIZED: Add Cingular GPRS (no CSD) settings
CUSTOMIZED: Add File Cache (Aximsite) and GLYPHCACHE (32768) tweaks
CUSTOMIZED: Add ClearVue and MIDlet Manager (no Voice Speed Dial or SDDaemon) shortcuts
CUSTOMIZED: Add CertificateStore information (no clubimate shortcut or i-mate homepage)
CUSTOMIZED: Add Owner Information, Device Name and Description, Bluetooth name (you need to manually enter your information in this CAB using WinCE CAB Manager)
CUSTOMIZED: Add blank page for Internet Explorer key (just loads IE not attempt to open a particular page with it)
CUSTOMIZED: Enable Backlight key to be customized in Button Applet
CUSTOMIZED: Enable ClearType and Landscape ClearType
CUSTOMIZED: Change Regional Settings to USA (and set short date to dd-MMM-yy)
Latest version of Skype (not beta):
CUSTOMIZED: Unhide and Unlock Extended ROM (will show up as Extended_ROM2)
BeyondtheTech said:
Disable Digital Security for unsigned files (required if you want to use my customized CABs!):
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Many thanks for this!!!!!
need to revert or delete this cab!
how do i undo this cab? when I click my start button and close it I get a ghost of the bottom half of the menus stay on screen...pls HELP :?
CUSTOMIZED: Add File Cache (Aximsite) and GLYPHCACHE (32768) tweaks
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How flash from spv m5000 to jasjar ROM
Hello, I think I understand and apreciate your explain. but firstly I have to remove from the extended rom the .cab from orange and to add your files .cab, and then to make a hard reset. so after that my spv m 5000 will change to jasjar. sorry but I don't understand if with this files that we have to inserted in the extended rom will change my spv m5000 to imate jasjar. could you explain me that?
thanks a lot.
hey, can any one pls help. I really don't want to do a hard reset again...Spent alot of time getting eveything set up nicely. I need to know what reg setting I need to change to undo the cab i installed above!!! :shock:
youmeus said:
hey, can any one pls help. I really don't want to do a hard reset again...Spent alot of time getting eveything set up nicely. I need to know what reg setting I need to change to undo the cab i installed above!!! :shock:
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This will return the GlyphCache to 2000H (8192 bytes), the standard.
thanks file worked!
Hi BeyondtheTech,
1) Any procedure to perform the upgrade?
2) Are there config and autoexec files to edit?
3) How to unlock/lock and unhide/hide EXTROM?
Java Plugin required!
Is there any java plugin avaialble for the Universal since existing PIE cannot view sites with java (I might be wrong)?
It in the Java folder on the FTP.
Hi BeyondtheTech
Your link leads to nowhere
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Java/JeodeForPocketPC.exe
All the Extended ROM files have been moved to this folder.
The links are gone because your site is under construction.
Please give us new links. Thanks a lot.
I have put back the files here:
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry, forgot the .htaccess file for the webhosting.
It's good now!
Thank you so much. Downloading now... :lol:
Just a small question: how can I modify the file to change the regional to Australia? Of course, if regional is Australia, the date format is dd MMM yy
Hope you can help me soon. Thanks in advance.
I had to search for the particular keys that get changed, then set them in the CAB file.
Since I don't remember offhand what keys get changed, you can try opening the CAB file with OCP WinCE CAB Manager ( then look in the Registry section for the keys and values.
Next, go ahead and use the Regional Settings to change to Australia and whatever else you need.
Then, use Resco Explorer or another Registry Editor to see what the new values are and pop them back into the CAB file. Done!
I do not seem to be able to find the following cab. Is it missing or have I gone mad?!?
CUSTOMIZED: Add ClearVue and MIDlet Manager (no Voice Speed Dial or SDDaemon) shortcuts
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If you have a copy could you add it to the files...

Change regional Settings from Registry

Hi, i want to change this setting from Start, settings, system, regional settings by a registry key/cab file.
I've noticed that it's stored into HKLM\Security\ColdInit\
Locale = countrycode (in my case 1040 dec)
But the reg key is restored after a SR, also if i reset with an app
Is there another key that influences this one?
Ps: i've also tried changing
But no suxcess... is important to Localize the rom with a cab wich contains spell check, dictionary etc...
Mate I think I found what you're looking for:
Replace xxx by language code. '413' is Dutch (The Netherlands) for example. For the codes see:
Better late than never
Changing those registry values cannot switch the regional settings immediately, not like doing this through start->settings->regional settings.
Is there any way (any command, program) to activate those registry values immediately, rather than a soft-reset?
No, you would need a program to recall these settings.
utak3r said:
No, you would need a program to recall these settings.
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Do you know what program or command/function can do this? Thanks!!
bump - any idea how to solve this?
need to change registry for regional settings via cab file!
i changed the values but nothing happend... not even a soft reset...

Registry Entries - Making Cab

Whats up peoples. Im playin around with putting a cab together. When importing reg entries, is there ANY WAY( with WinCE or PPC Installation Creator) to have ALL imported values overwrite any existing values at the (installation destination?) Ive tried with both apps I mentioned, and found that EACH ENTRY has a box to check off whether or not to overwrite. It says 609 total entries! I believe I checked all options. Search found nothing Specifically related, & got no reply from emails to support teams. Thanks.

ROM Cookers - stop and help a novice!

Hello all.
I'm building a barebones 6.5 ROM using ervius visual kitchen. I have been building many tests as I go along but there are several things I can't sort out due to the lack of instructions on where things are. Can you help? I really want to get this sorted & released asap!
1. I need to apply the following entries so I created a new folder in /EXT and dumped these keys into it:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Owner Info"]
But when the ROM is loaded only the first key has been applied. Is this a sound way to include regkeys or am I doing it wrong?
2. I need the default theme to be the HTC black. It's installed, but how do I set it as default?
3. I need to remove start menu entries (help, activesync, games, search, calculator) which I did by commenting out the entries in \OEM\Diamond\0409\OEM_Lang_0409\initflashfiles.dat but activesync & calculator still show
4. despite having Microphone AGC & Clear Storage NOT installed the icons still show up in System. How do I rid of them?
5. when I click on Camera on startmenu it complains the file "camera.exe" doesn't exist. I have installed the HTC camera package in 001_Base
for regedits i noticed the same thing try bundleing them into a cab or program
Eg. go to your TF3D folder and add those reg entries into the bottom of the TF3d registry list
or you can add a cab to your "config_operator.txt" list

[APP]"FlashBack 0.7" |Backup & autorestore for hardcore Flashers/Cooks | 10-28-09

[APP]"FlashBack 0.7" |Backup & autorestore for hardcore Flashers/Cooks | 10-28-09
UPDATE: 11-1-09
-Added dotFred's Taskmanager EXT package which is REQUIRED package. Sorry I thought that it was included in my FlashBack package. This will fix issue with no reg keys being made.
-Updating cab with dotFred's taskmanager as well.
I have been working on this little mortscript for a while now, constantly updating as I find more things to add. It has been one of my most valuable and timesaving tools which I cook into all of my ROMs. It allows a user to backup many items which you would have to input and change manually upon first boot. This saves me a LOT of time as I flash a new ROM just about daily. It also has the ability to autorestore all items if cooked into the ROM. I am not a programmer, so if anyone is interested in turning this into an actual program rather than mortscript please let me know Also, I am no mortscript wizard, so if anyone would like to have at the original to make it better go for it This software will create a folder in root of Storage Card named "Phone Backup", so it may not work if you do not have a Storage Card (does not support localization currently). Also, take note that although I use this quite frequently I do not guarantee it to work fully for you. I will try to work with you to find solutions when possible.
Without the help of Noonski, and many others this script could not exist. So thank you very much
You might be thinking "What do I need this for if I can use SASHIMI or UC or any of the other available autoconfig programs?". This app is not meant to be a replacement for any of these programs, rather it will work hand-in-hand with most of these to backup and restore items easily that you might not think about. It will also autoload manila in 6.5 ROMs and load your prefered wallpaper, weather, program tab preferences, and much more.
Original thread can be found HERE. I have started this new thread in attempt to reorganize and provide easy access to more information. Note to mods: please close previous thread.
Post #2 = Full list of items you can backup.
Post #3 = Changelogs and planned features (Current changelog will be in post 1)
Post #4 = Information for cooks (required reading)
Post #5 = Known bugs and issues
Cab and OEM attached below. OEM is for Visual kitchen, Legacy package can be provided upon request. Mortscipt 4.2 or newer may be required although it does use a mortrunner which should be able to run the file just fine as far as I know.If you find this software useful, consider a donation to motivate the author to improve it
Full list of items that can be backed up
Personal Info:
Backlight settings
Button configuration
HTC Uploader login
Owner Info
Wifi (in progress, not working fully)
Bluetooth Partners (in progress)
Contact Card
Internet Tab (push pages)
Program Launcher
Worrld Clock
AudioManager playlists
Resco Explorer key
Titanium Weather
SSmaHo Setup
The Weather Channel
Music ID
Collapse Chaos
Resco Bubbles
Bejeweled 2
Assassins Creed 2
Asterix and Obelix ~ Cleopatra
Boom Blox
Opera Browser:
Opera Tools:
Clear cache
Delete Cookies
Real Exit (to save RAM)
Push Internet (enable\disable. Could also be in Manila category)
Other Tools:
AutoRestore settings
Manila Autoload
Hardware keyboard setting and backup (tested on Touch Pro)
Zensor Autoload
Delete All backups (use caution)
NoLumos will disable Lumos when cooked into ROM (for ROM chefs)
Changelogs and planned features:
Planned Features:
-Add xml writer such as MAKISU to allow easy backup of Email accounts, Wifi, and Bluetooth
-Add any software requests
-Add some sort of localization so it can be used in non WWE ROMs
-Allow user to select files to backup
-Allow user to select reg keys to backup
-Possibly allow user to choose backup destination
-Possibly compress backup files
-Possibly convert to program with skinnable UI
All Previous Changelogs(most recent will be in post #1)
UPDATE: 10-22-09 FlashBack 0.6
-Added program tab backup and autorestore
-Added MySpace profile(Microsoft MySpace)
-Added some more Game and Software items
-Added Zensor autorestore and autoload(autoload still needs some work)
UPDATE: 8-27-09 FlashBack 0.5
Uploading latest package from my kitchen. I will put together a cab soon, but for now you can use the flashback script from the package and overwrite original
Made some minor modifications as well as some optimization to reduce errors when restoring.
-Added Wifi Locations backup under software
-Added double check for manila autorestore. This way if you have non manila ROM It will not try to load manila.
For this to work correctly you need to add the following lines to your manila app.reg:
;FlashBack support
NOTE: Make sure to disable weather restore or delete the database when switching manila builds
Still taking further requests and hoping for some help from the real mort pros
UPDATE: 8-3-09
-Some fixes for missed lines
-Fixed G-Alarm(misspelled something causing no backup)
-added Facebook backup(not fully tested)
-added world clock cities
-Changed backup of manila files to use INI
-If you have cooked an older version into your ROM, be sure to use the newest FlashBack to backup Manila data again. The new AutoRestore script relies on the new INI files.
-Any more software requests?
UPDATE: Huge update.
-more personal settings(Buttons)
-Manila Wallpaper and Weather(tested .png and .jpg wallpapers)
-Made a package which will restore all saved settings when cooked into ROM.
-Added option to Auto restore. Auto is enabled by default. Look under tools.
-Added support for some builds of Opera
-Added option to Auto load Manila after Flash as oposed to "Windows Default" AKA Titanium. I prefer Manila, so if you enable the option and its cooked in you can have it right after flash.
-Prepared for adding program registrations
Check it out and let me know if it is all working for you. Please note that I will not be held responsible for any loss of data(should that somehow occur, but dont know how it would). Attaching Visual Package and cab. Legacy package will come soon. Edit: Legacy is here, but not sure if it works as I dont use legacy. Please report back for others.
EDIT: The "RestoreAll" mortscrpt in packages has an extra quotation mark on line 29. Remove the first one before cooking. Should look like this:
as opposed to this:
This is not a needed step, but it is to double check that Restoreall does not run more than once. There is provision in the script for it to delete the link from startup as well.
Another note: Some features still need some more work to function properly. This is all trial and error as I have to find all the appropriate keys for each item. Some have more than one key which needs backed up. Thanks for trying FlashBack
UPDATE: 7-27-09
After some more work with mortscript(and some help from Noonski, thanks bud) I have put together another backup script which backs up personal info such as :
-Bluetooth Partners
-Wifi Networks
-Owner Info
-Rings and Alerts
-Backlight settings
It is still a work in progress, but figured I would put it out there for testing and also feedback on what else to add. Noonski showed me the command lines needed to export and import reg, so now it is just a matter of adding the correct keys. I am learning as I go, so bear with me here. Feel free to test this script and add feedback here. If you are skilled with mortscript feel free to take what I have and make it better. Here is the zip with a cab(which has the script, an exe with icon and dotfred's taskmanager to import the keys). I also included the script and exe to make it easier for others to add or change things. Thanks for trying it By the way I call it Flash Back because I flash so manyt ROMs and I just want my info back in an easy way
Information for cooks (required reading)
Sorry I dont have time right now to add all info, but I will try to add the most important stuff real quick.
-The OEM package will install all files to \Windows folder.
-If you use DotFred taskmanager(known as FDCTaskmanager as well) you will want to have a closer look at this package because the .exe file is already included but renamed to df_taskmgr.exe. You can just edit the app.dat file to add your own shortcut to start menu.
-You can also edit the location of FlashBack shortcut in the app.dat. All updates are taken directly from my kitchen, and I install my shortcut to start menu\programs\Tools\Backup.
-There will be a shortcut created in startup folder during cooking
-Autorestore will only run on BootCount=2(to avoid issues with initial customization) and will do a check of reg to make sure it has not already run. There is also a line to delete the shortcut from startup when complete.
-Basically all you need to do as a cook is to include the package that I have provided. I used to have a double check to ensure that manila was present using additional reg key(you will see above in changelog), but have removed the line from the script so it should not be needed. It will check for existence of manila.exe instead.
Known bugs and issues:
Has Email been incorporated into this, or planned for a future release? I'm addicted to flashing, but I need email access, and it's rather annoying to set up 3 accounts every week. Thanks in advance, this sounds like a very useful program.
Nice job!
great, thank you! that is what i was waiting for!
will test it asap and report my opinion.
It's nice to have this application.
can educate on how to correctly install?
I got the error message below
There is no application associated with "FlashBack". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application
theory_87 said:
can educate on how to correctly install?
I got the error message below
There is no application associated with "FlashBack". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application
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Install to device. What language is the ROM? Currently only works on WWE.
re: Email~ I hope to use an xml writer like Makisu(comes w/ SASHIMI). Will be looking into it when I get some time. Same will be needed for Wifi I think.
Until now, i've been SASHIMI-ING everything including reg keys. this is definately a wonderful addition to SASHIMI.
one problem tho... I just tried to backup some settings and it didn't put anything in the Phone Backup dir (working with a Blackstone on Topix 3.1.1 ROM).
jmckeejr said:
Install to device. What language is the ROM? Currently only works on WWE.
re: Email~ I hope to use an xml writer like Makisu(comes w/ SASHIMI). Will be looking into it when I get some time. Same will be needed for Wifi I think.
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i'm using tess v3.6 topaz wwe...
HAving an error after installing... Says it's unable to create the director "/Storage Card/Phone"
Thats prob because my "Storage Card" is named "Internal Storage"
Is there a way to correct this on my end or is it something you have to change in the script?
Hope this is ok with the dev, if not - my appologies.
I edited the script myself to make it work with "Internal Storage" as opposed to "Storage Card"
If anyone else has this issue just install from the cab as normal, then copy the Flashback.MSCR file from the attached .zip in this post to your device Windows directory and select yes when prompted to replace the existing file. Should work after that.
View attachment 242042
nir36 said:
Until now, i've been SASHIMI-ING everything including reg keys. this is definately a wonderful addition to SASHIMI.
one problem tho... I just tried to backup some settings and it didn't put anything in the Phone Backup dir (working with a Blackstone on Topix 3.1.1 ROM).
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Which settings? Did it make the folder in Storage Card?
powe6563 said:
HAving an error after installing... Says it's unable to create the director "/Storage Card/Phone"
Thats prob because my "Storage Card" is named "Internal Storage"
Is there a way to correct this on my end or is it something you have to change in the script?
Hope this is ok with the dev, if not - my appologies.
I edited the script myself to make it work with "Internal Storage" as opposed to "Storage Card"
If anyone else has this issue just install from the cab as normal, then copy the Flashback.MSCR file from the attached .zip in this post to your device Windows directory and select yes when prompted to replace the existing file. Should work after that.
View attachment 242042
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Definitely ok. This is as open source as open source can be. There is a lot to be done still, so any help is gladly taken
I will try to get into the details this weekend for cooks and enthusiastic folks who would like to add/change things. Does anyone know of an easy way to add localization? ie if storage card is named as something else, I know some things can use code like %Storage% or something. I would have added something so you could select directories, but the AutoRestore relies on using Storage Card for now. Maybe as I figure mnore out I will do a rewrite and clean it up. There is a lot of repeated entries that I should be able to eliminate with variables. I also still need to add xml restore son nI can get more included.
Well, it created the directory by itself, and it also backed up some files.. like the wallpaper and such, but it didn't post reg keys for some reason. that's the only problem i can see right now.
other than that, wonderful idea, wonderful mechanism. thank you so much
nir36 said:
Well, it created the directory by itself, and it also backed up some files.. like the wallpaper and such, but it didn't post reg keys for some reason. that's the only problem i can see right now.
other than that, wonderful idea, wonderful mechanism. thank you so much
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it uses .ini for some manila settings rather than exporting entire reg key (taskmanager wont export value or I cant figure it out)
jmckeejr said:
it uses .ini for some manila settings rather than exporting entire reg key (taskmanager wont export value or I cant figure it out)
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Well, same problem on my phone it creats folders "phone backup/reg keys" but doesn';t save anything in them and I only tried to backup owner info, rings and alerts and also thumbcal & resco settings. I'm running the latest ver. of MortScript I think it's v. 4.3 b. maybe your scripts were written for the last stable version 4.2.
-Arturo- said:
Well, same problem on my phone it creats folders "phone backup/reg keys" but doesn';t save anything in them and I only tried to backup owner info, rings and alerts and also thumbcal & resco settings. I'm running the latest ver. of MortScript I think it's v. 4.3 b. maybe your scripts were written for the last stable version 4.2.
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I have updated first post with Taskmanager package. I had thought it was included in the original package, but after downloading it myself and looking I see its not there. df_taskmgr.exe is a required file and I have added the package to post 1. Have also updated the cab file.
Thanks for the feedback, otherwise I would not have found it.
jmckeejr said:
I have updated first post with Taskmanager package. I had thought it was included in the original package, but after downloading it myself and looking I see its not there. df_taskmgr.exe is a required file and I have added the package to post 1. Have also updated the cab file.
Thanks for the feedback, otherwise I would not have found it.
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Thanks Jmckeerjr.
Backup function works flawlessly now. This is really useful app.

