JasJar Italian - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

I made the mistake to buy JasJar in Italian and now I'm late for all upgrades. There's the possibility to change language into English?

sure ... try the new qtek 9000 rom

I've tried
Hi, I've tried with WWE Rom but installing I get an error due the different language.
Thanks for help me.

By the way....
.... I've not qtek but Imate JASJAR.

here you have a step by step

I'm unable
Hi I've done:
1. get the JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301
1a. get the exe from the zip file - if needed
1b. unzip the exe file to a directory
1c. place the enclosed file MaUpgradeUt_noID in the directory
1d. run the upgrade
At this time I recieve a message that says me:
The ROM inage that you're trying to use is not designed to work on your device. Please check the vender Web site and download the correct ROM update.
What I can do?

run again the
MaUpgradeUt_noID for the upgrade

I'm sorry to disturb you but I?m not able. I've tried to run MaUpgradeUt_noID but appear a message saying me that is not possible run the selected application as RUU.dll was not found.
I've copied MaUpgradeUt_noID in the same directory of the ROM file. Is that right??
Thanks and sorry.

May be the problem is:
1b. unzip the exe file to a directory
Is posible to unzip to a directory? I run the .exe file and I see that file decompress but I don't know where.
The problem is that I put MaUpgradeUt_noID in the .exe directory and due to that I have error message.
is there a program that unzip an exe file?

Download winrar. Right click on the file and select "extract to...."
Can you please backup the content of the "windows" directory before upgrading? It should contain all the certified .mui files for the italian localization already signed and ready to work in the wm5 jasjar environment. Then put a zip file in the upload area of this forum. I would like to experiment a little bit with the italian localization.... 8)

I just performed the upgrade without any glitch.
Now I have the last english.ROM
Now the only problem is that special symbols on the keyboard are wrong.
I'm sure there is a registry hack that switches the keyboard back to my italian keyboard (I have an italian JasJar).
Do you know what key should I change and what value should I put there?
Thanks a lot,

Was not possible to copy
Dear Topogigi,
Thanks for the suggestion about winrar. Now is OK.
I was not able to copy the windows directory as I get some error copying. Sorry.

Dear all, I got it!!! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.
Now I've a small problem: Keyboard. Italian KB has differente layout than WWE. There's way to solve this problem? For example, @ is FN+Q and in WWE is FN+2...
Thanks for all!!


Upgrading to Jasjar ROM

Trying to figure out how to upgrade but I am missing something.
I downloaded the file JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
When I run it it gives me a country ID Error 120
Following other posts I downloaded the file MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe which gives me the error missing run.dll.
In another post it says to put the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe in the same directory of the JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
P.S. What a nightmare.
Using winrar extract the files from the .exe and replace the upgrade executable with the NoID file. Worked for me!
Could you elaborate please
Sorry but I only got my xda exec today and am still a bit of a newbie. Could you possibly take me through this step by step if that's not too much of a pain? I have dl the jasjar file but could you point me to the noid file.
Many Thanks

Universal upgrading to Jasjar ROM (sorry for wrong crosspost

Trying to figure out how to upgrade but I am missing something.
I downloaded the file JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
When I run it it gives me a country ID Error 120
Following other posts I downloaded the file MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe which gives me the error missing run.dll.
In another post it says to put the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe in the same directory of the JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
P.S. What a nightmare.
Re: Universal upgrading to Jasjar ROM (sorry for wrong cross
claudioita said:
Trying to figure out how to upgrade but I am missing something.
I downloaded the file JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
When I run it it gives me a country ID Error 120
Following other posts I downloaded the file MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe which gives me the error missing run.dll.
In another post it says to put the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe in the same directory of the JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
P.S. What a nightmare.
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You can use winzip to unpack the .exe..... and stop swearing.

Would like to upgrade ROM but . . .

Hi all,
let me start telling that reading through this frum gives me the feeling that this is a very nice place for information around htc-devices and I thank both creators and users of this site for such a good information-base.
Reading here convinces me that I am able to fulfill my wish to change the language of my VPA-IV (HTC Universal).
I am a Dutch person working in Russia. As I was living in Germany I optained the device there, hence the German language.
For me personally all computer stuff should be English, so I'd also like this device to be so. The fact that the keyboard is German does not disturb me too much.
As a Vodafone user, who has other provider cards as well, I immediately bought the unlock code, so the device is working with other GSM cards as well.
When I asked Vodafone (before I bought the device) if I could switch to English I was told that I should buy myself another Windows Software and they were not able to provide me with it. They were not able to provide any help, nor software for this purpose though.
When reading around the site here (as well as the ftp) I understood that Windows is not provided now. So my first question would be :
-Am I really set to go if I have downloaded the following files :
Or do I need something more ?
Further I read about extracting the .exe file (f.e. Jasjar_WWW_11353_137_10301.exe) and put some files from there at certain places. I have WinRar but this program does not recognize the .exe file. Can I really extract files from this .exe ? How do I do this.
A lot of talking is here about a bootloader. If the device is in this stage, can I still access it ? (f.e. like seeing a harddrive in my PC's Windows Explorer or something the like)
As I will be stressed like hell (who does not, when he does this first time) when I see the bootloader screen, is there something I SHOULD or should NOT do to make sure all will be OK ?
Last but certainly not least I feel very eager to backup before I do this. Is there a posibility to backup my ROM in some way, save the files on some place for eventual return to the ROM and ExtRom I have now ?
I tried the Program TotalCommander. If I enter the Extended_Rom in the "directory" field of this program I see all files included in the Extended_Rom, same if I enter simply "Rom". Is a backup simply copying these files to my PC or is there more to be done ?
thanks for answering in advance,
I'm searching a german ROM...
if you have a little of your time to spend on it, i would be very thankful.
but first:
- about extracting the .exe files: Run WinRAR -> Menue: Open file... -> change 'All archives' to 'All files'
- about ROMs: Jasjar_WWW_11353_137_10301.zip is the only rom I would update, not the Radio.
- about bootloader: In this state you can't access your device (only updating the ROM)
- about backup: It is not easy. (How to d2s (dump) the ROM ) but I think Vodafone will shortly relase a update. So it will be possible to restor the device.
How to help me out:
- you will need a Storage Card.
- Download TestWM5.rar
1. Extract TestWM5.exe from TestWM5.rar and place it to you device.
2. At the device, use File Explorer to execute the TestWM5.exe
3. Click "button1" to start the dump process, the file will then be save to \Storage Card\Dump\
4. Copy the Dump folder out and then RAR or Zip it
This will include all files in your windows dictionary -> this is what i need
Where to place exactly ?
Hi bepe,
do not know if You are still available (or again). First your issue.
I logon to FTP from XDA-developers as to upload.
In the upload directory there is only a HTC-Wizard directory, not a wizard. Is this directory the one to place your file on ?
Is there a rule how to name the file ?
I will be dumping in a minute, can upload as soon as I have your answer.
Hi bepe,
further to your issue.
1) I do understand that no private information is copied ? or should I do a hard reset before I dump for You ?
2) Whilst running your testwm5.exe from the root-directory of the storage-card I am being asked to agree your program access. This is normal, I allow. But why are there additional programs being opened I never heard about ? I denied them access and let the program run further !
After a lot of files running through the screen (very fast) it looks like the program stopped or finished. Now which file has been created for You ?
Explorer on the Universal does not show it, through my PC I looked as well, but do not see any big file, please explain.
Hi Bepe,
one more reply to You :
Even if I allow the file mentioned to run (during the time your program is running), I am being asked again and again if I allow it again. The name is GAC_System.Data_v1_0_5000_0_cneutral_1.dll
Even if allow access all of the occasions I being asked, no file is being created on my storage-card, nothing to dump to You. Not even the dump directory is made.
What do I do wrong here ?
To my issue :
First I noticed that the radio update is available here only as 1.04.02
My system tells me I have 1.04.10 delivered from origin. If I do a ROM-upgrade, do I loose my "radio", or will it not be touched ?
Connected to this, can I dump my "radio"-files seperately ?
WinRAR. Issue solved !
Backup : I was at the buzzdev.net link before. But I actually do not even understand where I can get or see the task32 language he dumped on his screen. And I understand that I will not be able to restore it without help anyway. So this is not really the kind of backup I want.
The information about Vodafone, where does it come from ? when is something expected ?
For security sake only.
I am getting nearer to make that final step ;-)
My Winrar was too old, I could unzip the .zip file to a .exex, but I could not unzip the .exe file further. Just downloaded the latest Winrar, now I can see all files included in the provided .exe file.
1) I understood that I should delete the original upgrade-file called ROMUpgradeUt.exe.
2) When I start the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe in a seperate directory with the rest of the files from the .exe I get to see a different HTC device. When I continue, it will not recognize any of the versions from my Universal. I felt unconfortable to continue.
Can it be done without a problem ??
2a) I renamed the ms_.nbf AND radio_.nbf and restart the Utility, it still shows a photo of the wrong device, but it now does recognize the versions of Device CD image version : 1.13.56 Device Extended image version : 1.13.163 and Device Radio image version : 1.04.10
It confirms to change to CD image version 1.13.53 and leaves the extended image version : "empty" as well as the Radio image version : "empty"
Does this mean that by taking away the ms_.nbf and radio_.nbf files I can stop the device from upgrading the extended rom and the radio ?
Why I ask ? Because if I renamed ms_.nbf back and ONLY radio_.nbf is unavailable now, it shows to change the Extended Rom too, but the Radio image is still empty.
Finally if I rename ALL back, it shows to change all, but all version numbers are older once ;-(
Main question here is, can I leave radio_.nbf away, upgrade and hope for radio to be my version 1.04.10 ?
I'm back.
I'll PM you Upload information...
private information are not copied.
Only if you have saved private information in your /windows/ folder!
i have never being asked to agree for program access :?
...but I started it of the root-directory of my device.
what is the name of your 'Storage Card' folder?
I not realy have the info from Vodafone, but for all devices before there have been more than one update. But I can't tell when the first update is expected.
If you are trying to make a backup: you will need a terminal program
About dumping
So I have a complete "new" device now.
Did a hard-reset, after which I did not give any new information to the device.
I placed the .exe file You gave me in the \windows\startmenue before, after which it is asking tonloads of access requests.
Now I replaced it in the root-directorym Yes, no additional questions asked anymore, perfect, well NO. As there is no directory made on the storage card. I tried it once with the async active and once with the device seperate. No result.
Any ideas ?
what is the name of your 'Storage Card' folder in your root?
As the device is German, it is called "Speicherkarte"
and renaming is not possible (allowed)
OK this is the problem, I'm trying to get the Source code to change that.
found something: this tool will change the folder name from different languages to "Storage card" which is often needed for different tools
About my question, as I am still nervously waiting (cannot start the upgrade before You got your data, can I ;-)
Did I understand correctly, that the file MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe is made for different devices from HTC and therefore I do not get a photo of the universal when I start the software ?
If I start the JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.exe I DO get to see the Universal, but of course get the country error.
Did I also correctly understood I can take away the radio_.nbf from the directory and the update will handle both ROM and ExtROM but leave the Radio untouched ?
Will I be entering this "bootloader" status at all, as I do not need any further updates then ? Are there any resets after the upgrade which I SHOULD or SHOULD NOT make to get the device working again ?
Hi bebe,
storage.cab works (be it only after a soft-reset)
The program testwm5.exe is much slower now, so the result is taking minutes now (if not tens of).
Looks like the perfect speed of the program while the storage card (at least for his eyes) was absent, was due to "saving into space"
Will upload asap.
I'm loading JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.exe its at 60%
MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe is a hacked version, of another device.
So the photo should not be important. (Please wait until i have downladed the file, I'm not realy sure jet...)
OK, I have to wait anyway, because TestWM5 is very slow now, I can see file after file and calmly read it. Before it was running before my eyes. I am afraid this is going to take ages.
We are on the same frequency that the dump I am making is from a device WITH Extended Rom installed. I was NOT soft-resetting during installation, so all Vodafone add-ons, are to be there now.
If You need the one without ExtRom as well, please tell me.
The upload works OK, I prepared a directory there, but uploading is to be done after longer waiting time.
Are You afraid the JASJAR file is not good ? I downloaded it because this one was proposed on this forum.
Its not about the ROM its about the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe I'm not sure if ths is the exe file to update a Universal.
I dont have a Universal only a Himalaya and my up UpgradeUt starts with HimUpgradeUt... .
Was this file mentioned in the readme of the JASJAR exe?
my download is very slow... 70%
I only downloaded MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe because it was proposed here (for the Universal).
I have no Readme.txt inside the exe
Well and of course the original upgrade file ROMUpgadeUt.exe, but I was suppose to delete it.
Only file which I can read is RUU.conf :
OK, TestWM5 is finally ready, will do compressing and uploading soon.


HOW I CAN UPDATE MY JASJAR FROM JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301 TO JASJAR_ITA_11346_126_10301_ship??
Thanks and excuse my english
Just unpack/extract the JASJAR_ITA_11346_126_10301_ship file into a directory.
donwload the attached file to this same directory
Run it and the Country ID error will come out, run it again right after, and it should work
what you mean with "download the attached file to the same directory"....which file??
Carlo Salvatore :x
thanks, but the update is ok without country error, but after the reset the screen is black with word: serial and v1.0
sorry...i found out the file you put for download but if i run the rom twice after have the rom and the file in the same directory i have the same error message....coul you please help me?
Carlo Salvatore
carsa read pm
did IT!!!!...thank a lot...
carsa help me in private, please
edoalom hope everithing was fine!
i've the same problem, can you help me, too?
carsa said:
what you mean with "download the attached file to the same directory"....which file??
Carlo Salvatore :x
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I've got the .exe file and it simply wants to self-install in a directory with my JJ. So, which directory should I try to install this then?
Just extract the rom required using winrar or similar (normally done by right clicking on the file and selecting extract)
donwload the file "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe"
Copy this file into the directory
Run it and the Country ID error will come out, run it again right after, and it should work
Italian to English
I purchased an imate jasjar in Italy last week. The salesperson confirmed that I can change the language from Italian to English. But when I contacted the Imate people they say it is not possible, Can someone guide me?
Thanks Felician
hanhha2000 said:
Just extract the rom required using winrar or similar (normally done by right clicking on the file and selecting extract)
donwload the file "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe"
Copy this file into the directory
Run it and the Country ID error will come out, run it again right after, and it should work
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Hi hanhha2000, the required rom that I wanted to flash is with a .exe extension behind, how can we use winrar with this type of file, hope you can enlighten me as I have also ran in Country ID Error problems, thank you.
Will this technique work for my i-mate JAMin? im just afraid to screw up my device completely cos iv heard that that can happen
thanx for your help pls reply asap
I've the same problem. can you help me to solve. tnk
DeVegas said:
Hi hanhha2000, the required rom that I wanted to flash is with a .exe extension behind, how can we use winrar with this type of file, hope you can enlighten me as I have also ran in Country ID Error problems, thank you.
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The way i use is run the update rom and when appear the Country error, open the windows explorer and copy the folder in the temporary folder to a new location, then put the file ...noID.exe in the new folder.

who knows exactly runs "P535 RomTool"?

How it works exactly?
if upgrade WM6 Asus P535 wrong (cheksum error, update fail), we need one nb0 file for repair
we make nb0 file with this program (P535RomTool) and the file incluided in the upgrade (AsusP535.cap)
The command is C:/P535RomTool -d6 AsusP535.cap
and both files (the program P535RomTool, and the file, AsusP535.cap)is in C:
but answer is: can not open file destination
what´s wrong?
Auredelrio said:
How it works exactly?
if upgrade WM6 Asus P535 wrong (cheksum error, update fail), we need one nb0 file for repair
we make nb0 file with this program (P535RomTool) and the file incluided in the upgrade (AsusP535.cap)
The command is C:/P535RomTool -d6 AsusP535.cap
and both files (the program P535RomTool, and the file, AsusP535.cap)is in C:
but answer is: can not open file destination
what´s wrong?
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is it for change rom???
i need to change from spanish to italian....
can u help me?
...and I need to change it from French to Spanish. The Spanish update provided by Asus doesnt work "in the device's version"

