More programs? Please read!!! - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

hi, anyone know how to get programs to show up on the command bar for 2003se? i have a pick to give you a full understanding of what i'm taking about.

by the wifi and bluetooth on the bottom bar

How did you get them in the program bar in the first place? I'd like to have those shortcuts too.
Thanks, M

i'm trying to figure out how to do it myself. its from a guy that posted a review for the xda IIs and he had it on his phone.

Guys, read this thread
I recommend you use phm tray launcher.

I don't see the point in having them there at all. Why not just put them in the start menu or SPB Pocketplus?
If its to monitor running progz fair enough, but for shortcuts it looks untidy and is bound to make the phone less stable, and lets face it, this phone doesn't need to be any less stable

Somehow SBP Plus seems to drain my memory, so I'm looking for alternatives & apperently PHM seems to use the relative empty programbar. I know it's not my home thread, but I stabilized my magician now & can explore new options.
Regards, M

phm is the way to go. here is were you can get it from

Got it, thanks. Will try it very soon as it is a msi & I'm not in the mood to use my desktop tonight.
Cheers, M


Orange Homescreen on non orange phone? (customization)

hello to all
I installed Orange Homescreen on my WM5 blue-angel.
It it by far the cleanest plug-in I've ever used! Two problems though:
1. The URLs seem to be hard coded - anyway of changing that?
2. On the contacts "tab" there is an option for speed dial, but it generates an error when I try to use it - is there some other CAB I need to install?
Thank you!
Hi AdmiralAK,
I love the Orange today plugin too, but have had a lot of trouble installing it on the other Rom's for my Universal. Can you tell which files you used to install it :?:
As for the problems your having:
1. The URL's can be changed by editing the Full_one.xml file.
But your still limited to four.
2. In the Orange Rom, some of the files have a lower case t prefix.
Try changing renaming your speed dial executable. It might work :wink:
I downloaded the homescreen cab from somewhere on this board (this was a few days ago so I am not completely sure). I found two versions. One was in the Extended ROM/
(this one I did not install because I had the otherone already installed)
(ok after a little looking I found it)
I am actually using the Orange Homescreen from the Orange SPV M3100 (hermes device) - this is the one that is installed on my Blue angel and it works without a problem. --> I am attaching it.
(I apologize to the forum for postnig the same file again - I cannot find the link to it)
As for the speed dialer - I don't think I have the application installed on my blue angel (I am using the 1.3beta rom from HELMI and I don't seem to be able to find it) in my device - any idea where to get it?
Also, is the XML file that I need to edit in the windows/ directory?
google tells me that the full_one.xml file is in my windows directory...but I dont see it :-/
The CAB from the Orange Ext ROM is just the reg settings, its no good without the files from the Orange ROM.
I'll try the file you posted this weekend [if I get the chance] :?
Yes, the XML file is in the Windows folder.
It works inconjuction with the HomeScreen.dll, with some icons stored in contactsico.dll.
I've added these files and the prefixed t files from the Windows folder of my Universal, I hope they're useful.
Have you tried the file ?
Hmm.. performing back up now.. and going to try it out. Hope it is easy to uninstall.
Ok, tested out the plugin. It is a nice plugin. Make your phone more like a phone than a PDA. It gives you one hand operation by using the direction buttons, making calls and stuff. However, since it will disable all other plugins, I won't recommend others whom uses Today calendar plugins such as Pocket Breeze, TodayAgenda, TodayPlus, etc.. to use this orange plugin. Uninstall is easy.
Screen shot of it here
under the section `INSIDE`. It is the same for smart phone and pda phone. You will see all the options available. And the 'Today' option actually sends you to the (built in) Calendar day view.
Hi, have you used the cab file and zip file above ?
Ok, I tried the plugin posted here by AdmiralAK, on my Universal.
First thing I noticed was it actually ran on the O2 ROM.
Second thing was how small the icons are compared to the plguin built into the Orange Universal ROM.
But I guess that makes sence as the screens are very different sizes. More importantly must of the plugin works fine.
I'm sure a little editing would probably have it all working.
What I did notice is its totally different to the Universal plugin, none of the files i've edited to get the universal version working the way I want it to, exist in this version. Hence the Full_one.xml, t* and .bmh files are not in the Windows folder.
I've gone back to the Orange ROM, as I have it running the way I want and the bigger icons are easier to use on the Universal. But i'll be keeping this version as I may get a TyTn next year.
Cool program. But too bad, limited customizable.
Hi people,
Great software, I was looking to try this on my MDA Vario. Too bad of it's limitations. Good to try out and see how it works.
Though I was thinking of visually designing a kind of similar application and find some great developers on this site to help me create it. Of course if anyone is interested in this kind of functionality.
Anyone already interested? let me know. i hope to have some draft ideas on here in the form of screenshots as soon as possible. but now it's diner time see ya.
I have tried editing the 'full_one.xml' file, then soft reset....however it hasn't changed anything...
did i miss something?
Hi guy,
I've tried to resize the icon of plug-in and it's ok in portrait but no in landscape, I think it's a registry problem for landscape.
I'd like to use the plug-in on no orange rom.
I'll find the way to get more than 4 custom option but i get without icon.
The file full_one.xml is linked with other file of the orange rom so I think that's one problem.
I'd be interested in a plugin like this, that has a few more options [see below] and works on all ROM's.
I have no programing skills or abilities, but i'd help out where I can. :wink:
The Full_one.xml file only lets you edit the Labels and the URL's in the plugin.
I'd like to use the plug-in on a none Orange ROM too.
Then I wouldn't have to kepp hiding my Universal from the IT guys at work. :lol:
The 3 things I'd like to change on the plugin are:
1. Have more than 5 URL's in the Web section.
2. Have more than 4 programs in the Launch section.
3. Have all seven sections appear on the screen [at least in portrate mode][/i]
I'm a littlebit busy but I want resolve this match.
Stay tuned
Concept Orange Homescreen Pimped Beta 0.1
Hi people,
I told ya that I was interested in making the Orange Homescreen even better than it is at the moment.
Image number 1 shows the use of today plugin as we know them. It's just to give an example. All the other screens speak for themselves.
If anyone has his/her own ideas please share them in this thread. I would also like to draw the attention of developers who might be interested in creating this for real, and not just some photoshop images, please let me know.
Hi Shah,
Thats way more complex, than I was looking for. :shock:
But, If this was to be built as a new plugin, hopefully it could be scalable, using a .ini or .xml file. Like the real Orange plugin does. 8)
The only I don't really like, is the other plugins showing as in pic.1.
I have other plugins switched on while i'm at work, and the Orange one at night. I find the empty desktop more relaxing. :wink:
ZaForD said:
Hi Shah,
Thats way more complex, than I was looking for. :shock:
But, If this was to be built as a new plugin, hopefully it could be scalable, using a .ini or .xml file. Like the real Orange plugin does. 8)
The only I don't really like, is the other plugins showing as in pic.1.
I have other plugins switched on while i'm at work, and the Orange one at night. I find the empty desktop more relaxing. :wink:
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Hi ZaForD
The complexity is actually quite limited. Because if you use the plugin most of the options are the same. Most of the items are just additions to the rest of the plugin.
And for the pic 1. I can image it's not that nice. But with input we can work on making it more general so that people will like it.
Personally I would like to have the standaard Today screen plugins visible because they are still usefull.
It's also a possibility that all the items are configerable to meet users needs. For example standaard options like the original homescreen for users that want the basic functionalities, and advanced options for users who want more options. so that every page is user configerable.
Anything is possible in Photoshop haha. but seriously if there are any developers who are interested please leave a note.
I stopped using the plugin - no matter how much I liked it - because it did not show me tasks tat need to be done.
I would be interested in something more complex than it is now (at least show me my tasks) but maybe not as complex as the mockups. scalability would be cool
What do you think he is trying to do?
Any updates on this?
I have a Prophet and tested the plugin, however there are some things that I can't edit (cause I don't have an Orange ROM)...

What was the name of this app?

I lost this .cab for this app I got from one of Custels threads but for the life of me I cant find it again. I think it was called O2 or something that allowed you to have shortcuts on the Todays screen with tabs and I think it allowed you to end running programs also.
Anyone know where i can find it or whats its called?
x-button 1.5
ironape2 said:
I lost this .cab for this app I got from one of Custels threads but for the life of me I cant find it again. I think it was called O2 or something that allowed you to have shortcuts on the Todays screen with tabs and I think it allowed you to end running programs also.
Anyone know where i can find it or whats its called?
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Sounds like O2 plus
Thanks for the quick reply but I dont believe thats it. The program allowed you to have app shortcuts for whatever you had loaded on your phone. It also allowed you to have these shortcuts seperated by tabs. choice of large or small shortcuts etc etc. The close software function was on the lower right corner and looked like a white ball and when you clicked on it it gave you the close apps or configuration options. Hope thats a bit more clear.
Does it look the third bit of the screen in this post?
If so - that's O2 plus
If it is -- there's a download of the CAB later on in that thread - about 2 pages on
may be iLuncher?
I think this is o2 plus, if you can wait till later I have a cab for version 2.3 which I use, it also allows profiles etc on today screen.
I do believe you are talking about SPB pocket plus.
This may be the one.
It was o2 plus... Thanks a million guys!

Ideas for B&B version 4.2

I know that 4.1 is only just out & I think it's brilliant. I'm spending every evening checking new posts and playing with my phone like never before. So, before the 4.1 thread becomes the next thread with 1200 posts, I thought I'd start a new thread for ideas for 4.2
Tom - before I found the magic that is B&B I was using Wisbar Advance desktop and an application called innesoft address book which had a great feature that when someone called you, their photo was displayed full screen with their name (see thumbnails) rather than just the standard windows window.
Any chance you could devlelop something similar for 4.2 !!!
pna said:
I know that 4.1 is only just out & I think it's brilliant. I'm spending every evening checking new posts and playing with my phone like never before. So, before the 4.1 thread becomes the next thread with 1200 posts, I thought I'd start a new thread for ideas for 4.2
Tom - before I found the magic that is B&B I was using Wisbar Advance desktop and an application called innesoft address book which had a great feature that when someone called you, their photo was displayed full screen with their name (see thumbnails) rather than just the standard windows window.
Any chance you could devlelop something similar for 4.2 !!!
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Here is something that may hold you over, I am still trying to figure out how to use the caller id without the actual slide to unlock, bit here is something to tide you over, jsut a thought
Have a pretty much full screen keyboard for texting in landscape mode? The text appears at the top?
Is there a way we can assign a button to lock the phone rather than go thruogh the menu?
Anybody knows if it is legal to include trial versions of apps in cooked rom?
Was thinking rom with included sktools, english dictionary of some kind, IM+, resco explorer, spb gprs monitor included on rom would save time and space. Apps included would be trial versions and ppl haveing bought them could just enter activation keys/serials, others could buy app if thy liked it.
kakainis said:
Anybody knows if it is legal to include trial versions of apps in cooked rom?
Was thinking rom with included sktools, english dictionary of some kind, IM+, resco explorer, spb gprs monitor included on rom would save time and space. Apps included would be trial versions and ppl haveing bought them could just enter activation keys/serials, others could buy app if thy liked it.
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This would be a waste of time and energy for most, these Roms are made to be efficient, the least amount of space used so that you as an individual can place your desired programs, once a rom is built there is no removing/uninstalling of any apps, hence the reason to not put trial versions into a rom, I use several of the above mentioned, but to "Bloat" a rom with them would be ineffecient. Best thing to do is install on your sd card, keep all your initial install cabs in one folder and use that as your rebuild folder. Cheers.
Juice05 said:
Have a pretty much full screen keyboard for texting in landscape mode? The text appears at the top?
Is there a way we can assign a button to lock the phone rather than go thruogh the menu?
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This may assist you in this matter, Cheers.
Is it not worth remembering that everyone has a different list of killer apps they MUST have on their device?
If Tom & Meschle etc added every app - the rom would only just fit on a 40gb hard disk!!!
To my mind - the idea is that the cooked roms are a basis onto which you install your own apps to make your own device work?
Constanlty asking for new apps to be added to a rom just complicates the issue. Or am I wrong?
something so i can remotly use my desktop via PPC
then im complete
automated network setup like in the O2 WM6 Premium 1.0 WWE rom
Extended timers & alarms application
I'd like to avoid installing SpbTime on each version
Great job!
OK, i agree, rom should be as slim as possible, but why the hell there is cube, psshutXP, PHM regedit/traylaunch, and office mobile on it then?
Could make an ultra lite wersion. (=
P.S. Dont get me wrong, i think 4.1 is great and it is a lot faster than O2. Just throwing around ideas about how to make it better.
with my original post, I was not really asking for a copy of the app, just would like a much bigger photo to pop up with caller id and liked the look of the inesoft one.
Tom - what do you think?
Just trying to make the ROM easier to use, more efficient.
B&B 4.1 is far better than original ROM from this point of view
TouchFlo for example helps to have everything we need with a single finger move..
Phone app is a lot more usable also.
Perhaps also the possibility to customize HTC Home by default, with more options (number of apps in the launcher, ..)
i don't think that is constructive to add as much apps, i can imagine, when it's released, everbody is shouting "this is not good" and "why did you use this app and not the other one"...and so one. I like it clear, not too much apps...but that's my opinion.
If i want it with all apps included then i start (to learn ) cooking my own ROM... IMHO i am very satisfied with the work that Tom is doing for us all. And 4.1 is just released. Enjoy it and let Tom make a break. He is hard working all the time!
Plugins for new version
Alarms extension (SpbTime style)
USB PenDrive emulator (WMstorage style)
Phone call recording (Audio Recorder style)
Thanks for B&B! Great job!
i have a great idea
Why dont we support Tom and all off his hard work and all the other wizards here, and stop complaining or asking for more.
like a bunch of kids in a sweet shop.
Improving File access
What I would like to see is the File Dialog Changer, I don't know who has heard of it but it is very good! Usually when you want to save files or open them in any application you get access to you My Documents folder. Only some smart apps like TCPMP and others have the option to access your entire pda.
File Dialog Changer changes the way you access your files in opening and saving them for every application, it's just 50 KB and you can activate / deactivate it in System Settings.
bbracer16valver said:
something so i can remotly use my desktop via PPC
then im complete
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And about your wish I can only say that there is already Remote Desktop for WM6, I think I've downloaded it in the Wizard forum. Or use PocketVNC, that is the pda version for VNC. I am successfully using that with TightVNC on my computer. I just have to be in range of my WLAN and can turn on my computer by sending a wake on lan signal (not with vnc) and then access my computer through pocketvnc or access the files on my computer.
neilhhardy said:
Why dont we support Tom and all off his hard work and all the other wizards here, and stop complaining or asking for more.
like a bunch of kids in a sweet shop.
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Thread is: Ideas for B&B version 4.2, nothing to do with sweet shop
brainstorming said:
Thread is: Ideas for B&B version 4.2, nothing to do with sweet shop
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I think he had a point though. In the whole thread there is not one message of Tom Codon himself. Did you ask what he thinks? Maybe he has a few ideas of his own? After all, it will be his ROM...
Who says it will be B&B v4.2? Why not 4.3 or 5.0? If there will be another version let him take care of the numbers.

Tasks on lock screen app

I was looking for some sort of a solution of this with no luck, any tips welcome.
Basically what I was looking for was an app or a tweak which would show TASKS on the lock screen (the screen when phone is locked and you have to use for example a slider (Miri rom) to open it) since there is so much empty space and there is no reasonable way to put the tasks on Today screen.
Any ideas and tips very much appreciated.
hmm, i think S2U2 is capable of doing this. it is a free screen locking application.
according to the changelog here:
it is capable of doing it, but i've just had a quick look in the applications settings (i have it installed) and can't seem to find the option, but it would be worth a try
S2U2 does show tasks icon the lock screen but it is only a figure(how many tasks are scheduled). If you use the appointments these will show as full descriptions, until completed, and you can have up to 7 appointments over a number of weeks (I think its about 4 weeks).Really good and I have no problems on Duttys Rom 6.5 R11
thanks for the handy pointers, will give it a try.
hmm, so I've tried that and I'm not very impressed. I'm not particularly keen on the whole S2U2, seems a bit cumbersome and overall like an "i" wannabe... there is somewhat the option of displaying the tasks on the lockscreen but as far as I'm concerned there is no way of removing the whole S2U2 interface and keeping just the tasks..which is, ultimately, what I'd want.
Thanks for the tip anyway but don't think this is gonna work.
Can't believe I'm the only one trying to get this sorted(!), it is such a fundamental thing to see tasks frequently without having to access something..even my old N95 did that right.
Anyway, if anyone knew about something, give us a shout.
For years (!) I wanted to have my tasks on todayscreen (and/or on lock screen). I never understood why this was possible only on oldschool-WinMobile-todayscreen WITH special programs (SPB Diary). I believe it's a BASIC feature - and like you I asked myself if really noone needs this?
After getting my new Touch HD I love to have a stylish todayscreen - but I hate not to see appointments/tasks (neither with manila nor winmobile 6.5-today).
So if there is ANY solution: YES I want it too!
I could have probably lived with S2U2 as long as the tasks would be at least showing by themselves rather than you having to press & hold on the icon
...that's like as close it gets to the desired result...future s2u2 update might fix that but again, you have to get the whole app (for locking) to get this small, though very important feature... kinda disappointing...
I`d also like having task on today or lock screen as old non colour Windows CE devices did. Why had disappeared? I don´t know and I can´t understand. I hope somebody can help us.
I want it too please. I would like something like Lockinfo for the iphone.

whats going on here

Hi all,
please excuse the vagueness of this post.
I have just been given a tp2 as a replacement to my td2
My wife also has the tp2 which she got a year ago
the whole look of the phone (software ) is totally diferent
for instance the program page used to list a few progs (your choice) and then you had to hit all progs to get them up.
i am guessing that its a different rom or different version of sense?
also how do i change/edit/remove some programs from the list?
cheers guys
you'll need a registry editor to get the job done here, you can find that in the Theme's and apps section, i'll be back with a link, but you have to navigate to --
and where you see
EnableManilaStartMenu = 1
change the one to a zero and restart the phone, should work.
thanks for that
sorry to be thick but does that just enable me to move the prog icons or delete the progs as well
appreciate the help
thesyntax said:
you'll need a registry editor to get the job done here, you can find that in the Theme's and apps section, i'll be back with a link, but you have to navigate to --
and where you see
EnableManilaStartMenu = 1
change the one to a zero and restart the phone, should work.
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You don't need to edit the registry to turn off Manila. This is easily done from the Today settings.
hi got a regedit prog
but i gat as far as
but cant see enlarge menu
also on the today screen there is no mention of manilla jut htc sense
all i really want to do is lose all the stupid pre loaded progs
stringman said:
hi got a regedit prog
but i gat as far as
but cant see enlarge menu
also on the today screen there is no mention of manilla jut htc sense
all i really want to do is lose all the stupid pre loaded progs
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Different issues, my friend. Sense is the UI (aka Manila versions 2.1 and 2.5) you see when you start the phone. It is on by default, but you can turn it off in the Today setup and use the much less memory intensive standard Window Mobile screen. Go into the Today setup and turn off Sense by removing the check mark in the list and putting a check mark on Windows Default.
As for the bloatware that comes with the phone, anything on the ROM can not be removed except by flashing a new ROM. You can delete shortcuts from your start menu for programs you don't/won't use, but the programs will still be there. Do a search for Crud Scraper, a neat little tool that can 'remove' stuff from specific phone models (it worked great on my Tilt 2). Beyond that, read up as much as you can on modding your phone. This place is a great resource. Unfortunately, easy answers are hard to come by. You have to roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty.

