software for blue angle - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

ok, i dont have the patience to go back to all those topics to find out what the best software is out there to install on my blue angel.
I need to know good software that I can use. LIke utilities and games etc. I still have the original 2 games installed which are immensely boring now.
Any other software that would make my PDA the envy of everyone else?
Anyone tried to make this into a TV remote? Did that work?
Do tell.

I really think you'd better go f** yourself rather than posting this kind of ungrateful and rude questions.

i dissagree with both previous replies here 1) USE SEARCH (if you can't be bothered to search for it, we can't be bothered to tell you)
and 2) thats not a very civil way (and a Bit OTT) to react.

you guys are hilarious.
Rude? heh

Ok, lets give this discussion another angle.
What software have you guys recently used that you really like?
Whats hot?

Go fishing in the Handango River. There's bound to be some software you like there.

You did, after all, say "blue angle"

many apologies hehe... i stand corrected. Wont attempt to be so rude again.
Let me go hunt some software and their cracks now. muahahaha


Fastest WM 5.0 ROM?

Can anyone send my the FTP address for the fastest WM 5.0 ROM I can use on my O2 XDA Exec?
I have 2 links, try them both
Warning: These links may require more than 2 (two) active and working braincells.
Thanks asshole. Seems you don't know how to search either since you didn't send me a link... If you don't have anything to offer to the thread, don't say anything at all.
Windowsrookie said:
Thanks asshole. Seems you don't know how to search either since you didn't send me a link... If you don't have anything to offer to the thread, don't say anything at all.
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"Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics, even if you win your're still retarded"
Bearing that in mind ill just say this: If you searched (or even looked at the first page) you would find exactly what you are looking for, how do you think i learn't all this stuff? not one useless thread like this i can tell you...
"We" don't get paid to help people, so we find it a bit annoying when people ask questions that have been answered at least 5 times already....
Have a nice day
Just looking through your recent posts and almost all your questions have been answered before and/or are in the wiki so I'll just give it to you again in case you missed it before
Yet, You still haven't show me a link. I dont see anything on the front page like you said. And that's good, you shouldn't be paid, because you're doing a horrible job.
Windowsrookie said:
Yet, You still haven't show me a link. I dont see anything on the front page like you said. And that's good, you shouldn't be paid, because you're doing a horrible job.
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to quote a great sig:
"Give a man a link, and he will solve his problem that day. Teach a man to use search, and he will solve his own problems for life."
Really, all this and you could have spent 5 minutes searching and had your answer by 12:00 (GMT)
Here's a new one...
"I don't know the answer to the question, so I'll post a stupid reply and ruin the thread."
Both the 1st and 2nd pages of this thread contain WM5 ROM threads, perhaps you could read them, discover the +'ves and -'ves of each one and decided for yourself?
Some people...
No, there's not.
I beg to differ
Just a few that caught my eye
See, That wasn't so hard. I was searching for threads with WM 5 in them, and non show up in the results.
Oooooo... that was a funky 5 minutes, eh??? Now now children, let's not upset the ROM builders
I am also very very curious about this human behavior:
People would ask before they think;
People would post questions and request for helps (and angry about not getting any help from perfectly strangers), when they do not want to invest their own time to read through the threads which contain the answers they have been looking for. Obviously, they prefer to waste other people's time...
The same questions have been answered over, and over, and over, and over, again, and again, and again, ...
Learn the lesson, RTFM (Read The F*** Manual), or RTFT (Read The F*** Threads), ...
Put your handbags away children.
It's not hard to look around a bit for information before asking - the layout is such that you can probably find what you want easily.
But coming back with a sh1tty reply is not helpful and doesn't add to the atmosphere of what is generally a good board.
That's my two-bob's worth. A bit of common sense and civility goes a long way. hehe.
Its been a long time since i've been part of this grate forum, i always use a search and 90% of the time i find thread or post which is relevent to my quary.
Search can be the best tool for some body if peoples know how to use it.
You know sometimes people tend to get nervous and impatient to look for something around!!
Then you only need to handle them with some kinda care huh? Needless to say a little time and bengo, there you'll find it. Just open up your eyes and look around dont be so spoon-fed!!
Seriously windowsrookie, educate yourself by looking through the universal topics on WM5, otherwise you'll probably screw up your machine when updating it anyway.
Spend a bit of time on it mate.
tyl said:
Seriously windowsrookie, educate yourself by looking through the universal topics on WM5, otherwise you'll probably screw up your machine when updating it anyway.
Spend a bit of time on it mate.
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Well said, tyl. A bit of research goes a long way... I foolishly upgraded my radio ROM before properly reading the boards and fried my universal. Totally pointless excercise since there was nothing wrong with the original ROM.
Lesson's don't have to be learnt the hard way
Geez, I can't believe we still get people like windowsrookie who goes around wasting people's time (let alone his own time). Seriously, just search, search and search!
It should be the case that a noob can't post until he's done so many searches ROFL!!! (look at my joining date!)
As a famous green guy once said... "You are young, but you will learn."

Moving On already.... Lets find a solution

This is my second post but I have flashed many times and have ended up with wm black 2.0. I have seen a few new threads now pretty much discussing the same issue in regard to the black 2.0 being shut down which is cool and all but at the same time just seems to be going on and on without resolution. Why not just fix it. Let the people who pissed off jas and anyone else who has been pissed off receive apologize and move on with new rules in place. I would rather see people get banned then lose out on the ROMs I have become addicted to.
This is just my opinion, I am a noob to the fullest and understand I'm probably about to get a verbal beat down but I know most times there is a way to fix things like this with a joint effort.
I would like to see jasjamming and others like him making future updates and not being forced to be selective in who gets it. Especially considering I am a noob myself I don't think Ill be high on anyone's list.
Just my .48, if a mod want to shut this down I take no offence, I actually don't even need response, just hoping to make a point. Thanks

WM6 BT interferes with calls, anyone else have this problem?

Hello Everyone. I have a Softbank running the latest black release, and I also updated the radio to the latest one available. I didn't have my handset long before I flashed it with the newer ROMs or radios so I have very little to compare with stock performance. Anyways, the last couple of nights when I started using my BT Headset (HBH-610) more, I noticed my calls would hang and when I check the phone, the signal quickly drops. So I resume the call and it does it again. Finally I turned BT off and just used the speakerphone and I didn't have the call drop issues. It's just a guess but is it possible that the BT is having interference with my calls? If so, how do I remedy this issue? Is there a known radio version that works better with the BT enabled an in use? I apologize for my ignorance on the matter, as I am fairly new to the Windows Mobile world, any help on this is greatly appreciated.
It's morons like you that make JJ loose his cool, and pull ROMs. Before you post something, starting a NEW THREAD to ask a question that belongs on an existing thread, try to learn how to use the SEARCH function. It's not there only for looks.
In fact, it's people like you that make ALL of us on here roll our collective eyes, and mutter something about how much of a ****wit you are. In fact, I keep thinking of a George Carlin quote:
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Now, realize that half the people out there are dumber than that!"
You, sir, have just proven that you are part of that other half.
LegolasTheElf said:
It's morons like you that make JJ loose his cool, and pull ROMs. Before you post something, starting a NEW THREAD to ask a question that belongs on an existing thread, try to learn how to use the SEARCH function. It's not there only for looks.
In fact, it's people like you that make ALL of us on here roll our collective eyes, and mutter something about how much of a ****wit you are. In fact, I keep thinking of a George Carlin quote:
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Now, realize that half the people out there are dumber than that!"
You, sir, have just proven that you are part of that other half.
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There are some real nasty pieces of work on this board, and some decent helpful, albiet sometimes frustrated members.
It think it's clear to anyone reading your post which half your in. Don't bother flaming me I won't reply to YOU.
I just had to say something, the lack of humanity around here is getting disturbing.
I'm assuming your thinking that I thought the problem exists because of the Black Firmware. I appologize if that's what you think I was implying but it is not, I was wondering if anyone in general who is runing Windows Mobile 6 was having an issue. If I would have though it was the Black ROM that was causing the issue I would have posted in that thread.
eaglesrest said:
There are some real nasty pieces of work on this board, and some decent helpful, albiet sometimes frustrated members.
It think it's clear to anyone reading your post which half your in. Don't bother flaming me I won't reply to YOU.
I just had to say something, the lack of humanity around here is getting disturbing.
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here here... I've been doing a hell of a lot of reading on this hermes unit, like I did with all my dell axims before it. During this reading I've come to the same conclusion. Very well expressed, Eaglesrest.
I'm with LegolasTheElf here, there are a couple of issues with BT and Black 3.01, which if the person in question had bothered to search the original post, would have found.
I know it's harsh, but we have to think for ourselves and search the forum before adding to noise that's here!
LegolasTheElf said:
It's morons like you that make JJ loose his cool, and pull ROMs. Before you post something, starting a NEW THREAD to ask a question that belongs on an existing thread, try to learn how to use the SEARCH function. It's not there only for looks.
In fact, it's people like you that make ALL of us on here roll our collective eyes, and mutter something about how much of a ****wit you are. In fact, I keep thinking of a George Carlin quote:
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Now, realize that half the people out there are dumber than that!"
You, sir, have just proven that you are part of that other half.
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Well, well, well. We certainly have sunk to the bottom of the "Trailer Trash" rung.
Can you not express yourself without cussing! (swearing)
This forum is enjoyed by Juniors and ladies. If you don't know how to behave, stop posting!
I too get annoyed with Noob's not reading the posts, but I just ignore them.
Get a life man!

guitar hero

does anyone have a link to the guitar hero cab? greatly appreaciated
Seconded.... except my message is much to short
Me too Please !!
why is everyone so protective of it, ive seen numerous posts on this site with people claiming they have it yet noone wants to give it up. it'd be greatly appreaciated i mean we are all here for the same reason, to help eachother out.
Probably because its copyrighted
just because someone has it, it doesnt mean they are going to freely give it out to anyone. It's not being rude, just selective. For example, if I had this game. I would only give it out to other people that have contributed to this site, not just a bunch of leechers that gain info or software and have nothing reciprocating to offer. And secondly it would be via PM or other communication ways. Not posted publicly on this site (which is against site rules)
Put it this way.... i'm not going to tell you where ( again against site rules) but there IS a site that has this app posted ( cTacked version) but you will need to find out where it is posted for yourself.
spikey911 said:
Probably because its copyrighted
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Quite true, but isnt distributing edited versions of Windows Mobile O/S.
I am not complaining btw without Kavana and Rickys WM6.1 i would be stuck with BT Bloatware.
its really not that great. i was able to nail every song on the highest settings with little effort. its mainly good to just show off. plus you need a good interneet connection to get the songs
nickydash said:
why is everyone so protective of it, ive seen numerous posts on this site with people claiming they have it yet noone wants to give it up. it'd be greatly appreaciated i mean we are all here for the same reason, to help eachother out.
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Why do schoolchildren hide things behind their backs and say "MINE! You can't have it!"?
beartard said:
Why do schoolchildren hide things behind their backs and say "MINE! You can't have it!"?
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so you leechers keep your grubby paws off
I'm not a leecher. Never asked for a damned bit of your warez (I always hated the whole fake-music genre of games), but it seems like I hit a nerve with that comment. Guess if you have it, you're a leecher.
All I was saying is that having something like guitar hero makes certain people feel special...because they have it and others don't. If they let it out too liberally, just like the child in the schoolyard, they're not special anymore because everybody is the same again. They lose the "look what I got and you don't" shine.
It's a nasty attitude and shows that people really don't grow up. If you don't want to give it out, you really don't have to say anything at all. But it's the schoolboy in you that has to yell "MINE!"
To the original poster, Guitar Hero III mobile is available online. T-Mobile has it in their downloads as well. And I'm not sure who told you we're all here for the same reason: to help each other out. There are quite a lot of people here who feel they're at some elite status and can't be bothered with people who are where they were, say, ten months ago.
problem is, that most people dont contribute to this site ( or at least this forum) they sit here asking all sorts of questions, but never offer any help to others. Im not an eliteist.... i did what most techy type guys most like did when they first got their phones, they dabbled with it, figured crap out for themselves, and when they didnt, they found the almightly google for help. Once they started to put 2 & 2 together with what their phone could and couldnt do, they started offering help to others, and i stress help. Help is not giving out software that they have and saying: " here ya go! " help is actually resolving someone elses problem. and i hardly think that a software request is a problem. For those certain individuals that i've seen on this site actuall make a signifigant contribution to help others that are in need, when they've hit me up for software, i've always hooked them up, but for the ones that "hit & run" and have not had anything to offer to date, i dont give them anything. (and i stress give). its not like im going to be seeing these people on what you call the schoolgrounds anytime soon and i dont really care how many people have the same software i have. i do feel that some deserve it and some dont , based on their merit. simply googling guitar hero III and finding a thread in this forum, finding out that there is a guitar hero III for the mobile phone and then requesting it is not contributing anything in any way. ( BTW i've been with this forum since nov of 2006 and have had a smartphone since WM2003 so i dont know where you are getting your 10 months ago figure)
Nah, dude, that wasn't meant as a slight to you. I can't disagree with anything you wrote. I'm fairly new here myself (though I've had a smartphone since I had WM2003 on my Samsung SCH-i600 with Verizon). I joined it because it's a relatively well-respected forum in the smartphone community and a place that everyone asking questions elsewhere is sent to.
The problem is this forum just lacks moderation and organization. Being new here, I feel sorry for people just showing up and having to dive through this mess. Yes, a lot of questions get repeated. But it's fiendishly easy to say "" to the point that over 80% of a user's posts reflect that..again, without giving any real help. It makes the community look bad as a whole. That's what pisses me off.
I think being called a leech kinda set me off, too, since there's nothing on my phone (except the ROM) that's not either bought-and-paid-for or freeware.
im not calling you specifically a leech. im calling the people with 2 posts, one being "hey, can you also send guitar hero to me too??", leeches. they are the same retards that post 400000 times "HELP! ZOMG!!! I FINALLY GOT THE ROM TO WORK BUT MY KEYBOARD LAYOUT IS MESSED UP". ya know what i think of that? **** YOU AND YOUR KEYBOARD. if you are too stupid to read or use the SEARCH function (not google), then you are too stupid to use a phone like this. i realize that most are just lazy and are above searching for the answer or reading a few them i also have a heart felt **** you.
if someone has 50 or 100 posts and asks a silly question, i will gladly provide the answer if i know it. but the guy with 2 posts in 6 months can go find it himself.
when your first reaction to an issue you have with your phone is to post it in a new dont deserve help. how about doing some of the legwork yourself instead of posting "i NEED a step by step set of instructions blah blah blah". what you NEED is a kick in the nuts.
and if you really feel that by us saying "go do a search the topic has been discussed 4500000 times" makes the community look does the community look when you have a bunch of posts by people with 2 post to date, asking all the same questions as eachother? i think its retarded that some senior users actually have to use their signatures to list step by step instructions for some of the most talked about topics, just so they dont have to type it for the 10000th time. hows that make our community look? makes it look like there are a handful of people that know what they are doing and it makes the rest look like a buncha n00b tards that are leading eachother down the stupid trail.
SO damn true!!! On that note LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO
Dont worry gixxum , in all kind of forums there are newbie that made all kind of Questions, there are other that helps to this newbie and there are other how you that say **** to this newbie, it is normal, there are everything in this world.
satru said:
Dont worry gixxum , in all kind of forums there are newbie that made all kind of Questions, there are other that helps to this newbie and there are other how you that say **** to this newbie, it is normal, there are everything in this world.
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at the risk of sounding rude.... what?
Mikey1022 said:
SO damn true!!! On that note LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO
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gixxum said:
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Don't go there....AGAIN!!! lol
This seems like De Ja Vue
I only hope that you helps me when and make a Question and you know the answer because i have in 1 month more than 50 post.
gixxum said:
if someone has 50 or 100 posts and asks a silly question, i will gladly provide the answer if i know it. but the guy with 2 posts in 6 months can go find it himself.
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eta for working camera and sound?`

Hi, I'm using android on my tilt 2 right now and like it quite a bit. However, I won't use it full time because it doesn't have sound support or camera support, or bluetooth lol.
Do we have an ETA for those things?
Also, would someone please instruct me as to how I can find/measure the hardware interrupts of the device so that I may pass the info along to some other developers I know who don't have an HTC phone.
i feel a flaming coming on... you might want to read some threads before speaking in here...
It's an honest enough question here.
I don't mean to seem impatient, because i'm not. I'm happy with what there is. Was simply wondering, especially because I may be able to contribute to the project.
If you're going to flame though, I guess it's time to get your caps-lock on. Won't bother me.
You could have asked this in one of the main threads... or used the search function to search for your answer which has been all along "when we get it we get it... no eta"
Seems pointless to start a new thread on this thats all
smithisize said:
It's an honest enough question here.
I don't mean to seem impatient, because i'm not. I'm happy with what there is. Was simply wondering, especially because I may be able to contribute to the project.
If you're going to flame though, I guess it's time to get your caps-lock on. Won't bother me.
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No one questions your honesty. It is just that this topic has been discussed ad nauseum. It would have been easier for you to just to do a simple search.
...It's an honest enough answer here.
HeXeD said:
i feel a flaming coming on... you might want to read some threads before speaking in here...
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haha.. a good roast always teaches you to use the search function anyways .lol
smithisize said:
Hi, I'm using android on my tilt 2 right now and like it quite a bit. However, I won't use it full time because it doesn't have sound support or camera support, or bluetooth lol.
Do we have an ETA for those things?
Also, would someone please instruct me as to how I can find/measure the hardware interrupts of the device so that I may pass the info along to some other developers I know who don't have an HTC phone.
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Last I heard was something about by July, but refusing to lock it down to a specific year.
no1 knows man, it will come out when it comes out ,just gotta wait
This question has been asked many times in this forums, but at the current state for the Rhodium, we don't have drivers for the sound from what I have heard.
As for bluetooth, I am not sure what the current state is, but I heard that the bluetooth is a completely different from other devices that HTC has made.
Maybe we should make this a sticky for those who can't read too good or are too lazy to use the search option. Kind of getting tired of going through the main thread and half the posts are just the same regurgitated questions. Or maybe we should create a ban if the same question has been asked more than say 3 times.
If you want to help there is some IRC channel or something I think I remember reading. or PM phhusson maybe? He seems to be heavily involved.
In case you didnt notice, people are a little sensitive about the sound/camera questions around here. Probably because they were flamed for asking it too It almost like it is the first question everyone asks when running android for the first time.
cameraand sound?
I think that's like asking when exactly will Windows Phone 7 come out, or when will the next solar eclipse be, maybe even, where did you put your keys last?
When people get it to work is when you will have it. I don't think anyone knows exactly how it works, something to do with hardware issues, so until it's cracked/figured out there can't be a date.
roast him !!!!
kawasaki9r said:
I think that's like asking when exactly will Windows Phone 7 come out, or when will the next solar eclipse be, maybe even, where did you put your keys last?
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That's it! I now know we're getting sound and bluetooth on July 11th this year, at precisely 19:34:38 UTC!
Sorry, couldn't resist Gotta admit, eclipses are really interesting things. Maybe read about 'em to pass the time while the chefs continue do their awesome work on these difficult technological puzzles.
some of you guys are funny and make jokes about it which is funny and tolerable, but then we have those "followers" that repeat what is already stated (roast em this and that it was said already really how many posts do we have to see about that.) its a forum, it a community and give positive help and stop always cherping because a. u probably didnt have the nadz to roast anyone and b. really you didnt have to come to the post to read it you could have easliy went to the next one. its ten times easier to give help and pass a joke damn stop being so uptight become a leader not a follower...pretty much everything is unknown till they release it or they mention it on the site, but feel as thou the camera will probably be the last thing thou if they do get it to work properly (all speculative based on the fuze)
A good read:
Well, it's good to see some positive feedback on here
I appreciate all of your guys' answers!
I came accross this video on youtube:
It is showing a working speaker while in-call @ 4min.
How's that possible ?
I guess it was a mistake making the ARM9 launch the rear-speaker when in call, but can't that help ?
Scotchy49 said:
I came accross this video on youtube:
It is showing a working speaker while in-call @ 4min.
How's that possible ?
I guess it was a mistake making the ARM9 launch the rear-speaker when in call, but can't that help ?
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he was using the speakerphone when he booted android. you know, it seems a lot of crap is dependant upon being active in windows for it to work in android (keyboard backlight, front hardkey lights, etc.). i wonder is there a way to make everything active at boot time, like camera, speaker, etc etc. not saying it would magically make the stuff work properly, but might make it easier to mess with some stuff to try n get it working ?
I was thinking the same thing, I tried playing music when I started up android.. no luck, and the speaker phone is just a line the the startup.txt if Im remembering correctly

