XDA IIi ROM Update for Israel orange user. - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

I have problems with my bluetooth headset and was advised to update my XDA IIi ROM.
Where can I found ROM update vesion?
I found in http://www.my-xda.com/xda2i_soft3.html ROM update but it's for UK users only. I am Israel "orange" user.
My devise current details:
Devise: XDA IIi
ROM Version: 1.11.00 WWE
ROM date: 01/27/05
Radio version: 1.00.00
Protocol version: 1337.39
ExtROM version: 1.11.923 WWE

XDA IIi ROM Update - need HELP
can any one please help me?

there is no special uk rom
wwe == world wide english
thats what everybody who use
english language use

checkout there got ROM edited by Pug, special thanks goes to pug


Can I upgrade to a diffirent countries ROM

Hi every one,,
Is it possible to upgrade my XDA IIs to a the upgrades provided in UK ,,
I live in Australia,, and when ever I sign in , to my ,o2 account ,, it says that you device is uptodate,,, no updates available,
but today searching the web found some updates,, such as latest ROM and Radio ROM,,
such as
Xda IIs Applications suite v2002
but it also says that this is for O2 products and only for the UK and Irish customers,
my current device status is ,
ROM Version: 1.31.00 WWE
ROM Date: 12/13/04
Radio Version: 1.02.00
Protocol Version: 1337.32
ExtROM version: 1.31.920 WWE
Model: PH20B
Is there anyone can halp me ,,, and If I do upgrade ,,what the possible negitives would be??
Please explain,
Thanking you for your time and help.


I have a jasjar rom - ITA and i want to know if there the rom upgrade.
My adctual version is:
ROM: 1.13.46 ITA
Date: 09/23/05
Radio Version: 1.03.01
Protocol Version : 42.36.P8
ExtROM ; 1.13.126 ITA
Thank You
Where do you find the Italian Rom?????????????????
Please tell me
Upload it...
Can you please upload the italian rom on the xda developer's ftp?
As your is the first italian release there is no upgrade yet.
All you can do is upgrade the radio stack to the 1.04.02
the Italian ROM it's not yet available for download. i think that in about a month will be.

What is this - UNI_TMDE_12034_118_10600_Ship?

What is this?
has somebody installed this ROM (UNI_TMDE_12034_118_10600_Ship.exe)
It's here
FTP directory /Uploads/Universal/ROMs/ at ftp.xda-developers.com
Thanks in advance. BetoX
ROM Version: 1.13.53 WWE
ROM Date: 23-09-2005
Radio version: 1.06.00 (MANUAL UPGRADE)
Protocol Version: 42.36.P8
ExtROM version: 1.13.137 WWE
this is the german version of the new rom. if you like german language on your phone you should use this one. else you have to wait some days. on tmobile site they say that expacting new English ROM version is comming early januari.

How To Convert Chinese To Engilish

I purchased a Tmobile MDA PRO recently in China. The OS is in Chinese; but the manual is in German. It had be flashed from German to Chinese for local market.
Can someone advise me which WWE Rom is suitable for converting to English? Can I use any WWE ROM or must be Tmobile? Below is the info on the set:
ROM version: 1.00.00 WWE
ROM date: 07/21/05
Radio version: 1.06.00
Protocol version: 42.40.P8
ExtRom version: 1.13.134CHT
Thank you in advance
Any of the universal one from here
will do. You do not need to use the t-mobile specific one.
try this CHT rom it better now , seems you used CHS rom , see link here
I have done it sucessfully. Thanks.

not able to register my O2 at the site

it says the IMEI no. is not recognised.
please help me.
can any1 give me their login details so that i can upgrade my O2 XDA IIi.
i am using english ROM.
also is any1 have the upgraded rom of 2i.
the current latest rom is ---
For English ROM
ROM version: 1.60.00 WWE
Radio version: 1.08.00
ExtROM version: 1.60.44
MMS Client:
does any1 have this.

