Haves and Have Nots for the latest QTEK 9000 ROM update - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

OK, lets start this thread by posting your latest experiences with this ROM update
1) No .NET CF v2.0 - Have to install yourself
2) Camera tested with 4GB SD card without problem (from another forum)
3) Another battery icon (vertical) will be displayed on the top bar when the battery level is less than 15% besides the standard horizontal battery icon
4) Improved battery life

No Line2 functionality

There is AVRCP, however, I think only WMP takes advantage of it. Even then hardware is not 100% compatible with AVCRP and WMP although it (hardware) supports AVRCP.
Other software players look like not responding to it for the moment.

FOSA said:
OK, lets start this thread by posting your latest experiences with this ROM update
1) No .NET CF v2.0 - Have to install yourself
2) Camera tested with 4GB SD card without problem (from another forum)
3) Another battery icon (vertical) will be displayed on the top bar when the battery level is less than 15% besides the standard horizontal battery icon
4) Improved battery life
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This is good, but would be more helpful, if you could say in comparison with what ever other ROM may have the feature that is missing - or the limitation. That will make it easier to gauge if the upgrade will worth it, or will leave other short comings that it may not be possible to live with.
I'm running the 1.30.76 WWE iMate ROM (mainly because I used the iMate ROM on my HTC Wizard) but I'm not sure if I would be better off with the QTEK one)
The iMate does have some sort of operator customisation for a lot of other operators inc TMO UK who I use - is this present on the QTEK? - I still have to setup WAP & MMS manually
What apps are installed by default with QTEK - in comparison with iMate (I believe SKYPE is missing on QTEK?)
The .NET CF 2 being missing is mentioned above - what ROM does have it installed by default?
Is the skin for the phone application the same on these 2 ROMs (I much prefer the rounded buttons in the iMate ROM to the horrid square things on TMO ROM)
Thanks - as ever this is a great resource.

Hi cliffai,
I have not tested any other manufacturers' ROMs as I'm having the QTEK 9000 set
My comparison is more with the QTEK 9000 shipping ROM
"The iMate does have some sort of operator customisation for a lot of other operators inc TMO UK who I use - is this present on the QTEK? - I still have to setup WAP & MMS manually
What apps are installed by default with QTEK - in comparison with iMate (I believe SKYPE is missing on QTEK?)
The .NET CF 2 being missing is mentioned above - what ROM does have it installed by default?"
NO - Both QTEK's shipped ROM and this latest version do not have operator customisation. No problem with manual settings for me.
NO - Skype is not installed by default for both versions. I don't use skype. I believe skype's importance cannot be overlooked once wireless broadband becomes common.
NO - .NET CF v2.0 is not installed in both versions too. AFAIK its not installed by default in any PPC. However, a growing list of programs using .NET CF v2.0 is something that cannot be neglected, here:-

QTek is better, I think.
Both two I have tried. Qtek I prefer. Qtek is more simple and elegant.

the qtek rom is the way to go if you do not want customization as it gives u loads of free space, even if u dun soft reset within the first 3 seconds of a hard reset.


How to get more program memory (RAM)

I have to admit that it was by mistake (actually I was looking to get rid of the t-mobile phone skin) that I stumbled over a nice way to get 10MB more program memory out of the MDA Pro:
Change from "1" to "0"
as a result of that, you cannot make videocalls anymore, but you can change this setting back within 2 minutes...(resco reg editor brings up the latest entry at startup so its right there, and then warm reset) and the ugly t-mobile skin is gone and replaced by the original nice blue windows skin.
I also squeezed 3 MB more by installing the ext.ROM of the qtek instead the one of t-mobile, since qtek is just 0.5MB vs 3.5MB from t-mobile. I did not really find a difference in performance.
Does anyone know of any similar "simple" tricks that would release more memory? at what ever price, but everyone has different needs, so it may be an option for some people?
check the WIKI!!! weve added alot of WM5 reg tweaks to it now, mainly making teh phone to what was expected when getting it out of the packaging!!
Actually I have (and that is where the the phone skin thing comes from)
but it did not mention that not only you loose the skin but also the video phone feature and gain 10MB..so actually I am wondering if this happened to me only because I am using the combination of t-mobile ROM and qtek ext.ROM??
and then: none of the reg hacks in wiki seem to free up some RAM (at least as far as I can tell..but I really am just a little better reg. user, I cannot write one line of code...)
When you say your program memory increased by 10 Mb, does it mean that you now have 55 Mb of memory avalable?
I have a Jasjar and i recently hard-reset my device. When the Ext.Rom was about to install, i soft-reset the device. My device i now 40% faster, and i am NOT exaggerating. All the bloatware from i-mate didn't get installed which is perhaps the reason the Jasjar is working as fast as any other device, SIMPLY SUPERB.
When i go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Phone\Skin ", i get 2 folders with further sub folders and one entry.
The 2 folders are:
1) Dialer (with further subfolders such as Landscape and Portait etc)
2) Progress
The last entry available is "default which has no value set".
I don't see any entry that plainly says "Enabled". Solution?
I've been harping on about the curse of the phone dialer skin since writing VJBigPhone. I was forced to install the skin etc for compatibility, and it makes such an enormous difference, slows things down so much. If you don't care for the bubbly buttons, remove it ASAP. You'll have much faster screen rotations and generally feels snappier.
Also clears up unsightly rashes
Trust me, after resetting the device prior to Ext.Rom installation, my Jasjar is now BLAZING fast and in now way is this an exaggeration.
you see, I have two more entries on that page. below this default string comes the dword "enabled" entry that has to be switched from 1 to 0. and below that one comes the string phcanhtc.dll
What I am observing, is: I did an installation prior to this one, with no ext ROM. that gave me the same amount of program memory as I am having now. the difference is only, that now I have some functions that were missing when I did not install ext rom, for instance I did not have the voice commands. and also not the video calling, same as now.
So what I think is: since you did not install the ext ROM, maybe that is the reason why you do not have these registry entries....because there is nothing to disable, since it was not installed at all? what do i know...lol..
and to answer your other question: my MDA Pro has 50MB of program memory, this value remains unchanged. But, with the skin enabled, I had 17MB (!) after warm reset...(1900 contacts, a few today plug.ins)...and it was hardly viable. And now i have 27....so much better.
Also: i have the latest (german) t-mobile rom (1.20), i find it much more stable than the first one which was terrible. and the qtek wasn't bad either.
(german version too)
Well after taking a rough guess into what all the bmp's are for the dialler and that awquard quickdial pad thing i get around 1.4mb of images the the portrait and landscape backdrops 500k between them, shame they aint removed totally!! that would give 2mb more rom to use.
Someones got to sort a nbf editor out! *wink plz!!! i'd really like to be able to make a rom with all MY apps and layout in it
phcanhtc.dll is surlly whats causing it, what else does that call on, can anyone dicect it?
I also tried a rotate whilst on the phone screen and its dam near instantanious
and tbh i actually quite like this skin, simple, does what it says on the tin.
I use pocket informant 2005 for dialling out normally non frequent numbers, and use the phone app to just do most common numbers from the call history.
non the less its an odd way to get more performance, i like it
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the response.
You might be absolutely right. Since i didn't install the Ext. Rom in the first place, i don't have these entries. Also, at present, i have 27Mb of program memory free which is exactly what you have I was thinking that you actually got 37Mb of memory free which IMO would be Fan-bloody-tastic!!!
Thanks anyways.
AndyME said:
I have to admit that it was by mistake (actually I was looking to get rid of the t-mobile phone skin) that I stumbled over a nice way to get 10MB more program memory out of the MDA Pro:
Change from "1" to "0"
as a result of that, you cannot make videocalls anymore, but you can change this setting back within 2 minutes...(resco reg editor brings up the latest entry at startup so its right there, and then warm reset) and the ugly t-mobile skin is gone and replaced by the original nice blue windows skin.
I also squeezed 3 MB more by installing the ext.ROM of the qtek instead the one of t-mobile, since qtek is just 0.5MB vs 3.5MB from t-mobile. I did not really find a difference in performance.
Does anyone know of any similar "simple" tricks that would release more memory? at what ever price, but everyone has different needs, so it may be an option for some people?
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Hi AndyME
Thanks for this tip. I applied this to my Dopod 900 (Universal sold in Singapore) and my RAM increased from 20M to 27M.
I might just do a hard reset and then follow universaldoc's suggestion of soft-resetting before any Dopod bloatware installs.
On the whole I am happy with the performance of this device as it is now, especially since I upgraded the Radio to 1.60.00.
i a mglad it was useful for you. you can always check the difference between this way and the reset as per universaldoc and see what suits you better.
Hard-resetted my jasjar
Soft-resetted before extRom installation
Result is: everything is working better, from signal level, to phone calling, to internet browsing. Thanks for the tip!
I'm interested to know you guys. I've always done the ext rom skip, but do you find it has any effect on your use of Voice Command. I'm suspicious why someone who didn't do the skip, but is using the same headset, doesn't have the problem I have, whereby the audio gateway is left open and I can't close it by pressing the headset button.
when I once skîpped ext rom, i noticed that voice command seemed not to have been installed (at least I did not see it in the programs)
now, that i just disable the phone skin, i feel i get all the benefits the others are reporting, but i have full voice control support.
but i have installed a qtek ext rom on a t-mobile rom, as mentioned above, and the qtek is just 500 kB while t-mobile is 3.5MB
so it is probably anyway difficult to say what is the content of the various ext roms, they can be quite different i would guess...
I have actually 30mb on reset, if I disable my auto starts, it drops down to 26mb on boot up when I am running:
1. M$ Voice Command (cant get rid of the old, but dont use it)
2. SPB PP (beta 3.1), SPB Diary (latest), and SPB Weather
These are my today plugins and startup folder.
I also skipped the extended rom entirely, and then selectively installed the bits I wanted using total commander to copy the specific extended rom items i wanted, and the phone wasnt one of them, I dont know anybody with the video bit anyway.
Dont use the antivirus...
I think your bluetooth problem might be rectified by te .cab noted as SSD BTUR_Patch_for_BT.
Without the extended rom, and few of the other registry tweaks, I get awesome memory, awesome startup, awesome screen rotations, never hangs except for 3rd party apps, never misses an sms, rings at the beginning of the first ring.
Yes, I agree, the phone video things sucks heaps of resources, skip it if you dont use it.
Mind you, after a day of hardwork, wifi, internet, lots of mail and playing, it does drop down towards the 20 - 15mb mark, but overall, I am happy with it...
So in summary, just skip the rom entirely, and consider just your bluetooth patch file.
simon, what other registry tweaks are you recommending?
Hi all,
allow me to jump in on this subject. Just did another hard-reset this morning to build a new system fromscrap as I had a huge problem (memory was used by whatever and I did not get further then the today screen).
I am using the Jasjar 1.13.53 WWE and have an empty ExtROM. I noticed that if I only install the .cab for BT (SSD_BTUR_Path_For_BT_Cannot_Initial.sa) I get stuck without the smart-dialing. For me it only starts working if I install to more .cab files :
Signed_eCall_vMail.sa and
I am having a system which has 30 M free on startup, but only until I start using ASync to get my contacts and calender in, the system immediately drops down to 24MB after that.
Do You guys know another way of getting the smart-dialling working except for the above mentioned .cab-files ? I do not need the video-call at all, wouldn't miss is at all, so would very much like to get more speed excluding it at all. On the other hand I do not like the original dial-skin and would like to overwrite it with the ones from Vodafone.
Is such combination possible ?
Ruud, I am afraid, I cannot help you..but it is always so frustrating to get no replies...
i have a VPA iV too (MDA Pro was lent for 3 months only and i will have to return it), i understand what you are talking about, the voda skin is sooooo cool...i asked VJ and he told me that:
"You can grab themes by find the *.tsk files in the \windows\ folder. While you're there, grab all the *.gifs and *.bmps that you can. You should be able to reassemble all the themes from there."
since this was only yesterday, i have not had the time yet to do it. i will try though.
also: on buzzdev.net there is a downloadable skin that is basically the voda skin..unfortunately when i installed it over the default windows skin (the naked blue one) it did not really work. try for yourself...
I have so far kept the vodafone installation as is, it has a very small ext rom of just 2-300 kB, and just removed the skin enable command in the registry which brought 10MB same as on the MDA Pro. (and I do not see the beautiful phone skin anymore...
Why actually did you not keep the voda installation? I think the new (german) t-mobile 1.20 is more stable, but it is definitely better than the old t-mobile was. is it your feeling that jasjar is better than voda?
Hi AndyME,
First of all, I have a vodafone because of my contract with them in Germany, but I am actually a Dutch guy living in Russia. There is no need for the German language, actually I do not like any other language then English for everything in electronics, specially software.
My hope that the device would be multiple language was gone at the moment I unpacked my package. So I used the website here to change to english.
I have all the .gif, .jpg and .bmp from the vodafone installation kept for backup purposes, but had to change them to fit to the iMate size. Also not all the transperency is working like I wanted.
Do You know the .cab file necesssary for just changing the skin ?
It is quite some work to install each of them seperately, softreset and if they do not do the trick, do a hard-reset before You try the next. I found out that the combination of the two I mentioned before helps, but maybe I need this DiscoButton as well ?
I have asked this question before, but did not get an answer, does somebody know what thedifferent .cab-files are for ?

What do you gain with WM6?

I have seen a lot of posts about cooked rom etc. Just curious what am I gaining by upgrading to WM6? I see there are still bugs to be worked out and community support is definitley the way to do it.
I am a newbie, and I know the upgrade isn't ready for me but I am tempted to test and help the community out but not sure what additonal features are added in WM6 that I should look for and test?
Also which ROM seems to be a all in one upgrade for the Cingular 8525?
Just the faster navi and app run speed will make u wanna upgrade. btw..seems to be more stable than WM5.
PostDeals said:
I have seen a lot of posts about cooked rom etc. Just curious what am I gaining by upgrading to WM6? I see there are still bugs to be worked out and community support is definitley the way to do it.
I am a newbie, and I know the upgrade isn't ready for me but I am tempted to test and help the community out but not sure what additonal features are added in WM6 that I should look for and test?
Also which ROM seems to be a all in one upgrade for the Cingular 8525?
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Here's a MS press release that you can check out:
As far as which WM6 d/l's out there, you can refer to the stickies in this forum or the wiki.
Your device will faster, stable, nice icons, you get all the benefits from the new upgrade pointed to you and its feels like a new PPC at zero cost.
It's faster!
I can also confirm, that WM6 is much more faster (my subjective impression is about 1.5 to 2 times faster).
And it looks better
Can somebody post a benchmark, so we can measure the benefit of WM6.
Still there are many bugs, and different bugs in the WM6-ROMs.
Speed & Style aren't the only quality-attributes!
PostDeals said:
I have seen a lot of posts about cooked rom etc. Just curious what am I gaining by upgrading to WM6? I see there are still bugs to be worked out and community support is definitley the way to do it.
I am a newbie, and I know the upgrade isn't ready for me but I am tempted to test and help the community out but not sure what additonal features are added in WM6 that I should look for and test?
Also which ROM seems to be a all in one upgrade for the Cingular 8525?
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popularity amongst your geeky collegues.
A resume about WM6 / Exchnage 2007
A resume about WM6 / Exchnage 2007
If you're coming from the stock cingular rom (1.34), everything just feels a lot faster, and much more stable. You'd have to spend some time reading to get some of your cingular specific settings back. A lot of those settings are floating around the boards.
If you're after all inclusive, it looks like threedes released a rom with several added programs. If you just want a rom that feels like stock cingular, check out lvsw. that's what i'm running on my 8525, and it's great.
Some additional functionality as well. One of the small yet convenient features is the ease of which you can add a recently called number to existing contacts. in wm5 i would have to start as if creating a new contact and copy and paste the number to a new one. just my penny and a half
After a week with WM6 I've decided to go back to South African ROM 1.35 and Radio ROM 1.27.
Just too many bugs and minor flaws with WM6 I tried I just felt it ain't worth the hustle. ROM 1.35 was as fast and more stable with programs than WM6 was.
I will just kick back and wait for a possible REAL WM6 rom to appear from operators or something. Better to have a stable phone with less pretty icons than a flashy looking pda with bugs.
And since you can gain pretty much everything (xcept for those icons) with tweaks/utils I haven't really found WM6 to be any better.
But isn't WM6 at least twice as fast on your tytn? Mine is and this is a big benefit. Changed again from the e61 to the tytn..
SPB Soft works like a charm.. BT and WIFi do work with WPA2.. Vodafone works great as well.. Never had a more clear sound..
I wouldn't like to change back..
My personal view is that WM6, at least the version I have used, is no faster then the WM5 I was using. I think the reason people always claim the new ROM's are faster is because it is a clean install, the same thing happens with Windows on your PC.
Apart from lots of small tweaks here and there, there is nothing major in WM6 with the exception of the themed bars being more curvy. It's more of a WM5 with a couple of service packs to me. Still, worth a look.
Definitely noticed a significant improvemnt in responsiveness on my M3100.
Also, less phone lockups /issues I think.(subjective judgement)
steiale said:
But isn't WM6 at least twice as fast on your tytn? Mine is and this is a big benefit. Changed again from the e61 to the tytn..
SPB Soft works like a charm.. BT and WIFi do work with WPA2.. Vodafone works great as well.. Never had a more clear sound..
I wouldn't like to change back..
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Well this 1.35 ROM is as fast as WM6 I had. The AKU 3.3 ROM version I had was slow as hell. Speed wasn't the reason to change back from WM6 but the annoying little bugs:
- Windows Update wouldn't close but using Task Manager
- Turn WiFi Off from the balloon
- TomTom 6 ocassional start up problems
- Soft key setup's little change under Text Messages (Where it used to be New now had Delete)
- Pocket MSN/Live problems (constantly tried to open the GPRS connection after sign off and closing the app).
- SPB Backup problem (couldn't unlock a file)
- WiFi annoyance: Even when there were available APs, the
phone didn't announce it but you had to manually go see if there were any
These problems (that I remember off hand) are the reason why Im not going to use WM6 anymore until some legimit party releases one.
@Steiale: You said WPA2 works. Does that mean you can use WPA-AES encryption? If so: what exact version of WM6 are you using - vanilla, ...?
Thanks in advance,
Can somebody post a benchmark to compare?
2x faster, 1,5x faster isn't much representative.
If a Rom or Radio upgrade is released the signal strenght is always better and always faster and much better battery duration.
If it really was so, we should all have 365 days battery lifetime without charging and always full signal strenght and the program is opened before pressing a button.
Since upgrading to wm6 the most significant changes for me is that it runs faster than wm5 and the pocket outlook (messaging) now does html email
steiale said:
BT and WIFi do work with WPA2...
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Which wm6 rom are you using?
WPA2 is important to me, and would be a reason to upgrade. You do mean WPA2 with AES?
Are these things improved on the mailclient:
- selection of smtp at time of sending (like is possible on symbian), or support for different smtp profiles
- specification of the imap root folder
- bluetooth pan (would love to use this to connect my laptop via tytn to 3G)
Well, after just 1 week, WM6(Most Beautiful Edition) seems
1) much, mush faster than before. Faster than my friends WM5 on Dopod838Pro(Hermes).
2)more RAM even
3)Hmm, looks like I am the only one who likes the delete softkey in messaging replacing the new... Probably because I just use SMS...
5)Faster reboot(useful if you tend to try new software almost every other day).
6)Widcomm can now power up easier(less or no driver memory error). Yeah, for me, the MS Bluetooth stack still sucks for A2DP).. File transfer seem more faster too, probably a pyschological effect from the faster interface..

Sleuth's New Developer ROM (CE 5.2.1238 Build 17913.0.3.0) is now available!

This new ROM is a custom graft containing the Hermes RTM CE/HAL along with some "best of breed" RTM IMGFS components. It is not an RTM variant however, so it does not suffer from reported RTM ideosyncracies. Instead, I started with my very stable aku .3 lvsw variant, changed out the XIP, refreshed the apps, Improved the BT handsfree profile and added 4GB SDHC support. This ROM therefore contains XIP/imgfs components from Hermes, Trinity, Universal and Wizard WM6 builds. As such, it is quite unique to XDA-Developers. M$ has not released these components all in one place for Hermes.
v1.0 of this ROM includes:
SDHC support: tested with 4GB cards
GLYPHCACHE limt re-optimized at 32,768
Mobile Office 2K7
My ATI Imageon patch cooked in
The New Block style CommManager GUI is enabled
HTC X-Button v1.51 cooked into the base ROM. All major bugs fixed!
Windows Live cooked into the base ROM
4MB Paging File
Big Storage
A2DP optimized for highest Fidelity based on hardcore's research.
additional apps: GSFinder+, DotFred's Taskmgr, PHM Regedit, SIPChange, Austinboy's Fieldtest, Adobe Reader LE, Audio Manager, Streaming Player
Windows Update and QOS removed
VoIP optimizatons: dialplan normalized for US calling (default areacode is 262 on 7 digit calls), connect over 3G as well as WiFi enabled
Live Search today plugin is set to use Google and works just fine when spaces are part of the search term
can toggle the phone skin between Video and Non-video modes using lsvw's TweakUI program
The RTM bluetooth Handsfree Profile has been cooked into this ROM. This provides the improved Car Kit support reported in RTM releases.
Like any software created by an XDA-Developer, this ROM is free for you to personalize. I'm not in this for the donations (although they're always appreciated ), rather my primary focus is to give you a better Hermes. So, use this base ROM to learn the ROM kitchens then go make your own ExtROM for this to customize Today Screen etc. Simply add a file called preconfig.txt to /windows to enable autoconfig (you'll need to dump a production ROM to unravel the syntax btw ) to run your extrom at cold-reset startup. Because Preconfig.txt has been removed, the base rom has no autoconfig and will go directly to the today screen.
Free storage memory is about 49MB and free program memory is 29MB. Displayed Today screen items have been reduced and re-ordered in this manner (note: the additional plugins are still present, just unchecked in Today settings):
Live Search
Internet Calling
Owner Info
Email messages
The installer will also upgrade your splash screens to the Gold HTC Innovation theme. Your Radio, IPL and SPL will remain unchanged. However, for best results I recommend running a radio thats at least 1.40. Posters have reported lower battery consumption when listening to 3G streams when running the v1.43 radio. I have not personally verified this yet however.
I'm using OliPro's latest RUU installer in this version and recommend installing using the SSPL option. Vista users: be sure to check out this guide for how to make SSPL installers work on your version of Windows. Or, jcespi2005 reports that with the latest WMDC (v6.1), you can upgrade through CustomRUU normally like in XP. WMDC 6.1 itself can be found here.
note: I run windows XP so YMMV on Mobile Device Center.
Download v1.0 now from RapidShare.
Download Crackberry edition now from RapidShare.
Support/Provisioning Cabs: PM a link and I'll add it here
WPBear's Cingular/AT&T provisioning cab (thanks to Tylr for locating this) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1163312
WMXL Live Cingular keymapping cab (thanks Lurch) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1332269#post1332269
"Bling" in this ROM
Sorry, but there are no fancy today themes, catchy colors or spectacular splashes included in this base ROM. All you get is performance and reliability. Bling is a personal expression, so you're free to add your own.
So, what's on your today screen? Post screenshots! Upload themes & post links and I'll put them below.
CUSTEL's black theme (thanks CUSTEL) http://www.tri-syndicate.com/CUSTEL.tsk.zip (just change the name to CUSTEL.tsk after downloading, its not a zip file). I'm actually running this one now because the block style taskmanager looks better with black menu/taskbars.
v1.0 Release Notes (check back here periodically for updates)
X-Button requires the latest versions of SPB Weather/SPb Time to correct the "Black Font" issue. The latest version of SPB Weather is v1.7.0 Build 767 and the latest version of SPB Time is v2.1.5.
The softkey editor settings are initially out of sync with the actual softkeys. Additionally, you must SR after the first time you use it to get your changes to stick. After that, the program works normally.
downloading now....thanks sleuth! cant wait to try it.
Fantastic! I just got my 4GB SD too. But now I too wait for my SDHC reader to come. I wish my ImageMate was compatible, guess its too old.
Did you replace the rilgsm.dll in your rom with an older one to prevent problems with HSDPA download speeds?
@austinsync: Of course.
This is a custom build containing the best components from many devices. The best way to think of this build is to consider it identical to my last ROM but with the following improvements:
SDHC Support (required RTM XIP)
RTM Sap Profile
RTM X-Button, Streaming Media, Audio Manager
RTM CommManager with the new "block style" GUI enabled
In short its everything the AKU .3 ROM was with RTM improvements.
austinsnyc said:
Did you replace the rilgsm.dll in your rom with an older one to prevent problems with HSDPA download speeds?
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its not only rilgsm champ... once again.. i ask... i thought you left to greener pastures??? or arent they green enough for you???
Sleuth255 said:
@austinsync: Of course.
This is a custom build containing the best components from many devices. The best way to think of this build is to consider it identical to my last ROM but with the following improvements:
SDHC Support (required RTM XIP)
RTM Sap Profile
RTM X-Button, Streaming Media, Audio Manager
RTM CommManager with the new "block style" GUI enabled
In short its everything the AKU .3 ROM was with RTM improvements.
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love the work... but AKU .0.3.0 isnt RTM just quite yet... ... but i do love the ROM great work as usual...
Fantastic! I just got my 4GB SD too. But now I too wait for my SDHC reader to come. I wish my ImageMate was compatible, guess its too old.
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I apologize. Off topic question. Where did you get your 4 GB card and at what price?
walshieau said:
love the work... but AKU .0.3.0 isnt RTM just quite yet... ... but i do love the ROM great work as usual...
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Precisely. This is not an RTM build. Only the XIP and some components are from the RTM release. The base imgfs is from a whole different device
Hi, loading down right now - I´m looking forward to your new rom - sleuth.
Thanks to you and your work and to all you gurus here and your cool board.
In your modified ROM do "taskmgrres.dll.0409.mui" and "taskmgrCustRes.dll" belong to TaskManager X button or to DotFred's Taskmgr?
This all sounds great Sleuth255!
but sorry that I have to bother you with this question..
"can you also make this rom in a Dutch version?" I got the Dutch files from M$ SDK"..
He keep doing what you do!
Thanks Slueth,
I think i may give this one a whirl - will report back any issues.
Thanks Sleuth - just installed and getting my goodlink up and running again. Looks pretty zippy so far. Had to clean up the 3G icon, but everything I generally run has installed fine.
Quick question. You think running Tweak UI and Shadowmites HTC Custom at the same time is going to cause me grief? I like some of the features in each .. so have both installed, but started to wonder if they would conflict (don't see why they should).
shouldn't be any issues running both tweakers weinson.
Hi, I believe this rom is the latest for Herm200. However I notice the transcriber input is missing.
Anyway to retrieve it?
Thanks guys.
Could you possibly post some screen shots? Thanks.
Initial impressions..
First off, Thanks Sleuth!
Everything has gone smoothly with the rom so far. Download uneventful (thanks for the rapidshare link), flash uneventful, activesync synchronization seems faster than with previous roms. Program installations also fast. Cab file installations ditto. Not sure if its due to recent reformatting of my microSD, but I think the rom is also a factor. Usually I have to tweak the file cache settings to get comparable sd access (they have not been tweaked though). HSPDA works out of the box after I put in my carrier settings. Bluetooth paring had a little bump in that the "x" stayed on in comm manager after pressing the icon initially, but I went ahead to bluetooth settings and was able to pair to my 260 plantronics stereo headset. Sound seems very nice. Will have to use it for awhile to judge skips, etc, but none so far using music player.
Nice rom!
Thanks Sleuth,
So far the best, stabile and fast, no issues!

HP iPAQ HX4700 WM6.1 ROM Reviews *ONLY*

Hi All,
After reading some posts I thought it would be a nice topic to start which only has WM6.1 ROM reviews for the HX4700. This way it's easier to see which ROM would be the best for your personal taste. So please only place reviews here and no questions or anything else
Moderators perhaps making this a sticky will be helpful so it's always ontop and easy to spot?
My review of Andy's v1g based on 5.2.19949 (Build 19949.1.2.0), posted 26-6-2008.
Running this ROM since 27 June and sofar very happy with it.
It gives me a free RAM of 34 MB after soft reset and after working for a while drops to 30 MB and stays there while idle. (Running VGAKEY + Wisbar advance v3 + NotesToday in the background only)
Speed is OK and indeed faster then the WM2003SE I had installed for 2 years.
Only drawback is the filesys.exe kicking in now and again, which made the PDA hang twice now. Soft reset made it run again. First time it hang due to installing software onto the device rather then the SD card. Second time was after using PIE. (Note that i've changed the paths of PIE to my SD card now and it did not hang anymore after using the internet)
BT and WiFi are working stable and OK. Infrared still not working in Total Commander CE. (Get "Error in function "socket": function not supported!" Contacted Tcmd support on the error and hopefully the developer can tell me more about what is wrong. (Andy fixed the missing irdatsk.dll, yet still missing the irdastk.dll on my PDA....)
Please note did not test infrared using Beam. (Other posters reported infrared not working on their side using other tools.)
Progs/shortcuts installed in ROM:
[*].NET Compact 3.5
[*]File Explorer
[*]Games (Solitaire, Bubble Breaker)
[*]Getting Started
[*]How do I
[*]HP Image Zone
[*]Office Mobile (Excel,Word Powerpoint)
[*]Pictures & Videos
[*]Task Manager
[*]Terminal Services Client
[*]Windows Media Player
Kozhura & Andy: thanks for the rom. First ROM I used on my HX4700 and a happy start it gave me

Hermes 6.1 19212 Business Edition (Direct port from Kaiser)

With the help of Bepe's old Hermes kitchen and tools from Tadzio and others, I've put together this rather forgettable, yet stable ROM. It's simply a direct port of the TyTN II 19212 6.1 Build which was last build for that model. It does not have Touchflo, but it has all other components and updated icons that don't look like WM2003. It is basically a "flash-and-forget" ROM for those who want a nearly official 6.1 build, yet don't care for all of the "look-at-me" bling and bleeding edge on some of the other devices. It is set up for an AT&T Keyboard, and does not have the 3g dialer. I have a version with the 3G dialer that is also set up for the HTC keyboard, but it's not ready for prime time, and no, I don't have a timeline for its release. I will not include any programs that are not OEM in the RC build or the final build so don't ask. You may dump the ROM and use any part of it at your discretion. Just give props where they're due.
Note: I put this together just like the factory ROM so all of the programs are in the OEMAPPS folder when you dump it. I'm working on making all of the packages come out in the SYS and OEM directories, but I haven't played with the new visual kitchen by Ervius just yet.
-HTC Home with working backlight adjuster (NOT a fix; this uses an HTCUtil.dll from another device that works)
-Voice Command (from AT&T Tilt official ROM; I like it, therefore its there)
-Sprite Backup HTC Licensed Edition (also from Tilt official ROM)
-Adobe Acrobat
-Audio Manager
-Esmertec Java
-Arcsoft MMS
-Internet Sharing
-Voice Recorder
-IA Zip
-Enlarge Start Menu (from Jade)
-Large Title Bar (also from Jade)
-HTC Connection Setup
-New, official WM6 or 6.1 icons for Control Panel items
-Lockstream DRM functional
-Windows Live and OneNote removed
-Connection Setup runs automatically after first reboot
-Mail setup runs automatically after first reboot
Possible issue:
-Someone please check SMS capability and functionality (I currently have it disabled on my account)
There may be other issues with this ROM, so please report them here only. I will fastidiously prune the thread of non-constructive comments and requests such as "Please include (name third-party program) or "How do I flash a ROM?" and "Please make me a splash screen."
Download link: Megaupload
Update 8/20/09
- Build number on splash screen updated to 3.29
- ROM date changed to reflect build date on original Kaiser ROM
- A little better memory usage but not much
- Icon's updated just a little
Really there's no reason to update unless you like your numbers to match. I'm anal like that, so I updated. It's still snappy, stable and looks OEM. Perfect for those of us not on the bleeding edge who also use our devices heavily.
Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YK1VJ21E
Update: 10/20/09
- New Large Title Bar Function (uses pop out at top of screen)
- Vibrate button function restored
- In-call volume now adjustable by scrolling wheel
- HTC Splash Screen added
- Now packaged with 1.54 GSM radio
This is an interim upgrade. I will be releasing a package with the HTC keypad tomorrow. I'm not working on a 3G dialer version right now, as the components are a little different and I can't test it because AT&T doesn't allow for it.
Update: 10/27/09
Why? My new Fuze comes tomorrow because my keyboard is on the blink. Alright here is the change log.
- Animation works
- Bluetooth file transfer works
- Task Manger 1.51 replaces more recent version due to not closing programs correctly
- Somewhat improved memory usage
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8XUQATZ0
I'm going to be hanging out a little bit from now on. Drop me a line if you have any questions or want the kitchen.
Here are screenshots of the today screen, ROM components and device info.
I completely love 19212 or 214 builds! You can flash them, and dont have to reset the phone for days literally! Thanks for the release.
"The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable"
MystaMagoo said:
"The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the interesting build. Will try it as soon as the link works again.
What are the free storage/Ram numbers 4 the rom?
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
chicochico said:
What are the free storage/Ram numbers 4 the rom?
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same as stock ROM. No bigstorage. RAM settles in around 25 MB free on startup and ROM is around 39MB.
BTW, the link is working now.
jwzg said:
Same as stock ROM. No bigstorage. RAM settles in around 25 MB free on startup and ROM is around 39MB.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
seems i m going to flash and see if stable ...pretty interesting
thanks a lot
HTC Tytn
ROM: Shamanix WM6 Ultimate v2 Final
History: VPA Compact (HTC Magician), Jornada 720
Best ROM till now!
Wonderful ROM mate!! I have tried almost each & every Hermes ROM available on the internet till now. But, I'm now settled on your make. It's very stable.
Though, I don't give a damn to the RAM usage.
Keep your good work going. I think you should try building a ANDROID based ROM for Hermes. It'll rock.
this is EXACTLY what i have been looking for
thank you so much!
rom wm6
does it fix the video calling on hermes?
So far, so good. MMS working finally!
Check first post for "update". It feels a little wierd saying that for a 19212 build.
Hello, I installed this ROM to my hermes, it all works great but my bars with Calendar, Contacts and Start didn't change color... Thoes are still green and the rest of rom is gray and good looking.
Did I do something wrong, or should I just flash again?
yea does it come with 3G video call ?
celserv said:
yea does it come with 3G video call ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No it doesn't. Sorry.
Keyboard bug
First of all, thanks for this perfect rom, I was looking for this simple Kaiser Stock ROM since months and months.. Thanks again.
However I've noticed that the keyboard mapping of this rom is for Kaiser. You've the issue with the caracters @, !, ;, etc...
is it possible to fix it with a reg update, or with a new rom?
also, is it possible to add 3G video call?
thanks again for your answer and specially for this rom
Is a radio included with this ROM? The file looks to be much smaller than what I have flashed for the stock AT&T or TyTN (Official HTC release).
Thanks in advance!

