Clear_notify.exe : Please Post this EXE - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Accessories

I tried searching this software on this site, I cant find a download for it.
This software is loaded into the startup folder and clears any duplicates of notifications. Ensures alarms work in PPC.
I think scarybear software developed it, and they have removed the link.
PLEASE post a version here for downloading.
PLEASE state version number if you can
PLEASE state your device OS ( ie WM5, WM2003, etc).
Thanks in advance.

I found this :
I think its the same thing.

Wrong forum for this sort of question....

Your kidding, question about custom software on development forum. Mate cut back on the beers !

Err.... questions about *software* in the *Accessories* forum? There are better forums on this website for your kinda question. That's all.
This Accessories forum tends to be about hardware: cases, car kits, holders, GPS etc. The general 'Universal' forum might be more appropriate.

Here you go...


ROM and Software subforums

As a new user, I am already finding many people looking for software and ROMs.
If a new subforum could be created to contain all the ROMs that people have cooked and (perhaps in another subforum) software/tools that would be useful, this change may allow users to find information much easily and reduce duplicate threads.
A lot of what you are asking can be found in wiki. (roms, How to)
As for sofware if you are looking for something I have found handango a good place to start.
I was thinking more along the lines of unofficial ROMs that people have already cooked. I generally frequent the Wizard upgrading forum and see threads with custom roms on many of the pages. Only roms I found on the wiki were retail/official roms. Also, I noticed that a search using the word "rom" does not turn up any results.
In regards to software, it would be freeware and tools such as lokiwiz, total commander etc. On second thought though, the software subforum may be unnecessary or can just be consolidated into one thread as a sticky.
The search for 3 letter words does not work, there is a post about that in about (thus "new rom" returns nothing.
Roms end up in wiki as users post them to ftp and link then to wiki.
(mods move then to a safe place on ftp and fix the link (if they know about it).
If you are finding no cooked roms in wiki its due to the fact that the cooker did not post them or if he did nobody linked them.
If you feel like adding a good/great/useful software section open a page on wiki, it free for all and that would solve your problem and maybe a few others as well. (in my link there is wiki developement and there you will find a smaple page which will give you a few ideas about how to set up a page).
This forum is more about roms and hacks around roms than software. Software does pop up in general as in "I am looking for a free ftp client".
Not sure if you will ever find a stick for it as threads get long and people will just enter "resco explore" on every other page (as an example).
which side[QUOTE=Tsuioku;1041009]As a new user, I am already finding many people looking for software and ROMs.
If a new subforum could be created to contain all the ROMs that people have cooked and (perhaps in another subforum) software/tools that would be useful, this change may allow users to find information much easily and reduce duplicate threads.[/QUOTE]
Which Side??
Well there are many based on the device
Wiki must have tools
Wiki BA roms
Check wiki for more

No order

Hello, guys!
The forum is super but here is ocmplete disorder. Where are the ROMS?
How can one find a ROM file here?? The forum is huge and the search leads to discontinued results (2008 year)
Can someone point me to ROM file archive here?
I'd demand a full refund of the money you've paid....
Seriously, if you scroll down through this list a few pages, some kind person has compiled a thread with all the links in one place. Search is terrible and you have to spend lots of your own time. Still, it's free.
Man its full of ROMs. Most active topics or most discussed ROMs are showed on first page. U dont need to search, just click on thread one the rom u like. Its noted by Cook, Built, WM version, sense version, and ROM Version.
Its easy as it can be.
But it's a mess here!
No normal instructions. All are outdated.
Well, as it was said - it's free and therefore it's messy.
ROMs here - one file, no Ruupdate.exe , no nothing. Like if any user comming here is a professional HTC developer. I am simple user and i am sick of spending hours of my time by gathring info by tips. Well, like i said -- good forum, but no order.
What are you complainin?
Please just have a look at recent posts as already said.
The threads where you have a lot of activity are the threads with new roms.
There are also plenty of tutorials!
For example this one:
For sure you will need some time to compare different roms and find your best fitting one....which comes with the big choise of roms.
And also there will be little problems from time to time which I'm sure you can solve in a short amount of time.
I can recommend the google search, not built in forum search.
Concerning flashing you don't need to use Ruupdate.exe, it's way easier to name your .nbh file DIAMIMG.nbh, move it to the phone's internal storage and flash directly (see tutorial)
Kind regards and have fun with your new roms
Shark_XXL said:
What are you complainin?
Please just have a look at recent posts as already said.
The threads where you have a lot of activity are the threads with new roms.
There are also plenty of tutorials!
For example this one:
For sure you will need some time to compare different roms and find your best fitting one....which comes with the big choise of roms.
And also there will be little problems from time to time which I'm sure you can solve in a short amount of time.
I can recommend the google search, not built in forum search.
Concerning flashing you don't need to use Ruupdate.exe, it's way easier to name your .nbh file DIAMIMG.nbh, move it to the phone's internal storage and flash directly (see tutorial)
Kind regards and have fun with your new roms
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My complain is that forum is full of unimportant trash in topics and no really helpfull info. Like now, i have found a ROM, flashed it and i lost TouchFlo ) Super!
And no original ROMS, only some outdated.
Well, i am a bit tired reading this forum today within 8 hours to find more or less fresh tut, so i can not tell you exactly what is wrong, but i am telling you - i am professional software developer, not a lamer and not a pumpkin head BUT i lost in this forum, jumping from link to link.
I would delete ALL and put all in order:
Flash (ROM) files here:
Radio files here:
Boot loaders (Hard SPL or whatever it's called) here:
Flashers (Software) here:
Tutorials here:
Discussion here:
Instead i see 13248 topics with xxxxx messages inside and 1% of useful info.
Well, if you take donations then make it user friendly.
I will donate 100 USD to make it in order.
And PS - this is a problem that there are Plenty or tutorials!
Like we say in my language - brevity wit! Try to write the less and put sense the more.
Like when i read - hard SPL... then 100 lines text, cheers to authors and then - a patched bootloader..

Switching to Android.

Hello guys,
I am kevin and i live in europe.
i saw alot about the OS android for the TP2.
i think i have GSM instead of CDMA.
is Android available for GSM?
I see this is your first post at XDA. Please start by reading the XDA rules, it seems you must have missed them:
For future reference, please use the XDA search tool and read before creating a whole new thread for something that has been asked previously. You posted in the correct sub-forum, and it would have only taken a minute or two to find your answer. The link to an installable .cab for the TP2 is below.
Sticky: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [04/23] 2.1 BUILDS AVAILABLE!

Mobile PDA version (archive) not working anymore

Dear Admins
The links to the archive does not work.
Its by far the best way to keep up on threads as it is possible to see threads listed by the date they are startet... Never miss anything
A typical link is: /DEV/HACKING section...
Could someone please get it back.
Martinhdk said:
Dear Admins
The links to the archive does not work.
Its by far the best way to keep up on threads as it is possible to see threads listed by the date they are startet... Never miss anything
A typical link is: /DEV/HACKING section...
Could someone please get it back.
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Sorry to sound like an arse, but what's "does not work" mean?*
I can access it fine, also putting .html on the link gives a different view :
*I'm a programmer, I get so many bugs saying stuff doesn't work.
Martinhdk, thanks for reporting it. We did have an issue with this earlier and it has been fixed since.

Creating a Flashable 4.4.2 Bluetooth Stack for 4.4.3/4.4.4 ROMs

Since 4.4.3 was released, I've had issues with HIDs like Keyboards and PS3 controllers working reliably.
The devices get a key lock issue, and result in repeeeeeeeeeeeated keystrokes, or just no keystrokes depending on when the Bluetooth stream from the device freezes.
For the record, I am not a ROM developer. I do know you can make a flashable zip fairly easily, as described in a few threads here on XDA.
I'm trying to work out whether it would be possible to create a flashable ZIP of just the bluetooth components from Android 4.4.2 and flash those over a 4.4.3 or 4.4.4 ROM.
My thinking is that flashing the previously working bluetooth components would fix the issue, and restore stabilty to the OS.
I'd be very interested for opinions from ROM devs whether this approach could work, or whether loading a previous versions' bluetooth stack would cause more instability.
Pleeeeeeease read the Forum Rules on posting as this does not belong in the Development section, thank you.
Judge Joseph Dredd said:
Pleeeeeeease read the Forum Rules on posting as this does not belong in the Development section, thank you.
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My apologies.
For the record, I did read the stickied post in this forum, but didn't realise questions *about* development were not welcome in the Development forum because I didn't read down far enough when it finally got to the Categories definitions. Maybe this should be promoted up the list a bit in the stickied post? There's a lot of information to parse in that sticky for a first-time reader.
Mods, please feel free to move to N7 2013 Q&A (I take it this is the correct place?)
Again my apologies for the mistake.
For the record, I think I might have resolved this issue.
In Android 4.4, there is a setting in Wi-Fi for Power Saving. Turn this feature off and the issues with key repeats and pauses disappear.

