Unlocking O2 Exec model number PU10 - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Dear All,
I have owned 3-4 HTC phones overall all with O2. My latest is the Exec. I have nowed emigrated from the UK to NZ and although I have paid O2 to unlock my phones, 6 weeks later they still are not. I have to say O2 absolutely suck with their service. They are no longer even responding to my emails.
I have even gone to "unlockitnow" and still been unsuccessful. I'm now stuck with an Exec in New Zealand and can't use it. To top it off the unlockitnow programme seems to be the same one available on here.
My phone details are below and as a "green" user I think the problem lies with the model number PU10. Can anyone help me unlock my phone?
ROM version 1.30.107.WWE
ROM date 04/11/06
Radio Version 1.09.00
Protocol Version 42.42.P8
ExtROM 1.30.162 WWE
Model No PU10
Platform PocketPC
I apologize in advance if this is something that people have alreadt answered, but I'm one step away from throwing the thing out the window!


Please read and help!

Ok, let´s see if I can explain this. I have an Qtek s100. Locked to an operator in Sweden. I need to unlock it but I have searched this site and I don´t find anything that fits this phone. It seems my radio version is old or something. I know how to bootload my phone but has no idea what to do there and how to unlock anything there.
Please explain to me as I am 2 years old .
How do I unlock this phone myself, beacuse I don´t have any money now to do it online.
My qtek s100:
ROM version 1.06.00 WWE
ROM date: 01/06/05
Radio version 1.05.00
Protocol version 1337.39
ExtROM version 1.06.116 WWE
Until now there is no solution for free to unlock the phone. But i would say, a person who can buy such a device would have some cents to unlock it.....
I think one of the cheapest and fastest way is
Hey Stefan!
This site requires a photo id sent to them and I have no idea how to do that. Why is it that this phone is so hard to unlock?

A little help...

Dear All, my name is Carlo from Rome, Italy.
I just got an O2 XDA II (O2 UK version i think) second hand off a local italian forum member (www.telefonino.net).
Cool unit I already love it !!! ;-)
I currently have:
ROM date: 12/03/03
Radio version: 1.10.00
Protocol version: 1337.18
ExtROM version: 1.60.50
I live in Italy where we do not have O2 carrier.
Right now i can use this unit with my italian carrier TIM (Telecom italia). No problem !!!
It works ok with both phone calls and GPRS connections (just finishind doing tests).
My question is...
I'd like to upgrade this O2 XDA II to a newer version of OS such as:
1.72.187 (for permanent GPRS connection and voice calls at the same time right???)
.. or 1.72.181 (for testing Blackberry connectivity which i think it will never work due to carrier restrictions in Italy).
.. what would happend?? Would my unit become locked again to O2 carrier ???
Or ..?? What are other possible problems ??
Which version would you reccomend among the above two ??
I need a link to download version 1.72.187. Cannot find it anymore on to www.sourceo2.com.
Before doing anything stupid i ask you since you all seem to be quite aware of the necessary steps involved with the upgrade/downgrade of O2 XDAs.
I don't know the history of my unit.. i do not know if it was locked to O2 UK or not... no idea... as i said i got it second hand.
I have also already downloaded the unlock tools just in case i need them in the future.
Thanks in advance for your kind help.
Carlo (Rome, Italy)
changing rom dont lock the phone

Vodafone vpx reseting problem

ive got a Vodafone VPx, that i have had for about a year now, and it has recently started crashing and doing a full reset when its not in its cradle. has anyone else had the same problem? would flashing the rom help? how about updating it to WM2005? i was going to update it but im not too sure its compatible with this BA, does anyone know if it is?
If it's under a year then you might consider contacting Vodafone for warranty support. There is a chance that flashing it will help, but do you have a copy of the original ROM? How about starting with a hard reset and see if that helps?
If you flash with a different ROM and then contact Vodafone you will find that the classic rule applies: tampering by unauthorised personnel invalidates manufacturers warranty!
Hope this helps!
Cheeky question...
Noticed in your signature that you have a Vodafone v1620... I don't suppose you could provide details of your ROM/Radio versions etc, and if possible upload your Ext ROM to the kitchen?
I have an O2 XDA IIs and intend to rebrand it to vodafone over the weekend as I use a Vodafone SIM
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
BA Batteries (mostly cheap ones that come from china) have been know to hard reset the device with out the owner wanting it to happen (I know I had one).
So you might have a battery fault.
Thanks MDAIIIUser - that explains the occasional reboots that I experience!
ROM version: 1.40.00 WWE
ROM date: 03/10/05
Radio version: 1.13.00
Protocol version: 1337.42
ExtROM version: 1.40.238 WWE
Soon as I can read up on wiki how to dump the ExtROM I will do so.
Ooops, blew up after I installed the unlocker. After a painful rebuild I regret that I have no desire to repeat the experience. Sorry

Latest software

Can anyone please tell me the latest versions for xda2s
Currently 1.40.00
Having a few technical issues.
Have unlocked the phone to all networks but have been told I cannot take or receive calls because the radio may have been scrambled?
RE: Radio issues
Had the same problem with my IIs after I bought it off ebay and tinkered with it to unlock it. After I reflashed the current rom and radio version from O2's software upgrade section for the IIs, all was fixed, and phone was still unlocked.

Radio version & Updating ROM

I have an SPV M5000 and want to know if I can update just the Radio Version.
I currently have the following device information
Operator version
ROM Version 1.30.90.WWE
ROM date 02/24/06
Radio Version 1.03.00
Protocol Version 42.36.P8
ExtROM Version 1.30.174.WWE
I know there is an update for the XDA Exec on the O2 website but I am reluctant to change anything until I know whether the SPV will function properly if I update it. (Orange haven't done an update as far as I can tell..??)
If I do update is it likely to make a difference to my phone???
probably yes, read the 'universal' section of this forum

