Need Help With Motorolla Ht820 head phones! - General Accessories

I have a cingular 2125 and i need to get some software so i can listen to music on the bt head phones. Ive tried downloading some stuff of this forum and i cant get it to work, and now my phone cant find the headphones, its just a mess, i really need some help. If someone could tell me what to do, id be forever greatful, thanks.
UPDATE: So i updated my rom to the newest version from cingular and i installed the Tor_A2dp_Cert cab file and the .dll files, and i installed the zoa2dp_168 cab file thinking it was the cab file that automatically does the registry thing? But im not sure if that was the right one. Point is i need to do the registry and i dont know how and i need that file, and every link on this forum goes to an error so i cant get it, so if someone could post the actual file on that would be awsome. Plus my 2125 isnt seeing my ht820 head phones now,i dont know why and i cant figure that out. And i downloaded the registry editor software, but i have no idea how to use it.
UPDATE 2: Figured out how to use registry software, but the registry was already in the format that it is supposed to be in, as it says in the readme file that comes with the A2DP zip file. The problem is that the damn thing just cant find the headphones. Anyone got any ideas?


Bluetooth Voice Command problems on new builds -- SOLVED (for REAL now!)

I was playing around with XCSdM's Bluetooth 0.9f fix and found the issue that's causing it to not work on newer (17913) builds on WM6.
When I navigate to the directory where BTVCFull or BTVCBasic is located, and try to manually launch either of those programs, I get this message:
The file 'BTVCFull' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
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I checked my security on the phone, and it is set to 'Security Off'. Next, I checked the file signature. They seem to NOT be signed at all. However, here's my problem. I can't sign the files myself as I'm too cheap to spring for Visual Studio 2005, and signtool is a big pita. So, Does someone want to sign them and throw the files up here? I think that should fix the problem IMHO.
But, I have identified the core problem at least--which is a step in the right direction.
** FOR THE REAL FIX ** See post's below with the new .cab and reg edit.
if im not mistaken there is a signing program in the new rom kitchen that was released today. its in the extras folder haven't played with it so im not sure how easy or well it works but it looks easy enough. pretty damn cool new kitchen also should check it out!
dunno if they will help
No.. It doesn't.. It's gotta be the drivers.. I'm supposed to be getting some new drivers soon; so, we'll see that helps.
I just wish it'd work correctly without any hacks to fix it..
I noticed the same thing when trying to launch BTVCBasic or Full. Changing the following key worked for me:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\VoiceCommand\Path="\Program Files\Bluetooth Voice Command\BTVoiceCommand.exe"
bjevers said:
I noticed the same thing when trying to launch BTVCBasic or Full. Changing the following key worked for me:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\VoiceCommand\Path="\Program Files\Bluetooth Voice Command\BTVoiceCommand.exe"
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That file does not exist in the cab I posted above. Where did you get the file?
LegolasTheElf said:
That file does not exist in the cab I posted above. Where did you get the file?
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It's in ZaJules I've attached it for ya.
bjevers said:
It's in ZaJules I've attached it for ya.
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That cab worked perfectly.. (after I did the reg.edit)

Can't download files from the net.....

I did some looking around and haven't found a solution to this problem so I figured I'd go ahead and ask.
My wife has the Dash. I was trying to download some new themes for her phone directly from this site the same way I do for mine on my Wing. For some reason her phone won't allow me to download anything. I'm doing this via our Wifi connection at home, so I'm sure that's not the problem. I also downloaded the same file on my Wing to confirm it and of course the Wing had no problem.
Is there some kind of Smartphone vs. PPC thing that I don't know about when downloading files from the net?
I have the same problem using HTC Vox (original rom). I tried to download any file but PIE or Opera gave me an error that I cannot download these files. It does not matter which kind of file it is.
By default you can download only a few file types. Please check this for a solution. There is a freeware at can help too.
Reason #213 why my wife wants to get rid of her Dash.

Lookin' for some help with the ACR application!!!!

Hey guys,
I'm a newbie here, just joined last nite... I recently purchased a Touch Pro thru my local SPRINT Store. I was searchin' the web for an application that would allow me to record phone calls of my choice, and from what I can gather, ACR seems to be the way to go.....
So I read thru some posts here and decided to take it upon myself to give it a shot. Being that i'm rather ignorant to this sorta stuff, i'm a lil nervous about screwing something up.... I'm not an idiot, (well atleast not a complete one) but I am having some difficulties making this install go smoothly. I was able to download the 1.2.2. version to my phone. But the framework update doesn't quite seem to be going as smoothly......
I tried d/ling the 3.5 framework to my computer, then transfering it to my phone, but that didn't work.... Tried d/ling it on the phone itself, and it seems to have completely downloaded the file, but after that, nothing happened. I browsed thru the phone using file explorer to see if i could locate the NETCFSetupv35.msi file.....but cannot locate it any where.......
I'm sure this entire thread makes me look like a real dumbass, but i'm tryin my damndest to get this application to work, and it's frustrating the hell outta me cause i'm not that good at this stuff yet... Can someone point me in the right direction? I really appreciate the help, and atleast you all can have a good laugh at my ignornace.... you all make it look so easy, i'm very envious....
Is the 3.5 framework on the phone somewhere now since i downloaded the file? Do I just need to execute the file? or did it do that already and I'm just missing something??
I'm able to get the framework file on my phone. But for some reason, when ever I try to run it, it says there is no application associated with the file name. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ??? GIVE ME A HINT? ANYTHING? PLEASE???
plse check..
the following ( if you did ignore )
1. do you have windows mobile device centre, installed on you pc..?
if you have, connect phone with usb to pc.. sync... etc..,
if you have ..then.
install ...NETCFSetupv35.msi from pc... not phone ( it is not a .cab file, but .msi file pc installation. ?
2,application will install from pc and tell you to check phone ,when required to do so ..install on device, not storage card of phone
thats it ...
good luck
Would also suggest you search in the Touch Pro forum as this is the HD forum
My sincere appologies. I did not realize I was posting in the wrong forum. I will direct my question to the proper place. Thank you.
Thread closed

question about installing something

I tried to install the FM radio cab onto my phone, but when I go to run the setu up, I get an error message saying "there is no application associated with (this file), run the application first, then open the file from within the application.
What should I do?
What kind of file is it? .cab or .exe? If it's a .exe then run it from you're computer. Make sure you got active sync working
thanks for respoinding
It's a cab file.
Aleroluver said:
It's a cab file.
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.cab files need to be moved to the phone (best to make a folder on the SD card just for that), and run from there.
I tried that, but when I try to run the file on the phone, I get that message. It won't work! If it helps, I'm trying to use one linked to on the thread titled "htc does have an fm radio". I'd really like to get this working!
Now when I click on the setup file, it tries to open the Opera browser, but all I get is a blank page and nothing happens!
Aleroluver said:
Now when I click on the setup file, it tries to open the Opera browser, but all I get is a blank page and nothing happens!
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Do other .cab files behave this way when you try to run them on your phone? It sounds like the one you downloaded might be corrupted..? Your phone should run it directly with no problem as long as the file extension is still ".cab"
I would try a soft-reset, and then try the copy I have attached here instead of the one you first grabbed (it's the same file, but I know this copy works ok). You'll just have to unzip it and then move the cab to your phone.
THANK YOU! The file you linked worked perfectly! Thank you again.... I really appreciate it. So gratifying to finally have it work. I still miss my MDA and Wing for many reasons, but I'm feeling a little better about the TP2...
Aleroluver said:
THANK YOU! The file you linked worked perfectly! Thank you again.... I really appreciate it. So gratifying to finally have it work. I still miss my MDA and Wing for many reasons, but I'm feeling a little better about the TP2...
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Glad to help
I had a wizard (which I think was the same phone as the MDA), and nothing will take the special place it will always have in my heart. However, the TP2 does a damn good job of carrying that torch
The Wizard is the MDA... it was my first touch screen/windows PDA... I'll never forget how excited I was to get it... I miss the nav pad a lot though.... and they removed the IR port (not that I used it) and the camera flash (not that it was very effective)... I don't think new phones should have features removed that their predecessors had... I had to fight Tmo to get a decent price on my TP2 (and I was still raped, and I'd been with them for 10 years) and then the touch screen stopped working completely after a few weeks... Never had that problem with the Wizard (MDA) or Herald (Wing) and I had them for years.... that combined with no nav pad and NO TAB KEY haven't made me fall in love with this device!

Help!Where can I find LG Fathom's ROM?

Hi. I have a LG Fathom and I want to cook its ROM. However, to cook that I guess I need its ROM first. If you know there to find its ROM or if you know how to dump the ROM, can you please help me?
Install Microsoft's Network Monitor** (its free - netmon from now on, im lazy )
Close all your browser windows, instant messenger, email, anything that uses the network should be stopped while you do this.
Start netmon, and tell it to capture all the traffic on your network card.
Then start the lg-updater program (get it from lg directly), and have it check for updates for your phone.
Go back to network monitor and stop capturing traffic when it's done.
You can then either browse through the captured traffic in netmon directly, and see if you can find a url yourself (it'll be an exe or kdz file) or send me the capture file and I'll find it.
**If you're familiar with wireshark you could use that instead of netmon.
Hey there can90. If you manage to get the base rom for the LG Fathom would you be able to post the link. There is some stuff in that phone that I'm sure others would love to port to other phones; including myself
Can we flash unsigned roms to the Fathom?
Can90 managed to get me a network capture to look through, unfortunately it doesn't contain a reference to the stock rom. I assume this is because LG just hasn't uploaded it yet.
For anyone that wants to play with URLs to try and find it, this is the relevant portion of the response to lg's updater app.
<sw_version />
<sw_url />
<app_version />
<app_url />
<chip_type />
normally sw_url and sw_locale_url would have what we want, but they're empty
Hopefuly I will be getting an LG Fathom tomorrow so I will try to help out here. Has anyone else had any luck snagging a complete ROM from LG's site yet?
Nobody that I've been able to find.
I have discovered there is a seemingly different (from the generic one used for the expo) updater for verizon.
I haven't actually looked at it yet, but it's different from the usual B2CAppSetup and is labelled as (the generic one offered up on lg's site is ( )
I'm not sure which one can90 used (I've pm'd him to find out and try the other) but if you've got a phone and a few minutes you could try them both.
Just as an update - I joined the LG forums and posted a question on the fathom update. Here is the post -
When I find out there's an update I will let everyone know.
I just checked the lg update tool and the fathom is on the list as of this morning! It wasn't there when I looked last night.
Is it possible that the fathom update could be a cab file? so far I have this -
URL: /swdata/WEBSW/LGVS750/AVRZDB/VS750ZV5_06/
link here -
Is this whats needed? Not trying to push for an answer, just updating and asking...
da_reeseboy said:
Is it possible that the fathom update could be a cab file? so far I have this -
URL: /swdata/WEBSW/LGVS750/AVRZDB/VS750ZV5_06/
link here -
Is this whats needed? Not trying to push for an answer, just updating and asking...
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This doesn't appear to be a real cab file....not one that anything I've got recognizes anyways
Windows explorer opened it when others couldn't
At 130 megs it probably is what we're after, just in a new (to me at least) format. Did you try flashing it?
Running "strings" against it the first few turned up are
These are the contents of the cab file
the wdh/wdb are not extensions I'm familiar with and I'd be more than a bit surprised if it was a ms works database. I'll try and take a closer look at the file later today if nobody else has by then.
Edit: Apparently that's the same packaging the vs740 came in. From what I could find, people hadn't been able to find tools to successfully unpack the wdb.
Going through the flashing process should leave a .bin file in the usual lgmobileax location, not clear whether that's something we can unpack with existing tools either.
Hey there da_reeseboy. Great find on the firmware. Once quick question though that may help me get past where I am stuck extracting the firmware. What is the firmware version that is running on your fathom. If your not sure where to look, got to start menu/Settings/System/System Info and click on the plus box next to Version Info. What does it say after ROM?
Dark9781 said:
Hey there da_reeseboy. Great find on the firmware. Once quick question though that may help me get past where I am stuck extracting the firmware. What is the firmware version that is running on your fathom. If your not sure where to look, got to start menu/Settings/System/System Info and click on the plus box next to Version Info. What does it say after ROM?
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I don't have a version info with a plus sign next to it but under software version it says VS750ZV4
Thanks da_reeseboy. I see that that is an older version than the cab from the updater program. I haven't had any success extracting the files. If someone with a fathom is willing to try this we may be able to get the rom. We would need someone to attempt to flash their phone to the new firmware. To do this run the updater program and connect your phone to your computer. Next, make sure you have an activesync connection and start update. It should place the phone in emergency download mode. The update program should start running, will detect your phone, download the new firmware and start loading it to your phone. This is where you will need to search for the rom. In win xp go to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LGMOBILEAX\Phone
in win7:
C:\Users\All Users\LGMOBILEAX\Phone
The rom should be in that folder. Just simply copy it somewhere so that you have a copy of it after exiting the updater since the updater deletes the file after completion. After that we would just need you to upload the rom to a free file sever and post the link for someone to download.
I'll be happy to try it in the morning with some coffee lol. I'll post my findings.
Edit: Do we want to try to pull the current version on my phone first before flashing the update? Just as something to compare to?
just an update - I dumped the stock rom, then tried to do the update but my computer is saying that it can't connect to the com port. I'm gonna try it on my laptop when I get back home (family was hungry so we went to get food). does anyone know if the update tool has an issue with win7 64 bit vs 32 bit?
Edit: home now, started update on my laptop - its working great so there must be an issue with 64 bit...
Update done. I snagged the files in that folder, but I don't think they will do us much good - its just the contents of the cab file.
For those interested, here is the contents of the phone folder during the update -
Hey da_reeseboy. Thanks for trying. i was hoping that the updater would unpack the wdb file. Guess it didn't. You had mentioned something about dumping the original version on your phone. Do you have a copy of the dump?
I just finished uploading it and a dump of the update -
VS750ZV4 -
VS750ZV5 -
Think we can do anything with these?

