please help with vodaphone v1640 universal dead - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

i have upgraded my rom accidentaly with incorect rom "hermes rom" it got 37 percent completed then showed comunication error i then installed jasjar _bl1.01_ruu_v1.2.exe which was succesful and then tryed to re install my original working rom "helmi universal" which was successful i then did a hard reset and now nothing workes completely nothing "baterry in battery out usb in usb out ....the screen shows nothing no serial usb or anything also xp doesn't recognise usb please help i would be very greatful
usb monitor error code ..000001: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 28.12.2006 03:36:03.1562500 +0.3750000
Pipe Handle: 0x854e776c (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x4 bytes from the device
000002: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 28.12.2006 03:36:03.1718750 +0.0156250
Pipe Handle: 0x854e776c (Endpoint Address: 0x81
many thanks


qtek 9000 upgrade issue

Hi all,
after an error during a rom upgrade therefore a reset I got only serial and ver1.00 written on.
Doing the upgrade procedure (power-lamp-reset) -> usb to pc -> UpgradeUt.exe I get no connection established between pc and pda.
Unknown USB device (bold) on pc when pda restarts and should be ready for the download but no communication happened between devices.
Could you help me before I bin it ???
thanks in advance,
Wrong unlock
After executing MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe in the screens appears Serial V1.00 and I cannot make any softreset or hardreset, can anyone help me???

Error 114: Radio Stack

I can't up radio with error 114;I tried some radio with Rom 02 2005 ver 1.33.But it's not better.I've read many resolutions and do it on my fone.(use MTTY with command:task 28 55a;set 14 0;rtask 0). Hix,the fone still error.Help me,plz.
Sorry about i can't impress myself very well in English.Thanks alot.
the same problem
Currently I have wm6 with rom ver.2.07.02 ran and radio ver 1.13.00. I would change OS for another one but at the begin of instalation process the error 114 shows up on my computer screen. I've checked many posts and i couldnt find any siutable solution for my situation. Please, be so kind and help what i can do to install another OS. thx in advance.
I too am experiencing the same problem - my attempts at resolution are as above with equally crap results. After attempting to update the ROM and Extended ROM only I find the device no longers gets as far as even the bootscreen.
edit: Okay, so after flashing a new ROM and Extended ROM I tried flashing just the new Radio ROM (1.17) but it still reported a 114 error. On a hunch I stopped using the update files I was using and used the ones from the RANJU_V2 ROM instead (that worked the last time I updated) - I'm now updating with a new Radio ROM, 114 error averted...
Solution: Use a different upgrade utility (one that you know works on your device)
Hi Starfux
but please be more elaborate in terms of :
your device.
your device brand (o2, vodafone etc)
the upgrade utility that worked.
the rom that worked.
many thanks
device = HTC Universal (which is why I'm in this forum...)
brand= O2 Exec
upgrade utility that worked = Upgrade files from RANJU_V2 ROM (as I said previously - at least read my post!) either way, if you have ever flashed a ROM and made it work just replace the ROM file in that set of files and use that - the point here is that it worked for me with a different upgrade util, it's not meant to be a spoonfed step-by-step tutorial.
rom that worked = I don't recall, it was a while ago now (just stumbled back upon my old post and the subsequent question).
I'll make better notes next time but I (a) didn't expect it to work and (b) don't have much time spare to mess about with this stuff, let alone write tutorials - I posted back in case it helps somebody, that's all.
-sf 8)
WORKING SOLUTION!!! (at least....for me!)
I was going mad with the Error 114: Radio Stack Update Problem from time to time. Rebooting many times pc or soft/hard resetting my universal didn't solve the problem.
I read maybe hardware problems, but this seemed impossible in my situation
With certain update utilities all went fine, with other I couldn't update, and with the sure to be working utilities I wasn't able to update certain roms........ARRRGGHH.......It was driving me crazy.......
Then I tried to run the wcescomm.exe process manually voila.....problem solved !!!!
I'm currently updating to ranju v7.4 , and retesting 1.18 radio, with 0 problems.
I updated the wiki.....error 114 and 144 was both for the same radio stack update error, but with different utilities (if I can remember correctly!)
Any news to resolve Error 114 ? Dianotea can you explain your procedure more detailed? What do you mean "run the wcescomm.exe process manually" ?
For StarFux, can you give me a link for RANJU_V2 ROM ?
in windows click on start ---> run ----> type "wcescomm" (without the quotes) and then click ok ; if it gives you an error you need to reinstall activesync, if no error is given, and nothing seems to happen (process wcescomm run in background), then there are great chance you resolved the error.
Restart your pda and start again bootloader mode, then reflash....
At least, this worked for me flawlessy.......
Thanks, I try it but don't work. I hope someone can resolve the problem in another way.
Upgrading again uni, and another time the radio 114 error.....argh!!!
After 5 attempts my solution was to connect the uni in normal (non-bootloader) mode. Re-Check it has correct communication and activesync-driver is correctly installed in device manager.
Then just after that (same session-no restart!) I pulled out the usb cable from the uni and restarted in BL mode.
This time the upgrade (noid version) run without errors......
dianotea, please can you wrote how to check activesync-drive in device manager and when you have re-inserted the usb cable in bootloader mode? Thanks.
If you have xp, right click on "my computer"-->manage-->device manager. Check that you have Windows CE USB device (and Microsoft USB sync as sub-device).
This should appear in both normal and bootloader mode.
You should hear the activesync sound when you connect the uni in normal mode.....
I found that when I was receiving the error I did not hear the AS sound when connecting the uni in normal mode.
I re-inserted the cable in BL mode just before flashing, but the main problem is not WHEN you insert the cable, but is checking that your device correctly syncs and "speaks" with the activesync processes.
Hope this helps....
I have not Windows CE USB device in my device manager. What can i do?
Vista or WinXP?
You could try reinstalling activesync (what version is yours, actually?)
i have winxp sp2. I have reinstalled activesync 4.5 again and it works fine but when i click on device manager there is not any windows CE USB device
Could you try another AS version? Do you have AS 4.5.5059 (check in the property of your .exe files....)?
I have 4.5.5096 version of AS. The previuos version 4.2 doesn't work with windows mobile 6. How can i active the window ce usb device?
It's not a problem of ActiveSync. Now i have Windows CE usb device in my device manager but I can't update may radio rom again, it's stop at 0%. This is may log file error:
00:13:24:109 [msg] : Version : [2.11].
00:13:24:140 [msg] : Config Info : [857873],[1],[0],[0],[1],[0],[0],[1].
00:13:28:406 [msg] : Current Not in CE Mode or in CE Mode but ActiveSync Not Connected.
00:13:32:500 [msg] : Disconnect ActiveSync .... [2]
00:13:32:500 [msg] : Start Get Connect Port.
00:13:32:671 [msg] : Current in BL Mode. Open Port : [\\.\WCEUSBSH001] OK.
00:13:33:109 [msg] : Get Device Backup ID.
00:13:33:109 [msg] : Device BL VER : [1.01 ] [].
00:13:33:109 [msg] : Device ID Is Incompatible.
00:13:33:109 [msg] : Update Image. CE : [4], MSystem : [2], Radio : [1]
00:13:34:703 [msg] : Check Ac in BL mode. AC : [1]
00:13:34:718 [msg] : IsBL. BL : [1]
00:13:36:750 [msg] : =============================================
00:13:36:750 [msg] : START UpdateRadio !
00:13:45:671 [msg] : Check Radio Level 0 [704].
00:13:47:250 [msg] : RUpgrade 0 : 0 Start.
00:15:55:562 [err] : RWipe Data Error.
00:15:55:937 [err] : BL UpdateRadio Error.
What "Device ID Is Incompatible" means? How can i resolve it?
Could you try updating with the attached files?
Don't worry if the device picture is not the universal, this is the updater that works most of the time for my uni.
Also with your MaUpgradeUt_noID i can't update radio rom. Device ID Is Incompatible because actually my JasJar doesn't have a ID (from when i got error 114 for the first time). How can i recreate the device ID?

Another bricked Universal

Seems to have been a run on these!
I have an SPV M5000 that was happily-ish running WM6 (as in my sig), and decided to pass it on to someone and put it back to Orange WM5 firmware.
Well, something went wrong, and now it's stuck with no Radio ROM; I've done the MTTY/Task 28 stuff, I've tried every ROM I can lay my hands on, and I'm having a couple of basic issues:
If I use the generic RUU update, it doesn't want to write the ROM. It just sits there at 0% with the device presumably waiting to get something. Eventually it times out with error 114. Then goes into recovery, and crashes.
If I try any others, including the Orange ROM, it complains that it has an invalid country code. Since this WAS a UK M5000, I used Jwright's M5000 ROM, and I have no idea why this would be changed or broken.
Obviously the bootloader appears to be working, but I don't seem to be able to get a Radio ROM onto it. I'm using an iMac booted into Windows XP since my Vista machine is, well, running Vista.
I really don't want to throw this unit away (and trust me, if I can't make it work by the time I give up it WILL be hurled into the nearest solid object then beaten to a pulp with my iPhone).
Well, I've tried everything on the forum; it's refusing to accept a Radio ROM, even though I've flashed the other parts with success. The only thing I haven't tried is SD-card upload since no-one has actually said "how" this works - how to prepare the SD card for use, for example, what the file should be - so I assume nobody knows this.
I've even tried the MTTY "erase" commands as suggested by Pof, and pretty much the only thing left is trying to update with the Linux tool that won't really help me much as I don't have a Linux setup.
I must admit that with the level of expertise on these forums, I can't find a solution to this, but with all of that - and no doubt if anyone was awake to read this I'd have been told to search (which is, of course, what I've been doing for the past 5 hours, along with flashing, rebooting, trying different cables, etc) - and still no working machine, I can only assume my M5000 is scrap due to some weird bug. Not worth spending money on to repair.
So, how shall I destroy it? Run over it with the car? Switch it on (obviously everything APART from GSM is working fine, with the lovely extended battery) and then set fire too it and see how long it'll run for? Freeze it? Smack it with a large hammer? Drive to Dover and see if I can get a strong enough catapult to send it to France, where it will HAVE to unlock itself by law?
(Edit: Tried it with the FlipStart; clean install of ActiveSync 4.5 - still nothing).
What's that stuff about "device ID not compatible"?
01:56:49:905 [msg] : Version : [2.11].
01:56:49:905 [msg] : Config Info : [857873],[1],[0],[0],[1],[0],[0],[1].
01:56:49:968 [msg] : MSystemFile Not Exist !
01:56:49:968 [msg] : CEFile Not Exist !
01:56:49:999 [msg] : Current in CE Mode.
01:56:54:280 [msg] : Device BL VER : [] [].
01:56:54:280 [err] : Device CID Error.
01:56:54:280 [msg] : Update Image. CE : [0], MSystem : [0], Radio : [1]
01:56:59:046 [msg] : Check Ac in CE mode. AC : [1]
01:56:59:046 [msg] : IsBL. BL : [0]
01:57:03:280 [msg] : Enter BL OK.
01:57:07:296 [msg] : Disconnect ActiveSync .... [2]
01:57:07:296 [msg] : Start Get Connect Port.
01:57:07:468 [msg] : Current in BL Mode. Open Port : [\\.\WCEUSBSH001] OK.
01:57:29:187 [msg] : Get Device Backup ID.
01:57:29:187 [msg] : Device BL VER : [1.01 ] [].
01:57:29:187 [msg] : Device ID Is Incompatible.
01:57:31:187 [msg] : =============================================
01:57:31:187 [msg] : START UpdateRadio !
01:57:40:077 [msg] : Check Radio Level 0 [704].
01:57:41:655 [msg] : RUpgrade 0 : 0 Start.
02:02:22:952 [err] : RWipe Data Error.
02:02:23:421 [err] : BL UpdateRadio Error.
02:02:23:421 [msg] : START UnInitialization !
02:02:23:437 [msg] : END UnInitialization !
02:02:28:812 [msg] : START UnInitialization !
02:02:28:812 [msg] : END UnInitialization !
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Was the device unlocked before flashing to wm6? You could also try flashing on a Windows XP machine..hope this works for you.
Or try this..Got it from Laurentius
1) The radio stack is screwed, you don't get GSM signal and the phone says unknown SIM status
2) Device won't start after trying to unlock it with HTC Universal Unlocker (HTC_Uni_SIM_Unlock_v1)
Here is how to fix it:
1)Disable activesync on your computer by right click on activesync icon -> connection settings -> uncheck "allow USB connections". (( Done! ))
2)Put your Hermes (( Universal )) in bootloader mode
3) Connect device to computer using USB cable. (( Done with Original Cable ))
4) Open mtty.exe and select USB port, then connect.
Hit enter twice, you will see the "USB>" prompt. (( Okay but i usually get the USB> prompt with single hit of Enter ))
Type the following commands (do not copy paste!!!) (( I type them ))
USB> password 0000000000000000 (( Returns: HTCSPass1.CMˆËHTCEUSB> ))
USB> set 1e 1 (( Returns: USB> ))
USB> erase a0040000 c80000 (( Returns: HTCST ÚÈÒHTCEUSB> ))
USB> erase a0cc0000 c80000 ((Returns: HTCST ÚÈÒHTCEUSB> ))
USB> erase a1940000 640000 (( Returns: HTCST ÚÈÒHTCEUSB> ))
USB> set 1e 0 ((Returns: USB> ))
(( Then i close the window of MTTY and proceed to step 5 ))
5) Reset your phone and put it back in bootloader mode (( Here i take my Universal off the usb cable, soft reset it with the stylus and without letting it to boot i switch it into the bootloader mode again and get "Serial & v1.01" on the screen's header and footer ))
6) If your bootloader version is different than 1.04 then Flash Bootloader version 1.04 (( I simply ignore this step as this could be for Hermes users only not for UNIVERSAL Users - Pls. correct me if i'm wrong ))
7) Flash the patched radio used to simunlock the Hermes (( I do it with HTC_Uni_Unlock_v1 it has radio version 0.00.00 BUT still it gets stuck at 0% and after sometime gives the same error 114. Cannot Update Radio ROM ))
Your phone should be alive again (( Its Not ))
clemsyn said:
Was the device unlocked before flashing to wm6? You could also try flashing on a Windows XP machine..hope this works for you.
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I'm using an iMac booted into Windows XP
The FlipStart is also running Windows XP.
And it was SIM-unlocked by Orange; it wasn't SuperCID, and I flashed the "Orange M5000" version of Jwright's Crossbow ROM with no issues (apart from the Crossbow bugs).
clemsyn said:
Or try this..Got it from Laurentius
1) The radio stack is screwed, you don't get GSM signal and the phone says unknown SIM status
Your phone should be alive again (( Its Not ))
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Tried that, one of the first ones I found. Now IIRC the bits in brackets are his results as he tried it. The last line says it didn't work. Which is precisely what happened for me, too!
At present the ROM update won't progress at all. Before it would reach 99% then fail. I'm wondering if the battery, despite showing 100%, is actually not charging correctly and it needs more power to erase the Flash.
Well, let it charge all night in case it was a power issue (it has a high-capacity battery), tried the Radio ROM, tried the 'task 28' path, tried Universal_SIM_Unlock with MaUpgradeIt - wiped the ROM, no problem reflashing with CE/ExtROM, but no Radio. Just cannot install it period.
Task 32 gives me FF - CID is corrupted, basically. Can't flash Radio 0.00.00, can't flash any radio at all.
Is there any way around this, or is it (as it seems from extensive forum searches including Buzzdev) scrap now? Is there a way to flash an ID to it, and if so, is there any way that the IMEI is damaged, or if so restorable, or will the phone be useless even if I can get a ROM onto it?
I don't get it, as I did nothing stupid with this; I've flashed loads of devices, I even flashed (and risked bricking in a BIG way) a brand new iPhone without headaches. Seems to be a lot of Universals suffering this lately - what is causing it?
Have u tried task 28 55aa
clemsyn said:
Have u tried task 28 55aa
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Again, from the first post in the thread:
"Well, something went wrong, and now it's stuck with no Radio ROM; I've done the MTTY/Task 28 stuff, I've tried every ROM I can lay my hands on, and I'm having a couple of basic issues:"
I appreciate the attempts to help, but what I am looking for is some insight into what has gone wrong, not blind attempts to try any solution - I've tried it all already in the hope something would work. I think that the issue is very low-level, and I don't know how it becomes corrupted - but I have a suspicion that many Unis have been bricked in the same way and the reason no-one has posted a definitive solution is that there isn't one.
you did not mention if you were flashing with the SD card inserted into the unit (or have you but I failed to read it).
there is one flashing problem here somewhere and the issue was solved when the SD card was removed from the Uni before flashing.
Good question, and no - no SD card, no SIM card; I think I remembered this from the original Uni_Unlocker stuff which I'd been going to try before finding out Orange would unlock it for me anyway.
In fact, I'd like to try flashing FROM SIM card if anyone could provide a dump, but no-one seems to have been able to in the threads I have read - since the information about how the SD-Flash works is somewhat scarce, the service manual says "you can", but not what format the data should be in, or how the process works. Merely, how it can be initiated.
And I also suspect that with corrupted CID, I couldn't access the flash routines anyway, since all the radio flash tools appear to depend on this Sec level being "open". Some sort of direct hardware flash - maybe via JTAG - may be the only way around it, though I noticed the Hermes solution which runs under Linux would appear to work by "forcing" the data somehow.
I have the same problem. And confirm, can not upgrade...
... by SDCard, because I get and error :
"Update not allowed!"
The situation is:
- All ROms WinCE updated run OK! and function correctly: Wifi, Bluetooth...
- All Extended updated ROMS run OK!
- But any Radio Rom cannot ben updated, include the special Rom of Buzz.
I have the same error 114. Device Display "NO GSM", and not have IMEI, not have Protocol.... The phone is OUT of Service.
The problem is the CID is scratched or the Radio bootloader is broken. After 2 years there is still no solution For the Universal devices, But for devices Hermes If there is solution:
please guys, pof, buzzz, HEEELP for The Universal's brickeds Devices
p.d.: (sorry for my bad english)

Extended ROM Update Error 113

Hi everybody,
I'm using german T-mobile MDApro with 64MB. I had one of your WM6 running. Good work btw! I only had some issues with WLAN an SDHC so I wanted to update.
And now I am in big trouble. I flashed one of your new WM6.1 as I usually did for the last 12 times when everything worked just fine. Bit this time I had error 113 during Extended ROM Udate. I tried and tried and always hat errors during the update process. And then I found out that I connected the device via USB-Hub!!! I know that it is not recommended. So I removed the hub connected the device to PC, but the error will remain the same for all updates and different ROMs.
There is no way to get the unit running again. Always the same: The fist part of update (CE) works fine, but the second part (extendes ROM) don't start. After a few seconds I get "error 113", sometimes I saw "error 114".
When I do a reset to factory defaults the screen remains completely blank (black)
After reset the device shows serial, connecting it to USB it shows USB. I have to do once or twice the [light + on/off + reset] to get it in this mode. Activesync 4.5 is running but doesn't connect or recognize the device.
Any suggestions?
Thank you so much!
some more details...
Bootloader v1.01 start after [power+light+reset]
- serial without USB cable
- usb when cabel is inserted (direct to PC)
MTTY starts and shows USB>
- anything I enter nothing happens on screen. I tried task 28 55aa, screen only shows "usb... v1.01"
Trying to flash original ROM:
- ROM Build starts from 0-100%
- when it tries to store Extended ROM nothing happens until Error 113
- the screen is blank this time (no "usb")
- when I unplug usb-cable screen returns to "serial"
- when I replug usb-cable screen shows "usb" again
BTW: the charge-LED is always off when connected to usb
maybe this helps some of you experts to have an idea?
Did I totally screw up my MDA??
Solution to the Problem
Hi everybody,
I found the solution here in the Forum. So please forgive my double posting
w3rti wrote in his post
So here the steps to do
1. get out SD card and SIM
2.try to fix it with another flash, if doesn't work, step 3 (if computer reconizes your universal with active sync DON'T CONTINUE THIS TUTORIAL)
3.try mtty.exe (open active sync, uncheck usb conn, close active sync, terminate wcsmm.exe in task mngr) put universal in cradle, open mtty.exe
5.where Port1 is, change to usb, connect
6. (don't copy/paste) press "return", enter "set 14 0", press "return"
7.enter "task 28", press "return"
8.enter "task 28 55aa", press "return"
9.close program, disconnect from cradle
10.backlight+power+reset connect to the cradle
11. use ORIGINAL software to update RADIO only, it should work now, or try RUU_TMO_Radio_11200_GER_20060616.exe (
12. upgrade With full version, radio, bootloader and winCE
13. hold both "-" "-"-keys and "reset"
14.WAIt, the screen looks black, maybe it takes 5 minutes, but it worked again =)))))
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I tried the same strings with mtty, but the key was to type it and NOT to copy/paste it. And this time it worked!
And at the end of step 11 there is no feedback on the screen of the pda (blank screen, nothing). So I waited for 10 minutes and gave him a [power-light-reset]
After that my favorite ROM-version did flash all throw the whole process.
Thank you guys
Yehuuuuuuuuuu Oleyyyyyyyyy Jasjarım çalışıyor
I love you
i love you
i love you
i love you

help with flashing (bricked) ASUS a696

I just bricked my a696 in the process of doing the official asus update and have been trying to unbrick it using the information in this forum (particularly here and here) without any luck. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. this is what I have figured out and done from my reading:
1. I have downloaded the image file for my unit - A696_dump_wm6_2_eng.rar
2. I have also downloaded USBLoader.exe
when I connect my pda, I can get it into the mode where it accepts usb input (POWER + ENTER + RESET). However when I try to run usbloader I get a bunch of errors that seem to suggest that my computer can't open a connection to the usb port.
C:\usbloader nk.nb0
# USB image transfer tool for Intel PXA27X USB Development Board #
# Version: 1220'04 Author: O.C #
try to open \\.\wceusbsh001
try to open \\.\wceusbsh002
try to open \\.\wceusbsh003
try to open \\.\wceusbsh004
try to open \\.\wceusbsh005
USB pipe opening error
I am using vista business, and am running the command prompt in administrator mode. I have also tried doing the same procedure on a windows xp machine and it has given me the same error. When I connect my pda, windows does detect the connection and loads a usb device driver. Active Sync does not start. I feel like I am missing something very basic that I just don't know about. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
Same problem
OK ..I am now up to the same spot. The next step I am going to try is to try to do it from the SD card using this method. I will let you know how I get on.
Anyone else offer any suggestions?
I managed to get my ASUS 696 back again, thanks to the info posted on this forum.
Using the NB0 file plus USBloader.exe finally got it to go. It seems the loader only looks at the first 5 USB ports and if you are plugged into anything higher it doesnt find it. I am using a laptop with a docking station and 2 monitors so had numerous USB ports. When I plugged it into one of the two ports on the laptop itself - Voila - it worked and I now have a working ASUS 696 - no longer a brick!
1. Download the A696_dump_wm6_2_eng.rar file plus USBLoader.exe files.
2. Unzip the rar file
3. Run command prompt and navigate to where these files are.
4. Connect USB cable to bricked unit
5. Hold power and Enter and hit reset and hold till unit goes into USBloader mode
6. From the command prompt run the USB tool with the unzip file and sit back and watch. About 2 minutes and it will reboot. Hopefully all well.
To find those files just google them - good luck
Not fixed for me
I only have 3 USB-ports on my Laptop and USBLoader works with none of them.
The PDA installs himselve as:
-Windows CE USB-device
-- ASUS USB Sync
Outside of the USB-Controller tree.
I get the exact same error as influxx described. Is there any other way to get USBLoader check all the USBs or getting the connection going?
My system is WIN-XP SP2.
Half fixed
Well, i managed to establish the usb connection by using a 10-years-old Laptop with only two USB1.1 ports.
Now i get to that point:
C:\PDA>USBLoader.exe nk.nb0
# USB image transfer tool for Intel PXA27X USB Development Board #
# Version: 1220'04 Author: O.C #
try to open \\.\wceusbsh001
The file nk.nb0 was opened
Image total Size 61808640 bytes
NB0 image downloading.....
File nk.nb0 total 61808640 byte read
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=7c91ee18
<PIPE00> R : request 20 bytes -- 20 bytes read
What we read AckType < 55aa > dwRet < 99 >
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=55aa
The PDA shows 100% ... but thats all...
No restart, nothing (I waited 15min). If i unplug or reset the PDA i get an infinite number of lines like this:
<PIPE00> R : request 20 bytes -- 0 bytes read
What we read AckType < 0 > dwRet < 0 >
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=0
<PIPE00> R : request 20 bytes -- 0 bytes read
What we read AckType < 0 > dwRet < 0 >
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=0.........
And my PDA acts like before. Is my Rom dead?
EDIT: No it wasn't. The mainboard kept analyzing the Battery as too low and so everything (flashing included) was locked.
Asus 696 bricked
Can anyone please post an .DIO and or other fix to get my Asus A696 back to work? (pref. WM6 engl)
It hangs on the ASUS bootscreen, after an unsuccesfull ROM upgrade...
I can't use usbloader.exe and nk.nb0 file since I have not a USB cable, and I am forced to use a method of recovery that use only the SD card.
CyBear said:
EDIT: No it wasn't. The mainboard kept analyzing the Battery as too low and so everything (flashing included) was locked.
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So what did you do to fix it? I am having the exact same problem. (bricked 636N after failed update to WM6)
Ok my problem was that I dumped a WM6 from another 636N and the bricked one was WM5. After restoring a dutch WM5 image (which worked) I updated to an english ROM that worked.
The one thing tipping me off to find a WM5 dump was that at around 84% when restoring, the counter jumped back to 1%, continued to 14% then jumped to 100%.
Thx for all the wonderful advice on this forum. Now I have not only a working 636N but also the knowledge to restore one if it breaks in the future (I have around 20)
CyBear said:
Well, i managed to establish the usb connection by using a 10-years-old Laptop with only two USB1.1 ports.
Now i get to that point:
C:\PDA>USBLoader.exe nk.nb0
# USB image transfer tool for Intel PXA27X USB Development Board #
# Version: 1220'04 Author: O.C #
try to open \\.\wceusbsh001
The file nk.nb0 was opened
Image total Size 61808640 bytes
NB0 image downloading.....
File nk.nb0 total 61808640 byte read
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=7c91ee18
<PIPE00> R : request 20 bytes -- 20 bytes read
What we read AckType < 55aa > dwRet < 99 >
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=55aa
The PDA shows 100% ... but thats all...
No restart, nothing (I waited 15min). If i unplug or reset the PDA i get an infinite number of lines like this:
<PIPE00> R : request 20 bytes -- 0 bytes read
What we read AckType < 0 > dwRet < 0 >
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=0
<PIPE00> R : request 20 bytes -- 0 bytes read
What we read AckType < 0 > dwRet < 0 >
Size of ACK_PACKET = 20 address of buffer=0.........
And my PDA acts like before. Is my Rom dead?
EDIT: No it wasn't. The mainboard kept analyzing the Battery as too low and so everything (flashing included) was locked.
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I have the exact problem, it loads to 100% then gives me these errors. How the hell do i fix this. PLEASE somebody give me some support on this, the battery has been charging for hours so i cant imagine it thinking i dont have enough battery power.
JohnYW said:
1. Download the A696_dump_wm6_2_eng.rar file plus USBLoader.exe files.
2. Unzip the rar file
3. Run command prompt and navigate to where these files are.
4. Connect USB cable to bricked unit
5. Hold power and Enter and hit reset and hold till unit goes into USBloader mode
6. From the command prompt run the USB tool with the unzip file and sit back and watch. About 2 minutes and it will reboot. Hopefully all well.
To find those files just google them - good luck
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I have asked this in another thread as well with no response. What/where is this ENTER key??????? I know where the POWER button is and I know where the RESET button is but nothing on the unit or in the manual says ENTER.
same problemmm... which is the enter key ???? reset and power i understand... help me pls
The enter key is the one in the center of the circular directional pad. Press that button and the power button while hitting the reset. Hold these buttons until the USBloader screen comes up. Hope this helps, good luck!

