Short success story after all - useful reading esp. before flasing your ROM - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

Motto: There is always hope.
Let me share with you, other xda forum members, the following story - I think it might be useful for some of those who already got problems with the upgrade procedures, and especially for those who just now contemplate to try their luck and launch the upgrade (to whatever WM version or AKU).
After successfully going through the reflashing procedure several times on my O2 XDA Exec precciousssss gadget (flashing Helmi_c 1.1 Crossbow, then JWright 06 and later JWright 08) I was confident enough (overconfident, perhaps?) to go on and reflash also my wife's i-Mate Jasjar (there were some issues all the same and I was recently thinking of restoring the factory defaults through the hard-reset).
JWright's ROM offers a very simple, almost luxurious, way to upgrade - basically the same as any of the official ROMs - just click the .exe file and pray. And there is the hitch - it says somewhere you need a 1.01 version of the Bootloader but I didn't know how to find out the version of the bootloader present on the unit in question without launching the bootloader itself through the "bulb - switch-on - reset" combination; and I admit (yes, the effect of over confidentiality, indeed) I was somehow too lazy to go and check (by the way, is there a way to find out what bootloader version you have other than the way mentioned above?). Somehow, perhaps, I thought the upgrade would indicate the bootloader mismatch prior to the system reflashing or what. And after all, the JasJar unit was purchased at almost the same time as my XDA Exec and there I knew I got a 2.0.1 bootloader version, so why to bother - silly me!
OK, here we go.
Flashing > "success" > unit "bricked" (no LED lights, USB unit not recognized by the PC, no signs of life of the poor thing not able to do anything but to accuse me by its doomy pathetic black screen of mishandling, asking me at the same time WHY have you done THIS to ME?) > moment of unpleasant, uneasy feelings comparable only to those created by a dozen of hamsters running their wheels in your stomach.
Now the good part of the novel:
Even before flashing my Exec for the first time, I diligently spent (a lot of) time reading all the relevant forum posts, downloaded emergency tools and was therefore prepared for the fact, that something might go terribly wrong.
Million thanks to all those who contributed to this forum sharing your knowledge and know-how, because based on your shared experience I was able to discover myself at the moment of utmost horror what the problem was (yes, in my case it was the bootloader issue - the JasJar got some 0.6 version of it - ever heard of it? I was considering the mtty Midget_1990's or the Mamaich's solution first, but then I recognized the boatloader's trickery and the right way to solve the crisis was in my case just to upgrade the bootloader through the known and somewhere here at this forum very well described ROMUpgradeUt bootloader procedure; to make the long story short, without the appropriate version of bootloader the unit will not boot, that's it).
Now the JasJar is fully recovered, happily running the WM6 Crosbow ROM, exactly as its O2 Xda Exec brother.
Lesson learnt
I strongly suggest that everybody does their homework in reading all relevant forum threads before venturing anywhere futher. It is only natural that after bricking the 1000 USD toy, most people will have problems to concentrate on anything of a substance and chances are, that instead of fixing the problem, you may mess everything up even more and end up in a deeper and hotter circle of hell without any return ticket.
And it needn't be like this, it is possible to avoid it!
I don't want to give anybody any false feeling of security and comfort due to my particular happy-end case. Every unit is perhaps slightly different, conditions are different (cable, PC OS...) etc, but most of the problems seem to have their solutions and by diligent reading of the relevant Xda forum posts, the chances of getting over the troubles through the shared know-how are high.
So stay cool and happy flashing.

Very wisely said Bonasa. Appreciate all your experience undergone. In fact this is the wise way to upgrade by reading more and keeping tools handy.

nice one Bonasa. I spent almost half of 2006 reading stuffs here in xda before I had the guts to use any of the ROMS here 2 weeks back. To those attempting to flash the first time, Bonasa said it all

Excellent post Bonasa. This gives a lot of information to first time upgraders. Your experience will surely help others in similar situation.

ok now im scared... i just bought my i-mate jamin yesterday and i really want to upgrade my wm5 to wm6... its just an oppsession to always have the newest things i guess... but im scared to screw up at some point and make my new device life-less
did anyone try to upgrade his i-mate JAMin with Helmi_c 1.1 Crossbow before ? btw what's crossbow ? :S
and how can i avoid this " bootloader " issue discussed by Bonsaa?
plz help...

Last week I made my first upgrade. I took the chance with the new Jwrightmcps ROM.
As you said, it's VERY important, I would say MANDATORY to read most of the threads in the forum.
My forum Join Date is 30-10-2006. Only after 3 months I made the first upgrade.
It's very nice to get a new ROM but we must be patience before doing it.
Last point:Before the upgrade I also got the "unbrick" tools , just in case...
And I had a stupid problem: stuck on bootloader: REASON, I didn't use the original cable during the first upgrade attempt.
Read before you try anything!


Step by Step from box to rocks

First let me apologize for the title of this thread, I really couldn't resist. I just bought a i-mate jasjam and have spent the last several days reading these forums, the wiki, and all the other places that clicking things here will take you. I want to say right out that EVERYTHING I know about the Hermes I learned from this site, and that I am a complete beginner, and please do flame away if i am wrong. I'd rather get insulted online than have a brick in my pocket.
THe one thing that there isn't in the wiki (that I found anyway) is a current, step by step for total noobies like me who don't know what to do first and get scared by dealing with more than three file types in one sitting, that uses the SD card method. It seems that the SD method is faster, easier (especially if you run Vista), and even a little safer that the "old school" RUU method.
Soooo, I'd like to write a new wiki page to this effect, and am more than happy to put in screenshots, links, host file downloads, etc. What i'd REALLY appreciate is if you senior types could take a look at this simple outline and tell me if there is something drastically wrong with it. After a good schooling I'll post a complete article with more copied info from the threads and complete sentences and punctuation and stuff.
1.enter bootloader mode to check sp version
2.format an SD card to FAT32, checking card integrity and fixing errors
3.Use Winar to Extract the .NHB file from, transfer to SD card with card reader and rename to HERMIMG.NHB
4.put the card in the phone and enter the bootloader by pressing side OK, Power, and soft reset button (with stylus). Once in bootloader mode accept the upgrade
This safe-nates things up, and CID unlocks the phone, right? SD card to FAT32, checking card integrity and fixing errors
6. Use WinRar to Extract the .NBH from HERM_Radinly_1.41.00.10_CustomRUU, transfer it to the SD card and rename it HERMIMG.NBH
7. put the card in the phone and enter the bootloader by pressing side OK, Power, and soft reset button (with stylus). Once in bootloader mode accept the upgrade
8. check the radio version in system info
9. re-format the SD card for FAT32, checking integrity and fixing errors
10. Use WinRar to Extract the .NBH from WM6 ROM of choice, transfer it to SD card and rename HERMIMG.NBH
11. Put the card in phone and enter the bootloader mode as above, when in bootloader accept the upgrade. Follow instructions from mrvanx for activesync
12. transfer my CAB files for applications to (Temp?) folder on card and then run each of them to install my apps (Skype, CeStar,TengoThumb,etc.)
Does this sound about right? Thoughts? Flames?
Thanks to all for such fantastic work, donations on the way for all who wrote files I have downloaded over the past few days, you guys rock!
whats with the SD card upgrading?
you can run HardSPL by itself, you dont have to extract and put the nbh file on ur storage card.. unneccesarry steps if you ask me..
Midget_1990 said:
whats with the SD card upgrading?
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Well, I run Vista, and I like the idea of not having to fiddle with the drivers in order to do RUU, and I saw a few posts that some people had difficulty getting things to work with Vista. Also, posts have led me to beleive that it is faster to do it this way, which would lead to less chances of things going wrong (it's really hard to make Vista stop doing things in the background all the time). Also, there are already really awesome guides for doing it the RUU way, but not one for a complete SPL/Radio/ROM upgrade using this method, I think it appeals to a lot of people, including the dreaded Mac user. If it's not actually a good way please do explain, and finally, to me it just seems plain easier. I've only found a few posts that had troubles with the method and dozens that praised it. thanks for replying!!
Madcap, thanks for the input, I was going for continuity but I take your advice, keep 'em coming!!! didn't mention Vista in your original thread.. lol .. best advice I can give you ... Throw vista in the trash.
Madcap180 said: didn't mention Vista in your original thread.. lol .. best advice I can give you ... Throw vista in the trash.
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Yep, I ll drink to that
ugh .. u mentioned the D work.. great.. now I'm going to relapse..
Step 4 does not CID unlock the device. It looks like it just installs Hard SPL which will allow the user to recover from a bad radio flash.
Of course this should not matter as there really isn't a need to CID unlock any more (unless you want to unlock/unhide your EXT ROM)
HardSPL just makes your phone Temporary superCID right or something to that effect.
Zzan said:
Step 4 does not CID unlock the device. It looks like it just installs Hard SPL which will allow the user to recover from a bad radio flash.
Of course this should not matter as there really isn't a need to CID unlock any more (unless you want to unlock/unhide your EXT ROM)
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Cool, it was my understanding that Hard SPL temporarily makes you super CID (as Madcap said) allowing you to flash on any ROM you want, for all intents and purposes is this not pretty much the same thing as unlocking? Not arguing, just trying to clarify. A lot of noobs know that CID is an issue and that they need to disable it somehow when they flash......
Please keep comments coming,Thanks!!!!
P.S. MOD, in my sleep addledness I think I posted this in the wrong place, should it be moved to the UPGRADE forum? THANKS!!
P.P.S. Drinking is the only way I can tolerate having a Vista machine, we all were so happy about getting our new laptops this year, and then we turned them's like getting a christmas present in the shape of a new bicycle, but when you tear off the wrapping paper there's really a tetanus shot inside.
I followed the OP steps (with very minor modification) and was able to go from a completely new, out of the box, never even put in a sim card phone to HardSP-V7, upgraded radio, new WM6 ROM (Schaps, this ROM is awesome, thanks!!!). All without using a cable or upgrading any drivers. From beginning of first download to totally upgraded was one hour. Why anyone would ever do this the old-fashioned way is beyond me, especially if you are running Vista. I'm making a tutorial and have collected the few little things you need to do this and will add a wiki article with pics ASAP.
Thanks to everyone for all the great info and hard work here, a complete noob like me can go from 0-60 entirely by reading this site. I am loving this phone more by the minute!!
A noob who has read the posts and wiki, and then created and tested a step by step routine for others like himself in order to address something that the wiki doesn't.
A fine example that a lot of others should note.
crazyC said:
A noob who has read the posts and wiki, and then created and tested a step by step routine for others like himself in order to address something that the wiki doesn't.
A fine example that a lot of others should note.
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Yes only thing left is posting in the Hermes Upgrade forum.. ;-)
jompao said:
Yes only thing left is posting in the Hermes Upgrade forum.. ;-)
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Yeah, i deserved that
mlalahoi said:
Cool, it was my understanding that Hard SPL
P.P.S. Drinking is the only way I can tolerate having a Vista machine, we all were so happy about getting our new laptops this year, and then we turned them's like getting a christmas present in the shape of a new bicycle, but when you tear off the wrapping paper there's really a tetanus shot inside.
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Sorry man, I just couldn't help myself. I am in love with Vista. No problems whatsoever with it. Have had it installed since it came out and never had to re-install. Speed is the same as when I installed it. Can't say that for XP! LOL. I forget how many times I had to install that piece of........................
p.s no flames........please.
I love Vista. Its given my two year old laptop a new lease of life.
Hi mlalahoi,
I am getting a lot of issues after installing CE-Start. Played virtually with every WM 6 ROM arround and still experiencing freezing.
Have run Shadow and LVSW without CE-Start for couple of days and both ROMs was very stable and fast. After CE-Start lot of problems.
Will be nice to hear your experience with the Chinese characters
crazyC said:
A noob who has read the posts and wiki, and then created and tested a step by step routine for others like himself in order to address something that the wiki doesn't.
A fine example that a lot of others should note.
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I'm drinking to that CrazyC - my first couple of posts made me look a total ARSE (But I've learned loads since then...Honest)
marttin said:
Hi mlalahoi,
I am getting a lot of issues after installing CE-Start. Played virtually with every WM 6 ROM arround and still experiencing freezing.
Have run Shadow and LVSW without CE-Start for couple of days and both ROMs was very stable and fast. After CE-Start lot of problems.
Will be nice to hear your experience with the Chinese characters
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Did you download the 2.8 Suite from the mobem website here AND use thier installer to install TO THE PHONE (install to SD doesn't work)?
I had similar problems when I went through the process of getting my hermes to be dual English and Chinese. THe first time I tried to manually install some cab files I found on a chines forum somewhere, totally jerked my normally very good Shaps ROM. I ended up having to do a hard reset, trying to uninstall the cabs just caused an unrecoverable hang. Make sure you use the official, latest install program and install to the phone, mines been flawless ever since.
Without registering you don't get the dictionary, but you can get a really good free version of CEDICT for mobiles here, it allows you to search by pinyin w/wo tones, english, or chinese characters. If you have trouble getting it to copy-paste between other apps try this app from the Wiki.
I have a collection of good ppc Chinese learning tools, pm me if you want to set up a file transfer, and do check out for all your CHinese computing needs, no affiliation, just a great site.
Hi mlalahoi,
Thanks for the links! Actually I was using all the time v2.8 of Ce-Star, including the original installer - never used cabs to install. I found that "my" version of Ce-Star package is 6KB less than the one you recomended - here might be the problem. During the weekend will flash a new Rom and will play with the "new" Ce-Star 2.8 -- hope it will rock
I am using the ppc version of 金山 (PowerWord) and it serves me well. My Chinese characters needs are very simple ones - to be able to reed text and e-mails in Chinese, and rarely to answer using characters.
Will send you feedback about stability of the ROMs with "new" Ce-Star

HELP! (noob)

So i just got my MDA compact III (HTC Artemis) and I have noticed that people upgrade them to windows mobile 6.
Unfortunatley this is my first WM phone so I don't understand all these technical terms (ROM, Cooking, CID etc)
can anyone help me? is it worth upgrading? how do i back all my info up? what happens if it goes wrong?
thanks in advance.
COngrats on your new phone.
It is always worth it to upgrade to WM6.
There are 2 kinds of locks: CID and SIM.
SIM locks prevent you from using say a TMO phone on ATT.
CID unlocks prevent you from flashing a new ROM (like a wm6 distribution)
You can use some backup utility to well, back up. Search the forum for one.
If something goes wrong, you can just reflash the RUU, which stands for ROM Upgrade Utility. It has the "default" rom that you get from your new phone.
Thanks. This helped a lot.
Where do I get the WM6 distributions from? how do I install?
does the RUU come with the phone or do I download it from somewhere?
With all due respect to fzzyrn IT IS NOT ALWAYS WORTH UPGRADING!
Since this is your first WM phone and you just got it you should take a few weeks and get to know it.
There rule to follow here is: if it is not broken do not fix it!
WM 6 has only a few small new features (major one being HTML email support) which you may find you do not need.
First thing you need to do is to read the WiKi. You will find detailed explanation about terms like ROM, CID and SIM unlocking there.
Then if you are still determined to upgrade you should be aware of the following risks:
1) If you bought your phone through a cell company changing ROM even to an official version from HTC will void your warranty!
2) You must take care and read the instructions that come with the update you are using. Preforming update incorrectly, having battery run out or phone disconnected from your computer will result in a "bricked" (unusable) device!
3) Some WM 6 ROMs, change your device hardware ID. If you have purchased any programs that lock on to that ID during registration they will stop working.
Now for your phone there are two options:
1) Official update on HTC site (if I am not mistaking should be out already, but I am not sure)
2) "Cooked" or unofficial ROMs. Look for instructions in Artemis forum.
Keep in mind that ROMs are device specific. There is no such thing as generic / universal ROM.
Also keep in mind that various ROM versions including official WM 6 have different bugs. There is no answer to which is best or a guarantee that you like any of them better than your original WM 5 ROM.

HELP NEEDED PLEASE! Rom+instructions for my o2 trion wm6

Hi amm
I am new to windows mobile. i got this ophone of my old work mate.
I have tryed to put windows mobile 6 on the phone as it only have wm5 on it, but i get as far as the phone changing to upgrade mode ( 3 striped red, blue and green) screen and then it says that the phone cant comunicate.
I have tryed going though o2 website but it not recignizing my serial for the phone ( ex contract and also was a replacement handset)
any help would be nice, by the way i am on windows vist a, but i have also tryed it on xp, but the same still happns.
anyone? noow any suggestions
This answer may seem condescending, but it isn't.
1. Are you attemtping to flash a rom update from the phone's original carrier or a non carrier specific rom? If a non carrier specific rom then see #2. If carrier specific did you download the rom from a secure place such as the carrier's website? If not, you may want to and try again.
2. Have you made sure your phone is CID and sim unlocked? This has to happen if you are attempting to flash a non carrier specific rom onto your phone. There is literature in your specific phone's Mobile 6 forum that is stickied or in the Wiki which will show you the best way to accomplish flashing. You must first read, then use the correct methods and tools or you will most likely create a brick. At this point of the game your phone is a little older and the path to Mobile 6 is well laid out. Which leads to the next question.
3. Have you done a search for this problem? You are not the first and will not be the last to have run into this issue. Using the search button does wonders here. If you have the cajones to flash your phone you are adventerous and the knowledge you will pick up will help in the long run. I say this because flashing is addictive and once you see the immediate improvements you will continue to look for better roms.
4. Please remember this is a developer's forum so the intelligence level is higher than most other forums but the patience level is much lower for those not willing to follow directions and/or help themselves. Some things have well laid out paths and others are trial and error. A lot of people here are doing a large amount of work for little to no money so please READ before embarking on your journey.
5. Get to work. Oh yeah. Please lit your phone's information in your signature. It will save someone asking the first 2 or 3 questions I did everytime. You could use mine as an example. Believe me it saves time and people are more willing to help.
hey thanks for your message
I am trying to flash the phone with Official O2 UK WM6 Trion (Hermes) rom 1.47 (3-8-2007) , the phone is simfree.
but even on trying to install Olipro v7 2.10 i get messages like 266 or 260 conection timed out or something. i am technical minded and i have tryed to serch for the awsers using google.
I suggest reading the Wiki and your Mobile 6 forums for the way to flash without using the usb cord. It will take a non-sdhc memory card and uses the nbh file from the rom you are flashing. Research that.
What is the HTC name for your phone? The Trion is a Hermes or a Wizard correct?
Also, CID and sim unlocking your phone will eliminate many future problems. Just be aware it automatically voids your warranty.
Okay - can you do a soft reset and have the phone work fine? That is step one. If so, then go to the Hermes Mobile 6 forum and check out the stickies. Dr. Puttingham wrote a great guide to flashing our phones.
If you can't get the phone working from the soft reset I suggest reading the Wiki and the Mobile 6 forums for the way to flash without using the usb cord. It will take a non-sdhc memory card and uses the nbh file from the rom you are flashing. Research that.
The Trion is a Hermes, which is what I have (Cingular 8525). I would suggest a non carrier rom of Mobile 6.1. You will find it to be much faster and stable.
Also, CID and sim unlocking your phone will eliminate many future problems. Just be aware it automatically voids your warranty.
hi i just found out that thephone is not a trion afterall it is a xda mini s, can this still be upgraded
I believe the Mini S is a Wizard. check out the forums. All the answers are there. I retired my Wizard 3 months ago . This is an easy problem to fix. Just read. I still suggest Mobile 6.1. Especially on the Wizard.

[Q] Help me getting the max from my LG Nitro HD P930 ICS

First, consider I am a beginner so I do not know the keywords you use. (like brick-unbrick-cm10-flash-rom-debugg-recovery mode...)
I want to benefit from my phone.
1- By rooting it. Please tell me what is the latest/tested/safest/compatible method to do so.
2- By having IF possible the latest android version after the latest/official update that is the 4.0.4 for my phone.
I really want a good guide that won't give me almost any errors because I will not know how to deal with them and if putting the latest android version will do so, I won't do it. But my main concern is rooting it.
[Edit]I did some research since I still got no replies so I found there is the Bin4ry method. Is this the one for me?
Thanks for a detailed answer for a beginner.
Your website is great
(I already created a topic before but I was given 2-3 different methods so I didn't know which one to choose so I hope this time you can help)
About my phone:
I have an LG Nitro HD P930 bought from the USA so they wrote on it at&t and updated with the LG tool to ICS 4.0.4.
Baseband version : APQ8060/MDM9200.
Kernel version : 3.0.8-perf
Build number : IMM76D
Software version : LG-P930-V20c-JUN-25-2012
Forum Rules
Specifically.. Rule #1 & 5
Does no one read stickies?
I really want you to take a look at the XDA Mantra.. I couldn't put it better myself:
I think what a lot of people forget is that this is not a "make my phone neat & kewl" place.
As implied by the name this is technically a Developers forum/community.
Now what does that mean? Well first off it means that there is an expectation that if you are here then you want to customize your device but rather than just installing something that someone packaged you want to understand how it works and maybe even enhance it yourself.
When I first came here with a Blue Angel it was a different environment. PDA Phones were not embraced by the general public because of the expense and complexity (I paid over $400 for my BA). A $400 phone 4 years ago was expensive, today the Tilt is $300 after rebates but with inflation & the rise in the cost of other devices and the fact that there are other sources out there giving them away for $150 our neat bit of kit has become popular with mainstream users.
Now we have a flood of new users who are asking not "How can I do this myself" but more like "Give me the quick fix" without caring to understand the process. See if you read the threads then you get to experience the learning process, you see how the issues were investigated and confirmed. Then you get to watch the different attempts at resolution and learn why some failed while others worked. That is called Development.
The NooB backlash is coming from users who have walked in the development shoes and is directed mainly at those who don't care for the journey but just want the end result or destination.
As a Development Forum we are just as much (if not more) about the journey. I've read so many comments like "I don't have time to read all of the threads" or "I don't care how it works, just that it does". These very statements are contrary to the heart & soul of XDA-Devs and that is why the backlash is so strong.
XDA-Devs is about developers & hackers helping each other and working together to get the most out of our devices by understanding them better than most.
XDA-Devs is not about helping everyone who wants a "Kewl bit of kit" make their phone better than the guy next to him.
Now do we go kicking users off who never contribute anything, NO. We tolerate it to an extent. Where the toleration ends is when these users start diluting the usefulness of the forum by repeating the same questions over and over again.
You ask us to understand your position. Well if you want to benefit from our experience and time then I think it is only fair that you understand our position.
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When I first got here from the Sony Ericsson dev forums of my previous phone (w810i) I knew absolutely nothing about android, or any smart phones.. However, I've been doing web/gfx design & coding for many years and I know how to learn fast. That being said, I didn't feel it necessary to make one thread and before I knew it I had rooted, and flashed a custom recov/ROM within 24 hours. Now yes, I had my share of problems but I was actually quite well versed because of it..
The moral is that you'd be answering the same question asked by the next guy if you did the same thing. Trial and error is how humans learn.
First, if you are a beginner as you said, what is the reason you think you need root? Most users probably don't even need it.
Second, and im sure this is going to be your next thread; you have official ICS which means locked boot loader. In layman's terms, no roms can be flashed without unbricking.
Either way, there's literally 5 or 6 rooting guides.. Did you even try?
This community frowns on people who continuously ask the same questions especially when the answer is on the front page of that very forum... It gets very frustrating to see the same question asked day after day by people who aren't even willing to try. And the fact that you've already asked once and now felt it necessary to make a whole new thread to do it again tells me rooting and modding isn't for you.
There's literally no negative result from a failed root attempt.. However, succeeding will void your warranty, and if you don't know how to find resources on your own you'll probably end up with a bricked phone (won't boot and/or worse... )
Questions are fine, not bothering to do any research or trial/error is not.
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 11:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------
Judging by your +Thanks I take it you see what I'm saying, however looking back I just want to add that I'm not trying to make you look stupid or single you out.. and I apologize if it came off that way.
To answer your question better: typically the latest guide with the most recent replies is the one people are using. Just open the thread and read the last few pages to see if anyone has linked a newer guide or better method.
Afterward I'm assuming you'll want to try jb at some time which will mean you'll have to unbrick. There's a newer unbrick guide that is specifically designed to help with people who've flashed the official ICS and licked their bootloader. I suggest that one. Too hard to link on the fly so you'll have to do some recon
Good luck and thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts.
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2
First, thanks for replying.
First, I am not the kind of person you are talking about. In fact, I feel sad for creating this thread now after your reply.
I want to learn but I find it hard to find the resources. Give me a good source of 10 pages and I am ready to read it to learn.
For example now, I saw different methods one of them sparkyroot one of them the bin4ry method and others but I don't know with which one should I proceed with. I don't know which one is compatible with my phone. I don't know if any user having my phone is facing problems after rooting since every popular thread have a minimum of 200 pages.
I posted this thread because I am scared of "trying" like you said and making an error while rooting and having my phone bricked and it is not a simple error I will get but a major one since I am modifying the root of my phone so I do care if my phone will face any error. I don't want to pay for a new phone or searching for someone to repair it.
I am still 16 years old, trying to learn, but it is so hard for me to find the tools on Android, none of my friends know anything about these stuffs and there are no tech guys in my place if I have questions. In two years I will be in university studying in CCE and this is to show you I like the programming stuffs but I need help starting. I do like exploring and learning like I do on my laptop and on my Ipad but the guides here are harder to find. When I first wanted to jailbreak my Ipad, I 've read a lot of step by step guides and found which gives answers and guides to almost everything but I don't know where to start for Android since there are tons of models, forums, threads, methods etc.
As I said in the title, I want to make the max out of my phone so I want to be able to have the latest updates since the last one is ICS, getting rid of the useless apps, managing the startup apps, adding the coolest and most useful tweaks like I try to do on my jailbroken Ipad. To sum up, doing EVERYTHING none of the people around me know how to do and being able to have kind of a unique phone full of nice tweaks.
I hope you really understood what type of person I am.
So back to my problem,
I didn't know "There's literally no negative result from a failed root attempt".
I read that the sparkyroot uses an "old exploit"
I read that that the bin4ry method is new but I didn't find my model listed in it, in fact, I was more confused when I new there are models of my models like when I read v20c and v20e etc so I didn't know if I will have my phone bricked while using a bad method.
I don't know which ROMs are compatible with my device and my main problem is : I can't find answers for MY device since there are tons of guides and devices on Android unlike on IOS where you find the same guides, problems and solutions (I am not saying IOS is better in fact I like Android for its open OS based on Linux if I read well).
So I came here searching for not only the answers but the latest answers in which errors are fixed and which will not create problems with my device.
I knew XDA is one of the best communities for Android users but I can't seem to find easy guides for beginning and developing my knowledge.
I thanked your answer because you took time replying me but I need any help for starting. For example I found here a really good explanation of ROM and I really liked the "What kind of benefits can a custom ROM give me?" but I am scared of "2. Custom ROMs may have bugs that cause your device to have issues" and this is why I am posting this thread to know more of ROMs particular to my model version, and it is not as simple as that to find answers for my phone's questions I mentionned on the thread.
Yes.. I also don't like the people who want the answer directly without caring about all the effort the dev made and what they are really doing so I understand why you first posted your reply.
I will not do anything before wednesday (I have exams :s )
But first if I want to root, the latest method is the bin4ry one if I searched well.
I ve read about superoneclick but I told the guy who posted the thread about my first thread I posted on XDA so he told me to try the sparkyroot method here but then someone told me "TPSparkyRoot is based on an old exploit and works on v18f(4.0.3) only. Thats just for rooting if you want to install CWM, you mush "unbrick" your phone."
So, should I proceed with the bin4ry method? (I am scared having errors as I told you so is this the one I should try?)
After having my phone rooted, to have JB on it, you told me I should unbrick it (did I understand you well?) To do this, I've read "Just rooting, you shouldn't lose your data.... following an unbrick guide on the other hand, you will." does this mean like a "format" for my android? I do not mind doing so because in that way I will have a new phone wiped from all the things I installed on it.
So, I should backup all of my data first.
But which unbrick guide should I follow, the latest one on the LG Nitro HD section is this
So again the same question, is this the one for me? Should I do it after rooting my phone? And do you know known bugs?
I am detailing you my answer to show you I am searching but I still need help.
Wow.. Loaded question.
Truepeace said:
First, I am not the kind of person you are talking about. In fact, I feel sad for creating this thread now after your reply.
I want to learn but I find it hard to find the resources. Give me a good source of 10 pages and I am ready to read it to learn.
For example now, I saw different methods one of them sparkyroot one of them the bin4ry method and others but I don't know with which one should I proceed with. I don't know which one is compatible with my phone. I don't know if any user having my phone is facing problems after rooting since every popular thread have a minimum of 200 pages.
I posted this thread because I am scared of "trying" like you said and making an error while rooting and having my phone bricked and it is not a simple error I will get but a major one since I am modifying the root of my phone so I do care if my phone will face any error. I don't want to pay for a new phone or searching for someone to repair it.
I am still 16 years old, trying to learn, but it is so hard for me to find the tools on Android, none of my friends know anything about these stuffs and there are no tech guys in my place if I have questions. In two years I will be in university studying in CCE and this is to show you I like the programming stuffs but I need help starting. I do like exploring and learning like I do on my laptop and on my Ipad but the guides here are harder to find. When I first wanted to jailbreak my Ipad, I 've read a lot of step by step guides and found which gives answers and guides to almost everything but I don't know where to start for Android since there are tons of models, forums, threads, methods etc.
As I said in the title, I want to make the max out of my phone so I want to be able to have the latest updates since the last one is ICS, getting rid of the useless apps, managing the startup apps, adding the coolest and most useful tweaks like I try to do on my jailbroken Ipad. To sum up, doing EVERYTHING none of the people around me know how to do and being able to have kind of a unique phone full of nice tweaks.
I hope you really understood what type of person I am.
So back to my problem,
I didn't know "There's literally no negative result from a failed root attempt".
I read that the sparkyroot uses an "old exploit"
I read that that the bin4ry method is new but I didn't find my model listed in it, in fact, I was more confused when I new there are models of my models like when I read v20c and v20e etc so I didn't know if I will have my phone bricked while using a bad method.
I don't know which ROMs are compatible with my device and my main problem is : I can't find answers for MY device since there are tons of guides and devices on Android unlike on IOS where you find the same guides, problems and solutions (I am not saying IOS is better in fact I like Android for its open OS based on Linux if I read well).
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Not sure exactly what you mean.. If you searched you'd have found on the very first page of this very sub-forum:
Root LG Nitro HD on ICS
In post # 4 you can see that the method linked worked.. and this was posted this month.. Not sure why you have so much trouble finding this info.. It's right here, and if you notice; if that fellow had bothered to search, he'd have found the same info that the first response provided. It's literally all right here. XDA is usually the one-stop-shop for all required info and resources, so long as you're willing to look.
Nevertheless, I've tried both of these methods, and both worked first try for me. However, you usually only have to do this once, and Ive done it both on GB when I first got it, and then again on ics 4.0.4 when I updated like a moron without reading... This was a great example of a "lesson learned" for me.. and trust me, I am better for it.
I don't understand what you're "scared" of... Basically, as long as you follow the guides properly you'll never have a problem..
However, if you are flashing custom ports, or beta release roms that are known to be unstable (it will always say); then your worst "fear" would be having to follow the Unbrick Guide, which shouldn't take more than 30-45 mins tops after the first run-through in which you obtain all the required files. Unless you do something stupid -- usually caused by not following/reading guides properly.. again, most of the time human-error is the only culprit of bricks -- your phone will never be "broken beyond repair."
Warnings are typically clearly stated -- I can't stress this enough: READ READ READ (replies, comments, reports, bugs.. all listed in the same thread as the guide itself).
So I came here searching for not only the answers but the latest answers in which errors are fixed and which will not create problems with my device.
I knew XDA is one of the best communities for Android users but I can't seem to find easy guides for beginning and developing my knowledge.
I thanked your answer because you took time replying me but I need any help for starting. For example I found here a really good explanation of ROM and I really liked the "What kind of benefits can a custom ROM give me?" but I am scared of "2. Custom ROMs may have bugs that cause your device to have issues" and this is why I am posting this thread to know more of ROMs particular to my model version, and it is not as simple as that to find answers for my phone's questions I mentionned on the thread.
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Again, "bugs" and "issues" usually means random reboots, or force closing of apps... Nothing serious. Flashing CM nightly (trusted dev) is very safe IMO.. Flashing custom ports is probably the most risky. but again, nothing an unbrick cant fix in 45 mins or so.
Truepeace said:
Yes.. I also don't like the people who want the answer directly without caring about all the effort the dev made and what they are really doing so I understand why you first posted your reply.
I will not do anything before wednesday (I have exams :s )
But first if I want to root, the latest method is the bin4ry one if I searched well.
I ve read about superoneclick but I told the guy who posted the thread about my first thread I posted on XDA so he told me to try the sparkyroot method here but then someone told me "TPSparkyRoot is based on an old exploit and works on v18f(4.0.3) only. Thats just for rooting if you want to install CWM, you mush "unbrick" your phone."
So, should I proceed with the bin4ry method? (I am scared having errors as I told you so is this the one I should try?)
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It was more a general look at the rules. Not specifically saying you're like that, I just think he worded it well so I thought I'd share.
Anyways, from my experience as long as you have the drivers properly installed and don't let your antivirus delete the zergrush or other exploit file (because it will), superoneclick has always worked first try for me. However some people report having to try multiple times so just keep trying.
As I said, all rooting guides use pretty much the same exact tools, just worded differently or a different app that does the same thing.
After having my phone rooted, to have JB on it, you told me I should unbrick it (did I understand you well?) To do this, I've read "Just rooting, you shouldn't lose your data.... following an unbrick guide on the other hand, you will." does this mean like a "format" for my android? I do not mind doing so because in that way I will have a new phone wiped from all the things I installed on it.
So, I should backup all of my data first.
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Yes, the official ICS update locks the bootloader so you have to follow the same guide you would if you had "bricked" your phone.
Flashing any ROMs or doing pretty much any modding requires a full wipe. Simply back up your data (I suggest helium).
After you flash a custom recovery (CWM), you can do what's known as a Nandroid backup, which (basically) backs up every last detail of your current running ROM including settings for all installed apps, games, etc. as well as settings for the OS itself, wifi info, etc. -- Let me put it this way, if you restore a nandroid backup, it's as if you never wiped/flashed anything else. This is the best benefit of flashing a custom recov. (IMO) besides flashing roms of course.
Rooting is very non-intrusive.. Unless you have apps that require root, you wouldn't even notice. There's no risk of errors or bricked via root itself, however.. Root means "admin" or "full" access. You will have access to things that are normally hidden/protected from accidental changes.. Similar to the control panel in windows.
As with any computer, If you go deleting things or editing important options like a moron after obtaining root then yes, you will have problems. That's the whole point of why phones don't come with root access.. People who aren't smart enough to figure it out most likely aren't smart enough to handle it.. (Ie. General public).
But which unbrick guide should I follow, the latest one on the LG Nitro HD section is this
So again the same question, is this the one for me? Should I do it after rooting my phone? And do you know known bugs?
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I'm not sure what you mean by bugs.. It works 100%. Its user error that is the problem.
Google "how to unlock p930 bootloader".. Its clear as day
I am detailing you my answer to show you I am searching but I still need help.
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That's the point.. Read the mantra more closely. The whole point is to try.. You learn by trying.. If you're afraid to get a little dirty sometimes, then this stuff probably isn't for you.
One last tip: Read guides fully before starting and make sure all files are still available/alive. This ensures you don't get stuck half way through. You'll thank me later.
PS: mattman was kind enough to make an updated repo for us.. It's on this same sub-forum:
[May 05, 2013] Repository
This contains an updated list of almost all important resources. Just read the guide you're interested in, and like I already said; go to the last page and read every post from the last 3-5 pages if necessary. Most of the time, this is where the latest bugs, and newest updated info is located in any thread.. Its very simple. Did you read my post or just skim through it?
PPS: HO!NO! has been kind enough to offer a mirror of all the required files for unbricking, as well as many other useful resources. If you look around you'll find everything you need right here.
Heres the guide you want for rooting official ICS:
Note: Disregard the word "Bell" in the title.. It'd be the same for any provider, so long as you're running a p930 (even then, it probably works for the 935, 936, and su640, etc.)
[GUIDE] How to ROOT Bell official v20e firmware
Here's the guide you want to use for both rooting, and unlocking bootloader if you're going to want to flash a custom recovery and/or roms:
Note: I highly recommend.. Clockworkmod Recovery is extremely useful, and nothing beats CM10.1 RC2 + Wind Kernel 2.01 as far as battery life is concerned, and the features JB offers over ICS are simply amazing.. (as long as bluetooth isn't a deal-breaker for you -- this should be fixed soon though.. we're getting very close.)
[GUIDE] Rooting and Unbricking p930/p935/p936
FYI: I found all of this info in a matter of seconds.. This is why it's so frustrating when people ask this every day.. lmao
Good luck.
Sent from my LG-P930 using Tapatalk 2

[Texas Instruments] Flash Tool -Soft Brick- TF101 TF201 TF300 Unbricking Tool

Hello and greetings to all, this is my first XDA post so please be gentle with me...
I recently started pondering one of the problem's I see a lot of people surfing these Forums suffering from, the dreaded "Bricked Device"
For whatever reason generally through no fault of your own, you may end up with a bad flash that results in your device becoming a worthless but very expensive paperweight. :crying:
Some examples of people suffering a bricked device:
After doing a lot of research myself from suffering something similar I started to notice the general theme is always the same, people saying "wait for the device manufacturer to release the NVFlash!"
However in these instances shown above the RETAILER in question is ASUS and they are never going to release any kind of source, to any kind of NVFlash.. Because if they did, you have to reflect that would put them out of buisness, it's far more lucrative for the RETAILER (not the manufacturer) to just sit back and wait till you've got a problem with a shody update and then push selling you a new motherboard for your device. A new motherboard that in all likelyhood you dont even need and if you send in the device for repair that you would probably never even see being placed into the device in the first place when all they have to do is fix your broken bootloader.
Because the reality is, the Manufacturer being "TEXA'S INSTRUMENTS" have already made the full source of the NAND Flash to these devices readily available to the RETAILER and there partners in buisness.
It may surprise you and a lot of other people to learn that in fact you can already download The Official TEXAS INSTRUMENTS FLASH TOOL Ver: from the following link:
Complete with the entire walkthrough guide available here:
I know there are a lot of people out there on this forum that have been looking for this tool so I decided I would make my first post a link to the Bootloader Reflashing Tool for the majority of all ARM or OMAP based devices.
Please dont ask me how it work's, I'm happy to sit back and let those out there with more experiance in these matters take the plunge for themselves if it means in the long run we can all finally put Linux onto the Android Touch device with relative ease and recover from stupidness such as a Bricked device because of a crappy bootloader update where the RETAILER decides in there infinate wisdom to remove USB device support from the Jelly Bean Bootloader...
On the plus side, this means that in the near future when the right people get there hands on this tool (from the Manufacturer) we can all expect to see some far more funky flashing startup screens and some rad custom bootloaders :victory:
Thank you for taking the time to read my first post...
P.S: I also nearly forgot to mention this is the tool that LOCKS and UNLOCKS the Bootloader, so once people start making Bootflashes for there device to use with this tool then you wont see "Your Device is Unlocked" in your face everytime you turn on the device! (I wonder if that means we can recover our warranty, I can almost hear ASUS sqweak in protest!)
REALY Nobody knows to work with this tool ???
I dont belive this....
I have TF300TG briked... I I want to TRY any solution...!!!!

