Bluetooth Headset Disconnect Issue - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

I am having some issues w/ WM6 and my Plantronics 640 headset. After a call or two, when I go to initiate a call from the telephone (with handsfree on), the call immediately connects and disconnects right away.
If I disable bluetooth, it works fine using the phone.. If I re-enable bluetooth, I will get one or two calls and then the same behavior comes back.

Try to leave the unit on while calling.
So, go into setting, power and take out the tickmarks for 'switch off after xx'.
There's something flaky on the BT implementation and the unit going auto-off. No expert, but it worked for me on my BT carkit.


Mediaplayer and bluetooth wireless stereo

I have a Jabra BT620s bluetooth wireless stereo headset which I use as an headset and my music headset on the touch hd. I paired them succesfully and playing music with mediaplayer works perfectly.
The problem is when I turn on my Jabra headset. It pairs with my phone fine, but it isnt set as wireless stereo on start. So I have to set it in the bluetooth configuration screen everytime I turn the headset on, cause else the music plays over the speaker of the phone.
Is there anyway to let windows mobile always be forced to set the headset as wireless stereo?
Same problem with Funkwerk EGO Talk
I've have got the same problem with Funkwerk EGO Talk Bluetooth carkit with A2DP. Pairs at the start with Headset Profile, so calling works(except the hangup button btw, ?which redails?? most of the time). But it doesn't start the wireless stereo profile.
I have to "Set as wireless Stereo" everytime i reconnect with the carkit
Anyone has a solution or workaround to start "Set as Wireless Stereo" automaticly or at least in 1 button?
Guys, using the search function would have turned up the following solutions found previously on these forums:
a) use Mortscript to macro the key presses
b) firmware update the headset (i.e. Jabra)
c) try turning on music and bluetooth before the headset - worked for some people
I have the same problem as you, any other suggestions?
I've the same problem with Moto music/blutooth headset
I don't have this problem with my Sony-E HBH BT set. Each time I turn it on the pairing is automatic and get stereo immediately.
I also can have the pocket player or TF3D media player running or not and it will change "on the fly" to BT when I turn on the headset.
No problem here with Motorola S805's.
I turn the phone BT on, turn the headphones on, press play on the headphones and get music.
I have the same problem with my motorola S705
Auto pairing with calls is ok but not with stereo A2DP. I must turn headset on manually in the bluetooth otpions which is quite long and annoying.
Pairing was working good with my TyTN. So there might be a problem somewhere
I've had some problems with my Samsung SBH170 not connecting at all.
I removed them from the BT settings and repaired, now they are found with out problems, allthough not very quickly.
In 'Advanced Configuration Tool 3.3' I came across 'Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service' which was disabeled, I enabled it and rebooted, but it doesn't seem to make any difference on my machine. According to this thread it may be required to enable audio over bluetooth:
Regards JD

bizarre bluetooth conneciton problem...

I'm trying to connect my Sprint TP2 to my car stereo's bluetooth.
It works great for streaming audio from my phone, but when I try to make or receive a call, it's as if it's not even connected. If I call from the phone, and then click the connect button on the stereo a few times, it will connect, but then only for a second or 2 before it drops off again. The phone call never gets lost, it just doesn't work like a hands-free headset should.
What is interesting though, is if I'm playing a song from my phone, then the head set portion works exactly as it should.
I tried another phone, a Treo800, and it works as is should; you can make and receive calls as you would w/ any headset, and doesn't have to be connected via the audio profile first.
Any suggestions?
batpot said:
I'm trying to connect my Sprint TP2 to my car stereo's bluetooth.
It works great for streaming audio from my phone, but when I try to make or receive a call, it's as if it's not even connected. If I call from the phone, and then click the connect button on the stereo a few times, it will connect, but then only for a second or 2 before it drops off again. The phone call never gets lost, it just doesn't work like a hands-free headset should.
What is interesting though, is if I'm playing a song from my phone, then the head set portion works exactly as it should.
I tried another phone, a Treo800, and it works as is should; you can make and receive calls as you would w/ any headset, and doesn't have to be connected via the audio profile first.
Any suggestions?
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Check this thread out:
The TP2 can have some weird behavior with bluetooth car kits due to the Widcomm bluetooth stack. I applied the fix in thread linked above and haven't had any problems since with the Tilt 2 and my Acura's bluetooth system.
thanks, I'll give that a shot tonight.
didn't work for me; exactly the same behavior as before.
Additionally, the BDAddr key in HKLM\Software\WIDCOMM\BtConfig\General always resets itself when i reboot my phone (the instructions say to set the value to "no value").
I even tried changing the key type, and it reverted to binary upon reset.
I'll keep searching, but in the meantime, any other suggestions?

Problem with Windows Mobile and Bluetooth Headset Playing Audio

Hello guys,
I just got a Sony bluetooth headset and I am trying to use it with my HTC TYTN II. At first I paired the phone and the headset and I was able to listen to music and talk through the headset, all perfect. When I was listening to music, the bluetooth icon on my phone represented a music note and a headset over it.
When I turn the headset off once and then on again, it connects automatically with the phone but in some other mode. The bluetooth icon now represents the bluetooth sign with a headset over it. Now when I listen to some music, it comes from the speaker of the phone, not from the bluetooth headset. Talking through it is not a problem.
If I pair the phone and the headset again, it works just fine (showing again the music note) but once I turn the headset off and on again, I lose the music mode.
Does anyone know how to fix that? Thanks in advance.
I fixed the issue by installing AutoA2DP (found in this forum).
I've had a similar problem on my Tilt. I originally posted the following on the ROM thread. Since then, I have found that the AutoA2DP has not fixed the problem. I still have this issue about 70% of the time, and sometimes I can't get the bluetooth to work at all, not even after a soft reset. Sometimes it seems as if the bluetooth has no power, the phone can't communicate with the headset except when within a few inches of one another. Then it magically seems to resolve itself. Anyway here's my original post from the ROM thread.
The other day I installed an app on my phone called Schaps Network Plugin, which allows you to map network drives to the phone the same way you can do with a desktop. It allows me to access the home network directly via my wifi. It was something I needed and it seemed to work great, for a day. The next day my bluetooth headset would not connect. Long story only slightly shorter, it seems the problem was with the headset connecting via A2DP and doing so automatically. This always worked just fine in the past. Suddenly it wouldn't work. I tried a ton of things including a "fresh" install of everything and formatting my memory card to start with nothing on it. I flashed the original rom and then flashed this rom. I did hard resets each time. Did this twice. Even tried the bluetooth in the oem rom to see if I still got the problem. I did, and it is still with me. I can manually get the headset to connect via A2DP using the bluetooth settings, though even then it may take reconnecting several times to get it to work. However, when I turn the headset off and then on again, the A2DP does not reconnect, just the hands free. But the sound is not routed through the phone's speaker either, at that point. In fact you often get no sound at all, nothing via the headset or the speaker. OTOH, if you activate Voice Command, the headset does work while Voice command is running. After it shuts off, you are back to no sound. It seems as if the hands free works fine, but the audio gets partly routed to A2DP but does not connect to the headset. If I reset the phone, the headset connects correctly and efverything works until I turn the headset off again. Also if I pair the headset again, everything works correctly until I turn the headset off. Though pairing is not as trouble free as it used to be either. Sometimes it will not pair up wihtout repeated attempts. I did find this program, AutoA2DP which has patched the problem. It detects when a paired bluetooth device connects, and forces a connection via A2DP as well. But I never had this issue in the past, and my wife's phone still has no problem. I am not sure the Schaps Network plugin had anything to do with it, other than the timing. Seems odd to me that the bluetooth stack would suddenly develop issues that persist even after two fresh flashes of the rom. Any ideas, suggesitons, etc.? This is really bugging me, and although the patch seems to be working, the phone is still not acting "right." In the past, and on my wife's phone, if a bluetooth headset is turned on, it automatically connects, and all sounds, including the system sounds, are routed through the headset. Now, sometimes they are, and sometimes they aren't.

Bluetooth help

I have several bluetooth questions.
1. On my old TP2, once paired with BT in my car, as long as I would leave phone bluetooth on, it would auto connect every time I started my car. Nothing had to be done unless I reset the phone or turn BT off.
With ET4G, I have to manually go to BT settings and clique on my car BT to have it paired every single time I get into my car. Is that the way it works for everyone or is there a problem? It finds the car BT when I start the car, but does not auto pair.
2. I know officially Skype and Gtalk do not support BT audio out. Is there a way around? I use those apps to video chat while on the road, and on highway, speakerphone is too weak. Besides, it is located on the back of the phone, right against the windshield holder. Any ideas???
My BT connects every time I start my car or truck. I have a Pioneer Navigation Radio in the Car and Ford Sync in the Truck. BT has been pretty good for me so far. If you have not done so, maybe try and un-pair and re-pair it and see if that helps.
No problem here with car BT connecting automatically.
If you want Skype BT, use this: (bonus: you can turn off annoying start up/exit sound)

Getting signal from phone when using bt headset?!

Since Mango I can not get ringsignals from my phones speaker when I have my bluetooth headset connected, signals only comes through the headset.
Before Mango I could choose on my headset where I wanted the signals but now the headset disconnects when I make that choise.
Apparently the ringer gets disabled when connecting the BT headset, just had reenable it in the ringtone-settings. Duh.
I dont get any signals för mail or SMS though.

