Which Rom do you suggest? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

Hello i want to upgrade a friend's Hermes. I have a prophet. Which rom should i use?
And also the procedure is the same?

Procedure? Dont know what you refering to but follow this guide. http://www.mrvanx.org/cms/
Also, the best is very subjective. Try some. And then use which you like.
Custel, LVSW, Faria, vp3G, Black... all these are really good. Just try and see which you like.
They can be found here...

Some friendly advice – you’re not going to make too many friends here with a post like this.
You need to READ the Wiki, read the threads about each available ROM, and maybe check out the thread with the feature matrix on some of the current ROMS.
I was in the same position as you about a week ago, and I found every bit of information I needed already posted. I ended up choosing Schaps latest ROM because it had some features I wanted – you mileage may vary. My 8525 is running great after the “operation”, and it’s a nice change from the Kyocera 6035 I’d been using since 2000 .
It doesn’t hurt to try a few ROMs, and test the features you need to see how / if they work in the version you installed.
We’re called n00bs, and the guys here only want to hear from us if the question is truly unique / not answered already, or if we have some insightful input.
Have fun…

thank you very much for your answers !

haiti525 said:
Some friendly advice – you’re not going to make too many friends here with a post like this.
You need to READ the Wiki, read the threads about each available ROM, and maybe check out the thread with the feature matrix on some of the current ROMS.
I was in the same position as you about a week ago, and I found every bit of information I needed already posted. I ended up choosing Schaps latest ROM because it had some features I wanted – you mileage may vary. My 8525 is running great after the “operation”, and it’s a nice change from the Kyocera 6035 I’d been using since 2000 .
It doesn’t hurt to try a few ROMs, and test the features you need to see how / if they work in the version you installed.
We’re called n00bs, and the guys here only want to hear from us if the question is truly unique / not answered already, or if we have some insightful input.
Have fun…
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No you are not automatically labelled n00bs! Its just that nearly ALL the info required to do a flash upgrade can be found in:
the wiki
already existing threads (search)
my guides
The reason alot of users are beginning to get irate is that time and effort was spent researching the hermes ever since it was released back in august, we have unlocked ALOT of features and some truely excellent ROMs have been created to run on them.
Its just recently that word must have spread to the less development orientated sites and a FLOOD of new users has arrived and most of them do not read/search/read again they just come on demanding help and advice withouthelping themselfs first.
This thread is not one of theose examples however it was quite likely you would have been flamed unfortunatly
The only advice i can give the OP is to flash a WM6 ROM as shown in my guides (any ROM will do) then experient with them all until satisfied with operation.

ok thank you very much!

Just remember, follow his guide and don't flash first without flashing the latest HardSPL so just in case you go wrong somewhere [you shouldn't], and turn your phone into an expensive brick, you'll be able to recover easier. I was new to all of this a few months back, but now it's like making toast. It's a little nerve racking the first time out cause you're worried you might screw-up. If you follow the guide you'll be fine. As far as a particular ROM to use, it's just like everyone already said. Each one is like trying a flavor. You try one, see if ya like it, try another, see if ya like that one better, etc etc. I'm using JJ's latest Black Shadow ROM, and it's awesome IMO. Stable, never soft reset, and everything runs perfect* [*after some slight work hehe]. Also, choosing a radio is a seperate thing. Most ROMs don't include a new radio, and just because it may have a higher number than another one because it was released later, doesn't mean it's better! You'll have to try a couple of those too, depending on your ROM and your area. For me, 1.38 is sweet. Good luck. -fin


Mun TE versus LVSW 2.0.11

Hi guys (first post!)
I have a couple of questions before I flash WM6 on my trinity. The two main versions are MUN and LVSW's flavours of WM6. However, I would like to know what are the main differences between the two current latest versions (such as OS/program versions, program lists etc).
How is the stability of either of these versions compared to my factory Orange M700 (WM5)?
What are the main bugs?
Is it worth flashing a buggy WM6 over a stable WM5? What are the advantages?
Thanks in advance for the replies
Hm, threads like this can sometimes kill good collaboration, even when they don't intend to. You should heed the statement inherent in your moniker. You are who you are, and you should chose accordingly.
They are both good ROMs. Read through the threads, learn a bit about both, then decide which one work better for the person that you are.
Do us a favor and delete this thread.
iamwhoiam said:
Hi guys (first post!)
I have a couple of questions before I flash WM6 on my trinity. The two main versions are MUN and LVSW's flavours of WM6. However, I would like to know what are the main differences between the two current latest versions (such as OS/program versions, program lists etc).
How is the stability of either of these versions compared to my factory Orange M700 (WM5)?
What are the main bugs?
Is it worth flashing a buggy WM6 over a stable WM5? What are the advantages?
Thanks in advance for the replies
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Read through the threads. Read the wiki. Do searches.
Try each rom (there are more than just these two, rom variants exist too) on your device...decide for yourself, according to your needs.
Nobody will respond to a poll like this, who respects the work of XDA rom developers, because it's not in the spirit of of this site.
DeviLduck said:
Read through the threads. Read the wiki. Do searches.
Try each rom (there are more than just these two, rom variants exist too) on your device...decide for yourself, according to your needs.
Nobody will respond to a poll like this, who respects the work of XDA rom developers, because it's not in the spirt of of this site.
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Nothing can substitute your own personal experience, it is the only important thing in this trip called Life... In every area and in every situation, give it a try...
I buy a Trinity. I find a forum dedicated to my new wonderphone on the internet. There are so many pages on this forum but I manage to find details of WM6 ROMS available for my device. But the threads for each of the main ROMS are like 100 pages long. Can you imaging reading through all that? Me neither - so I'll be clever, start a poll and let everyone else summarise the threads and decide for me. An idea nearly as genius as my new phone. If only life were so simple.
Now think about it.
1. If everyone created a new thread like this, we'd have a site full of crappy threads, non of them with much information (nobody is going to repeat their reply posts time and time again to the same questions/issues. The site would be rubbish
2. Your usage of the ROM may differ from others and you may come across some "bugs" that nobody else has - you thereby contribute to the development of the ROM by highlighting difficulties that you have - and things you like about the new ROM build.
3. How good a ROM is depends what you do with it or what you want to do with it. Do you video call a lot? Do you MMS a lot? Do you email a lot? Is taking photos with GPS coordinates the most important feature for you? These things will influence your choice of ROM.
So to reiterate: give them a try, read through the threads (all of the work, experiences, information is there - but need to be read - nobody will summarise for you), don't expect any nealed's ROMS are by far the best - don't consider anything else type of answers - you won't get them (each ROM has it's merits and if there was a ROM so buggy that it was awful, I think you would probably know about it through the posts in the threads), and lastly, once you have tried different ROMS share your experiences. But remember facts and data - (this does not work, that seems slower, this option has disappeared) rather than I prefer, I think etc - which is a lot less useful.
Welcome to xda-developers iamwhoiam. Be yourself and express yourself, but don't try to rubbish the hard work of any one ROM developer over another.
Now, in the wise words of MacGuy2006
Do us a favour and delete this thread.
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Keyboard color and remove HTC home
sorry worng thread
MODS deleat this Damn Useless THREAD
U might be nuts and really Damn mad,
Man If u wanna check both great cookers Roms, so why hell u dont try it BOTH and check yourself, No need to compare any Roms here, because no one Works for you Damn it and U are not Obliged to use any roms of any Cookers Nor to Offence them. So Damn it your Useless questions and remarks to hell and Keep it for yourself.
Here Guys days and nights are making great and wonderfull jobs, really hard works and DAMN NO ONE PAY THEM FOR ALL, And nor they have any obligation towards Us. All brothers, friends, Cookers, Helpers, Testers are here to make this Community to be better each day and each times.
So man, i really dont know From where U fall out, but "Brother" Tight your nuts well and Keep your mouth shut from Asking NONSENSE. Thank You to Better Understand NOW.
That this is an "unhappy", "uninspired" and "let the others decide for me" (as nealed said) thread, true.
That fresh users nowadays don't use the search funtion, true.
But there's no need for being cruel, rude and impolite.
Maybe we would need more mods to sort things out, delete/move/ban/etc. threads.

Excuse my stupidity

I recently purchased an 8525 and stumbled on to this fantastic site.
It's like a kid in a candy store. Unfortunately I have no idea the language you speak but want to learn where can I get a crash course on all this?
I am stunned by the level of features that you all apparently have and I want them too. So if someone could guide me to kindergarten class it would be appreciated.
dewcrewboosman said:
I recently purchased an 8525 and stumbled on to this fantastic site.
It's like a kid in a candy store. Unfortunately I have no idea the language you speak but want to learn where can I get a crash course on all this?
I am stunned by the level of features that you all apparently have and I want them too. So if someone could guide me to kindergarten class it would be appreciated.
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before you get flammed - I'd suggest looking through a few posts to get an idea what you want to do, and learn the structure of what you have to work with.
Install customizations on your currently installed operating system
Reflash to a custom OS
Build your own custom OS
Upgrade to a newer Radio
Install custom first and second splash screens
But if you do any flashing - read the Wiki and INSTALL HARDSPL FIRST!!!!
dewcrewboosman said:
I recently purchased an 8525 and stumbled on to this fantastic site.
It's like a kid in a candy store. Unfortunately I have no idea the language you speak but want to learn where can I get a crash course on all this?
I am stunned by the level of features that you all apparently have and I want them too. So if someone could guide me to kindergarten class it would be appreciated.
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I agree with mattk_r look around before you start asking questions you have found the right section so your on the right path. Your 8525 is a Hearms model made by HTC. if your on the OS it shipped with then your using WM5 A lot of the people around here have had 20 versions of WM6 flashed to their units. So before you try to flash READ,READ, READ everything you need to know is in "XDA-Wiki" and as stated above, before you try anything make sure you "hard spl" your device ,don't ask me what that is go to Wiki and find out everything you need to know is there. If you don't then you are going to find out what the term "Brick" means and you don't want to no that.Good luck and welcome to the club
read read read. There's always new roms coming out. Watch one and follow it along and see how bugs get worked out. I read and watched for about a month before i finally tried one.
When you do actually decide to flash a new ROM, you should definately check out Mr. Vanx's site. His walk-throughs are top-notch.
Before you do anything ake sure you have Hard SPL on your device. You'll find it in the Hermes Upgrading forum. After that you should be good to play. I spent a few months reading different threads just to see what everyone was talking about. It did me a world of good because I knew the terms and roughly what to do.
Hi...also, check out the well done new member intro (by stevebonning) here:
Thanks for being gentle on me. I will read, read, read as suggested.
Again all of you guys and gals are freakin amazing as I read thru these I am impressed by your creativity and ingenuity to work around programs.

Best WM6 ROM to upgrade to for someone who NEED IDEAS!! but is open to ALL opinion

Simple question I want all opinions, I just got my 2nd 8525, and this time I am gonna do it RIGHT!! (last 1 i had I was super n00b and kiled it within 48hrs I cried for a week) Anyways I just want the simplest answer or opinion I want my 8525 to last forever. SO I will flash it to the BEST WM6 ROM once and never again will I change it.
SO I am looking for just the BEST GENERAL OVERALL WM6 ROM, I am just gonna be using it as phone and only use the WiFI to connect to the NET, so the ROM I am looking for needs to be STABLE and needs to NOT ruin me or my 8525, I have been reading everyones SIGs to see what ROMs ya'll use, but I just WANT the Opinions of the regulars here
WHAT Windows Mobile 6 ROM should I upgrade to?? I will take ALL suggestions PLEASE help me, I dont wanna kill my 8525 again, I just want to flash it and leave it at that!!
P.S I'm not a complete n00b if u read the whole thread you'll see I do my homework
the number one advise which everyone has been giving which has been pounded into everyone's mind, which you somehow manage to avoid listening to, is to first install hardspl. Hardspl is a must if you want to upgrade your rom.
as for the best rom recommendation, i will tell you this, there is no such thing as a best rom, everyone will have their own preferences, what works for one may not work for another person. just see any thread on ppl asking for best roms and you will see many many different replies.
just by the fact that you are making this post i will assume you want the easy way out, you rather have ppl do the recommendations for you than read and learn on your own, so i will give you the easy way out solution. Install the official at&t wm6 rom, and just soft reset before the customization starts and there you go, all done. its either that or return you phone and get a firefly. or a symbian phone. but i highly recommend the firefly.
XtreMe_G said:
the number one advise which everyone has been giving which has been pounded into everyone's mind, which you somehow manage to avoid listening to, is to first install hardspl. Hardspl is a must if you want to upgrade your rom.
as for the best rom recommendation, i will tell you this, there is no such thing as a best rom, everyone will have their own preferences, what works for one may not work for another person. just see any thread on ppl asking for best roms and you will see many many different replies.
just by the fact that you are making this post i will assume you want the easy way out, you rather have ppl do the recommendations for you than read and learn on your own, so i will give you the easy way out solution. Install the official at&t wm6 rom, and just soft reset before the customization starts and there you go, all done. its either that or return you phone and get a firefly. or a symbian phone. but i highly recommend the firefly.
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doubt he understands... =)
follow this
and get Farias/Dr Puttinghams R32
enjoy ..
Remember follow the steps
HARSPL V7 first .. (from olipro)
You will find it and visit
Still don't believe noobs don't read the guides before installing. As test7875 said above you need to go through the upgrade guide, and possibly wiki pages before you do anything to your phone.
Fallen Spartan said:
Still don't believe noobs don't read the guides before installing. As test7875 said above you need to go through the upgrade guide, and possibly wiki pages before you do anything to your phone.
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this is my 2nd time around if you Wouldnt MIND checking out the attached jpeg of my 8525 Bookmarks you would see that I do DO MY homework, I have read the wiki over and over, and I already have DONE the HARSPL V7 first .. (from olipro).
Once you've got HardSPL on, it's up to you really. Some are good and some are...flaky, to be polite.
I would start with the official one from your carrier and use that for a day or two so you have a good, hopefully stable, benchmark to measure the competition up against.
Bang all your apps on it and see how it runs then try the same thing on the cooked ones.
I Phrased my Subject of the Thread and my actual question WRONG, I know that ther is NO best ROM is all about what features u want, be I want the opinions of you guys, the ones that call me a n00b, I value your opinion, I did my homework, I just want to flash my 8525 ONCE to a WM6 ROM that will last me the life of the phone. Heres what I like 1. theme skins 2. stability 3. good wifi 4. and I guess I want no bloatware so it will be a FAST ROM
So basically I just want to know what you guys (the experts) can suggest to me. Just want 1 ROM that will enable me to use my 8525 to the best of its capabilities!!
thank you
i have used the offical ROM on my last 8525, and thats the one that got me i n troube and killed my 1st 8525
if u read the post above I gave a description of what i am looking for, or you know what I would like to know What The Most Popular WM6 ROM Is?? (no 6.1)
this is my 2nd time around if you Wouldnt MIND checking out the attached jpeg of my 8525 Bookmarks you would see that I do DO MY homework
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I wasn't particularly mentioning you, just noobs in general. Not offence intended
As for a particular ROM. As you mentioned
I know that ther is NO best ROM is all about what features u want
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its hard to pick a ROM for you. Generally you can't go wrong with Farias/Dr Puttinghams/schaps to name a few. As for applications, be careful not to overload your phone with .cab's as this will slow it down.
There are a number of ROM's out there which are stripped of applications and built more for speed (though right now I'm having a complete blond moment and can't remeber one of them....doh!!!), and from there you can add to your own personal preferences.
Hey SPARTAN, I noticed u are using WM6.1, but before that what ROM did you use, and better yet what was the ROM that you used the absolute LONGEST??? or what is your personal favorite??
I'm a bit of a ROM freak, as I never keep the same ROM for any real length of time. Think I've used pretty much everything with little tweaks here and there.
Mostly used Schaps, as he tends to provide very stable ROM’s and eagerly awaiting Schaps 6.1 full version, but currently using Faria-R32 / Dr Puttingham WM6.1
Well I am close to going thru with the ROM flash, I just did my weekly REINSTALL of my operating system (been using XP lately) and I just installed the necessary drivers and programs to keep my computer from messing up or having ANY sort of error while the flash process is going on, just the very basics installed, thats really what the cause of death was for my first AT&T 8525(HERMES100) I got sloppy and was then a n00b, did a real n00bish thing and KILLED my 1st 8525. The funny thing with that was I had it for only 48hrs, and I cried for a week after. I still have it, might send it to HTC USA for repair.
But getting back to the todays upgrade, I am still in the process of deciding what ROM I will install, so I gotta ask are there ANY last recommendations on which WM6 ROM I should use?? I just wanna hear any and all last opinions
1st : Shamanix Ultimate v2 Final and 2nd : Kinokin WM6 Final.
I'm valuing ALL opinions
I know, I know this getting annoying and I keep asking dumb questions but I wanna decide, so here is the question
Which is better and/or more stable Schap's WM6 Pro 4.00 or 4.01???
and how good is Schap's WM6 Pro 4.31 cause I am almost leaning towards 4.31, but I like I have said before I want stability and something thats gonna keep my 8525 running longest and strongest
This is gonna be it NO more stupidity coming from ME, I just want last opinions on Schap's WM6 Pro 4.00 - 4.01 and 4.31
and THANK YOU everyone who took the time to help me, I know members like me get annoying, but I do my homework, I just wanted a little help
Opinions, eh? I'm opinionated AND drunk...
Here's mine: go with 6.0 instead of 6.1.
People experienced in dealing with little niggles and issues by altering registry entries or installing lots of small cabs get on fine with 6.1, depending on which ROM of course. If you're new to upgrading then the issues that have yet to ironed out of 6.1 in such as a way as to make it a simple 1-click-to-install-and-you're-done job will probably annoy you too much. Smiffy's advice was really good mate: start with a ROM you can rely on, which basically means your own carrier's. If they haven't produced a WM6 yet (mine, OrangeUK, haven't and probably won't as they do lag rather badly in that area) then go for the most basic, cut-down and reportedly stable 6.0.
After you've got used to using your carrier's mobile you'll notice when the phone's faster or not when using different things on a new ROM. Only move up to 6.1 when you're well-used to how your phone fares with 6.0. (I'm assuming you won't install any benchmarking software. Not calling you lazy as I don't either - I just judge the 'feel' of it.)
I heartily recommend using mattk_r's Pandora Naked 6.0 - it's stable as any ROM I've ever used, including official ROMs. Give me a minute, I'l fetch the link.
Here you go.
I use a ROM based on the kitchen with a lot of my own kit thrown in. But I didn't start out like that; I started out like you, needing a few pointers, doing a lot of reading and occasionally annoying the hell out of myself.
By the way, if you're not using an SDHC card (which I assume you're not from the sounds of things) do me a favour and stick a copy of the original carrier's ROM on your SD card after renaming it HERIMG.nbh. Should you do a ChunkyMonkey Special and temporarily brick your phone (I used to do it all the time mate) it's an easy out in many cases, even if you can't boot past your bootloader.
(But take the SD card out when you flash your ROM. Although that's good practice anyway, so just do it.. )
As you can see (if you checked!) Ultimate is based on Schaps 4.31 ROM and more refined.
I'd go for LVSW.
Seriously man, you're asking the impossible. If you've read the forum so throroughly as you've claimed, you'd know that once you start, you'll not stop. Each of the ROMs, whilst good in their own way, has some kind o prolems with it that will make you change it for something else.
For example - Schaps 4.31 - an excellent rom but you have to install a fix for button 5 plus a couple of other gripes. Nothing major but enough to make me eventually keep looking once something different comes along.
You're not going to find the "one" rom.
The only place you'll find the one is in the matrix. Flashing is like the red pill. You're free of restraint but it comes at a cost.
I know I am asking for a "DREAM" I really just wanted opinions of what would be a GOOD, solid WM6 ROM, cause I am gonna flash it ONCE to the ROM I pick and that s IT, not more flashing or trying out new ROMs and this or that.
Put it this way IF you all had to CHOOSE just 1 WM6 ROM to flash and the fate of the world was riding on your choice of ROM, it had to be stable and save humanity, What ROM would that be??
thats the kinda opinions I want to help me make my choice

Best ROM for Blackstone

What do you think is best ROM for Blackstone ?
What use you ?
I guess that depends very much on what you're looking for. Until you decide what it is you want, nobody is EVER going to give you the right answer.
For me, the best ROM is the one my device came with..it's stable and works. I have never felt the need to flash a new one, esp since just about every ROM I've ever read about has a problem in one way or another (even if it is fixed the next day)
Actually, I have to say that I'm always disappointed by the number of ROMS that come out....it seems that there's new ones almost every day. I appreicate that these are released to allow people to test and report back, but surely they should be restricted to a handful of beta testers perhaps?
ok..back in my box now...apologies
p-r-e-d-a-t-o-r said:
What do you think is best ROM for Blackstone ?
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The one that works best for you and best suits your individual needs.
if you dont want this thread closing i suggest you put a list of things you need require want and ask what meets your requirements. you have been warned!!!
May I respectfully suggest you have a trawl through the Blackstone Rom threads and see what you like and as mentioned above what best suits you. Most of the topics have a change log or features log and screenshots to help you make your mind up.
Then read the Wiki to gather all the info needed to actually start changing to the ROM you find is best for you.
p-r-e-d-a-t-o-r said:
What do you think is best ROM for Blackstone ?
What use you ?
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I use Onkolog's and I'm very satisfied. In terms of speed it does not compare with the stock ROM, much faster. Very stable and quite Spartan, the way I like it. Hope this helps a bit more than most of the posts I've seen in this thread.
It depends on what you want.
Do you want a light, fast & probably stable ROM?
Or a heavy ROM with many programs on it?
Or between that?
I use dutty's 2.3 at the moment, but I don't use TF3D.
Take a look at what ROM's you want.
PS: the manila 3 is nice, so pick one with manila 3 and check out your new TF3D Look
In my case, after testing several realeased roms, I am using Dutty's 2.1. It is very satisfactory. I tried versions 2.2 and 2.3 but I don't particularly like the new start menu (I have a lot of programs installed and it doesn't suit my needs).
Try any of the versions (v2.xx) available at dutty's website. Any of them will amaze your relatives and friends.
I'm just surprised no MOD closed this thread!!
This is a common question with no answer as everyone is different so obviously everyones likes & dislikes will be different so no point asking which rom is better as what you may like, the next person won't!
Go into each rom thread, read up on them and flash whichever one appeals most to you. If you aren't happy, flash another!!
I've flashed countless rom's and I'm still searching for the perfect one!!
Go into each rom thread, read up on them and flash whichever one appeals most to you. If you aren't happy, flash another!!
I've flashed countless rom's and I'm still searching for the perfect one!!
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agrreee with yo Fallen Spartan, bravo!!
today it's perfect but tomorrow it's not
Fallen Spartan said:
I've flashed countless rom's and I'm still searching for the perfect one!!
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agree... at moment i´m using duttys v2.3... but also miri´s v5 is very nice...
What, no deleting threads?
I asked a similar question to this about 2 months ago, having just bought a Blackstone, and got a short, sharp message about searching instead of trying to start a conversation and engage people. The thread got deleted a few minutes later.
Glad this didn't happen to you, good luck choosing a ROM. People on this forum are very helpful and talented, but can be incredibly rude at times.
krs360 said:
I asked a similar question to this about 2 months ago, having just bought a Blackstone, and got a short, sharp message about searching instead of trying to start a conversation and engage people. The thread got deleted a few minutes later.
Glad this didn't happen to you, good luck choosing a ROM. People on this forum are very helpful and talented, but can be incredibly rude at times.
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I understand your comment, but if I can defend a few people on this site. Yes, some are rude and they generally get banned due to complaints....and rightly so. But others may have come across as rude but are infact actually good natured people who are just annoyed at getting asked the same questions day in.
As you said you asked the same question a few months ago and I can guarantee this same question has been asked dozens of other times. This is why we always ask people to read threads before posting new ones, and at the top of each forum included in the rules etc it also states this.
I try and be as helpful when I can and answer every query to the best of my knowledge, but I've also lost my cool once or twice.
My previous post in this thread is basically as much as anyone can offer on this subject.
Anyway, thats my two cents on the subject!!
Fallen Spartan said:
I understand your comment, but if I can defend a few people on this site. Yes, some are rude and they generally get banned due to complaints....and rightly so. But others may have come across as rude but are infact actually good natured people who are just annoyed at getting asked the same questions day in.
As you said you asked the same question a few months ago and I can guarantee this same question has been asked dozens of other times. This is why we always ask people to read threads before posting new ones, and at the top of each forum included in the rules etc it also states this.
I try and be as helpful when I can and answer every query to the best of my knowledge, but I've also lost my cool once or twice.
My previous post in this thread is basically as much as anyone can offer on this subject.
Anyway, thats my two cents on the subject!!
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Very well said. a) I too am surprised this didn't get closed. b) I agree, I don't think it's as much as people being rude but it gets annoying when the same questions are asked without using the search button.
and c) each ROM IS different. I've installed about a dozen different ROMs on my Blackstone and each one had their issues and/or benefits.
For the most part, I followed Dutty's ROMs but 2-3 weeks ago, I tried David's ROMs and though they're both great, I actually found an older ROM from David that I extremely liked when I disabled 3FTD. My phone is stable, extremely fast and has what I need in it.
It's very easy to get caught up "upgrading" ALL THE TIME. It seems that we all want the best and fastest ROM out there. Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect ROM out there that doesn't have some small issue and even if you found one with a minimal amount, you probably wouldn't like the amount (or lack of) programs in it.
I suggest you try several ROM's until you find a "style" that you like. After 3 years of upgrading ROM's (started back with a Razr) I can finally say I'm happy with the my current ROM and have no desire to upgrade.
So, start modding and good luck.
"It's very easy to get caught up "upgrading" ALL THE TIME. It seems that we all want the best and fastest ROM out there. Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect ROM out there that doesn't have some small issue and even if you found one with a minimal amount, you probably wouldn't like the amount (or lack of) programs in it.
I suggest you try several ROM's until you find a "style" that you like. "
Sound advice by Mark. I personally have tried most roms available as well - currently using Dutty 2.4 quite happy with it, I found the new Dutty version release slighty slower then the 2.4.
orangecrush said:
It's very easy to get caught up "upgrading" ALL THE TIME. It seems that we all want the best and fastest ROM out there. Unfortunately, there isn't a perfect ROM out there that doesn't have some small issue and even if you found one with a minimal amount, you probably wouldn't like the amount (or lack of) programs in it.
I suggest you try several ROM's until you find a "style" that you like. After 3 years of upgrading ROM's (started back with a Razr) I can finally say I'm happy with the my current ROM and have no desire to upgrade.
So, start modding and good luck.
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Agreed with riz157. Sound advice
But I think all that can be said on this has been! Could a MOD close this thread.
HTC Blackstone Roms
i am still searching for the best one...
mcfly444 said:
i am still searching for the best one...
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Try Duttys HD Leo Holy Grail R0. I'm sure you will like it..
The only thing that misses in this beautiful rom is the languagepack
p-r-e-d-a-t-o-r said:
What do you think is best ROM for Blackstone ?
What use you ?
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Hello,the legal official rom . All cooked roms are full of bugs ...
1.56 stock rom

need help understanding some version numbers

ok so im trying to read things already posted, but there are too many posts to read and at this rate im not gonna get anything done and probably brick my (valuable) phone
so ill break it down into some simple questions that cannot possibly have a biased answer and the rest i can work out through trial and error
firstly, radio versions
i have
many people are saying "woo hoo is great" am i right in assuming this is an old build?
secondly the actual version number
is is as simple as the higher the number, the newer the radio? or do some of the numbers mean specific things like the the first 08, does that mean vodafone uk (my carrier) or is it litteraly a version thing?
thirdly, which radio stacks will work (full functionality, not sort of works, or works but no 3g) on vodafone in the UK.
ok? i can try out all the radio versions that meet the third questions requisites and i can filter the versions i will try with the understanding of the first and second questions.
now, onto ROM versions.
im not so bothered about ROM's as the performance of the device seems ok to me, however, so as to remain informed i must ask.
WM 6.5, worth the upgrade? better features? i may simply look for a changelog, but has anyone tried it on the diamond, as the diamond was not built for 6.5 how does it handle the OS.
are there any rom's that come particularly recommended for their reliability, as my ideal phone would be stable, with good battery life (i know this is connected to the radio stack, but the ROM must also play some part) compatible and integrated with facebook and twitter (like on the diamond2)
also other than the ROM and the radio stack, is there anything else that needs updating? if so, please provide some info, if you must link to a wiki, please link to a relevant page, not the wiki as a whole... the idea of my asking is to save me trawling through hundreds of pages to find the 2 or 3 paragraphs i want... i am not google spider lol ( and i dont expect anyone here to be either, so im not fussed with detailed info, just an outline would be great, for any of the above points! im fairly clever, but the questions above are stumping me as im coming v late to this whole ROM issue and while the tutorials are good, im confident i could sucessfully flash my diamond, i fear i know nothing of the merits of the ROM's that the chefs are cooking.) anywho, im off to bed now, as its gone 4am and i have work at 3pm and my son will invariably wake me up around 8 so i must sleep now or forego it completely (dont you dare tempt me lol)
many thanks in advance to anyone who offers their help here.
As you have seen, there are quite few version of WM6.5 out there in the forum. from time to time, I load new releases which I think probably good enough to have a go, be frank, I havent found any WM6.5 cooked ROM suitable for me yet. most time, I find it's a bit sluggish. However, keep in mind, WM6.5 is not exactly mature yet.
For a good reliablity and performance, I woud recommend WM6.1 still. so you have to try each ROM yourself. It would create a debate here if I tell you which ROM i think best. have fun flashing!
Regarding Radio question, I think u rather post a question in the Radio thread. many ppl would be more than happy to help.

