Sound Problems - P3300, MDA Compact III General

I've had a O2 XDA Orbit for about 3 months now without any problems, but it seems to devloped a strange fautl today.
This morning (around 7am) the alarm went off as usual, but come about 10 when I tried to make a phone call the call was placed but I could not hear the other person (and she could not hear me). I checked out the phone and noticed that both volume sliders where set to off, changing them and I still could not get any sound out of the device.
In Settings Sounds & Notifications when I press the play button theres no sound, and trying the built in sound/video/midi results in no sound.
Oddly when someone calls, I changed the ring tone to an mp3 wich will play, but again I cant hear the caller, or they hear me.
I've done a soft reboot, with no help, before I tired a hard reset I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas?

I'm having exactly the same problem. If anyone has any advice regarding this I'd be greatly apperciated!


There is no sound from speaker

Hi guys. Untill today i was using my BA without no problem. I use WM 6.5-R5 when someone call me the phone ringing and i can hear the sound coming from the speaker, but when i answer it there is no sound from the speaker. when i try to play an mp3 there is no sound too. when i call someone there is no sound i can not hear the dial tone or the persons voice. the speaker works only when receiving a call and there is only ringing sound. it happens suddenly. it was working very normal untill today. i just flash the rom and there is no change still no sound. what is the problem? does anybody know?
1. check the system volume in the task bar, maybe the right bar is up and the left one is down, that would cause that the only sound you can hear is your ringtone, and nothing else
2. if that is the case try putting the left one up, if that works and there is still no sound, check again, maybe it lowered itself, in that case, re-flash your device (occured to me once)
3. if both points aren't applicable, look up the settings for sounds & notifications (very unlikely)
i personally believe it is no. 2, as i had that issue myself just a few weeks ago.
i checked everything about sound but nothing changed, then suddenly it come back to normal :S now there is no problem thanks anyway

Microphone and speaker stop working!?

It seems about every day I notice that my phone is no longer making any noises, won't play music, no speakerphone if I make a phone call, and NO MICROPHONE! If I soft reset the problem goes away.
I'm starting to isolate the problem by removing some related programs, starting with Resco Audio Recorder (automatic phone recording) but has anyone else seen this problem?
It's soooo frustrating when someone calls and the microphone is dead.
Hi --
I've seen a similar problem: twice now, in the morning after the phone wakes me up with the alarm, I've gotten calls, where the phone vibrates and shows the incoming-call screen, but there is no ring. I go to answer, and I can't hear anything, and neither can the calling party hear me.
A while ago I put in the Windows directory the new AudioPara3.csv file that's floating around these forums, so I thought that might be the culprit. However, the phone was fine for over a week after loading the file, until I loaded HD Tweak and made a couple of changes with the volume settings. Right now I still have AudioPara3.csv loaded, and have dialed back the HD Tweak volume to the following:
Acoustic settings: Normal
Increase sound: Medium
The last two days the phone has not shown the issue. Now I'm going to try to set Increase sound to High and see if it's still o.k.
Same thing happened to me today as well. I had just installed nitrogen audio player earlier that day. Not sure if it was related.
Same thing happens to me if I increase the acoustic setting in HD Tweak to intermediate level. Revert back to "normal level" and phone works normally.
Interesting, so a sound volume might do it? That's very odd that it affects the microphone too! Anyone have any idea which specific volume might be doing it? I have PhoneAlarm set my volumes based on the time or if there is a current event going on based on its category (ie: work meeting). I wonder if it could be messing with it.
So far no problem after removing Resco Recorder, however... I'm going to leave it off for a week or so then re-install it and see if the problem recurs.

Tasker issue with Galaxy S2

I've been trying to make it so my phone goes silent at a certain time, and then removes the silent after the 'certain time' has expired. This has not been a problem.
The issue is that I still want specific phone numbers to make it through should I receive an emergency call. I used the Profile -> Phone, Incoming Call - to trigger and this works fine. However, there seems to be nothing I can do to force the phone to ring. I've tried removing silent mode, and it does, but the phone still won't ring until the next call. I've also tried lowering volumes and raising on phone call, same result. The closest I've become is to play my ringer tone as a ringer using Task -> Media, Play Ringtone. The downside is the phone will absolutely NOT stop ringing. It does when you pick up the phone but continues after you hang up, well past the ringtones duration. Calling Stop Task doesn't work, nor can I find a stop audio action.
I'm hoping someone has a good solution to this as I couldn't find one through lots of searching and trying. I wouldn't mind having to use a terminal command to stop audio if possible but I couldn't find any information on that either.
Any help is appreciated.
Just going to bump this once in hopes someone can figure out a solution. Thanks.

In Ear Speaker

Hi guys, I did a search in this Arc forum for In ear Speaker problems and couldn't find anything, so I chose to start a new thread. Just know I DID try to find info for this phone but I only found a few other threads about different phones.
My in-ear speaker does not work in calls. It is extremely quiet, as if the volume is turned all the way down. Thing is, I try turning up the in-call volume during a call and it does nothing. But the weird thing is, I went into the service menu to test the hardware (using the *#*#7378423#*#* trick) and tested the in-ear speaker and it works fine! Loud and clear! But then immediately following that I'll try a call and still will hear practically nothing. Putting the call on speakerphone allows me to hear the other party, as well as putting in a headset, so I am stumped. Tried pulling the battery and have rebooted the phone many times and the problem is still persisting.
AND, on top of ALL of that, the damn thing was working just fine the other day. I switched to this phone last week and have been making calls successfully being able to hear the other party just fine. But suddenly today it's deciding to not work in a call. This is really weird.
Has anyone else had this problem? What else can I try to fix it? Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT: Blah a hard reset fixed it. Feel free to delete this post mods!

Question In call notification issues

Hello, I have been having this problem with my previous s10+ and it has continued into my zfold3 so this is not specific to the zfold3 but it is where I am experiencing this issue currently.
So the problem is when I am in a call and someone texts me I get a barely audible notification sound that I almost never actually hear. I have gone into the in call settings and only see an option to turn on/off in call notifications but no customization such as what tone to use nor the volume. I also tested this with notification volume set to around 25% vs 100% and it goes from no audible sound at all to a ding that is barely hearable in a completely quiet setting, but once you are in an actual real world situation of talking to someone you will not hear it.
I talk on the phone while using headphones, specifically buds live editions. I include this info in case its relevant, but I have tested while not using the earbuds and had the same result so I don't the headphones are the problem.
Am I missing something in the settings somehow where I can actually have control of in call notifications? With my previous phone I dont remember having this issue early on. After at least a year of using the s10+ this issue started happening and I couldnt figure it out, got the new phone and purposely did not connect the transfer cable and set it up and transfered files manually to avoid potentially having a bad setting transfer over and continuing this problem. Yet the problem still continues regardless. My best guess is its something that started after a big UI update or something like that. Hoping someone can give me some insight or advice on fixing this cause its causing me a lot of strife.

