Program to track registry changes? - P3300, MDA Compact III ROM Development

Hi all,
Does anyone know of a program that I can use on my Orbit to monitor what changes are made to the registry over a given persiod of time?
Thanks in advance

paulnorth said:
Hi all,
Does anyone know of a program that I can use on my Orbit to monitor what changes are made to the registry over a given persiod of time?
Thanks in advance
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I'm not an expert... but what I did once was:
1. Export the whole registry
2. Wait the given period of time
3. Export the whole registry again
4. Compare the files with a comparision program (i.e. PSPad Editor)

Surely There must be a system monitor for ppc, there are several for pc that monitor the registry, files and folders

Samribi said:
I'm not an expert... but what I did once was:
1. Export the whole registry
2. Wait the given period of time
3. Export the whole registry again
4. Compare the files with a comparision program (i.e. PSPad Editor)
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Problem is, the registry editor that everyone seems to be using (PHMRegEdit) does not export into text, but rather some sort of binary data that the comparison programs can't read properly.
I'd like to be able to find out what happens to my registry when certain things are done to the device, but as of yet I can't figure out how to read PHMRegEdit exports!
Is there some other way? A better registry editor perhaps?


Help request - setting registry (owner info etc) from a cab

Hiya, I've been playing about with the extended rom and have the system in great shape, apart from some registry settings, such as the owner info and device name. It would be kinda handy to have these setup automatically but I am totally unable to do it... I'm presuming it's because there is something else that has to be done other than simply set the keys.
I'm using PHM reg ed to export keys as well as simply creating them manually and am using WinCE Cab Manager to make the cabs. I'm on the original O2 Exec rom (well, most of it )
When I run the cab (automatically from a hard reset or manually), I can see the values in the registry but they never appear on the today screen. I've tried a variety of power cycling, soft resetting etc but the today screen is never updated - it always says "Tap here to set owner info". If I do that, the registry keys are cleared out...
If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be grateful - for a small problem it's taking up a lot of time! :?
I've not gone down the .CAB route, but just import these and other settings from a .reg file and have never had this problem.
When I have to install from scratch, the first install is Resco's Explorer (which contains a Registry Editor), then execute the .reg file.
Almost sounds as if the registry changes are not being saved. Is it only these particular settings or are other changes not registered?
Well, I have created loads of CAB files in WinCE CAB Manager to set up my phone, tomtom, etc.
I Used the same method as you. The only difference being that I reset (automatically) after I install them. Could this be it?
Ahh, which WinCE CAB Manager version you running? You need the new beta 1.2 version to be able to create WM5 compatible CAB Files. Can this have something to do with it?
moghisi101 said:
... The only difference being that I reset (automatically) after I install them. Could this be it?
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Probably the cause. I know I've read and experienced that I must allow the device to flush after changes before I reset it. I usually turn it off, then wait a minute or two before I soft-reset.
Ahh, which WinCE CAB Manager version you running? You need the new beta 1.2 version to be able to create WM5 compatible CAB Files. Can this have something to do with it?
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As yet I'm not using CABs/Cab-Manager. Couldn't find one when I looked - except at ridiculous money, which I wasn't prepared to waste - so I'm just using the .reg-files manually
Guys, many thanks for the replies!
I'm using my 15 free goes (and hibernating ) on version 1.1 of WCM at the mo, it's too expensive to buy as I would only use it for this as far as I can see - I'll head off and look for the beta next.
I have tried power cycling, pausing while off and resetting as well as soft-resetting from software, but not doing it automatically 'cos I don't know how!
@moghisi101: Out of curiousity, how are you automatically performing a soft-reset and thanks for the heads-up about beta 1.2!
I have written an Autorun.exe file, much like the one in the extended rom. It does not however read a config.txt file. It runs the CAB files (with my apps and settings in) and then resets.
I don't remember where I put the code, so I can't compile one for you. It only needs a slight change from the Autorun sample Microsoft Supply.
At the moment I can set up pretty much everything on the phone. Button Lock, GPRS Settings (including GPRS Auto Attach, etc), Owner Info, Default Volume, Today Screen Plugins (order and enabled/disabled), Date/Time, Screen Config, Infrared off by default.....the list goes on. When I Hard Reboot, It skips the welcome screen (all the time settings etc) and I've got it to ask me which Operator Settings to Install (eg Vodafone, o2, Orange, Tmobile Splash Screens and GPRS connections).
It's much better than the default Qtek, i-mate, and (definately) o2 ROMs...
Just a thought!
Are you annotating your .reg files with semi-colon at the start of a line?
With the PC, I've always annotated my .reg import-files, so that I could remember why I'd done something later on, but found that *no* lines after those annotation would be imported on the Exec (Universal). Don't know if this is specifically a WM5 issue or not. If you put the annotations at the end of the .reg file, all the preceeding key/value content lines *are* imported.
@astage: Interesting about the annotations, that must have caused some pain before you figured it out! I don't have annotations in my reg files as I'm not really using reg files I'm building keys in WinCE Cab Manager by both importing reg exports and typing them in manually.
Unfortunately, the beta version is only available to registered users, so I'll have to abandon that one for now.
@moghisi101: It sounds like you're sorted! That's basically what I had in mind myself, except that I was thinking smaller
Thanks for the thought about compiling an exe, I was thinking I may have to ask a mate to make something like that so if you do find the code and feel like posting one, I'm sure the community would thank you!
I've been looking for something that would just install cabs etc then reboot but not found one yet on the web... I'm a UI designer and so am wary about going down the visual studio path for fear I may start to favour all-grey interfaces :twisted: .
Which autorun sample are you referring to though? I guess I may have to get my hands dirty after all!
No, I don't annotate them, so I haven't come accross this. But, if you save some Keys using a Reg Editor and then use Import in WinCE Cab Manager...ahhh, I think i may know the problem!
1. Don't put Comments in Reg Files
2. Don't use import in WinCE CAB Manager! If the reg key has data above a certain length it will split it to next line using a ";", but WinCE Cab Manager assumes this is the end of the data. So, your Owner Info could be being entered in incorrectly as a result. You have to copy-paste the reg key into a new dword, etc into WinCE Cab Manager. i.e. DONT IMPORT
I hope that vaguely made sense
Yup! Clear as a bell, thanks! I'll try that in a mo, just rebooting. Import is *sooo* tempting though, so simple... Curse my weakness for the easy path!
Hi. Here is Microsoft's Autorun Code (I have that)
You have to make slight changes to allow for reboot at end. It's fully annotated if you dont understand what it means. BTW, you dont need Visual Studio. Infact it's probably the worst root. Use Microsoft's eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 to compile this for Windows CE, Mobile 2003SE, (or Mobile 5?). It's Microsoft but it's FREE!?
Sweet! Two terms you don't hear very often in the same context are Microsoft and free! Nice one, thanks! I'm downloading Microsoft's eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 as I type.
You actually solved the problem already though, in a way, pointing out that WCM truncates "strings". I opened an exported key in Textpad and tidied it up (removing the end of line "\" and the "\n\t") then saved it and imported the file into WinCE Cab Manager, made my cab, installed it and soft rebooted from SPB PocketPlus without going back to the Today screen. It worked!
I'm a big fan of Textpad and will use that to make a macro to tidy up exported reg keys so I can import them easily (another triumph for the easy path!).
You, Sir, are a DUDE!
Edit: 16.4 kbps from MS... :roll: For anyone else who decides to go down this path, the killer bit is to make sure your key values don't get truncated! Open the .reg in a text editor and make sure any really long values, like binaries, are all on one nice long line! It doesn't seem to make any difference if you soft-reset from an app or use the stylus btw.
Shame the baby kept us up all last night! I've *got* to get some sleep or I'll end up doing god knows what to my device by accident!
Thanks for the help moghisi101!
Hehe, Gee Thanks. And btw, Textpad r0x!
If you want to do that autorun thing.....familiarize yourself with the whole 2577 method (search it and you'll understand). If you don't want crappy o2 Customisations, etc on your device then you are better off just editing the extended rom, edit the config.txt, add your configuration CABs, and then every time you hard reset all your customisations will appear! NO programming involved. If you then add "welcome.not" file to SD Card, the Welcome screen at hard reset wont appear (if you code this in your autorun file it will work on ALL devices, not just a few including HTC). BUT only do this if your CAB files contain stylus screen settings, and time settings. However, as this is not viable in all situations the 2577 method can be much better. Especially when selling a piece of software, etc (automatic installation and configuration), as I do.
I might email you, later on, a video of what happens when I hard reset my device to give you an idea of what you can do (at the least) and hopefully you can go on to improve on that.
Thought I will give you a kick start. Here are some Regedits I could make for you. Took me a short while, but there are loads more for inbuilt apps (e.g Messagig, etc) but I coudn't remember where the reg values where.
Please note, I couldn't find any of the WM5 ones...completely forgotten them. But these should give you and idea as to where they are. Also, look here in the Wiki
Some of the ones I have given are from here, but many more I found myself
Hope it helps you (become a millionaire - don't forget me )
You can see the solution here:
Thanks to Bayondthetech for the CAB file.
Hehe. I feel like a n00b now (which I am really). I hadn't seen that. But I think mine does a couple of extra things that he didn't post....?
Wow! Holy Cr*p! Thanks for all those reg files! :bows:
I'd looked at BTT's post before and was hoping to use his cabs as a guide. Unfortunately, they aren't currently available (from what I've read, he generated so much traffic with his downloads that his host yanked his connection and he's in the process of moving sites).
Thanks to moghisi101 and a few other posters on this forum, I don't need them any more!
@moghisi101: I had already edited my extendedRom's config file to load and run cabs I store on the SD card (to keep the extRom below 10mb) and realised last night that that already does the auto reset for me, so life gets another bit easier These reg files rock though! Shame you're not running tomom5 yourself, I'll have to sort those out myself!
The next thing to try is to export the BT settings for my paired devices - I'm hoping it will be possible to restore those automatically too.
Attached is the TextPad macro (although it is too simple to call it that really!) that I'm using to tidy up the reg keys for import into WinCE Cab Manager, hope it helps someone!
Post that video!
Actually, I have TomTom 5....up until 5.10 I edited TomTom's Cab itself but I just haven't had a chance with 5.21 (need to use CabWiz now, not WinCE Cab Manager - no full WM5 support lol).
The TomTom 3 Today settings is same for TomTom 5 if you want to change order/hide/unhide. Most of the other settings are in a .cfg file on SD card for Home Address, etc. Only a couple other settings use Registry...
Anyway....glad to be of some service
moghisi101 said:
... (need to use CabWiz now, not WinCE Cab Manager - no full WM5 support lol). ...
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Had a brief conversation this afternoon with a friend who uses Microsoft's CabWiz to produce .cab files for bespoke software.
He mentioned that (with CabWiz) if you use the .cab to apply registry entries, then the .cab must also install something, a text file or similar. I can't recall if he said it would otherwise not create the .cab correctly, or that the reg entries may not be applied correctly.
Not yet tried it myself - will have to wait until after the bloody Tax Return is finished!
Strange, It works fine for me? Was his the newer CabWiz that you can use with WM5, like mine?

How do I turn a .reg file into a .cab?

Hi everyone,
I have an XDA Exec and my current project is to customise my extended rom to install resco, magic button, some ringtones into the windows folder, batti and not have O2 Active (just dingo's connections cab). I have sorted the above, but now I would like to export my whole registry with just these applications installed, along with all my settings 9owner information, MSN, camera settings etc...) If I export the whole registry through Resco, can I then convert that into a CAB using WinCE CAB Manager or soething similar? Is it a good idea? How do I imprt a registry file successfully into WinCE, as I have tried it in the past with previous devices and never got anywhere. I would be extremely grateful for any help, even if its just someone telling me not to bother wasting my time if it won't work!
WinCE CAB Manager will allow you to make a cab from a reg. However, there are limitations I think, and whether it's wise to do the whole reg is another question. Some of it is volatile. If you pick and choose relevant user settings, you should be safe.
vijay555 said:
WinCE CAB Manager will allow you to make a cab from a reg. However, there are limitations I think, and whether it's wise to do the whole reg is another question. Some of it is volatile. If you pick and choose relevant user settings, you should be safe.
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D'oh! I just found out the hard way that importing your whole registry doesn't work for quite a few reasons! Thanks for your reply, I still can't work out CAB manager though. Is there anything particular you have to remember when importing a REG file into a CAB?
There's some issue I read somewhere that it breaks some lines or something in the imported reg. Not sure how or why...
I'd suggest just get the relevant sections, control panel, software, gwes etc... you'll have to glance through your whole reg, try it in individual sections, then compile the lot into one functional bunch.
i have been using WinCE cab manager a lot and i have found that importing small sections of 'code' is more reliable than huge chunks, and i have used this methood succesfully to create customised cab file settings (see my theme+ringtone+dialler post) where i extracted parts of the registry and posted into WinCE cab.

How to get into registry to tweak

I just got my universal and want to apply so simple registry tweaks found on this forum, only I have no idea how to get into the registry. I know this sounds stupid, trying to tweak without any knowledge and experience, but changing a value from 0 to 1 is not beyond me.
So please if anyone would be so kind as to help me out with some info on to do this safely, ‘cause I don’t want to screw up this fantastic device. And without tweaking I would be missing out on a better running universal.
There is no built in registry editor in most of the ROMs. You have to install the appropriate program like Resco Explorer, or Regedit etc.
Personally I prefer to use the my PC to edit the registry of my devices.
This app uses the active sync connection to your PC and works with WM5 smartphone & pocket pc.
I personally prefer PHM Registry Editor. It is FREE and has a small foot print, plus it is installed in your device or SD Card if you prefer, so you don't have to drag around your computer just in case you have the urge to change something or try something out. Here is a link:
I prefer Total Commader CE from
thanks for all the suggestions. Only I don't understand how to use total commander to edit the registry. I use it as a great file explorer,but couldn't find a way into the registry.
cktlcmd said:
I personally prefer PHM Registry Editor. It is FREE and has a small foot print, plus it is installed in your device or SD Card if you prefer, so you don't have to drag around your computer just in case you have the urge to change something or try something out. Here is a link:
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Yeah - PHM is nice.
@ng .. make sure that you open the root directory on TC. There you wil see that you can select and open the register.
personally, I prefer Resco and have used all the others
Resco provides a much better file exporer, registry, ftp and a recycle bin, not free, but really, this software is cheap for so much extra functionality and simplicity all built into one.
i have TC used PHM and have never used the standard windows explorer built in....

Issues saving WM6 Excel files. Please help!

I know that this is arguably in the wrong forum, but I've been posting my issue in the "General" forum for weeks without one response. Trying to get some exposure.
I'm just wondering if this is just my issue or if it's a common issue with WM5/WM6 and or the latest ActiveSync, 4.5. I'm having issues with syncing Excel files that used to sync just fine on WM2003. I have large spreadsheets that are about 325kb in size on the desktop. When I sync the file, it's the same size until I open it and try to make changes and save it. Then I get the following error:
"Unsupported content and formatting may be lost if you save this workbook..."
The only way I can save the spreadsheet is to rename it and create a new one with the same name. It then writes over the original file, taking up to 30 seconds to save. The file is then 969kbs in size (almost triple!). And every time I edit on the PC it goes back to 325kbs. Then when I edit on the PPC, it goes through this again, making the file almost a Meg again.
Is there any way to just sync the file with just one format? WM2003 doesn't have this problem at all. It syncs the file and it's still the same size on both the desktop and the PC, 325kbs. But not for WM5 or WM6. This is really annoying. Also, sometimes my date formats are changed from month-day-year to day-year-month, or something retarded like that. Really freakin annoying to say the least. You buy MS products and they're not even compatible. I feel like I have a Palm trying to sync Apple documents or something. It's really ridiculous! I'm hoping that one of you genius' can point me to a setting that I've overlooked to fix this. Or some kind of cab or hack to make Excel save documents in the same format as WM2003. Please help!
PS, I've tried to change the conversion settings in Active sync as well with no apparant effects.
As cuurent ppc office uses same format as pc why not copy and paste documents rather than synching - its what i do with any documents i want to have on my ppc.
meschle said:
As cuurent ppc office uses same format as pc why not copy and paste documents rather than synching - its what i do with any documents i want to have on my ppc.
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I get the same error whether I use activesync or not. That's the problem - they're not the same format. When saving on the desktop it converts to XLS work book. When saving on the device it converts to a PXL file. Thery're different. As a matter of fact, I found out last night the WM2003 is converting the files the same way but it shows the storage size as if it were in the XLS form (says 352Kbs but desktop shows 950Kbs actual size until opened and saved on desktop) It's been doing this all along, so I guess the only difference is that now, I'm getting an warning before I save and rewrite the file and I have to rename it.
Strange thing is that no one seems to have this issue but me. I've only found like 2 or 3 posts on the internet with people having this issue with WM6. So, there's a way to bypass it - Just don't know how.
BTW, Thanx for replying to my post.
2003 saved as pxl - wm6 saves as xls or xlsx - what rom are you using?
meschle said:
2003 saved as pxl - wm6 saves as xls or xlsx - what rom are you using?
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Yours. O2 Premium (not Premium Plus)
Well it saves as xls\xlsx then - theres no need for conversion of the files.
meschle said:
Well it saves as xls\xlsx then - theres no need for conversion of the files.
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I tried to edit-save using WM5 storeage on the device and then edit-save on the desk top. Created the document on the device and it was saved as "Excel 2007 Workbook"(default). Save to storage card and then turned on WM5 storage and connected to the desktop. Went to the storage card, opened the same file and I got a brief message "file conversion in progress" before the file opened. I went to "save as" and the file type was the same "Excel 2007 Workbook". So, like you said, why is there a need for conversion if they're in the same format? Says there're the same but I don't think they really are. Desktop file size is always smaller than the device file size.
Appreciate your help, but I guess I'm just going to have to live with it.
PS and yes, it still asks me to rename the file if I try to edit it after coming from the desktop.

hiding applications list in add/remove programs in wm6.1

hi guys,
Will u please enlightened me how to hide some particular application(s) list (without uninstalling) in add/remove programs in wm6.1 through registry.
Yes I'd like to know too. When there is an error in the uninstallation process; the program can be removed from the list without actually being removed. There must be a way...
on pc's the items in the add/remove prog list mirros a list in the registry
if the same goes for pda's it's just a matter of removing that entry
Rudegar said:
on pc's the items in the add/remove prog list mirros a list in the registry
if the same goes for pda's it's just a matter of removing that entry
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right!! it's in the registry, but actually I can't figure out it in wm6. For wm2003se it is in
HKLM\Software\Apps\particular program name\
- for hiding the reg_dword value of "Instl" should be 0 to enable it again it should be 1.
But it doesn't make any difference in wm6.1 !!
Does anyone know where is the list of Add/Remove in WM6.1 registry???
Bump for someone who knows the answer to this!
It's in one of the data stores, and those are AFAIK undocumented. I wrote an app once to remove something from the list but it was tricky. I'm not sure, but one of the tweak tools (I think SKTools) can do this as well.
Ahm yes, I looked at my old code, this is what you need to remove:
And here comes the tricky one: the installation record in mxip_swmgmt.vol, which is tricky. See CeMountVol in MSDN.

