How do I change the order or items on my today screen - HTC Excalibur

I have an S621 from Rogers with the WM6 update....
I must either be completely blind or got hit too many times in the head... but for the life of me I can't find the setting.
I just installed an app that put some entries on my home screen. This totally screwed up the order and the "look" I like.
How can I:
1) change the order of what is on my today screen (move the new apps to the bottom)
2) remove items from my today screen.
Sorry for the completely NEWBIE question .... I tried searching but maybe I am using the wrong verbiage to find what I need.

You could have a look at the new Quick Menu application - see THIS post - it looks like it allows you to re-arrange / cascade Start menu items etc...

you can play with the .xml home screen file to re-order stuff. If you activesync and hit explore, go to My Windows Mobile-Based Device> Application Data>Home
and copy and paste out the home screen (it will have the extension .xml) you are using to your desktop. It will likely be the Rogers one. Anyway, once you have it on your desktop, open it with notepad. Copy all the text and paste it here, on this thread, and we can help you re-arrange it to suit. Let us know what you are trying to do (eg, delete appontments, move the icons up, etc). Use the # command above to keep it straight when you post it here. To give you an example, here is the stock Rogers one:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe Condensed" font-size="19" font-weight="bold" padding-left="5" padding-right="5" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" font-weight="bold" fgcolor="#D01919"/>
<format state="unselected" fgcolor="#000000" />
<background bgimage="Rogers background.bmp" valign="top"/>
<!-- COLOR_HOMETEXT, COLOR_HOMERULE to define color of CB -->
<color name="COLOR_GRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_GRADRIGHT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADLEFT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_INTGRADRIGHT" value="#FFFFFF"/>
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#D01919" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#d01919" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#000000" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#FFFFFF" />
<!--standard missed calls plugin-->
<plugin clsid="{0BA8ABB8-1F1D-417f-88C6-DA8530E2E7A6}" name="missedcalls" height="220">
<background b-border-width="0">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="FFFFFF"/>
<label halign="center" bgcolor="#000000" fgcolor="#000000" font-weight="bold" y="60" w="320" h="220" font-size="32">
<format state="nocall" visible="false"/>
<text lang="0x0409">
Missed calls: <calls/>
<plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="Iconbar" height="0">
<background b-border-width="0">
<iconbar bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" y="0" x="0"/>
<!-- Date/Time/Carrier Plugin -->
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="45">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label bgcolor="transparent" halign="right" font-weight="bold" y="-5" w="320" font-size="18" fgcolor="#000000">
<date font-weight="bold" fgcolor="#000000" font-size="18" valign="top" halign="left" mode="short" y="25" w="320" />
<time font-weight="bold" font-size="30" bgtext="transparent" halign="left" fgcolor="#000000" mode="12" y="-5" w="320"/>
<!-- Call forward indicator -->
<plugin clsid="{55EE36E7-7CC3-47e8-85E2-1D8644280E7A}" name="hello" height="52">
<label h="22">
<!-- Profile Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="profile" height="50">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#000000">
<format state="unselected" font-weight="normal" />
<format state="selected" font-weight="bold"/>
<text lang="0x0409">Profile: <profile/></text>
<!-- Messages plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{2F930BF0-6FE9-4a53-9E17-88E9247BAB48}" name="SMScount" height="20" width="200">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#000000" font-size="20">
<format state="unselected" font-weight="normal" />
<format state="selected" font-weight="bold" />
<text> Email: <unreadEmail /> SMS: <unreadSMS /></text>
<!-- Calendar Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="calendar" height="45" width="210">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label w="170" halign="left" bgcolor="000000" fgcolor="#000000" font-size="20">
<format state="unselected" font-weight="normal" />
<format state="selected" font-weight="bold"/>
<text><subject/> <time/> <location/></text>
<!-- MRU -->
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="25">
<mru x="1" highlight="#ff0000" icon-size="16" max-buttons="5" y="0"/>
<appname halign="left" x="121" y="6" font-size="15" fgcolor="#000000"/>

What was I thinking........
Mark Crouch said:
You could have a look at the new Quick Menu application - see THIS post - it looks like it allows you to re-arrange / cascade Start menu items etc...
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^^^^^ That would have been the right answer if the OP had actually asked that question!! D'Oh!! (It's late, I'm tired and I didn't read the post properly - at least, that's my excuse ).
The other poster is right - getting down and dirty with your home screen XML file is the only way to, but there's plenty of willing helpers on this forum if you get stuck!

Got it!
You guys rock!
I am playing around with the BlackBerry Connect software and it added two plugins at the top of my today screen that threw everything else off.
Moved them to the bottom and I am now a happy guy.


T-Mobile Music Player Homescreen Plug In & Other

not sure if it is actually called a plug in, however i just downloaded the new generic WM 6.0 ROM on my unlocked Dash. i previously had the T-Mobile 6.0 running with not to many problems, the new upgrade went off without a hitch. curious there were a few little things in the T-Mobile ROM that were nice
1. the WMP home screen plug in
2. the fact you could chenge profiles from Normal to Vibrate by pressing and holding the # key
3. the colors for the installed homescreens (i really hate the black text on the green background, my text was white and there were dividers between each row on the T-Mobile ROM, now everything is just stacked without any dividers with the new HTC ROM
i am sure i will find other little things but for now i would really love to know if the WMP plug in can be extracted so i can load it on the unbranded ROM? and of course if anybody has the other answers that is appreciated as wll
thanks in advance
Holding the # key for Vibrate mode is standard for all T-Mobile WM devices, great feature -- too bad it's not a Microsoft thing.
You can edit the color scheme of your homescreen's XML file to make the text whatever color you want -- but -- there's a rather steep learning curve for homescreen customization.
Your best bet would be to spend $15 on Facade, which comes with default screens that are >>>much<<< better than what comes with the HTC ROM update:
Once you have Facade, there are a bunch more screens you can download and use as well:
bigedmiami said:
...2. the fact you could chenge profiles from Normal to Vibrate by pressing and holding the # key
3. the colors for the installed homescreens (i really hate the black text on the green background, my text was white and there were dividers between each row on the T-Mobile ROM, now everything is just stacked without any dividers with the new HTC ROM...
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WMP Screen Plug-In
1) Install .Cab File
2) Start - WMP Plug-In
3) Show Plug-In on Home Screen
4) Change Home Screen Colors to suit your preferences
and that's it ! You're done
here's the required cab file you need for WMP Plug-In for Windows Mobile 6:
much thanks for the cab file, works like a charm, also actually made the text white just the way i like it. OK i have 2 addl questions
1. the last programs used icons at the top are now very large and cause the homescreen to be too tall so i have to scroll down, anybody savvy enough to edit the xml file to make the icons smaller once again?
2. on the # key thing is there any to make this change via a registry hack? or maybe extract something from the old T-Mobile ROM
thanks again
i installed the cab then "show" plugin but nothing happens. im using facade on my HS.
bigedmiami said:
much thanks for the cab file, works like a charm, also actually made the text white just the way i like it. OK i have 2 addl questions
1. the last programs used icons at the top are now very large and cause the homescreen to be too tall so i have to scroll down, anybody savvy enough to edit the xml file to make the icons smaller once again?
2. on the # key thing is there any to make this change via a registry hack? or maybe extract something from the old T-Mobile ROM
thanks again
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hey, no problem at all...
yes, the icons become very large - exactly why i'm not using it as i have to keep scrolling down to use it but that's a good idea - can someone please install the plug in and edit the homescreen so it uses an interface like htc homescreen 1.1 (default home screen in new wm6 update). thanks.
oldsap said:
i installed the cab then "show" plugin but nothing happens. im using facade on my HS.
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give me a minute, i'm going to install facade and check if it works.
EDIT: i just checked, unfortunately - it doesn't work with facade. so if you feel the need to use it, u'd need to use windows default screens.
thanks for your help,
is there anybody that can edit this XML file to reduce the MRU program icons so the screen is reduced and you do do not need to scroll?? (basically i want everything visible on the homescreen without needing to scroll down) pretty please
thanks in advance
lukybandit said:
it doesn't work with facade.
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It do works with facade , just need some Editing !
bigedmiami said:
thanks for your help,
is there anybody that can edit this XML file to reduce the MRU program icons so the screen is reduced and you do do not need to scroll?? (basically i want everything visible on the homescreen without needing to scroll down) pretty please
thanks in advance
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You just need to edit the MRU section to read as follows:
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="35">
<mru x="5" y="5" icon-size="16" max-buttons="12"/>
He's right -- I recall this coming up before and being covered in the Facade user forums over at -- sorry, it was a while ago and I don't have a link -- you can find the forums at
pvillasuso said:
It do works with facade , just need some Editing !
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thanks, any way you can do this and upload the file? this is out of my league
thanks again
jbleasdale said:
You just need to edit the MRU section to read as follows:
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="35">
<mru x="5" y="5" icon-size="16" max-buttons="12"/>
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BTW how do you change the font color?
did anybody have any luck making the changes? i was not even able to find a MRU reference when i opened the XML file in an editor?
really would like these changes... anybody???
If it helps, here is my full homescreen XML, using the small icons in the MRU. Save this into a file with a .xml extension and save to your device's /Application Data/Home folder. Then select "Custom Home" as your profile.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<author>John B</author>
<title lang="0x0409">Custom Home</title>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Segoe Condensed" font-size="19" font-weight="bold" padding-left="5" padding-right="5" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="1">
<format state="selected" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT"/>
<background bgimage="\windows\WindowsMobile.jpg" bgimage-rotated="\windows\WindowsMobileLS.jpg" valign="bottom" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" />
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#00b7c9" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#00143C" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#2e444f" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#FFFFFF" />
<color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#00F0FF" />
<plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="iconbar" height="27">
<iconbar fgcolor="COLOR_TRAYTEXT"/>
<background gradient="title" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" b-border-color="COLOR_WINDOWFRAME" />
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="35">
<mru x="5" y="5" icon-size="16" max-buttons="12"/>
<plugin clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" name="carrier" height="49">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<label font-size="22">
<label y="21" textwidth="163">
<time y="0" halign="right" font-size="24" font-weight="bold"/>
<date y="21" halign="right"/>
<plugin clsid="{25997777-A9C7-4a44-AEA6-BE5EB0D97B81}" name="voip" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<text singleline="true"><voip/></text>
<plugin clsid="{37391041-C324-4725-BEE1-3232ED3539CA}" name="callprog" height="49">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<format state="nocall" visible="false"/>
<text lang="0x0409">Call in progress:</text>
<label y="23">
<plugin clsid="{0BA8ABB8-1F1D-417f-88C6-DA8530E2E7A6}" name="missedcalls" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<format state="nocall" visible="false"/>
<label h="22">
<text lang="0x0409">Missed calls: <calls/></text>
<plugin clsid="{2FFD93B3-0FF0-4228-A6D6-D2DF177D7D92}" name="alldayevent" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<format state="noevent" visible="false"/>
<label h="22">
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="calendar" height="49">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<label h="22">
<label h="22" y="23">
<text><time/> <location/></text>
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="profile" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<text lang="0x0409" singleline="true">Profile: <profile/></text>
<plugin clsid="{4e822425-a00f-497c-80ff-1c554665a369}" name="cooltext" height="25">
<scrolltext textsource="cellbroadcast"/>
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<plugin clsid="{DCE58428-275E-491f-B835-F2AC38D0CC17}" name="voicemail" height="25">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<text lang="0x0409">Voicemail: <unreadVMail/></text>
<plugin clsid="{8486CC1E-025B-4888-9C76-048DF7C1787D}" name="msgcount2" height="25" autoheight="false">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<mail account="sms"/>
<plugin clsid="{8486CC1E-025B-4888-9C76-048DF7C1787D}" name="msgcount2" height="25" autoheight="false">
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<mail account="activesync"/>
<plugin clsid="{8486CC1E-025B-4888-9C76-048DF7C1787D}" name="msgcount2" height="25" autoheight="true">
<text padding-bottom="5"/>
<format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/>
<mail account="others"/>
Guys, here's the default HTC Home with Music player added to the last line.. have fun!!

Editing .xml on 6.1

I love the sliding panels theme, but I really need my MRU back. I tried to add it to the .xml, but the home screen shows an error. Has anyone had luck adding to the .xml yet? I also would like to add my fizzweather plugin. I dont mind where they are located, they can be at the bottom or top of the list.
Here is what I have tried:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<author>Microsoft Corporation</author>
<title lang="0x0409">Sliding Panel Media MRU</title>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Nina" font-size="19" font-weight="normal" padding-left="5" padding-right="5" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="0"><format state="selected" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT"/>
<background bgimage="\windows\SlidingPanel_bkg_240x320.jpg" bgimage-rotated="\windows\SlidingPanel_bkg_320x240.jpg" valign="bottom" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT"/>
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#387f34"/><color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#084a00"/><color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#deff63"/><color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#FFFFFF"/><color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#76d030"/>
<plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="iconbar" height="27">
<iconbar bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT"/>
<plugin clsid="{E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}" name="Bronze" height="266">
<Plugins order="CClock;CHome;CAppointments;CWelcomeCenter;CWindowsLive;CMusic;CMyPhotos;Settings"/>
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="52">
<mru y="3"/>
gospeed.racergo said:
I love the sliding panels theme, but I really need my MRU back. I tried to add it to the .xml, but the home screen shows an error. Has anyone had luck adding to the .xml yet? I also would like to add my fizzweather plugin. I dont mind where they are located, they can be at the bottom or top of the list.
Here is what I have tried:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<author>Microsoft Corporation</author>
<title lang="0x0409">Sliding Panel Media MRU</title>
<default target-width="240" target-height="320" font-face="Nina" font-size="19" font-weight="normal" padding-left="5" padding-right="5" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT" padding-top="3" b-border-color="COLOR_HOMERULE" b-border-width="0"><format state="selected" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT"/>
<background bgimage="\windows\SlidingPanel_bkg_240x320.jpg" bgimage-rotated="\windows\SlidingPanel_bkg_320x240.jpg" valign="bottom" bgcolor="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT"/>
<color name="COLOR_TRAYGRADLEFT" value="#387f34"/><color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT" value="#084a00"/><color name="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHTTEXT" value="#deff63"/><color name="COLOR_HOMETEXT" value="#FFFFFF"/><color name="COLOR_HOMERULE" value="#76d030"/>
<plugin clsid="{837FC251-FE69-43ad-84E0-EBCEDEBA0884}" name="iconbar" height="27">
<iconbar bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="COLOR_HOMETEXT"/>
<plugin clsid="{E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}" name="Bronze" height="266">
<Plugins order="CClock;CHome;CAppointments;CWelcomeCenter;CWindowsLive;CMusic;CMyPhotos;Settings"/>
<plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" height="52">
<mru y="3"/>
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Y are you trying to insert MRU...there is a built in one. Press start and there it is.
I want my MRU on the home screen. Like we did back in the days of WM6 LOL
I know its just one keypress, but still. I also want my Fizzweather displayed, same idea. I have done a lot of .xml editing before, but this one is different.
gospeed.racergo said:
I want my MRU on the home screen. Like we did back in the days of WM6 LOL
I know its just one keypress, but still. I also want my Fizzweather displayed, same idea. I have done a lot of .xml editing before, but this one is different.
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you could try this
Thank you for those..but I also want my sliding panels I want my cake AND I want to eat it too hahaha
I suspect this will take hacking of the program that the .xml calls "bronze". havent been able to locate it yet to take a look.

help with xml editing for home screen

ok, i am making a home screen layout, im not the most experienced, i need to nudge the clock and date a little to the right, what do i change in the xml.
and also, the profile, calender and messages.
thank you for any help, here is how it is now
<!-- Date/Time/Carrier Plugin -->
<plugin file="sysplug.dll" clsid="{E09043DF-510E-4841-B652-388316977A7A}" height="70">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label bgcolor="transparent" halign="right" font-weight="normal" y="-4" w="320" font-size="16" fgcolor="#fc0511">
<date font-weight="bold" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-size="20" valign="top" halign="left" mode="short" y="35" w="320" />
<time font-weight="bold" font-size="40" bgtext="transparent" halign="left" fgcolor="#fc0511" mode="12" y="-8" w="320"/>
<!-- Profile Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="profile" height="39">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label y="18" bgcolor="transparent">
<text lang="0x0409">Profile: <profile/></text>
<!-- Calendar Plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{865A354A-4A96-4687-B001-C155DC0DBE76}" name="calendar" height="22" width="300">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label y="0" w="250" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" font-size="18">
<text><subject/> <time/> <location/></text>
<!-- Messages plugin -->
<plugin clsid="{2F930BF0-6FE9-4a53-9E17-88E9247BAB48}" name="SMScount" height="22" width="300">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label y="0" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" font-size="18">
<text> Email: <unreadEmail /> SMS: <unreadSMS /> Voicemail: <unreadVMail/></text>
If you want to shift any plugin,picture or anything in an xml, you have to look at the x= value and the y=value.For instance, in your Date,Time,Carrier plugin, there is a section that says valign, halign, y=........
You need to add an x value to your page. Changing valign changes vertical alignment, changing halign changes horizontal alignment. Play around with the alignments. You can choose center, left, right, top, bottom. Yours says halign left. You can add the x=10 to that and it will align your time to the left of the page and over 10 pixels. If you had put x=20, then it would move it 20 pixels. Do you see the trend here? Just do something like that and you will have what you are looking for in your screen.
P.S. Where it says for time mode=12, you can put 24 there and make it military time, as well as for the date, mode=short is in numerical form, and date=long is linguistic form. Thought you might like to know. Have fun with your new knowledge.
thank you for the fast response, where do i put the x-10,
like this?
<date font-weight="bold" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-size="20" valign="top" halign="left x=10" mode="short" y="35" w="320" />
No, you don't. Look at the code. See how they placed y="35". You need to do the same thing. It doesn't really matter what order you put your values in the <> brackets.
All that matters is placing a variable such as the x or y coordinates, and assigning them a value such as x="10". For cleanness, put the x="10" in front of y="35". Like this:
<date font-weight="bold" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-size="20" valign="top" halign="left" mode="short" x="10" y="35" w="320" />
Hopefully now, you see what I mean.
DMerz said:
thank you for the fast response, where do i put the x-10,
like this?
<date font-weight="bold" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-size="20" valign="top" halign="left x=10" mode="short" y="35" w="320" />
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bookmarks ?

i changed the browser to opera as default but i cant get the bookmarks off the home screen from under the globe, is there a way to get them off? also when i bookmark a page it dosent show up on the home screen is there a way to get my bookmarks to show up on home screen? thanks for any help in advance.
i made a cab that'll set Opera as the default & get rid of the globe & for default bookmarks & show you OM bookmarks
If you want to do it yourself, you need to go to \Application Data\Manila & move the InternetPortal-en-us.xml file to your computer, take off the Read-Only attribute & edit the code, then reenable Read-Only attribute & put back on your phone.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
change to true to have your bookmarks show up
Text="Launch Browser"
Height="215" />
ImagePath="\Windows\_Bookmark_icon.qtc" />
ImagePath="\Windows\_Bookmark_icon.qtc" />
ImagePath="\Windows\_Bookmark_icon.qtc" />
ImagePath="\Windows\_Bookmark_icon.qtc" />
delete all of that to get rid of the 4 bookmarks
What's the source for bookmarks when <IncludeUserFavorites>False</IncludeUserFavorites> is set to true?

Pre installed Apps on Note10+, everything safe?

i want to know how and which apks i can delete, and i want to know if all apks are safe, i made a wipe and theres a lot pre installed apks.. 427apks..
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<app name="2 Button Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="3 Button Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="AASAservice" package="" />
<app name="Adapt Sound" package="com.sec.hearingadjust" />
<app name="Always On Display" package="" />
<app name="Android Auto" package="" />
<app name="Android Q Easter Egg" package="" />
<app name="Android Services Library" package="" />
<app name="Android Shared Library" package="" />
<app name="Android System WebView" package="" />
<app name="Android-Einrichtung" package="" />
<app name="Android-Einrichtung" package="" />
<app name="Android-System" package="android" />
<app name="android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__" package="android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__" />
<app name="Anruf" package="" />
<app name="Anrufe/SMS auf anderen Geräten" package="" />
<app name="Anrufeinstellungen" package="" />
<app name="ANT + DUT" package="com.dsi.ant.sample.acquirechannels" />
<app name="ANT Radio Service" package="com.dsi.ant.service.socket" />
<app name="ANT+ HAL-Dienst" package="com.dsi.ant.server" />
<app name="ANT+ Plugins Service" package="com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus" />
<app name="Anwendungs-Installer" package="" />
<app name="AppLinker" package="" />
<app name="Apps" package="" />
<app name="AR-Apps" package="" />
<app name="AR-Emoji" package="" />
<app name="AR-Emoji-Editor" package="" />
<app name="AR-Emoji-Stickers" package="" />
<app name="AR-Zeichnung" package="" />
<app name="AR-Zone" package="" />
<app name="Arbeitsprofil" package="" />
<app name="ARCore" package="" />
<app name="Auf PDF schreiben" package="" />
<app name="Aussparung in der Ecke" package="" />
<app name="Auswahl der Hintergrundmusik" package="" />
<app name="AuthFw TaPack" package="" />
<app name="Auto-Hotspot" package="com.sec.mhs.smarttethering" />
<app name="AutoDoodle" package="" />
<app name="Automation Test" package="" />
<app name="BadgeProvider" package="" />
<app name="Basic Daydreams" package="" />
<app name="BBCAgent" package="" />
<app name="Begleiter für Ihr Smartphone" package="" />
<app name="Begleitgerät-Manager" package="" />
<app name="Benutzerhandbuch" package="" />
<app name="Berechtigungssteuerung" package="" />
<app name="Bevorzugte Kontakte" package="" />
<app name="Bewegtes Gruppen-Selfie-Viewer" package="" />
<app name="Bewegungspanorama-Viewer" package="" />
<app name="Bixby Routines" package="" />
<app name="Bixby Vision" package="" />
<app name="Bixby Voice" package="" />
<app name="Bixby Voice Stub" package="" />
<app name="Bixby-Dienst" package="" />
<app name="BixbyVision Framework" package="" />
<app name="Black" package="" />
<app name="Blaufilter" package="" />
<app name="Bluetooth" package="" />
<app name="Bluetooth MIDI Service" package="" />
<app name="BluetoothTest" package="" />
<app name="Bookmark Provider" package="" />
<app name="bootagent" package="" />
<app name="BrightnessBNR" package="" />
<app name="Call Log Backup/Restore" package="" />
<app name="Cameralyzer" package="com.sec.factory.cameralyzer" />
<app name="CaptivePortalLogin" package="" />
<app name="CarmodeStub" package="" />
<app name="CarrierDefaultApp" package="" />
<app name="Chrome" package="" />
<app name="CIDManager" package="" />
<app name="Cinnamon" package="" />
<app name="Circular" package="" />
<app name="Circular" package="" />
<app name="Circular" package="" />
<app name="Circular" package="" />
<app name="Circular" package="" />
<app name="ClipboardSaveService" package="" />
<app name="ClipboardUIService" package="" />
<app name="CMHProvider" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="com.sec.bcservice" package="com.sec.bcservice" />
<app name="com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation" package="com.sec.enterprise.knox.attestation" />
<app name="com.sec.epdg" package="com.sec.epdg" />
<app name="com.sec.ims" package="com.sec.ims" />
<app name="com.sec.internal.vsim.VSimServiceApp" package="com.sec.vsimservice" />
<app name="" package="" />
<app name="ConfigAPK" package="" />
<app name="ConfigUpdater" package="" />
<app name="Contacts Migrator" package="" />
<app name="ContainerService" package="" />
<app name="Crocro und Freunde" package="" />
<app name="CSC" package="" />
<app name="Dateien" package="" />
<app name="DEKO-BILD" package="" />
<app name="Device Health Services" package="" />
<app name="DeviceKeystring" package="" />
<app name="DeviceTest" package="com.sec.factory" />
<app name="DeX für PC" package="" />
<app name="DiagMonAgent" package="" />
<app name="Digitales Wohlbefinden und Kindersicherung" package="" />
<app name="Doppelte Aussparung" package="" />
<app name="Download-Manager" package="" />
<app name="Downloads" package="" />
<app name="DQA" package="" />
<app name="DRParser Mode" package="" />
<app name="Druckverwaltung" package="" />
<app name="Dsms" package="" />
<app name="Dual Messenger" package="" />
<app name="Duo Installer" package="" />
<app name="Dynamic System Updates" package="" />
<app name="EasyOneHand" package="" />
<app name="Eigene Dateien" package="" />
<app name="Eingabegeräte" package="" />
<app name="Eingabehilfe" package="" />
<app name="Einrichtung des Arbeitsprofils" package="" />
<app name="Einstellungen" package="" />
<app name="Einstellungen" package="" />
<app name="Einstellungsspeicher" package="" />
<app name="Einstellungsvorschläge" package="" />
<app name="EmergencyManagerService" package="" />
<app name="EmergencyProvider" package="" />
<app name="emojiupdater" package="" />
<app name="Enterprise Sim Pin Service" package="" />
<app name="EpdgTestApp" package="com.sec.epdgtestapp" />
<app name="eSE UCS Plugin" package="" />
<app name="Externer Speicher" package="" />
<app name="Face" package="" />
<app name="Facebook" package="com.facebook.katana" />
<app name="Facebook App Installer" package="com.facebook.system" />
<app name="Facebook App Manager" package="com.facebook.appmanager" />
<app name="Facebook Services" package="" />
<app name="FaceService" package="" />
<app name="FACM" package="" />
<app name="FactoryCamera" package="" />
<app name="Fehler" package="" />
<app name="Filled" package="" />
<app name="Filled" package="" />
<app name="Filled" package="" />
<app name="Filled" package="" />
<app name="Filled" package="" />
<app name="Film erstellen" package="" />
<app name="Filter Provider" package="" />
<app name="Find My Mobile" package="" />
<app name="Finder" package="" />
<app name="Formulare von Samsung Pass ausfüllen lassen" package="" />
<app name="Foto-Bildschirmschoner" package="" />
<app name="Foto-Editor" package="" />
<app name="Foundation" package="" />
<app name="Galaxy GameDriver" package="" />
<app name="Galaxy Store" package="" />
<app name="Galaxy Themes" package="" />
<app name="Galaxy Themes-Dienst" package="" />
<app name="Galerie" package="" />
<app name="Gallery-Storys" package="" />
<app name="Game Booster" package="" />
<app name="Game Launcher" package="" />
<app name="Game Optimizing Service" package="" />
<app name="Gerätesicherheit" package="" />
<app name="Gerätewartung" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gestural Navigation Bar" package="" />
<app name="Gmail" package="" />
<app name="Google" package="" />
<app name="Google Kalender-Synchronisierung" package="" />
<app name="Google One Time Init" package="" />
<app name="Google Partner Setup" package="" />
<app name="Google Play Spiele" package="" />
<app name="Google Play Store" package="" />
<app name="Google Play-Dienste" package="" />
<app name="Google Sprachausgabe" package="" />
<app name="Google-Dienste-Framework" package="" />
<app name="Google-Kontakte synchronisieren" package="" />
<app name="Google-Standortverlauf" package="" />
<app name="Green" package="" />
<app name="HandwritingService" package="" />
<app name="Health Service" package="" />
<app name="HideNotch" package="" />
<app name="HideNotchWithoutCornerRound" package="" />
<app name="Hintergrund" package="" />
<app name="Hintergrundbilddienste" package="" />
<app name="Hiya Service" package="" />
<app name="Hohe Aussparung" package="" />
<app name="HTML-Anzeige" package="" />
<app name="HwModuleTest" package="" />
<app name="IMS Service" package="com.sec.imsservice" />
<app name="IMS Settings" package="" />
<app name="ImsLogger" package="com.sec.imslogger" />
<app name="Info Dienste" package="" />
<app name="Intent Filter Verification Service" package="" />
<app name="IPService" package="" />
<app name="IpsGeofence" package="" />
<app name="Kalender" package="" />
<app name="Kalenderspeicher" package="" />
<app name="Kamera" package="" />
<app name="KLMS Agent" package="" />
<app name="Knox Analytics Uploader" package="" />
<app name="Knox Enrollment Service" package="com.sec.enterprise.knox.cloudmdm.smdms" />
<app name="Knox Key Chain" package="" />
<app name="KnoxVpnPacProcessor" package="com.knox.vpn.proxyhandler" />
<app name="Kombinierte Standortbest." package="" />
<app name="Konfigurationsnachricht" package="com.wsomacp" />
<app name="Konfigurationsupdate" package="" />
<app name="Konfigurationsupdate" package="" />
<app name="Konfigurationsupdate" package="" />
<app name="Kontakte" package="" />
<app name="Kontaktspeicher" package="" />
<app name="LED Cover Service" package="" />
<app name="LED-Cover" package="" />
<app name="Link zu Windows-Dienst" package="" />
<app name="Link-Freigabe" package="" />
<app name="Live-Fokus" package="" />
<app name="Live-Fokus-Bild" package="" />
<app name="Live-Hintergrund-Auswahl" package="" />
<app name="Live-Nachrichten" package="" />
<app name="Main components" package="" />
<app name="Maps" package="" />
<app name="Market Feedback Agent" package="" />
<app name="MDE Service Framework" package="" />
<app name="MDMApp" package="" />
<app name="Medien und Geräte" package="" />
<app name="Medienspeicher" package="" />
<app name="Mein Wörterbuch" package="" />
<app name="Messenger" package="com.facebook.orca" />
<app name="Mit Sprache wecken" package="" />
<app name="MLDAPlog" package="com.sec.mldapchecker" />
<app name="mlp" package="" />
<app name="MmsService" package="" />
<app name="MobileWips" package="" />
<app name="MotionPhoto Viewer" package="" />
<app name="MTP-Anwendung" package="" />
<app name="MTP-Host" package="" />
<app name="My App List" package="com.projectsexception.myapplist" />
<app name="Nachrichten" package="" />
<app name="Nearby Service" package="" />
<app name="Netflix" package="" />
<app name="NetworkDiagnostic" package="" />
<app name="NetworkStack" package="" />
<app name="Neuigkeiten" package="" />
<app name="NFC" package="" />
<app name="Notfallassistent" package="" />
<app name="Notfallinformationen" package="" />
<app name="Noto Serif / Source Sans Pro" package="" />
<app name="NSDSWebApp" package="com.sec.vsim.ericssonnsds.webapp" />
<app name="Oberfläche" package="" />
<app name="Ocean" package="" />
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Mod edit: Hide tags added.
<app name="OCR Service" package="" />
<app name="OK Google enrollment" package="" />
<app name="One UI-Startbildschirm" package="" />
<app name="OneDrive" package="" />
<app name="Orchid" package="" />
<app name="OsuLogin" package="" />
<app name="PacProcessor" package="" />
<app name="Paketinstallation" package="" />
<app name="PartnerNetflixActivation" package="" />
<app name="Payment Services" package="" />
<app name="Pers. Startseite" package="" />
<app name="Perso" package="" />
<app name="Personalisierter Dienst" package="" />
<app name="Personen" package="" />
<app name="Print Service Recommendation Service" package="" />
<app name="ProxyHandler" package="" />
<app name="Purple" package="" />
<app name="Quick Share" package="" />
<app name="Quick Share" package="" />
<app name="RcsSettings" package="" />
<app name="Reminder" package="" />
<app name="ringtonebackup" package="" />
<app name="Rounded" package="" />
<app name="Rounded" package="" />
<app name="Rounded" package="" />
<app name="Rounded" package="" />
<app name="Rounded Rectangle" package="" />
<app name="S Pen-Befehle" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Account" package="" />
<app name="Samsung ApexService" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Blockchain Keystore" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Checkout" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Cloud" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Daily" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Device Health Manager Service" package="" />
<app name="Samsung DeX" package="" />
<app name="Samsung DeX Home" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Einrichtungsassistent" package="" />
<app name="Samsung EX9825 Dev GPUDriver" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Experience Service" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Galaxy Friends" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Internet-Paneele" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Kids-Installationsprogramm" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Location SDK" package="com.sec.location.nsflp2" />
<app name="Samsung MirrorLink 1.1" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Multi Connectivity" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Notes" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Pass" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Pass Provider" package="" />
<app name="Samsung PaymentFramework" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Push Service" package="com.sec.spp.push" />
<app name="Samsung Tastatur" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Text-zu-Sprache-Engine" package="" />
<app name="Samsung Time Zone Data" package="" />
<app name="Samsung USB-C-Headset" package="" />
<app name="Samsung-Spracheingabe" package="" />
<app name="Samsung-Tastatur (veraltet)" package="" />
<app name="SamsungOne" package="" />
<app name="SamsungPositioning" package="" />
<app name="SCameraService" package="" />
<app name="SCameraXService" package="" />
<app name="Schlüsselbund" package="" />
<app name="SCPM Client" package="" />
<app name="Sec Media Storage" package="" />
<app name="SecureElementApplication" package="" />
<app name="SecurityLogAgent" package="" />
<app name="SecVideoEngineService" package="com.sec.sve" />
<app name="Seitenbildschirm" package="" />
<app name="Selektiver Fokus" package="" />
<app name="SEMFactoryApp" package="com.sem.factoryapp" />
<app name="Separater App-Ton" package="" />
<app name="Service mode" package="" />
<app name="Service mode RIL" package="" />
<app name="SettingsBixby" package="" />
<app name="SetupWizardLegalProvider" package="" />
<app name="Shell" package="" />
<app name="ShortcutBNR" package="" />
<app name="Sicherer Ordner" package="" />
<app name="Sicheres WLAN" package="" />
<app name="Sicherheitsinformationen" package="" />
<app name="SilentLogging" package="com.sec.modem.settings" />
<app name="Sim App Dialog" package="" />
<app name="SimMobilityKit" package="" />
<app name="Single Take" package="" />
<app name="SKMSAgentService" package="" />
<app name="slocation" package="" />
<app name="Smart Call" package="" />
<app name="Smart Switch Agent" package="" />
<app name="Smart View" package="" />
<app name="Smart-Aufnahme" package="" />
<app name="SmartFaceService" package="" />
<app name="SmartFittingService" package="" />
<app name="SmartThings" package="" />
<app name="Software-Update" package="" />
<app name="Software-Update" package="com.wssyncmldm" />
<app name="Sound-Auswahl" package="" />
<app name="SoundAlive" package="" />
<app name="Space" package="" />
<app name="Special" package="" />
<app name="Speicher des Wählprogramms" package="" />
<app name="Speicher für blockierte Nummern" package="" />
<app name="Speichermanager" package="" />
<app name="SplitSoundService" package="" />
<app name="Square" package="" />
<app name="Squircle" package="" />
<app name="Standarddruckdienst" package="" />
<app name="Startprogramm" package="" />
<app name="StickerCenter" package="" />
<app name="Suche nach Geräten in der Nähe" package="" />
<app name="SuwScriptPlayer" package="" />
<app name="SVC Agent" package="" />
<app name="System-Tracing" package="" />
<app name="System-UI von Samsung DeX" package="" />
<app name="SystemUIBixby2" package="" />
<app name="SystemUpdate" package="" />
<app name="TADownloader" package="" />
<app name="Tags" package="" />
<app name="Tags" package="" />
<app name="Tätigkeiten" package="" />
<app name="Teardrop" package="" />
<app name="TEEgrisTuiService" package="" />
<app name="Telefon" package="" />
<app name="Telefon" package="" />
<app name="Telefon" package="" />
<app name="Telefon" package="" />
<app name="TetheringAutomation" package="com.sec.automation" />
<app name="Tipps" package="" />
<app name="Tools" package="" />
<app name="Überblicken" package="" />
<app name="Übersetzen" package="" />
<app name="Uhr" package="" />
<app name="UIBCVirtualSoftkey" package="" />
<app name="upday" package="de.axelspringer.yana.zeropage" />
<app name="USBSettings" package="com.sec.usbsettings" />
<app name="Vergrößern" package="" />
<app name="Vergrößerung" package="" />
<app name="Video-Editor" package="" />
<app name="Video-Player" package="" />
<app name="Videotrimmer" package="" />
<app name="Virtual Shot-Viewer" package="" />
<app name="VpnDialogs" package="" />
<app name="Wearable Manager Installer" package="" />
<app name="Wetter" package="" />
<app name="Wi-Fi Direct" package="" />
<app name="WLAN-Anrufe" package="com.sec.unifiedwfc" />
<app name="WLAN-Tipps" package="" />
<app name="WlanTest" package="" />
<app name="Wörterbuch" package="com.diotek.sec.lookup.dictionary" />
<app name="X Google enrollment" package="" />
<app name="YouTube" package="" />
<app name="Zeitlupe-Editor" package="" />
<app name="Zeitzonen-Updater" package="" />
<app name="Zertifikatsinstallationsprogramm" package="" />
<app name="Zwischenablage" package="" />
I think that's a REALLY big request to have someone go thru all of those apps to determine what can/cannot be uninstalled and if they are "safe".
I might suggest that if the device is running a stock firmware, it's safe. Regarding uninstalling, I'd go thru the apps screen and take them out or disable them from there and not mess with it more than that
kangi26 said:
I think that's a REALLY big request to have someone go thru all of those apps to determine what can/cannot be uninstalled and if they are "safe".
I might suggest that if the device is running a stock firmware, it's safe. Regarding uninstalling, I'd go thru the apps screen and take them out or disable them from there and not mess with it more than that
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Perhaps someone have a clean app list, so i can check by myself i have some curious trouble with my phone and with my computer, i reset it many times but its feeling like everything is after few hours recovered. And i dont login in my old accounts. I found yesterday many files from my Phone on my computer and dont have a idea how this is possible. I didnt connect my phone with my computer or with WiFi .Than i flash a new custom rom but i think its doesnt help. And now im erasing my volume on pc with parted magic but make before a new virus scan..
Every downloads on my pc have a trojan neshta or another on virustotal, Unbeliveable.... dont know what to do but im deffinitly sure that someone sit on my devices.. they changing files on my pc, allready 4 -5times, also on my backup clouds the files are changed or empty..
Hope someone can help me what to do..
Dennis2095 said:
i want to know how and which apks i can delete, and i want to know if all apks are safe, i made a wipe and theres a lot pre installed apks.. 427apks..
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Hi Dennis how do I get hold of the that 427apks

