'Permanent Save' through registry entries - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I have tried to enable Permanent Save through the following registry values:
CalendarPassColdBoot = 1
ConnectionPassColdBoot = 1
ConatctPassColdBoot = 1
TaskPassColdBoot = 1
But the entries in hh_cb.exe still are unchecked.
How can I get this etries checked through a selfmade program/registry entries?


Cant modify module IAT to hook API

This may be better served in the development and hacking forum. Mods please move?
I am trying to hook the keybd_event API in the keypad. I have found the address of the import entry for keybd_event in the keypad.dll's IAT. I have done so by disassembling the keypad.dll and finding the offset from an exported function to that IAT entry. At runtime, I have added my own service (in order to get my dll loaded into services.exe). When loaded, I use GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress to find that exported function then use the known offset to find the IAT entry. I have verified that I have the right memory location by comparing the pointer to the module's location using remote process viewer.
The problem is that I cannot read from or write to the IAT. My code crashes when I try. IsBadReadPtr and IsBadWritePtr tell me that I cant read or write to this memory location. Even a call to VirtualProtect to set it to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE will not work. The call fails. How can I get access to this memory?
This simple test code exe shows that all the memory in the code section of keypad.dll is writeable. As soon as I hit section 2 which contains the IAT The call starts failing. Once I hit section 3 it succeeds again (the hard coded PID and address come from remote process viewer and my service dll; I debugged to find where the read calls fail).
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
DWORD PID = 239927214, addr = 2061766572, read = 0, sz = 0;
BOOL ans1;
_SetKMode SetKMode;
SetKMode = (_SetKMode)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"coredll.dll"), L"SetKMode");
ans1 = SetKMode(true);
pr = OpenProcess(0, 0, PID);
while(ReadProcessMemory(pr, (LPVOID)addr, &read, 4, &sz))
while(!ReadProcessMemory(pr, (LPVOID)addr, &read, 4, &sz))
while(ReadProcessMemory(pr, (LPVOID)addr, &read, 4, &sz))
//ans4 = WriteProcessMemory(pr, ptr2, &mkep, 4, &p4);
return 0;
What do I need to do to get access? Calls to VirtualProtect and SetKMode do nothing. Any ideas? Thanks!
Nevermind! It seems I was not modifying the correct location. I was trying to modify the table that simply lists imports. I found where the actual function pointer is stored.

How to change default keyboard

i install on my Asus p535 release P535_WM6.1_21057_Clean_PP5 from pdamobiz.com
How to change (or better remove) ThaiWinCE keyboard.
I try this:
To Remove Thai Keyboard(ThaiWinCE) from Input List change the following registry key(using PHM Registry Editor in Tools folder).
Only change the (Default) dword from 1 to 0
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{C0B1F8B0-BB81-4424-931D-1E9611B0819B}\IsSIPInputMethod\(Default) = 1 (DWORD decimal)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{C0B1F8B0-BB81-4424-931D-1E9611B0819B}\IsSIPInputMethod\(Default) = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
but not working...
To make 'Keyboard' Default:
1) Open your registry editor (e.g. PHM, Resco, etc).
2) Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sip
3) Change DefaultIm's string value to {42429667-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9}
4) Soft-reset

Possibility to execute download mode programmatically on Omnia 7?

Us T-Mobile users cannot flash Roms at the minute because the download mode button combo has been disabled.
Maybe there is a way to do this programatically or use a resistor accross certain USB pins like the Galaxy S method.
What's your opinion on this?
Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express
Yesterday I wasted some time playing around with the USB diagnostic port (enable in the Diagnosis app, it's the third USB mode option). Both PSAS and QPST can connect to and mess with the phone, so I think if someone knows his way around, the phone can be kicked into Download Mode.
(I only managed to crash the phone in many different ways, but I was really just monkeying around.)
If this can be done it would be great as this is the first phone I have owned where I cannot flash firmware myself.
Might be worth while seeing if everyone with a tmobile uk branded omnia 7 has this issue?
FYI I have included my firmware versions etc so we can try and collate a list of working/non working ones to see what the differences are if any.
os version 7.0.7004.0
firmware revision number 2424.10.10.6
hardware revision number
radio software version 2424.10.10.6
radio hardware version
bootloader version
chip soc version
KarmaXXK said:
Yesterday I wasted some time playing around with the USB diagnostic port (enable in the Diagnosis app, it's the third USB mode option). Both PSAS and QPST can connect to and mess with the phone, so I think if someone knows his way around, the phone can be kicked into Download Mode.
(I only managed to crash the phone in many different ways, but I was really just monkeying around.)
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Yes, I tried the *#7284# code and changed the USB Path Control to "Modem, USB Diag" and my phone was recognised by the ROM Downloader but the phone was not in download mode.
I have stumbled upon something which may be what we are looking for though, after reverse engineering the Samsung Diagnosis app I notice there are codes to access 'Operator Specific' Admin areas in the app. Take a look at the attached image.
Now as you can see, the values listed cannot be typed into the Diagnosis app as there is a formula to decipher them. I have the formula but cannot get it to work.
Private Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal str As String) As UInteger
Dim num As UInteger = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To str.Length - 1
[B]num = ((num << 5) + num) + str(i)[/B]
Return num
End Function
Now the bit highlighted in bold is the bit I cant get to work.
It gives the following error:
Operator '+' is not defined for types 'UInteger' and 'Char'.
Once someone can help to get this working, reversing the formula should in theory show us the correct *#000# code combination for each area.
Fingers crossed you can crack it!
lyriquidperfection said:
Yes, I tried the *#7284# code and changed the USB Path Control to "Modem, USB Diag" and my phone was recognised by the ROM Downloader but the phone was not in download mode.
I have stumbled upon something which may be what we are looking for though, after reverse engineering the Samsung Diagnosis app I notice there are codes to access 'Operator Specific' Admin areas in the app. Take a look at the attached image.
Now as you can see, the values listed cannot be typed into the Diagnosis app as there is a formula to decipher them. I have the formula but cannot get it to work.
Private Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal str As String) As UInteger
Dim num As UInteger = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To str.Length - 1
[B]num = ((num << 5) + num) + str(i)[/B]
Return num
End Function
Now the bit highlighted in bold is the bit I cant get to work.
It gives the following error:
Operator '+' is not defined for types 'UInteger' and 'Char'.
Once someone can help to get this working, reversing the formula should in theory show us the correct *#000# code combination for each area.
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I worked on this few days ago, I couldn't reverse the hash function but we had some brilliant ideas how to do it (see the stackoverflow thread about it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4523553/reversing-a-hash-function)
but I used brute force and extracted some 60 diagnosis codes that you can find here http://www.martani.net/2010/12/windows-7-hacks-all-diagnosis-codes-you.html
and here http://www.martani.net/2010/12/windows-7-hacks-all-diagnosis-codes-you_26.html
This is great stuff martani if there is any way to decipher these ones, they may be worth looking at:
g_ADMIN_GENERIC = 3370684588
g_ADMIN_TMOBILE = 469486183
g_ADMIN_VODAFONE = 474092301
These ones indeed look very interesting and may offer a way to enable ADC or even the Download Mode some people like me have been looking for.
lyriquidperfection said:
This is great stuff martani if there is any way to decipher these ones, they may be worth looking at:
g_ADMIN_GENERIC = 3370684588
g_ADMIN_TMOBILE = 469486183
g_ADMIN_VODAFONE = 474092301
These ones indeed look very interesting and may offer a way to enable ADC or even the Download Mode some people like me have been looking for.
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Actually the code is a little misleading, if you see closely, the enum HashCodeTable is used nowhere.
The app waits for user input, after each "tap" on a number it calls the function ParseDial() that hashes the input with GetHashCode then calls the function GetEnumFromList() on this hashed value.
In GetEnumFromList, there is no use of HashCodeTable and even the codes you provided are not hard-coded in this function. I am not sure why they are there but as far as I can tell, to access these parts of the diagnosis app, you need another method than dialing a code it seems
martani said:
Actually the code is a little misleading, if you see closely, the enum HashCodeTable is used nowhere.
The app waits for user input, after each "tap" on a number it calls the function ParseDial() that hashes the input with GetHashCode then calls the function GetEnumFromList() on this hashed value.
In GetEnumFromList, there is no use of HashCodeTable and even the codes you provided are not hard-coded in this function. I am not sure why they are there but as far as I can tell, to access these parts of the diagnosis app, you need another method than dialing a code it seems
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Damn it! Looks like we are back to square one!
Have you seen also on the Samsung Galaxy S the Download mode is disabled on some devices, but some users made a jig where you bridge 2 pins with a certain resistor and it knocks the phone into download mode. Maybe this would work on the Omnia 7 also????
I am hoping for a software based fix rather than hacking together something.
**ALL** diagnostic codes for SAMSUNG devices
I reverse engineered the Diagnostic Menu Application. It contains a list of configuration "Titles" with corresponding hash-codes. I made a tool to reverse the hash-codes to dial-codes. The dial-codes may not be the same as some codes that were already known, but the dial-codes are absolutely correct for these menu. Differences are due to hash-collisions (same hash-code may have multiple possible dial-codes). I just used the shortest dial-codes for every menu.
The list of menu's is very long and I discovered that not all menu-codes were not actually implemented. I guess this list of codes is used for all Samsung devices (possibly also for Galaxy S and older Windows Mobile devices). So not all dial-codes may actually work on your device.
WARNING!! The menu's can configure low-level settings of your phone. And if you don't know what you're doing you may brick your device or maybe hard-reset the device and loose all your data and settings. Or you may faulty calibrate your sensors. Be very, very careful with experimenting!! I will not take any responsibility for damaging your device in any way.
I would personally be very interested if anyone finds a way to get the device in download-mode by using these menu's (I have a bad bootloader which does not let my Samsung Omnia 7 go into download-mode to flash it to a newer firmware).
By the way: the admin menu's are NOT implemented on the Omnia 7 :-(
This is the list with menu-titles, dial-codes and their hashcode:
FTAMain = 15 (0x686)
QUALCOMM TEST = *09# (0x17DB96)
TMOServiceMenu = *74*# (0x31710C2)
SMDINFO = *#03# (0x30C0953)
SIMPLE FUNCTION TEST = *#05# (0x30C0995)
IMEI NUMBER = *#06# (0x30C09B6)
VIEWHISTORYNW = *#07# (0x30C09D7)
LCDTEST = *#0*# (0x30C082A)
QWERTYTEST = *#1*# (0x30C0C6B)
BATT TEST = *#2*# (0x30C10AC)
BRIGHTNESS TEST = *#3*# (0x30C14ED)
TouchDelta 80 = *#80# (0x30C2AF8)
LIGHTTEST = *#12*# (0x648DBCDD)
BTLOGDUMP = *#232# (0x648E4E87)
RILNETLOG = *#638# (0x649080D1)
RILDUMP = *#745# (0x64911110)
VPHONE770 = *#770# (0x64911D2E)
VPHONE771 = *#771# (0x64911D4F)
VPHONE772 = *#772# (0x64911D70)
VPHONE773 = *#773# (0x64911D91)
VPHONE774 = *#774# (0x64911DB2)
VPHONE775 = *#775# (0x64911DD3)
VPHONE776 = *#776# (0x64911DF4)
VPHONE777 = *#777# (0x64911E15)
VPHONE778 = *#778# (0x64911E36)
VPHONE779 = *#779# (0x64911E57)
SR TEST = *#780# (0x6491216F)
VT DUMP = *#938# (0x649225F4)
Disable Testbed = #12358# (0xFC28BE89)
Enable Testbed = *12358# (0x170067D0)
DEBUGMODE1 = *#0011# (0xF63246F2)
BATTERYINFO = *#0228# (0xF63364DC)
AUDIOTEST2 = *#0289# (0xF6337E83)
FMRADIORX = *#0368# (0xF6340241)
LIGHTSENSORTEST = *#0589# (0xF63523A6)
RRCVERSION = *#0599# (0xF63527E7)
AUDIOTEST = *#0673# (0xF635AB00)
SOUNDTEST = *#0675# (0xF635AB42)
RTC = *#0782# (0xF6363B81)
DEVICETEST = *#0842# (0xF636B6DE)
MultiTouch = *#0987# (0xF63754E8)
SWversionFTA = *#1111# (0xF644EBD4)
MOUSETEST = *#121*# (0xF645774E)
SWversionEx = *#1234# (0xF645811A)
MOUSECAL = *#123*# (0xF6457FD0)
MOUSECAL06 = *#126*# (0xF6458C93)
GPSTEST = *#1575# (0xF6473762)
MICROUSB TEST = *#1793# (0xF6485864)
HWversionFTA = *#2222# (0xF6579518)
BANDSELECTION = *#2263# (0xF657A63D)
PHONEDUMP = *#2454# (0xF658BADF)
CAMERAUPDATE = *#2470# (0xF658C2DD)
CAMERADISABLE = *#2480# (0xF658C71E)
NAVIKEY TEST = *#2486# (0xF658C7E4)
INTEGRITY = *#2580# (0xF659537F)
TouchFirmare 2663 = *#2663# (0xF659D7C1)
TouchDelta 2664 = *#2664# (0xF659D7E2)
TouchDelta 2665 = *#2665# (0xF659D803)
RILNETLOG OFF = *#6380# (0xF6A09CC1)
RILNETLOG ON = *#6381# (0xF6A09CE2)
NETLOCK NETWORK = *#6955# (0xF6A3DAE9)
USBPATHCHANGE = *#7284# (0xF6B22965)
POWERONATTACH = *#7298# (0xF6B22E2A)
DebugOption = *#7450# (0xF6B334E0)
ERROR REPORT ON = *#7451# (0xF6B33501)
ERROR REPORT VERIFY = *#7452# (0xF6B33522)
NETLOCK SERVICE = *#7755# (0xF6B4DAA8)
VPHONE DISABLED = *#77*0# (0xF6B4AB38)
VPHONE ENABLED = *#77*1# (0xF6B4AB59)
UARTCHANGER = *#9090# (0xF6D54562)
DEBUGDUMP = *#9900# (0xF6DA0E82)
PILEDUMP = *#9901# (0xF6DA0EA3)
NETLOG LOG START = *#9905# (0xF6DA0F27)
DEBUG RIL DUMP = *#9906# (0xF6DA0F48)
UARTPATH = *#9910# (0xF6DA12C3)
BATTERYMONITOR = *#9911# (0xF6DA12E4)
CONNECTION SETTING = *#9920# (0xF6DA1704)
VERIFYCOMPARE = *#9990# (0xF6DA34CB)
YSSHINTEST = *#9999# (0xF6DA35F4)
VersionScript = 19104#2* (0xD21FC43E)
BLUETOOTH LOG DISABLE = 20652609 (0x1598F3DE)
BLUETOOTH LOG ENABLE = 20652619 (0x1598F3FF)
BT SSPDEbugModeEnable = 20652629 (0x1598F420)
BT SSPDEbugModeDisable = 20652639 (0x1598F441)
OMADMCLIENT LOG DISABLE = 20653609 (0x1599803F)
OMADMCLIENT LOG ENABLE = 20653619 (0x15998060)
CELOG LOG DISABLE = 20654609 (0x159A0CA0)
CELOG LOG ENABLE = 20654619 (0x159A0CC1)
TOTALCALLTIME = 2934331* (0xC35403F3)
RESET CUSTOM = 35180948 (0x77496B66)
RESET FACTORY = 35190718 (0x775B7B02)
ERASE IMEIITEM = 35190728 (0x775B7B23)
IMEI ADJUST = 35190738 (0x775B7B44)
BLUETOOTH RF TEST = 3##65*88 (0xECE73A9E)
AutoSimSetting = 40*047#3 (0xD1C556DF)
PVKKey = 40*549#3 (0xD21FD9E6)
LEDTEST = *#14789# (0xBF1C1ADD)
DMSessionInit = *#15428# (0xBF2C7494)
CIPHERING = *#32489# (0xC3A095FA)
CAMERAUPDATESVC = *#32589# (0xC3A1225B)
LOGDUMPMGR = *#33284# (0xC3B19514)
SR DISABLED = *#780*0# (0xCD5F5D49)
SR ENABLED = *#780*1# (0xCD5F5D6A)
NETLOCK SUBSET = *#78255# (0xCD60A57B)
LAUNCH UAEDIT = *#92782# (0xD1A12DFC)
PdaBuildTime = *#99820# (0xD2204C1C)
VersionTime = *#99821# (0xD2204C3D)
WIFI TEST = 0373385#6 (0xECE73BA6)
EN LOCK NW = 074578132 (0xBBF27D35)
GCFTESTMODE ENTER = 086#58023 (0x1807BAE3)
FILE SYSTEM TEST = 089559715 (0x28F3F681)
AUDIOGAINCONTROL = 08#766104 (0x902D68E3)
DIS LOCK SUB NW = 17#991#3* (0x1D45A6AE)
PVKFileName = 18*357#25 (0x161B193C)
EN LOCK SUB NW = 193582504 (0xBC073A15)
GPSTESTTOOL = 1#8865#55 (0xF61EC09C)
EN LOCK CORP = 1*0273411 (0xF62C007D)
EN LOCK SVC = 1*0278411 (0xF62EBE62)
DIS LOCK NW = 20789802* (0x1D30E9CE)
SellOutSMS = 2615#0922 (0xD04CA8DE)
TFlashUnPairing = 30334*733 (0x51B892C4)
DIS LOCK SVC = 38025*93# (0xCA957BDB)
GPSTESTTOOL2 = 400#40*08 (0xB9F6D60D)
GPSTESTXTRA = 400#40*18 (0xB9F6D62E)
SerialNumber = 5317*0648 (0x6E256D8C)
EN LOCK SIM = 5494585*3 (0xBC051995)
SERVERURL = 553378683 (0xD8389060)
SLIDECOUNT = 584644021 (0xF0BF3052)
SellOutSMSTestMode = 597#*224# (0x96E7B26D)
APPSLAUNCHER = 5**6244*3 (0x33B0B76)
SLOGSERIAL M2 = 66#6757#1 (0x7050E07C)
AutoReceive Enable = 7160*5088 (0xEF2C5E0D)
TESTMODE = 718071#49 (0x8A09ACC8)
RESET SERVICE = 72673#00# (0xEC5B4BEF)
ReactivateSellOutSMS = 74201#086 (0x807DB65F)
AUDIOCODEC = 7#16#1#37 (0x902D68C2)
ADMIN GENERIC = 838*5448* (0xC8E890AC)
SLOGSERIAL ALL ON = 8644*3081 (0x705107AC)
VT MANUALSETTING = 8802*7*5# (0x104384B5)
DISLOCK SIM = 98217*243 (0x1D43862E)
DMTESTMENU = 9#7357764 (0x414D9633)
SLOGSERIAL ALL OFF = #22#6214# (0x7050E03A)
SLOGSERIAL M1 = #22#6215# (0x7050E05B)
SLOGSERIAL M3 = #22#6217# (0x7050E09D)
SLOGSERIAL M4 = #22#6218# (0x7050E0BE)
SLOGSERIAL M5 = #22#6219# (0x7050E0DF)
ADMIN VODAFONE = #75471648 (0x1C42130D)
DisableSellOutSMS = *4587*676 (0x903477AF)
RANDOM BT MAC = *#232336# (0xECE73B43)
BLUETOOTH MAC VIEWER = *#232337# (0xECE73B64)
WIFI MAC VIEWER = *#232338# (0xECE73B85)
PRECONFIGURATION = *#638738# (0x213EF313)
SLOGSERIAL M6 = *#745*06# (0x7050E100)
DIS LOCK CORP = 00*2*2#524 (0xCA92BDF6)
ADMIN TMOBILE = 0612824763 (0x1BFBCA67)
AutoReceive Disable = 09925572#3 (0xD4B8217D)
SWversionIn = 1309653522 (0xECB23FC4)
GPSTTFFTESTTOOL = 154*068271 (0xF61EBC7C)
SellOutSMSProductionMode = 1#3341#5#0 (0x96D7C68A)
LOCK STATUS INFO = 28##**23*0 (0x7D8C72E3)
SWversionNewIn = 32456464#7 (0xFD58D7FC)
Heathcliff74 said:
I reverse engineered the Diagnostic Menu Application. It contains a list of configuration "Titles" with corresponding hash-codes. I made a tool to reverse the hash-codes to dial-codes. The dial-codes may not be the same as some codes that were already known, but the dial-codes are absolutely correct for these menu. Differences are due to hash-collisions (same hash-code may have multiple possible dial-codes). I just used the shortest dial-codes for every menu.
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Can you share how did you reverse the hash function? I worked on this some time ago but finally just brute forced it to extract the keys.
I would also like to know how he reversed the hash codes! I tried for hours and had no luck!
Haha.. Well, I first tried to calculate the original dial-codes, but that seems to work only for dialcodes shorter than 8 digits (5 bits per digit, 32 bits hash-code = 32 / 5 = 7 digits + 1 digit for the extra add):
uint hash = 0; // enter hash here
string DialCode = "";
while (hash > 0)
uint digit = (hash % 33) + 33;
if (digit > hash)
hash = 0;
hash = (hash - digit) / 33;
DialCode = Convert.ToChar(digit) + DialCode;
return DialCode;
But this does not work for long dial-codes. So after that I just made a little program to brute-force it. I copied the enum with menu-titles and hash-codes to my project. Then I used reflection to populate a sortedlist. Then I started to brute-force and check all dialcodes for their hashcode and see if it exists in the list. If it exists, I add it to a textbox and remove the item from the list. That's it. So it is not really reversed, but my program took about an hour to get dial-codes for all the hashcodes in the enum.
SortedList<uint, string> hashCodes = new SortedList<uint, string>();
int l = typeof(HashCodeTable).GetEnumNames().Length;
string[] menunames = typeof(HashCodeTable).GetEnumNames();
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
hashCodes.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(HashCodeTable), menunames[i])), menunames[i].Substring(2).Replace('_', ' '));
catch { }
char[] chars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '#', '*' };
for (int length = 1; length <= 20; length++)
ushort[] digits = new ushort[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) digits[i] = 0;
while (true)
// calc hash
uint hashCode = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
hashCode = ((hashCode << 5) + hashCode) + chars[digits[i]];
if (hashCodes.ContainsKey(hashCode))
int m = hashCodes.IndexOfKey(hashCode);
string str = "";
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
str = str + chars[digits[j]];
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + hashCodes.Values[m] + " = " + str + " (0x" + hashCode.ToString("X") + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
// increase
digits[length - 1]++;
for (int k = length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
if (digits[k] >= 12)
if (k == 0)
digits[k] -= 12;
digits[k - 1]++;
if ((digits[0] >= 12) || (hashCodes.Count == 0)) break;
if (hashCodes.Count == 0) break;
Excellent stuff! Thank you for this very interesting code snippit!
WP7 diag codes
martani said:
Actually the code is a little misleading, if you see closely, the enum HashCodeTable is used nowhere.
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This is because the compiler optimized out the switch statement and compiled the constants into the IL code for the hash codes.
Within the main switch statement where keypad entries are evaluated there are ~112 codes and I've reversed all of them. Writing hash algorithms is not straightforward and it's quite a simple one, since my app captured 2-3-4 variants of keycodes for the same hash value.
Regarding the most interesting entries at the top of the enum the ADMIN_ entries...those hash values are not handled by the application, maybe Samsung has another diag app or a different app which is using the same method.
The other thing I can think of is there are APIs in the diag app which one is sending the hash of a keycode to the given driver...I tried that but the ADMIN stuff did not worked that way either :-((
If anyone is interested I can post the resolved codes, but not sure if I can post it in the forum or not ;-)
Regsitry entry to enable SLDR mode
I found this definition in B44C7A84-5068-4b43-A1E5-F870A80F6FF8.rgu:
"OsMode"=dword:0 ; 0 for Main OS, 1 for SLDR
Is the download mode == SLDR mode?
Since maybe we can set this entry "somehow", and upon next reboot we will get into download mode so we can flash the device?
So the question is, what is SLDR mode? Secure Loader mode? I don't know this, a more pro in this area should help out ;-)
I was able to read the value (0) and write it back (0). Did not tried to write 1 there
Hey guys. I know this thread is about programmatically enter downloadmode, but I wanted to try the 301k resistor trick and I can confirm it works on Samsung Omnia 7.
I used this guide. If you're gonna do that too, then you should pay attention to these things:
- The guide refers to pin 4 and 5 being closest to the headphone socket. But on the omnia 7, the headphone and micro-usb sockets are the other way around if you compare it to the Galaxy S. The guide is for the Galaxy S, so you should really pay attention to which pins you solder the resistor(s). This is the best picture on how you should solder the resistor(s).
- Many micro-usb cables have no wire for pin 4. Some connectors don't even have a pin 4. You should first verify that your connector has all 5 pins. If you only have 4 wires, then you have to dismantle the connector and solder directly on the back of the connector.
I switched off my Omnia 7. I plugged in my jig and it went to downloadmode immediately.
It's late now, so I will see tomorrow what I will be going to flash on it. There quite a few roms and I'm not sure which one I should use. I have to figure that out first.
If anyone has questions about how to make a jig, just ask. I know how to make one now.
You should post pictures, how to make such a cable. Thanks
FromOuterSpace said:
You should post pictures, how to make such a cable. Thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The picture I linked to in my previous post look pretty clear to me. It shows what pins you have to use. The guide I linked to contain all the other necessary details. If you have any specific questions about something that is still not clear, you can ask me.

Key press events and Screenshot(s)... via PC

Now we could try to catch Key Commands and more... with WinComm, see here:
First idea, collect Commands for Key pressing Commands like this:
OemKeyPressInd:pre[VK_HP_HOLD(s:0x495)] , now[VK_HP_HOLD(s:0x495)]
2811 0509.625 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x53, STATUS = 0x0.
2812 0509.625 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8f, STATUS = 0x0.
I think we have only 7 Hardware Keys... so this should not take years.
Touchscreennavigation is little bit harder...
Second idea... Screencapture... if we find command to send to handset, then maybe possible to capture Video sequencies.
Attached short Logfile from Screenshot taking on S8500 JE7...
Best Regards
Also AT commands or Qualcomm commands exists also for such feature.
Yes. I saw this on QuB but also failed. Answer was something to patch Loader...
Also Key Simulator is in QuB...
Not work yet with S8500. But I think we should investigate in such things.
Because "Basic" features.
Long time ago for my other handsets I have all these Tools.
Video Capture Tool...
But NOT for S8500.
Time to change this.
Best Regards
Not sure AT+SUBLCD or something else with LCD is used by Kies... found via Portmon...
I've tried to log with WinComm to see more or better understnad AT commands.
4161 1018.432 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 EXCEPTION > [CPLog]: Sub 0022 1026.696 -1: EXCEPTION > __RbmCHGetUserMemory : do u need me? really? sure? huh?
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Click to collapse
This is shown if i try:
About AT+SUBLCD or AT+SUBLCD? nothing... maybe wrong... maybe additional parameter needed.
Kies used this I thought... AT+LCDINFO=MAIN
Also AT+MAINLCD or AT+MAINLCD leads to nothing...
I think parameter missing...
Best Regards
Edit 1.
Maybe this is from Kies sniffed...
WinComm shows also something...
1863 2691.134 OBEX_Report : 304[BPS], ratio=100, request=190, send=190
4414 2694.194 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 EXCEPTION > [CPLog]: Sub 0047 2702.537 -1: AGENT > __AgRbSendPacket: before send fifo, dataLen(7596), apiID(0x1000002f)
4415 2694.196 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __AgRbFifoCallback: Rcvd 7596 bytes(Type:268435503 Len:7580).
4416 2694.196 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __AgRbPacketReceiveCallback: packet id 0x1000002f
4417 2694.196 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __AgRbPacketReceiveCallback: Req Packet id is [1280], len is [11], cmd is [GetDpImg 0 ]
4418 2694.196 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > *> cmd="GetDpImg 0 "
4419 2694.227 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RbmCHSaveDisplayImg : Time to get Screen Buffer is [30ms]
4420 2694.227 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Size is 768000, TotalPage is 8, LastPageSize is 79872
4421 2694.228 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [0]
4422 2694.232 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [1]
4423 2694.234 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [2]
4424 2694.237 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [3]
4425 2694.239 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [4]
4426 2694.241 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [5]
4427 2694.244 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [6]
4428 2694.246 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RBUSBWrite : Sending Packet Page is [7]
4429 2694.248 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RbmCHSaveDisplayImg : Time to Write through USB is [21ms]
[COLOR="Red"]4430 2694.248 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT [/COLOR] > __RbmCHSaveDisplayImg: [B]Compressed Scrn Img Buf was sent to PC successfully[/B]
4431 2694.248 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RbmCHSaveDisplayImg : Elapsed Time is [51ms]
4432 2694.248 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __RbmCHGetDisplayImg: GetDisplayImg Success. Return is 1
4433 2694.248 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > *> return value = 1 (0x00000001)
4434 2694.248 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __AgRbPacketReceiveCallback: Res Packet result is [1], len is [7588], rsp buf is []
4435 2694.258 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 AGENT > __AgRbFifoCallback: Send 7604 bytes(Type:268435503 Len:7588).
4436 2694.258 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 EXCEPTION > [CPLog]: Sub 0048 2702.539 -1: AGENT > __AgRbSendPacket: write message, written data len(7596)
4437 2694.263 P00.T11.D001.G-1.E-01:0000 EXCEPTION > [CPLog]: Sub 0049 2702.606 -1: AGENT > __RbmCHReadDevConItemInfo:Success
Maybe this is our Power ON OFF Format... or QMG ...
I have problems to recieve full Data from handset...
Searching for working Tool with HEX...
Yes, this is Screencapture... 0 seems for RAW, uncompressed...
You can use WinComm itself to catch the incoming Data... around 700 KB.
You can send AT commands also...
With other Tools I failed... maybe my fault.
I will try if I can use other compress settings...
Best Regards
Eagerly waiting for your developments! By the way that message in wincomm was funny!
waiting for you adfree to get out from all of this with something useful for ordinary users with little brain like me
@ Dokugogagoji
Very good Tool. Tested short on JE7 Firmware...
NOT your Tool, I mean before.
During my experiments I've noticed also Buffer overflow with 0... as I had problems to catch whole data. But your Tool is really great.
My Wishlist. If you have time. Please.
"Video Capture"... maybe we could start with send command every 1 second?
Maybe every 2 seconds... I don't know how fast buffer can handle this...
Maybe please set Standard folder for capture. Example:
Nice would be, we had access to Config XML or other Text file to edit this.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards
Thanx for fast progress.
After press stop, I see only waiting... nothing happens.
XP 32 Bit
But maybe my fault.
Maybe someone else can try and confirm.
Sometimes I'm not smart enough to manage task.
Best Regards
adfree said:
After press stop, I see only waiting...
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I have the same WinXP SP3 32 bit
Another picture is reflected(mirrored). BMP is scanned from bottom to top
Yes! Works fine
1000 thanx. Yes success.
Other folder would be very nice...
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\topsecret\Desktop
Maybe something like set working Directory. Then add 2 folders:
Or something similar.
My Desktop is full.
Best Regards
Strange. Not sure...
tested on JE7 and JL2. If I try to capture Video on Apps like Games or something like that.
No success.
JAVA Midlets yes...
Screencapture also possible.
So generally Command should work...
Any idea?
Best Regards
Edit 1.
Captured from JAVA Midlet...
Now the Question is also. How to get more Frames per second.
@ Dokugogagoji
How often is AT Command sent? Every second?
Hi Dokugogagoji,
i had stability problems with the serial port class in .NET Framework too when i started with WaveBackup, but it seems to be working quite good now. If you want, we could compare our codes and see what it needs for a good and fast connection ....
Upgrading from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 seemed to help a little with stability for me. Funny enough, i never tried a other baudrate as 115200 so far ..... i see you're using a much higher value there .... will do some test with it.
Tested it with WaveBackup ... speed remains the same, wether you use my value or your value .... it's always round abound 120 Kb/s ....
Lock key
3602 0547.460 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8f, STATUS = 0x1.
3852 0741.977 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8f, STATUS = 0x1.
End call
4934 1102.926 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x51, STATUS = 0x1.
6260 1597.151 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x51, STATUS = 0x1.
Start call
6351 1646.721 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x50, STATUS = 0x1.
6351 1646.721 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x50, STATUS = 0x1.
Volume Up
7653 2056.734 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x54, STATUS = 0x1.
7847 2160.000 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x54, STATUS = 0x1.
Volume down
8096 2222.667 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x55, STATUS = 0x1.
8200 2267.922 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x55, STATUS = 0x1.
8424 2320.139 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x53, STATUS = 0x1.
8593 2447.716 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x53, STATUS = 0x1.
Camera mid
8636 2472.871 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8e, STATUS = 0x1.
8664 2508.513 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8e, STATUS = 0x1.
Camera full
8810 2563.697 KEY_PRESS_TIMER_SIG: Keycode = 0x8d, STATUS = 0x1.
0808 3689.790 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8d, STATUS = 0x1.
On release key
STATUS = 0x0
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headset button
0491 8305.228 KEY_EVENT_SIG: Keycode = 0x8a, STATUS = 0x1.
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Taken from here:
Maybe some day usefull...
Best Regards
Nice Command, you can send Text to handset...
For instance long Link from PC... into Dolfin/Browser or SMS.
Short tested.
Best Regards
1 way for Key Input are AT Commands...
Digits 0-9
Call Button
End Button
Best Regards
I have totally forgotten this source...
My Wave 2 has broken glas... and I can't click on Display...
PC Tool for text input via AT Commands would be nice...
Perfect would be... Navigation via Mouse...
Best Regards
Need navigation on broken display...
WinComm Log
[TSP] ID = 2, State = 0x20, X = 309, Y = 375
[TSP] All Fingers released : Send touch_screen_release!
Later more...
Any ideas?
Best Regards

[CHTwidget]CHTw Reminder

I decided to pull my Reminder widget information out of How-To-Make-A-CHT-Widget and continue developing. I'll start this thread by pulling relevant posts from the original location.
My latest release. See the snapshots.
Change log:
19 Jan 2012: Added Alarms to show on Reminder widget. Added slide to unlock feature to respond to alarm quicker. Also, added some registry tweaks to monitor changes to call reminder just like the task widget does to catch changes to tasks.
04 Jan 2012: Some tweaks trying to get it to update quicker and clean up the code based on things I have learned since the last issue.
19 Sep 2011: Updated since it stopped letting me switch pages or lock the phone properly
03 Sep 2011: Updated since it stopped working for me with the latest ROM flash
30 Jun 2011: Fixed unread event count and improved exclude newline feed if any line in the appointment or task is empty.
24 Jun 2011: Exclude newline feed if a line in the appointment or task is empty.
23 Jun 2011: It has the ability to include date and/or time at the top of the sticky note. I added this feature for my lockscreen to have the date somewhere on the screen and I thought it would be easier than adding date to the clock widget. It uses the date and time settings of CHT.
0) Blank - no date or time
1) Date and time in one line
2) Date and time on two lines
3) Date only
4) Time only
Mode 4 looks the same as the fourth picture, but with the time instead of the date.
Uploaded the kitchen files
The beginnings of the idea:
RoryB said:
@poyensa: How can I force a linefeed or <cr> in your Note widget?
I would like to force line breaks, but \n or <br> or ^LF^ or ^CR^ do not work.
I am thinking of taking your work and creating a sticky note that shows the most current active reminder or notification, but it would look better if it had line breaks.
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My hopes for the functionality:
RoryB said:
That is where I am heading. I am thinking of using MortScript to read three registry values and place them into the note registry value with the linebreak so I get
for an appointment.
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Getting it figured out:
RoryB said:
What I have done is added to your note widget and it does give me three lines.
CHTWNotes1_Text1.String = GetCHTSettingString("Notes1.Text", "Time") .. "\n" .. GetCHTSettingString("Notes2.Text", "Meeting") .. "\n" .. GetCHTSettingString("Notes3.Text", "Location")
I also changed the angle of the text to 5 degrees and the default font size to 14. Now to work out how to:
check if any notifications exist for meetings or tasks
figure out how to get the data of the current active one
and transfer it to the widget
I know the registry keys to check, but the ones for the current active one changes based on a few factors.
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One of my tries for automatic updating:
RoryB said:
What I have working so far is a Reminder1.mscr and the autorun.exe renamed to Reminder1.exe so I can call it in Handle_CHTWNotes1 = function() . Currently if any of the three CHT registry values change this function runs and updates the sticky. I am trying to use
_application.Store:GetValueChangedEvent(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Misc.System.UpTimeExact"):connect(Handle_CHTWNotes1)
to get it to update the sticky note and it seems to work, but not always. It would be much nicer if I could have the widget polling these registry values outside manila and then getting the value of the registry key to know where to find the other registries. I could keep the script and exe if I needed, but it would be nice to have a way to watch for "HKCU", "System\State\Shell\Reminders", "Active" to exist and have a value.
It seems the registry key CHT.Misc.System.UpTimeExact does not update every minute even though it is in minutes. I am going to search the base applications in CHT to see if there is a way I can add a system status check for reminders.
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Some information from:
rat_2665 said:
Two examples for reading and setting
MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "Software\\HTC\\Manila\\", "HomeShortcutNum")
MusicHelper_SetRegDWORDValue(0, "Software\\HTC\\Manila\\", "HomeShortcutNum", totalCount)
MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(2, "ControlPanel\\Backlight", "LightDetectOn")
MusicHelper_SetRegDWORDValue(2, "ControlPanel\\Backlight", "LightDetectOn", 1)
where the first argument is:
2 = HKCU
0 = HKLM
Didn't find the ValueChangedEvent yet. Workaround would be to read the value every second (with timer), save the value and in the next cycle compare the saved value with the new value.
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Some head banging against the wall:
RoryB said:
Okay, I do tend to use If, Then, etc. I changed to if, then, etc.
Here are my tries:
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
if Reminder1_GetRegStringValue(2, "System\\State\\Shell\\Reminders", "Active") = null then
I get error LuaC: ..\Workspace\_lua\CHTWReminder1.lua:50: 'then' expected near '='Source: .. and line fifty is the if statement.Then
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
if Reminder1_GetRegStringValue(2, "System\\State\\Shell\\Reminders", "Active") = nil then
same error. Then
Handle_Reminder1 = function(self)
self.Reminder1 = Reminder1_GetRegStringValue(2, "System\\State\\Shell\\Reminders", "Active")
if self.Reminder1 = nil then
still same error.
The value does not exist at all if there are no reminders, and it varies if there are more than one depending on which one is active.
Another try
Handle_Reminder1 = function(self)
self.Reminder1 = "test"
if self.Reminder1 = "" then
still the same error
My brain must be dead. I should be using == for the if statement and not just =
Still not working
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Getting closer:
RoryB said:
Currently tried
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
x = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT")
if x == nil then
RunProgram( "\\windows\\Reminder.exe")
The else is to run the exe if there is a value. This still does not work. Same for
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
local loc1 = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT")
if loc1 == nil then
RunProgram( "\\windows\\Reminder.exe")
I can use this and it works
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
RunProgram( "\\windows\\Reminder.exe")
Handle_Reminder1_Timer = timer(1) -- time in seconds
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RoryB said:
That would work as well. I am about to post an update. It seems lua code did not like the tabs in the code file. Without them I think it might be working. I need a couple reminders to come through to verify.
Forgot to comment out a run command so it still is not working.
Started trying to clean it up and broke it *&^%$##@#@[email protected]
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Got tit working again:
RoryB said:
Just to let you guys know I have it working again. Currently using the timer method. I accidentally deleted a character from the name of the exe file and was calling runprogram("\\windows\\reminder.exe") instead of runprogram("\\windows\\reminder1.exe"). It is terrible that it took me the whole day to realize this mistake.
Now I am going to keep trying to figure out how to track a change event outside manila registry keys for activation instead of the time. This would avoid running a script to copy the registry values for the sticky note.
Also I want to figure out how to use long press to start the settings for font size and color so I can keep tapping for bringing up the notification. Right now it runs a script that if there are no reminders it brings up settings and if there are it does as described below.
Or maybe I can have the stick pin as a tap point for settings and the note as the tap point for bringing up the notification.
Of course I have not figured out how to bring up the poom dialog, but just run a script that has a mouseclick at the top center of the screen to bring up the notification page that shows status, emails, reminders, etc.
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Moving forward:
RoryB said:
I have this working
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
-- 0 = HKLM
-- 2 = HKCU
x = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPTALLDAY") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "TASK") + 1
if x == 1 then
CHTWReminder1_Text1.String = "No Active" .. "\n" .. "Reminders" .. "\n" .. "at this Time"
Handle_Reminder1_Timer = timer(1) -- time in seconds
Made an adjustment to get the registry to update to no reminders.
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
-- 0 = HKLM
-- 2 = HKCU
x = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPTALLDAY") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "TASK") + 1
if x == 1 then
_application.Store:SetStringValue(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Reminder1.Text", "No Active")
_application.Store:SetStringValue(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Reminder2.Text", "Reminders")
_application.Store:SetStringValue(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Reminder3.Text", "at this Time")
Now to figure out how to read string values outside the manila registry and I will not need the script.
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Another update to my code:
RoryB said:
Another update to not have the script run unless there is actually a change in the reminder.
Handle_Reminder1 = function()
-- 0 = HKLM
-- 2 = HKCU
x = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPTALLDAY") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "TASK") + 1
if x == 1 then
y = GetCHTSettingString("Reminder1.Text")
if y ~= "No Active" then
_application.Store:SetStringValue(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Reminder1.Text", "No Active")
_application.Store:SetStringValue(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Reminder2.Text", "Reminders")
_application.Store:SetStringValue(Lifetime_Permanent, "CHT.Reminder3.Text", "at this Time")
if x ~= x1 then
x1 = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPTALLDAY") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "TASK") + 1
Also, in the xmu I set it to give me the current settings instead of a default value.
<text rgb='0,0,0' label='color in RGB code as in 0,0,0 is black' />
<edit id='%REMINDER1COLOR%' label='reg:HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\CHT.Reminder1.Color'/>
<text rgb='0,0,0' label='Font size as in 12' />
<edit id='%REMINDER1FONTSIZE%' label='reg:HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\CHT.Reminder1.FontSize'/>
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Some interesting developments:
RoryB said:
Dunc001 said:
Rory, this is a great find. To get the 'MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue' command to work do you need to 'require()' anything or does it function without having to reference other scripts? And also, have you tried MusicHelper_GetValueChangedEvent(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") to see if that works as an update call rather than your timer function?
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I did not have to require anything. I guess musichelper is a base function in sense lua.
The values APPT, APPTALLDAY and TASK do not exist if there are no items instead of being 0x00000000. They are all DWord values so I am able to get them with musichelper.
I will try the valuechangedevent just to see if it works. Thank you for the idea.
The value I really want is "active" under HKLM, "System\\State\\Shell\\Reminders", "Active") which is a string. It too does not exist if there are no active reminders, but is the name of another registry key that does not exist until there is an active reminder. This key has the appointment information in a few values under that key.
Another thing I found interesting is that RUNPROGRAM did not work in the if statement, but Shell_NavigateTo did. I think Shell_NavigateTo is a base function and I saw RUNPROGRAM getting defined in one of the common or core lua files.
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Be careful you do not break widgets from running at all:
RoryB said:
MusicHelper_GetValueChangedEvent(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT"):connect(Handle_Reminder1) breaks the widget. Actually no widgets show up.
GetAppointment = function()
local x1 = MusicHelper_GetStringValue(0, "System\\State\\Shell\\Reminders", "Active")
local y1 = ""
if x1 ~= "" then
y1 = MusicHelper_GetStringValue(0, x1)
Appointment.String = tostring(y1)
Appointment.String = "No Appointments"
Breaks the widgets too without it even being called to run.
Is there a MusicHelper_GetStringValue function?
Maybe something with machineStatus since machineStatus.HomeScreenAppointmentSubject.OnValueChanged:connect(self.HandleAppointmentChanged, self) appears to monitor HKCU\System\State\Appointments\HomeScreen, Subject value
I have tried machineStatus.RemindersShellActive.OnValueChanged:connect(Handle_Reminder1) and machineStatus.ShellRemindersActive.OnValueChanged:connect(Handle_Reminder1) but they break the widgets.
I cannot seem to find where the functions for MusicHelper and machineStatus get defined to see what parameters I need or if I can tweak them to do what I need.
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My first public release:
RoryB said:
I have my first public trial for Reminder widget based on poyensa's original Note widget work. Currently it shows the active reminder and if there are more current reminders it states how many more. When you have no reminder and tap the sticky note the settings page opens. If you have reminders it taps the notification bar to open it.
If you have not set the tap point for opening your notification bar and you have a reminder it will first ask you to select that point. This is the same as going into the settings and pressing the "Select Notification Bar Tap Point" button.
I am still looking into how to do something like tap opens the reminder poom dialog or maybe a long press to dismiss or snooze. Also, maybe tap the stickpin to get settings so you can change size of font when there is an active reminder.
Install JMLMenuSense.v1.65.cab (or newer).
It is compatible with poyensa's latest version of Notes too.
I tried to set it up to work on any screen size. Please give me some feedback. Also if you have any guidance I would appreciate it.
You also need MortScript Version 4.3 Beta 15. Install this cab and the copy contents from Programs\Mortscript to windows and run it there to register the program.
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See the post for images and the cab, but it is old.
Reducing the software load:
RoryB said:
Here is a revised cab that does not require JMLMenuSense. It is not as pretty, but it works. It is based on [MortScript] iniEditor by Michoob. You still need MortScript. See quoted post for main idea of looks.
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See post for cab, but again it is old.
Added long press to bring up settings menu:
RoryB said:
Finally figured out how to get long press pop up menu to work for me. Here is a cab using that to have two setting choices. One for the notification bar tap point and the other for the settings, which are font size and color.
Here is the code that is a complete change from poyensa's I started with:
--Behaviour when click on widget:
CHTWReminder1Class.ConnectPressHandlers = function(self)
self.hitArea.onPress:connect(self.OnTimePressed, self)
self.hitArea.onRelease:connect(self.OnTimeReleased, self)
self.hitArea.onReleaseOutside:connect(self.OnTimeReleasedOutside, self)
CHTWReminder1Class.DisconnectPressHandlers = function(self)
self.hitArea.onPress:disconnect(self.OnTimePressed, self)
self.hitArea.onRelease:disconnect(self.OnTimeReleased, self)
self.hitArea.onReleaseOutside:disconnect(self.OnTimeReleasedOutside, self)
CHTWReminder1Class.OnTimePressed = function(self, object, complete)
self.Reminder1LongPress = false
if self.Reminder1PressTimer then
self.Reminder1PressTimer = nil
self.Reminder1PressTimer = timer(0.4)
self.tapStartX = Mouse.x
if self.Reminder1PressTimer then
self.Reminder1PressTimer = nil
self.Reminder1LongPress = true
if math.abs(Mouse.x - self.tapStartX) > WidgetPages.swipeTolerance - 1 then
PopUpMenuControl.listCollection:AddItem(PopUpMenuControl:GetItem("Tap Point"))
PopUpMenuControl:ShowMenu("center", nil, function()
end, self)
CHTWReminder1Class.OnTimeReleased = function(self, object, complete)
self.Reminder1PressTimer = nil
if not self.Reminder1LongPress then
x = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPTALLDAY") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "TASK") + 1
if x ~= 1 then
self.Reminder1LongPress = false
CHTWReminder1Class.OnTimeReleasedOutside = function(self)
self.Reminder1PressTimer = nil
self.Reminder1LongPress = false
PopUpMenuControl:AddSimpleItem("Settings", "Change Settings", function()
PopUpMenuControl:AddSimpleItem("Tap Point", "Set Tap Point", function()
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
See post for old cab.
My ultimate goal/hope:
RoryB said:
Thank you. I will really like it when I can get it to open the notification poom dialog window directly.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Still have not figured this out.
Some more work:
RoryB said:
Thank you for the guide to get me started. I had the ghost sticky note once and did a soft reset to get rid of it. I am finding it best to remove the old cab first, let it reset and then install the new one.
I will check my kitchen when I get to my computer. Maybe it has to do with the number and type of files changed in the cab of the same name. I will also post my kitchen. Thanks again for the help.
I checked my kitchen and think I had it correct. Here is my kitchen and an updated cab to make the font color setting work nicer. I did change the name within the cab so the old one will not get deleted automatically. Please YOU MUST remove the previous version before installing this version.
Please let me know what I have missed.
It seems the long press version gets worse as time goes on. I lost my quick links and had to remove Reminder1 to get them back.
I will update when I figure it out.
Okay, I think I have it now. Still remove the previous before doing the install. Here is the code as I fixed it. I updated the cab and the kitchen files.
--Behaviour when click on widget:
CHTWReminder1Class.ConnectPressHandlers = function(self)
self.hitArea.onPress:connect(self.OnTimePressed, self)
self.hitArea.onRelease:connect(self.OnTimeReleased, self)
self.hitArea.onReleaseOutside:connect(self.OnTimeReleasedOutside, self)
CHTWReminder1Class.DisconnectPressHandlers = function(self)
self.hitArea.onPress:disconnect(self.OnTimePressed, self)
self.hitArea.onRelease:disconnect(self.OnTimeReleased, self)
self.hitArea.onReleaseOutside:disconnect(self.OnTimeReleasedOutside, self)
CHTWReminder1Class.OnTimePressed = function(self)
Reminder1LongPress = false
if Reminder1PressTimer then
Reminder1PressTimer = nil
Reminder1PressTimer = timer(0.4)
tapStartX = Mouse.x
if Reminder1PressTimer then
Reminder1PressTimer = nil
Reminder1LongPress = true
if math.abs(Mouse.x - tapStartX) > WidgetPages.swipeTolerance - 1 then
PopUpMenuControl.listCollection:AddItem(PopUpMenuControl:GetItem("Tap Point"))
PopUpMenuControl:ShowMenu("center", nil, function()
end, self)
CHTWReminder1Class.OnTimeReleased = function(self)
if Reminder1PressTimer then
Reminder1PressTimer = nil
if not Reminder1LongPress then
x = MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPT") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "APPTALLDAY") + MusicHelper_GetRegDWORDValue(0, "System\\State\\Reminder\\Count", "TASK") + 1
if x ~= 1 then
Reminder1LongPress = false
CHTWReminder1Class.OnTimeReleasedOutside = function(self)
if Reminder1PressTimer then
Reminder1PressTimer = nil
Reminder1LongPress = false
PopUpMenuControl:AddSimpleItem("Settings", "Change Settings", function()
PopUpMenuControl:AddSimpleItem("Tap Point", "Set Tap Point", function()
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
See post for attachments, but they are also old.
You gotta like the team spirit of this forum:
MichelDiamond said:
Perhaps it kicks in, if Sense is about to change the tab. And so the tab goes after the timeout to somethings else like configuring mode of CHT.
You can check this and look for HKCU/Software/HTC/Manila -> CHTI.ManilaState.HomeTabIsActive
This value must be 1 for HomeTab (not 0 or 2)
Only a vague assumption.
A remark for counts of tasks: I would recommend the internal task list of CHT, because this is triggered by more than the count. The count is sometimes not reliable enough.
(and for reminders: Use also remind-text changes as looking for changes)
If you need something for direct access something in POOM or so - just tell me & Mike - perhaps this can be made in chtstate.
But the code looks very well made - it's really cool, what Mortskript can do meanwhile and you have a very straight way and a great modularity of your functions.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

