Help Please! - P3600 ROM Development

Obviously my google-fu is no good, so I have come here in the hopes of some information!
Firstly, I received an MMS which had a 3gp vid clip - I can't play it. The device doesn't even seem to recognise it.
Secondly, Is there a list of commands anywhere that I can use to setup AEButton Plus? Things such as going straight into a new SMS or MMS.
Any help much appreciated. Thankyou.

Does this overwhelming lack of response mean that no-one can help me? or that my question was so badly worded you couldn't understand it? or that you just don't care?
Can someone at least pls tell me how to play 3gp?
The commands I want are around, I just haven't found them yet - I know there are some in a thread on this site, but it was months ago when I saw that and can't remember where.


Palm messaging works on Dash

Hello all,
Wanted to share that I was able to install the cab file taken from the palm messing that was found in the MDA section of forum, can't find the thread now sorry!!!!!! But I was able to install and get the program to send text messages out, but it will not thread because in the registry couldn't I couldn't change the sms key to sms.old
In the Dash registry it was a lil different than the MDA, if anyone could help would be greatly appreciated. I know it's simple just not sure, still neebe but willing to learn and try!!!!!!!!
Yes..someone please get this to work. As i'm sure we are all coming from MDA or similar devices. I was one of the lucky ones to get the threaded sms app from Palm working on my device. It's definitely nice. Don't get me wrong the 2 sms threader apps that are available now: sms threader & TXTMAN are nice..but they have some big tradeoffs that didn't occur on the Palm version. really does work. I did the normal instructions from the "How-To"... no notification sounds for it though. Im sure a little registry hacking could fix that. Everything threads hmm..testing mms..well i actually i cannot test..just realized I can't even navigate anymore lol. Pressing the back key closes the program. ARGHH! you can get around the smiley's and Mytext just buy bringing up the option but other than that it looks like a dead end. Any suggestions?
dialekt said: really does work. I did the normal instructions from the "How-To"... no notification sounds for it though. Im sure a little registry hacking could fix that. Everything threads hmm..testing mms..well i actually i cannot test..just realized I can't even navigate anymore lol. Pressing the back key closes the program. ARGHH! you can get around the smiley's and Mytext just buy bringing up the option but other than that it looks like a dead end. Any suggestions?
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I plan on playing around some more in the registry to see what i can get to work!!!!!!! I post more after some other tweaks.
I have 1.5 for smartphone but cant get it to work either, crashes upon running, I bound bengalboys site but cant find the install guidelines, anyone have the link?
GuardianZX9 said:
I have 1.5 for smartphone but cant get it to work either, crashes upon running, I bound bengalboys site but cant find the install guidelines, anyone have the link?
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I was using the cab file for the ppc and I haven't been able to get it work like it was working on the MDA. Tried all kinds things in the registry, but nothing seemed to work.
Then I finally got the thread to work but all together lost MMS, As for your situation did you make the registry tweaks to sms and mms1 and change them to .old? Not to familiar with 1.5 and assuming it may have to have the same setup. If I find anything I will let you know.
For now I have taken it off and it required for me to reset the phone and start all over. So once again I will be working on the aforementioned issues.
I didnt do the registry entries, I wasnt able to find them on BB's site.
The version I have is branded as "SmartPhone" vs the PPC version which I also have.
I think it is for the older processor type maybe?
ok, found the info on BB's site and made the registry changes as well as the app unlock.
VC still refuses to run on my Dash, all I get is "VoiceCommand has encountered a problem, restart voice command"
Noticed that voice comand also completely breaks the built in voice dialing
Could someone send me the install file please? thanks
xdame said:
Could someone send me the install file please? thanks
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Feel free to pm me and I will be more than happy to send you the file
It seems this user has disappeared. Please, if anyone still has the SmartPhone branded version of the software please PM me or reply and I'll contact you.
Thanks in advance,
I also need the smartphone version. If one of you good hearted souls can assist with this. thanks in advance.

Pls Pls Pls Someone Help Me!!!!!!

I've posted this before
but now I have another problem, no Ringtones whatsoever
I can play the ringtones on my WM Player, My Alarm works, System Notification noises work but when I receive a SMS or phone call NO SOUND
Pls Pls help me I'm really desperate, very desperates for any ideas, anything PLEASE!!!!
PS: I've attached some of my reg files if you need more infor pls do not hesitate to ask. Thanking you in advance
PPS: I'm using Wisbar Advance+Desktop, also Profile for Windows Mobile 2.2.0(Build 672)
which version OS are you using
Its in the sig.
I assume you have gone to sound and notifications, notifications tab and selected new sms or voice call and then made sure a sound is selected and that the appropriate tick boxes are ticked... and that the tones you want are the right type of file and placed in the right folders?
ppl ere won't help! why?
read this paricularly point 2
simplest way before begging, help urself. hard reset the bugger.
now do ur sounds work? then its the apps or u have done something to it
if it still doesn't work, send it back
if u want help, start by helping urself n change the f*#kin heading
sick to death of noobs crying n whinging n complaining with pls help... pls pls pls pls help
no amount of begging is going to help, be clear, be precise, be concise
oh yeah, rtfw or search the forums and stop begging, its sickening, annoying and frustrating
What an Arse Hole- 'SIMPLE SIMON'
You know Simon 'Simple Simon' you were once a newbie too so get off your high horse before you fall flat on you f***king face
What a jerk, I'm asking for Help, nicely because I thought this was a friendly forum that someone can help me. I did search but didn't find an answer, that what's new threads are for, you arse hole
Yes I've check the notification box, yes its the right type
It plays when I press the play button, but when I received a call or SMS, NO SOUND
Noone is asking you for your precious time if you dont want to damn well give it, bottom line is when you see a thread you don't like, see the door arse hole TAKE A HIKE
I agree the title is going to get peoples backs up considering its only a few sounds which do not work.
Do the sms files actually play manually in media player , are they corrupted?
Try selecting no sounds ok you way back out and then turn them all back on. (might reset any duff reg entries)
Failing that a hard reset will probably be quickest way to sort it?
rickyjune said:
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Well to start with you can tell us what you have installed and have you chnaged any reg keys???
If you dont give information how the heck do you what help.
Please help my phone is broken
How many poeple are going to help me on that one!!! you get the hint! When you give no useful information, you get no useful replies!!!!
What The F**********
If you read my first post I told you what i've install and even uploaded some of my registery files
what else do you want from me!!!!!​
Problem that I see is that RickyJune has posted many My Phone won't work - here's no information but I want a psychic to fix it for me because I'm too lazy to research for my self threads.
Everytime I see a RickyJune thread I almost know the first response will be 'please give more information' or something of that nature.
That's so not f***king true
ach2 said:
Problem that I see is that RickyJune has posted many My Phone won't work - here's no information but I want a psychic to fix it for me because I'm too lazy to research for my self threads.
Everytime I see a RickyJune thread I almost know the first response will be 'please give more information' or something of that nature.
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I did search, and if you do a search and come up with the answer I'll be f***king surprise
Secondly I did give you all the info, my signature tells you what phone and OS im using, I posted my registry file that I thought was useful and I told you what software I'm running. and said if you need more pls ask
God you people are half-harden b*****ds
Yeah many people who could help have become hardened to the "Pls Help" posts.
If you search for a particular problem (BTW Use the Google search as well on this forum) and can't find any answers then it's most probable that the problem is just peculiar to yourself.
Have you done a hard reset and do you still have the problem on a 'clean' install?
Oh my God a decent human being
thank you Wam7,
I decided to Hard Reset tonite when I get home, but its the last resort I thought maybe someone had any ideas before I did that, I wish I didn't bothered asking now,
rickyjune said:
If you read my first post I told you what i've install and even uploaded some of my registery files
what else do you want from me!!!!!​
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Well for starters you can quit with the triple posting of threads for the same problem... and then a better subject to the thread... And then smaller letters... If you dont recieve a lot of replies from ones with the right titles its because no one has your answer, as its more than likely 3rd party software causing your issue, this is why the hard reset corrected your problem... be more descriptive, im sure you have more than that piece of junk wisbar advance installed on your device.. If you want answers it helps to know everything, ALL software installed, etc....

Backing Up Everything

Apologies if this appears elsewhere but I have looked without success. If it does then a link to the solution would be great.
Basically I found this site a few weeks ago and since then have been tinkering with my phone. I've tried various roms, added different programs, played about with the settings and so on. Today I have finally got it just how I want it. It is overclocked to run quickly but safely. The today screen is perfect. It contains everything I need including my huge list of contacts. And my theme is spot-on. However usually in life when everything is right something big and hairy appears out of nowhere and dumps on you. Its got to the point where I panic every time I turn it on just in case it crashes and I need to start all over again.
My question therefore is if anyone knows of a utility (or can give detailed instructions) to completely back up the phone. Right down to the user settings, theme and contacts. If possible maybe even to create a rom image of my phone so that if it does ever crash I can reinstall the whole thing from one simple file. I assume this sort of thing must be possible because Kavana and Ricky produce such wonderful roms with various programs, etc pre-installed.
Can it be done? And if so - can it be done by an enthusiastic amateur or do you need to be a tech guru? I should add I don't mind paying if I need to buy a piece of commercial software to achieve this.
Did you even bother to search google for "smartphone backup" ? The very first link that comes up, takes you right to the software you say you need. I apologize for being harsh, but I hate the lack of common sense...
An option
Not sure about the cooked 6.1 Roms. Maybe someone else might know or have tried.
I use this and it's well worth it.
if u just mean the saved registry values and what not u can always export the registry so that way if u have to hard reset the phone or if a new amazingly wowlike rom is released and u NEED to flash u can always import the registry values of the chomes and it'll be the way u left it (thats what I do for my myfaves and my programs)
OrganicM said:
Did you even bother to search google for "smartphone backup" ? The very first link that comes up, takes you right to the software you say you need. I apologize for being harsh, but I hate the lack of common sense...
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No problem, and you are entitled to your opinion. however its replies like that which stop people making posts to forums like this. Everyone has to start somewhere, and one man's obvious "common sense" answer is another man's dilemma.
As for using google... yep I could have done that but google links to hundreds of pages, some owned by people trying to sell software which obviously means they won't be objective. Others have methods which could damage a phone and because I don't know the writers how do I know which methods to trust? Ergo I decided to come to site I know, with people whose technical knowhow I trust, and to search the forum and then ask them for advice. To me, that is common sense. Isn't that one of the reasons that places like this exist? So non techheads can ask guys like you for help?
No offence intended and, for what its worth, you are one of the guys whose advice on this forum has helped me countless times. So thank you for that no matter what. Without your posts I'd never have got this far in the first place! I mean that.
As for the other replies... thanks guys. I will look into the registry stuff. And I will certainly check out the software link. If I do find some info on google, I hope you folks will help me pick the best method to use and avoid bad advice.
Thanks again.
Okay the Sprite software is perfect. And now I've checked it out maybe my question was a stupid one. Still, its nice to have a recommendation from an independent source. I've been burnt in the past by bad google advice.
Sorry if I've wasted anyone's time.

Just ordered, what mods etc should i get? im clueles!!

hey its being delievered on tuesday yaya
But what should i get for it?
I know youll link me to the stickies but im already readingh them and they don tell me what i need for my phone
So tell me, what mods are msuts for this phone?
Also what roms are recomended? And if i flash a rom does it affect the touch flow, aplications etc?
Cheers and any other info i should know. I hear i have to do some reg edit to use wifi at a decent speed??
hey also is it possible to get itunes on my phone so i can sync it with my pc and play all my itunes music? As currently alot of it is in itunes format and cannot play on other players.
8igdave said:
hey also is it possible to get itunes on my phone so i can sync it with my pc and play all my itunes music? As currently alot of it is in itunes format and cannot play on other players.
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Id be interested in this too
NOOOOOBBBSSSS!! You just said it yourself, you must read the threads.
ROM issues you ust test outyourself, i can recoomend a rom, but possibly i'll have other way of using my phone than you.... look, read, test for yourself and youll see that this balckstone is quite a device.
Gr. Bram
ps. read this first, this will help you on the way:
So basicaly this isn't actually a forum to help people who dont know anything about it find out about apps which have been created by people here. How unhelpful.
8igdave said:
So basicaly this isn't actually a forum to help people who dont know anything about it find out about apps which have been created by people here. How unhelpful.
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No, what you'll find is that all the information you most likely need is already on this forum somewhere. Take a day or two,search, read, look at the wiki, and you will be in a much better position to understand what you can do and want to do with your phone.
I did the above and have flashed custom roms, various applications, registry tweaks, edited dlls and what not and am now very happy with my phone.
Yeah i have looked through theese for days. But there is just so much, especialy when i know so little. It is very hard to pick out whats good and whats not.
I was hoping uses of HD touch could just post what they feel is the best things that they use. And from that i could work out what to use.
But it appears people would rather turn their nose up because i dont know anything about moding theese.
It's not that i dont want to help you with finding apps and mods and tweaks, or helping you understand your device better, it the way you assume that someone displays every app on a plate so you can install without breaking a sweat.
All apps that are around for the HD are fully reviewed and archived in the wiki:
This is a thread that you could have found easyly, since it's a wiki page and has been stickied in this subforum.
Also on the wiki, theres much info on upgrading and modding the HD's rom, search an you will find, not ask and takeoff without understanding.
We'd like to help if you have a problem, and you searched for it, and stated out what youve done by yourself to solve it.
The first thing youll have to do is find your own answers, then ask your question.
EDIT: In fact of the itunes music issue, you can play AAC files on the HD, this info i've found in the manual, RTFM!
Gr. Bram
i ahve looked through that several times actually. Ive identifyed some things. But generaly they arnt reviewed and ther is so many aplications that do the same job on there i dont know wahts best and i presume you guys do.
Its quite simple, i dont know whats good. You guys do, i ask instead of trawling through lists installing them all and trying them my self. Its not really unreasonable tbh. Ive never been met by so much hostility to a simple question that i presume is on everyones mind who gets a touch hd and is new to it all.
also, what is manilla? i see it around alot.
8igdave said:
also, what is manilla? i see it around alot.
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Search my friend, whats the main word that pops off your screen whan you search for manila? Yes, Its touchflo3d! Manila what the HTC codeword when they developed the app, and it still uses manila in the registry and such.
Gr. Bram
ahh i see, so does that mean roms that dont have "manilla" in the title dont use touch flo 3d?
8igdave said:
ahh i see, so does that mean roms that dont have "manilla" in the title dont use touch flo 3d?
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Due to your evident experience level with HTC products I would suggest that you refrain from playin about with roms until you are at least onto your second device.. stick to easy to install software for the moment and gain an understanding of how your device works.
i would ahve thought there would be a guide i could follow and it all be fairly simple. I have flashed bios's on my pc, overclocked etc. Im not new to learning such things. I have just never done it on a phone before.
I presume i can always reflash to the orginal if it goes wrong? But yeah i will be getting used to the phone first before i do do any flashing. But i definitly intend of flashing the rom. I got this phone with the intent on playing around with it and learning about it all.
8igdave said:
... I got this phone with the intent on playing around with it and learning about it all.
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Well... do that. Asking questions like "which apps should I install?" or "which ROM is the best?" doesn't make much more sense than asking "what is the tastiest food?" You will get as many different answers as there are people out there. In my oppinion this forum is for "how to do..." questions and not for "what to do..." - if you have any of the first kind, there is a good chance that someone will answer it.
As far as the ROMs go - every ROM more or less reflects the cooker's usage of the phone, so you WILL become 'flash-o-holic', because everyone has unique pattern of usage and you will think that the next ROM will be better suited for you, and the next one, and the next one... but the truth is that none of them is 100% tailored for you. My advice is - read carefully the sticky threads (there is a reason they are pinned above all else), always be sure you are not doing something irreversible and respect the work of others. And congratulations for the excelent choise of hardware .
Yeah i understand what your saying. Just like a direction to head at really.
Im going to try dutties first and seems to be very popular and i hear it speeds the phone up quite a bit.
And ahhh cant wait, so annoying i had to wait till friday to order it with weekend and bankholiday monday to wait! it was out of stock for weeks!
8igdave said:
I presume i can always reflash to the orginal if it goes wrong?
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If you dont know what you are doing you can turn your phone into an expensive paperweight..
mmm ok, shall defo make suer i got a good guide to follow first.
Im currently trying to find out what "cabs" are exacly. I see them menchened everywhere but it doesn't appear to be given a definition in the wiki. Might have missed it though. Not really sure what to type in google as typing "cab" doesn't really give the results i want.
Anyone got any links to good guilds, how too's, how they got started etc?
8igdave said:
mmm ok, shall defo make suer i got a good guide to follow first.
Im currently trying to find out what "cabs" are exacly. I see them menchened everywhere but it doesn't appear to be given a definition in the wiki. Might have missed it though. Not really sure what to type in google as typing "cab" doesn't really give the results i want.
Anyone got any links to good guilds, how too's, how they got started etc?
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A .cab file is an socalled "cabinet file" wich is used in windows for ages to install stuff. In desktop windows you dont see them anymore couse they are camouflaged by a .exe of .msi file, but they are used still today.
On windows mobile, all programs are installed by cab, so basically for you, a cab is an installer.
Gr. Bram
ive been searching for months and still havnt found any decent programs, the software wiki is useless as it doesnt even tell you what half the programs are or do!
8igdave said:
So basicaly this isn't actually a forum to help people who dont know anything about it find out about apps which have been created by people here. How unhelpful.
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Okay, if you're going to be nasty, I'll return the favour. If you're going to buy something as technically advanced as the Touch HD, and you have no clue (your word) as to what to do with it, perhaps you should stick with a less complicated device.
Second, most questions have already been answered in these forums. Do a simple search. If that, too, is beyond you, then this site, and others like it, are too advanced for you.
Stick with a basic flip-phone and you should be happy.
(shaking his head)

Help Needed - I'm desperate!!!!

I desperately need some help. So please, please can somebody rescue me....
My girlfriend bought a HTC Touch Dual from ebay which was locked to the Orange Network in the UK. I tried to unlock the phone for her so she could use her Vodafone SIM and have made a right mess! I used an eight-step process on one of the threads on this forum and got completley lost.
Firstly, I don't really know what I'm doing, and have no idea what a 'radio', 'rom', etc is. In fact, in reading these forums I realise how out of my depth I am.
Would somebody be able to help me out. Not necesarily with unlocking, but just getting the unit back to working order - i.e. so the cameras work, the sound works, the screen responds to my taps, the wireless card works, etc...
Please remember I know nothing about these machines, so you will need to use VERY simple explanation!!
Thank you in advance,
My best advice is, try and flash a rom on the device for the device(learn how to first, you don't need to know all the details involved just the process, and what to download), then buy a cheap unlocking solution online.
I would suggest this rom:
Here is how to flash a rom on to an HTC device: Guide
Thank you for your help...
I'll take a look at your links.
Still don't know what a 'radio' or a 'ROM' is! Any clues welcome...
Thanks again - I appreciate it
Garrington said:
Thank you for your help...
I'll take a look at your links.
Still don't know what a 'radio' or a 'ROM' is! Any clues welcome...
Thanks again - I appreciate it
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Download this...
register for an AIM account and AIM me now at poetryrocksalot...
I give you 20 minutes to reach me if not then I'm out.
I have had a look at the links and am completely lost.
Please don't underestimate my lack of mobile I.T. skills - I really don't know what I'm doing!
Can anyone simply tell me what to do, step-by-step, without any jargon, to get a workable handheld?
Mabe this will set the scene... Imagine you need to explain it to an 80 year old Grandmother...
Thanks again
Garrington said:
I have had a look at the links and am completely lost.
Please don't underestimate my lack of mobile I.T. skills - I really don't know what I'm doing!
Can anyone simply tell me what to do, step-by-step, without any jargon, to get a workable handheld?
Mabe this will set the scene... Imagine you need to explain it to an 80 year old Grandmother...
Thanks again
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MSN [email protected]
AIM poetryrocksalot
Yahoo [email protected]
What a kind offer - thank you.
I have created an account. How do I 'point' to you?
Problem Solved
Thanks to Poetryrocksalot for helping to solve my PDA problem...
He gave up alot of his time, and perservered with my lack of knowledge - Top guy!
Thanks to all others who made suggestions, guidance and encouragement.
Best wishes,

