Restore after rom upgrade - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV ROM Development

Hi all, Did anyone try to restore the diamond with Spb backup 2.0 with the "rom upgrade" function? I've update my diamond from hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_1.34.831.1_52.24.25.08_0.93.25_Ship to hTC_Asia_WWE_1.37.707.1_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.26a.25.09_1.00.25.03_Ship
But after I restore with spb, it's success but when I check the rom version in setting, everythings is upgrade but only the rom version is still 1.34.831.1, but the cht is change to wwe.
Did I just ignore it (coz I'm sure I'm successful upgrade b4 I restore the backup file)? Or my backup file restore everything??
Pls help I'm really no ideas..... Thank you so much!

any ideas?

9up said:
Hi all, Did anyone try to restore the diamond with Spb backup 2.0 with the "rom upgrade" function? I've update my diamond from hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_1.34.831.1_52.24.25.08_0.93.25_Ship to hTC_Asia_WWE_1.37.707.1_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.26a.25.09_1.00.25.03_Ship
But after I restore with spb, it's success but when I check the rom version in setting, everythings is upgrade but only the rom version is still 1.34.831.1, but the cht is change to wwe.
Did I just ignore it (coz I'm sure I'm successful upgrade b4 I restore the backup file)? Or my backup file restore everything??
Pls help I'm really no ideas..... Thank you so much!
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You should not restore all the system data from your backup files as it will "overwrite" the system files in your upgraded rom and that is what it is happening and shows in your device info. You should only restore your PIM data, i.e. contacts, emails, messages, appts after an upgrade. You are lucky that the device is not corrupted and functioning OK.
To resolve this, do a hard reset to get back to your upgraded rom (yes, it is still lying there in your device) and this time do a PIM restore only and everything will be fine! Cheers

Thanks and I know that..... just want to be lazy to to one step to restore all information and program, although I've choose the "rom upgrade" to restore, but still cannot make it. Only retore all the pim information and have to install all back about the program....
Anyway, thanks a lot!

so = it is not possible to restore all programs after rom upgrade at all??

I think so...... but did anyone try another backup program? like resco backup and also sprite backup? I remember those software have the rom upgrade things to choose, anyone tried?

mmm on Spb site there is
Control your data restoration!
* Can be restored after ROM upgrade (ROM upgrade mode)
* Can be restored on another device (device upgrade mode)
* Self-extracting executable backup files
* Selectable items to restore
* Separate text message (SMS) restoring
* The backup file can be explored with the desktop unpack tool
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it could be very interesting restoring apps after upgrades...

Well, I've tried SPB Backup 2.0 ROM upgrade mode a few times (approx 4 times). I had no issues with that and I did not loose any information. Although I haven't checked version information like you. I've always forced ROM upgrade mode in options.
I can say that for quick testing new ROMs this method is a big help. But based on the advices of the experts you should build up your new environment from scratch if you decided which ROM to live along with. Cheers.

yes~ did run normally if restore with rom upgrade mode! but seems it's restore all back from the old file coz the rom details didn't change..... after hard reset then show back the new rom version. I guess it just restore all back from old rom I guess....

i've settled on using spb backup 2 for the PIM info (also restores photo contacts to TF3D), and Sashimi for programs/preferences... works pretty well and fast

what is "sashimi"?

SASHIMI is an app that can do automated installs of cab files, .reg files, and a whole bunch of other stuff to get your device back how you want it after a flash.
you can find the thread here

SASHIMI 6.5beta is out and I am interested in feedback from Diamond users.
I believe that the Auto Install to Storage Card will now work with Internal Storage.
I need Diamond users to test and confirm.
Post in the SASHIMI thread with any issues:


Backup for WM06

Which Program to use?
Spb backup?
Sprite backup?
Which one restores perfect backups on WM06?
Sunnysoft Backup Manager
Have you tested it over WM06?
It works fine in Hermes WM6
qyach said:
It works fine in Hermes WM6
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i will try.
ok i have a question here.. now that i forsee we're going to be in a ROM flashing frenzy for a while, i don't want to manually reinstall everything everytime. So i used sunnysoft backup, but i didn't back up the registry (obviously some programs and settings aren't backed up) cause i figured some of the patches that are being released in newer ROM versions are registry tweaks..
so if i restore a backed up registry, won't there be a chance that it negates the registry tweak in the newer version?
I'm no expert, but to my mind, if you want to back up your device and be able to restore it to the same state, you must include the registry in the backup.
When I try to install it says: Please install ActiveSync !! However I have ActiveSync 4.5 installed, any ideas or a CAB file??
aZooZa said:
I'm no expert, but to my mind, if you want to back up your device and be able to restore it to the same state, you must include the registry in the backup.
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yeah i understand that.. what i'm asking is if a full backup (of registry and all) will really work, when i'm restoring it on an updated ROM. Cause that updated ROM would presumably have updated registry values.. then i'd be restoring some old registry values on top of it, etc...
someone have some thoughts on this? or what's worked and what hasn't?
racerx_ said:
yeah i understand that.. what i'm asking is if a full backup (of registry and all) will really work, when i'm restoring it on an updated ROM. Cause that updated ROM would presumably have updated registry values.. then i'd be restoring some old registry values on top of it, etc...
someone have some thoughts on this? or what's worked and what hasn't?
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While I think most will agree that the cleanest method is to reinstall all apps after a hard reset/rom upgrade, Sprite does have an option for backing up your system before a rom upgrade...personally I don't do it.
racerx_ said:
yeah i understand that.. what i'm asking is if a full backup (of registry and all) will really work, when i'm restoring it on an updated ROM. Cause that updated ROM would presumably have updated registry values.. then i'd be restoring some old registry values on top of it, etc...
someone have some thoughts on this? or what's worked and what hasn't?
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An example. I performed a full SPB backup after installing everthing onto mUn's wm6 rom the otherday. Then lvsw released his. So i installed his ROM, tested it a bit and activesync etc worked fine. Then I installed the backup (including registry) from mUn's rom and it changed a lot of things. removed some programs, etc. The activesync was not working anymore, just like on mUn's rom. Basically a full backup replaces all the folders including windows folder, so all software loaded into the ROM will be deleted and replaced. For some reason they dont try and merge the folders. Anyway. My point is that it is a very messy way to do things to install a full registry backup on a new updated ROM. It is absolutely fine on the same rom, and my backup proved very time-saving when I moved back to mUn's.
thanks for that.. just what i was wondering..
so, on a totally separate thought (hope it's ok to post here), does anyone know how to extract cab files from installers.. cause some of my programs only have windows .exe files.. it would speed up the re-instatement of my pda if i had everything on cab files, since a full backup isn't gonna do it.
racerx_ said:
thanks for that.. just what i was wondering..
so, on a totally separate thought (hope it's ok to post here), does anyone know how to extract cab files from installers.. cause some of my programs only have windows .exe files.. it would speed up the re-instatement of my pda if i had everything on cab files, since a full backup isn't gonna do it.
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On your PC go to: Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync.
So basically I understand that to make a backup of the programs to be used on a newer WM6 rom, I would need to backup also the registry of the current rom, but this by itself can lead to preserving bugs in the current ROM.
Is there a way other than installing cab files, to make this easier?? I'm interested mostly in backing up the SKYSCAPE medical appplications I currently have installed. Some of these apps are 50MB sized, and it takes lots of time to install them. Is there a way to backup these programs that do not affect essential functions (like phone, today screen)??
Is there a way other than installing cab files, to make this easier??
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look here:
Should support WM06.
KamaL said:
So basically I understand that to make a backup of the programs to be used on a newer WM6 rom, I would need to backup also the registry of the current rom, but this by itself can lead to preserving bugs in the current ROM.
Is there a way other than installing cab files, to make this easier?? I'm interested mostly in backing up the SKYSCAPE medical appplications I currently have installed. Some of these apps are 50MB sized, and it takes lots of time to install them. Is there a way to backup these programs that do not affect essential functions (like phone, today screen)??
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Kamal- unfortunately you can't restore any Skyscape products after a ROM update, because the Device ID changes each time (unlike Mobipocket/Handheldmed, where the PID stays the same). You can get new reg codes via the Skyscape website, but it is better to do a full reinstall of the Reader application each time. The basic Data folder (which is the large one, as you say) will remain on the SD card whatever the ROM state.
So, you are back to square one, in that you shouldn't apply a Restore after a ROM update, unless you are just reinstalling the same ROM version. Restores only restore the contents of the Storage memory- they don't affect files in ROM (ie a restore prompts a soft reset, not a hard reset)
The Sprite ROM update option is buggy and difficult to execute. You have to take an image of the device before the ROM update, then do the update, then run another program which compares the contents of the current ROM and the previous Backup, then supposedly only updates the changed files, ignoring the new ones. But reports I've seen suggest this is flakey at best, and that the contents of messaging folders gets corrupted.
If you are taking the trouble to do a ROM update, presumably to improve performance, it is better to do a full reinstall of your apps using cab files, or ActiveSync Add/Remove (except Skyscape products )
NeilM said:
Kamal- unfortunately you can't restore any Skyscape products after a ROM update, because the Device ID changes each time (unlike Mobipocket/Handheldmed, where the PID stays the same). You can get new reg codes via the Skyscape website, but it is better to do a full reinstall of the Reader application each time. The basic Data folder (which is the large one, as you say) will remain on the SD card whatever the ROM state.
So, you are back to square one, in that you shouldn't apply a Restore after a ROM update, unless you are just reinstalling the same ROM version. Restores only restore the contents of the Storage memory- they don't affect files in ROM (ie a restore prompts a soft reset, not a hard reset)
The Sprite ROM update option is buggy and difficult to execute. You have to take an image of the device before the ROM update, then do the update, then run another program which compares the contents of the current ROM and the previous Backup, then supposedly only updates the changed files, ignoring the new ones. But reports I've seen suggest this is flakey at best, and that the contents of messaging folders gets corrupted.
If you are taking the trouble to do a ROM update, presumably to improve performance, it is better to do a full reinstall of your apps using cab files, or ActiveSync Add/Remove (except Skyscape products )
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Thanks for the reply I didn't understand something about the Data folder on the storage card. Suppose I have 3-4 skyscape products installed on the stroage card, can I keep those folders and install only the viewer the next time I make a rom upgrade??
I'm not sure!
I tend to just run My Skyscape after each ROM upgrade- takes a couple of minutes to reinstall but I find its worth it. As the main data remains on the card, it might be worth just trying ActiveSync Add/Remove to reinstall the reader apps, though IIRC this didn't work on WM2003 as the newly installed reader wouldn't find the Data
But, Skyscape do seem to have imprpved their installers recently (despite the awful SmartUpdate app!)
I tried sprite backup and it crashed on faman fr rom... anyone use it ?

Rom Backup/Restore through SD

Hi experts,
I used to do ROM backup/restore from my old HTC Typhoon to SD card through the r2sd command in the bootloader screen.
Is this possible for Excalibur?
PS: I have the HTC-branded S620.
you can use sprite to backup all of your settings and apps.
Thanks for your reply.
Is this the right link?
Does it really support ROM backup/restore (so can rollback to WM5 after WM6 flashing) or just user data/configuration/apps stuff ....
thats the link.
you can't make a back up of the rom. this has been posted many times.
the best thing to do is back up each rom's settings with sprite and keep a copy of the ruu. you can't load the ruu from the phone however.


whats the best program to use to back up all my text messages and ring tones and contacts ?????
sprite backup or the backup utillity of sktools should work
PIM Backup is a free option available on XDA in the Dev and Hacking forum. Wont do ringtones but you can just copy them to comp via async, other options SKTools or for full backup SPB Backup or Sprite.
does sprite or spb do an image of your phone (i.e. all programs ,etc)? i'd really like to have that so i don't have to keep installing stuff after a rom release update.
mjpuczko said:
does sprite or spb do an image of your phone (i.e. all programs ,etc)? i'd really like to have that so i don't have to keep installing stuff after a rom release update.
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I use SPB and yes it images the whole phone you can choose the locations etc, i will say you do not want to use a backup after a ROM update as all you are doing is reverting to the previous ROM as core files are replaced, the way backups really help is if you say install something and it screws up your setup or any other error, you can hard-reset and use your backup.
The way i make it eazy for install after a ROM update is have an install directory on your storage card then you can just blat the programs on, generally leave the programs that need to restart the system till last

Advice required for a complete device backup

Hello guys,
Me & my girlfriend both using (O2 Ignito) Diamond, and somehow she is messing-up the device every month and I have to hard-reset her device and spend a whole 3 continous hours on installing and configuring her Diamond.
Can someone PLEASE Tell me / Guide me how can I make a "COMPLETE backup (including StorageCard software installaions and Registry)" of her device after installing everyyyyyything, and then every month just run the automated restore process.
1. Keep it in mind that during the configuration & installation I am also editing few bits in the registry for example changing the AC_S2U2 setting etc., I want all of the registry to backed-up as well.
2. I am also installing some big softwares on the StorageCard e.g. SPB Online which is 12mb, so I have to include that in the backup as well.
3. Her Diamond's ROM is the Original O2 Stock Rom (1.93)
I would highly appreciate someone's expert advice.
sidd said:
Hello guys,
Me & my girlfriend both using (O2 Ignito) Diamond, and somehow she is messing-up the device every month and I have to hard-reset her device and spend a whole 3 continous hours on installing and configuring her Diamond.
Can someone PLEASE Tell me / Guide me how can I make a "COMPLETE backup (including StorageCard software installaions and Registry)" of her device after installing everyyyyyything, and then every month just run the automated restore process.
1. Keep it in mind that during the configuration & installation I am also editing few bits in the registry for example changing the AC_S2U2 setting etc., I want all of the registry to backed-up as well.
2. I am also installing some big softwares on the StorageCard e.g. SPB Online which is 12mb, so I have to include that in the backup as well.
3. Her Diamond's ROM is the Original O2 Stock Rom (1.93)
I would highly appreciate someone's expert advice.
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I would suggest to buy Resco Backup. This peace of software can make a full backup, and if restored to the same ROM as the backup was made, will preserve all settings. Just keep in mind that with a restore you have to check the option Full Restore.
Thanks henk2484,
I will give it a try for this month's restore.
SPB for Back up
sidd said:
Thanks henk2484,
I will give it a try for this month's restore.
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I use SPB Back up 2.0 with no problems.
I create one backup called a clean install after a hard reset with all programs loaded and settings adjusted, and then a back up every month to make sure I save emails and texts etc.
cliffordsyoung said:
I use SPB Back up 2.0 with no problems.
I create one backup called a clean install after a hard reset with all programs loaded and settings adjusted, and then a back up every month to make sure I save emails and texts etc.
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i used spb backup too and that since i have a htc-device (3 or 4 years).
and it exist a desktop-version for unpacking backup-files to see what was inside or to extract like a zip-file.
just one more to add to the list of options...
Sprite Backup
cliffordsyoung said:
I use SPB Back up 2.0 with no problems.
I create one backup called a clean install after a hard reset with all programs loaded and settings adjusted, and then a back up every month to make sure I save emails and texts etc.
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SPB Backup can also be configured to make automatic backups of everything (PIM Data, Emails, My Documents, System Data, Storage Card) or whatever part(s) you choose. You can enable it to run at specified day(s) and time.
What's nice is, it can restore even to a different ROM and/or on a different device, and it creates the backups as .exe file, so you don't have to reinstall the program just to restore. It will do everything.
What works for me: I make manual "Full" backups whenever I install new software. (This takes about 3-4 minutes.) Other than that, every night at 3 o'clock, it automatically makes a backup of my documents, e-mails, and sms. If something bad happens, I hard-reset, restore that big full backup, and restore the latest small "document" backup, everything works out.
Definitely recommended!
Thankyou soo much guys, thats a huge amount of advices, I will definitely try some of these and see which one better.

[HELP]Can somebody pls give advice with Backuping?

I would like to upgrade my blackstone ROM to the newer one from the HTC support site (is it good thing to do?).
But I don't want to loose any of my data - I don't have lots of them but i don't want to loose them (this counts SMSs, MOSTLY apps, settings and pics).
My questions is:
What is the best software to backup stuff?
I found that SPB Backup is very good.
But another question - how is this done? Do I install this app, backup the data I want (I read that I can select what i want to backup) and then upgrade the ROM, then install spb backup again on device and restore?
Can anyone please give me a little advice here who has some experience with backuping and restoring?
Thank you people.
Better way is to move all your files onto a seperate storage card or your computer, Download ppcPIM backup Then backup with that.
After installing new rom reinstall ppc pim backup and restore. I found tghat if you used sktools or spb backup then put a different rom on it messed things up.
very good software i just started to use it myself
it saves everything all settings for programs, tabs settings, tweaked settings everything. if your gonna flash, backup all your data with spb. it will save onto your memory card. then after flashing and hard resetting you reinstall the spb software onto your phone. launch it and choose restore then a few minutes later all your settings, contacts, programs r back on.
superb thanks for both advices..I already to tried Spb Backup to backup my files but did not try to restore them yet...
with sprite backup you can save yourself from having to install applications again. ive heard good things about it but havent tried myself. i think it costs also.
slightly off topic but i feel compelled to tell you that its "backing up" not "backuping"
I guess you are right...
thx for advice

