Forecolor of Hometab text - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Currently i've got a white background on my Blackstone. The problem is that the forecolor of the appointments are also white so I can't see the text anymore. Is there a way to change this somewhere in the registry?

No... not a registry entry!
But... you can change the colour in the _manila file for the home page.
Open the file "1c684cd8_manila" in m9editor, and look for the sections that relates to things like "Carrier Network", "HomeZone", "MissedCallText", "VoiceMailText", "Appointment0_Time", "Appointment0_Subject", etc., etc.' (there are quite a few).
Change the colour value if it appears.
Add a colour value if it's not there (default is white if no colour value exists).

thank you, that worked for me!


Changing text color of IntelliDailer?

Hi Everybody,
I have an alternate Dailpad Skin on my HTC Wizard installed and everything is ok expect the text color of the
popuped Intellidailer. It have black text on grey ground. Does somebody knows how to chanche the text color?
In the registry I found only the key for the standard text (e.g. last call from ... and so on).
Is it a registry hack or a hack in a .dll file ? Which file is important for the Intellidialer (T-Mobile)?
I cannot find anything in this forum about it.
Chnage Smartdialing colour
Hi, I have found the colours definition in registry: HKLM/Software/HTC/SmartDialing. The colours are in decimal.
Re: Chnage Smartdialing colour
vtesar said:
Hi, I have found the colours definition in registry: HKLM/Software/HTC/SmartDialing. The colours are in decimal.
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vtesar You are my Hero. Thank You, thats exact what I need
Many Thanks

How To: Customize the Sliding Panels Homescreen

This was from the windows mobile team blog. More to follow but wanted to post it for those who don't read that.
Original link:
Customizing the Sliding Panel Homescreen
from Windows Mobile Team Blog by Jorge Peraza
Hi, my name is Jorge Peraza; I am a Developer on the Windows Mobile team that was responsible for the new “Sliding Panel” home screen in Windows Mobile 6.1.
When we were working on the visual style and functionality of the home screen we tried to make something that looked both professional and appealing while still showcasing all the information the user is going to need to know what’s important and requires attention. While I think the default design looks really cool, we added some customization features to enable users to make it their own.
Customizing the layout
The home screen layout can be modified using the same home.xml file from previous versions of WM, the schema of the file was extended to allow the customization of many of its elements, this includes the art assets that are used for most of the plug-ins.
When you open the SlidingPanel.home.xml file (inside \ApplicationData\Home) you will find the plug-in element that corresponds to the sliding panel home screen (its CLSID is {E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}). All the child elements inside it are designed to tweak and customize the way the home screen will look.
The top level element is the plugins tag, this has one attribute called “Order” and it’s used to list the plug-ins that will be shown and the order they are going to be laid out on the screen.
The built in plug-in names are:
1)CClock – The big clock
2)CAppointments - The calendar plugin
3)CHome – The notifications plugin
4)CMyPhotos – The photos plugin
5)CMessage – The message center (this is off by default on all sliding panel built in layouts.
6)CMusic – The music plugin
7)Settings – The settings plug-in
8)Custom Plugin – Users can specify custom plug-ins with static content that can be displayed on the home screen.
For example, the XML snippet bellow moves the photos plug-in to the first position and enables the message center (which is turned off by default on both "Sliding Panel" and "Sliding Panel Media")
<plugin clsid="{E9267CAB-02EE-4f37-8216-6BF6A8FF5A71}" name="Bronze" height="266">
<Plugins Order="CMyPhotos;CClock;CMessage" />
There are many other ways of customizing the home screen using the plug-in settings like overriding the default images or even adding your own custom plug-ins that display static content, I'll post and updated entry latter on on how to do this in detail but for now, you can use the provided home.xml files to start experimenting with this.
The notifications plug-in and message center
In the sliding panel home screen, the notifications plug-in by default serves as a dual-purpose notifications/gateway to all you phone/message accounts where every page represents one account (so, if you have multiple notifications in one category they will be shown as one summary page).
There is however an alternative behavior where individual notifications are added as independent pages (Similar to what the T-Mobile shadow home screen does) and the plug-in only shows accounts that have new notifications in them. One cool feature of this alternate behavior is that each individual notification can be dismissed without having to leave the home screen.
You can enable this alternative behavior by setting the following registry key to a value other than 2 (The actual value indicates how many pages of each notification type will be added to the home screen before collapsing them into a summary page. We have tested 2 and 5 but feel free to experiment with other values)
PageCollapseThreshold: DWORD
Note that this prevents you from being able to access the email/phone account data if there are no notifications for it. If you still want to be able to do that you can always re-enable the message center as described in the previous section as a separate plug-in.
There is one more behavioral change you can make that allows you to “dock” the condensed view of the first plug-in to the top of the screen when it is not active, we added this for people like me that want to have the clock always visible. To enable just set the following registry key to “1”
DockOperatorBar: DWORD
Advanced layout modification
There are even more advanced things you can do to further tweak the look of the home screen but it is unsupported by Microsoft at this moment so you’ll have to experiment on your own J (Hint, look at the following files \windows\CHome_240x320.cpr and \windows\CHome_320x240.cpr).
Thanks to djNutz for posting this information & OrganicM for his efforts.
I wanted to create a post with info about what the different keys do in the CHome section of the registry. So, I'll start with a brand new one, that I bet nobody knows about....
PageCollapseThreshold: 2 or 5 (DWORD Value)
This will collapse your Notifications panel to only show active notifications. You can enable this alternative behavior by setting the following registry key to a value other than 2 (The actual value indicates how many pages of each notification type will be added to the home screen before collapsing them into a summary page. 2 and 5 were tested and work pretty well.
More to come of course....
should this change be made to the security section too, or does that matter? actually, do changes to the security section ever matter, cause they seem to apply even when you only edit the software section.
i'm pretty sure people are gonna ask, so maybe i'll save some trouble instead of looking like an ass by answering preemptively. This DWORD value must be created with your registry editor, it's not already there, at least on ricky v24.
2 = default or normal (i assume cause it looks the same as before) and 5 = condensed.
But for the rest of us who don't have the time to be on every WM blog and forum at once here's my favorite:
To “dock” the condensed view of the first plug-in to the top of the screen when it is not active, set the following registry key to “1”
DockOperatorBar: DWORD
This is so you can have the clock always visible, no matter which panel you're on. You could also set it so that CHome Weather's compact view is always on top. Whatever plugin is first on the list.
More info from MS coming down the pipe:
We can get the day of the week on the clock plugin at the top of CHome by doing this:
Replace this portion...
<!-- Date --> <Text ID="Date" Left="180" Top="83" Width="110" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter"></Text>
With this!
<!-- Date -->
<Text ID="Date" Left="180" Top="83" Width="110" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter"></Text>
<Text ID="Day of Week" Left="65" Top="83" Width="110" Height="19" FontFamily="Segoe Condensed" FontSize="9" FontStyle="Bold" Wrap="False" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Trimming="EllipsisCharacter"></Text>
I will incorporate this in Chome Weather fore sure!
Here you go, the first is my Home
2nd is Scroll Down once
3rd is Scroll Down twice
4th is Scroll Down Thrice
Edit: Tried Month in cpr, no luck.
will keep trying
I'm glad people are finally getting this information out. It makes customization that much easier. I'm adding the tips to the wiki as well, as they come out.
How to Reload the Homescreen
I have two questions:
1. After editing my CHome cpr file, how do I reload the homescreen without having to reboot the device?
2. How can I show any text on the clock panel? Regular text is defined by Text ID = "xxxxx", where xxxxx is something like Time, Network Name, etc. However, suppose I want to have the text "Knowledge Rules", how do I set it up in XML?
I have very little programming and Excalibur experience. So, I apologize if these questions are too naive or have been answered before.
Thanks a lot in advance.
you can use this if you dont use OrganicM Chome Weather
I don't think Microsoft has put out much documentation on the sliding panels plugin yet. Most of the CHome configurations use
TextID="text 1"
as the delimiter for static text. But that's not to say that the clock plugin will recognize that as a valid section. Could work. Could make your phone useless.
beartard said:
I don't think Microsoft has put out much documentation on the sliding panels plugin yet. Most of the CHome configurations use
TextID="text 1"
as the delimiter for static text. But that's not to say that the clock plugin will recognize that as a valid section. Could work. Could make your phone useless.
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I do not understand. How do I make the phone know that:
text 1 = Knowledge Rules?
Typical syntax seems to be Text ID = "xxxx", where xxxx is a variable name, which is recognized by the device. If Text 1 is a valid variable for the device, how do I assign it a value? Am I rambling here?
No, you're not rambling. As far as the information coming from Microsoft and disseminated here on this site goes, it's a best guess right now.
someone at msdn blog asked the same question.
Someone at msdn blog asked the same question. Let's wait to see if we get an answer from there...
"Jorgeba, thanks for taking the time to educate your user. I have some questions.
How do you change the text in the condense clock? The .cpr file has Text ID="Text 1". How is "Text 1" define? I would love to add the date to the condense layout.
The ActionURL and Softkey2 URL in the Appointments plug-in always open calendar in the today view. Is there a way to make one of the button opens calendar in the month view? Setting the default view for calendar does not help."
Easy as pie......
If you know what you are doing.
If you have any xml experience,then you'll know how to adjust x and y values to position things in different places. Yes, you can do that. Just change x=whatever and y=whatever to where you would like them to be. Just know this means that it will start on the left and move x pixels over and y pixels down. If you put in negative values, it will shift them in the opposite direction.
Eg. x=-whatever will move it to the left vs a + value which will move it to the right. Same for y=
Also, you can adjust the valignment and halignment to center, left, or right.
Have fun with these. They apply to everything in your cpr (That's the layout for your homescreen.It's in your \Windows directory on your phone).I mean everything, from where your network displays, right down to your pictures.
That's it. Have fun!
jaymit said:
Sorry Im kind of a newbie :s, is it possible to edit home screen panels? I wanted to change the layout and look of the clock plugin.
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Does anybody know how to change font color for certain panels or certain lines of text in the panel? Is it only possible for the whole homescreen?
As far as I know even as far as old xml coding works, you can only change a font color for a selected word or unselected word. Meaning, if you have the old 6.0 your plugins that are selected could have a different color, but unselected could be another color. This applied to the entire homescreen. I have not seen different colors for different plugins, since each panel style is basically its own plugin (each has its own unique GUID), then I doubt you can change font color for each plugin. You can more than likely only change the active selected panel and inactive panel fonts. I am not sure what their titles are in the cpr, but I know that in the old 6.0, the homecolor was one of the fonts colors and the other was called something else.
Eventhough this is 6.1, it doesn't look like much has changed as far as the fonts color goes. You could, however, always try adding a "fontcolor=" command in the cpr and a hex code and try it, to see if it works.
Hope this helps.
Edit your registry or get CHome Config
Both do the same thing. You want to change the plugin order for CHome. It's located in HKLM\Security\CHome\Default Settings and in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CHome. Edit the order you want your plugins to go. Reboot your phone and the new edits should be reflected in your homescreen layout. If you are having trouble cause this is new. Just search this thread for CHome Configurator. It's stickied at the top of this forum. Download it and it will let you select the order in a much easier way. Make sure you reboot, though, or else your changes won't show. Hope this fixes your problem. Later.
tae-xda said:
How to change the default location for where the CMyPhotos plugin
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rollingondubs1 said:
I have that already, All my games are under a folder which i cant make it as a action url
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try this
"ACTIONURL" = "\Windows\Start Menu\Games\xxxxx xxxx.lnk
or this
"ACTIONURL" = "\windows\fexplore.exe; \windows\start menu\games"
Yes you can
One last time, I think I've figured out how to help you.
1. Open Chome Config.
2. Scroll to MyApplication and select it with your center button.
3. Scroll to any page you want to edit. Then scroll down to where it says ActionURL. Press menu.
4. Once in the menu select the "1 Change URL" item.
5. Once you have selected that it will take you to a file explorer. Go to \Windows\Start Menu\Games. This is where your games should be. If not, then wherever you store, your games, navigate yourself to that folder and select the file you want.
I think this should cover it. Hope this solved your problem. HOLLA!!!!
rollingondubs1 said:
I have that already, All my games are under a folder which i cant make it as a action url
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How to change the location of CMyPhoto to \Storage Card\My Documents\My Picturs

[Updated] Text Colour - All Programs Hightlighted Item

I have 2 problems...
I have managed to change the header/title background image for the Sound, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library pages, but now I need to change the colour of the text shown on top of this background.
Does anybody know what registry setting or manila file I need to edit to change the colour of the text in the title bar for these pages?
I have been through every forum topic that remotely mentions text colour/color... but can't find anything relating to these pages. I've also looked through every registry entry on my phone, and can't find anything there either.
I want the colour of the title text on the Sound, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library to be white... as it is on the Settings page (see images below).
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I have managed to change the text colour for the title on the Communications page via a registry setting, but I can't seem to find the right manila file for the header/title image.
The Communications page looks identical to the Sound & Customize Tabs pages, yet they don't share the same background images or text colour settings... seems odd!
Does anybody know which manila file relates to this header?
Can anybody help? Thanks, in advance
Well... it's been 6 long days... and it appears nobody knows how to change the text colour on the pages I mentioned above
I've managed to solve problem number [2]... the header/title image for the Communications page is actually a simple PNG containing the header & background in one large image... and not in a manila file. Same goes for the highlight image for this page. Maybe this is because the Comm Manager can be accessed even if TF3D is turned off!
I've also partially managed to solve problem number [1]... the colour of the title text on the Sound, Ring Type, Ringtones, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library pages is controlled by one of the mode9 files (one which initially generated an error in the m9editor, but it turns out I could still edit it).
Anyway... I'm still stuck on how to change the default black text that appears on the All Programs page for a highlighted program. The All Programs page is the only page that doesn't alter the colour of the text for a selected item... items stay in black text whether selected or not... so I need to know how to change that to white. I know which mode9 file relates to the Program Launcher... but there's no entry relating the the colour of the text when highlighted, so I imagine I will have to create an entry. I've tried a few variations, but none of them work... I'm basically taking stabs in the dark here, lol. Does anbody know where in the mode9 file (at what level) I need to insert the text colour reference for a highlighted item?
I've only had my HTC Touch HD since Christmas day... so almost a month... and I've mostly finished 'skinning' it... all thanks you guys. Everything I've achieved so far has been by reading through endless forums. I've not expected anyone to do anything for me... and I'm more than happy to put the work in... but I'm about pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to change 1 simple bit of text colour
Please, please, please.... can anyone even point me in the right direction
While I'm waiting... a few tips
I thought I might share a few things I've learnt & a few problems I've solved... just things that bugged me.
[1] No SMS sent message. I wanted it.
In the registry, go to: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings & set SMSNoSentMsg to 1 (or create a New String Value, if it's not there!)
[2] New SMS/MMS/Email sound. It played once & stopped. Easy to miss a new message. I wanted the sound to repeat.
In the registry, go to: HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications. Find the folder for Reminders {15F11F90-8A5F-454c-89FC-BA9B7AAB0CAD} (inside you'll find a key called "Default"... it's value "Reminders" tells you this is the folder for Reminders... you need to know this so you can locate the folders for SMS/MMS/Email. For now, copy the value of "Options" which should be "1073741845". Now go back to where all the other {folders} are, and find the ones for SMS/MMS/Email and change their "Options" value to "1073741845 (copy & paste). That's it... new SMS/MMS/Email sounds will be repeated!
NOTE: You may find that the sound will not stop playing, even after you've read the new SMS/MMS/Email. I haven't found a way to prevent this (yet!), as it appears WM6.1 doesn't give the command to stop playing these sounds... as it was designed to not have these sounds repeating in the first place. So in the meantime, pressing the END/HANGUP softkey seems to halt the sound immediately!
[3] Threaded SMS. I hate it. I don't want my SENT SMS to appear in my INBOX marked with "Me:". If I sent it... it should be in my SENT items and nowhere else! Plus... seeing one long conversation like "happy new year. you too. my father just died. fancy coming to a party" etc... when each message is months apart and not related to the same conversation... is just ridiculous. Why a choice of thread or not is not included in the options is beyond me!
In the registry, go to: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM & set SMSInboxThreadingDisabled to 1. Threaded SMS is GONE!
[4] Reading an SMS... the page initially jumps to below the "Sent:" information... this is annoying. I usually like to be able to see the date/time the message was sent while I'm replying, and having to always scroll up a bit on every message gets annoying.
Find the file: c:\windows\read_sms.htm and move the anchor tag with an id of "Inbox:top" to just below the first div tag under the opening body tag. No more jumping!
[5] ActiveSync constantly running... me closing it... and it's running again within minutes.
Go through the ActiveSync set-up... tell it to sync MANUALLY, and when you're asked what to sync (contacts, addresses, etc), UNTICK THEM ALL. No more ActiveSync running all the time!
[6] Selecting "English United Kingdom" in my regional settings... still shows "favorites" instead of "favourites" in some of the People menus, and the date on the Home tab is in an American format.
There are 2 manila (XML) files (one US, one GB) for Home, People & People List. Whether you select English US or English UK... manila is using the US version of these files... I don't know why. Find the GB versions of these files (00a49dc2_manila, 4d8aad9e_manila, 5fbd18e6_manila) and rename them to the name of the US versions (1dea52e0_manila, 7fc62a3c_manila, 590ad244_manila). Then edit the page relating to the Home screen (590ad244_manila) and change the date format to "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy" which will give you "Friday, 23 January 2009" instead of the current "Jan 23, 2009".
I hope these help somebody else
I think you have a wrong "
sidepa said:
[2] New SMS/MMS/Email sound. It played once & stopped. Easy to miss a new message. I wanted the sound to repeat.
In the registry, go to: HKCU\Software\ControlPanel\Notifications. [/B]
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here go to:HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications ,Not path Software......
and I need change colors too, Can you say a lot????
Damn good tips!
Thanks for these.....
amiapig said:
I think you have a wrong "
here go to:HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications ,Not path Software......
and I need change colors too, Can you say a lot????
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You're right... my bad. I've changed my original entry to reflect the correct registry position.
For anybody else wanting to change the colours of the title text....
[1] Open the mode9 file "5c9aa261_manila", and find the colour reference for "TitleText" (which refers to the title in the main TouchFlo Tabs) & "TitleTextLowLayer" (which refers to the title in the Sound, Ring Type, Ringtones, Customize Tabs, All Programs & Music Library sub pages of TouchFlo). Change the colours to whatever you like, and "save as". Copy this edited manila file over to your device & replace the existing one.
[2] The colour of the title for the Communications page isn't controlled by the above manila file... you have to change a registry setting instead....
Go to HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager and find the key called "TexColorSetting". It contains a lot of hex colour codes... the first 6 digits being "50 50 50", which is the dark grey colour of the Communications title. Change that to whatever colour you want!
Did you manage to change the white background color from the music library tab?
I'm searching everywhere for it but cannot change it.
If i use the background for all tabs the '3d' grid disappears but the white background sticks ..
nixx-X1 said:
Did you manage to change the white background color from the music library tab?
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I hadn't even tried to do that, because I want my Music Library background to stay white.
However, I've just done a bit of experimenting on your behalf, and can confirm that you can have the same background in the Music Library as you have in all other tabs. (or a different background if you prefer!).
You need to edit the Mode9 file "5c9aa261_manila" (in m9editor), and find the section that relates to "BackgroundLevel0" & "BackgroundLevel1".
Copy the 2 properties found in "BackgroundLevel0" as shown in the pic below, and paste them into "BackgroundLevel1". You'll also need to DELETE the "Opacity" property from "BackgroundLevel1".
Basically... your file should look like the below image!
sidepa said:
I hadn't even tried to do that, because I want my Music Library background to stay white.
However, I've just done a bit of experimenting on your behalf, and can confirm that you can have the same background in the Music Library as you have in all other tabs. (or a different background if you prefer!).
You need to edit the Mode9 file "5c9aa261_manila" (in m9editor), and find the section that relates to "BackgroundLevel0" & "BackgroundLevel1".
Copy the 2 properties found in "BackgroundLevel0" as shown in the pic below, and paste them into "BackgroundLevel1". You'll also need to DELETE the "Opacity" property from "BackgroundLevel1".
Basically... your file should look like the below image!
View attachment 153052
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DUDE! you're my hero
thanks man!
it works perfectly
and now to find a way to put a custom background behind it instead of the sprint_bg one
The image called "Manila_sprint_bg" relates to file "4a087e41_manila".
Simply edit that file (using Manila Editor) and use whatever image you want!
sidepa said:
The image called "Manila_sprint_bg" relates to file "4a087e41_manila".
Simply edit that file (using Manila Editor) and use whatever image you want!
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I know
But I already did this for the background of all tabs.
So will replace the location for the level 1 to refer to a different image (or see if I can add a new manila file) as I want it to be different.
thanks again!
sidepa said:
I thought I might share a few things I've learnt & a few problems I've solved... just things that bugged me.
I hope these help somebody else
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You hope?! Bro.. friend... buddy... it not just helped... it saved me a bunch of bucks, 'cause i'm not tempted to smash the black gadget at the wall anymore.
cerato said:
You hope?! Bro.. friend... buddy... it not just helped... it saved me a bunch of bucks, 'cause i'm not tempted to smash the black gadget at the wall anymore.
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I'm just curious as to which particular 'feature' was annoying you so much?
Glad you got it sorted anyway!
sms thread and info hide... anyway the list is as long as route66... but this is in particular... the good thing is that this forum seems to be endless as well... so never late to learn a nice tweak. thnks again
sidepa said:
[3] Threaded SMS. I hate it. I don't want my SENT SMS to appear in my INBOX marked with "Me:". If I sent it... it should be in my SENT items and nowhere else! Plus... seeing one long conversation like "happy new year. you too. my father just died. fancy coming to a party" etc... when each message is months apart and not related to the same conversation... is just ridiculous. Why a choice of thread or not is not included in the options is beyond me!
In the registry, go to: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM & set SMSInboxThreadingDisabled to 1. Threaded SMS is GONE!
[4] Reading an SMS... the page initially jumps to below the "Sent:" information... this is annoying. I usually like to be able to see the date/time the message was sent while I'm replying, and having to always scroll up a bit on every message gets annoying.
Find the file: c:\windows\read_sms.htm and move the anchor tag with an id of "Inbox:top" to just below the first div tag under the opening body tag. No more jumping!
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Thanks for the tweaks. Here below i explain a bit simply to users like me (i.e. "dummies)
Enter to above registry using some reg editor program like SKTools for example. If OEM is not preseent, create a key with this name. Then enter in the key folder and create a string named SMSInboxThreadingDisabled with value 1.
To change read_sms.htm use total commander, navigate to windows\read_sms.htm, use the edit function, then cut/paste below the first div tag (its little above cut item.
That's it.

Font size registry keys don't work?

Can anyone tell me how to change font sizes?
I have tried nueFonts, INGChangeFonts and Advanced Config, as well as editing the HKLM\System\GWE and \GDI registry keys directly, as described here and here. The registry values are being changed, but the fonts do not. Exception: I found one app, Mauro Venturini's Shortcut Creator, that seems to be paying attention to these registry settings. No others do.
I am particularly interested in changing the font size of the pop-up menus that come up when you tap a softkey.
change the Ht of PopFnt
TheRem said:
change the Ht of PopFnt
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Thanks for responding... but as I mentioned in my initial post, these registry keys are not having any effect on the font sizes on my device (with the exception of one application). I'm trying to find out why this is the case.
i think it has something to do with the theme you are using...
there was a time when i uninstalled all my themes, the menu changed back to the WM6.1 style.

[Possbile reg edit] IE 9 browser invert B/W colours

I looked into the regisry of wp7 rom when cooking my rom and came across this
in a Reg_SZ file. ( Cant be edited with any file explorer realtime in device)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings]
"Anchor Color"="0,0,255"
"Anchor Color Visited"="128,0,128"
"Background Color"="255,255,255"
"Text Color"="0,0,0"
and a few more entries there which i am not sure of.
the colour codes refer to the background and font colours in IE
But however if we are able to change these colours in Osbuilder registry editor , recook a new rom and install into device, it may possible benefit those Amoled screens like the samsung omnia 7 with better battery life.
to invert colours one should swap them
"Background Color"= "0,0,0"
"Text Color"="255,255,255"
that's nice work!but my second device don't change the regisry!
the 2 entries i posted are regarding colours ... but iam sure there re more other entries to change .. which i am not sure of.

