:::::::::::: Firefox is released ::::::::::: - Touch HD Themes and Apps

After a long wait and some leaked beta's now the first public Firefox for the PPC VGA/WVGA
Drop a line after using it!
Fennec Milestone Release for Windows Mobile
02.10.09 - 08:40am
On behalf of everyone who have been tirelessly working towards this goal, I would like to announce that our first milestone release of Fennec for Windows Mobile is now available for download.
This release is pre-alpha, and intended to get the product into the hands of early adopters in order to get feed back and bug reports. In order to focus our efforts on getting this release out, we have targeted only one device, the HTC Touch Pro. This has a number of user interface implications, including graphics designed for a 300 dpi screen, control layout intended for a vga screen and reliance on a hardware keyboard for text input.
You can install this on your HTC Touch Pro by navigating to the cab installer with your existing browser. This will download the cab file and kick off the installation process.
Alternatively you can download the cab file to your desktop and transfer it to your device via activesync. Once the cab file has been copied to you device, navigate to it using file explorer (on the device) and click on the cab file to launch the installer.
Please note, its been brought to our attention that some carriers are filtering web traffic to preclude downloading cab files. If this is the case with your carrier, you’ll either have to download to your desktop and transfer by activesync, or be connected by wifi if you download directly to the device.
Our focus to this point has been to have a working, usable browser. To get there in a hurry we have punted in a few places, and I’d like to point a couple of them out. First is the update mechanism (both for the browser itself and for extensions). After installing this release, you will not be offered updates automatically, so please stay tuned for follow up releases. Also, we have disabled plug-in support. This is one of our high priority items going forward. Finally, as I mentioned before, there is no soft keyboard support. On an HTC Touch Pro, you’ll have to slide out the keyboard to enter a url.
Besides the release, we marked another major milestone yesterday when the final patch to NSPR landed and we were able to build for Windows Mobile off Mozilla’s trunk for the first time ever. I say the first time because minimo was built from branches of both NSS and NSPR.
Over the last week and half there have been several blog posts and “news” articles floating around the internet about leaked Windows Mobile Fennec builds. This has been fairly entertaining to those of us working on the project for a couple reasons. First, the builds that these posts have pointed to are the builds that I pointed to on twitter. They were intended to be used by the developers working on the project (or anyone else willing to deal with really buggy software) to find bugs before we pushed anything out to the general public.
Also, the concept of secret, leaked builds flies in the face of how Mozilla operates. Our source code is out there for everyone to see. We have a bug reporting system that anyone can (and is encouraged to) access to file new bugs or track the progress of existing bugs. The majority of our discussion around the project is entirely public on irc, our wiki or our meetings and conference calls.
I have been working for Mozilla for 16 months now. At first its a bit of an adjustment to having everything you do or say out there in the public. But after overcoming that initial shock, its a point of pride. This project goes to extraordinary lengths to be open and transparent. If you are going to write about Mozilla, take advantage of that. Read our meeting minutes, hop on irc to ask a question or even dial into the weekly status meeting. Its all out there, just look.


Are you really sure about that ?
because there are no news on the mozilla's website ????

hm. after a very slow loading I see the adressbar, but cannot open the keyboard
to enter any address...

this thing is sad!
This can’t be an official release! I really don’t believe they would release this garbage.
I installed on the Touch HD and the Touch Pro and nether works.
Don’t waste your time!!!!!

OK OK please use the search function before posting !!!
This is not the official release it is the beta version and has already been posted !!
---> http://forum.xda-developers.com/search.php?searchid=20889598

This shouldn't even work anyway because it seems designed to be for vga like touch pro.
If you want you can get the windows version HERE just to see what it's like...
Looks pretty interesting and it's apparently amazingly fast on the N810.

it's beta, so no need to complain about
But, I'm looking forward to the first running version

I can also confirm it doesn't work but it does look promising, it is very jerky on the touch hd and takes forever to load and i had to use a bluetooth keyboard to input text and pages dont load but apart from that I'm still very much looking forward to seeing this completed.


Web-based chat in PocketIE

I've developed an AJAX-based chat app that runs in PocketIE and Opera Mobile (which runs on Symbian devices as well), but I'm wondering how much need there is for this especially since we're free to install whatever software we wish on our phones, unlike some other phone. Anyway, this is just a poll to see how useful you guys think this is, especially if you have a Symbian-based device as well.
Just FYI, the app has the ability to communicate with multiple IM networks, much like meebo.
Wait, PIE supports AJAX? Now I am truly surprised.
Yup, it supports the creation of the XMLHTTP object in JavaScript, and PIE in WM6 even supports document.getElementById, which is a good thing It's just that web developers have been ignoring mobile devices for the longest time and are lazy with their code. Now that the iPhone is out, everyone is developing AJAX apps for it, which pisses me off a little
I'm down to beta test it!!
I am definitely interested. I have yet to find a chat client that has the right combination of usability, features and price. Not to mention the tendency to draw a lot of power. It would be interesting to see if a web-based client would fare better in that respect.
ummm.... yes pls?
A MobileIM through PocketIE would be great for when im on the school networks and all ports but 80 are blocked..
Unfortunately I've been very busy this whole week, especially since fall quarter has started once more, so I haven't made a whole lot of progress with the app. I made a whole bunch of changes to make it easier for users to register and login, which took up most of my time. I'll try to get screen shots up soon. I am very limited, however, but the resolution of most Pocket PCs and the limited CSS & HTML support in Pocket IE. Which also reminds me, you need WM6 to run the site - it won't work with WM5, but that's why I posted it in this forum I do apologize and thank you for your patience!
Update: I finally got around to updating the code to make it more user-friendly, and the server-side stuff is pretty stable now as well. I'm interested in having a small group of people beta test so I have an idea of expectations, various network conditions and usability. If you're interested, please PM me and I'll give you the address to visit

The WinMo App Store

Freeware PPC, and the numerous FTP sites, along with device update, and PDM.
These are the many places I've fund over 85 different applications("apps") that I run on Windows Mobile 6.x.x. These all being in many places, sometimes hard to find, sometimes easy to find. Other "apps" include going to a website, made for and by the "app" parent company.
I have around 500 cabs on my HDD, updating and reorganizing them all the time.
Now say I make up a handy spreadsheet(on my phone) That goes over screen size Supported OS versions, and various other things including a description. Is there any way that someone else, that has a lot better understanding of mobile "app" writing than I do, take the info I compile, and apply it to their Marketplace for window Mobile, the real one.
I would hope to include my best Icon(that may take a while), and Potentially server mirroring the apps, since I already keep all the "apps" I use and have acquired, in a very organized fashion.
The style of PDM I like a lot more than M$Marketplace, the search feature is nice(sorting ITL and WWE is convenient. The touch interface, such as the drop down info, is also well implemented.
Device Update on the other hand it awesome, its simple, very similar to the OS it runs on.
I know WinMo is dead, within a few months from this threads initial post, it will be outdated, and completely forgotten shortly thereafter. But I know plenty of people sticking with at least one older model(e.g. HD2) and the apps are really out there.
Anyone care to work on this? I just lost my main PC and have been using my phones word processor and multiple web browsers to keep myself as close to a real PC as possible, this also had me downloading apps for usage similar to what I was doing on my PC.
Alongside this, I read an article about why someone is using the iPhone 4 as a "daily driver." When it came to his comparison of the apple, android, and WinMo marketplaces, he went over how although there is always an app there for WinMo its painstakingly hard to find. This is true(at least to those average consumers) and as he mentioned the Marketplace holds 1100 "apps."
I've been using a PPC since 05-06(can't remember...) and love what WinMo has had I.M.O. Over the other OS's. I have always been able to find exactly an app(s) for that. Normally in the larger "collections" I've grabbed from the net, there are thousands in each 0day pack and he was releasing them on a regular basis.
I also know that this could really help the platform, it would be the user made the marketplace. Then what's stopping M$ from handing us helpful(outdated e.g.. code) info that can make our app store even better.
I don't want a mimicking app store(although a skinnable one would beat unique) I just want something that can help out and be user made, user maintained.
Let me know what you guys think.
I worte, and published thi from my TyTn II(at&t tilt)
XDA Marketplace
Nice to see your thoughts on this...
xda member 'davidgida' has developed an application 'XDA Marketplace' (thread)
Your repository would be a great addition to it ... I will point him to this thread as I have pointed to his
Hope to see a great partnership come in place !
I would love it if you upload your cab files to the xda market
If you have an idea what could be improved on the xda market or a feature you would love to be added just PM me. Every new idea is welcome.
Nearly I forgott:
This is the official thread for the xda market: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=707988
Wow, I saw this thread drop off the main page listing so fast, I figured all was missed.
Glad to find the App that's here already, Just got my Tilt2 Monday, was busy borrowing other peoples internets to flash deepshining on it. Got it up and working the same day I got it.
I'll try to get my FTP server back up. I'm currently running all my computers in my office on shared shared internet. Tethering to my main rig, and sharing the net to the other three. My switch recently died, and the wire running from the lower floor died shortly thereafter. I've been only online with my phone.
After I get the XDA app store on my phone, I'll compare my list to yours, then null out the duplicates. The spreadsheet I can custom tailor to similar categories, but I haven't seen the layout yet. Hopefully it will only take me a few days to write up some descriptions.
s1ugh34d said:
Wow, I saw this thread drop off the main page listing so fast, I figured all was missed.
Glad to find the App that's here already, Just got my Tilt2 Monday, was busy borrowing other peoples internets to flash deepshining on it. Got it up and working the same day I got it.
I'll try to get my FTP server back up. I'm currently running all my computers in my office on shared shared internet. Tethering to my main rig, and sharing the net to the other three. My switch recently died, and the wire running from the lower floor died shortly thereafter. I've been only online with my phone.
After I get the XDA app store on my phone, I'll compare my list to yours, then null out the duplicates. The spreadsheet I can custom tailor to similar categories, but I haven't seen the layout yet. Hopefully it will only take me a few days to write up some descriptions.
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There will be some design problems with the qvga/vga version. I currently working on a complete new version of the xda market. I will fix this error with the new version
I hope you are still interested in a market.
I'm now finished with developing xda market v2.1
if you want to you can take a look at it:

[Project] CTaskManager - Spicing up UI [Android-Like]

Hey Everyone...I haven't been around these parts often, but I conceived a pretty good idea [I think]...
My friend recently got a Droid phone, and of course he was flaunting it to me...I love Android, honestly...but I love Windows Mobile too. SO! I thought "Why not merge the best of both worlds?"
Well obviously, I cannot make windows look 100% like Android...that would take tooooooo long. So instead, I thought "What about the Task Switcher!"
So I introduce to you, CTaskManager
Right now it is just a P.o.C (Proof Of Concept), but I have done my research and found pretty much all the API calls I will need [minus one or two, but I'll find those]. It will be fully in C++, and if I can get it working correctly, will be activated by the HOME button.
Attached is a proof of concept image [100% Photoshopped, not real at all].
In any case, this is how I forsee it working:
This will appear on top of any window
Activated by pressing [and holding?] HOME
1st Box will always be the Home Screen
2nd Box will always be the current Window (unless it is the HomeScreen)
You can switch between apps with 2 easy Clicks
First Select the Number of the Dialog
Second, Press CENTER or SPACE to switch to it, or press DEL to quit that app
The program's layout will vary depending on the number of Open Windows
Should be light, fast, and easy to use
Hopefully, since I forsee this to be a really easy project, I will have a release by later today! I am making it for my Excalibur users FIRST, because I owe it to this whole forum [And because I will be switching to an HD2 this upcoming monday, and I want to start a project up for a phone I use NOW]
-Until Later: CycloneZephyrxz7
sweet...thanks..will wait for your release and then will added to the sticky.
I am very pleased that the ONLY component I have yet to get working is getting the screen captures [and window titles]. I need to investigate this ... For some reason, I am getting the same window drawn OVER and OVER again. I think it is because the window handle I am getting from some of the methods is invalid...Its very odd ... I have to figure it out. I should be able to do this winthin the next hour or so
seems cool so its like a multitasker? or somthing
alexrodri0 said:
seems cool so its like a multitasker? or somthing
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So this is the update:
I got the program to run on Home-Key Press ... Now I am going to just modify it and add a timer or something to get it to run on Home-Key Long Press [since just a press interferes with Smart ToolKit]
An odd bug I have encountered is that when I run this, and wait, the Smart Toolkit taskbar shows up (as it should), and the whole phone locks up...I think it is because both are competing for Keyboard privilages. [I have to use a Keyboard hook to get this working, and it is all undocumented APIs]
I have yet to get the actual Task part working Haha. I can't confirm whether or not it is working, because for some reason my Debugger is acting weird, and all the images are of the current screen. As it turns out, it is impossible to take a snapshot of a minimized / partially visible screen. It will take the screen coordinates, and take a picture of whatever is there right now. I will get that fixed [I am talking to another Dev to see if he will let me in on how he does it in his task manager].
I got the "back" key escape working. Relatively simple.
I have planned out Layouts. Such that when you have JUST the HomeScreen open, it will NOT run. When you have the HomeScreen and 1 OTHER window open, the two will be split on the screen [Maybe make each like 150x113]. When you have 3 to 4 total windows (Including HomeScreen), they will make a 4-quadrant layout. Where each will be around [120x90]. When you have 4 - 6 open, each will be [92x69] (as shown in the ScreenShot) and have a 6-block layout. When you have more than 6 (if that is possible on the Excalibur haha), it will make a second page, and the second page will adapt to however many excess processes there are.
I have to work on getting the Translucent Background working ... that shouldn't be too hard, I just have yet to look into it {I think I have to use AlphaBlend or TransparentBlt}.
In any case, there is actually very little that doesn't work yet haha, but of course it is the most essential parts that don't work.
I will keep you all updated
looking forward to this, my phone will live on!!!
Thanks to a bunch of help from another Dev, I confirmed that getting the image of a non-visible window is IMPOSSIBLE on windows mobile. [Although it gives me an idea to try to 'fix' that haha ... maybe after this]. In any case, I think I have figured out how to do it. Tomorrow I will write up the code, test it, and hopefully have an Initial release.
The way I see it the releases will be as follows:
1) Initial Release [Basic]
2) Fix-Up of any Bugs
3) Add some Effects
4) Add some customizations
5) Fix-Up of any Bugs
Hopefully, I can do this in 6 or less releases [And in the meanwhile, adapt it to work on my new HD2 i will get on Monday ]
*PS: For those of you following my projects: Once I get my HD2, I am going to make a fixed up release of FFP_LS, and then open-source it. Thereafter, i won't work much on it anymore. This is so I can start working on my SUPER-HUGE project called "CMessage" ... Here are the contents of the 'sticky note' i have on the desktop reminding me of it:
Suite of Programs:
1. Transport DLL (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/EMail)
2. T-Mail.exe Client (Compose/View SMS/MMS/EMail)
3. Notifier (When new Message Arrives, Display Alert)
4. A new DLL for the HomeScreen [it probably won't be compatible with the old one]
5. API Docs (For future use and adaptation)
6. Sample Programs (I.E. HomeScreen Panel, SMS Games, etc.)
7. Filter Rules Program
8. Macro Program (Get Message ... Do Action)
9. Environment Set-Up DLL/Exe [Cache Contacts, create Message Stores, transfer over old stuff, etc. etc.]
It is going to be a VERY large project. Hopefully, it will also be a very successful one Say bye-bye to CE MAPI?
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
Thanks to a bunch of help from another Dev, I confirmed that getting the image of a non-visible window is IMPOSSIBLE on windows mobile. [Although it gives me an idea to try to 'fix' that haha ... maybe after this]. In any case, I think I have figured out how to do it. Tomorrow I will write up the code, test it, and hopefully have an Initial release.
The way I see it the releases will be as follows:
1) Initial Release [Basic]
2) Fix-Up of any Bugs
3) Add some Effects
4) Add some customizations
5) Fix-Up of any Bugs
Hopefully, I can do this in 6 or less releases [And in the meanwhile, adapt it to work on my new HD2 i will get on Monday ]
*PS: For those of you following my projects: Once I get my HD2, I am going to make a fixed up release of FFP_LS, and then open-source it. Thereafter, i won't work much on it anymore. This is so I can start working on my SUPER-HUGE project called "CMessage" ... Here are the contents of the 'sticky note' i have on the desktop reminding me of it:
Suite of Programs:
1. Transport DLL (Send/Receive SMS/MMS/EMail)
2. T-Mail.exe Client (Compose/View SMS/MMS/EMail)
3. Notifier (When new Message Arrives, Display Alert)
4. A new DLL for the HomeScreen [it probably won't be compatible with the old one]
5. API Docs (For future use and adaptation)
6. Sample Programs (I.E. HomeScreen Panel, SMS Games, etc.)
7. Filter Rules Program
8. Macro Program (Get Message ... Do Action)
9. Environment Set-Up DLL/Exe [Cache Contacts, create Message Stores, transfer over old stuff, etc. etc.]
It is going to be a VERY large project. Hopefully, it will also be a very successful one Say bye-bye to CE MAPI?
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can't wait!
This program is actually bugging me...haha [get the joke?].
In any case, it is becoming rather tough to get this actually working. Correction: To get it working efficiently. The dev making the 3D iManager app over in the Development/Hacking forum told me how he is doing it, but to me it just seems terribly inefficient (every 5 seconds, check for Foreground Window....LOTS OF BUGS). In any case, I am using a registry notification now, since Windows Mobile has a value that tells me the currently active program and the previously active program [and it updates!] ... this works out because then I can take a screenshot of the new-ly active program, AND check to see if the old one was minimized or closed. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as I would have hoped.
I don't have much time today for developing [Hooray for a 50 Page AP Government Outline] ... so I will probably get back to this tomorrow [NEW PHONE], or maybe tonight if I get a really good idea/inspiration to finish this!
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
This program is actually bugging me...haha [get the joke?].
In any case, it is becoming rather tough to get this actually working. Correction: To get it working efficiently. The dev making the 3D iManager app over in the Development/Hacking forum told me how he is doing it, but to me it just seems terribly inefficient (every 5 seconds, check for Foreground Window....LOTS OF BUGS). In any case, I am using a registry notification now, since Windows Mobile has a value that tells me the currently active program and the previously active program [and it updates!] ... this works out because then I can take a screenshot of the new-ly active program, AND check to see if the old one was minimized or closed. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working as I would have hoped.
I don't have much time today for developing [Hooray for a 50 Page AP Government Outline] ... so I will probably get back to this tomorrow [NEW PHONE], or maybe tonight if I get a really good idea/inspiration to finish this!
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keep the good work man and again thanks for your effort in developing new stuff for the dash.
So I finished my work
But that isn't pertinent to this forum. What it does mean is that I can work on my developing for today!
Counter-to-my-prior-plan, I am going to release a pretty flawed version of the program ... errr ... rather an Alpha that will run much less efficiently than the final product.
I hate announcing a project, thinking it will be easy, then taking forever with it ... so this is what I am going to do:
I will use the same timer-based approach that iManager 3D uses, but I might make it update more often [3 second intervals maybe] ... it won't be AT ALL battery efficient, but it should be pretty memory efficient. It will serve as NO MORE THAN A PROOF OF CONCEPT OF WHAT THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL BE. The final product should not have a major impact on battery life, and should leave the end user unaware that it is actually running when it is!
I am re-installing Visual Studio because it has been acting up, but once that is done, I should be able to pump out an ALPHA VERSION.
EDIT: Computer Issues ... Expect a release in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
So I finished my work
But that isn't pertinent to this forum. What it does mean is that I can work on my developing for today!
Counter-to-my-prior-plan, I am going to release a pretty flawed version of the program ... errr ... rather an Alpha that will run much less efficiently than the final product.
I hate announcing a project, thinking it will be easy, then taking forever with it ... so this is what I am going to do:
I will use the same timer-based approach that iManager 3D uses, but I might make it update more often [3 second intervals maybe] ... it won't be AT ALL battery efficient, but it should be pretty memory efficient. It will serve as NO MORE THAN A PROOF OF CONCEPT OF WHAT THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL BE. The final product should not have a major impact on battery life, and should leave the end user unaware that it is actually running when it is!
I am re-installing Visual Studio because it has been acting up, but once that is done, I should be able to pump out an ALPHA VERSION.
EDIT: Computer Issues ... Expect a release in the coming days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Great! This sounds awesome! And yeah, we finally get more interests and development in non-touch devices! Good luck with building the program and don't forget to contact the News-Writers when it's ready!
This is actually quite upsetting ... I tried re-installing Visual Studio, because it was no longer giving me the 'code suggestions' for C++ ... [like if I typed in a function, it didn't tell me what the parameters were] ... and now it isnt set up for Windows Mobile 6 Standard/Pro anymore. So i tried reinstalling those SDKs .... no joy....I am going to uninstall EVERYTHING OF IT and start all over [backing up my projects of course ].
Hopefully I will get my computer in working condition by tonight.
I got my new HD2 [TMOUS] today I am very happy with it already. BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MAKING THINGS FOR THE DASH. Non-TouchScreen phones are highly under-appreciated, and I hate that so much [let alone the fact that WinMo is underappreciated] .... I NEED YOUR IDEAS TO MAKE THIS PHONE [Exca] BETTER! So toss me a PM with even the wildest Ideas, and I will try to figure something out
Cyclonezephyrxz7 said:
This is actually quite upsetting ... I tried re-installing Visual Studio, because it was no longer giving me the 'code suggestions' for C++ ... [like if I typed in a function, it didn't tell me what the parameters were] ... and now it isnt set up for Windows Mobile 6 Standard/Pro anymore. So i tried reinstalling those SDKs .... no joy....I am going to uninstall EVERYTHING OF IT and start all over [backing up my projects of course ].
Hopefully I will get my computer in working condition by tonight.
I got my new HD2 [TMOUS] today I am very happy with it already. BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MAKING THINGS FOR THE DASH. Non-TouchScreen phones are highly under-appreciated, and I hate that so much [let alone the fact that WinMo is underappreciated] .... I NEED YOUR IDEAS TO MAKE THIS PHONE [Exca] BETTER! So toss me a PM with even the wildest Ideas, and I will try to figure something out
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congrats with your new phone!
"Non-TouchScreen phones are highly under-appreciated, and I hate that so much [let alone the fact that WinMo is underappreciated]!" Yeah that sucks, that's also why I keep developing Apps and ROMs!
Hope you can get VS working again!

xdandroid project follower

**updated program link, please uninstall old one and install this one, thanks**
hey guys, due to the events of the last week i havnt been able to do as much and be as far on this project as i would like, but id like to introduce a new project that will hopefully help out the dev team from xdandroid
the main goal of this apk is to follow the events of the porting android to htc winmo devices all wrapped up in an easy little web app, right now it has links to the xdandroid chat logs, the main page, and the downloads sections (downloads pages were used to create an rss feed that should update on its own when new files come out, hopefully in the future we can get a true rss feed for all the downloads to make this easier for me lol)
bear with me, its rough, but hopefully it can be used to assist and (eventually, alerts are a little ways off, but eventually) notify xdandroid users which version of the files in the bundle they are running and when a new download is available
please leave me some feedback, wishlists, etc etc so i can work to make this app better and hopefully someday have it included in the build itself!
please download and try it out http://www.mediafire.com/?l6quw1bj46mkxnm
**i'm not affiliated with the devs at xdandroid, just a broke guy that likes their work and wants to help out, if you like xdandroid too, be sure to donate to them as they do this for basically free and could use either your time or your money**
just because i love open source, heres everything you need to modify this to your hearts desire
main page http://pastebin.com/p7cTvQyv
system button
initrd button
rootfs button
i used phonegap build, if you havnt heard about it and want a quick and easy way to make cross platform (blackberry, webos, symbian, android, soon to be winmo, and meego) apps give it a try
its amazing what a little tiny bit of javascript can do lol
Never mind, installed fine.
Thank you for this.
hmmm strange, sorry about that
you may know this already, cant hurt to repeat it if you do but also make sure that you have settings>applications>unknown sources turned on too
edit- good glad to hear it worked for you thank you for trying it out ronricoviper, any feedback you may have feel free to let me know
hello deafcyclist
yes at the moment (because i havnt had time to really work on this in the past week) it is simply a collection of rss feeds to inform the user of updates to the project, and will most likely stay that way for now, except for the future goal of a way to load the program and have it tell you if your files are out of date(coming later) and maybe an alert system better than just simple rss feeds(also coming later)
as far as the permissions go, its not actually using any resource but your browser, its a simple web based app, so the only thing it should be using is data, its just the way phonegap compiles the application
i like your idea of a log reader/sender, ill look into that when i get a little more spare time as i am bogged down currently with school work and life in general lol, shouldnt be too hard to accomplish
at the moment this is purely a "proof of concept" app, its main use will probably just be so the devs can say "check the app" when people ask them for help (most of the time on the chat logs you see devs spending alot of their time helping people to get the most current files, i figure instead they can point them to my app so they can spend more of their time working on more of the goodies coming our way in the main project)
i very much appreciate your reply and you made me remember about something that was missing from the project
**original post edited to point to the newer file, which includes the rss feeds instead of pointing to the different file download websites upon clicking the buttons (full page websites are not a very easy read on small screens, but the zImage website stays the same until i find some good way to make a feed out of it)

Microsoft Research Touch Studio

I've recently come across the Touch Studio app and I'm loving everything about it so far. The only thing I haven't been able to find is an English forum with ideas and example codes, yes I know most of the code in Touch Studio is still fairly simple and self-explanatory but it would be nice to see what others are managing with it.
I have come across a Swiss site that has a few nice codes and some other awesome stuff. It would be awesome if we could start something like that here. I've now stopped playing in my spare time (sorry devs) and messing around with Touch Studio. This is just another thing that seperates WP7 from the rest, hope MS keeps up the good work.
For those who have never seen Touch Studio before you can find more info here:
So is it a good place for someone who hasn't done any code or programming a good place to start? Can you use what you write for the phone it is on or does it still have to go to marketplace before it can be used and you have to download what you wrote from the marketplace to use it yourself? Answered. Do you have to get a dev permit(or whatever it is called) from MS to use the program at all? Answered.
Sorry just listened to podcast 48 on Social Times and the stuff you write is only on the phone, not sharable currently. So just the first question for anyone that have used it.
I have coded a few apps for personal use on my phone, and I would suggest microsoft visual studio for coding apps for WP7. There are great tutorials on the microsoft app hub website for first-time coders. I cant post links, but search microsoft app hub and have a look around that website. Very helpful
Yeah, as you noted the apps you write are only useable on your phone. But the latest version has an option for you to share the code.
I'm not sure how easy it would be for someone with zero experience. I did some very basic programming in Visual Basic 4 ages ago so I have the basic understanding of the simplest commands (e.g. IF THEN WHILE etc.). I don't think it is that hard to understand and should only take an hour or so to fully grasp the concept. There are some excellent tutorials online as well.
(Why) is TouchStudio no longer downloadable?
meegulthwarp said:
I've recently come across the Touch Studio app and I'm loving everything about it so far.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Folks, I have been wanting to try out developing some codes ever since I became aware of Touch Studio (a week or so back). Any idea why Touch Studio is NOT downloadable of late? It appears in Zune and you can read the description but no download facility is available. If the information helps - am using HTC Mozart, T-Mobile, based in Germany. Many thanks!
I was able to download it and run it. Using Samsung focus mango beta 7712
@Jason: Thanks Jason; I'll await the official Mango update (no clue when in Germany / T-Mobile); may be it will work out fine automatically thereafter. I got a comment from TouchStudioApp on Facebook: "we are sorry for the inconvenience; please stay tuned for the next update". Have asked them whether it's Mango or the next TouchStudio app they are talking about.
Yeah, I guess they took it offline till Mango, hope they have something exciting in store with the new APIs and such that Mango will bring.
well, i would love to see someone uploading the xap
edit: downloaded touchdevelop
Just recieved an update for TouchStudio it is now called TouchDevelop. Now it is at v2.0. The whole interface has been redesigned, you can now download and post scripts within the app and they have also revamped various other things. Slightly confusing at the moment but will have a look tonight to work the whole thing out.

