old [app] and themes topics should be transfered here - XPERIA X1 Themes and Apps

i cant really say im a big fan of subforums like this one. but since this forum in now finally up i think the mods should transfer the applications & themes topics that are scattered in the ROM and general forums over here.
btw, why are just getting this now? why wasn't this made when the original x1 forum created?

the staff can't imagine what kind of success a device could have
give them some time


ROM topics cleanup???

There's so many different ROM versions, that average human being cannot say which one is the newest or best....
So, why don't create a thread named 'ROM versions list' managed by ONLY ONE responsible person?
It can contain links to ROMS according to date or version, when the newest one will be at the end.
That way the newbies like me will know which one to flash, and it would put end to all this dumm questions like 'which to install' or 'which is the best' or finally 'which one is the quickest'
How do you, guys, think?
There already IS a HTC Diamond ROMs list
But it WOULD be a good idea to sort it by author and version.
Any other ROMs would be moved by mods to this topic.
I know, there IS such thread, but there's lot of junk in it, so it's hard to find valuable information without reading all these replys...
I dream about PURE LIST, ROMs sorted by versions with direct links...
Does anyone too?
Can almighty MOD hear our prayers?
be careful what you say, me and another couple of members raised this issue as we got this responce from a mod:
Most importantly, just READ instead of polluting with useless threads in the development section
i am a member of many other forums and which have multiple versions of software for the same purpose, they have constructed a poll which is of great help to indentify the most beneficial rom for joe blogs. They also have created a better managed thread than the one on this forum for the diff versions.
Maybe its just a lack of management knowledge or a mods opinions, but something needs to be done, there are multiple new rom threads appearing each day, and threads such as this one will only increase is something isnt done.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Subforums

Don't know if this was here before, but I didn't find anything with the search function.
Since the Xperia hit shelves some days ago and is becoming more popular each day, I wanted to request a split of the subforum. Actually I'm not the only one who thinks this would make sense -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=437444
Its becoming more confusing every day mixing program/modification requests with other general stuff. Since Olipro & cmonex are working on a HardSPL, its only a matter of time (if they get it working - which I have no doubt) when Xperia ROMS will be published.
So please give the Xperia an own subforum with seperate general and modification subforums.
best regards
you mean this?
I mean to split that forum. One subforum is becoming more confusing every day ...
Would be nice to have a dedicated subforum with 2-3 subforums for general stuff, modifications and maybe accessories.
yes please would be really great to have an own section one forum is alittle bit strange already
Yes plese could we have subfourms as well.
Subforums would be nice.
Especially before the single forum gets to overcrowded with posts/topics.
Appreciate it once it's done.
Great forum board.
Without it my X1 would be a former shadow of what it is now.
I'm loving all the tweaks & updates
I agree, it needs to be subsplit, the one forum is already getting very busy and looks to be getting more popular all the time.
it already has more threads than some of the other devices combined.
I'd suggest the same as the Diamond, 4 sections, Standard, Rom Dev, Accessories and Apps/Themes.
retty please:
yeah, subforum needed! (as previously requested in xperia forum itself )
+1 for X1 sub forum
So who do we talk to about this?
Dedicated standard 3-forum layout for the X1 would be great. This has to be the most popular non HTC branded phone to date.
i agree subforums would be great
maybe even 4 on just for apps and one just for panels then one for roms and another for accessories
Would be great with an Xperia subforum before the posts in the general thread grows more. It's kind of messy as it is.
Would be great with a Xperia Subforum with 3 or 4 categories
Agreed, we need a proper forum.
thank you for the xperia subforum
here is an image for it http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/5192/xperiaxdavc3.png (made by me starting from promotional)

[Poll] Why no Dedicated Theme Section?

Not only is development and hacking clogged up by numerous threads all just regarding themes and theme issues but so are all the sub forums. So why not have a specific section just for themes? I think that this would tidy up the entire site, for example tf3d themes are now spread across quite a few forums and there are loads of wallpaper threads in every forum, development and hacking is starting to fill up with titanium themes.
So my idea is to have a new section....Themes and UIs ....everything together, multi device.
What do you think?
Not sure if im blind or just missed it...but you didnt explain where you wanted it. Im thinking your talking about the dream forum b/c I am in there a lot, but I read it and said nah b/c there is a theme forum. You have to specify where if you want some assistance .
Thanks for the reply I actually meant an entire new forum devoted to themes and UIs for any device in the main section right here at the top.
Any Mods got an opinion?...bump....this has to be the quietest place on xda devs.
You might want to consider reposting in this thread.
I agree with the skins theme forum, well, maybe not completely. A sub forum should be more than enough, not a full section dedicated to skins.
Also, what exactly do you mean by UI? If you are talking about things like M2D, PointUI, IFonz, etc... those things really are part of Dev and Hacking (more D than H), but they should be there simply because they are being developed/ported/made by other site members who rely on the feedback, knowledge, and expertise of other developers to debug and complete their apps.
Just my two cents.
I agree completely. Would help the site and the user. Users would be able to find themes more easily.
egzthunder1 said:
I agree with the skins theme forum, well, maybe not completely. A sub forum should be more than enough, not a full section dedicated to skins.
Also, what exactly do you mean by UI? If you are talking about things like M2D, PointUI, IFonz, etc... those things really are part of Dev and Hacking (more D than H), but they should be there simply because they are being developed/ported/made by other site members who rely on the feedback, knowledge, and expertise of other developers to debug and complete their apps.
Just my two cents.
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Yes UI=User Interface, I know what you mean, developement does belong in D&H but it is overflowing with UI stuff at the moment, stuff like M2D would still get developed and supported, just somewhere else. I think it would be one of the busiest forums on the site and that a new forum would unburden Dev and Hacking leaving it free for all other development.
With a dedicated themes section it would be great to have a few things like a dedicated photoshop tips and questions thread and a place where people could share all their custom graphics and knowledge in one place.
Well, not a lot of votes, but there does seem to be a bit of a swing.
Please if you do view this thread you might as well vote, it does not take very long.
Vote added...nice thread.
+1. Perhaps a sub-forum of Dev & Hacking would be nice, instead of a seperate section itself.
I think it is a good idea
that will save time and keep out the interruption thread what take our attention if we are searching for themes and UIs only
Makes the site more arranged
you have my voice
Connect the Devs
Thanks to everyone who has voted so far.
Another point that occurred to me which I have not put too clearly to date, is that not only would all the themes be in one place, but so would all the theme developers! Which to me seems possibly like the biggest advantage of all, to help connect all the theme developers from across all the boards, now that would be good to do.
good idea...clearly people like this and it should be implemented into the website
now we should vote on where in the forums it should be.
New section or under dev/hacks or somethin?
vote added.. separate section would clear up Themes/Skin Developments frm Software Developments and make navigation easy!
Good idea !!! I'm for it.
Windows Phone 6.5
Windows Phone 6.5 themes are where it's at now; are you planning on heading that direction?
@ Black C5, yes definitely wm 6.5 themes are huge in development and hacking right now. If I had my way there would be a sub section of the Themes and UI's section dedicated to WM 6.5 themes with a big sticky near the top linking to all available widgets and add ons etc. I think that dev and hacking is the right place for widgets since they fall into the catagory of software development but themes don't, if it's mainly graphical it should be in the hypothetical themes and ui's section.
What next?
So how many votes are needed to make this happen? and how do I/we go about making it happen?
uniqueboy said:
So how many votes are needed to make this happen? and how do I/we go about making it happen?
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Well To put it bluntly, This isn't a democracy so there is no magic number of votes that will make this happen.
this may happen if and only if the Admins decide that they want to do so.
However that's not to say this is of no use, the admins like to give the people what they want. But don't think that they will automatically create this section just because you got x amount of votes.
When the time is right, and they decide, then it will happen.

Can we get some subforums in the Evo Dev board?

seriously, this one forum is cluttered with hundreds of threads about ROMs, Recovery, Root, Guides, and other off-the-wall stuff. Can we get subforums made specifically for ROMs, Recoveries, Root (and only Root-related discussion), and Guides? this will organize the forum more efficiently, and we won't have to sift through hundreds of threads and thousands of posts to look for what we need. thanks for the good work so far!
bump, seriously, the Evo Development forum is a mess! we really need some subforums to help keep it organized.
do u mean like this? ~> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=709267
i feel creating a entire subforum will cause more harm then good. the wikis organize things a bit and are stickied to the top of every subforum in the EVO 4G section. these wikis can be maintained and updated by all users of the forum. also it makes it possible to organize the guides and roms by type and such. i do see ur point though and that is why i created the wikis in the first place. i thought about creating a new subforum for a while, but the truth is that it will end up cluttered just the same. at least with the wiki u can look on one page and see all the roms,recoveries, and guides that relate to our device, not having to sift through the most popular to fine roms that arent. at the same time u can see that some roms are development roms and therefor still worthy of the development section. i just know from working on the Sprint HeroC that the wikis were life savers. specially months into owning the device, with old roms no longer being supported and buried by new roms. i hope this helps resolve ur issues. please PM me if u have more to add. thanx for the suggestions as ideas are always welcomed.
i just think it would make the Dev forum look a lot cleaner and organized if all the ROM threads were in a "ROMs" subforum; all the guides threads in a "Guides" subforum; all the kernel threads in a "Kernels" subforum; etc etc.
wikis are nice, and are very helpful in organizing information, but they don't make the forum look neater or any less intimidating, and the forum is where most people go for the most up-to-date information on everything.
right now, everything is just thrown into a single place. It's the equivalent of having a single forum called "HTC Phone Discussion" that is flooded with 1000s of threads related to MyTouch's, Evo's, Diamonds, Dreams, Hero's, Nexus', HD2's, etc etc. it's really inefficient and hard to sift through because everyone's threads are getting lost in the forum. albeit, on a much smaller scale, but you get the point.
Yes, def be a big help...
I feel we do need to keep better control over the threads and make a few different sections.
yeah - would definitely make things easier.
I agree. At least group some threads, such as tons and rooting guides (there's plenty of those!) This would help make other threads a little easier to find. Not everything needs a subforum, but some things would fit naturally. With evo dev so hot right now many threads are getting buried faster then you can find them.
+1 on this, the Nexus One android development forum also has the same issue, it is full of Rom's (which is great) but you cannot find the actual development threads any more..
yeah, we dont need a subforum for everything. i think 2 will suffice: "ROMs/Kernels/Recovery" and "Guides".
+1 to this suggestion for N1 too.
do the admins even read this board?
cnstarz said:
do the admins even read this board?
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Of course we do! We'll have a resolution in the coming days. Sorry for the delay.
no worries. my thing is this:
why does xda have forums for every phone they support; why not just create a single wiki for every single phone? because having just one forum and wiki for 100 different phones is ridiculous. it'd be impossible to keep up with updates because everything would get burried. the same thing is happening to the dev forum.

[Q] Why is the gene forums like down?

I would really like to know why the Htc gene forum is kind of down cause you can comment on anything and can't make new posts
Are you talking specifically about the Development forum there? If so it would be due to your Post Count. Get some posts done to help the community.
This is one of the forums got outdated because they atracted SPAM and nobody used them.
That is sad because i really find it useful but I can't seem to get some things to work tho
Moved to About XDA.
The HTC Gene was among that last batch of 'legacy' devices which were turned read-only, due to literally zero activity for over a month.
In addition, these older, less-frequented forums are very popular among the automated Spambots that frequent the site.
As these devices lose userbase and grow old fondly, it makes a lot of sense to close the forums off to all new activity, but still allow you to access the content there
I hope this answers your question properly. It is done for a good reason, I promise :good:
Thread closed.

