Replacing default PIM apps - Touch HD Themes and Apps

One of the first applications I installed on my new HD was SBSH Calendar Touch trial. However I'm not sure if it's working correctly, in the way how it starts from the calendar links, and whether it's a bug in CT or a "feature" of WM.
This is how it's works for me:
- tapping an event in the regular today screen (no TF3D), brings up Calendar Touch, but it doesn't go to that event. It just starts the application in its default view.
- tapping an event in the TF3D home screen (the list under the clock), brings up the plain WM calendar (and doesn't go to the event either).
Is it supposed to be like that?


[PROB] tap and drag calendar

hi, after using my Qtek s200, i was totally used to the WM 5.0 calendar. especially the week view. now with my Touch HD i stumbled against a few changes in the WM 6.1 calendar. my biggest problem with the 6.1 calendar is that i cannot drag the meetings in week view. in wm 5.0 i could drag the calendar items. the second problem is that when i tap a meeting, the calendar jumps directly to a useless almost blank screen with the option to primary delete or edit the meeting. In WM5.0, week view, when i tapped on a meeting i would get a little screen popup at the bottom with the meeting details which i could tap to directly go to the meeting editing screen. i couldn't find anyone else with the same findings on the forum. i think most of you just get rid of the standard calendar and install thumbcal . does anyone have a solution to get back to the old wm 5.0 calendar options?

TouchFlo3D Home calendar entries

In HTC Touch HD home screen with Touchflo3D, is it possible not to show the next calendar entries, for privacy reasons (anyone can see them when they want to have a look at the phone), and to show instead a generic "Calendar" entry?

TouchFlo 3d, as it should be.

Now I know touchFlo 3D isn't customizable (yet), but there are many difference's between the versions 2.1 and 2.5.
So what should TouchFlo 3D have? Since my immagination isn't so great and to keep it realistic my preferred version is a combination of what is available today:
Start screen with weather and apps/contact/bookmark/widget list like in TF3D 2.5.
The Contact list from the 2.5 version. Scrolling through you favorite contacts in the 2.1 version just isn't convinient.
The same message tab, but the message application from the 2.1 version. The 2.5 version has the option to instantly change you message in a mms. Also adding the contact you want to send it to isn't convinient. It comes up with email adresses. If I wanted to send an email I would have picked: write email. NExt to that the 2.5 version is slow when it comes to text messaging. (ofcourse the 2.5 version isn't ready yet).
Email as it is with both version. (in the email app, they should delete the wiping feature, because scrolling sideways is irritating have to press the "enable scrolling" text). Just put the option go to next/prvious message in the menu.
Calander app as in version 2.5. I noticed I didn't even use the other calander views then month and day, but the agenda view sometimes did came inhandy.
The internet tab should be as in 2.5, where you can see the preload pages, but it should work with opera. As nowe I am able to set opera as default, but the preload pages still don't work.
The weather tab is ok. I'd like to tap on the sepperate days and see the morning, day, evening forecast.
The music tab in 2.5 is great. The same for the media (video and pics) tab. But it's all just a bit to sloppy. It should be really fast to be convinient.
The stock tab, for me I don't use it. But it seems ok to me.
Ofcourse this all should work in landscape. 2.5 doesn't work very well in landscape.
One more feature I would like to build in is an easy way to make apps like twitter/facebook/gps navigation/office/messenger work withing TF3D. Each with individual tabs. Maybe you get to much tabs, but then there should be a way to make a second layer with apps. Like a messaging tab. When you slided over there a new slider comes a available with the general slider minimizing. There you can slide between skype/msn messenger/ twitter etc.
This would require a lot of memory though.
So what do you think?
What would make touchflo better? What features should be added?
the worst shortcoming of touchflo3d is that its desktop cannot be cusomized.
this is very pitty indeed,those designers are dumb....
I like your tab within tab idea. It would be great to have a PIM tab. Inside would be sub-tabs for calendar, tasks and notes. Probably just wishful thinking though. But anyway, I'm not terribly bothered with what we've got so far.

Change where a widget links to in MaxSense for TP2?

Hello, I was just wondering if there is a way to change where a widget links to in MaxSense Roms? I am using the Energy Rom with MaxSense. The sense messaging client is very glitchy, and I don't want to use it. So, is there any way to get the little text message notification widget on the home screen to open my phone's main messaging client? I believe it's that tmail.exe client.
I've attached an image with the widget I am refering to. When I click it, it opens the sense messaging tab, instead, I want it to open tmail.exe
Don't mind the glitchiness in the image, it's a screen shot I took before of how the messaging client was glitching my display, and didn't feel like taking a new screen shot.
I found the solution to this problem, I'll post it in case anyone else has this problem with the screen glitching when the sense messaging client is used in landscape.
On the main home screen (The middle of the 3 home screens, the default home screen) click the settings arrow in the bottom right corner, and select "Program Link Settings" then, scroll down to "Messaging" and when the list of programs pops up, select the program titled "Messaging" then, check the "Program Link Settings" tab again. Make sure the program link points to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet\Messaging.lnk which will make all SMS Widgets point to the default T-Mobile Rhodium messaging client, Tmail.exe

Sorting available Widgets?

When wanting to add a widget to the home screen, one has to scroll left>right through all available widgets - which would be fine if you knew where to stop, for example if they were sorted alphabetically. But for som unexplainable reason, they are just thrown in there..! They're not by name, not by date added, not by any system. On my phone, the first option is "Calendar", followed by "Transparent weather" and then "Gmail".
So, is there a way to sort them?

