cell id info? - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Is there an app for the winmob that would tell me with which base station I am connected at the moment?
My problem is, that since yesterday morning my data connections are broken every half an hour - but only when I am at the customer site in frankfurt city skyscrapers.
When I am at my flat 2kms away, the data connections (irc, putty, etc) are working without any problems. But coming back to the office... bleah.
And of course calling the t-mobile helpdesk is a pain. They suggested that "in htc phones you have to clean up the memory time to time" (HUH?) and that my sim card is so old, perhaps that's the problem... yeah, right.
It took me over 10 minutes to clear this 1st level supporter what kind of a problem this is - clearly a base station needs to be rebooted.
So, if I could get the cell id from the network, it could help pinpointing the faulty station..
At least in this Miri's ROM I can't find anywhere this information.

Hi friend,
you need exactly that http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=64795&d=1199638064

bg100106 said:
Hi friend,
you need exactly that http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=64795&d=1199638064
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Yeah. With one little exception. It does not tell you the CID. The closest info you get is the ARFCN, which can be corelated to the CID with some good will from the operator, but I doubt that the help desk will be much of a service with that. If you can get to a OMC operator it's a whole different story, but the fact that they want you to tell them the CID instead of they tracing you tells me that you a talking to a mere call center operator. And that's just in case you are trying to connect to the GSM/GPRS network. If you are trying to connect to the WCDMA/HSPA network you are in a completely different ball game. The UARFCN is usualy the same in the whole network, or at least geographical regions, so it is no use in discovering your CID.
To tell you the truth, I seriously doubt that the base station needs 'rebooting'. Still it's a shame that HTC's network monitor tool lacks maybe the most important information for the network.

Well the problem persists now since monday morning - 4 days.
Only when I am at the office or on the street below here, the data connection closes with an error message latest every 30 mins.
When I walk half a kilometer for lunch, the stops don't come any more (I also am on a different base station according to google maps location).
And when I am in my flat or somewhere else in the city - zero data connection stops.
The problem is not trivial, as the phone keeps shuffling between H and E in the office - but it can't be just a handshake problem - it must be something with a certain base station.
I'll be calling the help desk again later today - they actually promised on tuesday that a technician would call me when they have someone available to talk about the stuff. But you're guessing right if you think whether one called me or not...

Try CommMgrPro - CMP...
Its a super program and I believe i can show you what you need...

anssibragge said:
Well the problem persists now since monday morning - 4 days.
Only when I am at the office or on the street below here, the data connection closes with an error message latest every 30 mins.
When I walk half a kilometer for lunch, the stops don't come any more (I also am on a different base station according to google maps location).
And when I am in my flat or somewhere else in the city - zero data connection stops.
The problem is not trivial, as the phone keeps shuffling between H and E in the office - but it can't be just a handshake problem - it must be something with a certain base station.
I'll be calling the help desk again later today - they actually promised on tuesday that a technician would call me when they have someone available to talk about the stuff. But you're guessing right if you think whether one called me or not...
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Did you try to force your HD to use either the WCDMA or the GSM network? This will help you with the H/E shuffling. Its under settings->personal->phone->band. And one more thing - did you try to use the data connection outside the building. That way you will be connected to the same site (hopefuly), but you should not be experiencing the H/E hopping. Still, please post what happened after the technician called you .

Well, the technician has not called me... for an obvious reason.
I called t-mobile again on thursday or friday. This time they told me they can't (won't) take my case under work, because I don't have a paper bill with me - so that I could resite the customer number and sim card number to legitimize myself! Sod off I'd like to say to that.
And of course I forgot to check those things when at home the weekend.
Now I am again since yesterday evening in Frankfurt again. No problems at my flat with the connection - and as I entered the office again, the problems started. Max 30 mins and the data connection is telling me that the answering modem has terminated the connection. Telephone calls work normally. Have had a lot of them today, also over 40 mins.
So this evening I'll get those frigging numbers from the customer center of telekom and call the service again tomorrow.
Have had zero such problems anywhere else but here in the office. Haven't experienced any problems on the street neither - but then, my office is in the 20th floor and I'm pretty sure that out on the street I have a different base station than up here.

whoa! got thru to a network technician.
Had an in-all 19 minutes talk with the help desk.
The technician tracked down my connections and as I asked if I'm connected with the taunusanlage base station, he confirmed that. (well, thanks google maps for pointing out the nearest antenna)
It was also quite obvious from my data usage data to see, that I only have reconnects all the time with this base station.
He also said that there is already a maintenance job&crew dispatched for the base station, as there have been more problem reports regarding it - hopefully they'll fix it within a couple of days.
And thanks ACR 1.2.1 the whole call is stored on my storage card

anssibragge said:
whoa! got thru to a network technician.
Had an in-all 19 minutes talk with the help desk.
The technician tracked down my connections and as I asked if I'm connected with the taunusanlage base station, he confirmed that. (well, thanks google maps for pointing out the nearest antenna)
It was also quite obvious from my data usage data to see, that I only have reconnects all the time with this base station.
He also said that there is already a maintenance job&crew dispatched for the base station, as there have been more problem reports regarding it - hopefully they'll fix it within a couple of days.
And thanks ACR 1.2.1 the whole call is stored on my storage card
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I am really curios to hear how this ends, keep us posted please !

well well, ever since I got to talk to the technician, the data connection breakups have almost diminished. Since the call have had perhaps 2 or 3 times only this happening any more.

Congorats on finally getting it to work! Nice little adventure you had

anssibragge said:
well well, ever since I got to talk to the technician, the data connection breakups have almost diminished. Since the call have had perhaps 2 or 3 times only this happening any more.
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Did the H/E switching stop?

anssibragge said:
Is there an app for the winmob that would tell me with which base station I am connected at the moment?
My problem is, that since yesterday morning my data connections are broken every half an hour - but only when I am at the customer site in frankfurt city skyscrapers.
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this is completely normal.
this week i was also in FFM in the skyscrapers. (highest was 50th level)
and there you can't get a signal.
my coleague with a Sony Erricson Phone with Vodafone and myself with my Touch HD with O2 were connectionless.
The employees stated that this is normal and we hat to go on the balcony to get a signal.
personally i think that it also has something to to with the heat-protection-glass of these skyscrapers.
as in a car you can't get a clean signal through

The wandering between H/E has not stopped. And I haven't had but 1 breakup like this since my last post. So they really did have a problem with the antenna(s).
A different thing is of course, that mostly the data connections get gut during a phone call as I am mostly on E and not on H. But then I don't get the error message "the answering modem has closed the connection".
About the 50th floor... there aren't too many going that high But I am not there. My highest visits go max 36th


I REALLY hate my reception

When I got my Dash 2 weeks ago, I was really excited I finally was leaving Verizon with their high prices and crappy customer service however, in the past week or so my Dash has been activated, I've been having a real hard time using my phone.
My reception is horrible. In fact, while I have 4 bars at my house, I have to constanly move by the window to maybe have a decent conversation before my phone either A drops a call or B sounds like I'm trying to tune into a bad AM station where I lose the caller on the line while my phone says they're still connnected.
I'm basically using a TMO Dash with WM5 on it. At first it had the original Radio Software on it, it still had the same issue and it was successfully updated to the latest Rogers WM6 Radio software but I still have the exact same issues with reception.
Is anyone on the northside of Chicago, or anywhere else, having any T mobile reception issues with your smartphone? Whether you're at home or anywhere you go? If so please feel free to share your story.
I like this phone but unfortunately, unless I can find some kind of solution, I'm going to have to let it go or change companies. I can't do this
I live 5 minutes east of O'Hare and my phone works great

Is my phone blocked?

I bought a HTC touch hd about 5 months ago, which i lost about 1 month ago. I phoned orange and told them to cancle my simcard, i didnt give them an imei number (obviously cos i didnt have it), just my lost phone number. I bought a HTC touch dual from ebay the day after which has been working perfectly. Then a few days ago, my friend phoned me saying he has found my touch HD, i got it from him, put my simcard in it and i got signal and was able to phone people from it but when i did a soft reset, it didnt get the signal back, there was just an exclaimation mark (!) next to the signal meter in the task bar, when i go into the phone settings, it says "no service" and when i click find, it says "cannot register to network."
To confuse the situation even more, when i turned the phone back on a few hours later, i regained signal and was able to phone people, but as soon as i did soft reset, it lost signal again. Over the past week i have been constantly testing it and have noticed that if i turn the phone on after about 5pm, it gets signal but as soon as i reset the phone, it loses signal again until 5pm the next day. i know it sounds strange but thats wot happens.
Iv just unlocked the phone to all networks (using the xda tool ) and tried my o2 sim in there but that does exactly the same thing, i will try it at 5pm tomorrow. Iv tried phoning orange but they are useless, and the staff in their shops just tell me to phone customer services.
Also, i can use GPRS/HSDPA all the time and go on the internet and stuff, everything on the phone works, except the actual phone itself (unless i turn it on after 5pm and leave it on, will only lose signal after a reset)
Would this point towards them blocking my phone? cos i always thought, once your phone is block, it will never get signal unless the imei is changed.
Also, is the imei on its own IC inside the phone? Does anyone have access to a service manual or at least know the circuit location of the chip? im an electronics engineer and have the facilities to change and read small ICs. If the worst comes to the worst, i will change the imei with either 1 from a faulty touch HD or from my touch dual, whichever is easier.
1 more thing, dont post telling me its illigal to change the imei, i already know, its illigal to download copyrighted stuff, break speed limits or take drugs but people still do it everyday.
Thanks in advance to any help given
Mr Moo

No data transfer on 3G

This may have been posted already, but having searched the forum I've not been able to find any answers to this...
I have a Desire on Orange and I've flashed it back to factory spec. Before doing this and afterwards, I'm finding that when the data status bar displays 3G, I cannot receive or send data. If I try browsing like this, it eventually switches over to HSPDA and I get good data transfer.
I know it's a 'feature' to swap onto HSPDA, but I reckon that if I have four bars of signal and it's displaying 3G, I should get some connectivity, no matter how slow.
Is anyone on Orange or any other network experiencing this? I tried phoning Orange, and they were next to useless, trying to tell me that there were 3G masts down in the area (and getting very confused when I asked them why I could get on the 3G network with no problems).
Hope this gets sorted out soon and it's not a problem with the handset!
You're not in the City of London by chance..?
The reason I ask, is that I'm on Orange, and I too have problems with 3G data transfer there - but like you, when the H appears it works just fine. Normally I just get the 3G with an 'up arrow' but nothing coming back down.
That problem only occurs where I work, and I'm not alone. At least 3 of my colleagues in the office with Orange iPhones have the same issue.
I spoke to Orange about this and they acknowledged that 2 of the transmitters in the area have known faults (one of which is ongoing since something like the 22nd March). Until they fix these, it's likely to continue to be problematic.
Interesting, because I'm in Bristol and they told me that two masts were down as well. Coincidence or lying about not having a clue?
anthropolyte said:
Interesting, because I'm in Bristol and they told me that two masts were down as well. Coincidence or lying about not having a clue?
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I think in my case they were fairly genuine with their comments. The person I spoke to gave quite specific details about the faulty cells and when I spoke to my colleagues who'd also been having difficulties, they actually commented that that date in March was about when their iPhones started playing up.
Interestingly, one thing she suggested as a workaround was to shut the phone down and take the battery out for a minute or so. What she said was by doing this, the phone would 'forget' all the local cells and stop trying to connect to them when I powered it up again. The idea being that the phone would always give priority to cells that it knew of, ahead of any alternatives that may actually be working.
I'm not sure how true that is, but to be fair to her that does actually seem to work very well when I'm having problems - although I actually found simply shutting the phone down seemed to be just as effective.
I did however enjoy telling my colleagues with the iPhones that all they had to do was shut down their phones and take the battery out for a minute!
They said the exact same thing to me. Haven't tried it yet, but I will give it a go. Thanks!

[Q] Lumia 900 Spotty Data Connectivity?

I occasionally will lose data connectivity out of no where. Half the time it happens after a soft reset. The 4G/LTE icon is still on the screen when this happens (mostly with full reception bars), and I still have access to voice.
The only "fix" I've encountered is turning airplane mode off/on three times, then powering the device off/on, repeating this process at least 3-4 times.
My sim card is provisioned correctly (obviously it works since I've had data before).
Was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
vizion4 said:
I occasionally will lose data connectivity out of no where. Half the time it happens after a soft reset. The 4G/LTE icon is still on the screen when this happens (mostly with full reception bars), and I still have access to voice.
The only "fix" I've encountered is turning airplane mode off/on three times, then powering the device off/on, repeating this process at least 3-4 times.
My sim card is provisioned correctly (obviously it works since I've had data before).
Was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
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wow, of all the reviews, all the conversations with owners and testers, you are the first to mention this. Are you in an lte area? I know a higher concentration of drops appear to occur on lte areas
We'll all have to watch this one.
I think you have a bad phone. You will likely need a new phone to fix this. I know becuase this is what my 1st Droid Razr did. Does the phone get hot when this happens? does it seem slow as crap data speeds, like you can't even get a 360p youtube to load and web pages take forever. when this was happening my H+ S2 would make my RAZR look like it was on poor 3g/good 2g.
My isuse it some times droped EVERY thing or some times all data, but voice worked. A few times I fell back to 1x ( verizons 2G) and a lot of times 3g. (good day there 3g SUCKS and if any one tells you diffent take a 50 cal and .... ok you get it.)
Any way hope it gets fixed.
WPCentral has a review out (http://www.wpcentral.com/wpcentral-review-att-nokia-lumia-900) and noted the same thing. Possibly a bug: "We have seen an odd occurrence where our Wi-Fi connection can receive data but outgoing data crawls. We’re not sure why that is but haven’t seen it before on our other Windows Phones which causes us to raise an eyebrow. We’ve also had a few reports from early users noting the same behavior. Toggling the Wi-Fi on/off for a few minutes seems to do the trick but we’re a little concerned that this may an early bug."
Whats interesting is that users (like myself) who have moded their phones to re-enable the internet sharing option on devices that originally had it disabled - encounter the same issue. Leads me to believe that it could be a bug in the OS itself relating to internet sharing.
CrownSeven said:
Whats interesting is that users (like myself) who have moded their phones to re-enable the internet sharing option on devices that originally had it disabled - encounter the same issue. Leads me to believe that it could be a bug in the OS itself relating to internet sharing.
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or, something in the modding, has led to the issue. Oh...did I say that in my outside voice...
CrownSeven said:
Whats interesting is that users (like myself) who have moded their phones to re-enable the internet sharing option on devices that originally had it disabled - encounter the same issue. Leads me to believe that it could be a bug in the OS itself relating to internet sharing.
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How did you "mod" your Lumia?
cx1 said:
How did you "mod" your Lumia?
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Should've been more clear, I don't have a lumia, but a Focus.
turns out to be a software issue with an update coming on 4/16. id post a link to the nokia site saying so, but i dont have enough posts, plus im sure you guys already saw it over all the tech blogs.
I have this issue as well.
me too! no data
Problem will be solved by April 16... Will need to update software...Also every lumia purchased until 21st will be given $100 credit towards attach bill.. Pretty much getting this phone for free!
Source: the verge
Sent in 3D
Boss2212 said:
Problem will be solved by April 16... Will need to update software...Also every lumia purchased until 21st will be given $100 credit towards attach bill.. Pretty much getting this phone for free!
Source: the verge
Sent in 3D
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it's in usa right? how about buying from canada? i have the same issue.
cao0215 said:
it's in usa right? how about buying from canada? i have the same issue.
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I don't know about canada but bill credit is given from att which is carrier in USA.. Thing is this applies to who have bought their phones under contact.
Sent in 3D

[Q] Drops calls, loses reception, works only after reboots

Hello guys. I have some major issues with my S3. In general it has very weak reception compared to my S1. I've had two providers KPN HI and Tele 2, the latter uses t-mobile's network. With both providers and several different sim cards I encounter the same problems. Not only is reception in general weaker than my S1, it also drops calls very frequently. Mind you, I live in central Amsterdam, where I've never had reception problems with any provider at all. Sometimes when signal drops it comes back after 10 to 20 seconds. Sometimes it's completely gone and I have to reboot the phone to get service again. On average, I have to reboot the phone 6 to 8 times a day. The phone is on stock rom, latest firmware.
My s3 has been to samsung repair two times. The first time they checked for software issues. After a week they told me they couldn't find anything wrong, but they updated to the latest firmware. The problems were still there. They then took my phone for 3 weeks. When I got it back they couldn't say if they found the problem, but the phone went through general inspection (?) so it should be fine. Wrong. Literally one hour after having back my phone I tried calling someone. I was standing outside, had 4 bars of reception, but got dropped out of the conversation after 3 seconds. The no service symbol was showing. I rebooted and tried to call again. This time it worked. After an hour I checked my phone and surely, the no service symbol was showing again.
I'm getting very tired of this. I have a 550 euro phone that doesn't make me do phone calls 2 out of 3 times. People calling me have complained that they get voicemail instantly. I called Samsung and they told me they couldn't do anything but take the phone in for repair again. The shop where I purchased the phone says the same thing. I have no choice but to send it to repair, which means that I will lose my phone for at least 3 weeks again.
If someone can offer me advice, please, I would appreciate it very much. I wish I didn't gave away my s1...
Edit: Should've posted this in the general s3 sub.
Ask them for expedited repair and shipping, Samsung does a pretty good job and helping out when you're nice and friendly with them.
Let them know the situation, tell them you don't want to cause any problems, but that this is the third time you've sent the phone, if they can kindly either do a more thorough review of the phone and figure out what's wrong with it and fix it or give you a different new/refurbished phone. Or something.

