Disable the power button while using the keyboard? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

EVERY time i use the keyboard for writing a text message my left index finger accidently touches the power button, turns of the phone and discards my halfway written message.
Wouldnt it be great if the power button could only be pressed if the keyboard was closed? Anyone have a solution ?

glad to know I'm not the only one having this problem...

I saw this problem raised b4 before I had a touch pro 2. Now I see it raised again.I now have the device and I dont know how your finger comes in contact with the power button. I am only small though 5'6 so maybe my fingers are not big enuff to make this happen.
+ if you accidently switch off just tap the power button and your work should still be there.

I'm having the exactly opposite problem: While in keyboard mode it is very difficult to use the power button. If the device turns into standby I have to press a multiple times to hit the right angle toget a responce from the TP2. After all, I never once accidently hit the power button when using the keyboard.

I have the same problem! Really annoying...

same here this is a pain! your left finger nearest your thum catches it sometimes dosent it!

any regedit update or hack??
any one.... i have had a look and killed my fone a few times testin it... drivin me crzy

Same issue here, when I hold the device with the keypad out I keep ik between my 2 index fingers while typing with my thumbs.
The middle segments of my left index finger is exactly on the power button, and the phone goes standby or does not respond on the keystrokes of the keypad and seconds later (3) it pop's-up a "do you want to power down the device now" question.
Would love a tweak that disables the power button when the keyboard is sliced out.

Same problem here! would love a solution, though i don't have one... You could train yourself not to put your left index finger on that power button perhaps...

Exactly as Zaleo describes, I have the very same problem. Trying to teach my self not to rest my fingers up that far but not always that easy.
Could AEButton or HButton perhaps do this by remapping the power button to 'nothing' but only on the condition that the keyboard is slid open?

I have written a script that will achieve this.
It is pretty basic - I am no expert.
Cheers !


That's a bugger - power switch

Anyone else accidentally pressed the power button whilst using the HW keyboard? It's a better power switcdh in that it's easier to use, but it's also more sensitive and when I'm holding the phone in two hands and typing, I've accidentally hit the power button a few times.
It's still a million times better than the TP though.
But aren't you supposed to push AND hold it for it to power off? Or do you mean that any slight touch and it turns off the screen?
rb14 said:
Anyone else accidentally pressed the power button whilst using the HW keyboard? It's a better power switcdh in that it's easier to use, but it's also more sensitive and when I'm holding the phone in two hands and typing, I've accidentally hit the power button a few times.
It's still a million times better than the TP though.
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I've not done it myself no, but it comes up with a warning before switching it off anyway.
I've done it quite a few times .. you accidentally nudge the button and the screen goes blank ..
yeppers, im doing it but am learning not too lol
i'm starting to do this too! quite frustrating sometimes!
I was going to add a poll to see who could clock-up the most accidental-power-switch-whilst-typing hits but I can't see a way.
So I'll start the ball rolling:
3 (so far)
I've done it 7 times since yesterday.
4 of which were in a 10 minute gap last night when I couldn't figure out why my screen was switching off by itself. I was getting ready to RMA it when I remembered this thread and slapped myself.
I've already lost count of how many times I've switched the screen off, really frustrating!!
This is the only niggle I've come accross so far that I cant fix easily... I'll have to chop off my left index finger! lol
Funny. I never accidentally turn it off
I guess it's the way I hold the phone that's different than you guys. Because I can't think of a way why you can accidentally press the power button!
When I have it in landscape mode, I automatically wrap my forefingers around the back section of the phone (much like holding a videogame controller)
This causes the section of my finger closest to my hand to rest on the power button by accident. A small movement of my finger to the right will cause it to press the power button.
I only have problems with the volumebuttons when sliding open the keyboard...
I'm going nuts on this, as well. Isn't here any app, that just disables the power button when the keyboard is in use?
michaelra said:
Funny. I never accidentally turn it off
I guess it's the way I hold the phone that's different than you guys. Because I can't think of a way why you can accidentally press the power button!
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What, do you use your feet?
I've had the same problem also quite a few times already. First couple of times I was really scared some contact was loose or something!
I agree on the powerbutton beying annoying
I vote also for some kind of hack, like disable power off when the keyboard is out. As some of you already mentioned.

Wake from suspend without hardware key?

Hi guys,
Here is my dream situation:
- Double tap "Hang Up" button to lock the device (I understand this can be done with AEButton Plus, although I haven't tried yet)
- Screen will turn off after a while
- Unlock the device by swiping the finger
At no point are the hardware buttons pressed! My new cover makes touching the power button very hard
Is this possible???
They problem, as I am sure you've realized, is that once the phone enters suspended mode the digitizer is disabled (touch) and so are all other non hardware buttons.
I've always had problems with the power button on the HD being a pain in the neck to find and hit, so what I did to rectify this was cut a small hard plastic sticker to the size of the power button and stuck it on there. This helps a lot in not only finding the power button but also pressing it.
(Sticker was a liquid crystal thermometer sticker made by OMEGA: product number RCL-8050/150 I found this to be the perfect width, so I cut off a 1mm sliver off the end)
If you were really stuck on making this work exact as you described, you could prevent the phone from shutting down and just turn off the screen.
(I'm unsure of how the different screen off programs effect the digitizer, my guess it they all disable it at the same time, but I'm sure all that could be seperated.)
However since only the screen would turn off not the device, you'd drain the batter, and its short life would make this not worth it.
Alternate solutions:
Instead of doubletap hangup which you could do through AEButton Plus, but longpress end key can do the same thing just instead by holding the end call key
Also, you configure your phone to wake up at the press of any hardware key, IE the volume buttons on the HD.
Seen here
Also, you configure your phone to wake up at the press of any hardware key, IE the volume buttons on the HD.
Seen here[/QUOTE]
Could you please upload the Keylock Zip file?

AE button plus - question

I have the following problem with AE Button plus with my Touch HD.
I had the problem with closing the phone during i was taking it out of my pocket.
I installed AE Button plus and assigned only to the Red button a function. All is OK, when the phone is ringing the Red button is not working, but the problem is, that when i pick up, it is not working again and i have to end the call with the touch screen button and it is very annoying.Is it possible this Red button function to work only up to the moment i have answered and after that to have normal button functionallity?
PS. Sorry for my bad English!
AE Button Plus - please help
Please, help me with the above issue!
Thanks in advance!
why is it annoying to use the touch screen to end the call?
I would suggest to leave alone the single click of red button but instead map a double click function you want to the red button.
I've had this problem previously. I love AEBPlus and think it is probably the best app on the phone. You need to uncheck the option under 'other options' for 'drop on red key'. Paradoxically this should not be checked. When checked I cannot drop on red key but when unchecked I can end call using this hardway end key. Let me know how you get on!
The AE Button Plus didn't seem to work on my Blackstone (HD). It would work after being reset but after a while, the mapping has no effect anymore. I want to map the volume up/down button to "Up/Down Arrow" and the Long Press of the Volume Up button to run the S2U2 application. Anyone has similar issues?
I have problems with AEButton too. I assign "volume up" to turn display on/off at one click. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it brings up the voume control. Annoying.
tatou said:
I have problems with AEButton too. I assign "volume up" to turn display on/off at one click. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it brings up the voume control. Annoying.
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That is exactly my problem. I should not have paid for the software if I knew that it works intermittently.
Do you have some taskbar installed? Try to remove.

Am I the only one who hits the power button with the keyboard extended?

I've searched but I can't find any one else complaing of this problem and it's driving me nuts.
When I extend the hardware keyboard to type, my finger often rests on the power button turning the screen off. Does anybody else face this problem? Is there a registry hack to disable the power button with the keyboard is extended?
Same problem!!!! so frustating!!!
No you are not the only one; I also have this problem; when writing message I touch the power button accidentally a lot and the only solution I could come to was to be more delicate and careful when writing
Yep, same problem here! A really silly thing to miss - there's not particular reason to not have the power button on the right at the top rather than the left.
all the time....
very frustrating,
..then I try to open it, wait a fraction of a second, click it again for fear of not having pushed it enough the first time, ... and I end with the sleep mode on the phone , .. so I click it firmly for a third time finally opening it..
same here
nickpope said:
I've searched but I can't find any one else complaing of this problem and it's driving me nuts.
When I extend the hardware keyboard to type, my finger often rests on the power button turning the screen off. Does anybody else face this problem? Is there a registry hack to disable the power button with the keyboard is extended?
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Happens to a lot of people. Don't know how you search but:
same here
me too
Add me to the list.
Which makes me wonder, why didn't they place the power on the top right?
Well at least I know I'm not the only one. Still hoping someone smarter than I will find a way to disable it with keyboard extended
@vdKarel I would have found those post had I spelt button with two t's (#)
I wasnt having that problem until today actually. lol. funny you bring it up. After discovering this, i did find it a little inconvenient where the power button is placed
happens some times. probably the power button would be better in an other place
I do it all the time as well
I use it a lot (pages and pages of word documents written on it in the train) and it doesn't happen...
When I hold mine with keyboard extended, my left index (which is the one which could hit the power button) is folded, so it hits the left side of the keyboard "block" (no power button here) then goes under the screen "block" and holds the back of the keyboard "block", it doesn't press the left side of the screen "block" (which has the power button).
Do you guys have your left index extended for it to be along the left of both the keyboard "block" and the screen "block" ? I don't see how else you could be hitting the power button...
PS : On my TyTN, this allowed me to turn the PPC on and off with the left index tip with the keyboard out, this avoided waiting for the screen to rotate when I knew I'd wand it in landscape when I trun back on.
This only happens to me after ALMOST completing a 900 word e-mail . . .
You're not alone, and there are fixes for this:
For the Tilt 2, this doesn't happen. I don't know if it's because of WM 6.5 or something AT&T implemented or what, but the power button has no effect when the keyboard is out. I actually want to find a way to enable that because at times I want to put it in sleep mode while open.
Why do you have your fingers extended?? I never have this problem in my TP2!
ai6908 said:
Why do you have your fingers extended?? I never have this problem in my TP2!
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um.. to hold it securely?
ummm, not to sound like a smart a$$ but this has been covered n many threads previously...i believe that if u search for "disable power button" ull find ur answer...its a simple .cab installation that disables the power button when the keyboard is extended...hope that helps and good luck

[Q] frustrating 'align screen'

this is one problem that annoys the hell out of me. occasionally ill have my phone in my pocket and when i pull it out im forced to align the screen. if i dont whip the stylus out (forcing me to use 2 hands) and do it properly it'll just repeat and no other action can be taken until it is complete.
how can i disable this?
the screen is already aligned but im guessing it gets interrupted sometimes when in my pocket thinking it needs an alignment
also while im here. any easy way to stiffen the power/screen button? i reassembled my TP2 the other day and ever since then it's slightly softer. i always bump the button when i'm holding the phone horizontally
It should never, ever go to the align screen unless you're pressing the key combo to enter it... Which I don't even remember what the key combo is for the RHOD. On my RAPH I think I had to hold a volume button and the middle button. I'll try to look it up, but basically there's probably a key combo you're hitting while the phone is in your pocket, that is causing that screen to come up.
Search is magical.
Seems if you hit both volume buttons and tap the screen it pulls it up? Sorry, I can't test this... I completely wiped WinMo off my RHOD .

