HTC KeyTouch (Japanese) on Rhodium? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

has anybody been able to get the Japanese KeyTouch SIP working on their Rhodium? i'm on an Asian WWE ROM and it's a no go for me. i've heard some people have gotten it working on theirs. can you please share what ROM it's working on and maybe how you got it working?
the program i'm referring to is included in Zgembo's Japanese Advanced IME

just because...

close but still no cigar.
i can get KeyTouch and emoji working temporarily on my Rhodium. On a fresh install, I first install Softbank MMS, then LetsJapan6 then restart.
After I restart, I install the Advanced IME but no restart after that.
If I do it that way, I can open up Softbank MMS and both English and Japanese prediction work, japanese input works, emoji works, and Japanese keytouch works. only english keypad is doesn't work correctly (outputs numbers only).
but this is temporary. after installing Enable_IME and restarting the system, none of the keyboards work properly anymore.
any help would be kindly appreciated.

i've finally gotten Keytouch working on my Rhodium! but I'm still running into a snag.
when the KeyTouch cab is installed, two of the registry changes it makes are:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e0010409 > Ime File = compime.dll
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\e0010411 > Ime File = M5ImeMgr.dll
however, after a soft reset, the e0010411 value doesn't stay M5ImeMgr.dll. Rather, after a soft reset, it changes to compime.dll.
it seems like a rather simple issue to resolve. after my rhodium boots up, i input "M5ImeMgr.dll" manually, but so far everytime i reset, it goes right back to "compime.dll". any suggestions?

further research has shown that the e0010411 is simply mimicking whatever values are entered for e0010409. does anyone have any idea why? how can i make these two have separate IMEs?

seems either no one cared, or no one else in japan with a touch pro 2 had this problem, but i think i've finally found a solution. in my previous post, i mentioned that after a soft reset, the e0010411 value doesn't stay M5ImeMgr.dll, but that instead, it changes to whatever value is in Ime File is entered for e0010409. the simple solution (although i don't fully know its ramifications yet) is to just delete the Ime File value of e0010409 altogether. once i deleted that, my "Ime File = M5ImeMgr.dll" value of e0010411 no longer changes with a soft reset.
i hope this will be useful to others in the future... feel free to post any questions in here

did the softbank version come with a qrcode reader and stuff like that? can i flash my sprint cdma with the softbank firmware and somehow get it working on sprint with japanese cell phone features? can it work with the pay by your cellphone feature on japanese trains? or vending machenes??

Now, that WOULD be a cool feature, if anybody knows. I have never heard of this feature on WM phones in Japan. Torou, did you find anything?

not really. and ワ is wa torowa

Ive been using the cab from this thread on my TP2 and it works just fine:
Is this what you're looking to do?


Keyboard - please help on Scandinavian settings

Hep. Have been looking around the forum to find a way to change the keyboard layout (Hardware), to Danish.
I simply cant make it work. I have the Live 0.2 rom, and have tried the reg. editing as written in the forum..but no go.
Can someone please give a guide to which rom that I can use if I want a Danish Keyboard - or can someone do anything about the Keyboard issues. (Make some kind of a cab or??) I cannot do it myself, but would really be thankfull.
And - great thing with all this rom biz. I know nothing about it - but loves to jazz up my phone...hehehe
Greatings from Viking Land
Isnt that avalible in the extrom?
stinger32 said:
Isnt that avalible in the extrom?
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I dont know??
I'm using LVSW version and somehow every softreset reverts \oem\qwerty registry back to uk mapping, manual edit and/or nordic is useless, it have to be something with LVSW version, because xda live was working with nordic cab...
kha said:
I'm using LVSW version and somehow every softreset reverts \oem\qwerty registry back to uk mapping, manual edit and/or nordic is useless, it have to be something with LVSW version, because xda live was working with nordic cab...
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I have tried to change the registry, but i does not seem to do anything for me. I wonder if the settings somehow can be extracted from wm5?
Look at this post Norwegian Keyboard on WM 6?, it has the cab file for the keyboard attached, this is used for all nordic tytn.
I've just installed xdalive keyboard fix cab-> softreset -> nordic keymap cab -> softreset and now the mapping is correct!
kha said:
I've just installed xdalive keyboard fix cab-> softreset -> nordic keymap cab -> softreset and now the mapping is correct!
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HAHAHAAAAA - its working. Yaaahuuuuuuu. Lets get som ROMs.... I cannot tell you how glad this made me..
TyTn Rules - The King Of Phones
Go Chefs, Go - lets get som roooommmmsss
Where can I download xdalive keyboard fix cab and nordic keymap cab?
callahan said:
Where can I download xdalive keyboard fix cab and nordic keymap cab?
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I am wondering the same thing, have tried to search the forum with no luck
are there some who got the xdalive keyboard fix cab and nordic keymap cab?
when you guys find all the solutions to the mapping add them to the wiki, or pm me the list of fixes all nice and neat and i will put them on there
This works on XDA-Live & Black (at least)
Here's the one I use and it works on most of them anyways. Remember to soft reset afterwards.
Whenever I flash a new ROM or do a hard reset I just change the following ONE registry setting.
Why not make a fix_my_qwerty_mapping.reg file and save this on your storage card, content like this (I have no idea how to make a .cab file, but this works fine for me):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
This is the Norwegian settings, but it doesn't matter for Finnish, Swedish and Danish users - it's all the same mapping. I got a TyTN/Herm 200 and for all I know this could be firmware dependent.
The number "132116" is decimal and found by:
20+countrycode, country code for Norway: 0414. That will be 20414. Converting this hex to dec gives 132116.
(When using the .reg file it writes in hex and therefore 20414, but you can manually enter the number directly into the register using hex if you like.)
Country codes:
Remember to power down/up after applying this registry change - not just a stylus soft reset.
shadoefrizon said:
Here's the one I use and it works on most of them anyways. Remember to soft reset afterwards.
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Thanks man it worked on my HTC TyTn. No im typing in swedish
How do i get the æøå maped to a key so i don't need to go in to sym?
Shauge said:
How do i get the æøå maped to a key so i don't need to go in to sym?
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You have of course searched, found og tried:
So then I dont know....
after running the cab file in this forum my h button is now a + when i am in contackts searching for a person?
Hi fellow Scandinavians.
Try these attached files.
They work perfectly in both WM5 and WM6.
Both should be installed on the device at the same time.
thx Torben schould i do a reset first now that the other things are ****ed up?
and how will i get the æøå maped to a key?

[release] WM6 Black Pro v3.0.1-CCS WWE Asia Edition [CHT/CHS/JPN]

Hi All,
First of all, credit goes to the original ROM author - jasjamming
Based on the Black v3.0.1, I have changed the following:
- Remove English SIPs (Letter Recognizer, Block Recognizer etc).
- Set Keyboard SIP as default.
- Included Windows CHT IME (M$ Phonetic & Chajei).
- Included Windows CHS IME (M$ PinYin).
- Included Windows JPN IME (M$ Kana & Romaji).
- Included PIM Backup v1.9.0.0
- Added CommManagerVibrateFix.
- Applied WM VI Black Update BT
- Added mingliu font, change wince.nls for Chinese/Japanese/Korean support (Korean need proper fonts).
- Added ClearTemp v0.9.2.4.
- Enabled NITZ time sync by default.
- HTC X-Button/Task Manager updated to v1.5.
- Replaced IA_Zip with PocketRAR v3.6 (freeware)
- Added VistaHide Battery Bar.
- Added SIP_CHT, SIP_CHS, SIP_JPN cab files for change SIPs (located in \Windows\)
- Replaced built-in MobileCalculator to Eval.
- Upgraded Office to 2007 version. (support docx, xlsx, pptx etc)
I've also included 3 cab file in the \Windows folder --
Please remember to install one of the cab file to enable the inputs (soft reset after installation), otherwise only english input is available.
For additional programs (eg, VOIP, MSN Messenger), please visit the original black thread.
For chinese description or screenshots, please visit:
(password: [email protected])
great thanks
looking forward to try this one out! thanks!
Thanks a lot for this new rom release
Any Traditional Chinese Handwrite Input function?
As Ricky said, i would also like to thank jasjamming first...
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Ricky. Your solution is the only one that works stably for reading chinese... again, thank you very much!
Hi Ricky
I just installed the rom, and I notice that the font size is funny. The default size for the menu item does not change even if i change it in the screen adjustment screen (Settings-> system -> Screen). This does not happen with your old rom...
Sorry that I did not include any of the handwriting software this time, I was trying to create a cab file for the Handwriting, however, everytime I installed the cab file I made the touchscreen would stop function (need to use hard reset to fix).
I'll find a solution later on... (oh well... maybe it's time to try 3rd party inputs )
Hi, I realised this problem too, it is due to a reg key for chinese to enable "line break" (not sure if you have seen this problem on the previous version or not), if you use PIE to visit chinese/japanese websites, the text would not break into lines properly.
Once I added change the reg key the line break problem solved.
what you can do is change the reg key back to english one, use the RegEdit problem in System, find the key called "SystemLCID", change the value from 404 to 409 and do a soft reset, should fix your problem
X01HT Installed and Working Well!
Well done Ricky, awesome job. I found the Japanese input pretty painful, as it didn't have the correct romaji option, instead the layout for a true Japanese keyboard, which the X01HT doesn't have.
I used Asukal's one (tried to upload, but no go) and that is exactly as it should be. You might look at replacing your's with that one.
I will let you know how it goes as I run it through its paces, but its looking impressive so far.
Now where's the Black 3.5 version
Thanks, got it!!
Sorry, got it, thanks
thanks to you and the original rom chef jj. would like to know is 簡易 input method included?
RickyLan said:
Sorry that I did not include any of the handwriting software this time, I was trying to create a cab file for the Handwriting, however, everytime I installed the cab file I made the touchscreen would stop function (need to use hard reset to fix).
I'll find a solution later on... (oh well... maybe it's time to try 3rd party inputs )
Hi, I realised this problem too, it is due to a reg key for chinese to enable "line break" (not sure if you have seen this problem on the previous version or not), if you use PIE to visit chinese/japanese websites, the text would not break into lines properly.
Once I added change the reg key the line break problem solved.
what you can do is change the reg key back to english one, use the RegEdit problem in System, find the key called "SystemLCID", change the value from 404 to 409 and do a soft reset, should fix your problem
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Mind if you post the cab file here? I need the CHT hand writing indeeded!!!~
RickyLan said:
Hi, I realised this problem too, it is due to a reg key for chinese to enable "line break" (not sure if you have seen this problem on the previous version or not), if you use PIE to visit chinese/japanese websites, the text would not break into lines properly.
Once I added change the reg key the line break problem solved.
what you can do is change the reg key back to english one, use the RegEdit problem in System, find the key called "SystemLCID", change the value from 404 to 409 and do a soft reset, should fix your problem
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Thanks Ricky.. I notice text break problem too, and this happens even with regular English rom + CE-Star.. so I guess we can only choose no line breaks, or weird font size... :-\
I've been runing the ROM ever since it went up and haven't had to do a reset yet, whereas with the straight Black 3.01 with the hacks to get it using Japanese, I found myself resetting 5 or more times a day.
Thanks for a great stable release!
Is this rom built up from black 3.0 insted of 3.01?????
I found the Black 3.0 bug still on this ROM....
1) today theme cannot be changed(only Top/Under Bar can be changed)
2) symbol pad cannot be loaded.
how to use korean
I want use korea.
how can i use korea language.
The Voice Command button also disabled. Any idea how to enable it?
And is it possible to set the default input from '拼' to English? (For both keyboard and soft keypad) Thanks!
Ricky, can you post the Japanese SIP cab file on its own?
I'm trying to muck around with Black 3.5. and the Asukal one I've been using up until now doesn't want to work properly.
flashed this no prob. used it to replace 3des + CE Star, which was a very unstable combination.
this is working great. fine job Ricky, and also to whoever did black. Nice ROM. I love my phone again.
anyone know where there is a manual on the input methods. they take some getting used to after CEStar, a manual would help.
hamster0914 said:
Ricky, can you post the Japanese SIP cab file on its own?
I'm trying to muck around with Black 3.5. and the Asukal one I've been using up until now doesn't want to work properly.
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Really , just can't enable kansaku & tegaki. On 3.5 & all the new released roms.
Yes. All versions > 2.5 seemed not support SIP switching.
I guess some REGISTRY changed.
I switched to LVSW two weeks ago.
It works great!
Cedricguo said:
Really , just can't enable kansaku & tegaki. On 3.5 & all the new released roms.
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keymapping after flashing a foreign rom

i would like to flash my german treo 750 with the official uk WM6 rom and i was wondering how that will effect the keymapping.
i will then have of course an english rom but still the german keyboard layout. in the wiki i found the reg-key for the keyboard layout for different qwertz/qwerty/azerty layouts, but this string does not exist on the treo.
someone else mentioned it might be detected automatically.
do i need to worry or just give it a go? i REALLY NEED the correct mapping with all according symbols cause i am using the keyboard all the time.
ok, i got it working. there is no reg hack needed, everything just works like it should.
nehvada said:
ok, i got it working. there is no reg hack needed, everything just works like it should.
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Did u find a way to get the umlaute working right? For an -ä- I need to tap: alt, a, three times down.. the first choice is not the ä..

Japanese input/output windows moble 6

Does any one know how to get japanese input and output on the ATT 8525 and ATT 8925 (8925 running WM6, 8525 will be running WM6)? I currently have a free program that does this on WM5 but it doesn't want to work on WM6 (See Link). When I install it on WM6 it makes the keyboard not work.
I tried this however it only has support for input, not output, which I need.
Any recommendations. Keep in mind I would like to stay on the free side of things. I'm cheep
For the Kaiser
For the Hermes
It is possible and free. Read read read!
Edit: Just read your thread. Looks like you are having trouble because it is a Kaiser, right? Check that Kaiser thread. One reg edit is all you need. Also, don't install that Bagoj stuff. Stick to the original WM5 input. It is running smooth on my WM6 Hermes.
i have the hermes. Thanks ill take a look.
Wow, you've got a Hermes and it is still messing up the keyboard!? Well, when and if you have trouble, I will be watching this thread.
yea the hermes doesn't have WM6 on it yet cause ATT hasn't released it. I have it working on it now but my testing with the TYTN 2 tells me that im going to run into this problem when i upgrade the phone.
pwnage said:
Does any one know how to get japanese input and output on the ATT 8525 and ATT 8925 (8925 running WM6, 8525 will be running WM6)? I currently have a free program that does this on WM5 but it doesn't want to work on WM6 (See Link). When I install it on WM6 it makes the keyboard not work.
I tried this however it only has support for input, not output, which I need.
Any recommendations. Keep in mind I would like to stay on the free side of things. I'm cheep
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I build my own ROM with Japanese input/output using Pandora Kitchens with 3.62 ROM. I have made some packages for this with all files from Japanese WM5, not from any commercial third parties. If you are interested in it, I can send you a private message with the packages. Let me know.
thank you for the offer, however voiding the phones warranty of the phone is out of the question. The warranty is very important to the company that I work for.
If you can separate the Japanese input/output from the ROM that would be ok by me. One more thing the Japanese input/output needs to work on Windows Mobile 6, as i already have a program that dose this on WM5.
I have yet to try the previous suggestions. I will be trying these most likely tomorrow.
pwnage said:
thank you for the offer, however voiding the phones warranty of the phone is out of the question. The warranty is very important to the company that I work for.
If you can separate the Japanese input/output from the ROM that would be ok by me. One more thing the Japanese input/output needs to work on Windows Mobile 6, as i already have a program that dose this on WM5.
I have yet to try the previous suggestions. I will be trying these most likely tomorrow.
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there are a few things you have to do to implement east asian language functions on windows mobile. actually, you can do this without rom cooking.
1) you need to replace wince.nls in windows folder because it is only for western languages. however, it is a rom system file, and simple copy&paste does not make it work.
2) download reloadnls.exe and put it in \Windows\Startup. This makes the new wince.nls work properly. you can download reloadnls.exe from this link:
3) you also need a Japanese font. (for example, msgothic.ac3 from japanese wm6 or windows xp) You can retrieve a font and wince.nls from this zip.
4) You also have to change the registry for viewing Japanese texts.
"MS PGothic"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma"
"MS Gothic"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma"
"MS UI Gothic"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma"
"Courier New"="\\windows\\msgothic.ac3,MS UI Gothic"
"Tahoma"="\\windows\\msgothic.ac3,MS UI Gothic"
"Courier New"="005c"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International]
5) After soft rest, you can view Japanese text now.
6) To use MS Japanese IME, you need to copy following files into \Windows. You can find them in Japanese WM5 or you can download from here.
(You don't need to copy any files in the zip other than files listed above.
7) In the zip above, there are two registry files, defaul.txt and user.txt. Just import them using your favorite registry editor.
8) Soft reset, and you now have a Japanese input function (MS IME) installed in your hermes. However, there is no way to call this function from your keyboard since it is not a japanese keylayout.
9) To call MS IME, you need to assign this function to a key by freeware called PQz.
English manual:
Hope you will figure out the way!
Your post is helpful however I am unable to read Japanese. (wish I could) The geocities site you referred me to appears to throw an error but, again, since I cant read Japanese I cant be sure.
I'll give this a shot though
While I am sure qtotter's method works fine, there are easier ways. I myself have a WM6 tytn and get Japanese output/input simply by installing the following two .cabs.
Fonts and wince
Install and soft reset.
Input, fully accessable from the keyboard
Install and soft reset.
You may run into troubles depending on which physical keyboard your tytn has, but these can be solved by a simple registry edit to the keyboard layout key.
larsuck said:
While I am sure qtotter's method works fine, there are easier ways. I myself have a WM6 tytn and get Japanese output/input simply by installing the following two .cabs.
Fonts and wince
Install and soft reset.
Input, fully accessable from the keyboard
Install and soft reset.
You may run into troubles depending on which physical keyboard your tytn has, but these can be solved by a simple registry edit to the keyboard layout key.
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i know about, but did not introduce it since i am not sure if usemynls.exe included in the cab is freeware.
as for the ime part, i suppose does exactly what i explained above automatically, and i recommend this way.
as for the keyboard part, if your device has a keyboard with non-japanese layout, you cannot call ime as i explained above since there is no key assign for this function by default. you still need PQzII to map ime function to a key on your keyboard.
qtotter said:
i know about, but did not introduce it since i am not sure if usemynls.exe included in the cab is freeware.
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Heh, heh. I'm not real sure about that myself, but I don't think Asukal would pull anything funny. AFAIK, he is on the level.
What exactly does usemynls.exe do? Does it redirect use of the wince file in Windows to another one? Cause you can just use TotalCommander (or whatever file explorer) to copy over the one in Windows and then do away with usemynls, no?
qtotter said:
as for the keyboard part, if your device has a keyboard with non-japanese layout, you cannot call ime as i explained above since there is no key assign for this function by default. you still need PQzII to map ime function to a key on your keyboard.
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You sure the tab key (or whatever is just left of the space bar) doesn't function this way if you let the ime cab do its work? What if you edit the registry thusly: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oem\Qwerty] "Layout"= 30411 (Hexadecimal base)
Looking at the X01HT and the 8525, the hardware looks exactly the same to me - same number of keys with the same placement.
qtotter, I have a X01HT, so I'll believe you if you say its so, but it just seems weird to me that HTC would make different hardware which looks the same. If you've never tried it yourself, then perhaps pwnage can be our guinea pig.
BTW, which Hermes rendition are you using, pwnage?
Im a R-tard. I have a TYTN and a TYTN II.
Sorry about that.
larsuck said:
While I am sure qtotter's method works fine, there are easier ways. I myself have a WM6 tytn and get Japanese output/input simply by installing the following two .cabs.
Fonts and wince
Install and soft reset.
Input, fully accessable from the keyboard
Install and soft reset.
You may run into troubles depending on which physical keyboard your tytn has, but these can be solved by a simple registry edit to the keyboard layout key.
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I tried this and the input seems to be fine however the keyboard refuses to work. I did try a few reg settings in the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
Under the preload key I changed "(Default)" from e0010411 to e0010409 (the original reg value).
Under the preload\1 key I changed "(Default)" from ee0010411 to e0010409 (the original reg value).
Now when I switched the values from ee0010411 to e0010409 in both the Japanese input stopped working. When I changed them back they started working (no keyboard).
Am I inputing the wrong reg keys or what?
larsuck said:
Heh, heh. I'm not real sure about that myself, but I don't think Asukal would pull anything funny. AFAIK, he is on the level.
What exactly does usemynls.exe do? Does it redirect use of the wince file in Windows to another one? Cause you can just use TotalCommander (or whatever file explorer) to copy over the one in Windows and then do away with usemynls, no?
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i don't remember well, but i think usemynls.exe comes with ce star...
it ignores the original wince.nls and make the system refer to your own wince.nls stored somewhere else than /window. as i explain before, simple overwrite does not work with rom system files.
larsuck said:
You sure the tab key (or whatever is just left of the space bar) doesn't function this way if you let the ime cab do its work? What if you edit the registry thusly: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oem\Qwerty] "Layout"= 30411 (Hexadecimal base)
Looking at the X01HT and the 8525, the hardware looks exactly the same to me - same number of keys with the same placement.
qtotter, I have a X01HT, so I'll believe you if you say its so, but it just seems weird to me that HTC would make different hardware which looks the same. If you've never tried it yourself, then perhaps pwnage can be our guinea pig.
BTW, which Hermes rendition are you using, pwnage?
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there are many keyboard layouts. check blue silk-printed characters on the keys.
pwnage said:
I tried this and the input seems to be fine however the keyboard refuses to work. I did try a few reg settings in the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
Under the preload key I changed "(Default)" from e0010411 to e0010409 (the original reg value).
Under the preload\1 key I changed "(Default)" from ee0010411 to e0010409 (the original reg value).
Now when I switched the values from ee0010411 to e0010409 in both the Japanese input stopped working. When I changed them back they started working (no keyboard).
Am I inputing the wrong reg keys or what?
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no, you are not doing anything wrong. LetsJapanNo5 forces keyboard layout change.
this is what i explained above. 10409 is for the english keyboard layout, and 10411 is for the japanese keyboard layout. since you are using an english keyboard, you need to keep the value 10409. however, it does not have a key assigned to ime call. you simply need to use PQzII to map this function to any key you want.
pwnage said:
I tried this and the input seems to be fine however the keyboard refuses to work. I did try a few reg settings in the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
Under the preload key I changed "(Default)" from e0010411 to e0010409 (the original reg value).
Under the preload\1 key I changed "(Default)" from ee0010411 to e0010409 (the original reg value).
Now when I switched the values from ee0010411 to e0010409 in both the Japanese input stopped working. When I changed them back they started working (no keyboard).
Am I inputing the wrong reg keys or what?
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When you say the keyboard stopped working, do you mean that it just doesn't respond at all, no matter what buttons you press?
Is this on the Tytn or the TytnII?
If this is the TytnII, check this thread
That guy had problems with his keyboard AND buttons responding, but got everything working with the two .cab files I posted above with one regedit.
qtotter said:
there are many keyboard layouts. check blue silk-printed characters on the keys.
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Yeah, but isn't that just paint? I don't want to sound pendantic, but if the hardware below the paint is the same, then I don't see what the problem would be.
qtotter said:
it ignores the original wince.nls and make the system refer to your own wince.nls stored somewhere else than /window. as i explain before, simple overwrite does not work with rom system files.
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You can't use the File Explorer built into WM to overwrite system files, so I use GSFinder. Others use Total Commander. These can copy, delete, whatever to system files.
Anyway, now thanks to your info about usemynsl.exe, I have another 350kb or so free as I was able to overwrite my wince file in Windows (which allows .NET programs to function! YEAH!) and delete the usemynsl and the redundant wince in my Temp folder.
larsuck said:
Anyway, now thanks to your info about usemynsl.exe, I have another 350kb or so free as I was able to overwrite my wince file in Windows (which allows .NET programs to function! YEAH!) and delete the usemynsl and the redundant wince in my Temp folder.
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i am not saying you cannot copy and paste different rom system files to your device. even if you copy and paste another wince.nls, the system does not refer to the new wince.nls.
this is the reason why people use usemynsl.exe to force the system to refer to another wince.nls in a different location or reloadnls.exe to force the system to refer to the overwrote wince.nls in /windows.
if you wanna save disk space, i recommend you build your own rom burned with east asian wince.nls like i do.
qtotter said:
i am not saying you cannot copy and paste different rom system files to your device. even if you copy and paste another wince.nls, the system does not refer to the new wince.nls.
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Uh oh. So what did I do to my tytn?
I copied over the original wince in Windows with the one from LetsJapan in Temp.
I deleted the wince in Temp and moved usemynls so that it wouldn't run on startup.
Everything seems to be running smoothly, and I have soft reset (for other reasons) a few times between now and then...
No problems so far (its been a couple of days), but can I expect them?

Question: Any 6.5 roms with complete keyboards?

I'm currently running Macadam 1.2, simply because it seems to be one of the few WWE roms around that has the "complete" eT9 and Keyboard collection (personally I want WWE because of the block recognizer, but I still want Norwegian eT9 and phone keypad, for when I'm not using the stylus).
However, my brief exposure to 6.5 (bsb) left me wanting more of that. 6.5 is simply faster and better looking, TF3D or not. The problem is that since ezinput was cooked in with only US keyboards, it cannot be simply updated with additional keyboards/eT9. It simply doesn't work.
So, this has sent me trawling through the threads here looking for a 6.5 build that either allows me to install keyboards/wordlists, or has what I need preinstalled. Only rom I've found so far to be close to pre-made for my taste, is 6.1-based (macadam).
Any of you seen any better solution?
I do not fully understand your question, but I also tested bsb 6.5 Rom...
Now I have udk's 6.5 Rom and there are additional T9 languages included.
So "udK_Syrius_WM6.5_BETA2_WWE" contains the additional languages.
Ok, I'll try that.
Thanks for the help!
Alas, the udK rom only contains the English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish languages. So, close but no cigar.
You're right! I'm sorry about this...
But when udk includes this additional languages it might be possible to install other languages or?
if i remember well i just deleted the language files so you just need to add the corresponding language file (.lbd) you want to \windows folder.
I upload you the ones that are inclued with the original 2.03 rom.
If you try, tell me if it works please
You remembered incorrectly.
(The files were already present)
However, enabling them in the registry (the keys were missing), and then selecting the correct language to type SMSes in, simply made the phone refuse to allow any input at all, so it seems something more is missing. Maybe it's just that something needs enabling, but I'm fumbling blindfolded here.
Let me know when you figure this out, Svein!
(Flere nordmenn her som trenger norsk tastatur til SMSene;-))
sskogen said:
You remembered incorrectly.
(The files were already present)
However, enabling them in the registry (the keys were missing), and then selecting the correct language to type SMSes in, simply made the phone refuse to allow any input at all, so it seems something more is missing. Maybe it's just that something needs enabling, but I'm fumbling blindfolded here.
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I have tried the same on other roms. The files are in place and the registry keys are correct, but the phone stille refuses any input.
If you find a solution please let us know. I need the danish input

