Toggle my PND on/off in accordance to given AC power supply - Windows Mobile Software Development

Hello all, first post here.
I've been working with Mortscript for a while now and I'm very happy with it.
Here's my attempt at a 3-script-pack. It should toggle my PND on/off in accordance to given AC power supply. But it doesn't work as expected,
especially the RunAt() seems not to work: only one event (the notify set in script ON_AC_POWER_LOSS) is executed by the scheduler, the notify set
in script ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON obviously is never executed by the scheduler. Anyone an idea?
# jwoegerbauer 09/04/2009
# GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, June 1991
# Before using this script ensure file PowerNotifyFlags.ini
# is present and contains the following lines:
# [PowerOnOff]
# ACPower=1/0
# check for sufficient power or don't run anything and don't resubmit
If (BatteryPercentage() <= 35)
SleepMessage(5, "Battery level is low: " & BatteryPercentage(), "Power Warning", 1))
# adjust to your needs
Set CHECK_BACK_SECS, 30 #must be equal or greater 10
Set WAV_FILE, "\My Flash Disk\programme\TroNikPowerNotifier\chime_down.wav"
Set INI, \
"\My Flash Disk\programme\TroNikPowerNotifier\PowerNotifyFlags.ini"
Set INI_SECTION, "PowerOnOff"
Set INI_KEY, "ACPower"
Sleep 100
# assume the device is running on external power and we unplug
# the usb-powered cable or engined off, and the power is re-supplied
# we should Cancel this script automatically.
# IMO this is a useful case when we use the device in the car in
# ignition mode and then start the engine.
# hence we implement now an additional power state listener (a sec timer)
While(%WAIT_SECS% > 0)
# yield 1 second
Sleep 1000
# query current power state
acPower = ExternalPowered()
If (acPower = TRUE )
# power is re-supplied
# therefore we don't go into Standby
If (not ExternalPowered())
Set ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON, "\My Flash Disk\programme\MortScript\ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON.exe"
# note: the turn OFF exe here defined must be the same as defined in file
Set TURN_OFF, "\My Flash Disk\SystemProgs\Sleep.exe"
Set TOGGLE_DISPLAY, "\My Flash Disk\SystemProgs\ToggleDisplay.exe"
Sleep 100
If ( %PLAY_SOUND % )
PlaySound( %WAV_FILE% )
# On suspend mode we set ACPower=0 (OFF)
IniWrite( %INI%, %INI_SECTION%, %INI_KEY%, "0" )
Sleep 100
%INI_KEY% = "ExtPowerOff"
# read in registry value
ExtPowerOff = \
Sleep 100
# remember this value
IniWrite( %INI%, %INI_SECTION%, %INI_KEY%, ExtPowerOff )
Sleep 100
# set our corresponding registry value
# i.e. always turn off device in 1 second even if AC powered
# note:
# this will be revised laterly with ON_AC_POWER_RESUME script
%INI_KEY%, 4)
Sleep 100
# kill old notification(s) to prevent overlap
RemoveNotifications( %ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON% )
# set new notify (will be processed in CHECK_BACK_SECS from now on)
ReRun = TimeStamp() + %CHECK_BACK_SECS%
Sleep 100
# turn device into standby
Run( %TURN_OFF% )
# jwoegerbauer 09/04/2009
# GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, June 1991
# adjust to your needs (seconds !!!!)
Set ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON, "\My Flash Disk\programme\MortScript\ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON.exe"
Set ON_AC_POWER_RESUME, "\My Flash Disk\programme\MortScript\ON_AC_POWER_RESUME.exe"
Set TURN_OFF, "\My Flash Disk\SystemProgs\Sleep.exe"
Sleep 100
# kill old notification(s) to prevent overlap
RemoveNotifications( %ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON% )
Sleep 100
# check AC power line state
If( NOT ExternalPowered() )
# set new notify (will be processed in CHECK_BACK_SECS from now on)
ReRun = TimeStamp() + %CHECK_BACK_SECS%
Sleep 100
# set another new notify
ReRun = TimeStamp() + 5
RunAt( ReRun, %TURN_OFF% )
# call our application (script)
# jwoegerbauer 09/04/2009
# GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, June 1991
# Before using this script ensure file PowerNotifyFlags.ini
# is present and contains the following lines:
# [PowerOnOff]
# ACPower=1/0
# adjust to your needs
Set WAV_FILE, "\My Flash Disk\programme\TroNikPowerNotifier\chime_up.wav"
Sleep 50
# prevent ourselves from doing things more than once
If (ExternalPowered())
PlaySound( %WAV_FILE% )
Set INI, "\My Flash Disk\programme\TroNikPowerNotifier\PowerNotifyFlags.ini"
Set INI_SECTION, "PowerOnOff"
Set INI_KEY, "ACPower"
Sleep 100
# Read PowerFlag value
ACPower = IniRead( %INI%, %INI_SECTION%, %INI_KEY% )
If(0 = ACPower)
# set ACPower=1 (ON)
IniWrite( %INI%, %INI_SECTION%, %INI_KEY%, "1" )
Sleep 100
THX in advance

get dotfred's taskmanager here and check if your event gets installed.
your script seems to be very complex anyway. what do want to achieve?

Thanks for the advise: i'll test the TaskMgr you told me - hopely it runs
on Windows CE 5.0 Core too.
The goal of my scripts is to turn my PND into sleep mode when AC power
is gone off, and wake the device up when AC power is re-supplied.
[ Vielleicht treffen wir uns zufällig unbekannterweise auf der Wies'n? ]

jwoegerbauer said:
Thanks for the advise: i'll test the TaskMgr you told me - hopely it runs
on Windows CE 5.0 Core too.
The goal of my scripts is to turn my PND into sleep mode when AC power
is gone off, and wake the device up when AC power is re-supplied.
[ Vielleicht treffen wir uns zufällig unbekannterweise auf der Wies'n? ]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
what is pnd?
the script should turn the device off when device runs on battery and goes below a specific bettery percentage level?
regarding wakup the device:
doesn't your device automatically wake up when acpowered?
there should be a registry key available.
apart from that your script does not run when switched off at least it runs for about 5 minutes after switching off, then the WM OS stops running apps.
[logisch - bin auf der wiesn - prosit!]

@egoist6 (and all people around the world)
PND is my abbreviation for PersonalNavigationDevice, sometimes also referred to as PNA i.e. PersonalNavigationAssistant.
The 3-scripts-package should turn the device off, regardless to current battery state or current registry settings ( and
without the need of pressing the power-button ), and reverse. All should be accomplished by software in reason for commodity.
All seems to work well, but the first time the device wakes up the display is turned on too, even when no external AC power is
The debug-version of the scripts-package summarizes the actions performed as follows:
1253358425 ON_AC_POWER_LOSS entered
1253358427 ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON started
1253358427 ON_AC_POWER_LOSS exited
1253358533 ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON entered
1253358534 External power supply detected
1253358534 ON_AC_POWER_RESUME started
1253358534 ON_AC_POWER_RESUME entered
1253358535 ON_AC_POWER_RESUME exited
1253358536 ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON exited
Hence it's obvious that in script ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON in branch
If (NOT ExternalPowered())
the instruction
# turn device again into standby
Run( %TURN_OFF% )
never will be executed - and that's my question: WHY NOT?
BTW: dotfred's taskmanager isn't Windows CE 5.0 Core compatible.

try with longer delay between adding those two notification events.
maybe the second events does not get installed.

Dear jwoegerbauer,
Thank you very much for your inspiration. I have been trying to find a not so difficult way to implement a similar solution in my PND. After seeing your work, it seems Mortscript would be a wonderful solution.
I usually run IGO8 on my PND and IGO8 has a built-in Standby function when external power off. Hence, I am more interested in the "external power on resume" part of your script. Just wondering whether I can run "ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON" and "ON_AC_POWER_RESUME" independently from "ON_AC_POWER_LOSS".
In addition, there is some mentioning of
2 Sleep.exe
3 ToggleDisplay.exe
in your scripts. I did several Google search, but cannot find any source of those executables. Is it possible to pack a full working version (include all the scripts and executables used) for me to try and appreciate your amazing work please?
Thanks in advance.

Many thanks for sharing the package. I have further modified them to make the DAEMON running continuously. The scripts will now perform as follows:
Ask the user whether they want to activate this Auto Power On feature.
If yes
The device goes to Sleep when no external power applies; and
The DAEMON will keep searching until external power detected and
Wake up the device
p.s. to exit from the loop, I use the Power Button to turn off and restart the device.
# Implemented on MortScript (
# 2009-12-07
# Karako
# GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, June 1991
Set RUN_APP, "\SDMMC\igo8\igo8.exe"
options[1] = "Skip Auto On/Off"
options[2] = " "
options[3] = "Engage Auto On/Off"
Sleep 100
SetChoiceEntryFormat(20, 16, "Verdana")
Choice("Auto_On_Off_Option", \
"^NL^AC Power Auto On/Off^NL^Choose whether you want the GPS device to be^NL^automatically fired up when External Power is supplied^NL^^NL^", \
Case( 1 )
# do nothing
Case( 2 )
# do nothing
Case( 3 )
# kill old notification(s) to prevent overlap
RemoveNotifications( %ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON% )
Sleep 100
# run application
Run( %RUN_APP% )
# Wait for APP finish loading
Sleep 45000
ReRun = TimeStamp() + %LOOP_SECS%
Sleep 100
# kill old notification(s) to disable this function
RemoveNotifications( %ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON% )
Sleep 100
Run( %RUN_APP% )
# Implemented on MortScript (
# based on the script from jwoegerbauer 09/04/2009
# GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, June 1991
# modified by Karako 2009-12-07
# adjust to your needs (must > 10 seconds !!!!)
Sleep 300
# kill old notification(s) to prevent overlap
RemoveNotifications( %ON_AC_POWER_DAEMON% )
Sleep 500
# check AC power line state
If( NOT ExternalPowered() )
# set new notification queue
ReRun = TimeStamp() + %LOOP_SECS%
Sleep 100
# turn device again into standby
Run( %TURN_OFF% )
# call resume script
Sleep 1500
# Implemented on MortScript (
# based on the script from jwoegerbauer 09/04/2009
# GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, June 1991
# modified by Karako 2009-12-07
# adjust to your needs ( must > 10 secs)
Set WAV_FILE, "\SDMMC\ON_AC_POWER\notify.wav"
Sleep 100
If (ExternalPowered())
PlaySound( %WAV_FILE% )
# set new notification queue
ReRun = TimeStamp() + %LOOP_SECS%
Sleep 100
However, I experienced the same problem that the display will turn on and off itself for about 1 to 2 seconds in every cycle (about 10 seconds in my settings) when external power is not attached.
Is it possible to do a Registry tweak to force the display off when the device just wakes up by the Daemon to check for external power please?
I am thinking Registry keys like
Since I seldom work with Registry, really appreciate for anybody's guidance and hints.

First of all you got the logic! You experienced the same inadequacies as me.
Secondly here's why I startet the project: For reason of comfort (when in car) I wanted to have my PND automatically put into sleep mode, when external power supply is lost, and in reverse put back again into active mode if external power is re-supplied, all this without the need to press the device's power button and regardless to device's power settings. Hence I didn't implement a menu.
Hope with you things will get working!

Hi jwoegerbauer,
Further research on the subject and review again deeply on your previous advice and work, gives me a strong feeling that the CeRunAtEvent could be a much better and straight forward approach in terms of power management.
Then I found this interesting article with sample codes:
Unfortunately, when I execute the sample program (WakeUpStart.exe) in my WinCE 5.0 PND (Compact Framework 2.0 installed) and Windows Mobile 5.0 PDA phone (Compact Framework 3.5 installed), both experienced the same problem - the ACCEPT button doesn't work in the program and hence I cannot execute it.
The program was written in C#, a new language for me. I will try to trace the problem, but without Visual Studio IDE, I am afraid I can hardly debug it myself.
Let's see if anybody would be interested to carry on from here.
Oops. Apparently, some experts had already found that:
- ... not every event can be handled with CeRunAppAtEvent
- ... I assume it is OEM related and the implementation of these events is not mandatory
- ... did try to use ON_AC_POWER and it did not work
above extracted from the thread:
This takes us back to the "check the PowerStatus structure for ON AC POWER" approach.

there is a (freeware) tool for observing and fixing notification event queue on Windows Smartphone and Windows PocketPC devices: HooverNI.
Hope this hint will be useful for you.

any news on this issue? i am considering changing my GPS. and i think of WIN CE device. only thing that bothers me is automatic turn on and off with car ignition.

Hi, did anyone figure this one out? I have pocket navi with Windows CE 6 and the last script on 1st page works perfectly .. but only in Windows desktop, when I change to GPS overlay it doesnt work anymore, how can I make it work?


[Q] Rom+PreFlashCustomisation

Hey Guys, i´m coming from the Desire Z.
Just wanted to ask if there´s a rom like "ILWT-CM".
Its big advantage was, that you could configure a file, that configured options while flashing e.g. Customapps, Ringtones, Launcher, option to install apps or not.
With this rom you had the option to delete apps you don´t need before the first startup. really liked these options to install/deinstall apps, set launcher etc... before the first start to install a system as clean as possible.
here is the sample file to show you what i mean.
# configuration file for ilwt cm7
# info:
# deleting or commenting a line will result in default settings being used.
# default settings:
# kernel: ilwt cm7
# google apps: installed
# launcher: adw
# go launcher ex notification: not installed
# messaging app: stock
# calendar: stock
# email: stock
# music: stock
# wifi calling: removed
# spare parts: removed
# file manager: root browser
# build.prop: unpatched
# oc daemon: ilwt
# oc daemon gui: oc/uv beater2 (only for virtuous oc daemon)
# market: install from gapps
# modded gmail app: not installed
# new talk app: not installed
# titanium backup: not installed
# custom apps: not installed
# fm radio: installed
# dsp manager: installed
# gps library: cm7
# google books: installed
# camera: cm7
# stock wallpapers: installed
# vpn services app: installed
# market: new
# gallery: stock
# custom sounds: not installed
# hosts file: patched
# cerberus: not installed
# connection icons: stock
# gps fix: not patching gps.conf (uses north america's servers)
# wifi scan delay: 120
# boot animation: default
# fonts: stock
# notigo: not installed
# car home: installed
# led: current setup (amber for notifications, as of November 22, 2011)
# calculator: installed
# rom manager: installed
# sim toolkit: installed
# terminal emulator: installed
# if using led=old, the notification would be the "old style", meaning green
# !!! warning: if removing the sim toolkit app, some other apps might stop
# working. specifically, those that require sim services !!!
# on the first run, ilwt.txt will be created with default values.
# all possible values will be included, but commented.
# for the old market to work without doing a full wipe, on next boot you
# must go to Settings->Manage Applications->Market and click the
# "Uninstall Updates" button.
# in order to install custom apps, you have to place the .apk files
# in a folder named ILWT in the root of your sd card.
# in order to install custom sounds, you have to place .ogg files in
# one of the following folders in the root of your SD card:
# ILWT/sounds/r (for ringtones)
# ILWT/sounds/a (for alarms)
# ILWT/sounds/n (for notifications)
# ILWT/sounds/u (for ui)
# In order to use the GPS fix, you must set the gpsfix= line with the server
# you'd like to use. For example: sets the Swiss
# server. For a list of servers that you can use, see Addons section of
# original post in XDA forum (sample NTP.txt file).
# The WiFi scan delay (wifiscan) must be set to an integer multiple of 15,
# otherwise the option will be disregarded.
# To install custom fonts, put Clockopia.ttf, DroidSans.ttf, and
# DroidSans-Bold.ttf in /sdcard/ILWT/fonts and set the appropriate option.
# You can elect to install only one or two of them if you wish.
# for more info see:
Maybe something like this:

[BASH4.1+][SCRIPT HELPER][LIBRARY]semi-native function library

Hello XDA users, deciding to post this here because i figured it could get some use/i could get some feedback
(Placing it in general because i honestly dont think it could work anywhere else)
Basicly over the past few months ive been taking my multiple script for android, & rewriting/compressing into 1 library
& adding features/functionality that i consider useful. This script has never touched a PC, & only been written on android
(BTEP & DroidEdit Pro), & is designed to:
A.) Extend the basic terminals functionality.
B.) Extend customized scripts, & making scripting semi-easier.
C.) Offer multi-device compatibility while keeping origional functionality.
The script is capable of determining all critical variables on initialization, from
partitions (both mount name, & partition number can be easily obtained), OS/ANDROID version/type
Execution mode (source/exec), Autodetect instigator (Eg: boot, script, shell, etc.) If present, Execution level,
Etc, seamlessly before scripts execution, & modify its own execution accordingly.
The script can be used in a similar method to busybox (Eg, can be called directly, or through symlink
(Symbolic link) using functions name, & allows adding multiple switches at runtime which can totaly
Customize execution without touching a configuration (yes, it does support configurations).
Or for script/shell, can be sourced for max performance & increased functionality.
This script is designed to be as native as possible, & only requires busybox/toolbox, & bash (4.1+)
(Systems default/sh) is not sufficient.
Readme (1/2, Read 2nd post):
Table of contents:
1.) Basic information
2.) Installation
3.) Usage
3a.) Basic commandline switches
4.) Included functions & definitions (Execution)
4a.) Included functions & definitions (Source only)
Basic Information 1.
SuperBox is a multi-call, multi-execution function library (think busybox with bash & sourcing),
built on ANDROID, For ANDROID, Designed to increase script efficiency, & offer "unstandard"
multi-device functionality, & some functionality considered "missing" from ANDROID/Linux by default.
Installation 2.
Superbox is designed to be easy to install/use, and requires very few steps/dependancies to install.
Before installing, please check this small list of prerequisites & insure you have the required
dependancies to ensure correct installation, the following are required:
a.) BASH 4.x (4.0+) installed & linked to '/system/bin' & '/system/xbin', Systems default is not
sufficient & cannot support SuperBox in all needed areas.
b.) BusyBox 1.18+ (tested on v1.19.4), Please ensure toolbox is also fully installed.
c.) Device must be rooted & running S-off (insecure kernel, read kernel documentation)
This part can be bypassed if installing through recovery. Some features will be limited.
d.) SuperBox is a terminal/script expansion toolkit, as such, a terminal emulator (Such as BTEP aka:
Better Terminal Emulator Pro, or similar) is recommended for optimal usage.
if your device can meet the above requirements, you are ready to install.
To install, simply move the downloaded script (superbox, or superbox.txt) to either '/system/bin', or
'/system/xbin', if the downloaded file has an extension, remove it.
Set permissions to 755 (rwxr-xr-x), Once complete, open your preferred terminal, & type 'su -c bash'
once in bash, type 'superbox' (or whatever you named the script), or 'superbox --info', if the operation
succeeded without error, you can begin full installation, Simply type either:
'superbox --install', or 'superbox --install <FUNCTION> to fully install, or install specific function.
See section 3a (Basic commandline switches) for full list of available switches, or section 4
(Included functions) for list of executable functions.
Usage: 3.
SuperBox allows multiple methods of execution, & preferred method is left completely up to the user.
SuperBox can be sourced either in terminal, or script, using something similar to
'. superbox', or '. ./superbox' if kept in unstandard path. if sourcing in terminal & script appears
to continue to execute, Try adding '--noboot' switch (see section 3a).
Script allows extra functionality not typically available in execution mode.
this is the most typical use for superbox, & as easy as typing 'superbox <function>' or '<function>'
when fully installed. For list of all available functions, use 'superbox --list' to generate full list
of available applets, Please note that when using '--list' or even app count when using '--info' is
only listing execution type applets, Source functions are NOT included in this list.
Basic commandline switches 3a.
SuperBox allows adding additional variables through commandline to modify per-execution variables,
Without editing a configuration, or worrying about recurrent changes. These variables effect a wide
range of scripts functions, & are available in 2 levels,
1.) SuperBox switches:
These switches effect the script as a whole, & are listed/added by the double-hyphon prefix ('--')
These are the only switches listed in this readme, for individual functions switches, please use
'superbox <function> --help' or '<function> --help' if fully installed.
1.) Function switches:
These switches only effect the function being processed, & are listed by a single-hyphon ("-"),
These are not available in all functions. Function switches should be used after superbox switches.
SuperBox switches:
The following MUST be passed as MODE & must be called directly from SuperBox, Eg:
'superbox --<MODE>', Not capable of being passed as variable.
install | Usage: '--install <FUNCTION> --installto={PATH}', Generates symbolic link for FUNCTION in
| PATH, if no FUNCTION specified, installs all, if no path, Default is used.
remove | Usage: '--remove <FUNCTION>', Opposite of above, Removes link for specified function.
| Scans system to find symbolic link, use '--full' switch to scan full recursive.
chkbb | Checks install status of busybox, & capable of generating missing links, use '--fix' to
| auto repair any/all missing links.
version | Displays installed SuperBox's version.
list | Lists all included execution-capable functions included in current version.
The following are to be used after mode (function listing), Eg: 'superbox <MODE> --<SWITCH>' or
'<MODE> --<SWITCH> when fully installed.
debug | Forces debugging on script (uses 'set -x' command), applies to script as a whole.
bb/tb | Pre-determines which busybox/toolbox versions to use, Must be used as '--bb=/path/to/file'
| or '--bb/path/to/file', Specifying invalid input will restore defaults when executing.
color | Default Colors for modes allowing color. sets color based on position in strings, Eg:
| '012345678' (upto 9 characters) where: 0=Error, 1=Note/Highlight, 2=Note2, 3=Normal,
| 4=File, 5=Path, 6=Link, 7=Background, 8=border, use pound (#) in place of unused spacing.
| for full listing of colors, Please see 'manfunc Col'
nocolor | Overrides above switch, & disables color in all segments.
installto | Modify install location for current component. (Used as '--installto={PATH}')
| MUST be used after install mode (Effects most file-based sections).
file | Usage: '--file="{/FULL/PATH/TO/FILE}"', used to set file path/name for specific segments
| Only effects segments where single-file processing is key.
local | Usage: '--local=\"{PATH\"', Assign path to use as local directory.
home | Usage: '--home=\"{PATH\"', Assign path to use as home directory, Use above over this.
time | Usage: "--time='{FORMAT}'", Specify time format (see '--timef'), (used for Lecho, etc.).
timefull | Usage: "--timef='{FORMAT}'", Specify full time/date format for script. %Y=4-digit year,
| %m=2-digit month, %d=2-digit day, %H=2-digit hr (24hr), %l=hour (12hr), %M=2-digit min,
| %S=2-digit seconds, %h=print month, %l=hour (12hr), %a=3-char day, %c=full (default).
log | Usage: '--log=<LEVEL>', set logging level/mode for script. *BROKEN, DONT USE*
logfile | Can only be used with '--log' greater then 1. Usage '--logfile=\"{PATH/FILE}\"'
tmpfile | specify temporary file to use for processing some segments.
tmppath | specify temporary path to use when needed for processing some segments.
list | Lists all included execution-level functions in current build.
help | Use immediately after <APPLET> to display information & usage on selected applet, Some
| applets will only display partial information by default, Use '--full' after help to
| display full information on specified function.
fix | Multipurpose switch, Allows bypassing non-critical errors, allows repairing any/all
| fixable errors, & serves to aid some functions.
silent/q | silences most (non-critical) output from STDOUT.
some functions might not be considered 'main stream' or correct, but through trial & error, seem to work
Best with the chosen method.
Some functions are a WiP, might not be functioning correctly.
If you experience an issue, or have a suggestion, Please let me know.
Updated, most functions should work correctly now.
Readme (2/2):
Included Functions (Execution) 4.
alignapk <file>
> Automaticly align <file> if specified, or all installed apks otherwise. can specify specific apk, or
simply apk name if apk is installed. Ex: 'alignapk systemui' is equivalent to
'alignapk /system/app/SystemUI.apk", extension (apk) is not needed, if path is specified, must be case
specific, otherwise alignapk will attempt to process case insensitive. Script will generate a SQL
database by default, but can specify text-based database with customized settings (See default config)
bam <Process1> <Process2>...
> kill any running processes matching specified input. Partial matches are supported, Eg:
'bam media' can kill '', aswell as any/all packagenames including 'media'
baseext <FILE> <MODE>
> echos the base extension of <FILE> if no MODE specified, or filename without extension if <MODE> is 1.
Anything else will display File with 'MODE' as extension, Eg: 'baseext ex ample' will return ex.ample
bar <var1> <var2> <var3>..
> displays accurate progress bar on screen, with the default terminal width as overall length.
Supports multiple customizable parameters. Only supports duration & strict percentage in current
build, More uses will be added in future builds (Eg: watch process, count, etc). Supported switches:
-t | Specify total time to run the bar, Usage: '-t=' where '' is scripts duration.
-p | Specify strict percentage to display (dont count) Eg: '-p60' will display 60% progress & quit.
-e | Specify displayed text when running the bar, multiline supported, can use script variables.
-d | Specify ASCII character to use for generating progress bar. default is '='.
-w | Override default width to use when processing bar, default is terminals width.
-n | Show progress Percentage (%) rather then progress bar (-b works as the oppisite)
-s | Display incrementing progress bar (jumps by ~1%) rather then the per-increment jump.
-k | same as '-s', but shows percentage at end of bar. (will increase exec time)
basepath <PATH>
> echos the base path or mount point (closest to rootfs) of <PATH>
byte <BYTES>
> Automagicly calculates Bytes(B)/kilobytes (Kb)/Megabytes (Mb)/Gigabytes (Gb) based on
on given Number in 'BYTES' on the *1024 principle, Eg: 'byte 1024 = 1Kb', Supports decimal places,
& maximum decimal points can be modified by 'MaxDec=' variable. Uses rounding to strip access.
Using '0' as 2nd variable will remove non-numaric characters from return (Eg: 'Kb/Mb/Gb/etc.).
Using '1' as 2nd variable will seperate non-numaric & numaric characters (Eg: '1Kb' would b '1 Kb').
calc <VAL EXPR VAL> or echo "VAL EXPR VAL"|calc
> similar basic functionality to 'bc', mini calculator script using 'awk' & 'printf', Supports Piping,
(function|function), float integers (decimals) & multiple types of arithmatic.
chrg_type <MODE>
> Quickly determines where the device is currently getting power from. Following modes are supported:
0 = Quiet output, returns 0-2 for Battery/AC/USB respectively.
1 = similar to '0', but displays code Aswell as return code.
2 = displays source (Eg: Battery/AC/USB), all other modes will simply display string.
> Checks existance of <PATH>, calls 'mkdir -p' if not exist, & sets permissions <PERM>
(numaric) when creating, & sets owner/group if spedified.
chksize <MOUNT> <CHECK> <ECHO>
> Checks if <MOUNT> has <CHECK> mb free (good for checking before extracting/installing). Returns 1/0
accordingly. set <ECHO> to 0 to use errorcode & disable echoing to STDOUT (if statment, (echo $?))
chkstate <INPUT> <EXEC_CMD>
> Determines if <INPUT> is available for script use, able to detect functions, aliases, links, binaries,
files, Variables, etc. specify <EXEC_CMD> to exwcute <INPUT> if detected. (binaries/functions/etc.)
> Used for colored text Replace 'Col' with either: Bla(ck), Blu(e), Red, Gre(en), Whi(te), Mag(enta),
Cya(n), Yel(low). Ex: 'Bla "sample text" 1', Available modes are: 1=Bold, 2=Underline, 3=colorfill
(switches background/text), 4=no newline, 5=bold (no newline), 6=underline (no newline).
columns <MODE>"
> prints available columns, Set <MODE> to 1 to print number of lines (height of prompt).
conv <celsius|fahrenheit> <TEMP>, or conv <F> <T> "<STRING>"
> a rather bloated conversion script capable of converting tempuratures, or string to various formats.
-When converting tempuratures, both 'conv c 100', & 'conv 100c' are correct & will output sum
-When converting string, 'F' (From) & 'T' (To) must be specified to begin calculation.
'F' & 'T' can be one of the following: 'a' (ascii) (normal text), 'b' (binary, outputs 8-digit binary
code for each character specified), or 'h' (hexadecimal), when processing from hex, 4th variable
specifies preceeding character(s) to add to each return (default is '\x'), if set to 0, no characters
are added to string, only 2-digit hex is returned, For example: 'conv a h hello' (no 4th variable)
returns '\x68\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F', while 'conv a h hello 0' returns '68656C6C6F'.
divider <LENGTH> or divider -d<CHAR> <LENGTH>
> generates a bar (String of character(s) or CHAR if set), <LENGTH> characters long, if no LENGTH set,
total width of terminal window is used. Use '-d<CHAR> to customize character, Default is pound ('')
> Echos <TEXT> with specific atributes, based on <ABCDE>, where: A=Line only [0|1], B=no newline[0|1],
C=(Bold[1], Underline[2], None[0]), D=Text color, E=Background color. Valid colors include:
0 - black, 1 - Red, 2 - Green, 3 - Yellow, 4 - Blue, 5 - Magenta, 6 - Cyan, 7 - White
ex <path/to/file>
> Extract archive to designated path, & even allows recompiling. use '--help' for more information.
exist <INPUT>
> Attempts to detect input & gives return code depending on findings Eg: 3=Dir, 2=Link, 1=File, 0=none.
fdate <INPUT>
> Same usability as 'busybox date -r', Returns modified date of <INPUT> Output can be adjusted
using '--timef' switch.
> Returns color to normal, regardless of user-preset defaults.
getblock <MOUNT_NAME>
> Simply echos the block ID of requested point, saves a lot on scripting & allows true multi-device
compatibility. Usage as: 'getblock system'
gnasty <OPTIONS> <PATH>, Or 'gnasty <PATH>'
> Searches for files/paths with names containing invalid characters such as
[+ { ; " \ = ? ~ ( ) < > & * | $], Prints any/all links, includes full path by default. Modes include:
-d - specify directory, used as '-d={PATH}', not needed in most cases.
-m - Max search depth from directory, cannot be less then 1 (default). Usage: '-m' or '-m='.
-i - Display files inode (index number), useful for looping output to irm.
ipath <path>
> Will auto-correct <path> to case-sensitive (if exist) when input does not match case
(case-insensitive path correction through function)
irm [-irRfna] FILE, or 'irm FILE'
> remove (unlink) FILE using inode (index number). used for files/paths with illegal
characters in the name, (Eg: '+ { ; \" \\ = ? ~ ( ) < > & * | $'). The following modes are supported:
-i - Always prompt before removal | -f - Never prompt before removal
-r|-R - Remove file(s)/path recursively | -a - Only use name (no inode, replicating busybox rm)
-n - Ignored, used solely for script use.
is_num <STRING>
> Checks if 'STRING' is numaric (Contains only numbers), Returns 0 if true, 1 otherwise.
Can use '1' as second variable to echo result aswell as return code, eg 'is_num <STR> 1'.
lc "<INPUT>"
> Switches input to all lowercase, supports whitespace/newline, no limitations.
Lecho <MODE> <TEXT> <FILE1> <FILE2>
> Used to pipe text to log (while removing color/string data) & terminal.
If no file specified, Simply replicates echo with log header. Supports the following headers:
1=' : ' (default), 2='[!]' (error), 3=' > ' (note), 4=' ' (continuation).
lperm <PATH|FILE> <MODE>
> Execute user pre-generated configurations (mperm) based on input, can choose to either restore whole
path to configured state, or simply process 1 file from said config.
set <MODE> to 0 to disable recursive loading (dont descend into subdirectories).
manfunc <function>
> Displays available information for selected function, Operates identical to: '<function> --help'.
many <TEST> <STRING>
> Determine how many times <TEST> appears in <STRING>
md5 <string>
> Generates md5 hash from string (or filename).
mk <path/to/directory_or_file_to_archive>
> Use 7-Zip to build specified archive efficiently through script. While keeping full functionality
(and even adding), Supports 7z, zip, xz, bzip2, gzip, tar, & wim archive types. use '--help' for info
mod <OPTION> <var1> <var2>
> Modifies particular segments of device: Following options are supported:
b | brightness Modifies LCD (Display) brightness NOT supported on some devices.
display | Modify current pixal density, Eccepts numarical value (like lcd.density in build.prop),
Changes are made on the fly, & will reset all open applications, use with caution, can use
'reset' to reload default density from build.prop, Usage: 'mod density <value>'.
mperm <PATH|FILE> <MODE>
> Generate configuration for specified input, recording type, Permissions, Owner & Group, These configs
can then be loaded at any point specified, or ondemand using lperm, Supports the following modes:
0=non-recursive, 1=ignore errors,
Display devices current IP, using nothing but wget, making it the trimmest ip oneliner around :)
ofcourse, internet connection is required.
nocl <STRING>
> Removes color variables from <STRING> to allow recording dato to log.
pinfo <NAME> <MODE>
> Neatly Prints process information for specified <NAME>, Supports the following modes:
1=Display PID (replicating pgrep), 2=Displays processes full Name, 3=Displays Parent Ppid,
4=display all options, 5=Display processes adj lvl, 6=Displays current State, S=sleeping, R=running,
7=Displays Owner, 8=Displays the Group (if set).
pos <VAL> <STRING>
> Displays start point(s) of 'VAL' in string, If multiple instances are detected, prints all starting
points seperated by customizable delimiter (Default is " " (whitespace)). If using custom delimiter,
('-d' switch), switch MUST be passed as first variable & specified as '-d%' where '%' is the new
character to use, Eg: instead of: 'pos hi hellohiwatup', Use: 'pos -d% hi hellohiwatup'.
Only effects multiple occurences of 'VAR'.
printl <FILE> <START> <END>
> Prints specific line(s) from FILE, If END is unspecified, prints 1 line, Otherwise prints from 'START'
to 'END', Using 'EOF' for 'END' will print to end of 'FILE', Using 'C' for 'START' will count lines.
pwr <mode>
> Advanced power control, with additional modes, which should work on multiple devices, Available modes:
reboot | reboot device, can use 'reset' aswell with same effect. can use 'hot' as 3rd variable to
perform hot reboot (still performs sync), simply reboots OS without rebooting kernel.
off | shutdown device, does exactly as stated.
download| Reboot into download mode. Might not be supported on some devices.
recovery| Reboot into recovery mode. Might not be supported on some devices.
wipe | Wipes cache/dalvik, then performs full reboot.
fc | Set fast-charge mode (needs kernel support), Eg: 'pwr fc 1' to enable, 'pwr fc 0' to disable
Using 'pwr fc' will display status, or support if unsupported.
rand <LENGTH> <MODE>
> Output random string 'LENGTH' characters long (Default is 32), if 'Mode' is unspecified, or is
Invalid, Output will consist of all printable characters. The following modes are available:
0 - Only print Letters (Upper & lower case) & digits
1 - Only print Letters (Upper & lower case)
2 - Only print digits
3 - Only print letters (Upper case)
4 - Only print letters (Lower case)
readperm <STRING>
> Opposite of 'showperm', displays permissions level from readable string. Easier to use switch
(& even switch again). Sticky/"special" fully supported. Again, 'switch' is easier/cleaner to manage.
remount <MODE> <0|1>
> remounts system & rootfs in specified mode, Second variable in string is unneeded But determines
check state, 1 will use rootfs as check, 0 will use '$System' (default), Use '--help' for more info
> Mounts 'rootfs' as R/W (Read/Write) & R/O (Read/Only) respectively, similar to miniscripts included
in most Roms, With the exception that it utilizes the autodetection available in script, & should
work on any device/rom.
setlength "<STRING>" <POSITION> <LENGTH>
> displays the adjusted value of <STRING>, & should be under <LENGTH>,
autocorrects/centers based on given input, If no length is specified, 'Cw' (Common width) is used,
or scripts cefault. for position, -1 is right, 0 is left, 1 is center.
> Glorified chown, With logging support.
setperm <FILE|PATH> <PERM>
> Glorified chmod, With logging support.
> Similar functionality to 'sysctl' Set system properties from configuration.
Can use '--file' to Specify reference file.
> Set values on system files, up to 2 points can be set for a variable, Can also specify fallback
If no value set in VARNAME. and no default, VARNAME, is used to reference the variable in error
sha256/sha512 <string>
> Generates sha512/sha256 encoded hash from string, similar to 'md5' function.
showperm <PERM_STRING>
> Displays permissions string in readable form from input, sticky/"special" notes are fully supported.
Switch is easier to use & capable of doing both.
size <MODE> <POINT> <[1,MB|2,AUTO|*,KB]>
> Echos the value of specified mode on specified <POINT> (modes 1-4 are for mount points).
If incorrect mount specified, Returns errorcode. Automaticly fixes missing '/' on specified mount if
not present. Third variable specifys out format. 1 is Mb, 2 is auto (kb/mb/gb with tags), * is kb
only (default), Following Modes are supported: 1=Full size, 2=Used space, 3=Used %, 4=Free space,
5=Size (use for files/paths, will not work on mounts, added '5' on request).
stype <INPUT>
> Defines file type & offers return code based on existance. Returns the following:
0=no input, 1=File, 2=Function, 3=Keyword, 4=Builtin, 5=Directory, 6=Variable, 7=Unknown/not exist.
switch <STRING>
> Switch permissions string from either human readable (rwxrwxrwx) or Numaric (777), or vice versa.
> Mounts '/system' as R/W (Read/Write) & R/O (Read/Only) respectively, similar to miniscripts included
in most Roms, With the exception that it utilizes the autodetection available in script, & should
work on any device/rom.
sput <mode> <option1> <option2>
> large function resembling 'tput', rebuilt for 'light' or dumb terminals, should work for most scripts
requiring tput, use 'sput --help' for more information on available options.
toggle <string>
> Checks if <string> can be considered a "true or false" statement, eg: 'toggle 1' would be '0',
'toggle yes' is 'no', 'toggle on' is off, etc. Uses 'togglevars' string. case inspecific.
tree <path>, or tree --arguments -triggers <path>
> Displays directory information based on user input, if no input specified, Current path is used.
Allows using 'tree.cfg' in '$LocalPath' directory. Use '--help --full' for more information.
truncp [-f] <path> <length> <symbol>
> Truncate <path> to <length>, & prepend <symbol> to beginning when truncated. Default <symbol> is ".."
If '-f' switch is used, Path is truncated to <length> specificly, no exceptions, otherwise splits at
closest base to <length> (default length is 20), Eg: 'truncp /system/etc/SuperBox 12' will return:
'../SuperBox', & 'truncp -f /system/etc/SuperBox 12' will return '..c/SuperBox' (12chars precisely)
Output must never exceed <value>, Truncation does not occur unless <path> is over <length>.
uc "<INPUT>"
> Switches input to all uppercase, supports whitespace/newline, no limitations.
Included Functions (Source Only) 4a.
Please note that the functions listed here might not be a complete list of available applets for use in
source mode, & the applets listed here are unavailable in execution mode due to limitations of bash
script handling (Only available when sourced or sourced through script).
cd <path>, or cd <var> <path>
> works as a replacement/extension to shell's builtin. can auto-cd to files path if file is specified
& supports additional (unstandard) functionality, while keeping origional functionality fully intact.
Supports the following variables:
> -l | follow links to home path. (eg: 'cd /etc' would cd to '/system/etc'), defaults as on.
> -p | dont follow links to home path (oppisite of above, cds to given input).
> -c | process case insensitive (Eg: 'cd /SYSTEM/ETC' would cd to '/system/etc') Default is off.
> -m | make path if path doesnt exist, then cd to created path (nofail cd).
Variables can be passed either united, or seperate, & in any order, Eg: '-l -p -m -c' or '-lpmc'
error <id> <string1> <string2>..
> prints error message to stderr based on error 'id'. available ids can vary with build & it is not
recommended to call this function, for compatibility reasons, only ids that are garunteed to remain
unchanged are, '-1' (self-defined, no error notice), & '3' (self-defined with error notice).
Error ID & definitions start at line ~157, & continue to 'END_ERR' & can be previewed with 'printl'.
getsizes <base-size>
> used for generating spacing when generating menus in a uniform fashion, if 'base-size' is unspecified,
Script will use terminal width instead. Exports the following variables:
Cw - Custom width, overall width of panel (base-size, or columns)
Ws - Workspace, Width of 'Cw' Minus borders (Side1/Side2 & Edge) (if set).
Side - Width of sides ('Ws'/3), Use for left/right on 3-column menu.
Middle - Width of middle ('Ws'/3 & adjusted for uneven width), Use for left/right on 3-column menu.
Left - Width of left ('Ws'/2'), use for 2-column menu.
Right - Width of right ('Ws'/2 & adjusted for uneven width), Use for 2-column menu.
getvals $*
> used for functions eccepting runtime variables, & offers extended customizations when compared to
using 'shift' & 'if/case' statements. Only requires a nested 'ctrigs' function determining all
applicable switches, & a note to 'ctrigerr $1' on undefined. all additional variables passed to this
function are exported to V{1..20}. (script allows up to 20 variable/switch combinations by default).
'getvals' will auto-clean all previous user-variables before start, & clean all unused when done.
> Checks if 'VARIABLENAME' has a directory, if not, sets 'VARIABLENAME' to 'DEFAULTPATH/VARIABLE'
used for defaulting files to correct locations, 'VARIABLENAME' must be variables name, & must be set,
setclock <mode>
> can pass variable as mode, allows '0/1' as values, exports either 12hr (0), or 24hr (1) formatted
variable (variable name 'Time') for use with 'date' Eg: 'date +$Time'
up <path> <count>
> replicates 'cd ..', if no variable passed, cd's up one level from current directory, if 'path' is
specified, cd's up 1 level from 'path', or 'count' levels up from either.
Use as either 'up', 'up <count>', 'up <path>', or 'up <path> <count>'.
Configurations are unneeded for execution, but can be used to set default values
To use during execution
By default, configurations are read from:
'/system/etc/SuperBox' > main (system) configurations.
'/data/local/SuperBox' > user (writable) configurations.
User configurations will override system configurations if exist.
Main configuration (SuperBox.cfg):
# __ #
# Main configuration for: /\ \ #
# ____ __ __ _____ __ _ __\ \ \____ ___ __ _ #
# / ,__\/\ \/\ \/\ __`\ /'__`\/\`'__\ \ '__`\ / __`\/\ \/ \ #
# /\__, `\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \/\ __/\ \ \/ \ \ \_\ \/\ \_\ \/> </ #
# \/\____/\ \____/\ \ ,__/\ \____\\ \_\ \ \_,__/\ \____//\_/\_\ #
# \/___/ \/___/ \ \ \/ \/____/ \/_/ \/___/ \/___/ \//\/_/ #
# \ \_\ By: YupitsMine420 #
# \/_/ #
# File definitions: #
# can use full path, or script variable to define. not read by default.#
# #
# Used for 'setprops', Similar functionality to sysctl, sets system #
# properties from configuration file. #
# Prop_File: $LocalPath/SystemProps.cfg #
# #
# Used for chkbb, when generating missing links, all links generated #
# are written to this file for easy uninstall #
# BusyBox_File: $LocalPath/BusyBox_Add.cfg #
# #
# Specify custom BusyBox/ToolBox binaries for script to use #
# #
##Use_BusyBox: $System/etc/SuperBox/bin/busybox1210 #
# Use_ToolBox: $System/stest/Data/bin/toolbox #
# #
# Permissions configurations
# Paths:
Perm_Src_Dir=755 # Source paths.
Perm_Cfg_Dir=644 # Configuration paths.
Perm_Bin_Dir=775 # Binary (executable) paths.
# Files:
Perm_Src_File=644 # Sourcable files.
Perm_Cfg_File=644 # Configuration files.
Perm_Bin_File=755 # Binary (executable) files.
DefOwner=root # Default owner.
DefGroup=root # Default group
# Basic configurations:
# User configuration path, should be R/W by default (usually '/data').
# Configurations in this path will override base configurations.
# Set scripts clock format, 0=12hr, 1=24hr.
# Enable/Disable colors in all segments. 1=enable, 0=disable
# Specify default Colours for modes allowing colour. Format is:
# '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8', where: 0=Error, 1=Note/Highlight, 2=Note2,
# 3=Normal, 4=File, 5=Path, 6=Link, 7=Background, 8=Borders.
DefaultColors=(1 3 6 2 6 4 5 0 5)
# Set how many decimal points to allow in arithmatic calculations,
# used in (most) filesize segments. Default value is "2"
# Set to '0' to disable float integers (round to closest full number)
# Sets path used to store/load permissions configurations for 'm/lperm'
# these configurations are device specific & should not be ported or
# re-used outside of this ROM. Path set below should be constantly R/W.
# SuperBox specific Configurations:
# Scripts default log method, 0=disabled, 1=critical, 2=full.
# sloggers default log method, '%' fits to width,'-' quiets output.
# (only outputs to log) only effects terminal.
# Specify if date should be appended to log name when generating.
# string is manipulated with 'sbox_log_tag' variable
# With the default value of '%a-%h-%d_%H-%M'
# if old log exists, append new data to the end when enabled.
# Allow superbox to be called by cron (startup), 1=Enable, 0=Disable.
# specify if SuperBox requires administrator on launch.
# Link names that will be treated as direct call to SuperBox, Eg:
# Wont be treated as execution mode (links must be manually generated).
sbox_null_links="sbox2 superbox sbox.old"
# cd (icd) Configurations:
# Specify if 'cd' should check match path/name case-sensitively
# Default is '1' (true), should use '-c' instead of changing this.
# alignapk (zipalign) configurations:
# Zip alignment configurations:
# Zip default alignment level, 0 = disabled, 1 = auto, 2 = forced.
# Use MD5 sum for each file when processing align. 1=true, 0=false
# Use SQL table for storing data, 1 = true, 0 = text database
# SQL table name to store configurations
# Other (Misc.) Configurations:
Tree configration (tree.cfg) (can be appended to main configuration):
# __ #
# Tree configuration for: /\ \ #
# ____ __ __ _____ __ _ __\ \ \____ ___ __ _ #
# / ,__\/\ \/\ \/\ __`\ /'__`\/\`'__\ \ '__`\ / __`\/\ \/ \ #
# /\__, `\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \/\ __/\ \ \/ \ \ \_\ \/\ \_\ \/> </ #
# \/\____/\ \____/\ \ ,__/\ \____\\ \_\ \ \_,__/\ \____//\_/\_\ #
# \/___/ \/___/ \ \ \/ \/____/ \/_/ \/___/ \/___/ \//\/_/ #
# \ \_\ By: YupitsMine420 #
# \/_/ #
# Directories script will avoid, script supports partial matches when
# processing these paths. individual entries should be seperated by (":").
# 'bad_files' & 'bad_links' variables can also be defined to ignore said entry
# Force processing any input, even if entry exists in 'tree_bad_*' variable(s)
# Used to connect same-depth paths when processing sub-directories &
# files, Default is "|", should be quoted.
# Used as padding for filenames/etc. to match depth.
# Seperates file/link/date/size information when displaying tree.
# Specify how tree will process links when detected.
# 0 = Normal, 1 = Ignore link, 2 = ignore all (dont display).
# Enable to Display directory info/size & file/link/dir count, etc.
# Show size information when procesing files/links.
# Show last modified date when procesing all files/dirs/links.
# Enabling will stop script from processing more then 1 directory
# deep into base path.
# Default Colormode for tree, Mode is '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' where:
# 0 = file, 1 = link, 2=directory, 3=note, 4=background, 5=connector,
# 6=depth, 7=seperator, 8=time, 9=size.
tree_color_mode=(1 3 6 2 0 6 3 8 4)
To see what variables are exported when script is sourced, you can create a small script such as:
export > /cache/1
. sbox
export > /cache/2
cat /cache/2|while IFS= read -r i;do
[[ "$(grep "$i" /cache/1)" ]] || echo "$i"
$bb rm -f /cache/{1,2}
save & run, will display all re-usable variables generated by superbox.
Change '. sbox' to '. <name_of_script>' depending on what you named it
adding switches after '. sbox' will enable the variable associated with said switches
My phone does neat stuff!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
kj2112 said:
My phone does neat stuff!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep, playing with terminal is fun xD
Not quite a full terminal, but close
Ive managed to replicate some missing binaries in script, & modify some standards to suite my needs xD
Uploading a bash 4.1.0 binary for those who want it, the 1 thing this script relies on thats not standard
Just rename to 'bash', move to '/system/bin' & chmod 755 (rwxr-xr-x), then create symlink in xbin for compatability
(some scripts will use /system/xbin/bash, while others will use /system/bin/bash, easy to resolve with symlink)
Default bashrc (/etc/bash/bashrc)
# /etc/bash/bashrc
# This file is sourced by all *interactive* bash shells on startup,
# including some apparently interactive shells such as scp and rcp
# that can't tolerate any output. So make sure this doesn't display
# anything or bad things will happen !
# Test for an interactive shell. There is no need to set anything
# past this point for scp and rcp, and it's important to refrain from
# outputting anything in those cases.
[[ $- == *i* ]] || return
# Bash won't get SIGWINCH if another process is in the foreground.
# Enable checkwinsize so that bash will check the terminal size when
# it regains control. (E11)
shopt -s checkwinsize
# Enable history appending instead of overwriting.
shopt -s histappend
# set some environment variables
# Enable color
# Control history location/format/etc.
# Prompt color codes
txtblk='\e[0;30m' # Black - Regular
txtred='\e[0;31m' # Red
txtgrn='\e[0;32m' # Green
txtylw='\e[0;33m' # Yellow
txtblu='\e[0;34m' # Blue
txtpur='\e[0;35m' # Purple
txtcyn='\e[0;36m' # Cyan
txtwht='\e[0;37m' # White
bldblk='\e[1;30m' # Black - Bold
bldred='\e[1;31m' # Red
bldgrn='\e[1;32m' # Green
bldylw='\e[1;33m' # Yellow
bldblu='\e[1;34m' # Blue
bldpur='\e[1;35m' # Purple
bldcyn='\e[1;36m' # Cyan
bldwht='\e[1;37m' # White
unkblk='\e[4;30m' # Black - Underline
undred='\e[4;31m' # Red
undgrn='\e[4;32m' # Green
undylw='\e[4;33m' # Yellow
undblu='\e[4;34m' # Blue
undpur='\e[4;35m' # Purple
undcyn='\e[4;36m' # Cyan
undwht='\e[4;37m' # White
bakblk='\e[40m' # Black - Background
bakred='\e[41m' # Red
badgrn='\e[42m' # Green
bakylw='\e[43m' # Yellow
bakblu='\e[44m' # Blue
bakpur='\e[45m' # Purple
bakcyn='\e[46m' # Cyan
bakwht='\e[47m' # White
txtrst='\e[0m' # Text Reset
# specify name of prompt
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne ""'
# layout for coloring prompt command, if using color use this method only
# or get used to the blank prompt after executing command
if [ ${EUID} -eq 0 ];then
PS1="bash-4.1\[$txtred\]# \[\e[m\]"
PS1="bash-4.1\[$txtgrn\]$ \[\e[m\]"
PS2='> '
PS4='+ '
# Set up a a few aliases to make commandline processing
# slightly easier.
for i in cat chmod chown df insmod ln lsmod mkdir more mount mv rm rmdir rmmod umount vi;do
eval alias ${i}=\"busybox ${i}\"
alias ls='busybox ls --color=auto'
alias sysro='mount -o remount,ro /system'
alias sysrw='mount -o remount,rw /system'
# Fix some 'change directory' aliases.
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias cdl='cd -L'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../..'
# Annoyed by 'su' sending you to shell (sh)?
# Uncomment the following.
# alias su='su -c bash'
# Enable cmd style clear
alias cls='clear'
# Sudo semi-fix
alias sudo='su -c'
# Allow pulling command from history easily
alias hist='history|grep '
Updated for those few who download, fixed most broken functions & changed most default configuration names
If using configurations, you must use the new templates, original defaults still apply
If you have any issues using this build, please let me know, also, few new functions, & partially updated readme for
better definitions on new/existing options. included makeshift changelog for those who want it.
BTW. found a few binaries that work on our device, with all dependancies,
Such as:
7z (including 7za)
GNU dc
GNU nano
GNU tput (with all dependancies such as terminfo db)
& various others (totaling about 30 GNU applications), just pm me if you want em. shouldnt upload as they aint my builds


Hi. Can someone please upload the stock att gps.conf from system/etc please.
I flashed an international Rom on my phone and the gps is not locking on my phone.
Thanks in advance guys
haruyukisama said:
Hi. Can someone please upload the stock att gps.conf from system/etc please.
I flashed an international Rom on my phone and the gps is not locking on my phone.
Thanks in advance guys
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Asking for this as well... your gps.conf on a stock ATT E980 ROM.
The file will be located under system/etc/gps.conf
I'm testing something related to the V5 stock based ROM with G2 mods.
#North America
# DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info
# 4 - Debug, 5 - Verbose
# Intermediate position report, 1=enable, 0=disable
# supl version 1.0
# supl version 2.0
# Error Estimate
# _SET = 1
# _CLEAR = 0
# GPS Capabilities bit mask
# MSB = 2
# MSA = 4
# DEMAND_TIME = 0x10
# ULP = 0x20
# default = MSA | MSB | SCHEDULING | ULP
# CAPABILITIES=0x27 // Not support ULP
# Accuracy threshold for intermediate positions
# less accurate positions are ignored, 0 for passing all positions
##### AGPS server settings #####
# FOR SUPL SUPPORT, set the following
# or IP
# FOR C2K PDE SUPPORT, set the following
# or IP
# C2K_PORT=1234
# Sensor Settings
# Needs to be set explicitly based on sensor
# There is no default value.
# Sensor Control Mode (0=AUTO, 1=FORCE_ON)
# Enable or Disable Sensors for GPS use (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
# Choose GSIFF sensor provider (1=DSPS, 2=Android NDK)
# Indoor Positioning Settings
# 0: QUIPC disabled, 1: QUIPC enabled, 2: forced QUIPC only
# Enable or Disable Wiper (1=Enable, 0=Disable)
//LGE_UPDATE_S : [email protected] 2012-05-03
//[GNSS] Temp disable WIPER to "0"
//LGE_UPDATE_E : [email protected] 2012-05-03
# LTE Positioning Profile Settings
# 0: Enable RRLP on LTE(Default) 1: Enable LPP_User_Plane on LTE
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk


Does anyone have the stock GPS.config file?
hill67 said:
Does anyone have the stock GPS.config file?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Stock from which rom / region?
I am in Europe, using RR ROM nougat 7.7.1 (so not stock, my mistake)
#Uncommenting these urls would only enable #the power up auto injection and force injection(test case). #XTRA_SERVER_1= #XTRA_SERVER_2= #XTRA_SERVER_3= #ifdef VENDOR_EDIT # [email protected] add gps xtra server for speed up gps cold start XTRA_SERVER_1= XTRA_SERVER_2= XTRA_SERVER_3= #endif #Version check for XTRA #DISABLE = 0 #AUTO = 1 #XTRA2 = 2 #XTRA3 = 3 XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=0 # Error Estimate # _SET = 1 # _CLEAR = 0 ERR_ESTIMATE=0 #Test #Asia # #Europe # #North America # # DEBUG LEVELS: 0 - none, 1 - Error, 2 - Warning, 3 - Info # 4 - Debug, 5 - Verbose # If DEBUG_LEVEL is commented, Android's logging levels will be used DEBUG_LEVEL = 2 # Intermediate position report, 1=enable, 0=disable INTERMEDIATE_POS=0 # Below bit mask configures how GPS functionalities # should be locked when user turns off GPS on Settings # Set bit 0x1 if MO GPS functionalities are to be locked # Set bit 0x2 if NI GPS functionalities are to be locked # default - non is locked for backward compatibility #GPS_LOCK = 0 # supl version 1.0 SUPL_VER=0x10000 # Emergency SUPL, 1=enable, 0=disable SUPL_ES=0 #Choose PDN for Emergency SUPL #1 - Use emergency PDN #0 - Use regular SUPL PDN for Emergency SUPL USE_EMERGENCY_PDN_FOR_EMERGENCY_SUPL=1 #SUPL_MODE is a bit mask set in config.xml per carrier by default. #If it is uncommented here, this value will overwrite the value from #config.xml. #MSA=0X2 #MSB=0X1 #SUPL_MODE= # GPS Capabilities bit mask # SCHEDULING = 0x01 # MSB = 0x02 # MSA = 0x04 # ON_DEMAND_TIME = 0x10 # GEOFENCE = 0x20 # default = ON_DEMAND_TIME | MSA | MSB | SCHEDULING | GEOFENCE CAPABILITIES=0x37 # Accuracy threshold for intermediate positions # less accurate positions are ignored, 0 for passing all positions # ACCURACY_THRES=5000 ################################ ##### AGPS server settings ##### ################################ # FOR SUPL SUPPORT, set the following # or IP # SUPL_PORT=1234 # FOR C2K PDE SUPPORT, set the following # or IP # C2K_PORT=1234 # Bitmask of slots that are available # for write/install to, where 1s indicate writable, # and the default value is 0 where no slots # are writable. For example, AGPS_CERT_WRITABLE_MASK # of b1000001010 makes 3 slots available # and the remaining 7 slots unwritable. #AGPS_CERT_WRITABLE_MASK=0 #################################### # LTE Positioning Profile Settings #################################### # 0: Enable RRLP on LTE(Default) # 1: Enable LPP_User_Plane on LTE # 2: Enable LPP_Control_Plane # 3: Enable both LPP_User_Plane and LPP_Control_Plane LPP_PROFILE = 2 ################################ # EXTRA SETTINGS ################################ # NMEA provider (1=Modem Processor, 0=Application Processor) NMEA_PROVIDER=0 # Mark if it is a SGLTE target (1=SGLTE, 0=nonSGLTE) SGLTE_TARGET=0 ################################################## # Select Positioning Protocol on A-GLONASS system ################################################## # 0x1: RRC CPlane # 0x2: RRLP UPlane # 0x4: LLP Uplane #ifndef [email protected] enable all bit mask for GLONASS #A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = 0 #else A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = 15 #endif
Save as gps.conf

RPi 3B Stuck on Rainbow Screen

Power Supply is good, so that isnt the issue!
I really really need help! I have had problems left and right!
Installed with Etcher because I have a specific problem with Win32DiskImager
This is my config:
# Kernel
initramfs ramdisk.img 0x01f00000
# Audio
# Display
# Graphics acceleration
# I2C
# RPI display/touchscreen
# Serial console

