IPSEC on Touch HD - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Hi everybody,
I want to use touch hd to connect to my office via VPN.
We are using IPSec connection and from my laptop I'm using cisco vpn client.
I tried to use Antha VPN but in trial perriod I could not manage to connect or setup.
Do you have any idea what software should I use (free or payed) ?


VPN via GPRS with PPTP or IPsec

I am trying the obviously impossible thing:
Connecting my BA (WM 2003 PE) via GPRS (Vodafone Germany) with an exchange server behind a Cisco pix 515e firewall to synchronize my Outlook data.
1. IPsec
Tried all available clients like Antha, Movian and others. No connection is possible with my PDA although a connection with my laptop via a cisco VPN client is possible without any problems. The connection always stucks
with negotiating the security parameters.
Establishing a VPN tunnel will work over the APN corporate.vodafone.de. But after trying to connect to the exchange server via IE no password login window appears when I am entering the server's IP. After some time IE says "page cannot be found".
Is there any workaround available which describes how to connect a WM 2003 PDA via VPN and GPRS to an exchange server ?
Any experiences with Vodafone GPRS and VPN ? Does the APN web.vodafone.de also work for VPN ? Unfotunately Vodafone itself doesn't know !
Any further hints for my problems ?
im using Apani VPN to connect to a Cisco concentrator.
Its the only client I could get to work reliably -& theres a free trial version.

VPN Access

Hello All!
I have the Touch HD and I would like to use it to access via VPN Software to my desktop at the office.
On my laptop, I use Cisco VPN Software. I know there is VPN Connection availbale trough windows mobile but could you please help to set it up ?

Free VPN for the rest of us? Using Hotspot Shield on WM?

Roaming with free WiFi services I often wish I'd could use at least a free VPN service like Hotspot Shield (HS) which I use on my notebook PC. But alas HS only offers settings for the iPhone. Any suggestions on how we could get these settings to work on our beloved HD? http://hotspotshield.com/clientless/iphone/
Of course WM's built-in VPN client would be the first choice, but so far I had not luck getting a connection over WiFi. Currently testing the German NCP-E VPN multi-server WM client, but again no luck connecting with HS.

[Q] connecting to a network that uses cisco anyconnect vpn client

to use my uni wifi on my laptop i need to use the cisco anyconnect vpn client. is there a app/rom that i can use that means i can connet to the wifi network after i have configured it?

[Q] VPN?

So I setup a VPN server on my ubuntu laptop so I can access my files using my mobile connection. I can connect to the VPN server ok...
but.. now what? the internet on my phone doesn't appear to be using the VPN. and I can't connect to my local samba server.
anyone have any ideas? how do I actually access my files? it says i'm connected to the vpn server but then keeps using the mobile network as an internet gateway?

