remove missed calls and calender? ive searched - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

OK, I know i will get flamed, but i have searched here, ppcgeeks, and howard forums, but apparently am not using the correct phrase or tag words. Can I, and if so, how can i remove the calender and missed calls from the home screen? i have ready through a ton of threads, i just cant find an answer. Flame away, but please also answer! BTW, i'm not a noob to these devices, i have had a 6700 and 6800, custom roms, etc, and have "tweaked" my TP2 rather significantly. i am pretty close to where i want it, just want to get rid of these last 2 things, then it is a hard reset, and reinstall everything i like. please help!

I know you can get rid of the "calendar" and "missed calls" icons quite easily. But you want to completely remove the links? So for the end result, you want just the clock on your home tab? ie, you don't want to see your next appointments and missed calls at all?

To answer your question, you will have to be more specific with your description. For instance, what items do you have selected for your today screen? Are you using Manila/TouchFLO 3D, HTC Home, or a 3rd party Today plugin? One possible fix could be disabling the calendar from the Today Items menu, or if you are using Manila/TouchFLO 3D, you can customize the tabs and remove the calendar from the list. Maybe you can take a screenshot of your screen so it is easier for us to see what you are talking about.

yep, just want them off the home screen, btw ohyeahar, i am using your skin and love it, thank you very much for all of the work.

i am using touchflo3d, i've taken all of the check marks off of the items list in the today settings screen, aside from the touchflo 3d check

Ok, I see what you are saying... On the "Home" tab of TouchFLO 3D, you would just like to see the clock and nothing else.
I did a search and found this thread:
In the thread they referenced Diamond TF3D Config, by Sushilange
I searched for that and found this thread with a download link:
I downloaded the cab, installed it but it would not work on my phone
Apparently, this is for a previous version of Manila
I did some more searching and it seems that a lot of people want the same thing as you but I was unable to find a way to do it.
I am going to poke around in my registry and see if I can find a way to modify the home tab manually.

I found another thread that talks about removing the Calendar and Missed Calls:
There are some cabs on page 3 that you can try or you can read further in the thread where it talks about modifying the xml files to manually make the changes.

thank you, i will weed through and see what i can come up with.

well, the no dotted lines cab worked fine. i used the file and replaced the file in windows and the calender is gone, not the missed calls. i attached the files here, thank you to [email protected] for these, i will continue to read through and see what i get.

ok, well, after some searching and fooling around, I tried editing the manila file again, but still have the missed calls text up. also, the above file only removes the calender text, and not the actual button, so if you press in the spot where the calender text was, it goes to the calender. not a huge issue, just thought i would mention it. but still not able to get rid of the 0 missed calls. my search continues, getting closer though.


Disable the quicklinks?

Just testing out the manila 2.1, and was wondering whether there was any way to disable the quicklinks?
Had a quick look around, but couldn't see anything, so hopefully someone knows
What are these "quicklinks"? Are you referring to the locked items in the HTC Start Menu? (ie, Home, People, Contacts, Settings?) If so, you can find out how to delete them in the following sticky thread.
No, I was talking about the Manilla 2.5, where on the home page, you have the option to add programs which can be run straight off the home page. It's kind of like on the programmes tab, how it has the little + button to add the programme, but it's directly on the home page...
Haven't found a way to disable it, but found a way to stop it from showing the + etc, which I guess will do for me...
To do it, extract the attached file to \Windows on the pda, and restart the phone. This will make them available (so click in the rough area if you wanted to add a programme), but won't show anything there if you've not added a programme to it...

New Touch Pro2 Owner with a couple of questions

Hi guys-
this is really a great forum - thanks for the great work! Excellent help for a TP2 newbie.
Touch Pro2 impressions: I just upgraded (vzw) from my ancient (and yet incredibly reliable) Motorola Q, and this thing is truly awesome. I used a Touch Pro almost a year ago, and returned it because it felt sluggish and a bit buggy. I think the 2 is a major improvement. Very responsive, great phone and speakerphone, great wifi and bluetooth and gps, great keyboard (but no tab key?), better battery, surprisingly inexpensive.
Questions that I couldn't find answers to in previous threads:
1. Reminders: I see that the calendar reminders do not allow any option for changing the snooze time - it is just 5 minutes. Weird, as my WinMo 5 Q would let me choose a range of time, from 5 minutes up to a week, as I recall. This is disappointing. But even more disappointing is that when it is attached via usb to my pc, synched, and a reminder pops up in Outlook (2003), I can snooze on the PC, but that snooze does not synch with the TP2. Any ideas or suggestions? This is actually very frustrating.
2. Calendar: I have seen screen shots of the day view that has weather, even for future dates. I don't have that - anyone know how to enable?
thanks in advance for any help!
This worked for me to get the snooze options back:
Start a registry editor and navigate to key:
Change the value of CustomUIDLL from NotificationLayout.dll to NotificationLayoutNew.dll
Just add New, it won't find that .dll and starts the old interface, with the snooze option.
Don't forget, after the registry change, turn the TP2 off and back on to activate.
Regarding your question about the weather forcast in the calendar day-view, you need to set your city in the World Clock screen (ie, tap the large clock on the Home tab).
There's a great hack (cRaCKwHoRe's Snooze Options) which gives you the snooze options back.
Also worth looking at are "InboxExtender", (allow read all, delete al options) and "Smaberg X1 Powerbutton 12 icons actionscreen" (12 options on holding the power button down)
You guys rule!
@itm - reg fix works great - thanks
@ohyeahar - that's it, thanks
@en_croute - I will try it as soon as i get some time, sounds useful, thanks
Weather not shown on current date
ohyeahar said:
Regarding your question about the weather forcast in the calendar day-view, you need to set your city in the World Clock screen (ie, tap the large clock on the Home tab).
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I just noticed that the current weather is not shown for me either.
I do have a city selected. In the "day" view on the calendar is just shows the single appointment I have. If I change to yesterday. I do see a weather picture. I went to the TF3D weather tab.. it was initially blank.. it updated and showed the current weather. I went back to the calendar view.. still nothing for "today". Only yesterday. Any ideas?
What is a good registry editor?
Never used one before and I need to find one so I can get my battery icon back after doing .
d1hamby said:
Never used one before and I need to find one so I can get my battery icon back after doing .
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PHM_Regedit or Total Commander are the two most recommended ones here.
PHM is a little easier to navigate/use (mostly due to visual elements), but Total Commander also has a full set of file-explorer functions that PHM does not. Both are free.
Thank you so much sirphunkee. I was beginning to think nobody talked to newbies on this forum. I'll definetly be looking both of these up.
Okay I looked at both of them and downloaded the PHM_Regedit. Now I can't figure out if I should use MyMobiler to drag the Zipped cab file over or if I should unzip it first? When I unzipped it it did not look like a cab file. Does this work on a Sprint phone? Some of the cabs don't work on a Sprint phone. I'd hate to do another hard reset to get it to work like it is.
d1hamby said:
Okay I looked at both of them and downloaded the PHM_Regedit. Now I can't figure out if I should use MyMobiler to drag the Zipped cab file over or if I should unzip it first? When I unzipped it it did not look like a cab file. Does this work on a Sprint phone? Some of the cabs don't work on a Sprint phone. I'd hate to do another hard reset to get it to work like it is.
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Hey there, no problem...we were all new here at one point, and asking the same types of questions
I'm not sure what source you downloaded it from, so I'm not entirely sure how it might have been packaged, but I would have guessed it should have just been a regular .cab file inside of a .zip. Either way, you can just download and use the cab I've attached here, I can confirm this one works just fine.
You can use MyMobiler to drag the cab over to your phone (it drops it in your "my documents" folder by default), and it will start the install automatically for you. Once you have it installed, you'll just find the icon to run it in your regular list of programs. And yes, it will work just fine on the CDMA (Sprint/Verizon) versions of the's specific to what type of processor your phone has, not what type of radio.
Now, if you're not entirely familiar with registry editing, it's a good idea to read up on it a's very simple to do, but also very simple to create issues by doing the wrong thing. Also, it's always a good idea to create a backup of your registry (PHM can do that for you, just store it the backup on your SD card for safe keeping), in case anything goes wrong, you can just revert back to the working version

how to customise home screen, help needed

hi guys,
I was wondering if someone could help. I have done a lot of searching but unable to find an answer. I am using the GXFX's rom which I am very pleased with. I also tried to install sushi's touchflo 3d file on top of this but get errors referring to 'exception errors', so I removed it. What I would like to do is
a. customise the home screen to add new icons. At the moment I have the large clock, call history and calendar. Is tehre any way of adding more icons or changing this screen without losing existing functionality and stability ?
b. How can i put an icon that open a web page to a certain url address, is this possible. I am thinking of terms of say windows XP. Maybe I am asking too much.
many thanks for your help.
can anyone help please ?

Today Screen & Manila itself.

Hi all,
Question actually 2:
1) I checked but didnt find what I was looking for dont know if it even exists. Is there a standalone program out there that you can install and access from the programs menu so that if for any reason when manila crashes (which happens often) that you can hit start and then tap the icon to re-start manila? Cause many of times Manila will crash or hang and other then powering it off or taking the battery out, you cant restart it.
2) As for the today screen, I dont know thats why I am asking, I was toying with some of the editors posted around for the png and gui, and noticed you can compress alot of the images that appear. My question is, will it make a big impact to how the screen looks meaning jagged edges, ugly etc?, The reason I ask is cause since the today screen has alot going on, and being that manila is sluggish as it is, I was wondering is compressing the images or files, would speed up the loading process and speed up some of the loading from screen to screen.
1. You can use cleanram for this. It will clean you're memory and restart manila. Make sure you don't have manila on you're exception list.
Ive used this before. just saw there was an update thru the program (props for that feature). Just thought there was maybe a simple program that just restarted it. but thanx for the input!
anyone with any ideas for Q2?
Been using the MAX MANILLA rom for about 4 days now. the only issue I've been having is just GUI stuff and txt'n software prob.
1) the Digital clock will sometimes freeze (no biggy)
2) If I was to send a text on my device to somebody, it wont show up on the screen, I would have to change screens and then go back to my text messages to see it.
3) sometimes the device will show you have a txt when you've already read it.
Same goes for.......if i was to stay in the text messaging program and somebody sends me a text message, I'd have to move to another screen and then come back to the text screen to see it.
Anybody else having this issue?
Update here you guys. I dont know if its the reboot that fixed the txt messaging error or installing the ATT tilt2 keyboard fix.
But now my text messages are working properly. it shows up on the screen as i send it.
Thats great youngWMuser glad you fixed your problem, but it has nothing to do with the topic of the post. If you have issues create a seperate post to solve your issues, Thanx.
lol. sorry. I'm using Manilla and the thread said "today screen and manila itself" haha. That's why i posted on here. And the text problem still is occuring.
Rather than installing a program to take up more space, you could go to Start>Settings>Today, click on the Items tab. De-select Manila (in my case, it's TouchFlo 3D) and hit okay. It will take you back to the Settings page, select Today again and go back to the Items page and re-select Manila. When installing a new TochFlo 3D theme, I do that rather than doing a soft reset. It seems a little quicker to me.
Take a look at this. The "Things you should know" and "History" sections might help.
Just out of curiosity, what versions are your ROM and Manila
Your right, but in the the 2.5 manila the setting page to get to all settings, still access a manila tab, which is of no use, but you did make me think of another way. Does anyone know what the CPL is to access the all settings page, I could just create a shortcut in the programs menu.
But I am still curious about the compressing of the files for the today screen, has anyone ever tried it?

Basic customization for TF3D home screen

HTC Tilt2 (AT&T)
Stock ROM
Manila 2.1 tf3d (not sense ui)
Is there any simple way (via editing xml code or a .cab) to add notifications to the home screen of the touchflo 3D? I really dislike both the sms and email tabs and want to remove them, but need to know when an account has a new email.
Alternatively, is there a way to make the tabs display the # of NEW messages, rather than Unread messages? If so, I could just use the tabs for notification, and otherwise ignore them...
I have been searching a reading until my head hurts, but I just cant seem to find the right key words to get the info I need. Thanks for any help...
Ok, maybe a complicated way, then?
After looking through all of the xml files on this device, there does not appear to be one that controls the main "home" tab of the touchflo 3d interface. At least, not one that I can make any sense of (there are several that are just numbers/letters grouped in 4s through most of the document)...
So... What type of file should I be looking for, and how to edit it?
What I think I know about the xml files:
att_tabitems.xml -> all of the elements on the att tab of the touchflo ui.
default_contacts.xml -> speed dial
ha_skin_*.xml -> photos and videos tab of touchflow ui
internet_portal-en-US.xml -> top half of internet touchflo ui
StreamingPlayer*.xml -> music tab of the touchflow ui
There's also a few obvious ones for other program's, like the calculator, settings for pop mail... etc
They are manila files.
I did a quick search and i found this... not sure if it will work though
cbeck said:
HTC Tilt2 (AT&T)
Stock ROM
Manila 2.1 tf3d (not sense ui)
Is there any simple way (via editing xml code or a .cab) to add notifications to the home screen of the touchflo 3D? I really dislike both the sms and email tabs and want to remove them, but need to know when an account has a new email.
Alternatively, is there a way to make the tabs display the # of NEW messages, rather than Unread messages? If so, I could just use the tabs for notification, and otherwise ignore them...
I have been searching a reading until my head hurts, but I just cant seem to find the right key words to get the info I need. Thanks for any help...
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How would the phone discern which messages are unread as opposed to which is new? They are essentially the same thing. Good luck with finding that one.
All new messages are unread... but all unread aren't new (but "new" being as you haven't read them so, in a sense, all unread messages are new... yeah haha have fun with that.)
Not quite, I think...
brent372 said:
They are manila files.
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I've looked at all of the manila files with the manila editor (literally every single one)... they all seem to be just images. Am I missing something here?
Edit: Yes, I'm a blooming dope. The manila editor was filtering for just graphic files. opening in mode9 editor allows me to see file types. There are 4 types of manila files: mode9, lua, xml, and graphic files. Haven't figured out what yet, but the file 590ad244_manila seems to be the xml file controling the home screen. Not sure how far I can get with just the xml (as there are also lua and mode9 files associated w/ the home screen, but I'll be giving it a go over the next bit
macaraballojr said:
I did a quick search and i found this... not sure if it will work though
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Thanks, but that thread says it is for "sense", and that seems to be different than the 2.1 tf3d "manila"... at least based on post 3 of this thread*.
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That is exactly what I am looking for though.
Any chance that information is wrong and I actually have sense 2.1? I read elsewhere that if the slider icons were black/white, it's not sense, colored icons, it is. Can't seem to find that info anywhere right now though.
Thanks for the help so far, I really do hope you all can help me sort my muddled noob confusion out here.
*Sorry, had to remove the http bit from the link to the post. for some reason the forum is calling that an outside link and not allowing it.
buru898 said:
How would the phone discern which messages are unread as opposed to which is new? They are essentially the same thing. Good luck with finding that one.
All new messages are unread... but all unread aren't new (but "new" being as you haven't read them so, in a sense, all unread messages are new... yeah haha have fun with that.)
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Well, I have ~102 unread messages on my gmail account (I suscribe to several linux lists- i know, cut back) and 4 unread messages on my outlook. In TF3D UI, the message tab says 99+. If I switch to stock Windows Mobile 6.5 (titaniun), on the email slider it just says "1", because there has only been one message received since the last time I went to the email interface and opened those accounts. This has been the default behaviour of all of my previous WinMo devices (always WinMo standard, before now).

